> Bloom's New Life > by Rakoon1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Sacrifice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A great evil was dominating the entire magical universe. Not even the Winx fairies could face the enemy so powerful like that. Would not be long until it had everything under its dominion. There seemed no hope for the defeat. Then, Miss Faragonda, the headmistress of the school for fairies of Alfea, was illuminated with an idea that could be the solution to all their problems. She summoned the six fairies and told them that all power of good and bad were controlled and managed by two entities, two siblings, considered omnipotents, the Lord of Chaos, who controlled the negative energy and the creator of the great evil they faced, and the Lord of Order, who controlled all positive energy. She said that the latter might be the only one able to defeat the enemy. However, she advised them that this solution could turn against them. The Winx then used their power of Sirenix to teleport themselves to the kingdom of the Lord of Order, Harmonia. When they arrived, they were speechless before the beauty of the place. It was so beautiful that it was impossible to describe in words. And amidst all that beauty, a colossal castle erupt. Its beauty was still higher than the surroundings. They moved forward and entered the castle inside, wanting to get to the throne room, where they were sure the Lord of Order was. But they found that everything was being too easy. Fantastic monsters appeared and prepared to attack them. They should be the protectors of the castle which were really powerful. The fairies could not even move forward. However, the six fairies were able to breach that indestructible barrier where only one of them could advance. It happened that this fairy turned out to be Bloom. Although not wanting to leave her friends to face these monsters for themselves, she had no choice but to move forward. She flew through the vast corridors of the castle, hoping not to have to face more monsters. Then she came to the door that would give to the throne room. It was an immense silver door with ornaments representing creatures of light as fairies or pixies. Bloom took a deep breath and put a hand on it. Then it simply opened silently, revealing the throne room. It was the biggest and the most impressive throne room she ever seen. It was made ​​entirely of white gold decorated with all kinds of jewels, shining in a way that no darkness lived there. A row of large gilt framed mirror rested on each side of the room. In the background were stairs leading to a landing where there stood the throne, made of pure crystal. Behind of it, there was a simple gate, simple but beautiful and sturdy, made ​​of gold whose height ranged up to the infinity ceiling. Sitting there, was a figure topped by a golden armor type jacket from shoulder to knees and bare arms. It carried in his right hand a double-blade spear, supporting one end on the white gold ground. Its face, however, was covered by the junction of the collar with a conical hat, revealing only a pair of red eyes. That strange figure should be the Lord of Order. "Well, well, well" he said, as Bloom approached "if is not the Princess of Domino and the Guardian of Dragon Flame. It's a honor to finally meet you personally." "You are the Lord of Order, aren't you?" Bloom said. "Of course, I am" he answer. "What brought you and your friends to my kingdom and my castle?" "You must know" Bloom said. "The magical dimension is in danger. A terrible threat is on the loose." "I know" the Lord said. "I know everything about my brother's criations. It's my dutie creat all kind of "antivirals" to battle my brother's diceases. I must confess my brother has a great talent in creating monsters, but he has very difficult to control them. An example of this are the Ancestral Witches." "So you will help us?" Bloom asked hopeful. There was a pause for some seconds and the Lord of Order answer: "No, I won't." "What?!" "My dutie isn't only counter the caos, but also preserve the balance" the Lord answer. "Light and Darkness, Order and Chaos, Life and Death, all this must exist equally. If I destroy that thing with my power, I'll cause great damage to the balance that neither I or my brother will be able to repair." "But if you don't do anything, everything will be destroyed" Bloom argued. She hoped that argument could cause the Lord of Order reconsider, but instead he just laughed. "What's so funny?" Bloom asked sharply, who wasn't understand anything. "This is not funny". "I'm sorry, but I could not stop myself from laugh about your ignorance about my working method" the Lord explain. "I usually arrange somehow to face the monsters of chaos, but in this situation, I wait that the order and chaos nullify each other." "But..." "No!" Bloom felt her frustration burning inside her, unwilling to believe that everything was in vain. The most powerful creature of all refused to help by simply wanting to follow his stupid rules. Her anger was so great that she could not endure. "How do you can be standing there when so many people is suffering?!" Bloom asked in high voice. "Do you care about what could happen to good people who do not have any guilt of what is happening?" The Lord of Order remained silent, watching bloom quietly. When he didn't respond, she said: "And still you dare to proclaim yourself Lord of Order. You are cruel and have no minimum consideration for others. You only care about your damn rules and standards. But you know what? Forget it. I and my friends will handle this. Even if we have to sacrifice our lives to do it, we will destroy that thing." She turned back and started driving toward the exit of the throne room, when she heard the Lord of the Order say in a deep voice: "Silly girl." "What did you say?" Bloom asked, turning her head to him. "You talk about sacrifice, but you don't know the true sense of sacrifice" the Lord answer. "For you, sacrifice is trade of life for the others. However, that is only a proof of love and frienship." "For me, that is sacrifice" said Bloom. "Maybe in your world's standards, but, in my view, sacrifice is giving up something we like and live with that" the Lord of Order explained. "If your life is taken, you can't feel that lost. And I can prove that." He then rose from his throne and proclaimed: "I will open my gate and launch my immense power over the great evil that threatens your world." "But you said..." Bloom started. "Zip! I still didn't finish!" interrupted the Lord. "I didn't said that I would make it by generosity. For me to do that without ruining the balance, I'll need the sacrifice of a member of the side of order, like you. Realizing that he wanted her to sacrifice herself to save the magical dimension, she said, nodding: "I'll do that!" "Wait, my dear and impulsive princess" the Lord said. "I still didn't say in what consists the sacrifice." "I don't care" Bloom said. "If I can save all those who I love in the process, I do not care to sacrifice myself." "Even if you were expelled to another reality and never see anymore the ones you love?" the Lord said. That question caught Bloom by surprise. "What?" She asked. "This is a real sacrifice for you: never see your friends, your family... your boyfriend" the Lord said. "You will live in another reality, but with the idea that you can't return and that you won't see anymore the ones you know and love". "That's a crazy!" Bloom exclaim. "So, can I assume that you accept?" the Lord asked. Bloom thought about it. If she accepted, she could never go back to see their friends, their family, Domino and Earth... and Sky, her love. However, if she didn't it, she would lose the only chance to save the whole magic dimension. She knew what was the right decision to take. "I'll take it" she said. "Very well" the Lord answer. He then raised his spear and it began to glow. The gate began to glow and then began to open up, doing a slight squeak. As it opened, Bloom could see a bright light behind the gate. Then the Lord of Order pointed his spear to Bloom and it launched an yellow energy beam that hit the young fairy and erected her in the air as she began to emanate an aura of light. In that moment, her friends came and were shocked by what was happening. "Bloom!" They called. "Hold on, Bloom!" Aisha said. "We'll help you!" Stella said. The five took flight to Bloom, but she said: "No, girls, don't come." "What are you saying, Bloom?" Musa asked. "We have to save you from him" Tecna said, pointing to the Lord of Order. "He's not atacking me" Bloom said. "I'm sacrificing myself." "What are you saying, Bloom?" Flora asked. "The Lord of Order said that he can only save the magical dimension with the sacrifice of someone of the side of Order. Someone like me." "No, Bloom, there must be another way!" Stella said. "There's no time, Stella" Bloom answer. "Our dimension is already being destroyed. This is the only way. Besides, I will not disappear. I'll go just to another reality. I will always be thinking about you, girls. You will always be in my heart. Just say to my family that I'm sorry and that I love them deeply. And to Sky... tell him he is and always will be the greatest love of my life. Those words made her friends begin to cry. "Don't cry, girls" Bloom asked. "This isn't the last image I want to see of you." Her friends did their best to stop crying and smile, but they managed to do so. "We love you, Bloom" Aisha said. "I love you to, girls" Bloom answer. "We will miss you" Flora declared. "So am I" "Enough of this depressing scene" the Lord of Order said. He then pointed his spear at one of the gilt framed mirrors and cast another bolt that hit the glass and made ​​it rippling like water. "By the power of harmony, let the portal of this mirror to open to accommodate its new resident. By the sincere honesty, by the beautiful kindness, by the wonderful laughter, by the gracious generosity and by the strong loyalty that I protect, open, portal. And now, finally, I invoke the most powerful force of all, the power of the magic of friendship! He ceased his magic and the mirror shone brightly. "It's time" he said. "Get ready, princess". Bloom turned to her friends and told them, with her heart heavy: "Goodbye, my friends. They cried and sniffed, but they waved her. The Lord of Order made ​​a gesture and Bloom went toward the mirror and passed it. When she made ​​it, the darkness enveloped her. > New Frontiers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A wave of confusion took hold in Bloom's mind, while she was surrounded by darkness. She could not tell where she was or how she was. She just wanted it to end soon. She had given up everything that was important in her life and she just wanted to get to her new destination as soon as possible. Then it was over and she finally took fresh air. She could feel the grass beneath her, the wind blowing in her face and hear the birds chirping. Then she opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a kind of forest, near a lake. "Ouch, my head!" Bloom complained. "But, where am I? Where did Lord of Order send me to?" Bloom looked to her hand. But what hand? She hadn't a hand. She had a hoof. Seeing that, she hastened to look at herself and saw that her hands and feet had become hooves and then saw that she had a pony tail. "Oh no! No, no, no, no!" She hurried to go to the lake and looked at her reflection. She could not believe what she was seeing. She had turned into a pony. Her face now had a muzzle and a horn appeared on his forehead. She was a unicorn. Her coat was very soft blue, his mane was a deep red like her human hair and her eyes were the same with their dark cyne color. She also noticed that she had on her flank the image of a heart made ​​of fire. Watching it, Bloom noticed a strange sensation, as if that image represented her entire being. "What happened to me?" she asked. "Don't you like your new visage?" a familiar voice asked. "Personally, I think it's lovely." Bloom's reflexion shone and it was replaced by Lord of Order's face. "Hello, my dear" he greeted in a tone of who was enjoying the situation. "You?!" Bloom yelled. "What did you do with me?!" "Don't be melodramatic, Bloom" the Lord of Order said. "It doesn't look good on you. You're not so bad in that form." "You didn't answer me" Bloom said. "I didn't do anything. Remember, you're now in a new reality, so your body just adapted to the new environment. You know, this world is inhabited by ponies and other creatures. Bloom became disconcerted when she hearded that. The ideia of a world where ponies lived like normal people was absurd, but she was now a pony, so she have to believe in it. "And you are so pretty. Look at you. Your coat, your mane... And look to your Cutie Mark! It sit down so good on you. "My what?" Bloom asked, without knowing what he was talking about. "That fire heart of yours" the Lord of Order answered, motioning to the image on Bloom's flank. "It appears on everypony's flank when they discover their true talent. In your case, I think it is in healing magic, like in your old dimension. But, of corse, you don't have the same power you had, because the unicorn magic here is not so powerful. They have just some magic according to their special talents. "Why are you telling me this?" Bloom asked. "Because you are new here" the Lord answered. "And, honestly, I don't want you walking around like a newborn foal." And he laugh from what he said. But Bloom made a serious face. "Oh, my dear, don't do that face" the Lord asked. "Your sacrifice was valuable. The big threat you and your friends were facing was neutralized and everyone is happy and contented. Well, your friends and family not so much, but they'll survived. And I'm telling the truth. I can't lie. It's a privilege that I don't have because of my position. Bloom tried not to think how their family and Sky felt when they got to know what she did. Looking to her face, the Lord of Order said: "Look, Bloom... I can call you Bloom, right? You aren't a princess anymore, after all. Look, Bloom, you made your choise. I didn't force you. So, I think you must now accept the consequences of your choices, as a good filly you are. Bloom hated to admit it, but he was absolutely right. It was her who chose to leave her world and come to this new and strange reality. Now, she should bear the consequences of that choice. Bloom now had to live there. That was her new home and she had to learn everything she could to pass through as a pony. "What do I have to know about this world?" Bloom asked. "That's my girl" the Lord answered. "Not in the literal sense of the word, of course." So, he started tell her all about that world. Apparently, that land was called Equestria and was inhabited by ponies and other equine creatures and other fantastic creatures. He said that world was much like Earth (including existing some places that were similar to Earth's places with similar names), except that there were no humans, but ponies. Bloom learned that there were three types of ponies: earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi. She learned that unicorns like her were the only ones endowed with magic, but the majority used it only for daily tasks and their special talents, and the pegasi were the only ones able to fly, to walk in the clouds and responsible for the weather. She also learned that there was also another kind of very rare pony called alicorn, which was a winged unicorn, and was the most powerful kind of pony of them all. There were only four alicorns and both were mares and princesses. There was one called Celestia who was very tall with white coat and a flowing mane with a beautiful mix of colors: light cerulean, light turquoise, very light cobalt blue and pale heliotrope. Supposedly, she was the one who caused ​​the sun to rise with her magic and one of the rulers of Equestria. She had a younger sister, also an alicorn. Her name was Luna and had a dark sapphire blue coat and a moderate cobalt blue mane which fluttered like her sister's. She was the other ruler of Equestria, raising the moon. There was also Cadance who had a pale, light grayish cerise coat and a dark violet mane with moderate rose and pale gold streaks. She lived in a kingdom made ​​of crystal called Crystal Empire with her husband, Shining Armor, and the two ruled it together. Finally, there was Twilight, the newest and youngest of the four alicorn princesses. Originally an unicorn, she became an alicorn after creating new magic. She had a pale, light grayish mulberry coat and a moderate sapphire blue mane with moderate violet and brilliant rose streaks. She was also Shining Armor's younger sister, so Cadance's sister-in-law, and lived in a village named Ponyville. The Lord also taught her how to use her magic, concentrating on what she wanted to do, while focusing the magic on the horn. After a few attempts, she managed to charge her horn which glowed with a pinkish aura and with a few more attempts, she managed to levitate objects at her will. However, if she wanted to use her talent for healing magic, she would have to wait for someone to get hurt. Bloom was afraid that she could not do that when it was time, but the Lord of Order reassured her, saying she would know what to do when the time was right. "I think you're ready" the Lord said. "Do you think so?" Bkoom asked. "Sure! You know now the basic and you can use de standard magic. You learn the rest as you live your new life." "Yeah, but the problem is I don't know where I will stay" Bloom said. "No problem" the Lord answer. "Ponyville is not far from here. You'll able to find somewhere to sleep there. It's a place of good ponies." "If you say so... Thanks for everything, Lord of Order. Despite everything, you were a great help. Without you, I would walk through this new world without knowing anything about it. "You don't have to thank me, my dear. It was a pleasure. I'm sorry you've had to sacrifice your old life. It's the least I could do. By the way, it would be better you get a new name to match your new body and your new life? "A new name?" Bloom asked. "Like what?" "I don't know" the Lord answer. "Maybe... I know! What about Cherry Blossom? "Cherry Blossom?" Bloom mused. "Not bad..." "So, therefore, your new name is Cherry Blossom" the Lord of Order announced. "Good luck, my dear." Having said this, his image on the river disappeared and Bloom, now Cherry Blossom, could come back to see her new face. Later, she stood up, turned to the direction that the Lord of Order told her and started walking forward, instinctively coordinating her four hooves. She was now heading for a new life. > Arrival to Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bloom, now Cherry Blossom, didn’t know how long she had been in that forest. She was too busy admiring it than anything else. There were lots of birds flying and singing around. The sound was so pleasant that made her forget her problems. She then found the road. She joined it and followed it, already beginning to hear sounds approaching that were not sounds of the forest, but motion. Cherry Blossom then left the forest and was speechless for what she was seeing. It looked really a human town like the ones on Earth. There were lots of wooden houses with thatched roofs whose doors appeared like the stables ones and had several bridges crossing the river that ran through the town, connecting roads. In the center, it could clearly see a large building that could be the town hall and the building could be built better than the others. There was also a large orchard of apple trees surrounding the town full of beautiful and juicy apples and endless fields. It seemed like a place out of a fairy tale. Incidentally, the only dark spot that the magnificent landscape had was certainly a scary forest that was nearby. What was even more impressive was there were ponies instead humans. While Cherry Blossom walked around the town, she saw that their life was the same like humans’. There were shops, markets, ponies shoppings... Others pulled wagons which carried belongings or food and others had saddlebags that served as backpacks. They used hooves or mouth to catch on objects. Others even dressed themselves. The more sophisticated ones had fashionable jackets and shirts with top hats, but also had other ponies who had more quotidian hats to protect themselves from the sun perhaps. By air, there were flying pegasus, moving or undoing some clouds. The Lord of the Order had already told her about the fact that pegasi were the ones who dealt with the weather. She was so delighted with what she was seeing around she didn’t see where she was walking and bumped into somepony, seeing the books fall to the floor. “I’m sorry” Cherry Blossom said, rushing to go pick up the books. “It’s all right” a female voice said. The books were surrounded by a raspberry aura and then they rose into the air and ended up inside a saddlebag. Cherry Blossom then noticed the mare who she had just shock and saw that she was one of the alicorn princesses that the Lord of Order had shown her, the youngest. “But you're Princess Twilight" Charry exclaimed. "I'm so sorry, Your Highness." “You don’t have to apologize” Twilight replied with a friendly smile. “I’m the one who was distracted, reading a book. And, please, can you be more informal with me? Everypony in Ponyville do that." “I'm.. I'm new here” Cherry Blossom said shyly. “I see” Twilight said. “Well, be welcome. If you stay here, you'll see that you'll never get bored.” She then looked over Cherry Blossom’s shoulder. “And I can prove it to you right now” Twilight said. “Hello, Twilight” a voice greeted. An earth pony appeared there, bouncing. She had a light pink coat and a puffy, curly and bright pink mane. On her flank, she had three balloons, two blue and one yellow, as Cutie Mark. "Hello, Pinkie Pie" Twilight greeted, while the pink pony bounced around her and Cherry Blossom. "Who's your friend?" Pinkie Pie asked. "This is Cherry Blossom" Twilight presented. “She is new here in Ponyville.” “Yes” Cherry Blossom confirmed. Then Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared right in front of Cherry Blossom, though she didn’t know quite how. “Uhh, you don’t say” she said with immense interest. “And you're gonna stay here?” “Ah, I supose” Cherry Blossom answered, a bit uncomfortable by that Pinkie’s interest. Then she took a huge leap and gave a strong squealed and said, when she landed in a way so energetic that Cherry Blossom shrugged: “Oh, I have to prepare a "welcome to Ponyville/I have a new friend" party for you! You'll see it'll be the best party that you ever had. Now I just have to find my party cannon and load it. I just hope to have enough streamers. It seams that I have to add shopping to my to-do list. I have to go. Bye!" And she walked away at full speed. Cherry Blossom looked puzzled at what had just happened. Twilight laughed and said: “Well, that's our Pinkie Pie. Don’t worry, you’ll end liking her... and get used to. Hey, if you want, I can make you a guided tour around Ponyville." “Oh, it’s not necessary” Cherry Blossom answered. “I don’t want to bother you.” “It’s not any bother. In fact, it’ll be a pleasure. Let me just leave all these books in my house and we can go.” Although she used to be a princess until some minutes ago, Cherry Blossom felt herself uncomfortable. After all, now she was nothing more than a common pony and Twilight was a princess. But she couldn’t disrespect her sympathies. “Okay then” she answered. Cherry Blossom followed Twilight through the town. She expected Twilight, being a princess, to live in a large and luxurious place. However, she was in shock when she saw Twilight’s house was a large oak turned into a house that was much more than a house; it was a library. “You live here?” Cherry Blossom asked, stunned. “Yes” she answered. “I know it's not a palace, but it's my home since I arrived to Ponyville, and long before I became a princess. I just can’t leave it. “Well, there are many princess I know who would disagree with you” Cherry Blossom said with a smile. “What, do you know any more princess?” Twilight asked, turning to her, in a tone somewhat interested. “No!” Cherry Blossom replied, trying to mend her one little slip. “How could I? I'm just making an assumption. There must be many princesses wouldn’t hesitate to live in a castle rather than a library. “Well, maybe, but the princesses from here are much less pretentious” Twilight replied with a smile. “Well, you must not be from Equestria by your assumptions.” “No, I am not" Cherry Blossom said nervously. They arrived at the entrance of the library and Twilight opened the door with her magic and entered and Cherry Blossom followed her. She got stunned when she saw the inside of the library. There were huge shelves full of books of various sizes and shapes. In the background, were stairs to the upper floors and the basement. “Spike!” Twilight called, placing her saddlebag full of books on the floor, using her magic to do it. “Are you in home?” “I’m coming, Twilight” a voice answered. Coming down the stairs, to the great surprise of Cherry Blossom, a small purple dragon with moderate harlequin spikes, a pointed tail, a light spring budish belly with light lime green "ears" appeared. he had no wings, was bipedal and had moderate pistachio eyes with constricted pupils like cracks. “What’s up?” he asked. “This is Cherry Blossom” Twilight presented. “She's new here. Could you organize these books, as I show her the town?” “Don’t worry, Twi” Spike answered, making a continence. "After all, I’m your number one assistant." “Thanks, Spike” Twilight thanked. "You’re a sweet. Come on, Cherry Blossom." So they exited. “That dragon is your assistant?” Cherry Blossom asked. “Yes, but Spike is much more than my assistant” Twilight said. “He's my best friend. He's like a younger brother.” “I see” Cherry Blossom said. “But aren't dragons ferocious creatures?” “The majority are, but Spike is different. So, what do you want to see first?” “Well, I’m new here, so I don’t know very well what there is in Ponyville. What do you suggest?” “What about Sugarcube Corner?” Twilight asked. “It’s the best bakery and confectionery in Ponyville, if not in all Equestria.” “Sounds great” Cherry Blossom answered. Twilight and Cherry Blossom walked through the town until they arrived to a store/house that looked like a gingerbread house. They entered, making the bell sound. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cake” Twilight greeted as she and Cherry Blossom approached of the counter. The couple of earth ponies behind the counter should be the owners of the store. Mr. Cake was a tall and slender pony with an amber coat, a bright orange mane and three pie slices as Cutie Mark. He wore a confectionery hat and a red and white tie on the neck. Mrs. Cake, on the other hand, was lower and plump with a very light cerulean coat, a pale, greyish light crimson and light crimson mane combed in a way that seemed the cover of a cupcake and three cupcakes as Cutie Mark. “Hi, Twilight, darling” Mrs. Cake greeted. “How goes our princess today?” “I’m very well, thank you” Twilight answered. “Who’s your pretty friend?” Mr. Cake asked. “This is Cherry Blossom” Twilight introduced. “She’s the newest inhabitant of Ponyville.” “Well, be welcome” Mr. Cake wished to Cherry Blossom. “Thank you very much” she thanked heartily. “It must be the reason why Pinkie was so excited” Mrs. Cake said. ”She came here and asked us to do our best cake and was gone in a flash.” “She must be organizing your surprise party” Twilight said to Cherry Blossom. “But she doesn't have to do that” Cherry Blossom said. “I don’t want to give so much work.” “Oh, Cherry, Pinkie is really like that” Twilight said. “Any new pony who arrives to the town, she befriends immediately with them and makes a welcome party. “It's strange that somepony does something like that to all the ponies she meets” Cherry Blossom said. “This is not even in the Pinkie Pie’s normal standards” Twilight replied. “Wait till you meet her best. You have not seen the cherry on the cake. Sorry about the pun...” “And speaking about cake…” Mr. Cake said. “Because you are new here, my dear, you can choose whatever you want here” Mrs. Cake said. “Oh, you don’t need to…” “Consider it a welcome gift" Mr. Cake said. “Oh, well…” The issue was Cherry Blossom didn’t know what to ask. She didn’t know the candy they could have. “What do you advise?” she asked. “Well, we have a delicious berries pie with bits of oats which is out one of our greatest prides.” Cherry Blossom thought about that. She, while Bloom, had never been a great admirer of oats, but could not disappoint Mr. and Mrs. Cake when they were being so kind to her. She nodded. “And you, dear?” Mrs. Cake asked to Twilight. “Do you want something?” “Oh no” she said. “I just had lunch, but thank you anyway, Mrs. Cake.” Cherry Blossom and Twilight waited and then Mrs. Cake returned with a slice of pie that the first asked for. Using her magic, now much better than before, she levitated the dish to a table and sat down with Twilight sitting in the opposite sit. So Cherry Blossom approached the muzzle on the pie and took a bite. An explosion of flavors appeared in her mouth, making her eyes go wide. She swallowed the piece of pie and ate the rest. “This... is... delicious!” Cherry Blossom exclaimed. “This is not new” Twilight joked. "Sugarcube Corner has the best candy of all. Come on, there is still much to see.” They then said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Cake and left the confectionery. When they left, a pegasus pony with a pale, grayish light gold coat and a pale, light grayish pink mane with three butterflies as Cutie Mark passed by them. She was bringing some saddlebag laden with many types of food. “Hello, Fluttershy” Twilight greeted. The pony turned to her and said, in a low and relatively shy voice but still outlining a slight smile: “Hi, Twilight.” “You bought food for your animals, didn’t you?" Twilight noticed. “I have to” replied she. “They eat a lot.” “By the way, let me introduce you Cherry Blossom, the newest resident of Ponyville” Twilight presented “Hello” said Cherry Blossom, waving a hoof. “Hello, Cherry Blossom” Fluttershy greeted. “Be welcome. I hope you like to be here. “Me too” Cherry Blossom confessed. “Fluttershy here is our animal caretaker” Twilight explained. “She takes care of the wild animals and can communicate with them. “Well, I kind of understand them, nothing else” Fluttershy replied meekly, blushing. “You know, I had a bunny” Cherry Blossom said. “Oh, really?” Fluttershy asked, changing his timid attitude to a more enthusiastic one. “I also have a rabbit. His name is Angel. And yours?” “Huh… Kiko” she said uncertainly. “And where is he” Fluttershy asked. “Unfortunately, I couldn´t bring him with me” Cherry Blossom said. “He stayed with my family. “Oh, what a pity” Fluttershy said. “Fluttershy, don't you have to go to your cottage to feed your animals?” Twilight asked. “Oh, it’s true!” Fluttershy replied. “They must be starved. I have to go. Goodbye, Twilight. It was a pleasure to meet you, Cherry Blossom. And Fluttershy moved away trotting. “Thank you” Cherry Blossom thanked to Twilight. “She almost suffocated me with questions.” “Fluttershy can be a little shy and skittish, but when it comes to animals, she immediately loses the inhibitions” Twilight said. “Well, let’s continue the visit. Next stop, Carousel Boutique." Twilight then guided Cherry Blossom to a very elegant building. It should be the most elegant of all the buildings of the town. It appeared to be a conical pink tower. The first floor had bars striped with two shades of pink like pillars and a frame with a pony silhouette of a pony with a bar behind, making it look like the horses on carrousels. The floor above had also thin bars to support the ceiling, although these ones were thin and made of metal and the most lateral one of each side had a pony silhouette and at the top there was a green flag floating. “This is the Caroucel Boutique" Twilight showed. "It belongs to a friend of mine who is a great designer. Her name is Rarity. Cherry Blossom couldn’t believe in the coincidence. Her friend Stella was also a designer. Could it be that Rarity was like her? The two entered the boutique, entering soon in a studio with huge cutouts of fabric and ribbons on the floor. There were mannequins with the shape of ponies, someones with dresses. From what she could see, the dresses were beautiful. They hadn’t the Stella’s touch of exuberance, but they were more refined and elegant. Some were practical, others more formal. Still, she could see certain traits in common with Stella’s work, like the exaltation of the dresses’ beauty. However, these dresses had a certain glow that Cherry Blossom could not understand. Working on a nearby table was a pony that should be Rarity. She was a white unicorn with a moderate indigo mane which was combed in a very elegant way and had three diamond-shape blue jewels as Cutie Mark. She was using a sewing machine to sew, using her magic to bring accessories for the dress which where sewn with needle with immense attention. She then used her magic to put the dress on a mannequin. Then she made wonderful jewels appear from a box that was there and then set them in the dress, fixing them with magic, making it even more stunning than it was before. So that was the brilliance that she had detected. Unlike Stella, who had only just to imagine and use magic, Rarity made her clothes by hand, or rather by hoof, using all her time to do it. “Voilà!” Rarity exclaimed, whose voice was also stylish. “Truly fabulous!” “Hello, Rarity” greeted Twilight, coming up with Cherry Blossom behind. "Wow, what a beautiful dress!" “I know!” she exclaimed. “It’s only a pity there isn’t many pony that can use it because of the combination of colors.” It was then she noticed Cherry Blossom and she was overcome with excitement. “Idea!” she exclaimed, singing, approaching to Cherry Blossom. "Can you come with me, dear? “Who?” Cherry Blossom asked. “Me?” “Yeah, come here” Rarity replied, grabbing