
Viewing 61 - 80 of 265 results

Applications for Clarion 2018 Open Today! Fimfiction Scholarship Info! · 4:23am Dec 2nd, 2017

TL;DR: Some folks at fimfiction have again scraped together $785 $900 $1000 to give to any fimfiction writer who gets accepted this year at any of the most-prestigious American science fiction & fantasy writing workshops.

To quote from my 2013 post on the Clarion Science Fiction & Fantasy Writing Workshop:

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Bits · 11:53pm Sep 1st, 2019

Has anyone touched upon foreign currency exchange in Equestria? How much does 1 bit cost in US dollars?


ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm closing my commissions SOON. · 5:33pm Nov 6th, 2018

After 14 commissions completed in the last few weeks, I'm going to be closing my commission list the day before US Thanksgiving (November 21st). Why, might you ask? The fact is, I needed some cash to pay for much needed things, including a few medical bills and an unexpected emergency visit to the vet for my cat. The little dumbass is fine now, she just likes trying to pick on cats, and dogs, twice her size. Most of these bills are now paid, thanks in part to those

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State of the Matter 20150818 · 12:35am Aug 19th, 2015

Thank you for all of the supporting the recent chapter. It was a fun one to do, even if it was based on a TWP idea that I abandoned as being too complicated and unbelievable.

Unfortunately, classes are starting in less than a week, so production and release of new chapters will be slowed until a balance is found.

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Got my first MLP CCG deck!! · 5:15am Jan 20th, 2016

Snatched up an EO Jam Session deck from Target. Only one they had. No 5th wave boosters though. :( I also realized that I probably should have just bought the high magic 2 deck starter set off amazon so that I could rope my husband into playing with me. Obvs can't play by myself, and the local brony meetup group always gets together when I can't friggin' go. *shakes fist*

Ah well. Budgeting is fun kids. Don't be poor and impulsive like me :facehoof:


Not...dead...yet... · 3:38am Apr 7th, 2021 it's been a real roller-coaster since about 2017.

2017 - my father has a major medical issue and lost some mental capacity and started down the road of dementia. We had to move him out of his basement apartment. I ended up with all his tools and his motorcycle in my garage clogging absolutely everything.

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Contest Signal Boost: Friendship is Optimal Writing Contest · 2:59am Apr 1st, 2021

I know some of y’all like contests, and some of y’all might not pay attention to site-wide blog posts or various others blogging about theme, so here I am being all contractually obligated and all that!


And there are cash prizes. Like, actual cash.

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Grammarly Prime · 10:02pm Jun 12th, 2019

Well buckling down and bought Grammarly Prime so you'll be expecting some better grammat for the most part on my stories. I cant wait to see how this goes and will be working harder on my stories.


Random Ramblings CCCVII · 8:59am Aug 24th, 2018

I've been looking for a song to describe how I've felt the past two years. Well, here it is. Enjoy.

Updates on the flip side, if you'd be so kind as to follow.

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Happy Easter or Your Wife · 7:31pm Apr 1st, 2018


No, it's not an ultimatum. Unless you wish it to be, of course.

First of all, I would like to convey my best, Easter wishes to all of you wonderful people. May you find joy and fulfillment in your lives, and may your dreams come true. And through the grace of God, may many blessings come your way, always!

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Please Help Foals Errand and Her Mother · 11:52pm Jan 13th, 2017

Foals Errand is hosting a Go Fund Me Page and is selling her pony stuff on EBay to help her mother (who she takes care of) leave the state they currently are in.

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Where my chapters at? · 7:48pm May 2nd, 2018

A few people want to know when the next chapter of The Day the Show Reset will be released, so here's where I am so far. I have lots of scenarios planned out for later parts of the fic, but the upcoming third chapter is both much longer than the first two and has been rewritten several times. However, the main obstacle isn't writing so much as TIME for writing.

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Update: New Job, Getting a House and More. · 12:43am Mar 15th, 2020

So the new chapter is slowly being written, I just got transferred from days to nights so most of my writing time has been thrown out the window. So i'm slowly writing more.

Some other updates, I just found out that my credit score is really really good, so if I'm frugal with my money and plan accordingly I'll be out of my father's house and into my own in two-three months. Hopefully everything works out.

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Brewing some Ko-fi · 6:36am Dec 3rd, 2020

To try and improve my situation, I have decided to try expanding beyond just my Patreon account and have opened a Ko-fi account for those who do want to support me, but would rather not go through the trouble of setting up a Patreon account.

If anyone wishes to support me with an alternative to Patreon, please consider doing so with a Ko-fi. As always, any support is appreciated.


I'm a sponsor · 3:00pm Feb 18th, 2020

Sooo, today I decided to become a sponsor.

I have never really done any of that before, but I am quite happy with it. I like this site, and I hope the money will go to maintaining it and making it fun. ^^

I've gotten some nice new friends, and there is a lot of stories, and a place for me to practice. So I think it was worth it. :eeyup:


UPDATE - I'M NOT DEAD YET · 5:08am Dec 26th, 2016

So my spine is getting worse every day, my left leg is starting to give out while my right leg just hurts more and more every day. Breathing is still a battle of willpower and constant reminder that "Breath. OW, BREATH, OW" is just the way life has to be. I've been struggling through work because I have literally no other way to pay my bills but it is getting to near impossible for me to work anymore. If it continues to get worse (which is kind of the thing with this disease) I'll be out

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New Year's 2k18 Competition: A Two-Faced Charade · 11:41pm Jan 1st, 2018

Hello one and all!

If you're reading this, it's because you either follow me or one of your friends told you about this competition...You made a poor life decision either way.

Anyhow, let's get down to business!

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Support me on Patreon · 9:04pm Jan 3rd, 2017


Please Help Foals Errand! · 6:58am Mar 5th, 2017

Tonight, Foals Errand made a blog post telling us that she has to pay almost $5,600 for an accident in 2015. Money that she doesn't have right now.

Please, if there's anything you can do to help Foals, please do it. I'll leave her patreon page down below if you're able to give her some money, and help her out right now.

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Midnight Updates · 9:10pm Sep 8th, 2015

Hello followers, its your friendly neighborhood Midnight and I'm here to talk about a few things pertaining to me.

Number one, I've got a Youtube channel that, hopefully, I'll start expanding to streaming, gaming, and such. Right now its mostly music.

Now, this means I need money, and I really hate to ask, but if most of you were to donate, hell, even a dollar, to my Patreon when I get it set-up, I can get my own TV, other streaming devices, possible laptop, and other things I may need.

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 265 results