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Tasty and fun chaos

I was in awe at the sight I was seeing. Outside the small cave I found near the edge of the forest. I was seeing what would make a child jealous. I was seeing what am thinking is cotton candy clouds and what seems to be chocolate milk.

I went outside and looked around making sure there was no wood wolf's or lions with scorpion tail. Just to be safe. I ran under one of the clouds, looked up and opened my mouth. Just as I hoped, it was chocolate milk.

After a few seconds I collected enough chocolate milk to fill my mouth. I swallowed, and the taste...was so good I thought it would rival or even surpass the apple at the farm. I then realized my tail started to wag back and forth. Well looks like that answered my question.

I walk out of the cloud and shaked like a dog to get the chocolate milk off me. Then I walked to Ponyville to see what is going on over there. After a few minutes of walking I saw weird thing first there were bunch of bunnies with long legs. After that I saw bulls wearing tutus and dancing around.

And then the sun and moon decided to switch places with each other scaring the shit out of me. They shortly switch back. And lastly there was a long road of soap. Now I know I did dumb things but I needed to try this.

I ran and jumped, landing on the soapy road and speeding through. As I was racing down the road I saw floating houses and parts of the ground were different color, hell even some floating pies. I'm going to have to catch one of those pies later.

Suddenly out of nowhere I saw a weird snake like creature passing through laughing about how harmony is dead or something. Must be the crazy one in the town. And the crazy creature to. Then I saw a tree, it was a big tree to...Holy shit I'm heading straight to it!!!

'Get off the road dumbass!' I thought to myself. I tried to grab the ground that wasn't soap. But I couldn't I was going too fast.

The tree was coming faster. Could I survive the impact? Probably not, I was eating only apples for two weeks. I could barely drink the water without getting chased by those monsters.

At this point I could see my ribs. My body was probably very fragile and weak. The only part of my body that wasn't skinny was my back legs. I mean it's a tree, just a bigger one.

And if I die here I can't see Granny Smith anymore. Granny Smith was probably the only friend I ever had in this world. What would she think if one of her friends die. No that's not gonna happen!

First I tried to balance on my hooves but I couldn't, the road was to slippery, then I fell on my stomach. Big ass tree 35 feet away. I then tried to spread my legs. Big ass tree 30 feet away.

I brought all my legs inward, and it was a success. Big ass tree 25 feet away. "OK this part is going to be hard." I said to myself.

I turned my body so it would face away from the tree. I turned my head to see how far the tree was. Big ass tree 15 feet away. I could barely lift my legs without almost falling. But I still lifted them either way.

Big ass tree 10 feet away. 'I only have one chance, better make it count.' I thought as I closed my eyes. Big ass tree 5 feet away. "Look out! Here comes Tom!" THUD!!!

I heard a voice but I didn't care. All I cared for was being alive. As if it was on instinct my legs kicked as hard as they could, filled with the fear of death, and adrenaline. My legs connected to the tree.

But it didn't feel like a tree. I open my eyes to see a boulder, or what were the remains of a boulder. I also realize that I stopped. And I fell on my side, my back legs were hurting like hell. I guess the adrenaline ran out.

I was whining in pain I was about to cry until I heard a soft voice. A soft voice that would make me pissed. "Awww, look at the baby who's about to cry." The voice was a mocking voice, like if the voice didn't just see you break an entire boulder.

I opened my eyes to see a flying grey pony smirking. Left to her was a normal pony with a cowboy hat that was also grey. And the one on the right was also a normal looking pony which was grey and with the poofiest hair I had ever seen. And finally I look up to the right to see the most normal pony I seen all day.

She was purple, had a horn, her hair was dark pink and dark blue striped hair. And she looked shocked. I looked back at the grey flying pony. "Hey, how about you kick a boulder to pieces and see how you like it, whore!"

I said almost screaming in pain, the pain almost got to me there. The grey flying pony was taken aback. She then quickly came back with a response that would make me confused. "Aww look at him making up new words, Applejack do you know what whore means?"

I was confused were they stupid or do they even know what a curse word is. "Of course I do, I know every word in all of Equestria." The one named Applejack said. Wait why does the name seem familiar?

Suddenly I was hit on the back of my head and my body went flying. I was three or four feet away from were I was originally at. "Rarity how could you do that to a colt!" I looked at my attacker who was supposedly Rarity.

"Twilight how could I not after what it did to Tom, poor Tom." Then Rarity started crying saying how I ruined 'Toms' beauty. I then realized that that Tom was the boulder I smashed. What the Hell is wrong with this town!

We got a flying pony who's laughing at a childs pain. Then we got Rarity who cares more for a boulder than an actual ponys life. What's next, they are somehow the heros in this world. 'If that's true then in the future I'll have powers that can destroy the universe.'

Then I heard a males voice."Well well well I see you found the elements of harmony. How terrifying." I looked up to see the same snake like creature I saw on the soapy road. But I couldn't care less.

I was on the ground of a few minutes as they talked, but I didn't want to hear what they were saying. I was in too much pain to even care. Suddenly I hear some weird wind noise then I looked up to see the ponies flying then I saw a bright light illumate around them. 'So they are the world's heros thats bullshit.'

I thought in my head before I blacked out.

Author's Note:

Whew this making a book thing is kinda fun. Anyways new chapter today or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. And if that doesn't happen we'll you can't sue me