a Cherry Blossom’s hoof and pulling her gently to her small stage. She looked at Twilight who just gave her a nod which meant for she let herself go. Cherry Blossom did so and was put on stage by Rarity. She removed the dress from de mannequin with her magic and with a flash, Cherry Blossom found herself with the dress and her mane and tail gently combed and caught behind on a horse-tail with the mane falling gently on her shoulder. “Perfect!” Rarity exclaimed, admiring his work. “While there is still something missing to reach total perfection.” “To me, it's very good, Rarity” Twilight said with her warm smile. “No, dear, it can’t be just very good” Rarity said. "Very good isn’t enough for me... I'm sorry, honey, I didn’t ask your name.” “No worries” Cherry Blossom said smiling. “I'm Cherry Blossom.” “It's our new neighbor” Twilight added. “Cherry Blossom...” Rarity mused. “That's it!” Using her magic, she made appear a light blue headband with a cherry blossom on one side of it she put on Cherry Blossom’s mane. “Now it's more than perfect” Rarity said. “You're the expert” Twilight said. Cherry Blossom laughed and confessed: “You’re really like a friend of mine, Rarity. She also loves creating dresses and don’t rest until they are perfect.” “Oh, don’t tell me!” she exclaimed, with a certain tone of enthusiasm. “Well, if she is like me, she can only be a good pony. Where does she lives?” “Well, she...” Cherry Blossom began, wondering what was going to say. “She lives far away.” “I only hope to meet her so we can exchange ideas” Rarity said. “I don’t know why, but I think it won’t be possible” Cherry Blossom replied. “It would be a shame, if it wasn’t” Rarity responded, making the dress and the headband leave Cherry Blossom, whose mane returned to normal. “It's always good to share ideas with other designers.” She put the dress and headband in a bag and then handed it to Cherry Blossom. “Here you go, dear” Rarity said her. “No, I cannot accept it” Cherry Blossom said. “But, dear Cherry, this dress doesn’t set in anypony. I would not be able to sell to anypony that appeared to me here. Indeed, it’s my welcome gift.” “It’s not…” “I insist!” Rarity exclaimed. “You're not going to refuse this gift I'm giving with all my heart, won't you?” Don’t wanting to hurt Rarity by refusing her offer, she finally agreed, making de bag levitate with her own magic. “Thank you” Cherry Blossom thanked. “You’re welcome” Rarity said. “Well, we’ll be out of your hair” Twilight said. “There’s still a lot to show to Cherry Blossom. “Sure, Twilight” Rarity replied. “By the way, I’m working on the dress you’ll use in the next Galloping Gala. You'll be splendid.” “I’m anxious to see it” Twilight replied. They said goodbye to Rarity and leave the boutique. “Well, you have friends of all kinds” Cherry Blossom commented. “And you haven’t seen anything yet” Twilight said, smiling. “Well, I already know where I’m going to take you next. When Twilight gave some steps, a colorful blur passed quickly for Cherry Blossom and hit Twilight, knocking her to the ground. When she saw it better, she saw a pegasus pony who was holding Twilight against the floor. She had a very light cerulean coat and a mane filled with many colors. “Twilight, I heard the new book of Daring Do is already out” the pegasus told. “Rainbow…” Twilight frowned. “I wanted to know if you already have it and if you can borrow it to me” “Rainbow…” “I hope you have it. I’m anxious to know…” “Rainbow!” That made the pegasus shut up. When she realized why Twilight was trying to get her attention, she made a nervous smile before Twilight's glare and climbed off her, allowing her to get up. “That’s better” Twilight said, wiping her back. “First, you gonna greet Cherry Blossom. She’s the new resident of Ponyville and our newest friend." “Oh, sorry there” the pegasus named Rainbow told, addressing to Cherry Blossom. “I’m Rainbow Dash, the best athlete in Ponyville.” “I’m Cherry Blossom” the unicorn introduced herself. “I hope you like Ponyville” Rainbow Dash said. “Sometimes, it’s a bit boring around here, but there are days of further unrest.” “I’m certain about that” Cherry Blossom said to laugh. “And now, Twilight, back to my question…” Rainbow Dash began, turning to Twilight. “Yes, I know” she replied. “Daring Do. Yes, I have the new book. Later, I'll borrow you… “Don’t trouble yourself, I’ll go pick it up” Rainbow said, preparing to take flight. “No, Rainbow…” Twilight began. But it was too late, because Rainbow Dash had already taken off quickly, leaving only a trail that was as colored as her mane. She was going towards Twilight’s library. She made a grunt and asked to Cherry Blossom: “I’m sorry, Cherry, can you wait for me here? I have to make sure Rainbow doesn’t put my library in a mess while looking for that book. Poor Spike won’t be able to control her.” “No problem” Cherry Blossom replied. “Don’t mind me.” “Thank you” Twilight thanked. Having said this, she opened her wings and took flight, not as fast as Rainbow, following the same path as her. Cherry Blossom watched her fly away, certain that her life in Ponyville would be far from boring. > The Farm Pony Falls in Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Apple Acres was the apple farm of Ponyville which possessed all the apple orchard that surrounded the village. The farm was the first building to be built in the village, although it has started as a simple cottage where the first family in Ponyville lived after those lands where their orchard grew have been given very cordially by Princess Celestia. This family was the Apple family. Currently, only four Apples lived there and they managed and took care of the farm that was their livelihood. Those four were a grandmother with her ​​three grandchildren, both siblings. Most of their businesses were the fruit of their work in their apple harvest. With the apples they made apple cider which the inhabitants of Ponyville bought and drank. They also sold them fresh or candied, they made ​​apple compote or sweets like pies or waffles... At that moment, the two oldest of the three siblings were harving apples. The eldest was a great earth pony stallion with a moderate crimson coat, one light gamboge mane, moderate sap green eyes and light yellowish gray coatless hooves. He had three freckles on each cheek and a half apple as Cutie Mark. Another feature of his was the work horse collar that he had around his neck. Her sister was a mare of normal structure but very sturdy. She had a pale, light grayish olive coat and a brilliant light gamboge mane. Her eyes were like those of her brother and she also had the same freckles on his cheeks. A feature of her was his brown cowboy hat. The two were bucking the trees with strong kicks that made the apples fall in baskets they had placed under them. Of course the red stallion was who dropped more apples due to his many strong kicks, but his sister wasn't anything behind him. For a small pony, she was very strong. "Jest one more and we end'd up today, bro" Applejack, the sister, said. "Eeyup" Big McIntosh, the brother, said. He then gave a strong kick in the tree, making the apples fall to the baskets below. "Well, now we have to separate those that go to tha apple cellar and those that go for sale" Applejack said. "Big Mac, can ya get the wagon to take the baskets? "Eeyup" he replied. "Very good, so, while ya do that, I'll separate tha apples" Applejack said. Big Mac then went fetch the wagon, trotting. The stallion was the eldest of the family (excepting his grandmother, Ganny Smith) and he had worked on that apple farm since he was a young colt. He helped his father in bucking apples and always with a smile on his face. He had always been like that: a born worker. He was like that all his life without changing a bit. But when his parents died in an accident, he became the most responsible as possible for the sustenance of his family. Granny Smith was not getting any younger and she couldn't no longer participate in the apple harvest and his sister Applejack was a young filly and her sister Apple Bloom was still a newborn foal, at that time. When her older sister was old enough, she began helping his brother in the harvest, but even with extra help, Big Mac never stopped working to the maximum. He found the wagon, secured it to himself and prepared to go to Applejack, when a young filly appeared. She was his younger sister, Apple Bloom. She had a pale, light grayish olive coat and a brilliant amaranth mane and eyes, unlike those of his brethren, were brilliant gamboge. On her mane, she had a pink bow. "Howdy, Big Mac, have ya finish'd the apple buckin' today?" She asked to his oldest brother. "Eeyup" Big Mac replied, nodding. That pony was always of few words. He always limited to just answer yes or no questions with "eeyup" and "nnope". However, when he talked normally, he knew well the words to use. "Great!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "Can Ah go with ya with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle? We can help ya and maybe we can get our Cutie Marks. Big Mac made ​​a suspicious look at his little sister and asked: "Haven't ya done this already?" "We think we can do it again" Apple Bloom replied. "However, Applejack may not want us to help in the sale after what happen'd last time. Please, Big Mac, can ya convince her tah let us go? Please." Apple Bloom began to pout and to make her sad eyes to him. Big Mac, although big and strong, had a soft heart and could not resist those eyes of his younger sister. "Eeyup" Big Mac waved. "Really?" Apple Bloom asked with a smile from ear to ear. "Ya'll ask her? Big Mac waved again and Apple Bloom squealed with excitement and then she told to a bale of straw that was there: "Girls, mah brother said he'll ask AJ." "Really?" a little voice asked, with it belonging to a pegasus filly whose head appeared in the straw bale. "That's amazing" another little voice said that belonged to a unicorn filly whose head appeared next to the other. They left the bale of straw and placed next to Apple Bloom. Those two were her best friends: Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo was a young pegasus with a brilliant light gamboge coat and a moderate cerise mane. Her wings were small, what not yet allowed her to fly like a usual pegasus. Sweetie Belle was a unicorn with a light gray coat and a grayish mulberry rose with pale grayish light stripes mane. They, along with Apple Bloom, didn't have any Cutie Mark, so they tried at all costs to find their true talents. They call themselves Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Thank you, Big Mac" the three said in unison. He smiled. It was always nice to see the smiling little fillies. They always put him in a better humor. The four returned to where Applejack was, with her having already separated the apples that would be sold and those that would go to the apple cellar. "Ya're jest in time, Big McIntosh" she said, picking up the baskets already at her reach. "We have much tah do." She then noticed on the Apple Bloom and her friends. "What are ya girls doin' here?" "We wanted to know if we could go with ya to sell apples" Apple Bloom replied. "Oh, don't even think ov that, sis" Applejack replied, shaking her head. "Have ya forgotten dah last time ya helped me? Ah had to give almost all of my apples. Besides, wasn't this somethin' that was already scratched from yer list to obtain a Cutie Mark? "We thought we could try it again" Scootaloo said. "Oh, come on, Applejack!" Sweetie Belle asked. "We want to help." But Applejack did not seem convinced. "Hey, AJ, let them come" said Big Mac. "Some more hooves will jest help us." "Of course ya'd be at their side" Applejack replied. She looked at the three fillies who smiled with all their innocently. Applejack then sighed and finally said: "Oh, okay. Ya may come." "Hurray!" the young fillies exclaimed, jumping of happiness. "But jest 'cause we don't have much time tah waste on this thread" Applejack said, starting to load the wagon with baskets for Big McIntosh take to the apple cellar. "C'mon, help me out here tah load the wagon fer Big Mac take these apples tah the cellar." After a great job loading the wagon for Big Mac to take the apples to the cellar they had next to the farmhouse, they loaded the wagon with apples and Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle went to it. After that, Big McIntosh and Applejack marched to the village with the latter bringing the stand. They arrived at the place where Applejack prepared the stand with a kick. Big Mac put some baskets on the edge of the stand and the three young fillies descended from the wagon. "What do ya want us tah do?" Apple Bloom asked. "Yes, where do we start?" Scootaloo asked as well. "First, ya'll help Big McIntosh tah take apples tah Barnyard Bargains" Applejack said. "What?!" Sweetie Belle said. "But we want to help you with the sales!" "No, Ah deal with tha sales" Applejack said. "Ya'll help Big Mac. Then we'll see. Do ya have somethin' against it, Big Mac? "Nnope" he answered. Sighing, the three fillies went back to the wagon. Applejack approached her brother and said in his ear: "Maybe this will keep them busy til Ah sell somethin'". The two brothers laughed and then Big Mac started walking toward his next stop. "Ah jest hope Diamon Tiara isn't there" Apple Bloom grumbled. "Tell me about it" Scootaloo agreed. "It's enough endure her and that bootlicking of Silver Spoon in school." "Calm down, girls" Sweetie Belle said. "Maybe she's not there." Sweetie Belle turned out to be right. They helped Big Mcintosh to carry apples to the warehouse and they even met with Diamond Tiara, a classmate who was always bullying them for not having Cutie Marks. After that, Big McIntosh went to Carousel Boutique because Sweetie Belle wanted to get something to her room. She was Rarity's little sister. However, he was being distracted by his sister and her friends' conversation about what they would do next to find their cutie marks he ended up colliding with somepony, listening to the sound of something falling to the ground. "Ah'm so sorry!" he exclaimed clumsily. "Ah didn't see ya! "It's okay" a female voice said. "I'm fine." It was then that Big Mac stayed without reaction when the mare with whom he had bumped with moved her mane to take it from her face. He had never seen a mare as beautiful as that one. Her coat had a shade of blue so soft that the sun made it shine and her mane was like fire so red it was and seemed to be as silky as silk, falling perfectly around her horn. But when those cyan eyes touched on his, he felt his heart accelerating and a strange feeling in his stomach that made his jaw to drop. It seemed that time had stopped to him and nothing else existed beyond that amazing mare who was before him. When he was brought back to reality, she said: "My name is Cherry Blossom" she introduced herself. "I'm new here. What's your name?" "Ah... Ah'm..." Big Mac started, but being unable to finish it. "Howdy!" Apple Bloom greeted, waving to Cherry Blossom allong with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "Mah name is Apple Bloom and they are mah friends: Scootaloo an' Sweetie Belle. He's mah big brother, Big McIntosh. But ya can call him Big Mac. Lots of ponies do it." "Well, then it seems that I have to do that too" Cherry Blosso said. "Do you agree, Big Mac?" "Eeyup" he said nervously, avoiding looking to her. He felt himself blushing and he hoped she hadn't noticed. So, Cherry Blossom used her magic to take the bag she had dropped when Big McIntosh bumped into her. Sweetie Belle noticed the bag and asked: "You were in my sister's boutique?" "Your sister?" Cherry Bloom asked. "Oh, you're Rarity's sister. You're lucky for having a sister like her. She's very generous. She gave this dress to me as a welcome gift." "Yes, she's very cool, in her own way" Sweetie Belle answered. "Sweetie Belle, don't ya have somethin' tah get from yer room?" Big Mac asked, who didn't want to stay there for much longer, not with Cherry Blossom present. "Ah think ya should go and get it now. We have much tah do." "Okay, Big Mac" Sweetie Belle said, leaving the wagon and into the boutique. "So, where are ya from, Cherry?" Apple Bloom asked. "Oh, well, I'm from far away" she answered. "How far?" Scootaloo asked. "Do you come from outside of Equestria?" "Galls, it's enough of filling Miss Cherry Blossom with questions" Big Mac admonished. "It's okay" Cherry Blossom smiled. "They can ask what they want." Her smile made ​​Big Mac get uncomfortable and blush again. Feeling his own face getting even redder than his coat, he turned his face. He hoped no one would notice, but to his bad luck, it did not happen. "Ah have one jest one more question" Apple Bloom said. "Do ya have a coltfriend? That question did Cherry Blossom be caught by surprise. Big McIntosh, of course, did not like Apple Bloom's audacity. "Apple Bloom!" "It's okay" Cherry Blossom. "Young fillies always want to know these things. I..." She hesitated to answer, but then she said: "I don't have any coltfriend". Big Mac didn't know why, but he seemed relieved to hear that answer. It was like if a ray of hope had filled his heart. To his great relief, Sweetie Belle returned with her saddlebag and climbed back into the wagon. "I'm ready" she said. "Good" Big Mac said, turning then to Cherry Bloom. "We have tah go." "Of course" Cherry Blossom said. "I hope to see you around." "Eeyup, me too" Big Mac said, correcting himself when he realized what he had said. "Ah mean, we too. Well, bye then." And he began to trot away with Cherry Blossom waving them and the fillies nodding her back. As he walked away, Big McIntosh could feel his heart beating normally and the feeling in his stomach disappearing. He couldn't believe what had happened back there. He had never experienced anything like that before. He had seen a lot of mares in his life, but none one woke him what he had just felt. It was then he heard the fillies in the wagon whispering and laughing. Knowing that they could not be plotting anything good, he stopped and turned to them, asking: "What are ya plottin'?" "Nuthin" Apple Bloom answered. "We are, you know, talking about things" Scootaloo said. "What things?" "You now, things" Sweetie Belle answered. But when they took the piercing gaze of Big Mac, they realized that they were not able to hide anything from him. "Okay, we are talkin' bout the way ya look'd tah Cherry Blossom" Apple Bloom said. "Way?" Big Mac asked. "What way?" "The way of somepony that looks to the pony he loves" Scootaloo insinuated. "What’cha ya mean?" Big Mac asked somehow nervous. "We mean you like her" Sweetie Belle, with a smile. "Well, she is a good pony" Big Mac said. "Ya got perfectly what we mean?" Apple Bloom asked. "Ya loooove her." Big McIntosh felt uncomfortable and blushed when they told him that and tried to avoid looking to their provocative smiles and looks. Then, gaining back his compound, he said, turning steadily forward: "Ya're wrong. Ah don't love her." And he continued walking. "But you think she's pretty, don't you?" Scootaloo asked. "Well, she is pretty" Big Mac said. "Ah jest think that bout her." "Yeah, right" Sweetie Belle said ironically. "And you just blushed because it's normal for you to blush always when you find yourself with some mare." "Confess, bro, ya like her, don't ya?" Apple Bloom asked. "Have ya forgotten what happen'd the last time ya stick yer mazzle in mah love life?" Big Mac said. "Yeah, but this is different" Scootaloo said. "Right, you really love her" Sweetie Belle. "Ah cannot wait fer ya and Cherry Blossom begin datin'" Apple Bloom said. "It will be great!" Already sick of all that, Big Mac lost his temper for a moment and shouted: "AH DON'T LIKE HER!" And then he kicked over the wagon so hard he ended up hitting one of the wheels that broke, what made ​​the young fillies being thrown forward. Realizing what he had done, breathing more quietly, he blushed with shame. "Well, I guess we'll have to buy a new wheel" Apple Bloom said. "Eeyup" her friends agreed. > A Place to Live > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cherry Blossom was waiting for Twilight at the edge of Carousel Boutique. She was now watching Big McIntosh, her sister and her friends moving away. She found them very friendly, especially those fillies. No matter the place, kids always rejoice the heart of anyone. And Big McIntosh was so polite. She never thought that a stallion so big like him could be so friendly and shy. If all ponies were like that in Ponyville, then she would love to live there, although Cherry strictly prefered to go back to her old world. It was then that she began to see Twilight returning, this time coming trotting. When she reached Cherry Blossom, she said: "I'm so sorry for leaving you here, Cherry Blossom" Twilight apologized. "But Rainbow Dash knows how to give a good headache." "No problem" she answered. "It was a way that I got to know more ponies from here." "Really?" Twilight asked with a smile. "And did you like to meet them?" "Well, they're very nice" Cherry Blossom answered. "Are all the townponies so nice?" "We have our moments, but, mostly, yes." "So I made the right choice with the place where stay." "By the way, where are you going to stay?" Twilight asked. "If you want, I can go with you to help you with the change." That made Cherry Blossom freeze. She had forgotten she still had no place to stay. She had to find some solution to that problem. "You know, the truth is I still don't have a place to stay" she said to Cherry Blossom. "I kind of fell here parachute." "I see" Twilight said. "Well, we just have to find some place for you." "Really?" Cherry Blossom asked. "You'll help me? "Of course, you're my friend" Twilight replied. "And friends help each other." Cherry Blossom could not believe Twilight would really help her. She really was a true friend and a true princess. "Thank you very much" Cherry Blossom thanked. "Seriously, it means a lot to me." After a few seconds of silence, Twilight thought of a place where Cherry Blossom could stay and then she had an idea. "I think I know where you can stay" she said to Cherry Blossom. "Really?" "Really. Come with me." In the market, Applejack had just sold a pound of apples, when she saw her brother and sister, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle arriving. "Wait, where's the wagon?" Applejack asked. "We had a kind of accident" Scootaloo said. "But don't worry, it's already being fixed" Sweetie Belle hurried to say. Applejack made ​​a suspicious face and asked: "What tha hay happen'd?" "Well, it's ..." Apple began Bloom. "Big Mac gave a strong kick in tha wagon and broke one of tha wheels. "What?" Applejack said, turning to her older brother. "Bic McIntosh, is this true?" "Eeyup" he answered ashamed. "Don't be angry with him, Applejack" Scootaloo asked. "Yeah, it's all our fault" Apple Bloom continued. "We irritated him and that is the only reason he did it" Sweetie Belle said. Applejack sighed and said: "Ah knew everythin' wus too quiet." "Don't be angry with them, Applejack" defended the Big Mac "It wuz also my fault." "Yeah, but Ah also want tah know what it wus they told ya tah ya lose yer temper" Applejack said. "Tha last time Ah saw ya angry wuz when these girls did that whole Gabby Gums scheme. Well, enough of all this. Big Mac, don't ya have tah go deal with the bad apples that are still in the trees? Come on, hurry up, before they overripe the others. "Eeyup" Big Mac replied. "Girls, go with him" Applejack said to the three little fillies. "It's better ya don't get in any further adventures fer today." "Yes, Applejack" the three waved, disappointed. And so Bic McIntosh and fillies moved away. Applejack sighed once more and returned to work. It was not long until Twilight appear with Cherry Blossom. "Howdy, Twilight" she greeted her enthusiastically. "How are ya, sugar cube? "I'm fine," she replied. "And ya must be Cherry Blossom" Applejack said to the new unicorn. "How do you know who I am?" Cherry Blossom asked. "Are ya kiddin'? The whole town knows 'bout ya. Especially with Pinkie Pie walkin' from one side tha another tha invite ponies tha yer welcome party." "And does she has any idea about where to get that party?" asked Cherry Blossom to Applejack and Twilight. "Don't worry about it" Twilight replied. "Pinkie always gets a way to know these such of things. I don't know how, but she does. By the way, Applejack, I wanted to ask you one thing, if you don't mind, of course." "Of course" she replied. "Anything for a friend." "Cherry Blossom has no where to stay and I would like to know if she could stay with you and your family in Sweet Apple Acres" Twilight said. "I do not want to bother" Cherry Blossom said. "It's just until I get a house." "Stop it, sugar cube" Applejack replied her. "Of course ya can stay with us. Ya can stay as long as ya want. And Ah'm sure Granny Smith won't mind as well, just like mah brother and sister. "Really?" "Yeah, ya can rest yer head on that." Cherry Blossom sighed in relief. The problem of where she was going to stay was solved. But she couldn't believe how friendly the ponies of Ponyville were being with her. At the beginning, she thought her banishment to Equestria would be a torture for not being able to see her friends, her family, and Sky. But seeing herself surrounded by ponies so friendly and kind, she felt that torture would be greatly tolerable. "Hey, so ya wanna go see the farm?" Applejack asked. "I finish'd mah job in the stand today." "I think it's a good idea" Twilight replied to Cherry Blossom. "You get to know the place and the ponies that live there. You can see if you like it." "Thanks for everything, Twilight" Cherry Blossom thanked. "You are a great friend." "Say somethin' we don't know already" Applejack said with a big smile. "Twilight here is our great pillar of our friendship." "Oh, stop, Applejack" Twilight said, blushing. "I'm not the only one who understands friendship. Well, anyway, I have business to attend to. I leave with you two. Bye." "Bye" Applejack and Cherry Blossom said at the same time. And Twilight walked away trotting. "Well, come on, girlfriend" Applejack said, closing her stand with a kick and then tying it to herself. "Ah have much tah show ya." She then took Cherry Blossom out of the town and then they eventually got to a farm. It was really beautiful. You could see lots of apple orchards, including one whose trees were completely stripped and whose appearance was very different from the normal ones. There was also a corn field growing and several animals houses such as a chicken coop and a pigsty. The large building there was there was a large red farm house with blue roof and at the top it had a weathervane that had an apple. The farm was surrounded by white picket fences and the entrance had a large arc full of climbing plants with pictures of apples and hanging a sign with the image of an apple. "Welcome tah Sweet Apple Acres" Applejack said. "It's really beautiful!" Cherry Bloom said. "Ah glad ya like it" Applejack said. "Come, Ah'll introduce ya tha dah Apple family." They went to the entrance and got in, going to a room that was shared with the kitchen. There was one old pony with a light lime green fur and light gray mane, perhaps due to the age, tied back in a bun, and the same happened with the tail, who was seating in a rocking chair. But she was not alone, as there were these three fillies and she already knew. "Look, girls, it's Cherry Blossom!" Applebloom exclaimed. The three fillies went to her in an enthusiastic manner. "You three?" Cherry Blossom asked. "Well, what a surprise!" "Oh, ya already know mah sister and her friends, huh?" Applejack asked. "Ah jest hope they didn't caus'd problems tah ya." "Oh, no, they're sweet girls" Cherry Blossom answered. "But, wait, if Apple Bloom is your sister, so Big Mac is your brother, right?" "That's right" Applejack answered. "This filly is so beautiful" the old pony said, getting up from his rocking chair and approaching with a slow and wobbly walk. "Is she yer friend, Applejack?" "Precisely, Granny Smith, an' she doesn't have a place tha stay in tha town, so Ah invit'd her tah stay with us, if ya don't mind." "Oh, of course Ah don't mind" she replied. "Ya know Ah like to have a full house." She turned to Cherry Blossom and told her: "Ya're very welcome tah our home, dear. Feel like ya're part of the family." "Thank you, ma'am" Cherry Blossom thanked. "Honey, call me Granny Smith." "Well, if you want to..." "Ya're such a friendly and polite filly" Granny Smith said. "Now, if you excuse me, mah legs are no longer what they used to be." She returned to her rocking chair and sat, falling asleep soon after, which caused some laughter. "Do ya want tah go see yer room? After that, Ah can show ya tha farm" Applejack suggested. "Sounds good" Cherry Blossom replied. They then went upstairs. When they started to climb up the stairs, Apple Bloom turned to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle and said, happily: "Ah cannot believe Cherry Blossom will be here! Don't ya think that it's fantastic?" "Why are you so excited?" Scootaloo asked. "Cherry Blossom is nice, but being so excited for her to come and live here is an exaggeration, don't you think?" "Oh, Scootaloo, have ya forgotten what happen'd tah mah brother at little while ago?" Apple Bloom asked. "He has a crush on her." "Oh, that's right, I'd forgotten." "But this is amazing!" Sweetie Belle said. "It means that it will not be long until they begin dating." "Ah don't know" Apple Bloom said. "Mah brother is very shy. He usually save everythin' to him. Ah believe he will need help." "Do you mean..." Scootaloo started. "Damn right" Apple Bloom answered. "Cutie Mark Crusaders Cupids go into action." "We already went into action before, have you forgotten?" Sweetie Belle recalled. "Yeah, and we only managed to put Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee under the effect of a love poison" Scootaloo said. "But this time is different" Apple Bloom said. "This time, we know that one of them is in love with the other. We jest have tah make Cherry Blossom fall in love with Big Mac, and, for that, we jest have tah show her the fantastic stallion he is and put them in a romantic environment. It's easy!" "If you say so..." Scootaloo replied. "Well, it's worth a try" Sweetie Belle said. "So what do ya say?" Apple Bloom asked, extending her hoof. The other two looked at each other and then put their hooves on top of each other and bumped them on Apple Bloom's, smilling. "Go, Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Granny Smith snored while sleeping, causing ​​them to get silenced. "Next time, we'll do our battle cry in a place where there is really anypony" Scootaloo said. > Healing Horn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack led Cherry Blossom by the stairs and then she showed her the way to her room. When she opened the door, Cherry could see it. It was small but cozy, with just a bed, a nightstand and a dresser. There was also a window that gave a view of a good part of the farm. "Why, it's amazing," said Cherry Blossom. "Are you sure I can stay here, Applejack? "Oh, Cherry Blossom, ya like tah ask dah same question" said Applejack. "Can ya stop askin' that? Course ya can stay here, partner." "It's just I feel like I'm abusing your sympathy" Cherry Blossom said. "I just arrived and everypony are doing so much for me." "Ah'm in favor of the theory that what goes around comes around" Applejack replied. "Who knows, Ah may need yer help. Between friends is just that: give and receive." Cherry Blossom smiled and then went to the window. "The view is amazing" she said. "I've never seen anything like this." "Ah'm glad ya lik'd tha room" Applejack replied. "Ah know it mustn't be like what ye are us'd tah, but..." "No, it's great," Cherry Blossom said. "Better than I could imagine. It's perfect." She just told the truth. During most of her own life, she hadn't really much, as her adoptive parents weren't exactly rich. Indeed, her room in Gardenia should not be much larger than that. "Hey, since ya like tha room, what ya think 'bout goin' tah see tha farm?" Applejack asked. "It seems great for me" Bloom answered. "Great, Ah like ponies with enthusiasm" Applejack said. They then heard a yell of enthusiasm coming from down stairs and that seemed to have been made by squeaky little voices. "And speakin' of ponies with enthusiasm..." Applejack said. "What the hay are those fillies doin'?" "Those three have a lot of energy" Cherry Blossom said. "Yeah, Ah jest worry where they spend it." "But what can they do that worry you so much?" "If ya knew those girls, ya would understand" Applejack said. "They have done things you cannot imagine." They then left the room. Downstairs, the fillies were already planning for their goal of getting Big Mac and Cherry Blossom together. "Then we are in agreement" Apple Bloom said. "We will try tah join mah brother and Cherry Blossom as long as we can." "And because they will live in the same place, it will be much easier to do it" Scootaloo said. "If we do this properly, there's nothing that can go wrong" Sweetie Belle said. "Let's do this, girls," Apple Bloom said. "Yeah!" "What will ya do, girls?" a voice asked. They turned around and saw that Applejack and Cherry Blossom had returned. "Oh, get a new mission for the Cutie Mark Crusaders" Apple Bloom invented. "Girls, can you go easy with that?" Applejack sighed, approaching them. "Yer Cutie Mark will appear shortly. Ya jest have to have patience." "Ya're jest sayin' that because ya already have yours" Apple Bloom pouted, while the other two waved in agreement. "Ya don't know what is to be the ones with a blank flank." "Have ya forgotten that Ah also had yer age?" Applejack asked. "And Ah also made several attempts to get mah Cutie Mark, but Ah jest had to wait for the right time for it to appear." Although she doesn't know well the feeling of trying to get the Cutie Mark, Cherry Blossom knew Applejack was right. But she couldn't help but appreciate the efforts of the three small fillies for trying. "You know, girls, you