
Viewing 41 - 60 of 322 results

A Pattern . . . · 3:58pm Mar 26th, 2016

So the Season 5 premiere gave us this . . .

And the Season 5 finale gave us this . . .

. . . Yeah, it's probably nothing. :ajsmug:


The Displaced: War of Ruin is OUT!!! XD · 12:58am Sep 21st, 2017

Hey guys I'm happy to share that the sequel to The Displaced is finally out!!!

This took a lot of time, but the first chapter is finally out!!! XD

I do hope you all enjoy it


NaNoWriMo Day 3 Results · 3:50am Nov 4th, 2017

Words - 963 + 526 / 50,000
Days - 3 / 30
Average - 485 words a day (+16) [Required average - 1,667]
Pages - 2 +1
Chapters - 1

Total Progress - 2.91% (+1.03%)

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A New Destiny Revamp OCT 30th · 6:08am Jul 22nd, 2020

That is correct guys, A New Destiny will continue like I originally when I first posted it. It's going to be awhile until then and I can't promise that it'll be out on that exact date, might be sooner or a little later.... Who knows really, it takes a lot of time for me to write since I have school, work, moving to my own apartment, and my other projects that have also been placed on hold.

EA New Destiny
Ever since I opened that email I was turned into a Pokemon and was forced to take responsibility for the sake of the others that came after me. But unlike them I'm immortal, and it's been nothing but a curse. I had only one option left...leave.
Pen Dragon · 16k words  ·  180  18 · 6.9k views

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It would appear that I have been remiss... · 8:33pm Feb 16th, 2022

With regards to the Gabby/Gilda picture I posted in the previous C&C blog. I have been informed by Backlash91 that the art I clipped was originally commissioned for one of his stories, which I will post here:

[Adult story embed hidden]

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Save MLP Gen 4 Project · 10:58am Feb 26th, 2021

I have proven this multiple times, but I will explain again. I am a strong opposer of MLP Gen 5, and I am a strong supporter of reviving MLP Gen 4 and continuing it. One of my life bucket list is to pursuade Hasbro to continue MLP Gen 4. So I have decided to do 'Save MLP Gen 4 Project/SG4P)'. I currently made various efforts for MLP Gen 4 to continue. Here are some of the endeavors I have made in chronological order.

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[06/03/2022] Updates and Continuations! · 10:59am Mar 6th, 2022

So, it's been only a day or so since I published the newest chapters of Deadwood's Detective Agency and Future Tactics - The War Games, and the response I've seen so far has me pumped! Both stories are labours of love, but for a while, I was legitimately burned out from writing (It's a problem that happens if I try to 'blitz' writing chapters - it takes so much out of me that I get writer's block that refuses to go away unless I try and focus on something like a short story).

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Random Ramblings CLXII · 7:16am Apr 14th, 2017

As I write this, it is 2:15am Central Daylight Time, so I'm going to keep it short for once (yeah, I know).

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What's going on with "I Thought You'd Never Ask..." · 9:44pm Oct 21st, 2019

This has been coming for a while, but I wanted to wait until I was sure, and was taking some time to word this announcement well...

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Feathered Heart continuation story will release in ten days · 6:30pm Mar 17th, 2021

But it will not yet contain the continuation itself, sorry, since I still have a slew of chapters to get through updating first. :ajsleepy: It will eventually appear in this new story, however.

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An MLP: FIM/Thundercats (2011) crossover story would be nice! · 12:45pm Nov 18th, 2015

Ever since the Thundercats 2011 reboot got cancelled people continued their own season 2 through fan fiction while Mlp is still on going and it's fandom still active, which really bugs me that action cartoon these days are related like a joke! Would it be cool if there's mlp/TC crossover? I imagine it took place right after season 5 of MLP and What Lies Above Part 2. Imagine if Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends caught up in a war with Mumm-ra, long after they met Lion-o and The

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I'm Leaving The Fandom · 10:31pm Jun 16th, 2016

The title says it all here folks, I'm finally leaving. I've been a part of this fandom since the very beginning and I just can't take the amount of autistic content going around as well as how the "new" side of the show is going. The only real reason I was staying anyways was because of the art and music. That being said here are a list of people that have kept me strong in the fandom up to this point. I highly recommend you take a look at them:
Proenix: vector artist @ Deviant art

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On Depression 2 - The Feelsening. · 4:22pm Aug 3rd, 2015

This was the first time I wrote a description about depression

Depression is a solemn affair. It's quiet and introspective in nature, an utterly personal affair. Describing it rarely tells anyone what it's like. Could you, should you step into it, telling anyone about it will lessen its hold...but it will only last a short time.

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Continuity Issues · 6:20am Nov 8th, 2015

Just spent about two hours rewriting parts of some chapters because I made a continuity issue with one of the characters in the story. Thank you Fionn for pointing out my errors. This is why I wanted to find someone who knew both MLP and Dresden to help me proofread.

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Vote for Continue · 6:09pm Aug 6th, 2019

This post is for the stories people want to see continued the most. Take your pick of your favorite story. Drop an upvote and or comment on this blog or the story why you want me to continue it. The story with the most votes by the end of the week will be the next new chapter I post. I am currently still working on other stories both new and old however this will help me figure out how many people want something new. So let me know and I'll make it happen.

Thanks again for the support


Thinking of continuing "50 Things I'm not Allowed to do in Equestria" · 8:50pm Dec 19th, 2018

I mean, I enjoyed writing it, and I'm not updating ETQ until January, 2019. Plus, the other fics I've got sitting in the back of my account I haven't published yet like Reinc. Theory, I'm not techincally publishing, or even starting, until ETQ is like, halfway through. So, I'm wondering is anyone would actually read TINATDIE if I were to continue it?


I need some advice about world building. · 10:38pm Nov 14th, 2019

Ever since I decided to join the fandom I have tried to catch up on every single piece of Mlp lore. And it has been overwhelming to say the least. Not only 9 seasons of episodes but also several comic books and other expanded material which just so happens to include both contradictions and several alternate realities.

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Feathered Hearts C&C chapter 40 will launch tonight · 3:26pm Monday

I apologize for the long delay. The chapter draft was submitted to prereaders a month ago and well-received, but the graphics have taken me a while and several false starts. The main reason is I tried multiple methods to include unit icons in the maps of Aresia, but the end result always seems more cluttered than anything else. Here's an example:

Without unit icons:

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On the Subject of Sequels/Continuations of My Fics · 11:35am Feb 1st, 2019

I am glad so many people want more of my writing. However, I have a lot of unfinished stories because I have a hard time resisting plot bunnies. If I am writing something, there is a 2:1 chance that it's some new idea that strikes my fancy. The remaining 33% chance is that I'm writing on a work in progress, trying to finish it in a reasonable manner. While not every ending is completely satisfying, when I do end a story, it is ended for good. If it is a one-shot, that's all you get. If it is

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The Spark Returns · 7:17pm May 2nd, 2020

Note: Recommended to be viewed in Night Mode.

Hey, Flutter-Spark here with a big update! That’s right, my friends; I’m not dead!

I’m sincerely and deeply sorry to readers for having been gone for so long. Life can be more chaotic than even Discord would like–

“I wouldn’t bet on that!”

Oh, shut it, ya darn Draconequis! You’ll get your time!

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 322 results