must hear the voice of those who know about this subject" she said, advancing. "It's okay wanting to try find your talent, but you must take it easy, because it's only a matter of time for you to get it." These words appeared to have convinced Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle who waved to each other. "Thanks, what ya did put them happy" Applejack said with a smile. "You're welcome" Cherry Blossom replied. "I'm just returning the favor." "Hey, Cherry Blossom, how did you got your Cutie Mark?" Scootaloo asked. "Yes, tell us how was it" Sweetie Belle asked. "Yeah!" Apple Bloom urged. Cherry Blossom didn't know what to say. She knew that her talent was using special healing powers, but never before she had done it as unicorn and she only knew about it because it was the Lord of Order that told her that. However, she remembered the first time she used them as fairy. She could tell just a part of the story. However, it was not necessary to do that because Applejack saved her. "Can ya stop pesterin' Cherry Blossom?" Applejack asked. "She'll have plenty of time to tell you stories, but now she needs to relax from the whole change. And there is no better way tah do it than take a stroll through tha farm. That made the three fillies to smile. They knew that Big Mac was in the orchard dealing with bad apples. It was a good opportunity to get their strategy to get him with Cherry Blossom together. "Can we go with ya?" Apple Bloom asked, with her and the other two making their sweet smiles. "Ya can, but ya two..." Applejack motioned for Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle "It's time tah go home, don't ya think?" The two made ​​a disappointed look and said: "Yes, Applejack." And they began to approach to the exit saying: "Goodbye, Apple Bloom." "Goodbye" the other said. And they left. "Can we start tha visit?" Apple Bloom asked to Cherry Blossom. "Where do ya want tha start?" "Apple Bloom, Ah never seen ya so excit'd 'bout a simple visit tah the farm" Applejack observed. "Come on, sis, Ah'm jest being hospitable" Apple Bloom defended herself. "Yeah, right" Applejack replied, not convinced. "Well, Cherry Blossom, as the invit'd pony, ya can choose where you want to start." "What 'bout the orchard?" Apple Bloom suggested. "Ah thought it was Cherry who had to choose" Applejack said. "To me that sounds good" Cherry Blossom said. They then left and moved to the orchard. Applejack explained that all orchards that were around belonged to her family. She explained with all those apples they made all kinds of candy later sold to stores or warehouses or sold them from themselves. She also said with those they also made their famous apple cider that was so adored by the ponies of Ponyville and was what kept the Apple family business stable. When they passed through the strange and stripped apple trees, Applejack explained that those were zap apples trees, whose special apples were of the rainbow colour that appeared only in a single time of the year and then disappeared from nothing. With them, they made the famous zap apple jam zap which was a success even bigger than the apple cider. Cherry Blossom could not help but notice that Apple Bloom's enthusiasm was increasing. She had a slight impression that her happiness had nothing to do with the visit or the fact that she would stay in the apple farm. "Hey, look, it's Big Mac" she said, pointing across the field with her hoof. It was true. Big Mac was not far from there, bucking trees with bad apples and separating the apples that fell in different baskets: one for the good ones and the other for the bad ones. "Well, since he's there, we'll tell him 'bout our lastest guest" Applejack suggested. "Yeah" said Apple Bloom, enthusiastic. They then approached him, when he approached the last tree with bad apples and prepared to give it a kick. "Howdy, Big Mac" Applejack greeted. "Look who's here." When Big Mac was about to take the kick, he saw who was with her ​​sisters, Cherry Blossom. The mere presence of her made ​​him hesitate in the middle, especially with her smiling at him. He tried to stop the kick, but it was too late and then she hit the rear legs firmly on the tree trunk, making him moan of pain and then fall on the floor with her ​​legs shaking. "Big Mac!" the three fillies called, advancing to him. "Are ya all right, big brother?" Applejack asked. "Eeyup" he answered. But when trying to move the right hind leg, he ended up groaning in pain. It was swollen and even redder than his coat. "Obviously you're not well" Cherry Blossom said. "You must have a broken bone." "How do ya know?" Apple Bloom asked, watching the swollen leg. "Tah me it seems just a bump." But when she touched with the hoof in the Big McIntosh's hurt leg, he gave a groan and then a fierce look to Apple Bloom who made ​​a nervous laugh and retreated. "It's better get ya tha the hospital, Big Mac" Applejack said. "The thing looks ugly." Then Cherry Blossom remembered only one thing she could do at that moment. "Wait, let me try something" she asked to Applejack. Although not quite certain, Applejack waved and then Cherry Blossom asked Big Mac: "May I?" He blushed a little when she asked that question, but then he waved her without taking his eyes from her. Cherry Blossom approached herself to the wounded leg and got her horn closer to it. She focused as much as she could in her desire to heal Big Mac. All it took was thinking about that and she began to feel her magic focusing on her horn which began to glow. She could feel her power flowing inside of herself. The Lord of the Order was right: when the time came, she would realize what to do. Well, the time had come and Cherry Blossom was just following her instincts and was getting it. However, that task was requiring a lot of energy and was leaving her tired. Then the swelling started to shine and they could hear a sound coming from inside. Big Mac gave a slight moan and then the leg twitched a bit and became normal and the swelling faded slightly, no longer looking as red as before. The fatigue came on Cherry Bloom and she broke the spell. When she did that, she was full of dizziness, but she was supported by Applejack. "Wow, take it easy, girl" she said. "Thank you, Applejack" she thanked her, regaining control of herself. Big Mac got up and moved his injured leg. He almost didn't feel any pain. He was surprised and looked at Cherry Blossom, not resisting to smile her. She returned the smile. Despite knowing that it was for she being happy for him to be well, Big Mac could not help feeling an intense happiness invading his heart. Who was quite happy with that was Apple Bloom. What Cherry Blossom had done was amazing. She had never seen anything like it before. Bic Mac's injury had been healed. But that was not the best part. That had provided the ideal climate for both and she hadn't done anything. Apple Bloom now could only think what might happen if she, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle gave a push. At least they could do those two to start dating. Keeping her composure, she exclaimed: "Wow, Cherry Blossom, ya heal'd our brother!" "Ah never seen anything like it" Applejack confessed surprised. "And ya, Big Mac?" "Nnope" agreed Big Mac. "This is my special talent" Cherry Blossom said. "It's tiring but worth it." Big Mac moved his leg again and then slammed it down. When he intensified the beating, he felt pain that made ​​him groan. "I suggest you to go a doctor to see that" Cherry Blossom opined. "I don't know what I did to your wound." "Ah think she's right" Applejack said. "Come on, Big Mac, Ah'll go with ya." "I'll go with you" said Cherry Blossom to Bic Mac "After all, I have to know what I did to your leg." This made him feel uncomfortable, knowing Cherry Blossom also would go with them, but he nodded. "Me too" Apple Bloom said. "No, ya stay and help Granny Smith with the dinner" Applejack replied. "But..." "A hospital is no place fer a filly like ya, believe me" said Applejack. "Also we jest go to see if it's everytin' right with Big Mac. We go in a hoof and return in the other." Apple Bloom then walked away muttering. However, she smiled, because she knew that the plan to join Big Mac with Cherry Blossom was going well by itself. At the hospital, Cherry Blossom, Applejack and Big Mac were waiting in a office, with the latter sitting on a table. The door opened and Dr. Stable, a unicorn doctor, entered, carrying a few exams with his magic. "Well, from what I can see here, Big Mac, you have no broken bones," he said. "Indeed, you seem very well. I believe you only have to rest for a day or two and you'll be as good as new." "It's good tah hear that, Doctor" Applejack said. "I still don't understand how you can be all right after what you described" Dr. Stable said. "Well, doc, it's all thanks tah Cherry Blossom" Applejack replied, putting her hoof on her shoulder. "She heal'd Big Mac with her magic. It was amazing." "Eeyup" Big Mac nodded. Cherry Blossom blushed and said: "It was nothing special. I just did what I had to do." "From what they say, it was everything but nothing special" Dr. Stable said to Cherry Blossom. "I'm impressed with what you have done, Miss Cherry. You healed a broken bone nearly completely. It would be great to have some helping like that here in the hospital. Would you accept my offer to work here as a nurse?" "I... I... I..." Cherry Blossom started. "But I don't know how to be a nurse. I just know how to heal." "And that's enough. Who knows how to heal, knows how to be a nurse. Your help would be invaluable. " "Cherry, it's a great offer" Applejack said. "Ya should accept." "Eeyup" Big Mac said. "Ya healed me and that was so kind of ya. Ya'll be a great nurse." "Well, if all of you say that..." Cherry Blossom said. "Ok, I accept the offer." "Splendid!" Dr. Stable exclaimed. "Can we start at the beginning of next week?" "For me, it's settled" Cherry Blossom replied, extending her hoof. "I'll wait for you, then" Dr. Stable said, shaking her hoof. After leaving the hospital, the night was already falling. It could already see the moon and some stars in the sky and the sun had almost completely disappeared. "Well, isn't it amazin'?" Applejack asked to Cherry Blossom. "Ya're going tah be a nurse, gal." "Yes, I can not believe it yet" Cherry Blossom confessed. "We have a lot of luck, Big Mac, because we have a nurse tah live with us" Applejack said, poking her brother. "We already know who tah ask for help when some of us get hurt." Big Mac was unresponsive when Applejack said that. "Tah live with us?" he repeated. "Ah, yeah, you don't know about it" said Applejack. "When we were goin' tah tell ya, ya've hurt yerself. Ah invit'd Cherry Blossom to stay with us, as she had nowhere tah stay." Big Mac remained stunned by this news. If he was strange and careless to the point of hurting himself just by the mere presence of Cherry Blossom, he has no idea what would happen if he had to see her every day. "Well, only if you don't mind, of course" Cherry Blossom said. "Of course he doesn't mind" Applejack said. "Mah brother's heart is softer than butter. Ya don't mind, do ya, Big Mac?" Big McIntosh returned to reality and just said, shaking his head and with a slight smile: "Nnope." That was the truth. Getting weird or not beside Cherry Blossom, Big McIntosh just wanted to have her as close as possible from him. It was a paradox that he accepted in full force. They returned to the farm and they saw that the lights were off. "What tha hay..." Applejack began, as they approached the farmhouse. "Why are tha lights off?" They arrived at the entrance and Applejack opened the door and turned on the lights. When she did that, there was an explosion of streamers and confetties and ponies screaming: "SURPRISE!" There was plenty of ponies from the town, some she knew by sight. Some of the present were Twilight, Spike, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Apple Bloom and Granny Smith were there too, along with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Hungging from the ceiling was a band saying Welcome Cherry Blossom. Then Pinkie appeared in front of Cherry Blossom and said excitedly: "See, I told you I would organize a big welcome party and I stick to my word. Course I already had everything ready for it, but it was then I realized I didn't knew where you lived, then I didn't know where to do the party. But when I heard you were coming to live with Applejack..." Applejack then put a hoof on Pinkie's mouth and told her: "Oh, take it easy, Pink. Ya don't want tah scare Cherry, do ya?" But then Cherry Blossom didn't resist and started laughing. All that liveliness of Pinkie actually managed to achieve all her humor, she admired as well all the work she had made only to organize a welcome party. "I think you contaminated me with your enthusiasm, Pinkie" she said. "Thank you." Pinkie Pie took Applejack's hoof out of her mouth and said: "You're welcome. My job is make all the ponies I know to laugh up and become friends with them." "By the way, how did you know where I was living?" Cherry Blossom asked. "Was it Twilight or so who told you?" "I didn't say anything" Twilight said. "But Pinkie has a knack for discovering things about the ponies that we don't even know how." She turned to Pinkie and asked her: "Was your Pinkie sense that told you that?" "No, silly, I listened you talking with Applejack about that" she answered. "Oh!" "But enough of boring conversation" Pinkie Pie said. "Let's party!" So the party began. Cherry Blossom had never been in a party as lively as that one. Pinkie Pie really knew how to make a great party. Cherry never had so much fun and laughed loudly. That was her first day in Equestria and she forgot completely for a few moments her worries and anxieties. Applejack went all the way to the punch when she saw her sister and her friends whispering. Curious, she approached them. "What are ya up to?" she asked. The three fillies turned to her with an nervous look and said in unison: "Nothing." "Nothin', eh?" It was enough for Applejack to fix her gaze on the three fillies for they to exchange glances and then start talking to each other. Then they turned to Applejack and Apple Bloom said: "Okay, we'll tell ya, but ya have tah promise not tah tell anypony." "Ah promise" Applejack swore. "Do you Pinkie promisse?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Cross mah heart and hope tah fly, stick a cupcake in mah eye" Applejack recited, making the gestures. "I hope you comply to the promise, Applejack" Scootaloo said. "Pinkie is right there and she will not like you've disrespected a Pinkie promise." "Believe me, Ah would never do such a thing" Applejack said. "It's me ya are talkin' about." Apple Bloom made ​​a gesture for her to approach and Applejack did so and she said to her ear: "Look tah Big Mac" Applejack did it. She saw Big Mac in the edge of the food table. "What?" she asked. "Who is he looking at?" Scootaloo asked. Applejack tried to follow his field of vision and saw his brother starring at Cherry Blossom. "He's lookin' to Cherry Blossom. So...? But she stopped herself as she began to figure out the whole thing. Seeing her brother staring at Cherry Blossom, she began connecting the dots with his strange behavior that coincided when Cherry Blossom was around. Then she realized everything. "He fell in love with Cherry Blossom." "Dah" Scootaloo said. "And let me guess, ya are tryin' tah get them together, right?" Applejack asked. The three fillies nodded. "Well, stop doin' that" Applejack said. "If their destiny is to be together, they will get together. Don't worry, okay?" "Okay" the three said. "Well, tomorrow Ah'll talk to him" Applejack said. "But ya Pinkie promissed..." Apple Bloom started. "Ah'll not tah tell him what ya told me" Applejack said. "Ah'll make him to tell me what he feels about Cherry." Having said this, she walked away. When she moved away, Scootaloo asked to her friends: "We will not give up, won't we? "We didn't Pinky promisse" Apple Bloom replied with a smirk. "So our mission still stands" Sweetie Belle said. And the three nodded to each other. > Confidences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cherry Blossom woke up the next day in her new room with the sound of the rooster crowing. Despite the party last night have tired her so much, she sat up in bed and stretched. She never felt so good in days. Sleeping in that bed after a night of animation was the best thing that could have happened. She got up and went to the dresser where there was a mirror. She picked up a extra brush Applejack had and started brushing her mane, using her magic to make it levitate. After that, she went to her window to admire the wonderful view and take some of the morning air. Then she saw something she didn't expect. Big Mac was out there pushing a haystacks with his head toward to the barn. She was confused. Shouldn't he be resting the leg? Why was he working and overloading his hurt leg? She then left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen. There, Granny Smith, Apple Bloom and Applejack were already taking the breakfast. "Good morning" she greeted. "G'mornin', Cherry" Apple Bloom greeted so excited. "Wow, sugarcube, already up?" Granny Smith asked. "Ah see ya have begun tah interiorize the field air, huh?" Cherry Blossom laughed and replied: "You could say that, Granny Smith." "Sit there, Cherry, and eat somethin'" Applejack invited. "Ya must have a lot of energy today. " Cherry then sat down, asking: "Shouldn't Big Mac be resting? I just saw him pushing haystacks to the barn." "Oh, typical of Big Mac" Applejack said. "He hates standin' still. Even burnin' with fever, he doesn't want tah lie in bed." "But he should do it" Cherry Blossom said. "I don't know my magic's limits. It can undo itself just because he is making so much effort." "Don't worry 'bout that stubborn pony, sugarcube" Granny Smith reassured. "He is tough and can stand up tah the greatest physical pain." "Mah brother is very hardworking and determin'd" Apple Bloom said. "Don't ya think they are good qualities?" She hoped that could raise something in Cherry Blossom, but she only said: "Yes, dear, they are, but we also must have common sense and that is what your brother is not having. I bet he must not have had a good night sleep. Looks like he had woken up before the rooster had crowed." "Mah grandson is always like that, my dear" Granny Smith said." Since he wuz a colt he wakes with the dawn, and sometimes before it." "Well, Ah have tah go" Applejack said, standing up. "There is a lot of work tah do." "You know, maybe I'll give you a hoof" Cherry Blossom said. "It's the least I can do after you received me in your home." Applejack smiled and nodded: "Thanks, but Ah think Ah can handle it." "But I have to do something to compensate you for what you did for me" Cherry Blossom said. "Ya'll have tah rest before tha start of next week" Applejack said. "Ya'll have a lot of work when ya get to work in tha hospital." "But..." But Applejack left before Cherry Blossom could say anything more. "Oh, dear, Applejack's right" Granny Smith said. "Ya're our guest and you deserve tah rest before yer new job." "Yes, but I don't feel good being here and doing nothing " Cherry Blossom confessed. "Ya can always keep me company" Granny Smith replied, leaving the table and going to her rocking chair. "Ya know, Ah always want sumpony tah talk when mah grandchildren are out." Cherry Blossom smiled and then waved, saying: "I think I can do that." "And then ya can come play with me and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle after school" Apple Bloom said. "Of course" she replied. "You don't need to ask." "Great!" Apple Bloom said excitedly. Outside, Applejack was heading to the barn. She entered there and found his brother lying in the mounds of straw with his hooves behind his head and a sprig of wheat hanging out of the side of his mouth. She approached him and saw that he was snoring lightly. Applejack frowned. It was strange his brother was already asleep in that time of the morning. He looked around and saw the amount of haystacks he had brought. They were a lot. Something like that should have taken a long time to do. She made herself be noted with a hack that made his brother snore and wake up. "What? Who? Where?" "But what is this, Big McIntosh Apple?" Applejack scolded. "But what tha hay have Ah done?" Big Mac asked, rubbing his own eyes with his hooves. "Can't Ah sleep on the straw?" "Oh ya can sleep, but not after ya've been a whole night workin' when you should be resting" Applejack said. "How'd ya know Ah work'd all night?" Big Mac asked, standing up. Applejack pointed to the haystacks. "Oh, yeah" the red stallion said. "But why did ya spend the night workin'?" Applejack asked to his brother, while he was heading to the exit. "It's none of yer business" he answered, walking past her. "What?!" she asked, following him with her eyes. "Is it not mah business that mah older brother works for a whole night without sleep after a day of work and top it off with a half cur'd leg?" "Nnope" he said. "Don't nnope me" Applejack replied smiling. "Ya gonna tell me that this strange behavior a' yers has nothing tah do with our beautiful guest, won't ya?" That made Big Mac stop and block. How did Applejack knew about his fall for Cherry Blossom, the fall he has been trying to hide with great difficulty since the moment he laid eyes upon her? "Ah don't know what ya're talkin' 'bout" he replied, trying to keep secret his own feelings. "Oh, Big Mac, ya cannot fool me" Applejack said, advancing and placing herelf ahead of her brother who had a serious look. "It took me a bit tah realize that, but when Ah saw how ya look'd tah Cherry Blossom, it was enough for me tah connect the dots." But Big Mac was not too sure about that. He knew when her sister was lying or hiding things and she was hiding some detail. She was not very good at it. "By chance there weren't three li'le fillies who help'd ya with that? " he asked. "Maybe" Applejack replied. "Are they right?" But then Big Mac turned his head and replied: "Nnope." "Can ya repeat that louder?" Applejack asked. But he didn't it, what Applejack accepted as a confirmation he was in love. "Oh, Big Mac, ya don't have to feel ashamed for being in love" Applejack said, putting a hoof on her brother's shoulder. "Actually, Ah'm very happy ya found a pony who ya like. Are ya happy, Big Mac?" "Eeyup" he nodded, advancing to the pile of straw where he was lying and sitting on it. "Ya cannot imagine the happiness Ah feel when Ah see her. It's like if my heart goes out from my mouth." "So, big bro..." Applejack said, going to sit next to Big Mac. "Why all this?" "It's..." Big McIntosh began, not knowing if he should confess what was pierced on the throat. "Ya know, what if she... does not... feel for me the same thing I feel for her? I mean, look at her. She's beautiful, elegant, polite... I'm just a big and clunky farm pony." "What'ch ya talkin' 'bout, Big McIntosh!" Applejack exclamed. "Don't say such things! I wished there were many stallions like ya. Ya have the best of all hearts, Big Mac. Ya took care of us all since ma an' pa... well, ya know. Ya are keen on everything you do and very hardworking. And if Cherry Blossom doesn't see that in ya, it's because she's very blind." That made Big Mac drop a laugh. Her older sister could always get him out of his sadness with those words. "Ya know, this mornin' she was very worried about ya because ya were working after what happen'd yesterday" Applejack said. That made Big Mac look for her. "Really?" he asked. Applejack waved. The red stallion couldn't help but feel glad to hear such a thing. "Ya know, Ah even didn't go tah sleep last night knowin' that she was sleepin' a few hooves away from me" he confessed. "So Ah spent the night to let it all out in the best way Ah knew how: working." "Well, if that's what happens when Cherry is around, so it was good Ah have accept'd Twilight's request tah let her live here with us" Applejack said, watching the amount of haystacks that his brother had brought to the barn . "And you haven't seen the apples Ah pick'd" said Big Mac with a proud smile. Applejack whisled impressed. Thenm adopting a more serious expression, she said: "Big Mac, look, Ah understand ya want tha do the things in yer own way and Ah accept it. If ya prefer for now tah hide what ya feel for her, Ah'll access tah yer desire. But see if ya don't be stupid and don't tell her what you feel. Ya'll regret it if you don't do it." "Thank you, Applejack" he thanked her. "That's what siblings do for each other" she said, putting a hoof on Big Mac's shoulder. She then got up and started heading to the exit of the barn, but before exitting, she turned and said to Big Mac: "Oh, one more thing. Ya know that our li'le sister and her friends are trying to make you a little arrangement with Cherry Blossom, don't ya?" "Eeyup" said Big Mac. "Do ya think Ah don't know the sister we have, even more knowin' they know what Ah feel 'bout Cherry?" "Ah made them promise not tah interfere, but Ah know they won't fulfill tha promise" Applejack said. "Ah didn't make them do a Pinkie promisse. Actually, Ah hope they don't comply to it." "Hey, have ya forgotten what happen'd the last time those three fillies put the muzzle in my love life?" Big Mac asked. "Ah don't want them tah ruin things with Cherry Blossom." "Ah'm sure you don't" Applejack said. "But now, it's better ya go rest. An' no assurances. After all, you have to sleep in a real bed." Big Mac didn't dare to protest. In the living room, Granny Smith was telling to Cherry Blossom and Apple Bloom a story about a former love of her who broke her heart. That story reminded to Cherry Blossom of her own love, Sky. She even didn't want to imagine how he must be feeling at that moment, knowing what she had done. When Granny Smith finished telling her story, she looked to Cherry Blossom and noticed her meditating look. "Ya look sad, mah dear" Granny Smith noted. "What's up, Cherry?" Apple Bloom asked. "It's just..." she began. "It doesn't matter. I just think it was a shame you missed that pony, Granny Smith. Your story was beautiful." "Yes, it was, but unfortunately all good things must end" Granny Smith answered. "And Ah think ya know what Ah mean, don't ya? "What do you mean?" "Well, Ah see ya have suffer'd a heartbreak, sugar cube" Granny Smith said. "That face of yers is not fooling anypony." Granny Smith had hit on. Of course Cherry Blossom didn't expect less from a mare with so much experience than her who must have suffered a lots of heartbreaks. She must know how to recognize a similar, especially one whose love for the beloved one was immeasurable. "Wait, ya have a coltfriend, Cherry Blossom?" Apple Bloom asked. "But ya said ya hadn't one." "And I don't, Apple Bloom" said Cherry Blossom. "Not now." "So ya broke up?" Apple Bloom asked. "Not really" Cherry Bloom said, trying to find the right words to say. "We... kind of found ourselves compelled to distance ourselves. I fear that we'll never see each other again." "So... do ya still like him?" Apple Bloom asked, somewhat afraid. "The love I feel for him is somethin' I'll never forget" Cherry Blossom replied. Apple Bloom didn't want to believe it. After all, Cherry Blossom was still in love with another pony. If she is in love with him, she cannot see how wonderful Big Mac was and don't start dating him. But then she calmed down her mind, remembering what Cherry had said about moving away from her coltfriend. So there was hope. "But, ya know, maybe ya find some new love, here in Ponyville" she said. "I don't think so, my dear" Cherry Blossom replied. "A love like this will be very difficult to replace." "The li'le filly's right, sweetie" Granny Smith said. "Love is somethin' that arises spontaneously. Ya'll see it is not long in comin'." "Maybe, Granny Smith, maybe" Cherry Blossom replied, sighing after. "I think I'll take a walk. Taking some fresh air." "Can Ah go with ya?" Apple Bloom asked. "Don't ya have tah go tah school?" Cherry Blossom asked. "Yes, but ya could pass by there, don't ya? So we can talk all tha way. Please, Cherry. Please, please, please!" Although she wanted to use that walk to clear the ideas, she couldn't say no to Apple Bloom when she asked in that way. Who could resist to somethin' like that? Besides, she began to think that maybe her company ended to be good, after all. "Well, okay, but only until school" Cherry Blossom said. "Perfect!" Apple Bloom said, going to hug Cherry Blossom." Thank ya, Cherry." "Ya're welcome" she said, hugging her back. "Well, come on." Apple Bloom went to get her saddlebag and returned after only a few seconds apart. "Ah'm ready." The two headed to the exit with Cherry Blossom in the front. "Goodbye, my dears, and be careful with the Timberwolves" Granny Smith warned. "With what?" Cherry Blossom asked. "Don't worry" Apple Bloom said to her ear." Granny Smith always says somethin' like that. Tha truth is that Timberwolves don't leave the Everfree Forest." "You mean that frightening forest, don't you?" Cherry Blossom said. Apple Bloom nodded. "But that doesn't matter now. Let's get goin'?" Cherry Blossom nodded. But when she opened the door, she came across with Big Mac, almost bumping into him. "Oh, good morning, Big Mac" she greeted in an abashed way. "Howdy" he greeted, in a way even more abashed than her and blushing. "I see you're working when you should be resting" Cherry Blossom noted. "Eeyup" he replied, trying not to look as much time as he could to her directly. "Ah guess ol' habits are hard tah let go. But Applejack has convinc'd me tah get some sleep . " "Well, that's already something..." Cherry said. There was a some awkward silence between the two. Cherry didn't know why, but she felt her legs trembling when she saw Big Mac smiled warmly to her. If it was strange have that kind of feeling when she walked on two legs, was even stranger with four. She just had that kind of feeling when Sky was present, a sense of who was in love. The issue was she didn't know if this was related to sense of longing she had for Sky or if it was because of Big Mac. Instinctively she eventually leave this idea aside. "Well, so I and Apple Bloom will go for a walk" she said finally. "Come on, Apple Bloom." "Yeah, sure" she said, all chipper. And they went out and began to move away. Big Mac followed them with his eyes for a moment. However, he wasn't very focused on his little sister, but on the mare who went with her. For each time he met with Cherry Blossom, more his feelings for her grew. He just felt like addressing her and confess everything he felt about her. But his shyness and fear of rejection were always stronger and prevented him from even trying. "She is a beautiful mare, no?" a voice behind him said. "Eeyup" he said dreamily. It was then he realized who had asked the question was Granny Smith and turned to her, who was looking at him with a mischievous smile. Blushing, he tried to add: "Ah mean, in a totally innocent way, of course." "Yes, I can see it by tha pink color that was in yer face, mah grandson" Granny Smith commented with a smile. "But Ah..." he began. "But... That 's..." But he gave up, realizing that the more he spoke, the more he buried himself. It was for that reason that he was often in silent, merely answering to yes or no questions with the "eeyup" and "nnope" of his. "Ah'll go tah mah room..." he said, wanting to get out of there before his insightful grandmother knew more about his feelings. And having said that, he went away and began to run up the stairs. As soon as he left, Granny Smith said, rocking on his rocking chair: "This youth doesn't know tah give in tah love." Big Mac climbed the stairs and then went into his room, closing the door tightly and letting himself lean against it, sitting on the floor gasping. He knew it was impossible to hide his feelings for Cherry Blossom from Granny Smith. If Apple Bloom and Applejack had noticed it, so Granny Smith already knew it from the moment she saw him with the beautiful unicorn; or was Apple Bloom who told her? Who knows? Taking a deep breath, he walked over to his bed and jumped on to it, lying on his back and putting his hooves behind his head, fixing the ceiling smiling. In that room, he could finally lost himself in his thoughts at that moment, having only one face in his mind: Cherry Blossom's. "She's so beautiful" he said into the void. "Not only on the outside but also on the inside. The way she is with Apple Bloom... is truly amazin'. However, she is also mysterious. Barely talks 'bout her life. But also, Ah don't care nuthing 'bout her past. Ah jest want to know what she is now: tha mare of mah dreams. Ah wish Ah had tha courage tah confess her what Ah feel. Applejack's right, Ah cannot keep this tah mahself. But Ah cannot tell her, Ah jest cannot. Ah want'd tah say Ah lov'd tah date her, tah marry her, tah share with her tha good and bad times, tah have foals with her... But Ah jest cannot do it!" He disheveled her mane frustratingly with his hooves and then covered his eyes with them. "But Ah'll be able tah do so" he said suddenly, drawing the hooves from the eyes and rising. "Ah won't lie here and wait she'll fall in love for me. Ah will give mah best tah win her heart." But the frustration again seize him and he began to pace back and forth in his room. "And how the hay Ah'll do that? Ah don't know nuthing 'bout mares. Ah never need'd tah know anythin' like that." It was then he remembered his little sister and her friends. But he quickly began to repudiate the idea. "No, Big McIntosh, no! Ya'll not ask them fer help. Remember in these things those fillies just arrange problems. Remember tha love poison. But on tha other hoof, Ah'm also desperate. No, no, ya aren't desperate. But that wasn't true. His heart was pounding so much nervous that he was not sure what to do. "Oh, Ah'm desperate!" Having said that he turned to lie on his bed again, placing his hooves behind his head and closed his eyes. Maybe a good sleep would give him any ideas. Cherry Blossom and Apple Bloom were walking while chatting happily until they arrived near the school. "Well, Apple Bloom, it's time for you go to school. I'm going to the library. I wanted to ask some books to Twilight. Since I'll be doing nothing in these next few days, I must entertain myself with something." "See ya soon, Cherry" Apple Bloom said, starting to go to school, while Cherry Blossom headed to the town. She arrived to the library and knocked on the door, opening it and calling: "Twilight, hello, are you home?" "Yes, I am" a voice replied her. Twilight went downstairs and greeted: "Hello, Cherry Blossom. How was your first night in Ponyville and in Sweet Apple Acres? "It was very good, actually" she said. "That party left me so exhausted I could rest as never I rested before." "Yes, Pinkie's parties have that effect" said Twilight. "I've never seen anypony with Pinkie's gift to bring joy wherever she goes. So, what brings you here? It was only courtesy or something else?" "Well, the truth is I need something to entertain myself until I started working at the hospital, so I was wondering if you could lend me some books." "But of course. What kind of books do you want?" "Do you have some books about the history and culture of Equestria?" Cherry Blossom asked. "Yes, I have, but I never thought you'd come ask these books" Twilight replied, using his magic to take some books from their shelves. "Well, I'm curious about history" Cherry Blossom said. "I always like to see how things evolve over time." "I am very glad that there is another pony with a taste for academic books as I am" Twilight said, ending stacking some books for Cherry Blossom. "Here you go, I hope you enjoy your reading." "I'm sure I will" she replied, using her magic to put the books in a saddlebag that she had bought on the way. "Thank you, Twilight. I'll bring them back soon." "Don't rush" said Twilight. "Take all the time you need." "Goodbye" Cherry Blossom said, heading to the exit. "Goodbye" Twilight said. Cherry Blossom then left . "I don't know why, but Cherry seems to emanate a strange energy" Twilight said, thinking aloud. "Oh, well, it must be my imagination." At school, Apple Bloom put her friends informed about what she had just learned about Cherry Blossom. "You mean Cherry Blossom has a coltfriend?" Scootaloo said. "But she told us she didn't." "She said they aren't together because they were forc'd tah separate themselves" Apple Bloom said. "But she says she still loves him very much." "That means... we'll no longer try to join her with Big Mac? " Sweetie Belle asked. "What a pity. He is so in love." "No, Sweetie, we'll still goin' forward with tha plan" Apple Bloom said. "But you just said she still loves her ex-coltfriend" Scootaloo said. "She loves, but she can stop love him tah fall in love fer Big Mac" Apple Bloom replied. "Ah haven't told ya, but ya should have seen how it was when she crossed paths with him when we went out. She was all shaking and embarrassed. That could mean something." "Or maybe not" Scootaloo said. "Cherry Blossom may have been embarrassed by having almost bumped into Big Mac." "Scootaloo, which side are ya? " Apple Bloom said . "Come on, don't argue, girls" Sweetie Belle asked. "I think Apple Bloom has a point. There's still hope. This is only over when the fat mare sing." "What fat mare?" the other two fillies asked. "It's just an expression I learned from Rarity" she said. "It means that things only ends when they get to the very end. After all, Cherry Blossom still has no boyfriend." "That's right, Sweetie Belle, we'll not give up" Apple Bloom said. "Ah will never give up." "Well, since you have so much certainty, so do I" Scootaloo said. "LET'S DO THIS!" the three shouted, raising their hooves in the air. But then the school bell rang. "Yes, but only after school" Sweetie Belle said. "Come on, girls, before Miss Cheerilee give us a sermon for getting late." And so the three went to the classroom. > A Vow of Loyalty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cherry Blossom's life in Ponyville started to advance and she was already integrating seamlessly. It had been about a couple of months and the friendships she had already formed when she arrived to the village began to get deeper, especially with Applejack and Twilight, with whom she got along more and better. She began working as a nurse in the hospital and she had to admit it was difficult, but it was quite satisfactory. As she was still gaining experience, she became Dr. Stable's assistant, assisting him in consults and sometimes using her own healing magic to treat small injuries, since her magic could not really treat serious ones. But if she could, that would require too much energy and that was also why Cherry Blossom didn't do that. After all, if a simple broken bone gave her a lot of headaches only by healing it, and not completely, she did not even want to imagine how it would be with something bigger. She quickly learned various customs in Ponyville. One of the things that she quickly learned was using her mouth to catch or handle objects. Of course he could use his magic to do that, but magic required expending energy, energy that she should save for when she needed it really. For that reason, she soon learned to write using the mouth, besides the magic, among other things. Another thing she has become accustomed, and even got to enjoy, was the food. That vegetarian diet puzzled Cherry Blossom initially because there were hay, flowers and herbs that she, as a fairy, didn't eat. Big McIntosh, by his turn, tried with a huge effort to spend as much time as possible with Cherry Blossom. Despite knowing what happened to himself when he came near from her, he didn't care. He sincerely loved the feeling in his belly or hear the irregular and accelerated heartbeat of his heart when he saw the beautiful image of Cherry. She gave him a such energy that he didn't stop working on the farm, and always with a high yield. His family was truly impressed with everything. Big Mac was already a worker and so, but with Cherry Blossom's arrival, either to the village or to the farm, Big Mac had become even more worker than he was before... and more stubborn. Nopony could convince him to stop bucking the apple trees or walk from one side to the other to get haystacks or to get the picked apples to the apple cellar. Not even his older sister or even Granny Smith. Even Cherry Blossom tried to convince him to slow down, but not even so he relented. Of course the young stallion didn't stopped trying to get close to Cherry Blossom, trying to make her fall in love for him. Since he had decided he had to do something about his feelings for her, that Big Mac has made several attempts for that purpose, only to fail due his shyness and fear. He even decided to ask for help to Apple Bloom and her friends. They accepted all happy, saying they had some plans for him to approach Cherry Blossom and make her fall in love for him. Although apprehensive, he eventually accepted it. The fact is they had good plans, if it wasn't Big Mac ruining everything with his hesitation. There was one time when he, having rehearsed what Cutie Mark Crusaders told him to tell her, he found Cherry Blossom walking in the north field and was soon to meet her. "Okay, Big Mac, stay calm" he said to himself, approaching at a trot. "Don't do poppycock. Don't say anythin' stupid. Ya can do it, ya know ya can do it." When Big Mac was a few hooves away, Cherry Blossom turned and saw him approaching, what made the red stallion slow down and blushing slightly, seeing her eyes looking at him. "Hello, Big Mac" she greeted. "How are you?" "Cherry, there's somethin' Ah want tah pay... Ah mean tah say tah ya. "And what is it?" she asked. "Ah..." Big Mac began. He was trying to articulate what he had rehearsed before, but he couldn't. The nervousness was so much that he eventually forgot that. He desperately tried to remember, but he couldn't do it. "Big Mac, huh, are you okay?" Cherry Blossom asked, noticing that something was wrong with him. "Eeyup, Ah... ah, ya know... Ah was... trying tah tell ya..." Big Mac said, starting to retreat, without seeing where he was going. "Ah jest want'd to, uh... know yer opinion 'bout a poem Ah read, but... Ah'll ask later, okay?" "Okay..." she said, finding strange all that. "Well, I see you later, right?" "Eeyup, of course... later" he replied. " Well, so Ah guess Ah'll... walkin'." He then turned to start running . "Big Mac, watch out!" Cherry Blossom warned. But it was too late. When Big Mac turned and took a step forward, he stepped on a rake's teeth that made the cable up and hit him square in the muzzle, causing him to fall on the ground with a bloody nose. Cherry Blossom ran up to him and asked, very concerned: "Big Mac, are you okay?" "Eeyup" he said, standing up with the hoof holding the nose. "Come on, let me heal you" Cherry said, starting to tilt her horn to heal. Seeing her approaching, he felt his heart accelerate even further. It now was beating so much that it became a kind of hammer, beating him inside. He had to get out of there quickly, before he ended having a heart attack. "Ya know what, Cherry, let it be" he said, turning away. "Ah'll be fine." "But you've hit too hard" Cherry said. "Let me at least stak the blood." "Nah, this can be solv'd with a li'l water an' ice an' I'm fine" he replied nervously. "Ya need to keep some energy tah yer healing magic tah those who really need it." "I think so..." she replied, still a little apprehensive. "But, you know, I could help you..." But before she could end, Big Mac went away, galloping back to the farmhouse. "... on it" she finished. Cherry didn't understand what had happened there. "Okay..." she sighed. When he was in the midway, Big Mac slowed his pace and looked back. He couldn't believed he had fled again. And moreover, he had been rude to Cherry Blossom. He had to remember to ask lots of excuses for that when he see her later. He returned to the farmhouse scowling. There, at the edge of the entrance, were Applejack, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. They saw him coming and noticed his heavy look and his muzzle bloodied. "Big Mac, but what happen'd?" Apple Bloom asked, very concerned, reaching to the edge of her older brother and running her hoof by his muzzle. "Wow, bro, ya got here pretty sore" Applejack note. "Tell me something Ah don't know" joked Big Mac, advancing to the door. "But what happened?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Yes, it looks like you took a good itches" Scootaloo said middle to laugh. "Don't tell us Cherry Blossom, besides being beautiful and friendly, also has a good hook." "It was her the one who did this, Big Mac?" Applejack asked. "Nnope" he said, continuing to walk and entering followed by the others. "But then what happen'd?" Apple Bloom asked again. Knowing they wouldn't leave him alone, he stopped, sighed and then said: "I bumped into the cable of a rake when I was with the Cherry Blossom." After he told that, he noticed the three little fillies laughed softly. He made them a stern look that made ​​them stop laugh with derision to laugh nervously. "Sorry, bro, but it's jest... ya know, it's funny." "Girls, ya should be asham'd" Applejack scolded. "Ya should think 'bout Big Mac's feelings." But then she stifled a laugh, which made Big Mac looked also to her gruffly. "Sorry, Big Mac, but that has some fun." Angry, Big Mac simply turned his back to them and went to the fridge, which pulled out a bag of ice and went upstairs without another word. "Wow, what sensitive" Scootaloo said. Later, Cherry Blossom went to the edge of the Everfree Forest with her saddlebags to get some herbs which were missing in the hospital. In the way, he saw Rainbow Dash chasing clouds that were in flight. "Ah, come back here now!" She commanded the clouds. "It must only rain in a week." "Hello, Rainbow" Cherry Blossom greeted in a way the blue pegasus could hear her. She looked down and saw her. "Hi, Cherry, what are you doing here?" "I came to get some herbs for the hospital" she said. "I see you're having some problems." "These damn cumulonimbus clouds are making me crazy" Rainbow said, while a cloud passed her. "Oh no, don't even think about it. Sorry, Cherry, but I have to go take care of them." And flew out quickly. Cherry laughed and walked into the forest. She began looking for herbs, collecting them with her magic and storing them in the saddlebags. Finally, she just had to find some herbs that were a little harder to find, what forced her to delve a little more into the forest. She finally managed to find all the herbs. However, as he prepared to leave the forest, a voice said: "I see that you've adapted very well to your new life." Cherry Blossom turned and saw none other than the Lord of Order. He was smaller than the last time she had seen him face to face and brighter, floating in the air a few inches from the ground. Seemed to be just a projection of him to talk to her. "Hello, my dear, how are you?" he asked cordially, making a slight bow. Cherry Blossom simply turned her back and began to walk away. "Oh, come on, what is this?" he asked, following her. "The silent treatment? You are so rude for not even greet me." "And should I greet the one who made ​​me give up from my whole life?" she asked cynically, continuing to walk. "Wow, how sensitive you are. Do you remember I just gave to you my price and you accepted it willingly? It's not my fault that you have opted for the easier and more correct way." "What are you doing here?" Cherry Blossom asked coldly, turning to him. "A figure so powerful and important like you must have much more to do than come here to provoke a pony of so little importance like me." "You know, my dear, you should be more friendly" Lord of Order replied. "Not only because I'm who I am, but also because your beautiful unicorn muzzle should have such cynical and ironic tongue like that one." But receiving Cherry Blossom's cold look, he rolled his eyes and said: "Okay! The truth is I need your help." Cherry Blossom gave a smirk and said, in a tone somewhat amusing: "The Lord of Order needing my help? This is very good, seriously!" "I'm serious, my dear ex-fairy" the Lord of Order replied in a more serious tone. "There is an annoying mini prince trying to upset my delicate balance in search of his beloved one. He must think he have a chance just because he's cute, blond and can use a sword." Cherry Blossom didn't react, making a smile appear on her face little by little. "Sky?" she asked. "Can you believe it? " the Lord of Order asked. "I mean, of course he saved Domino and did other amazing things, often risking his life... But please, he thinks he can challenge me? Fool!" Cherry Blossom was rapt with what she had just heard. Her beloved one, the man of her life, was trying to find her, challenging the Order himself and the balance of the universe. The Lord of Order noted her state of wonder and said: "Don't hold your breath, my dear. If it depends on me, this sample of knight will not even get close of this reality. Well, he can try, but he will not get it. But as I know he can be a big headache, I need to convince him to stop. As he will not listen to me, I thought he would listen to you." "What do you mean?" "I want you to ask me to tell him to stop trying to find you." "What?!" Cherry Blossom asked, sounding offended. "You just must be... Don't think about it!" "You're not understanding" the Lord of Order said. "No, you're the one who is not understanding" Cherry said. "No way I'm going to ask you to say that to Sky. First, he will not accept it, and second, I don't want to." "But I can't do anything without you" the Lord of Order said. "I can't lie. I can't tell to Sky that you want him to stop trying to find you if you have not actually said it." "Well, so you'll have to settle, no? " Cherry replied with a mischievous smile. There was a silence, and then the Lord of Order said: "I don't want to resort to this. It goes against everything I believe or against who I am but you leave me no choice." "What are you talking about?" "If your dear little boyfriend dares to open a portal between realities by force and put one foot... I mean, a hoof within this reality... anywhere, I will personally get there and then drag him out and arrange a way for him not repeat the feat ever again." For the way he was talking, he seemed to speak really seriously. "Don't you dare" Cherry Blossom said. "I dare" he replied. "My dear, perhaps you have not noticed, that kid will destabilize everything for you. He will create such an imbalance that will affect all magical dimension that you adore so much and for which you have sacrificed so much to save. Now, I ask, are you sure you want to let that happen? Would you like Sky just undo everything just because he wants to see you? Despite her immense desire to see Sky, she didn't want her home to suffer the consequences of Sky's attempt to invade the reality where she was or to try to bring her back. She realized she had no choice. "Tell him I want to see him a lot, but not if it means destroying everything I've sacrificed for. If there were reprisals because of it, then it's better we don't see ourselves anymore." "Bravo, my dear" the Lord of Order cheered. "You see, when you want to, you know how to be reasonable and not let the heart overshadow the reason. Well, I won't bother you anymore... for now. See you later, Cherry Blossom." And he made a farewell bow and burst into light. Still stunned by what she had to say to the Lord of Order to tell Sky, she backed away and then turned and left the Everfree Forest as quickly as she could. What she didn't know was that a certain pegasus pony had heard her conversation with the Lord of Order. Rainbow Dash was in a cloud above and saw Cherry moving away from where she had met the strange figure that Rainbow had never seen. She frowned, wondering about what she had just heard. During the rest of the day, Cherry Blossom couldn't concentrate properly on her work, with the conversation with the Lord of Order echoing in her head. She was so abstracted in her own thought that Dr. Stable had to give her the rest of the day to rest. Fortunately for her, he was suspicious that it was all the result of overwork and stress. When she was coming to the farm, she heard something rip the air and then something crashed into her, throwing her to the ground and trapping her. She looked and saw it was Rainbow Dash, who had not a good looking. "Rainbow?" she asked. "But what is this? Why are you holding me?" "It's time you tell the truth" Rainbow said. "It's good you tell it to me. " "What are you talking about? I'm not understanding?" "I saw you in the Everfree Forest just talking to that weird guy with two legs and red eyes in a golden armor." Cherry Blossom caught her breath. She had heard her conversation with the Lord of Order. But did she heard the whole conversation? "Who is he, Cherry Blossom? What did he want? Who are you?" Those Rainbow's successive questions were leaving her even more nervous than she already was. But she had to continue to keep his secret secret, she had it. "I... I don't know... I don't..." "Stop stammering and start talking or I'll tell to everyone what I heard" Rainbow Dash threatened. "No, wait, Rainbow!" Cherry begged. She had no choice. She had really to tell everything to Rainbow Dash, she had no other choice. She took a deep breath to calm herself and said: "I'll tell you everything. Please release me and I'll tell you everything." "With that you don't fool me" Rainbow Dash replied. "I know perfectly well that, if I release you, you'll run away." "I'll not, really. I Pinkie promise." Cherry had learned since she began living in Ponyville that a Pinkie promisse was sacred, especially for Pinkie Pie. Rainbow's frown eased up a bit and then she dropped Cherry who stood up. She then, as promised, and because she knew that Rainbow would not give up so easily, took a deep breath and began to tell her all her story, from the fact of being a fairy and not be from that reality to the sacrifice she made. When she finished, Rainbow Dash said: "So, let me see if I understand correctly. You mean you're not a pony, but a fairy, which is a magical two-legged and hairless creature which don't have a tail and have some things called hands instead of hooves and have wings like butterflies', and, in order to save your home dimension from a threat, you sacrificed yourself, being banished to this reality, becoming in the process a unicorn, and the Lord of Order, the guy who was with you, used his great power to eliminate that threat?" From the way Rainbow Dash had put the things made Cherry Blossom see how the story she had told was ridiculous and now hoped she would not believe. "Ah yes..." she said uncertainly. "That... is... awesome! " Said Rainbow Dash, giving to Cherry a small hug, much to her surprise. "Well, I knew you were brave, but I never thought you were that much." "Wait, so you believe me?" Cherry asked incredulously. "Of course I believe" Rainbow replied. "You don't seem to be lying. Beyond that... you're my friend and my duty is to believe in you." Cherry Blossom was touched by what Rainbow had said. "Thank you, Rainbow" she said . "You cannot imagine how the fact that you believe is very important to me. But please, you have to promise me you will not tell anypony. I don't feel very comfortable with this." "You're doing the wrong thing" Rainbow Dash adviced. "There are lots of ponies here who are your friends and will accept you, even coming from where you come. But, it's okay, you can trust me. To me, loyalty to a friend is everything and mine is at your disposal." Cherry laughed and waved. She knew she could trust in Rainbow Dash. She didn't need to force her to make a Pinkie promisse. "Answer me only this, Cherry" Rainbow Dash asked. "The Lord of Order there said that Sky was trying to invade our reality to see you. He's your coltfriend or so, isn't he?" Cherry laughed again and said: "We say boyfriend, but, yes, it is. Our relationship was stronger than anyone could have. I love him with all my strength." "But if you still love him, why you said the Lord of Order to say all that to Sky?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You don't understand, Rainbow" Cherry said. "The Lord of Order may have a benign behavior, but he won't hesitate to attack if it means protecting his precious balance. Also, I don't want anyone to get hurt because of it." "But are you sure you can trust him?" Rainbow asked. "He could be lying." "No, he is not lying. He is pure energy, he cannot lie. But, you know, I still have hope. Hope that one day I will return to see Sky and be able to hug him." "And I'll be here to help you in everything I can" Rainbow said. "Thank you, Rainbow" Cherry thanked. The two gave a hug to each other and then Rainbow looked over Cherry's shoulder and make ​a slight smile, saying then: "Look who's here." Cherry turned and saw Big Mac approaching. He had his nose red and slightly swollen. She was delighted to see that he was fine after having suffered an accident like the one he had before. "Hello, Big Mac" Cherry greeted. "Oh, howdy..." he greeted. "Wow, Big Mac, but what happened to you?" Rainbow asked, looking at the swollen muzzle of Applejack's older brother. "Were you in a fight and I didn't know that?" "No, Rainbow, Big Mac had an accident..." replied Cherry Blossom. "A third degree meeting with a rake." Upon hearing that, Rainbow burst into laughter, falling back to the ground with her hooves in the belly. That made Big Mac and Cherry scowl, and the last said to him: "Oh, Big Mac, ignore her. Lots of ponies have accidents like this." "Yes... but it's so funny" Rainbow said between laughs. "It's always funny. It's a classic." "Come on, let me see this muzzle" Cherry said to Big Mac. She lifted her hoof and began to pass it by Big Mac's muzzle. Feeling her touch, Big Mac blushed slightly, trying to ignore the most fast heartbeat he had and the tickles in his the belly. "To me, this seems well" she said, lowering the hoof. "I hope you used a lot of ice." "Eeyup" he answered, nodding. "Great, now it's only with time that it disappears" said Cherry. " Although I could use my magic to accelerate the process." "No, let it be... Ah like that mah wounds heal with time" Big Mac said. There was a silence and then Big Mac said hastily: "Well, Ah think Ah go... tah town, yes. Ah have... well... tah pick one thing... tah... Applejack." Having said that he hurried away. Rainbow, now calmer with her laughter, stood up and said to Cherry, poking her: "So, huh, Big Mac..." "What has Big Mac?" she asked. "Oh, come on, don't tell me you didn't notice he is in love for you." "Don't say that, Rainbow!" Cherry said, somewhat outraged. "He's just shy and restrained. Everypony says that." "My friend, I know Big Mac for some time now and I have never seen him so shy towards a pony like you" Rainbow Dash said."He even shakes when he is around you." Cherry Blossom, after all, had already noticed that, but she was too busy thinking about her own problems to pay attention and ended up simply ignore such evidence. "Cherry, watch out" Rainbow said. "If it's almost impossible for you to come back to see Sky, it's better you start thinking about opening your heart to another love. Look there is at least one candidate for the place." Having said that, she took off and walked away. While she was seeing her departing, Cherry Blossom pondered about that. The truth is that a stallion like Big Mac didn't pass unnoticed to her. He was handsome, strong, hardworking, determined and he had many other qualities she admired. He always treated her very well and showed himself always willing to cooperate with her. But when Rainbow told what Big Mac could feel for her, it seemed that something inside of her was lit like a candle. She remembered the feeling she felt at the morning after his first night at Sweet Apple Acres. At first, she thought it might have been about her for Sky. But now, she was not so sure. She wondered if she would not be unconsciously aware that she would never see Sky and she should start over with someone else... or with somepony else. > The Autumn Equinox Ball, Part One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Five months had already passed since Cherry Blossom's arrival. The spring had passed very quickly and the summer even more quickly. She could not believe fall was approaching already. The weather started to get cold gradually and it could already see the leaves beginning to change color. With fall approaching, a celebration also started to arrive. It was called the Autumn Equinox Ball. It was a celebration which celebrated the moment when Princess Celestia's sun and Princess Luna's moon shared the sky, the day and the night as equals, starting fall. Following the Summer Sun Celebration and the Bright Moon Night, both celebrating, respectively, Celestia's day and Luna's night, this ball was a celebration that many ponies expected, mainly by mares. Many of them took the opportunity to find their love, mainly because they were the ones who invited their pairs. Another great moment in this ball was the moment when the moon rose in the air in an orange color. Cherry Blossom, for what she had heard, could hardly wait. She had attended the Summer Sun Celebration and loved it, especially when Princess Celestia rose in the air, making the sun also rise up. Her only concern was that she had no one to go with. Of course many stallions noticed her and made conversation with her, but Cherry simply did not want to invite any of them. After all, her head was a complete mess. Since Cherry realized that she could be falling in love with Big Mac, her relationship with him had become strange. Whenever the two met now, they hardly spoke to each other and the two blushed a lot, rushing to follow their respective paths. The truth was Cherry was beginning to avoid Big Mac. After all, she didn't want to fall in love. She was afraid of what might happen. She still loved Sky and was afraid that she was betraying him to redo her life with another love. Big Mac also began to feel that something was wrong with Cherry Blossom. He could see how she was always trying to avoid him. Also, he could feel it. It was like his heart was full of sadness. His love for her grew up so much that he was already beginning to feel a empatic connection with her, feeling her worries and anxieties. The three Cutie Mark Crusaders also noted this distance appearing between Big Mac and Cherry Blossom and then realized they had to do something. Fortunately for them, the ball was at the door and with it their big opportunity. "Oh, come on, Big Mac, ya have tah ask her tah go with ya tah tha ball" Apple Bloom asked to her big brother. "Are ya crazy?! Na way! Ah can't do that. "Of course you can, Big Mac" said Sweety Belle. "I'm sure she'll accept if you ask." They were in the west field, where Big Mac was bucking some apple trees. "First, it's her who has tah do that" Big Mac said, bucking a tree and making some apples falling, with just a kick of one of its hind legs. "And second, mah meetings with her didn't end very well. Have ya forgotten mah broken leg, mah stammerin', mah hesitations, mah fear of facing her... "Or the rake cable on your muzzle" Scootaloo said, stifling her laughter, stopping when she saw Big Mac making her a stern look. "Sorry." "Big Mac, maybe ya have some problems in relatin' yerself with Cherry" Apple Bloom said. "Some problems?" Scootaloo asked. "What a beautiful euphemism of yours, Apple Bloom." But she cringed when she received the stare of her two friends, laughing nervously. "Anyway, maybe you can't ask her to go to the Autumn Equinox Ball, but you still can confess how you feel about her." Sweetie Belle said to Big Mac. "Sweetie Belle is right" Apple Bloom nodded. "If ya open yerself tah her, maybe she'll invite ya tah go tah tha ball with her." Big Mac really considered that assumption. He could do it. He should do it. Being with Cherry Blossom, go to the ball with her and watch the autumn moon by her side was one of the best things that could happen to him. He even smiled as he thought about that, rubbing his chin with a hoof. But his smile quickly faded as he realized the only problem with that assumption was the fact he cannot have a normal conversation with Cherry Blossom by over a minute. The fillies realized that and thought of a good way to help Big Mac. It was then Sweetie Belle exclaimed loudly: "I'VE GOT IT!" Everyone looked at her, still dumbfounded by the unexpected scream, which made her look like her older sister. "Sorry" she apologized, then recovering the posture and continuing to say. "What if you were to dance with her as a friend? You don't have to talk, you just have to keep her company. And maybe when the moon is high, the mood can get more... you know, more romantic." The other two fillies nodded, agreeing with her. But Big Mac was not so sure. He was certain Cherry Blossom was already suspicious about his feelings for her and he didn't want to ruin the friendship they had because of an attempt to seduce her. "Nnope" he said, going up to another tree. "What?!" Apple Bloom asked, following him with the others. "Are ya insane?" "We're giving you the best solution for you and you will not even risk it?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Nnope" Big Mac said, bucking the tree and causing more apples fall into the baskets. "I never thought you were such a coward, Big Mac" Scootaloo remarked. Big Mac turned to them and said firmly: "Now, ya listen me. Ah appreciate yer help an' yer support. Seriously, Ah'm very grateful. But this time Ah don't want tah risk anythin' with Cherry Blossom. We have tri'd many things and nuthin work'd." "Yeah, but not because of us" Scootaloo interruped. "Don't interrupt me" Big Mac said "Ah know that tha blame fer these bad results is mine. But Ah also know that if we keep this up, Ah'll end up losin' my friendship with her and that's the last thin' Ah want. That's tha reason why Ah won't even bother tah go tah the ball. If Cherry's in mah fate, we will end up together. But Ah cannot force anythin'... and ya also should not. "But..." the three began at the same time. "But nuthin'" Big Mac said. "And Ah think it's best to treat these apples before you convince me the opposite. And having said that, he quickly carried the baskets with apples to his wagon, hitched up it to him and hurried away, leaving the fillies alone. "Did he just give us the brush-off?" Scootaloo asked. "Eeyup" Apple Bloom answered. "What now? What will we do?" Sweetie Belle thought for a while and then an idea came to her. Seeing she had an idea, Apple Bloom hastened to put a hoof in her mouth and said: "Yes, we know, ya got it. What is your big idea this time? She lowered the hoof and Sweetie Belle said: "If we cannot convince Big Mac, maybe we can convince Cherry Blossom, don't you think?" Scootaloo and Apple Bloom exchanged glances, as if they were pondering what Sweetie Belle had said. They then turned to her. "Sweetie Belle..." Apple Bloom started. "... you are..." Scootaloo continued. "A genius!" both exclaimed at the same time, embracing her friend. "If we convince Cherry Blossom tah invite Big Mac tah go tah ball, even jest as friends..." Apple Bloom began. "He'll be unable to refuse and go to the ball with her" Scootaloo continued. "And with a good drink, a good dance and the autumn moon, maybe they'll give a kiss" Sweetie Belle said enthusiastically. "Wow, Sweetie, take it easy" Scootaloo calmed her down. "Yeah, if they go to the ball together, it will be a great victory" Apple Bloom said. "Yes, I know, I think I exaggerate a bit when it comes to these things of love" Sweetie Belle said. "Living with Rarity turns anypony into a love addicted." "Even so, it's a good plan" Apple Bloom said. "We have tah put it into practice immediately. The ball is tomorra." Meanwhile, Cherry Blossom was enjoying her day off to help Fluttershy with her ​​animals. Dr. Stable gave the day before the ball and the day of the same to their employees because of the festivities, since there was no emergency. Cherry Blossom endeavored herself to get along with animals, but only the less shy approached her while the timid ones like mice, birds and squirrels, didn't gave her any importance. "You know, Fluttershy, I don't know how you can take care so well with all these animals" Cherry said, seeing how Fluttershy spoiled some squirrels with nuts. "Oh, they just need love, affection... and sometimes a lot of attention" she said in her usual soft voice. It was then that Fluttershy's white rabbit pet, Angel, appeared and pulled his owner's tail to get her attention. "What is it, Angel?" she asked, turning to him. He, with a scowling, pulled out a cookbook, opening it and pointing to a recipe that seemed to be a salad prepared as an ice cream and with a cherry on the top. "No, Angel, I cannot prepare you that today" Fluttershy said quietly. "Why don't you eat a good salad with carrots?" And she handed him a bowl with a salad with lettuce and carrots cut into slices. But he just pushed it away. "Come on, Angel, let's not get started with this again" Fluttershy asked, pushing the bowl to him. But Angel pushed it away again. Then something unexpected happened. Cherry didn't know if it was Angel who angered her or if it was intentional, but Fluttershy made ​​him a hugely intimidating stare that made Angel shrink a little and he then took the bowl, proved a bit and then launched himself into it and began eating like there was no tomorrow. "Wow, but what was that?" Cherry asked, impressed. "That stare was a little scary." "Well, sometimes it happens to me" Fluttershy said timidly. "I don't know how I do it. Actually, I don't even like to use it." "But it even scared me" Cherry Blossom confessed. "It should scare anypony, no?" "Well, it scared a adult dragon" she admitted, making Cherry get stunned. "But, as I said, I don't like using it. I barely need the stare, because I'm good with animals." Cherry nodded in agreement and then said: "Well, I have to go. I gotta go return some books that Twilight borrowed to me." Using her magic, she made her saddlebags full of books levitate to her and put them on her flank: "Bye, Fluttershy." "Bye, Cherry. Hey, Cherry, appear in the spa tomorrow early afternoon. I and the others will go there to prepare ourselves to the ball." "You bet I'll go" she said, turning away waving. Cherry walked away from the Fluttershy's cottage and headed to the town, going to the Twilight's library. She got there and knocked on the door. Twilight then opened it. "Oh, Cherry, hi" Twilight greeted somewhat nervous. "What brings you here?" "Well, I came to bring you the books you lent me and I wondered if you could lend me some more" she replied. "Well, I... Oh, well, okay." She opened the door and entered. Inside, she found a big unicorn stallion sitting on the couch. He was a bit smaller than Big Mac and had a imperial blue coat, a eletric ultramarine mane with midnight blue streaks, coatless violet-blue hooves, a long horn and glaucous eyes. His Cutie Mark consisted of a shield with two shades of purple with two crossed swords on top. "I'm sorry, Twilight, I didn't know you had visits" cherry Blossom said. "I can come back later if you prefer." "Oh, no, Cherry, you don't have to do that" Twilight said, while the stallion stood up and moved forward to get beside her. "He's my... well, he's my coltfriend, Blue Sword." "It's a honor to meet you" he said, making a small bow. "You must be Twilight's newest Ponyville friend, Cherry Blossom, right? "Yes, I am" she answered, still not believing Twilight had a coltfriend and she didn't know that after five months living in Ponyville. "You're not from here, are you? I don't remember seeing you around. "Oh, no, I live between Canterlot and the Crystal Empire in part-time" he said. "He's my brother's best friend and most trustable stallion and even the Captain of Canterlot Royal Guard" Twilight said. "Oh, dear, now you're making me embarrassed" he said, blushing and giving a slight smile. "So, I believe it is better for me to go for a walk and leave you to deal with your matters." "Oh, Blue, you don't have to go just because Cherry is here" Twilight said. "No, no, no, I must take advantage of the days off that Shining gave to me and meet Ponyville a little more, and also Spike can rest for now don't to have to listen us socialize." Blue Sword had said the last part in a way that it could be heard from upstairs. "Thank you" the little dragon's voice thanked. "Bye, Twi" he told to Twilight. "Bye" she answered. The two nuzzled each other and then Blue Sword exited. "I didn't know you had a coltfriend, Twilight." "Well, our relationship isn't that long and I don't like to rush things" she replied. "No one would say that" Spike said, starting to get down the stairs. "Ha, ha, very funny" Twilightreplied. "How did you meet him?" Cherry asked. "Well, if you don't want to answer..." "Oh, Cherry, you're my friend" Twilight replied. "I don't mind anything to tell you that. The truth is I know Blue Sword since childhood. He is my brother's childhood friend and they studied together in the royal guard academy. I confess that I've always had a little crush on him since I can remember, but it only became really love when I found him again in the Crystal Empire a few weeks ago." "It was fate, no?" Cherry said. "You can say that" Twilight replied with a laugh. "I still don't understand how you two are still dating" Spike said. "I always thought Shining Armor was not much in favor of your relationship." "Don't say that, Spike" Twilight said. "Shining was just apprehensive in the beginning because I'm his little sister and Blue is his best friend. But now he supports us." "Yes, partly" Spike answered. Twilight made ​​him a intimidating look that made ​​him laugh nervously and say, while retreating: "I think I'm going to my basket..." And he hurried to climb the stairs. Twilight then sighed and then asked: "Well, what books do you want, Cherry Blossom?" Twilight asked, using her magic to make the books within her saddlebags get out and go to their shelves. "The usual and if you put some fiction I'll thank you" Cherry said. After receiving some more of Twilight's books, the two said goodbye and then Cherry left. She was walking, reading a book, making it levitate in front of her, and almost bumped into Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle who suddenly appeared before her. "Sorry, girls, I was so focused in this book I didn't see you there" Cherry said. "Never mind, Cherry" Scootaloo said. "Actually, we want'd tah talk with ya" Apple Bloom said. "About what?" Cherry Blossom asked. "We wanted to know if you already have a pair for the ball tomorrow night" Sweetie Belle said. "Oh, I have not invited anypony yet. And I don't know if I'll invite someone. Why do you want to know that?" "Well, the truth is mah brother doesn't have a pair and, as ya don't have one too, we thought maybe ya could invite him tah go with ya... as friends, of course" Apple Bloom told, smiling with the others two. Cherry was taken by surprise with that. She had already thought of it: invite Big Mac. But she was afraid that it could cause embarrassment between them. She had just opted to go to the ball alone. Not to mention that she could end up falling in love with him, which was the last thing she wanted to do at that moment. "I don't know, girls. I don't feel like taking company. I just want to enjoy the ball in peace and quiet." "But mah brother won't tah tha ball if he is not be invited" Apple Bloom said. "And Ah would like that he could have more fun." "Come on, Cherry Blossom, you're the only mare in Ponyville that should not have a pair" Scootaloo said. "Yes, it costs you nothing" Sweetie Belle said. "Besides it is much better to go to the ball together than alone." Cherry Blossom tried to find a way to tell them she didn't want to, but seeing them pouting with their innocence look, she couldn't tell them "no". It seemed that they knew how to compel her to answer what they wanted. Cherry sighed and then she said: "I'll think about it. Now, girls, I'm going to get these books to my room because they weigh a lot." And turned away as fast as she could. "Wait, that was a yes or a no "?" Scootaloo asked. "Ah think it wuz a maybe" Apple Bloom replied. "And I think she was trying to avoid the subject" Sweetie Belle said. "Looks like we'll have to wait and see." > The Autumn Equinox Ball, Part Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Cherry Blossom was at the spa with Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Spike was there too because he liked to use those girls' trips to get his scales treated. They were arranging the coat, the mane and the hooves to the ball that night. "Oh, girls, I cannot wait for tonight" Rarity said, while she was receiving a massage from one of the employees of the spa, with a mask on the face and two slices of cucumber in the eyes. "I have all combined with Chocolate Sun. This will be a great night." Chocolate Sun was a high society unicorn stallion for whom Rarity ended up having a crush. Of course, with her incredible power of seduction, Rarity managed in a short time make the feeling be mutual. "You know, it's amazing that he has opted for the Ponyville's ball instead Canterlot's" Fluttershy said, who was lying on a massage table with a towel wraping her mane. "Darling, I just had to use the right words and the proper look" she replied. "It wasn't very complicated." "Yes, but you could go with me" Spike said, sitting on the massage table he was taking and rising one of the cucumbers which were on his eyes. "At least you would not have so much work to convince me to go." Everypony knew Spike had a crush on Rarity since when he arrived in Ponyville, despite it was not reciprocated in the way he wanted. "Oh, Spikey-wikey, maybe next year, okay?" Rarity replied. "Really?" Spike asked, excited. "Look at that if you say it, it is promised." "I and the Chocolate Sun will be the most perfect pair of the night" Rarity declared. "Of course after you, Twilight, darling. I bet you and Blue Sword will be more than perfect tonight." "Oh, Rarity, don't say that" Twilight said, while doing a hooficure. "I and Blue Sword only want have a good night together and just that." "Uh, do you know what is a perfect night to me?" Pinkie asked, who was in the hot water bath. "Is it ya cloy yerself with tha chocolate of tha chocolate fountainy an' dance all night?" Applejack asked, who was lying face down on a massage table, waiting for her massage. "You're right!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, shocked. "Are you a psychic?" "Pinkie, that is what you usually do" Twilight answered. "Oh, right" Pinkie said. "Can I make other question reeeealy hard to ask you? I bet you will not get it." "Yes, Pinkie, you can" Twilight answered, rolling her eyes. "With who am I going to the ball?" she asked. No one talked. "So, no one?" Pinkie asked, smilling. "I knew you will not be able to answer." "Pinkie, darling, stop with the suspense and tell us" Rarity said. "Yeah, who is tha poor guy?" Applejack asked. "Drums, please" Pinkie said, tapping his hooves in the water, causing it to sputter. "I'll go... with Coconut." The others nodded and made ovations while Pinkie made ​​bows. "What about you, Applejack?" Twilight asked. "I heard that things between you and Caramel are going well." "Don't have any ideas, girls" Applejack said. "Caramel and Ah are jest friends." "Yeah, sure" the others said with a certain tone of irony. Applejack blushed slightly, then said: "Ah only invit'd him as a friend. Then we'll see." "What about you, Cherry, darling?" Rarity asked Cherry Blossom who was also making a manicure. "Who is the lucky stallion who will be honored to take you to the ball?" "No one" she replied. "I didn't invite anypony." "What?!" the others asked. "Silly, having a pair in the Autumn Equinox Ball is like a law or something" Pinkie said. "I admit I don't often agree with Pinkie" said Rarity, taking the cucumbers from her eyes. "But I have to admit she is right in what she just said. Rainbow Dash also invited Thunderlane and even Fluttershy will go with Star Hunter." "Hey, Big McIntosh also has na pair for tonight" Applejack said. "He doesn't usually go tah tha dance, or tah have a li'l fun. Ya could invite him and so everypony would win." Cherry blushed a bit and confessed: "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo also told me that. But I don't know..." "Well, if even the little fillies say the same, then it's because it's a good idea" Rarity said. "Besides you two would be perfect together." "Yes" Fluttershy agreed. "I also had the same fear of inviting somepony, but then Star Hunter accepted and I was very relieved." "I'm not afraid, it's just..." Cherry Blossom began, almost going to tell them everything. "Ah, forget it." "Do you want my advice, Cherry?" Twilight asked. "I think you should put aside your worries and take a risk. You may come regret yourself for not having done so." "Do you think so?" Cherry Blossom asked. "Of course. And I'm a good example of that. I spent a lifetime putting studies first, but once I ventured to open myself to friendship, my life was improved in every way possible." Cherry thought about it. She knew Twilight was right. She should take a risk and access to her willingness to invite Big Mac, but the fear of truly falling in love for him was so great she refused to do it. Her thoughts were interrupted by Rainbow Dash who entered in the room. "Hello, girls" she greeted. "Look who decid'd tah show up" Applejack said. "Where have you been, Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asked. "You're wasting precious time for you to prepare yourself for the ball." "I'm not going doll myself just because of a simple ball" Rainbow said. "I'm already so awesome. I just need to relax for a bit then I'll go to prepare myself." "Oh, Rainbow Dash, come here" said Pinkie. "The water is super duper hot and goody." "You bet, Pinkie" Rainbow said, jumping to the bath and then leaning back with the hooves behind her head. "Oh, yeah..." "Rainbow Dash, you should make a hooficure" Rarity said. "You must be in your best tonight." "No way!" Rainbow exclaimed. "I told you already that the day I get a hooficure is the day I turn in my daredevil license. So, no files will be close to these wonderful hooves." "Rarity, let miss athletic celebrity be" Applejack said. "Ya know that, if she doesn't want somethin', it's not worth insisting." Cherry could not resist to make a smile and a laugh. That moment reminded her of the moments she spent with the others Winx. The longing she had for them was immense. She could only endure it because she also had fantastic friends in that world who helped her to forget that longing. When they left the spa, they returned to their respective homes to get dressed. Applejack and Cherry Blossom were returning to the farm, when they saw Big Mac loading his wagon with haystacks and heading to the barn. "Here's yer big chance" Applejack said to Cherry. "Go ahead an' invite him." "I don't know..." Cherry said, still uncertain. "I don't want him to think I'm just inviting him because no one invited him." "Ah'm sure mah brother will be very happy tah go with ya" Applejack said, putting her hoof on Cherry's shoulder. "Come on, tha sooner tha better. Ah'll get dressed. See ya sooner." And she gave her a little push that made Cherry walk a bit. She turned to Applejack who nodded to her with a smile, encouraging her. She then turned, took a deep breath and stepped forward. She went to the barn and found Big Mac stacking the haystacks. When he tried to stack the last one on a higher place, he couldn't get there, then Cherry used her magic to levitate it and put it there. Seeing this, Big Mac turned and saw her. "Cherry!" he exclaimed. "Ah didn't hear ya comin'." "Big Mac, I... I wanted to ask you one thing" she said. "An' what is it?" he asked. Cherry Blossom took all her courage and, wanting to get over it, told all in one go: "Doyouwanttogototheballwithme?" She had said it so fast that Big Mac didn't understand. "What?" he asked, tilting his head, frowning. Cherry took a deep breath, calming down, and asked, more slowly: "Do you want to go to the ball with me?" Big Mac was caught off guard with that question and become dumbfounded and completely petrified. "Ah, Big Mac" Cherry called, passing her hoof through his eyes to see if he reacted. "Are you okay?" Big Mac woke up from his hypnotized state, shaked his head and then blushed slightly, asking: "Ya want tah go with me?" "Well, as friends, of course. You work so much I think you deserve a good rest and go have some fun." Big Mac could not resist sketching a slight smile and said: "It is much sympathy of yers to invite me tah go with ya." "So do you accept it?" "Eeyup" he answered. "Well, so it's settled. I'll get me ready. Do you wait for me?" Big Mac, unable to speak, nodded frantically and then Cherry headed for the exit. Big McIntosh saw Cherry Blossom getting out of the barn and, when he saw that she couldn't hear him, he cried with immense happiness: "YEE-HAWW!" He was beside himself with joy. He would go to the Autumn Equinox Ball with Cherry Blossom, the mare he loved, even though they would go as friends. That would be the perfect opportunity for him to declare himself. The timing was perfect. The ball's time approached. The Apple family was already ready to go. Applejack was wearing a dress Rarity had done her. It was elegant and at the same time practical, with a hat and cowboy boots for galas and her mane and tail combed with a large braid. Apple Bloom wore a beautiful dress whose color matched with her bow which was in her mane which were combed gently. Granny Smith had just a simple yellow dress and just had straightened out her mane a little. Big Mac, meanwhile, had taken his work horse collar and replaced it for a black bow tie. He also had combed her mane. His family had never seen him so nicely arranged like he was now. He was so nervous he kept moving from one place to another. "She's takin' a long time. But what is she doin'? Did she quit at tha last minute? Maybe she thinks goin' with me is a bad idea." "Big Mac, calm down" Applejack said. "She should be gettin' out in a few moments. Don't worry." "Yeah, Cherry invit'd ya, so she wants tah go with ya" Apple Bloom said. " She wouldn't leave ya hanging. Ya should know her better." "Ah know, Ah know, but Ah'm really nervous." "Oh, tha anxiety of tha first ball!" Granny Smith said dreamily. "Ah remember like it wuz yesterday tha first time Ah went tah a ball with a stallion. We danc'd tha night away... But when she started doing dance moves, Granny Smith found herself with a back pain and got stuck. "Ah, charley horse, charley horse!" she exclaimed. "Big Mac, mah dear, do you mind..." Noticing the cue, Big Mac approached his grandmother and gave a blow with the hoof in her back, freeing her. "That's much better" she said. "Thank you, dear." "Well, Ah'll get going" Applejack said. "Ah have tah go meet with Caramel. Apple Bloom, you come with me." "But Ah want tah stay tah see..." she began. But Applejack's stare made ​​her change her mind . "Let's go tah tha ball!" she exclaimed, leaping to the exit. "That's much better" Applejack said, following her. "Ah'm comin' after ya, girls" Granny Smith said, also advancing to the exit. Before leaving, Applejack turned to Big Mac and told him: "Big Mac, ya'll be there, right?" "Eeyup" he said. "Ah'll jest wait for Cherry." "See if you arrive there before the sun goes down" Applejack said, leaving and closing the door. Big Mac waited a minute or two until he began to hear hoofs descending the stairs. Enthusiastic, he went to the bottom of the stairs and looked up. He was amazed at what he saw. Cherry Blossom was getting down the stairs dressed in a beautiful blue dress encrusted with sapphires at the edge and around the collar and she was using blue crystal shoes. Her mane and tail were gently combed and caught behind in a horse tail with the mane falling gently on her shoulder and with a light blue headband with a cherry blossom on one side. "Wow!" Big Mac exclaimed, having no words to describe the beauty he was seeing. "You're so beautiful." "Thank you" she thanked, blushing slightly. "And you are very good-looking too with that tie and the mane combed. It's funny, but pains me to see you without your horse collar." "If you want, I can... But she put a hoof on his lips and said: "No, you are nice... just perfect" Big Mac smiled, blushing. There was a pause and then Big Mac asked, extending his hoof: "Shall we?" She waved and received his hoof. The two then headed to the exit. The two arrived to Ponyville and found it decorated with huge decorations, and they were mostly constituted by autumn season's colored leaves. The center of the festival was the center of Ponyville, next to the town hall. The music was already playing and several ponies were dancing. There was nearby a stand with food and drinks (many of them provided by the Apple family and the Cakes) and in the the band was playing on the stage. They first walked, finding Applejack talking with Caramel and Rainbow Dash with Thunderlane. Fluttershy was dancing with Star Hunter and Rarity with Chocolate Sun, while Pinkie Pie was eating all the sweats she was seeig with Coconut watching her, delighted. Big Mac felt himself as the luckiest stallion of all because he had the most wonderful pair of all. Only one thing could make the night even more perfect. He turned to Cherry Blossom and asked, lifting the hoof. "Do ya want tah dance?" Cherry still hesitated, but then she smiled and accepted Big Mac's hoof and they went to the dance. From afar, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were watching them dancing, overjoyed. "Are you seeing this, girls?" Sweetie Belle asked. "They are dancing together." "It must not be long to happen what we want to happen" Scootaloo said. "Exactly" Apple Bloom said. "One more effort, Cutie Mark Crusaders. One more li'le push and our duty as cupids will finally be fulfill'd." After some time, the music was interrupted when the sun was mere minutes to set. When the musicians left the stage, Mayor Mane, Ponyville's mayor, came up and said to everyone: "Welcome everypony and thank you for coming over to the wonderful Autumn Equinox Ball. Well, it's almost time for the sun to set and moon to rise and I just want to say one thing. I am sure that this night will be forever in your memory as I hope that all the others were. Tonight is always a moment of great excitement because of the fantastic autumn moon which is said to have an immense loving influence in most of the couples just like the beginning of spring or the Hearts and Hooves Day. But I hope this particular night stay forever in our memories, because it's the first Autumn Equinox Ball of one of the alicorn princesses as a princess. Fillies and gentlecolts, I present you Princess Twilight Sparkle and her consort, Captain Blue Sword." The mayor stepped back a bit and Twilight and Blue Sword appeared with all ponies hitting with their hooves in the ground, cheering. Twilight was wearing a beautiful indigo dress with bright amethysts decorating the tail of the dress, golden shoes and his mane was combed with beautiful curls. Decorating her head was a beautiful golden crown with a magenta six-pointed star on the front. Blue Sword was wearing a elegant black smoking with a white shirt and a dark blue bow tie. "I and Blue Sword feel very honored to be chairing this celebration" Twilight said. "Exactly, and we want to thank everypony for coming, not only on our behalf but also on the behalf of those who helped to provide this ball" Blue Sword said. "But I think we'd better stop with the speeches, after all it's time for the ball's highlight" Twilight said. "The autumn moon is about to appear. A few seconds away." And so they were all very quiet, watching the sun setting. As the sun set down, the moon began to rise in the sky. The rays of the setting sun seemed be absorbed by the moon, and when it finally vanished and the darkness appeared, the moon had in the sky just for it, rising high and shining with a bright orange light. Everypony released exclamations of admiration. Cherry Blossom had no words for what she had just seen. The moon had absorbed the last rays of the day's sun to reflected them, causing the moon's color change to orange. It was a wonderful moment, something that could only happen at a time when the sun and moon were in a very precise angle. She then looked at Big Mac and could not believe in what her eyes were seeing. The moonlight focussed on him, makin his mane shine with a wonderful glow. His coat was also shining, making it look like a ruby​​. Big Mac also looked at Cherry and was also stunned. Her mane seemed fire due to the combination of its reddish color and the moon's orange glow, which was emanating an essence truly attractive. The chemistry existing between the two was undeniable. It seemed like they were the opposite poles of a magnet that were approaching. So, without being able to resist any longer, they approached their muzzles and then their lips touched on each other. The three little fillies, who have not stopped watching the pair since they arrived, were filled with joy when they saw that. "It can not be..." Scootaloo started. "They are..." Apple Bloom said. "...kissing" Sweetie Belle completed. They looked at each other and then gave a squeal of excitement. "But what's goin' on here, girls?" asked Applejack, who approached them. Apple Bloom pointed a hoof to Big Mac and Cherry Blossom. Applejack looked and stayed with the same air of surprise that the fillies'. "Ah don't believe it..." she said. "But ya can believe it, sis" Apple Bloom said. "Big McIntosh and Cherry Blossom are kissing!" Big Mac and Cherry Blossom continued kissing for one more minute. Cherry Blossom, as she kissed him, felt her own heart beating violently and her stomach taking laps. Big Mac, by his turn, felt himself in the clouds. He was giving his first real kiss to the mare he loved. Now, that night has become more than perfect. Then Cherry separated herself from him suddenly, taking her hoof to her lips. A feeling of guilt grew inside in her when she broke the kiss. She felt herself guilty because she felt that she had betrayed Sky in the worst way, because she not only had kissed another man (or better, another stallion), but she was enjoying it. "What's up?" Big Mac asked. "I'm so sorry, Big Mac, but I..." Cherry Blossom said, starting to hyperventilate. "I can't, Big Mac, I'm sorry." And having said that, she began to move away as soon as possible. She didn't want to see the look of disappointment from Big Mac, knowing she was hurting him with that attitude, but she had no choice. She was not ready yet for that. "Cherry!" Big Mac called, but she ignored him, leaving him without reaction. "But where is she going?" Scootaloo asked. "But what happen'd?" Apple Bloom asked. "I don't know" Sweetie Belle answered. Applejack, seeing that scene and the air of disappointment from his brother, felt sorry for him. "Oh, Big Mac..." she said. That rejection really hurted Big Mac. It was as if the whole world had fallen upon him. Then, a tear started to fall down his face. > A Blessing in Disguise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since the events of the Autumn Equinox Ball, things have changed completely. On the day that followed it, Cherry Blossom packed her things and left Sweet Apple Acres. It cost her do it, especially after everything the Apples did for her, but she couldn't face Big Mac after what happened that night. She eventually went to seek help from Twilight and she accepted immediately receive her into her home, providing the basement for Cherry stay overnight. Since then, Cherry Blossom's life has been home/work and work/home. It was not long until she got her own house and move to there quickly. After that, she just came out only when she needed it because she was afraid to cross paths with Big Mac or with Applejack and Apple Bloom. Her friends made ​​several attempts to bring her out, mainly Twilight and Rainbow Dash, but without success. She was irresolvable. "Come on, Cherry" Rainbow said once, knocking her hoof on the door. "You can't stay inside forever." "Stop it, Rainbow!" she said, leaning against the door. "Go away! Leave me alone!" "I'm sure if you explain everything to Big Mac, he will..." Rainbow began. "Explain what?" Cherry asked rhetorically. "That I'm a fairy princess from another dimension who left herself be banished to another reality just to save her own world and I still have hope to go back?" "Well, you could say you still like your ex-boyfriend" Rainbow said. "And hurt him even more?" Cherry asked. "No way! I can't lie to him, Rainbow." "Lie to him?" asked Rainbow. "You wouldn't be lying to him. Unless... Wait, you mean..." "Yes, I like him" Cherry answered, crying. "No, I don't like him. I love him. When we kissed, I liked it and I didn't want to stop." "Then why are you like that?" Rainbow asked. "If you still liked Sky, I would understand, but..." "My conscience doesn't let me, Rainbow" Cherry said. "It tells me that I'm betraying Sky." Rainbow Dash was for the first time speechless. She didn't expect anything like that. She always knew there was some chemistry between Big Mac and Cherry, but she never thought it would become something more. Guessing what she should be feeling, Rainbow simply walked away from her house. At Sweet Apple Acres, things were not much better. Big Mac, after Cherry Blossom's rejection, became depressed for a few days, but after taking a mighty sermon from Granny Smith, he raised his head like a true Apple and got down to work, using all his frustration in the process. Initially it was very rewarding for the rest of the family, taking into account it was applebuck season and all Big Mac's work have reduced greatly the working hours, but eventually it started to get out of control. Applejack and Apple Bloom were seeing his brother running from one side to the other bucking apple trees, making apples fall to the baskets. "He's bein' jest like ya when ya've had to make all applebuck season alone" Apple Bloom said. "Ya're right, sis, and it's better we put a brake on it" Applejack agreed. They approached Big Mac and Applejack said: "Ah, Big Mac, can we talk tah ya?" "Nnope" he said, bucking a tree. "Ah'm workin'." "It will not take long" said Applejack. "We promise." After dropping all the apples from the tree he was bucking, he turned to them and then nodded his head. "Good, we want tah talk with ya because ya are overloadin' yerself" Applejack said. Big Mac rolled his eyes and said: "Ah'm not overloadin' mahself" he protested. "Yes ya are" Apple Bloom said. "Since Cherry Blossom..." But it seemed she had touched the nerve because it made Big Mac contort his face and then buck with an immense strong kick the tree behind him, breaking its bark and make ​​it fall. "Don't say that name, Apple Bloom!" he exclaimed, making her sister cringe. "Take it easy, bro" Applejack said, approaching him quietly. "Take a deep breath, come on." He did that and then he felt the anger to disappear slightly, just feeling guilty for being so harsh towards his little sister. "Ah'm sorry for yellin' ya, Apple Bloom" he apologized. "Ya don't have tag apologize, big bro" Apple Bloom said with a smile. "Ah jest wished you and Cherry Blossom were together." Big Mac sighed and confessed: "Tha truth is that Ah also want'd that, li'l sis." "Then why don't ya go tah her an' say that tah?" Apple Bloom asked. "It's... complicat'd" he said. "It's only complicat'd 'cause ya want it tah be complicat'd" Apple Bloom replied. "Ya're still a filly" Big Mac told her. "This is a grown up problem." "Ya know, Big McIntosh, Apple Bloom is not as much of a filly as she appears to be" Applejack said. "After all, ya follow'd her and her friends' advice tah get close to her. Look, if ya want tah get rid of all this anger, go tah her and dot tha i's and cross tha t's. If she wants tah date ya, great, but if not it's because she doesn't deserve ya. An' it pains me tah say this, because she's mah friend, but it's tha way I see things." "Maybe... but Ah'm still not prepar'd for that" he said. And having said that, he walked away. Applejack was worried about his brother. Cherry Blossom was his first true love and his first heartbreak. She didn't know if she would see the old Big McIntosh again. In Sugarcube Corner, later, she and her friends were there talking. "Ah don't know how Cherry Blossom could do such a thing tah Big Mac" she said. "The poor fellow is sufferin' terribly from inside." "But look Cherry isn't better" Twilight said, levitating a piece of cake to eat. "I hardly see her. She only leaves her home to go to the hospital or to go shopping for groceries." "Ah don't know why she is actin' like that" Applejack said. "After all, she was tha one who hurt mah brother." "Applejack, you don't know what happened" Rainbow said. "She may have a good reason to have fled. But look Big Mac also didn't got the courage to go after her." "Wait, now it's mah brother's fault?" Applejack asked. "No, I'm not saying that" said Rainbow. "It's not his fault, but also it's not hers too." "Ok, wait, who's fault is it, after all?" Pinkie Pie asked, approaching, with her muzzle coverage in cake, licking it all with her tongue. "First it was Cherry's, then it was Big Mac's and now it's nopony's? I'm confused." "So, Rainbow, for you to be defending Cherry Blossom so hard it's because you know something we don't know" Rarity noted. "Good point, Rars" Applejack nodded, turning to Rainbow. "What do ya know 'bout her we don't know, RD? Spill the beans." "I won't spill the beans, you know?" Rainbow replied, only to realized her mistake. "So, ya know somethin', huh?" Applejack said. "Tell us." Rainbow Dash was so nervous with all the pressure Applejack was putting on her. She knew she could trust on her friends, but she had promised to Cherry not to tell to anypony until she wanted to tell everything. "Applejack, don't you think that's enough?" Fluttershy asked. "If Rainbow Dash doesn't want to say anything it's because she has a good reason for that." "But..." Applejack began. "I think the same" Twilight said. "Probably Cherry asked her not to tell, because she may not feel comfortable with us for that. Right, Rainbow?" Rainbow straightened up a bit and then nodded slowly. "Well, then, I think it's better to stop with the questions" Twilight said. "Cherry Blossom trusted on Rainbow Dash and she will not break that trust. This is the quickest way to lose a friend." "But, Twilight, it's 'bout mah brother we're talkin' about" Applejack protested. "I know that, AJ, but you cannot be so overprotective with Big Mac" Twilight said. "Let him solve his own problems himself. You still can end up making things worse, either with Big Mac or with your own friends." Applejack thought about Twilight's words and then realized she was right. She sighed and then turned to Rainbow and told her: "Ah'm so sorry far makin' pressure on ya, RJ. Ah know ya're jest being a good friend." "Forget that, AJ" Rainbow replied. "I know you were just helping your brother." Applejack was relieved to hear that. Then Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared next to Rainbow and began looking intently at her. "Pink, what's up?" Rainbow asked. "I'm trying to figure out where you got the beans" she replied. "You said you had some and you know that I love beans." That made her friends laugh. "What's the joke?" she asked, enthusiastic. "I also want to laugh." In the orchard, Big Mac was continuing the apple harvest, while Apple Bloom was playing, running and jumping, as she helped his brother carry the wagon with the baskets. Then she had the idea to climb to a dead tree that was there. "Hey, Big Mac, look" she called, making his brother turned to her. "Ah can see the village, here." "Apple Bloom, get out there, please" Big Mac told her. "Ya can hurt yerself." "Okay, Big Mac" she said, disappointed, starting to go down the tree. But when she came down, she heard a pop and started looking around to see where she came from. She saw then that the dead tree's trunk was starting to break and the tree was about to fall upon her. Seeing this, she became paralyzed and couldn't do anything but give a huge scream. Big Mac turned around as soon as he heard the scream and saw the dead tree about to fall on his sister. "APPLE BLOOM!" He cried, starting running as fast as he could. He run and run, hoping to get Apple Bloom before the tree. When he got close, he launched himself as far as he could and managed to push Apple Bloom out of there, but he had no time to get out. The tree then fell on him. When Apple Bloom stood up, she looked up and saw her brother lying under the tree. "Big Mac!" she called, running to him and started trying to wake him. "Please, Big Mac, wake up. Wake up, please!" Despair began to take over Apple Bloom as tears started down by her eyes. She had to go get help. She had to go warn Applejack. Then she ran as fast she could. She knew Applejack was in Sugarcube Corner with her friends, so it was to there she went. She entered in the store breathless and the six friends looked at her with a puzzled look. "Apple Bloom, what's up?" Applejack asked. "You've been crying, my dear?" Rarity asked. "Your eyes are so swollen." "Applejack, ya mest come quickly" she said hurriedly between sobs. "What happen'd?" she asked. "Big Mac... he... he... There was a tree and... he pushed me..." "Apple Bloom, calm down" Twilight said. "Breathe." But she didn't want to breathe, she just wanted to say what had happened. However, she made a deep breath and managed to articulate better the words: "A tree fell on Big Mac." "What?!" Applejack asked, while getting up and coming to her sister. "Oh, Applejack, it's all mah fault" Apple Bloom said. "Ya explain later, sis" Applejack said. "Now we have to go help Big Mac." "We'll go with you" Twilight said, as the others nodded. "Thank ya, girls" Applejack thanked. They went to the place where Big Mac was, led by Apple Bloom. They already found him half-conscious. Twilight, using her magic, made ​​the dead tree disappear and then put Big Mac in the wagon while Rarity and Pinkie Pie took the baskets with apples. Fluttershy and Applejack accommodated him and Rainbow Dash hitched up the wagon to her and began to pull it to the hospital, followed by the other ponies. At the hospital, they were soon attended by Dr. Stable who took Big Mac to the observation room while the others waited in the waiting room. Apple Bloom was inconsolable. "It's all mah fault" she said, while her sister placed her foreleg around her shoulders. "He told me tah don't do that, that Ah could hurt mahself, but it was he who end'd up gettin' hurt, and all 'cause I didn't listen." "Oh, Apple Bloom, it's not yer fault" Applejack reassured. "Yeah, it was just an aciddent" Fluttershy said. "Besides, Big Mac made a big heroic act to save you" said Rarity. "Now that is to be commended." "Yeah, I bet Big Mac run even faster than a lightning just to catch you" Rainbow said. "It just shows how much he loves you" Twilight said. "He chose to take the tree than see you hurt." Even hearing those words of comfort, Apple Bloom failed to assuage the guilt she was feeling. Pinkie Pie then said to her: "Oh, come on, Apple Bloom, where's that smile? Your little friend Pinkie wants a super duper smile. If you do that, I bet Big Mac, when he wake up and see you, will be super duper hyper happy." That made Apple Bloom let out a slight smile. Pinkie always knew how to cheer up anypony. It was then the hospital doors opened and Cherry Blossom appeared, dressed in her nurse's uniform. She then noticed them. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "Cherry!" Apple Bloom called, going to Cherry to embrace her. "Mah brother is hurt." "What?!" Cherry asked, as if she had just slammed into something. "Are... are you serious?" "Yes, she is" Applejack said, approaching. "Big Mac saved Apple Bloom from an old tree that fell, but he turned out to take with it." Cherry became unresponsive. Upon hearing this news, she felt her heart speed up for anxiety and fear, and these feelings began to invade her whole body. That was the same feeling she felt when she felt by many times she would lose Sky forever. "How is he?" Cherry asked. "Ah, now you care about him, hein?" Applejack said. "Applejack..." Rainbow began. "No, Rainbow, let it be" Cherry said. "I know how you must feel, Applejack. After all, after fleeing from your brother that way and then begining to avoid him, I deserve it. But Applejack, I really like Big Mac. He was always very nice to me. He always treated me very well. So I ask again, how is he? After a few seconds, Applejack told her and Cherry trotted to the observation room. There, she saw Dr. Stable and another nurse observing his injuries. Big Mac was already awake, lying face down on the table, which greatly eased Cherry's anxiety. Upon entering, the looks of the two crossed. Cherry felt herself ashamed seeing Big Mac looking to her in that way. "Oh, Cherry, my dear, I'm glad you came" Dr. Stable said. "You must know what happened here with Big Mac." "Yes, I got to know from Applejack..." she said, averting her eyes slowly from Big Mac. "Well, I would say that our friend here had immense luck" Dr. Stable said. "Given the size of the tree and how it fell, I would say it could have caused worse damage. But because Big Mac here is strong and tough, he just got a few broken ribs, two broken ankles, a broken escapula and the left radius and the right tibia are also broken. I would say that in some weeks, he'll be ready to another... in a matter of speaking." "Some weeks?" Big Mac repeated. "But Ah have..." But when he tried to movem he felt a lot of pain coming from his broken ribs. "Big Mac, I think it's better if you don't to do many efforts" said Cherry, approaching and putting up at his level. "It can make things get worse." At the beginning, Big Mac wanted to pout and deflect his eyes, after what she had done to him, but then he saw the worry in her eyes and realized she was really worried about him. Then he got quiet. "But we believe we can reduce that recovery interval, if you use your healing magic" the nurse said. "Can you do it, Cherry?" asked Dr. Stable. "This type of broken bones may require more from you. The damages are still higher than those you are used to." But Cherry Blossom was not intimidated. If she could heal Big Mac, so she had to try that hypothesis. She moved closer to him and leaned her horn. She began to focus all the energy that she had to carry the largest heal spell she had already done. Her horn began to glow and she began to cast the spell on Big Mac's broken bones, but she found a lot of resistance on their part. She felt she was beginning to unite the bones again, but it was then that the effort was too much and the magic was broken. She then decided to concentrate her magic on individual sites. She started by the broken ankles and then managed to mend them. However, she had no energy for the rest. Using his X-ray magic, Dr. Stable examined the work of Cherry Blossom and said: "Apparently, your magic, Cherry, is still not strong enough. At least, you fixed the ankles, but we'll have to wait some more time to try the rest again. Well, Big Mac, let's bind your back, your foreleg and hind leg and then you go home where I want you in absolute relaxation. "But, doc..." he started. But he gave up, seeing Dr. Stable give him a reproachful look. "Eeyup" he said instead. Then an idea came to Cherry. She knew it could be wrong, but she could not let Big Mac in that way. "Dr. Stable, may I ask you to accompany Big Mac during the treatment?" she asked. "So I could try to heal his bones as good as possible. I mean, if Big Mac agree, of course. Do you mind, Big Mac?" Big Mac blushed a lot, because he didn't expected that. His brain told him to not accept, but his heart, the one that had a bigger voice, said otherwise. He turned out to hear the last one. "Nnope" he said. "Of course, if you need me, Dr. Stable..." "Oh, Cherry Blossom, don't hesitate to do so" he said. "This hospital has functioned without you. Of course you can." "Thank you , Dr Stable" she thanked. "Thank you very much." Already relieved to know Big Mac was going to be okay, she knew she should extend her relief to other ponies who were eager to know how he was. "Well, I think I'll go tell your sisters that you are right" Cherry said to Big Mac. "They are very nervous, especially Apple Bloom." "Thank ya very much, Cherry" Big Mac thanked. She smiled to him and then left the room. She went to the waiting room, where the others stood up when they saw her. "So, Cherry, how is Big Mac?" Applejack asked. "Is he well?" Apple Bloom asked anxiously. Cherry then smiled and said: "He's now up, protesting for needing to get to rest for a good time." That caused a great happiness to everypony, especially Apple Bloom. "Can we go see him?" Apple Bloom asked. "Of course" Cherry said. "But it's better be just the family." "I agree" Twilight said. "We'll wait here." Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie waved. Cherry then took Apple Bloom and Applejack to the room. When they entered, they saw Big Mac who was lying on his back with the torso, the foreleg and the hind leg binded and the last two casts. He was pleased to see his sisters. "Look who he is" Applejack said, approaching Big Mac. "How are ya, big guy? Are ya okay?" "Eeyup" he said. Apple Bloom approached slowly and nervously. "Howdy, Big Mac" she greeted. "Howdy, sis" Big Mac said. "So, don't ya come tah give a hug tah yer big brother." But she could not. "Ah'm so sorry, Big Mac" Apple Bloom said. "It's mah fault ya are hurt. Can ya forgive me?" Big Mac smiled and answered: "What is there to forgive? Sis, it's not yer fault. Ah'm just glad ya're okay. "Really?" she asked. Big Mac nodded. Apple Bloom squealed with joy and hugged her big brother. "Ya're the best big brother ever, Big Mac. Ah love ya." Big Mac smiled for a moment, but then he complained about the pain and Apple Bloom turned away, apologizing. Cherry Blossom smiled. She could not but admire that sibling relationship. She could see how the relationship between the two were quite strong. Then she cleared her voice and said to Applejack and Apple Bloom: "Big Mac will need care, at least until I can repair his bones with magic. So, and knowing you, Applejack, will have a lot of work without Big Mac, and Apple Bloom is too young and Granny Smith needs to rest, I volunteered myself to do that." "Ya?" Applejack asked. "I'm a nurse, right?" Cherry asked. "It's my duty. Dr. Stable also agreed. It's a good way to ensure Big Mac back to work quickly and.... he doesn't give in crazy about standing still." That made Big Mac drop a laugh that made ​​Cherry blush a little. "This is awesome!" Apple Bloom said. "Ya're goin' back to the farm, Cherry." "Yes, but only until your brother's recover" Cherry Blossom replied. "It's okay, at least ya will be with us again" Apple Bloom said. The little filly smiled. It seemed fate had returned to her favor. With Cherry Blossom again near Big Mac, she could already see them dating. It seemed that accident had put things back on track. > Picnic Under the Stars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the end of the day, Big Mac got out of the hospital, having been taken with great care by his sister in the wagon with Cherry and Apple Bloom coming behind. When they got to the farm, Granny Smith told them that she had arranged Big Mac's room. So Cherry Blossom, using her magic, she made Big Mac levitate up the stairs, with Applejack helping if Cherry could not bear to keep the magic. Fortunately, she was able to get it successfully and then put him in the bed, settling him so he wouldn't feel pain when moving. But when Cherry and Applejack were about to leave the room to let him rest, Big Mac called: "Cherry, can Ah have a talk with ya? She looked to Applejack who nodded to her. "Yes, of course" she replied. Applejack then smiled and left. Cherry then approached to Big Mac who asked: "Can Ah ask ya somethin'? But Ah want ya answer me truthfully." "Sure, Big Mac." "Why did ya left after we... Well, ya know." Cherry Blossom already suspected he would asked that. But the truth is she had prepared an answer for that question, but when she had it, she couldn't be happy with it. "It's... complicated, Big Mac." "Ya didn't lik'd it, right?" Big Mac asked. "No, Big Mac, is not that" Cherry Blossom said. "In fact, I liked it." "Really?" Big Mac asked, smiling. "Yes, I did, but... I don't know." "Cherry, Ah like ya" Big Mac said, putting his good foreleg's hoof over hers. "Ah love you since the day Ah met ya. That kiss was like a love declaration." "Big Mac, I like you too" she said, passing her other hoof over his face, making he smile even more. "But I still don't feel ready for a relationship." "But why?" Big McIntosh asked. "I still love my old coltfriend, you know?" Cherry said. "Our love was too big, and despite the affection I feel for you, Big Mac, I don't think I can move on to something more with you. At least, for now." Big McIntosh was disappointed to hear that, but then he said: "Ah understand. But we can still be friends, right?" "But of course" Cherry replied. "Do you think I'd be here if we weren't?" That made the two laugh. "No hard feelings?" Cherry asked, extending her hoof. "Eeyup" Big Mac answered, tapping his hoof on hers. Outside, Applejack, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith could hear Big Mac and Cherry Blossom laughing. "It seems these two are back tah being friends again" Granny Smith noted. "Ya can said it, Granny Smith" said Applejack. "Yeah, but maybe they can become more than tha," Apple Bloom said, making a mischievous smile. Time was passing. During that time, Cherry Blossom had returned to her old room in the farmhouse to be as much available to Big Mac as possible. She took him meals to bed, she changed his torso and escapula bandages, doing the necessary treatments and used her magic a little to heal gradually his broken bones. The relationship between the two had improved considerably. Although there was still a loving tension between the two, but they always managed to keep their friendship above all. Apple Bloom, meanwhile, had not given up trying to join her brother and Cherry Blossom. Of course she had the full support of her best friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. They, after all, decided to wait for Big Mac's recover to put their plans into action. After a month since Big Mac's accident, it seemed Cherry was ready to cure him completely. "Are you ready?" she asked, as she removed his bandages with her ​​magic. " Eeyup" he said. "Ah'm wishful to be rid of it. Do ya think you can do it?" "I think so" she replied. "I have tried in every two-day interval, and two days ago I almost got it, so I'm pretty sure I can do it." "Ah trust ya" Big Mac said, placing a hoof on hers. That gesture made ​​her blush and she hurried to collect her hoof, making Big Mac being embarrassed. Cherry regained her composure and then prepared herself. She focused her magic on her horn which started glowing. Then Big Mac's torso also began to shine. She began to feel that she was getting it. Big Mac started moaning while his broken ribs were been repaired and joined together. He stopped moaning and then Cherry stopped. Gasping, she asked: "So how are you feeling?" she asked. Big Mac moved his torso to see if there was some pain, but he felt good. "Very well" he said. "Ah have no pain." "Are you sure?" Cherry asked. "Eeyup" he said. "And the rest?" Cherry then used her magic to take the spatula bandage. Then she tried to heal it and apparently got to cure it as Big Mac no longer complained about the pain and then took the plaster on Big Mac's leg and healed it. As soon she did ​it, Big Mac get up from his bed almost immediately. "Big Mac, remember that my magic is unstable" Cherry Blossom warned. "If you don't give the proper rest to your body, the magic vanishes and your bones will break again. "Ah've been lying fer too long" he said, tapping his leg, before hurt, on the ground to verify its robustness. There's nothing I can do or say to make you change your mind?" she asked. "Nnope" he said, pausing to slam the leg. "Wow, Cherry, this is still better than when it wuz good. Thank you very much." In an act of euphoria, Big Mac hugged Cherry Blossom. She was taken aback, but then she ended up responding to the hug, hugging Big Mac too. The two, after realizing what they were doing, separated immediately, giggling nervously and blushing. "Well, Big Mac, don't forget to go to Dr. Stable tomorrow so he could see if everything is fine" Cherry said. "Eeyup" he replied nervously. There was a pause and then Cherry said: "Now, I just have to watch you today and tomorrow and, if all goes well, I will return to my house." "Ya know, it's a shame ya have tah go" Big Mac confessed. "We were already accustomed to have you here. Ya're family now. I mean, respectfully, of course." That did Cherry drop a laugh and then she suggested: "What do you say about we go get breakfast in the kitchen and show to your sisters and Granny Smith that you are already fully recovered?" "Sounds good tah me" he replied. They then left the room and started down the stairs. Cherry went ahead and when she descend into the kitchen, where Applejack, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith sat taking breakfast, she said, causing them to look at her. "I ask your attention, please. I have something to communicate." "Ya and Big Mac started..." Apple Bloom began, and only to be stopped by Applejack who covered her mouth with her hoof. "What was it you were going to say, dear?" Cherry asked, confused. Apple Bloom took Applejack's hoof and looked to her who shook her head. The young filly sighed and replied: "Nothing." "Well, as I was saying, I've got news for all of you" Cherry said. "Good news. It is with great pleasure that I say we'll take company to breakfast with us at the table." And then Big Mac appeared smiling. "Big Mac, ya're healed! " Apple Bloom said, getting up and going to hug his brother. "Well, but what a surprise!" Applejack exclaimed. When Apple Bloom approached Big Mac, she hesitated because she was afraid of hurting him again. "So where's mah hug?" Big Mac asked. "Are ya sure Ah not gonna hurt ya?" she asked. "Noope" Big Mac said, shaking his head. "Apple Bloom, don't worry" Cherry said. "I'm sure my magic can handle a big hug of yours." "Are ya sure?" Apple Bloom asked, still uncertain. "Apple Bloom, if this lovely filly says yes, so it's 'cause ya can do it" Granny Smith said, approaching. "Cherry is a nurse... and our friend" Applejack said, approaching too. "Don't ya trust her?" Apple Bloom looked to Cherry and told her: "Of course Ah trust ya, Cherry." Then she turned to Big Mac who smiled and held out his forelegs. Apple Bloom grinned from ear to ear and hugged his brother who returned the hug, while the others watched, happy. When the two brothers ended the hug, Cherry said: "Well, if Big Mac is as good as I think he is, then tomorrow morning I go back to my house." "Ya what?!" Apple Bloom asked. "Well, Apple Bloom, I just stayed here to treat your brother" Cherry said. "But he is good now." "But ya can't go, you can't " Apple Bloom said. "What Apple Bloom means, is that you live with us fer so long for we consider you family" said Applejack. "Really?" Cherry asked. "But 'course, mah dear" Granny Smith said, approaching her and stroking her mane. "Ya're like a granddaughter tah me. Ya made ​​me a lot of company when ya could and Ah lov'd tah tell ya my stories of mah life as a young mare." Cherry Blossom was very moved to see the bond that she has done with the Apple family. It made tears come to her eyes. "What did Ah tell ya?" Big Mac asked. "Ya're one of us." "Well... I don't know what to say" she said, wiping her tears with the hoof. "It will cost me a lot to have to go back to my home, but..." "Are ya still goin'? " Apple Bloom asked. "Well, yes, Apple Bloom" she said. "But, look, Ah'll still live in Ponyville. We will see each other every day, while I still be here." "Do ya promise?" Apple Bloom asked. "No, I Pinkie promissed" Cherry swore, making the gestures. That made Apple Bloom smile and hug her. She returned the hug. Later, in school, Apple Bloom told to her friends the news. "What?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Cherry Blossom will back to her house tomorrow?" "You bet" Apple Bloom replied. "But what about our plans," said Scootaloo. "We don't have everything ready." "So we have to rush things" Apple Bloom said. "Today we launch the final thrust. Big Mac and Cherry Blossom will start dating tonight." Nightfall. The three little fillies prepared a picnic in a clearing of one orchards field. They knew that the night would be clear and full of stars and with the moon round and shiny, because they had asked before to Twilight about that. They extended the towel and put all the food there, placing them in order to give a more romantic climate as possible. Now, it was just missing the most important and difficult thing of all: the arrival of the romantic couple. They secretly handed tickets to the two, making them think that the one had asked the other to meet up. They then just arranged the things for the picnic. "Okay, we're finished" Scootaloo said. They admired their work. "Wow, it's fabulous" Sweetie Belle admired. "And quite romantic." "If you say so..." Scootaloo said. "Sweetie Belle is right" said Apple Bloom. "It's perfect fer what we want." They then began to hear hoofsteps approaching. "Someone's coming" Apple Bloom said. " Hide." They then jumped into a bush and watched. They saw Big Mac coming, bringing the ticket the fillies had delivered secretly in the mouth. When he arrived, Big McIntosh put the ticket on the floor and looked confused to the picnic. "One down, one to go" Scootaloo whispered. "Schhh" the other two said to her. "Sorry" Scootaloo apologized. It was not long for Cherry Blossom to appear, bringing her ticket levitating by her side. Seeing Big Mac, she said, as she approached: "I got your message, Big Mac, and I wanted to know... But she noticed the picnic. "You're the one who prepared this?" she asked, with the same look of confusion as Big Mac. "Nnope" he said. "But do you know who did it?" Cherry asked. "Nnope" he said again. Cherry Blossom then noticed Big Mac's ticket on the floor. "Don't tell me. You too received a ticket saying for you to meet me here, right?" "Eeyup." They then heard movement coming from the bushes and then little voices whispering to each other. "Do you think..." Cherry Blossom began. "Eeyup" Big Mac said, nodding. "We fell in that small cupids' trap." Cherry gave a slight chuckle and said, blushing slightly: "They really want to see us together." "Eeyup" Big Mac replied, blushing too. The two exchanged a look, but quickly looked away, with Cherry leading a hoof to her face and Big Mac scratching his head's back. "Look at that" Sweetie Belle whispered. "It seems that our plan is working." "Yes, I just hope it stays that way" Scootaloo said. "Girls, shut up, or I won't be able to hear what they are saying" Apple Bloom said. "So what do we do now?" Cherry asked. "Do you know?" Big Mac shook his head, instead of saying his distinctive "Nnope". There was then rumbling stomachs. "Well, the truth is I still haven't dined with all the work I had to check up your bones" Cherry Blossom confessed. "What about you?" "Nnope" he said. "So I think we could serve ourselves, don't you think?" Cherry asked. "We could have a friendly picnic." "Eeyup" Big Mac nodded. They then began dinner the picnic. The fillies watched, excited, hoping that there wouldn't be late until they kiss or do anything to indicate the beginning of a courtship. But as time passed, they were becoming increasingly frustrated. The two, instead of trying to start dating, were chatting and swapping stories. Apple Bloom, personally, had never seen his brother talking a lot to someone without being their family, but she just wanted to see action, not foreplay. As time went on, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo eventually left because it was getting too late, leaving her alone to watch the picnic. She tried not to fall asleep, but it was getting harder and harder to resist sleep in every passing minute. Cherry Blossom was listening Big Mac with great attention and pleasure. Being there in a moment of fun with him made ​​her feel very well, clearing her mind of all problems. He made ​​her laugh and everything else. "No, really?" she asked, after hearing a Big Mac's story, where he told how his sister and her friends had tried to join him with Cheerilee, ending put the two under the effect of a love poison. "You and Cheerilee ended up in the bottom of a pit with her with a veil on her head?" "It's fer ya see tha troubles that mah sister and her friends create" Big Mac replied. "You know, personally, I think it's very cute from them" Cherry said. "At least, this last attempt of them didn't end in the bottom of a pit." That made Big Mac laugh, which made Cherry laugh too. They stopped laughing and then they looked in their eyes, smiling. Each of the two began to lose in the other's eyes, looking as if there was nothing else. Cherry was the first to break free of the gaze, before turning to the sky. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" she asked. "The stars are beautiful and the moon is wonderful." Seeing how Cherry was amazed with the stars and the moon, Big Mac had an idea. "Would you like to stargaze with me?" he asked. Cherry gave a smile and nodded. The two then lay down on his back and began to observe the night sky. That got the attention of Apple Bloom that was practically asleep and suddenly became very attentive. The young unicorn loved watching the starry sky, as they were the same as the ones in her old world: the same individual stars, the same constellations... She could feel herself at home. She looked to Big McIntosh who was beside her and he looked to her. The two exchanged a smile. Seeing him smile caused in Cherry Blossom an overwhelming sense of happiness. Her heart raced with his presence and her stomach gave huge rounds. It was then she realized a thing. She was completely in love with Big Mac and that passion was so intense that eventually supplanted the love she felt for Sky. She knew she could not continue keeping these feelings repressed. "Big Mac, I have to tell you something" she said, sitting. "What is it? " Big Mac asked, sitting too. Then, without warning, Cherry gave a kiss on Big Mac's lips who froze when she finished it. A huge smile appeared on Apple Bloom's face and her eyes widened, expectant. Big Mac took his hoof to his lips, still atonic with what just happened. "What the hay..." he began. "I love you, Big Mac, seriously" she confessed. "Now, I'm pretty sure about that. You're the stallion of my dreams and I hope to go further in time to come into your heart." Big Mac had no reaction to those words. It was everything he didn't expect to hear at that moment. But even so, he couldn't help but smile and then say: "You don't know the time I waited to hear that." The two exchanged a warm smile, and then Big Mac took Cherry Blossom's hoof and said: "Cherry, Ah know it's old fashion'd tah ask a question like this, but I have to do. Do ya want tah date me?" Upon hearing that question, Cherry cheeks turned pink, while she was smiling shyly and then she said: "Yes, Big Mac, I want to date you." And having said that, the two nuzzled each other. Seeing that, Apple Bloom could not contain her enthusiasm and shouted, leaping into the air, coming out of her hiding: "YES!" That made the newest couple look to her, still in the air, and then the little filly fell asleep on the floor, completely exhausted. Big Mac and Cherry Blossom exchanged a laugh and then approached the little Apple Bloom. "Poor thing, I'd forgotten she was watching us" Cherry said. "She must have stayed awake until she was sure we were dating." "Eeyup" Big Mac said "I think it's better we get back to the farmhouse" Cherry suggested. "It's already too late and Apple Bloom needs to sleep in a real bed." Big Mac nodded in agreement and then he took Apple Bloom with his mouth and placed her on the top of his back. Then he and Cherry headed to the farmhouse, both smiling to each other and exchanging nuzzles. They arrived, climbed the stairs and Big Mac put Apple Bloom on her bed and when he left her room, he and Cherry Blossom exchanged passionate glances. She then said: "This was a wonderful night." "Eeyup" Big McIntosh agreed . "Do I see you tomorrow?" Cherry asked. Big Mac nodded and then they exchanged a goodbye kiss and Cherry went to her room. Upon entering, she and Big Mac exchanged a last glance before she shut the door. He then sighed and started walking to his room . Then, while passing through Applejack's room, who was beside his, the door opened and Applejack appeared with a smile. "Ah see everythin' is going smoothly" she commented. Big Mac blushed and then said: "Eeyup." "Well, big bro, Ah jest have to wish ya lots of luck" Applejack said. "Ah hope she makes ya very happy. Ya deserve it more than anypony else." Big Mac smiled with her sister's support and then replied : "Thank ya, AJ." She winked her eye and then closed the door of her room. Big McIntosh entered in his room and sighed again, leaning against the door. He jumped up to his bed and stared the ceiling with his hooves behind his head. He couldn't stop smiling. After all, he now had a marefriend, his first marefriend who was the mare he was sure to be the perfect one for him. "My life could not be more perfect!" he exclaimed in his mind. > The Light at the End of the Tunnel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cherry Blossom had never been so happy in her life. She lived in a beautiful quiet village full of wonderful ponies, had a job she loved, good friends, and a fantastic coltfriend. After the picnic where she started dating Big Mac, Cherry returned to her home, but that has not changed her relationship with Big Mac. In fact, whenever they could, they were together and benefited the most of their time. Big Mac was also very, very, very happy. After months wishing to have Cherry Blossom as his marefriend, after months following his sister and her friends' advices, after months of suffering and despair, he finally ended successful. He finally was dating Cherry. He had never been so happy in his whole life and this reflected in his behavior. He was in his happiest mood, more well disposed and also more talkative. All ponies noticed this drastic change, thinking he had changed, of course, for the better. When Apple Bloom told to her friends the outcome of the picnic, they were immensely happy. Now, with they mission to unite Cherry Blossom and Big Mac finished, they could then concentrate one hundred percent in their attempts to find their Cutie Marks. It was now a few months since Big Mac and Cherry Blossom started dating. Fantastic moments were experienced by this young couple. However, something was about to happen, something that would put Cherry in a dilemma that would decide the whole course of her life. She was visiting Twilight who was in the middle of one of her weekly housecleaning. "Sorry to bother you, Twilight" Cherry Blossom said, while entering. "If I knew you were cleaning..." "Don't worry, Cherry" she said. "It's always good to have a visit from a friend." "Well, I came to see if you could lend me one new book about ancient medicinal methods, but, if you want to, I can give you a hoof" Cherry volunteered. "That would be great" Twilight said, while she rearranged the books she disorganized in their respective shelves. "You don't know the work that this gives to me." Cherry laughed and said, while she was levitating a feather duster to clean the dust on empty shelves: "You know, Twilight, I never met somepony as obcessed as you are by organization. I mean, that is a great quality, but I think you exaggerate a bit." "A bit?" Spike asked, while getting down with a box encrusted with jewels on his back. "You would not believe the scrolls that we spend just to make her to-do lists." "Ah, ah, ah, very funny, Spike" Twilight said. "Hey, what do you want I do with the Elements?" he asked, motioning to the box. "Let them be that I'll get to them later" Twilight said. Spike nodded and then climbed the stairs with the box. "Wait, when Spike said Elements, he was referring to the Elements of Harmony, right?" Cherry asked, remembering the power Princess Celestia used to defeat her sister when she was Nightmare Moon. "Yes" Twilight replied. "You should know I, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy used them to defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord." "Yes, but I never thought they were here" Cherry said. "Well, I don't understand why, after all you already saw me with mine" Twilight said. "I mean, my crown is much more than a princess accessory." "Your crown is one of the Elements?" Cherry asked. "The Element of Magic" replied Twilight. "Each Element is bond to one of us. We can charge them with our magic of friendship. Besides Magic, there is also Honesty, which is the Applejack's Element, Kindness, that is Fluttershy's, Laughter, Pinkie's Element, Generosity, that is Rarity's and Rainbow's is Loyalty. You must already have noticed that." Cherry froze. She then remembered the spell the Lord of Order had done to send her to Equestria. She remembered that he had mentioned "sincere honesty", "beautiful kindness", "wonderful laugh", "gracious generosity" and "strong loyalty" and he also had said something about "the most powerful of all, the power of magic of friendship". She then realized that he had somehow used the power of the Elements of Harmony. A ray of hope focused on her. If it was actually the power of the Elements of Harmony that brought her to Equestria, so the power of the Elements of Harmony was the only thing able to take her back to her home world. And only six ponies could help her: Twilight and her friends. She knew only them could help her. She remembered all the moments that Applejack had always been honest with her, saying what she thought without ever hesitating, like when Big Mac got hurt for saving Apple Bloom, the times Pinkie Pie always made ​​her laugh no matter how sad Cherry was, how Fluttershy was always sweet to the others including to animals which in turn treated her like a real friend, how Rarity used the jewelry she found only to emphasize the beauty of the dresses she sell and share its beauty with the others and not staying with the jewels and get rich with them, also there was Rainbow who has always been loyal to her for not telling anypony her secret and for supporting her at everything and Twilight was always by Cherry Blossom's side and handed her her friendship from the moment they met. But for that, she would have to tell to Twilight and the others the truth, but that was something for what she was not ready yet. "Sorry, Twilight, but I have to go" Cherry Blossom said, putting down the duster and advancing to the exit. "Now?" Twilight asked, frowning. "And what about the book you wanted?" "I'll come later to get it" Cherry said, leaving the library. "Okay" Twilight said, disconcerted. Cherry Blossom walk through the village covered in snow looking to the sky. Then she found who she wanted to find. "Rainbow" she called the cyan pegasus who was lying on the top of a cloud. Listening her, she turned her attention down and saw Cherry Blossom. "Hey, Cherry, what 's up?" "I... I need to talk to you" she said. "Can it be?" "But of course" Rainbow replied, coming down. "What's up, my friend? You are with a face..." Cherry Blossom then told what she had just realized and her doubts. "Wait, are you sure about what you just told me right now?" Rainbow asked. "The Elements of Harmony can make you return to your dimension?" "At least I think that was the magic the Lord of Order used to send me here" Cherry Blossom said. "So we have to go to Twilight and tell her this" Rainbow said. "No, Rainbow, I'm not prepared yet" Cherry said . "Cherry, you're already here for months. You had plenty of time to find the courage to tell them that you come from another dimension. If you want to come back, you have to tell them, because only then we can help you." "And you think this is all about that?" Cherry Blossom asked. "I know perfectly well that one day I would have to tell the whole truth, but..." Rainbow became worried, seeing her friend so sad . "What's up?" Rainbow asked. "Well, the truth is that I'm afraid of their reaction if I tell them my intentions of returning" Cherry said. "Mainly Applejack's reaction. Rainbow, if I go away, I will have to leave Big Mac." "I see..." "Also, I don't know if I want to go. I felt myself very connected to Equestria. I live in a great place, I have good friends... and a handsome colfriend..." "What about your family, your friends... and Sky?" Rainbow asked. "You know, thanks to Big Mac, the love I feel for Sky is virtually nonexistent. It was overtaken by what I feel for Big Mac. But I miss my parents, my sister, my friends so much... It's the only reason for be considering going back. Oh, my head is a mess!" "Hey, calm down, Cherry" Rainbow soothed, placing a hoof on her shoulder. "I'll be always in your side, but I'm just saying it's better for you not keep that secret forever. You can't do it. That would only leave you tormented. But I know you'll make the right decision for you... and for everypony else." Cherry smiled. "Thanks, Rainbow" she thanked. "You have been a good friend. I understand the reason for you to have the Element of Loyalty." Rainbow blushed a little and said: "Oh, stop, you're embarrassing me." "And, you know what? I think I'll risk and tell the truth. "That's my girl" Rainbow said, ruffling her mane. "So, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Cherry laughed and waved and then the two set off toward the library. At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was helping Granny Smith knitting with the wool around on her forelegs while her grandmother was knitting, rocking in her rocking chair. As it was winter, the fields were full of snow and all the trees were bare, so there was not much work to do. At least until the Winter Wrap Up. Then Big Mac came with his saddlebags and with a huge smile on his face. "Howdy, Big Mac, why are ya so happy?" "Happy?" he asked. "Ah'm normal." "Yeah, sure..." Applejack said with a smile that she did when she was being ironic. Big Mac then suddenly got all nervous and said: "Ah think... Ah think Ah'm goin'... tah mah room. Yeah. Ah'll go tah mah room." And having said this, he hurried up the stairs. "What's gotten into him?" Applejack asked. "He look'd nervous. Ah'd like tah know tha reason fer all that happiness." "Ah, your brother made ​​me now recall your grandfather and your father " Granny Smith confessed. "Why ya're saying that, Granny Smith?" Applejack asked. "It's that his face of happiness an' nervousness made ​​me remember when yer grandfather propos'd to me and your father when he wuz plannin' tah do tha same with yer mother." "Hold on a minute, are ya sayin' Big Mac, our Big Mac, is considerin' tah propose tah Cherry?" "Who knows" Granny Smith replied, shrugging. "But Ah tell ya one thing, mah dear..." But Applejack didn't get know what she would say, because when Granny Smith looked, Applejack had put away the wool and already started to climb the stairs. "Ah, tha youth of today..." Applejack reached the bedroom door of his older brother and opened it suddenly, catching his brother lying on his back in his bed and hurried to keep something under the pillow. "Okay, Big McIntosh Apple, start talkin'" she told him, entering and approaching the red stallion. "What are ya talkin' 'bout?" he asked, trying to have a completely innocent look, getting up and approaching her. She looked at the pillow where Big Mac was hiding what he'd been trying to hide. But he always stood in her way, preventing her from looking. "Big McIntosh, I hope ya tell me what ya're hidin', or Ah swear Ah won't stop until Ah find out." That bothered Big Mac because he knew how his sister could be very persistent. He sighed and nodded. He went to his bed and took from under his pillow a velvet box. He opened it and showed to Applejack one horn ring with a single ruby in a band of gold. "Oh, mah...!" Applejack exclaimed. "Granny Smith was right." "Well, that does not surprise me" Big Mac said. "She has tha gift of knowin' everythin'." The two brothers laughed and then Applejack asked: "Are ya sure 'bout this?" "Eeyup" he answered. "Ah am sure. She's the mare of mah life. Ah love her so much an' Ah just want to pass mah days with her." "If that is yer decision, so it's mah duty as yer sister tah support ya" Applejack said with a smile. "Ah see how Cherry do ya well." Big Mac also smiled and said: "Thank you, sis. An', jest fer tha record, Ah want ya tah be mah best mare." "Oh, Big Mac, Ah would be honor'd tah be yer best mare." The two shared a hug. In the library, accompanied by Rainbow, Cherry eventually told to Twilight, and therefore also to Spike, the whole truth. Twilight heard her story without interrupting, which was a relief for Cherry. When it was over, she expecting to see a look of amazement on Twilight's face, but instead she heard her saying: "I knew something strange was going on with you. I mean, all this interest in the history and culture of Equestria, the failures of facts, your strange behavior... This explanation makes more sense. "Wait,you believe in me?" Cherry asked. "But of course" Twilight replied with a smile. "What reason would you have to lie? Besides, I and Spike already have traveled between dimensions. Right, Spike?" "You bet" he answered. "Although I am very relieved that we have left that world, to tell you the truth?" "Why do you say that?" Twilight asked, jokingly. "You were a very cute puppy." "I thought you were not going to talk about it again" Spike muttered, pouting. The three mares laughed and then Twilight told to Cherry: "You can count on me, Cherry. If you really want to go back to your home dimension, I'll help you." "Really?" Twilight waved. "Oh, Twilight, thank you so much!" Cherry thanked, giving a thanking hug to Twilight. "You see?" Rainbow asked to Cherry. "I told you we could count on Twilight. And I'm sure that we can also count on the others." "But, Cherry, I have to ask you" Twilight said in a more serious tone. "And what about Big McIntosh?" "Yeah, he's crazy about you" said Spike. "If you have to go back to your world, you'll have to leave him." Cherry lowered her head sadly and said: "I know. I suppose Big Mac is the only one who truly holds me here. He's the large anchor that prevents me from returning. He is the love of my life. One thing I never thought would happen, given my history with Sky, my old boyfriend, but... "He's just a weight on one side of the scale, right?" Twilight asked. Cherry nodded. "Hey, don't be like that, Cherry" Rainbow said. "If Big Mac really loves you, he will respect your decision if you..." "No, don't even think to suggest that, Rainbow!" Cherry exclaimed. "I won't tell him." "But..." "I've hurt him enough" said Cherry. "That's enough the grief I will cause him with my departure." Rainbow seemed about to say something, but Twilight said: "If that's what you want, then we will not say anything more. Right, Rainbow?" She looked like she wanted to protest, but she nodded. "Thank you, girls" Cherry thanked. "Well, I'll start investigating the spell the Lord of Order used to send you to Equestria to be able to repeat it" Twilight said, starting to make books levitate to her for she analyze them. "Rainbow, can you go get the others?" "You got it" Rainbow said, saluting and taking off. She then left at high speed. It didn't take long to Rainbow go back, quickly followed by the others representatives of the Elements of Harmony. Applejack came first, followed by Pinkie Pie and then by Fluttershy. "Okay, why did ya call'd us here?" Applejack asked. "What's tha emergency?" "Are you planning a big party and you need our help?" Pinkie Pie asked lively, skipping. "Please say it is a party. Please, please, please!" "No, Pinkie, it's not a party" Rainbow replied, in midair. "A friends meeting?" Pinkie asked. "No," replied Rainbow. "A special lunch?" "No." "A snack?" "Pinkie!" Pinkie gave a nervous smile and then passed the hoof through her mouth, as if she was closing a zipper. "What's going on?" Fluttershy asked. "You look so nervous." "Yeah, and why is Twilight seeing books at breakneck speed?" Applejack asked, seeing Twilight flipping through book after book as fast as she could. "You'll know everything as soon as Rarity arrives" Rainbow answered. As soon she had said that, the library door opened and Rarity entered. "I'm sorry, darlings, but I had a huge task to finish" Rarity replied. "Ah'm glad ya came" said Applejack. "Now, we can know what's goin' on here?" Pinkie moved her hoof through her mouth again, but in the opposite direction, as if she was opening a zipper and asked to Rainbow: "Seriously, we're not really planning a party?" A stern look from Rainbow Dash made Pinkie Pie dropped a nervous laugh and closing the mouth like a zipper again. "So, what's so important?" Rarity asked. "Cherry has a thing to tell you" Rainbow said, still in the air, placing her hooves on Cherry's shoulders. She then took a deep breath and tried to get the right way to tell everything. "You know, I..." she began, but then freezing. "I am..." But she seemed that she was not able to continue. Then Pinkie began to say: "You're from an alternate world and you're not actually a pony, but a two-legged creature with no muzzle and wings called fairy, and you sacrificed your life in your dimension so a very powerful entity could save it and then he sent you here where you've just become a pony, and now you want us to use our Elements of Harmony to repeat the spell that powerful entity used on you so you can return home to your family and friends!" She then finished with a grin. Everypony was open-mouthed with what Pinkie Pie had just said, especially Cherry who didn't know how Pinkie could know one thing about all that. "Wow, Pinkie, ya say such things" Applejack said, chuckling. But seeing that neither Cherry or Rainbow or Twilight or even Spike didn't said nothing, she asked: "It can only be a joke, right?" "Nope, she's pretty much spot-on" Spike said. "Why do I have a deja vu feeling?" "How did you know all that?" asked Cherry to Pinkie Pie. "Just a hunch" Pinkie Pie replied, shrugging. "Wait, you're from another world?" Rarity asked Cherry. "And you need our help to get back?" asked Fluttershy. "Well, yes" she replied uncertainly. "I understand if you say no. After all, I have hidden this from all of you this all time." "Oh, darling, what are you talking about?" Rarity asked. "We are your friends, after all. If you really want to go back, you can count on us." "Yes, we'll help you" Fluttershy said. "Right, Pinkie?" "Okey-dokey-lokey" she said. Cherry was speechless. She could not believe they were all willing to help her. They were really some good friends. "Thank you all" Cherry said. But then she noticed Applejack who was not in a good face. She could well guess what she was thinking. "Applejack..." "Let me ask ya somethin', Cherry Blossom" she said. "What do ya intend tah tell mah brother when ya go away? Or tah Apple Bloom? They must be tha poneys who like ya tha most and ya will turn your back on them?" "Look, Applejack, you can not..." Rainbow began. "Never mind, Rainbow" Cherry said. "Applejack has the right to ask those questions." "Ah, ya can be sure Ah have" Applejack said. "Mah brother loves ya, Cherry." "And you think I don't love him, AJ? " Cherry asked. "I still have lots of doubs and it's all because I love Big Mac." "Of course, ya love him so much that ya're leavin' him" Applejack mocked. "I have my reasons" Cherry said. "An' what are those reasons? Do ya have any boyfriend there waitin' far ya? Were ya only datin' Big Mac jest far fun?" "Ooh, ooh, I love guessing games!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, hopping. "Pinkie, I don't think it's time..." Fluttershy said. "Ohh, wait, I feel something coming" she said. And then her ears flopped, her tail twitched and her right front knee twitched too. "Ears flopping, tail twitching and right knee twitching" she said. "This means somepony misses her family." "I didn't know that combo before" Twilight commented, using her magic to get a notepad and a quill and she began to note. "I thing it's better write that down." "Yes, you're right, Pinkie" Cherry said. "I missed my parentes, my sister... and my friends. I would do anything to see them once again. What would you do for your family, Applejack? Tell me." The angry face of Applejack eased up and she said, quietly: "Ah would do anythin' fer them. Just like you. Even if it meant sacrificing my happiness." There was a pause in which Applejack was able to understand Cherry's dilemma. A feeling of guilt hit her. "Ah'm sorry, Cherry. Ah should have realized that." "Don't worry, Applejack" Cherry said, smiling. "I understand you. You want to protect your brother at all costs. I feel the same about my sister, Daphne." The two then shared a hug. "Well, girls, if you have finished the discussion, I have great news to tell you" Twilight said with a book levitating by her side. "I think I found the right spell." "Really?" the other mares asked. "That's my Twilight" Spike said. "She always have answers to all the questions." "Well, not to all questions, Spike," she replied. "But let's move forward. I found the spell that and I believe we have to divide by the six. But there's two catches. We have to use the spell on a mirror dimension, or it will not work. "On a mirror?" Rainbow repeated, scratching his head. Cherry then remembered something. "The Lord of Order's throne room is full of mirrors and he sent me here through one of them" she said. "But where are we going to find a mirror like that?" Rarity asked. Twilight did not need much time to think to figure out the answer. "What about the one which is in the Crystal Empire?" she asked. "The mirror you used to recover your crown from Sunset Shimmer?" Fluttershy asked. "But it only opens every thirty moons?" "I think with this spell we can open it again to Cherry's dimension" Twilight said. "So what are we waiting for?" Pinkie asked. "Let's go, everypony." "Wait a second" Applejack said. "Twilight, you said that there were two catches. Which is the other?" "The spell can only be used only once every century for a moment" she replied. "You know what this means, don't you?" "That I just have this opportunity" Cherry said. "If I cross it, I cannot come back, because neither you or the Lord of Order can re-open the portal until the next century." "Cherry, are you sure you want to do this?" Fluttershy said. "Yeah, there's no turning back" Rainbow said. "The truth is I don't really know" she answered. "I want to go back and see my family, but... I'm not so sure that I should." "Well, you have until the opening of the portal" Twilight said. "Let's get things ready and we head to the Crystal Empire in train which leaves at sunset." The others nodded. "Yes, sir, ma'am, sir!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, saluting Twilight. And they began to head to the exit. Applejack then turned to Cherry and said: "Mah brother is waitin' fer ya in that big hill in tha east field." "What?" asked Cherry. "Why?" "That's with him" said Applejack. "But, Cherry, It's better ya tell him that ya're leavin' as soon as ya arrive, if this is really what ya want." Cherry nodded. "And be gentle" Applejack requester. "Mah brother can be big and strong, but he's a soft heart." "Don't worry" Cherry reassured. "I promise I'll be careful." Applejack nodded and then exited. Cherry sighed, trying to find the right words to tell Big Mac. It would cost her a lot, but she had no choice. She couldn't come back without saying goodbye to Big Mac. She took a deep breath and then left the library. > Farewells and Decisions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Mac was on top of the hill that Applejack had indicated to Cherry Blossom. He was sitting next to the apple tree that was at the top, as the sun was setting. He straightened his mane to make sure he was not all disheveled. Then he took the velvet box which contained the horn ring he bought for Cherry and watched it, smiling. He could not wait to see Cherry accept his marriage proposal and to put the ring on her horn. He then began to hear the sound of hooves approaching. He looked and saw Cherry approaching. He hastened to close the ring box and hide it under tree raised roots. She then arrived. "Howdy, mah love" Big Mac said, getting up and going to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Cherry then smiled a little sadly. Big McIntosh, very observant when it came to his marefriend, asked: "Are ya okay, Cherry? Ya seem a li'l down." "I'm fine, Big Mac" she lied, outlining her best smile and rubbing her face into Big Mac's. He smiled and returned her caress. They then looked at each other. Big Mac made a great smile. Cherry Blossom felt uncomfortable with that. She had to say goodbye to Big Mac and go meet up with the others before the train to the Crystal Empire left, but she could not find the courage to do so. Trying to start with something simple to be able to find the courage to say she had to go. "So, Applejack told me you wanted to meet with me here" she said. "Actually, yeah" he said, taking her hooves and sitting with her next to the tree, making sure he was back to the root that had the box with the horn ring. "Ya know, Cherry, Ah love ya a lot an' Ah hope we stay together forever." "Me too, Big Mac, but..." Cherry Blossom began. "Let me finish, please, or Ah cannot do that" Big Mac said "Ah... since Ah knew ya, always wanted to do this. And he began groping secretly behind, trying to catch the velvet box. "Cherry, Ah love ya so much and Ah want'd tah ask..." he began, finding the box. But before he could grasp it, Cherry said: "Big Mac, wait a minute. I have to tell you one thing and it's very important and I have to tell you now, or I'll never be able to do it." "Oh, okay, Cherry" said Big Mac, removing the hoof from the box. "Big Mac, I love you a lot and I always tried the best I know to give back to the same feelings you have for me" she said. "Ah know, an' that is one of tha things Ah love in ya." "But... I'm so sorry, Big Mac, but I'll have to leave you" she confessed. "Yeah, Ah know what ya mean..." Big Mac said, after realizing what she said. "Wait, what did ya say?" "I have to leave Ponyville, Big Mac" Cherry said. Big Mac remained without expressing any reaction to that news. That was all that he did not expect... and he did not wanted. What he did not understand was the reason. "You... you're leaving? To where?" "I'm going back to my homeland" she replied, standing up and looking at the horizon. "A place far from here." "But why?" Big Mac asked, standing up and taking also one of her hooves, turning her to him. "Don't ya like tah be here?" "Of course, yes" she replied, passing her hoof down his face. "But I need to go. I need to be with my family. I was forced to be apart from them, but now I feel like it's time to get back, you know?" "An' go back to yer old coltfriend, right?" Big Mac asked. "Ya're tir'd of me, aren't ya?" "Don't said that" Cherry Blossom replied. "How could I go back to someone I no longer love. I love you with all of my strength." "So why do ya have tah go? Stay here with me." "Big Mac, please don't ask me that. I have to go back to my family. I bet you'd do the same if it was you." "So Ah'll go with ya" Big Mac decided. "Even if ya go tah tha end of tha world, Ah'll go with ya." "No, I cannot ask you that" Cherry said. "I will not allow you to give up your good life for me. I don't want you to leave your sisters, your grandmother, the farm and your friends for me. I would not forgive myself if that happened." "But... Ah love ya." "And I love you too" Cherry Blossom said. "But you don't know the whole truth." "So tell me" Big McIntosh said. "Ah'm sure Ah'll understand." For a moment, Cherry Blossom even thought about telling everything to Big Mac, but then she stopped herself. "I can't, sorry." And having said that, she kissed Big Mac's lips one last time and he closed his eyes, savoring the moment. Cherry later broke up and said: "Goodbye, Big Mac. I'll never forget you." And she started to run out of there. Big Mac opened his eyes and saw her departing. "Cherry, wait!" But she didn't stop, walking away as her eyes were crying. It was hard to do that, but she knew she had to do that. Big Mac saw Cherry walking away with a tear dropping. But he was not willing to give up from the mare of his dreams. He began to chase her, calling her. But then he lost the sight of her when he reached the orchard on the base of the hill. The trees were so close that gave a good hiding to everypony. Cherry Blossom was actually hidden behind a tree, hoping to get away from Big Mac and then move to the farm and meet Applejack who was going to try to bring Apple Bloom to Cherry so she could say goodbye to her. Cherry came to the farm where she found Applejack, already prepared to go, and Apple Bloom was with her. As she expected, Apple Bloom didn't react very well to the fact that Cherry Blossom was leaving. "But why do ya have tah go?" Apple Bloom asked, crying. "Ya were so happy here with us." "I know, my dear" Cherry said, passing her hoof by her mane. "Ya Pinkie promiss'd tah me that Ah would see ya every day" Apple Bloom said. "I promised that we would see ourselves as long as I lived here because I thought I would live here for a long time" Cherry said. "But my family needs me. I have to go." "But what 'bout mah brother?" Apple Bloom asked. "I've talked with Big Mac now and I told him I needed to leave" Cherry Blossom replied. "It costed me a lot to do it, but it had to be." But Apple Bloom turned her back, crossed her forelegs and she began to sulk. "Come on, my dear, don't be like that. I do not want to go away mad with you. You are my favorite filly and that will never change." Apple Bloom sulked for a few more seconds, but the truth was she also could not be angry with Cherry Blossom. She turned to her and then gave her a big hug, what Cherry returned. "I'll never forget you" she said. "And I will never forget you, my little one." They separated themselves and then Applejack asked: "Shall we?" Cherry Blossom waved. "But why is that you can go with the Cherry and I can't?" Apple Bloom asked to her older sister. "Because Cherry doesn't want to go alone and she also doesn't want tearful goodbyes in her homeland" Applejack replied, making Apple Bloom to pout. "But if it helps, Apple Bloom, I would prefer a thousand times that you'd come with me" Cherry said to the little filly who smiled. "Can you give a hug to Granny Smith for me?" Apple Bloom waved and smiled to Cherry. Then, she turned to Applejack and waved to her and she waved her back. The two then started walking away, heading towards to the Ponyville's train station, where the others were waiting for them. Later, Big Mac came to the farm where he found Apple Bloom near the barn. "Apple Bloom, did ya see Cherry Blossom?" he asked, as soon he got to her. "She went tah tha train station ta..." Apple Bloom began to say. But as soon he heard "train station", Big Mac hurried away toward the village. "You're welcome" Apple Bloom told him sarcastically. At the train station, the seven mares were already boarding the train that would take them to the Crystal Empire. All of them had entered except Cherry Blossom. Before she entered, Cherry still gave a last look to Ponyville. She smiled, happy to have lived in a place as wonderful as that place where she met great friends and the love of her life. She sighed and then got in the train. Big Mac galloped as fast as he could until he reached the train station. When he reached the boarding platform, the train where Cherry and the others had embarked started moving. "No!" he exclaimed. He tried to follow the train, trying to reach it, but then the train picked up speed and moved away quickly. Big Mac stopped, not wanting to believe that he had arrived too late. The bitterness began to grow in Big Mac as if his heart had been stolen from him and broken into very small pieces. He knew that he would never love anypony as he loved Cherry, that he would never feel the happiness he felt when he was with her... Never again. Night fell and the Crystal Empire Express proceeded at full speed to its destination. The mares went to sleep for the day they would take in the next day, but there was somepony who couldn't sleep. Cherry Blossom was in the passengers carriage, sitting and watching the view illuminated by the moonlight. She could not believe she was close of seeing the people she loved and see her home. However, she couldn't feel much enthusiasm. She was happy, but not that happiness accompanied by enthusiasm, like someone who knows that must to do something but have no desire to do so. Her thoughts were interrupted by a hoof that was placed on her shoulder. She looked and saw Twilight, who smiled her. "Twilight" she said. "So you can't sleep, hein?" Twilight asked, sitting in front of Cherry. "And I'm not the only one" Cherry noted. "Well, let's just say I'm excited to go see my brother, Cadance... and, of course, Blue. He is the Crystal Empire to help my brother with a few things due my brother's prince duties." "You really like Blue, don't you?" Cherry asked. "I wouldn't date him if I didn't like him" Twilight replied. "I like to take things seriously and calmly. But I confess the things between us are going so well, that now I find it hard to be so far away from him." "To me, it looks like it won't be long for you to go up to the altar, no?" Cherry asked smiling. "Cherry, don't say that!" Twilight said, blushing. "It's too early for that. First, I want to live my love without commitment with Blue Sword to the fullest. Moreover, Shining Armor barelly accepted my relationship with Blue. I think, if he asked for my hoof in marriage, my brother would flay him alive." That made Cherry drop a laugh and say: "I see Shining Armor is very protective with you, isn't he?" "He's just doing his role of overprotective older brother" she replied. "But despite that, he's my best friend. He's the pony I trust the most. He took care of me, protected me and supported me in everything. When I need help, he was always there for me to offer a helping hoof. When I was sad, he comforted me. Of course I tried many times to repay his acts, helping him in everything I could.! "And how did you do it?" Cherry asked, curious. "Well, I'm even a bit ashamed in telling you this, but let's say I got a little possessive with Shining when he was to marry Cadance." "And how did that help him?" "Let's say it was my possessiveness towards Shining and also my deep bond with Cadance that allowed me to distrust and find out that the pony who was marrying him was a Changeling." "A Changeling?" Cherry asked, remembering the creatures who could take the form of anypony. "The Queen to be more precise" Twilight said. "She took Cadance's appearance, kidnapping her, and starting to feed Shining Armor's love for her. She messed with his head and when I accused the false Cadance to be bad and that she didn't deserve to marry my brother, he and I had a big disagreement that ended with him telling me that I was no longer his best mare and it was for the better if I even didn't show up at the wedding." "That is terrible" Cherry said. "Yes, but then I was able to find the true Cadance and help to defeat the Changeling Queen." "It's amazing what you did for your brother." "He is my B.B.B.F.F., after all. I mean..." "Your Big Brother Best Friend Forever?" asked Cherry. "Yeah! How do you know that? Even my friends didn't understand when they heard that for the first time." "Just a hunch." "You know, right now, you looked like Pinkie" Twilight commented with a laugh. "I just hope my mane doesn't turn pink" Cherry said, causing her and Twilight to laugh. "But in the end, I think for Shining Armor, seeing his little sister and his best friend together is a thing a bit hard to accept." There was a pause and then Cherry said: "You know, your relationship with Shining Armor reminds me my relationship with my older sister, Daphne." "Yeah?" Twilight asked. "She saved my life when my home, Domino, was attacked" Cherry said. "She sacrificed herself for me and even after that she helped me in everything she could. All I ended up doing for her was bringing her back from her state of nonexistence." "It seems we have a lot in common, isn't it?" Twilight said. "We both have older siblings who are our idols." "Yes, it's true" Cherry said. There was another pause and then Twilight said: "It's because of your family that you cannot sleep, huh?" Cherry nodded and said: "I think I'm too nervous to rest. Probably tomorrow I'll go back to see my parents, my sister, my friends..." "But I think I'm noticing in some sadness in your voice" Twilight said. "It's because of Big Mac, isn't it?" Cherry nodded. "Cherry, if you love Big Mac, I don't know if you should get back" Twilight said. "You must fight for your happiness. I'm sure your family and your friends would understand and accept it." "I'm sure about that, but... I don't know" Cherry said. "I... I'm confused. I know I said I wanted to return, but since we left Ponyville... I was filled with hesitations." "I understand perfectly" Twilight said. "But only you can decide this, Cherry, and you must not let the others' opinions to manipulate you. Even mine." Said this, she stood up and said: "You still have time to think about what you want really to do, Cherry. But think very well about what you want, because there is no turning back." And then she left the carriage, leaving Cherry to think about her words, while watching the view passing by. The next day, they arrived at the Crystal Empire. Cherry was speechless when she saw it. It was totally made ​​of crystal, from the houses to the streets, shining a lot in the sunlight. When they passed through the entrance, which were two pillars made ​​of crystals with three blue crystals floating on top between the two, and entered in the empire, she saw that the ponies living there, all earth ponies, were made of crystal. But the most impressive was the castle. It looked like a huge single tower with four arched legs and other towers out of it. "I know, it's amazing, isn't it?" Rainbow said to Cherry. "I... never seen anything like this" Cherry said. "I had already read about the Crystal Empire and the crystal ponies, but I never thought it was so beautiful." They advanced towards the castle and when they got there, a voice called: "Twily!" They turned and then a unicorn of the same size and structure that Blue Sword, with also a long horn, began to approach. He had a coat as white as snow, her mane was a combination of moderate sapphire blue and moderate cerulean with dark phthalo blue, his eyes were turquoisish white and their coatless hooves were moderate saphire blue. Following him, was an alicorn, like Twilight, but Cherry already knew her. She was Princess Cadance, Twilight's sister-in-law. So, that unicorn should be her older brother. His theory proved to be correct when he arrived and gave a big hug to Twilight who returned the hug. "It's so good to see you, little sister" he said. "Me too B.B.B.F.F." she replied. The two separated and then Twilight turned to Cadance. "Cadance" she called her, going to her. "Hello, Twilight" Cadance greeted. Then the two began to make a kind of song-and-dance: "Sunshine, sunshine..." the two did a trot in the same place "ladybugs awake..." they placed their hooves over their eyes and then took them like a window opening "clap you're hooves..." they clapped the forelegs' hooves "and do a little shake!" They finished with a shake of tail and then they laughed and then they gave each other a hug. After that, Twilight introduced Cherry: "Shining, Cadance, this is Cherry Blossom, our new friend from Ponyville." "Hello" she greeted shyly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Cherry" Cadance said. "Any friend of Twilight is also our friend" Shining said. "Thank you" she thanked. "It's very kind of you." "So what brings you here so suddenly?" Cadance asked. "I think maybe you didn't come here to a courtesy visit, do you?" Shining asked. "If you don't mind, we would rather talk about it later" Twilight replied, while the others waved. " Now, we were wondering if we could use the room of the dimensional mirror." "But why?" Cadance asked. "That mirror is only actived in each every thirty moons." "Later we'll tell you all about it" Twilight said. "Now we have to go do something. Now, where is Blue? I would like go greet him." "Why do you want to know?" Shining Armor asked. "You don't want to be with your dear brother anymore?" But then both Twilight and Cadance make a stare to Shining that made him shrink and give a nervous laugh and then respond to Twilight with a sigh and rolling his eyes: "He's training." "In the usual place? " Twilight asked . Shining Armor nodded and then Twilight turned to her friends and asked : "Do you mind if I go? I'll meet there on the double." "Twilight, you can take as long as you like" Cherry said. "There's no hurry." "Yes, you can go to your beloved one" Rainbow said, mockingly. "We'll wait for you, darling" Rarity said. "Thank you, girls" Twilight thanked. And then Twilight started trotting toward the other side of the empire. Shining Armor pretended to follow her, but he was stopped by Cadance's magic who said him: "You come with me. Let Twilight and Blue Sword be. It seems you don't trust them." "I trust them, but I can not stop thinking about what they may be doing." They then moved away. The other mares gave a laugh and then they went inside the castle. Cherry got marveled with what she was seeing. The castle was even more beautiful on the inside than the outside. They entered then in a room full of artefacts and then they found a large and adorned mirror in the top of two levels which was forming two steps. "Well, here it is" Applejack said. "Tha magic mirror." Pinkie Pie then advanced to the mirror, lifted a hoof and placed it in its glassy surface. "Oh, is not sparking" she said, disappointed. "Of course not, Pinkie, darling" replied Rarity, straightening her mane. "After all, it have not yet passed thirty moons since Twilight came back from that strange world where she was." "Oh yeah, she was up there with Spike, right?" Cherry recalled. "Yeah, a former student of Princess Celestia appeare and stole Twilight's crown and ended up taking it to the world beyond the mirror and Twilight went there to recover it" Rainbow told. "We were afraid that she wouldn't returned, because it would be terrible if she had to stay there for another thirty moons if the portal closed before she could return" Fluttershy said. "Fortunately, it didn't happen" Applejack said . Cherry had heard many stories about Twilight and her actions and the more she heard, more admiration she felt for her. Soon, Twilight was back, straightening her mane which was a little misaligned. "Well, I see you both had a great moment, ah" Rainbow said in a provocative way. "Don't be silly, Rainbow" Twilight said, blushing slightly. "What if we focused on what brought us here?" It seemed like an excellent idea. Twilight turned to Cherry and asked her: "Are you ready?" She nodded. So Twilight and the others formed a circle around her, putting the Elements of Harmony. Twilight had her crown, but the others had a gold necklace that had pendents which would represent their Cutie Marks: red thunderbolt to Rainbow, orange apple to Applejack, pink butterfly to Fluttershy, blue balloon to Pinkie and purple diamond to Rarity. Twilight began to focus her magic on her horn which started to glow and then her eyes shone with a white light and the star of her crown also began to shine, beginning to free two tentacles with the color of the rainbow and connecting the necklaces' pendents until they are all be connected. Twilight made a sign to her friends and the six began to say in unison: "By the power of harmony, witch the portal of this mirror open to accommodate its new resident." "By the sincere honesty..." Applejack said, making her pendent shine and launch an arched orange beam which stop just above the middle of the circle where Cherry was. "...by the beautiful kindness..." Fluttershy said, making her pendent also shine and lanch an arched but pink beam which met the other. "...by the wonderful laughter..." Pinkie said, makind a blue beam be lanched by her pendent to the others. "...by the gracious generosity..." Rarity said in her theatrical way, making her purple beam meet the others. "...and by the strong loyalty that we protect..." Rainbow said, making her pendent lanch its red beam to the others four. "...open, portal" the five said at the same time. "And now, finally, I invoke the most powerful force of all, the power of the magic of friendship!" Twilight exclamaid. The five beams cast a combined beam that hit in Twilight's crown's magenta star that shone more intensely and then launched a rainbow beam that hit in the mirror, making it shine a lot. The magic then ceased. "So, did it work?" Cherry asked. "We'll see " Twilight said. "Pinkie, do you want to have the honor?" Pinkie Pie let out a gasp of excitement that made ​​it looks like she was having an atack or something. She then approached the mirror, extended again his hoof and passed it across the mirror surface, but instead of touching a flat surface, it seemed she touched a shiny lake surface. Pinkie was just all fascinated by it and it was necessary for Twilight use her magic to take her away from the mirror. "Okay, that's enough. Cherry, everything is ready for you. It's better you hurry or the portal will close and then it can only be opened in the next century." Cherry turned to the mirror. It was there the portal would take her back to her home. She waited for that moment for months. She was happy, but not totally happy. But then she shook her head and then she turned to her pony friends and told them: "Thank you for everything you did for me. I'll never forget you." "We'll never forget you too, Cherry" Fluttershy said. "It's a Pinkie promisse" Pinkie said, starting to make gestures. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" "See if you can find some way to communicate with us, darling" said Rarity, dropping a few tears and using her handkerchief to wipe them. "I will consult all the books I can here to find a way to communicate with you" Twilight promissed. "Thank you, girls" Cherry thanked. She then looked to Applejack and Rainbow and then the first one advanced to her and said: "Cherry, Ah still think ya're making a foolish mistake and ya should stay here an' be happy with Big Mac, but Ah support ya a hundr'd percent on this." "Thank you, AJ, it means a lot to me." She then looked to Rainbow and saw that she was trying to hide the tears. "Rainbow, are you... crying?" Cherry asked half laughing. "Of course not!" she said, quickly wiping her eyes. "Crying is not part of my style." That made Cherry drop a laugh. "Goodbye, Cherry" Rainbow said. "Goodbye, Rainbow" Cherry said. She then turned to the mirror, took a deep breath and began to move towards him. Then there was a huge bright light which blinded all and when it stopped, they looked and then saw the Lord of Order in front of the mirror. "But who the hay is that?" Applejack asked. "That's the one who sent Cherry to here" Rainbow said. "The Lord of Order." "It's an honor to meet the representatives of the Elements of Harmony personally" he greeted, making a slight bow to each of the six ponies. "I confess that I am a big fan of yours." "Oh, shut up" Rainbow said. "I bet you're here to stop Cherry from coming back." "I feel myself offended" the Lord of Order said. "As if I will do something to make it happen." "Don't even try do anything" Cherry said. "I'll go through the mirror and there's nothing you can do to stop me." "I was not going to do anything" the Lord of Order said. "After all, you're free to do whatever you want. Come on, go forward." And then he made an inviting gesture, retreating and putting himself next to the mirror. That left Cherry confused. "Wait, you'll do anything to stop me?" she asked. He shooked his head. "Probably, it's a trap, Cherry" Rainbow said. "Yeah, ya shouldn't trust him" Applejack said. "Calm down, girls" Twilight said. "If what you and Cherry told me about the Lord of Order is true, Rainbow, so he is the representation of the order itself." "So?" Rainbow asked. "So he can't lie" Twilight replied. "I thought I had already said that" the Lord of Order said. But Cherry didn't want know any more of that. She had a time limit to go through the mirror and was not going to waste it. She advanced to the mirror and when she was right in front of it, the Lord of Order said: "Are you really sure you want to do that, Cherry?" He made her look at him and he continued: "If you do it, you cannot go back anymore, because I've used my spell to send you here and no one in your world can accomplish it. You have to wait until the next century, but I think there would be a little late, don't you think?" "If your goal is to try to dissuade me or distract me for the portal close, you are wasting your time" Cherry said. The Lord of the Order pointed a finger to the portal and launched a lightning bolt that hit the portal, but nothing happened. "Voilà" he said. "Now we can talk as long as you want." "But what did he do to the portal?" Rarity asked. "He should have stabilized the portal so it remains open as long as he wants" Twilight realized. "But what is he up to?" Rainbow asked. "Ah don't know why, but Ah get the impression that he will open Cherry's eyes" Applejack said. "Answer me one question, Princess Bloom, are you really sure you want to come back?" the Lord of Order asked. "Of course, yes" Cherry said. The Lord of Order laughed and then he said: "My dear, not only I can not lie, I can also see when someone lie to me, and you're not being totally honest. "What?" "Yes, you want return, but there is something in you that keeps you from running into this mirror" the Lord of Order continued. "You have attained the happiness that you had given up before you've come to Equestria. You managed to overcome it. Do you really want to give it up again? Do you want to win back your fairy wings, knowing what it cost to you? You have blended in so much in this world that now it is your new world. If you come back to your home reality, you will feel again the emptiness you felt when you got here. Besides, you will be unable to love someone like the love you feel for Big Mac. The loss of a great love can be replaced by another one, but the loss of a second great love can be devastating. But if you're so willing to come back, your time here was a waste of time." The Lord of Order's words beated right in Cherry's weak spot. It seemed like he knew exactly what disturbed her and was using it to dissuade her to stay. If it was working, it was impossible to know. "So what is your final decision?" he asked. Cherry didn't know what answer, merely thinking about what he had just said. The others watched her, nervous about her answer. Cherry Blossom thought well what he was doing, about the decision that she would take. She measured well the pros and cons of her departure to her homeworld, but only one side had a significant weight and for only one reason. She then turned to the Lord of Order and asked: "Can I ask you a favor?" "Of course, my dear, anything you want." > Love Conquers Everything > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the royal palace of Domino, something great would happen. For some apparent reason, a meeting had been scheduled in the throne room. There was the king and queen of Domino and parents of Bloom, who was Cherry Blossom, Oritel and Marion, seating on their thrones. With them was their older daughter, Daphne. Then the doors of the throne room opened and the other five Winx entered, accompanied by Sky, Cherry Blossom's former boyfriend when she was Bloom. "Your Majesties" Stella said as she and the others bowed to the King and Queen of Domino. "But what is the emergency for you to call us?" "Yes, me particularly" Sky said. "I received a message telling me to do it so" Oritel replied. "An order?" Aisha repeated. "From who?" "From me" a voice answered. They turned and then saw the Lord of Order appearing in the room and carrying a big mirror under his arm whose hand was not carrying his spear. "Hello, everyone" he greeted, making a slight bow. "I hope you are having a wonderful day." "But what you're doing here?" Sky asked rudely to the Lord of Order. "You're not welcome here." "I'm sorry to contradict you, my arrogant and spoiled little prince, but this is my kingdom, like all the others who live in peace and order" the Lord of Order said. "Their rulers are merely my representatives. Right, Oritel?" But Oritel didn't answered. "So what are you doing here?" Aisha asked. "It must not be good." "If you come tell me to give up on Bloom, so you can turn around and go back under the rock you came from" Sky said brusquely. "I'll have a little talk with your daddy about the education you have received" the Lord of Order said to Sky. " That is not how a young man speaks." That made Sky to contort his face in anger. "Now, although it's always a pleasure to insult you, Sky, let's talk about what really brought me here, shall we?" the Lord of Order said. He then put the mirror he carried under his arm on the ground. "Uh, that mirror is so beautiful!" Stella exclaimed, excitedly. "Stella, this is no time to admire mirrors" Flora said. "Actually, I think we should really admire that mirror" Tecna said, examining the object with her computer. "What do you mean, Tecna?" Musa asked. "According to my computer's data, that mirror is the same one where the Lord of Order made Bloom pass through when she was banished to another reality" she said. "Very well" the Lord of Order congratulated, while all the others looked to the mirror. "What a nice deduction. Yeah, this mirror is more than just an object of beauty admiration. It's a portal between dimensions. Specifically for the dimension for where Princess Bloom was sent to." "So why did you bring it here?" Daphne asked. "Don't tell us you're going to bring Bloom back." All the others looked to the Lord of Order expectants. "Oh, you'd really like so, right, Princess?" Lord of Order noted. "But unfortunately, that is not the reason why I'm here. I guess... It's not in my hands." "Sorry to ask, my Lord, but what do you mean?" Marion asked. "Well, a picture is worth a thousand words" the Lord of Order says. "Isn't that what they say? And before you start talking, what I will show you is not an illusion and I've not manipulated in any way the image. It's just for the record." And having said this, he snapped his fingers and then the mirror glass began to glow and then it began to reflect something. It was Cherry Blossom, or rather Bloom, appeared in her true form in the mirror. Happiness appeared on the face of those who were watching the mirror. "Dad! Mum! Daphne! Girls!" she called, overjoyed. "It's so good to see you." "Bloom!" everyone called, going to the mirror, including the king and queen who rose up from their thrones as they saw their daughter appearing in the mirror. "Bloom , I don't believe you're here" Stella said. "Well, you're not right here, but you can see us and we can see you..." "Stella, we get it" Musa said. "You can stop it." "Oh, Bloom, it's so good to see you" Flora said. "We miss you so much" Aisha said. "It is virtually impossible to calculate the longing we have for you" Tecna said. "I miss you too, girls" Bloom said with a tender smile. "Bloom , my daughter, I can't believe it's you" Oritel said. "We thought we would never see you again" Marion said. "Me too, dad, mum" said Bloom, while she and her parents involved themselves in an embrace that was just cut by the mirrored surface that was between them. "Little sister" said Daphne, advancing to the mirror after their parents moved away. "Oh, Daphne, I cannot believe it's you" Bloom said as the two sisters rested their palms one over the other. Both were sad because they could not touch each other. It made them remember when Daphne was under the effect of the Sirenix curse. "How are you?" Daphne asked. "Very well" Bloom said. "The Lord of Order sent me to a wonderful place. It has as the perfect balance between nature and its inhabitants that it is impossible to describe." "I told you, didn't I?" the Lord of Order said to the ones present there. When Daphne turned away from the mirror surface, it was time to Sky to approach Bloom. "Hello, Bloom" he greeted her with a warm and passionate smile. But when he started to put his hands over hers, Bloom just dropped them and stepped back, looking away from him sadly. "Bloom, what is it?" Sky asked. "I have to tell you something" she said. "To all of you." "And what is it?" Sky asked. "It has something to do with your homecoming?" Stella asked. But Bloom couldn't speak. She could not find the right words to explain what was happening to her. The Lord of Order then saved her to do that and told everyone: "Bloom managed to find a way to get back and is right now in front of the portal." "But that is fantastic!" Sky said. "You just have to cross it and we can meet again. It's easy." "Not, Sky, it's not so easy" Bloom said, making a tear drop. "Bloom..." their friends said, worried. "How is not it that easy?" Sky asked. "Don't tell me this bastard here in golden armor is making you take another decision." "Look, I'm about to pass from I don't like you to I hate you" threatened the Lord of Order. "You think that scares me, don't you?" Sky asked. "Sky, the Lord of Order has nothing to do with this!" exclaimed Bloom. "This is me." "What do you mean?" Sky asked. Although Sky didn't understand the reason for that all hesitation, Daphne, knowing her sister very well, soon realized it and, of course, the other Winx also realized that. "You don't want come back, do you?" Daphne asked. Bloom shook her head. "What?" Sky asked, not wanting to believe. "That cannot be true. You can't want to stay there." "Sky, calm down" Stella asked, placing a hand on Sky's shoulder. "Do you think I will calm down?" Sky asked, removing Stella's hand from his shoulder. "How can you be calm when Bloom is saying she does not want to return? This does not concern you?" "Of course, yes, but..." Stella began. "Bloom might have her own reasons" Aisha said. "We have to know what they are to realize the why." "Princess Aisha is right, Sky" Marion said. "Let our daughter explain her reasons" Oritel asked. After that, Sky nodded and Bloom deep breath and said: "Since I came to this world, I wanted to come back, but eventually I get attached to it. I rebuilt the happiness that I lost and I must say I am fully satisfied with the life I have. I don't have you with me, but I have many good friends here who helped me and I know you will always be in my heart." Those words moved her friends smiled her fondly. But Sky interrupted, saying: "So I want to live with you in this world. I'm willing to do that." "No" the Lord of Order replied, before Bloom could say anything. "And I don't say this because I don't like you, but because it's impossible for you go to Equestria." "Equestria?" Stella repeated. "That looks like a name for a world inhabited by horses instead of people or something." "You hit the bull´s eye, Stella" the Lord of Order said, causing great dismay among those who heard it. "Yes, Equestria, is inhabited by equine beings, among other creatures. This equine beings are ponies, to be more precise. They could be: earth ponys, pegasi and unicorns. And, yes, Bloom is now a pony. You just see her like that because I want to. "I don't care" Sky said to the Lord of Order. "I just want to know the reasons why I can't go into that a land called Equestria." "For three simple reasons" he replied. "First, your trip would upset the balance between Order and Chaos here and I would take a long time to fix it, time I'm not willing to lose. Secondly, you're the only prince of Eraklyon, so if you were out, your kingdom won't have a prince to succeed the king. At last, and most important of all, the spell I used on Bloom can only be used once per century for an individual and only I can perform that spell in this reality. Moreover, there is the fact Bloom no longer feel for you the same as she did before." Sky then laughed and then said: "You say you cannot lie, but you just said the dumbest thing ever. I love Bloom and she loves me. Right, Bloom?" But when he turned to her, he saw that Bloom avoided looking at him. Daphne and Winx already knew her to know what it meant. "Bloom, you love me, right?" Sky asked. She looked to him and said: "I like you, Sky, but not in the same way as before. I'm sorry." "No, it can't be" Sky said, shaking his head in disbelief. "It can, Sky" Bloom said. "Here, I ended up get close to a stallion and I ended up falling in love. I had to say goodbye to him because of of my desire to want to come back, but it caused me an immense pain in my chest. Now, I realize how important he is for me." "No, it can't be" Sky said. "What does he have that I don't?" "Do you really want to know?" the Lord of Order asked. "I could tell you many things, but I think we would stay here the rest of the day..." "It has nothing to do with you, Sky" Bloom said, interrupting the Lord of Order. "I just fell in love when I thought I'd never see you. But this passion became something else. It turned into true love. You are still important to me because you were my first love, but now I can't love you in the same way you do. Our love is not reciprocated, now. I'm sorry." This left Sky devastated and he stepped back, looking away from the mirror. Bloom felt herself bad because she knew she had hurted him a lot, but she had to be completely honest with him. Then she turned to her parents and said: "Mum, dad, I..." "You don't have to say anything, my dear" Oritel said. "If this is really what you want, Bloom, we will support you" Marion said. "We are your parents and we just want you to be happy." "And if your happiness depends on that... stallion, so it's okay for us" Oritel said. "Sure, it's only okay if he does not make you suffer." Bloom made a little laugh and then said: "You have nothing to worry about it, Dad. He's very gentle and kind." She then turned to Daphne and asked: "What about you?" "I'm of the same opinion of our parents" Daphne answered. "Just follow your heart." "Thank you, Daphne" Bloom thanked. "And you know what, if I ever get married, I want you to be my best mare, who is how here we called to maid of honor." "Yes, it's settled" Daphne said to laugh. "Can it be?" Bloom asked to the Lord of Order. "How it is for a short space of time, yes it can" he replied. That left Bloom very happy. Then she turned to her friends. "And you..." " You don't need to tell us anything, Bloom" Musa said. "Yes, we don't care where you are, as long you're happy" Flora added. "You have our full support" Tecna said. "And that is a fact." "Really?" Bloom asked. "Of course" Aisha said. "As long you promise to us that we will be your bridesmaids." "But of course" she replied. "It could not be otherwise." "That's good, because I want to know this stallion for whom you lost your mind" said Stella. "He must be really cute." "You bet, Stella" said Bloom, laughing. There was a pause in which Bloom looked to Sky for a moment, but he refused to look to her. "It's time, my dear" the Lord of Order warned to Bloom. She then turned to everyone and said: "Well, I have to go. I'll miss you all." And then everyone started talking at once and making their farewells. "Please, tell to my adoptive parents that I'm fine and I love them" she asked, before the portal close for good. The Lord of the Order then snapped his fingers and the mirror shone again and when it stopped, it turned to be a mirror like any other. "Well, that was interesting" he said, taking the mirror again and putting it under his arm. "But now I must warn you about one thing. Especially you, little prince. Bloom made ​​her choice and it was the final one. She will never return to this world. I mean, she can come back, but will be briefly because she doesn't belong here anymore. And I hope you don't even try to force an entry to Equestria without my consent, because if you do it, the consequences will be... severe. "You don't have to worry about us, my Lord" Oritel said, making a slight bow, while the others, except for Sky, did the same. "It's not about you I'm worried about" he replied, taking a brief look at Sky who returned the look with a lot of hate. "Well, have a nice day." And having said this, he turned his back, starting to head to the exit, but he flashed and disappeared. In the mirror room, Twilight and the others were waiting. Then Bloom, now as Cherry, came from the mirror. The others turned to her and she told them: "It's done." "Are you really sure you made the right choice?" Twilight asked. "I am" Bloom answered. "Moreover, even if I was not sure, I couldn't go back, right?" They waved and then Pinkie went to the mirror and began to put her hoof on its surface, waiting to feel it as a bright liquid, but she only touched on the mirror's hard surface. "Oh, bummer!" The others gave a laughter and then Cherry realized she had to do something, immediately. "Hurry, please , tell me when the next train to Ponyville departs?" Cherry asked hastily to her pony friends. "Well, if you hurry, you can catch the train that brought us" Twilight replied. "You should get there by the time of sunset." Wasting no time, Cherry began to run toward the door. "But where are ya goin', girl?" Applejack asked. "I'll go meet somepony I never should have said goodbye to" she replied, reaching the door. That made everyone to smile, but of course the one smiling the widest was Applejack. "Go fer it, girl" she said. Cherry nodded and opened the door with her magic and fired up out there, narrowly bumping into Blue Sword who had appeared with his purple armor. "Sorry, Blue Sword" she apologized, continuing to run. "What's gotten into her?" he asked, entering in the room. "Nothing, dear" Twilight replied, approaching to Blue and giving him a kiss on his cheek. "She just goes after what she almost left behind." "What?" he asked, confused. "Nothing, mare talk" she said laughing. In Ponyville, the sun was setting. Big Mac was in the top of the same hill where Cherry Blossom said goodbye to him and where he had almost proposed her in marriage. He was immensely sad, looking at the horn ring he had bought for Cherry Blossom. He didn't understand the reason for her to go away right at the precise moment that things between them were going so well. Was it something he had done? However, there was nothing to do. She was gone... for good. He never went to see her. He began to cry and then lifted the hoof that was holding the box with the ring and prepared to throw it away. If he had to forget Cherry, then he had to get rid of everything that reminded him of her. It was then he began to hear hooves approaching and then he hastened to hide the box under the same root. He listened carefully to the sound of hooves approaching. He knew those steps. He couldn't immediately associate it to the pony who was making them, but he knew it was from a mare. He thought it could only be his sister Applejack's. "If ya came here tah comfort me, Applejack, and tellin' me Cherry wuz very happy tah return home, ya can turn around." He heard steps approaching him and then he felt a hoof been put up on his shoulder. Then Big Mac felt his heart accelerate. He knew that touch, that gentle and caring touch. The red stallion was astounded, thinking that only one pony had a touch like that. He looked to the hoof and saw that the coat which was covering it was not brilliant light gamboge, but very soft blue. He looked and was stunned when he saw Cherry Blossom, smilling lovingly to him. "Cherry?" he asked, not able to believe. "Hello, Big Mac" she greeted, sitting beside him. "What tha..." he began. "I couldn't do it. I could not leave you." She then looked into Big Mac's eyes and saw that they were swollen and wet. "Were you crying?" she asked, moving her hoof over the Big Mac's face. "No, Ah wuzn't" he lied, averting his head from her hoof and then looking away from her. Cherry could feel the resentful tone of Big Mac, what she could understand, given what she did. "Look, Big Mac, you don't have to hide your emotions from me" she said. "I know I hurt you and I'm sorry for that. I did not want to do that, but I had no choice. But I think it's necessary make big mistakes to realize the truth." "An' that truth is...?" Big Mac asked, looking at her. "The truth is that I love you and it's with you who I want to be with" Cherry said. "Na offense, Cherry, but that's what ya told me when we start'd our relationship. "I know, but..." It was then that Cherry saw that she had no alternative but to tell the truth to Big Mac. She then told him everything, from the life she had in her old world, through the sacrifice she had made and her arrival to Ponyville, the reason she was always so tough to accept her love for Big Mac and why she said goodbye to him. "So ya had tha opportunity tah return an' come back tah see yer family and friends again an' that's why ya left me?" Big Mac asked. "I know that what I did hurt you a lot, but try to understand my situation" Cherry asked. "I miss them so much that when I realized that the Elements of Harmony could fulfill my desire to see them, I didn't even think twice. Please, forgive me for..." But Big Mac made her stop talking by putting his hoof over her lips. He smiled at her and then said: "Cherry, listen me, Ah don't care where ya come from or what ya are. Ah love ya 'cause yer heart and nothing more. Ah totally understand what ya did. If it were me, Ah would also do tha same thing. And ya don't know how happy Ah am tah know that ya love me so much ya refused tah go back tah your world fer me. Cherry, ya are tha mare of mah dreams and Ah will love ya forever, even if Ah have tah fight against everythin' an' everyone." Those words left Cherry Blossom speechless . "Really?" she asked. "Eeyup" he said. And then they nuzzled each other and then embraced each other. Big Mac could not contain himself of happiness. This was the perfect opportunity. As the two were embracing, Big Mac groped to find the box with the ring. They finished the hug, smiling to each other and then Big Mac asked: "Cherry, did ya remember that thing Ah want'd tah tell ya yesterday?" "Yes, and I'm sorry for not letting you speak" Cherry said. "It's okay" he replied. "What Ah want'd tah say ya wuz somethin' so much important and want'd that moment wuz perfect." Cherry didn't know why, but now that she was not concerned for saying goodbye to Big Mac, she could feel a certain nervousness in his words. It was then that she saw him revealing a small velvet box, which left her petrified. "Cherry, Ah love ya so much an' Ah want tah spend tha rest of mah days with ya. So..." He opened the box, revealing the ring he had bought for her, and asked the question: "Will ya marry me, Cherry Blossom." Cherry was caught completely by surprise. She didn't expect a question like that one. Her heart throbbed with excitement and her stomach made more turns than ever. She looked at Big Mac who smiled with his warm and caring smile, the smile that always charmed her, and then she looked to his sweet and gentle eyes. She then smiled and said: "Yes, Big McIntosh Apple, I'll marry you." And using her magic, she put the ring on her horn. Big Mac, unable to contain himself, shouted as loud as he could: "YEE-HAWW!" He then hugged her and she did the same. Their hug was strong and full of emotion. They split up and then looked at each other and then Big Mac said: "Ah love ya, Cherry." "I love you too , Big Mac," she said . And then they both gave a kiss, the most passionate of all those they already got. The End