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Comment posted by TwilightUCrazy deleted Jun 24th, 2014

Prompt: Sass ('cause other people can't play in easy-mode I guess :facehoof:)


Rainbow stared back, her eyes mimicking the narrowed green slits that were eyes. Sparks crackled between their two close-in stares, and the atmosphere heated up noticeably in their presence. Twilight and the others had left several minutes ago after this little stare-down had begun, slipping past Rainbow who had been pinned at the front step by her friend.

Rainbow let out of a little puff of hot air from her nose in attempt to cause Applejack to blink, but the other mare only narrowed her eyes further.

"Ah ain't gonna tell you again..." she growled dangerously.

"Good. 'Cause I don't wanna hear it again!" she said back in a low, level register. She wasn't intimidated in the least, though excitement glittered in her eyes.

"Next time Ah gotta say it, Ah'm gonna drag you over there, pin ya down, and do it mahself!" Their muzzles met, and Rainbow pushed back with equal force. "And you ain't gonna like it when Ah'm the one doin' it..."

"Nothing. Doing. AJ."

"Ah'm 'onna count to ten. One..."

Rainbow sneered, though with a hint of playfulness in her voice, she sassed, "Oh. You sure you can count that high?"


The pegasus was caught a bit off-guard by the sudden anger in her friend's voice. But she stood her ground and didn't budge an inch. She didn't notice her wings raised. To Applejack, it was her trying to make herself look bigger and more imposing. To Rainbow Dash, there was a nervous-yet-thrilled tingle in her belly.

She leaned in boldly and mushed noses with Applejack, staring her straight in the eyes as she defiantly said, "...Ten."

"Alright, THAT DOES IT!" Applejack roared, launching herself forward. Her face steamed with the fury she felt. Her freckles disappeared in a sea of red, and her green eyes became bloodshot and – Rainbow wasn't afraid to admit – more than a little spooky. It was like spontaneous rabies, but with hooves that threatened to bludgeon her into a fine red and blue-colored paste against the broad side of the barn.

She had to leap back to avoid getting crushed into the orange pony's strong grasp. While she avoided the deadly embrace, Applejack's ever-accurate teeth, she wasn't so fortunate with.

"Hey!" she craned her neck to shout at the farmpony dangling from her long tail. "Lemme go! I don't need my hooves done! Leave me alone!"

To be frank, Rainbow had a bit of a right to be angry as well. Her friend had invited her over with the promises of good old Apple family food. Granny Smith's cooking was to die for compared to her own. Usually, when she tried to cook on her own, it wound up as an exploded mess all over her kitchen.

She still couldn't figure out how a fresh apple could just spontaneously catch fire in her hooves like that...

As furiously as the pegasus beat her wings, she couldn't for the life of her gain any altitude. She was a powerful flier, but when she looked back and saw Applejack tail wrapped around the railing of the front porch, she realized she was trying to take flight with a heavy-set earth pony and part of a house.

She felt a few strands of hair in her tail break and snap, and willed her tail to just let go of her butt. She could grow that back! Anything but her hooves!

A splotch of red appeared from inside the house in her peripheral vision.

"Big Mac!" she squeaked desperately. "Thank goodness! Your sister's gone mental! She's gonna try and go full-blown farrier-mode on me!"

Applejack viciously snarled around her tail, eyes looking as though she could set her on fire with them.

Big Mac blinked and looked towards Rainbow Dash, then his sister. He coolly processed the situation, lifting a mug of cider to his lips and taking a big gulp. She gulped at the sight of it as the liquid therein sloshed back and forth.

Another firm yank on her tail by the psychopathic farmpony below jerked her back to attention. Rainbow beat her wings as hard as she could, determined to remain out of reach.

"Mmmm... eeyup," Mac replied simply, placing his cup down.

"Oh, thank all that's awesome," she sighed breathlessly. "I thought I was-WHOA!" she squeaked as she was yanked down several feet.

When her eyes looked back, Big Mac had pulled his sister down to the ground, and firmly stepped on her tail.

"Wait! NO!" Rainbow flailed like a canary in the paws of a cat. "NOOOOOOO!" she shrieked desperately, before Applejack leapt forward and landed square on her back, knocking the wind out of her.

"T-traitor..." she said breathlessly as he grabbed her by the tail on Applejack's behalf.

Rainbow continued to claw at the ground with her sore hooves, regardless of the painful sensations that reverberated back to her brain. "No! Please! Mercy!" she said shrilly. "I'm sorry! I'll be good! I'll do your chores! Make your bed! Tuck Applebloom in!"

"Aw, would you hush up already?!" Applejack snapped angrily, shoving her friend forcefully against the ground. "Don't let 'er up, Mac."

"Eeyup," he replied.

She felt the stallions massive and heavy rump flop right down on top of her and over her wings, knocking the wind out of her and making it harder to get a full breath. Much as she struggled, she couldn't gain any leverage with her wings to take flight or slip away. Trying to reach up and tickle his cutie mark with a feather proved fruitless too, as the guy seemed unmoved by such foalish tactics.

She resorted to her old standby, and grunted and flailed, trying to tear herself free, when suddenly her back right hoof was shoved forcefully against the ground, and she felt the weight of what felt like Applejack sitting atop her leg.

"Let's get this over with..." she muttered. The familiar sound of metal tools caused Rainbow's heartrate to triple.

"NOOO! Somepony help me! They're crazy! They're the farriers from hhhhhhhhhHA!HAHAHahahahaha!" she squealed, interrupted by the sensation of a scraper descending down into the the central groove. The grinding sensation felt terribly uncomfortable and awkwardly ticklish, as she was seized by a full-body heave.

Then came the clippers. Ohhhh, how she hated the tug of the clippers...

Her uproarious laughter was gradually reduced to squeaky breathing as she felt herself trimmed and ground down to a nice even shoe.

There was a lull in the sensations and she was able to catch her breath.

"One down..." Applejack announced.

Oh, hay...

It took nearly a laugh-filled hour before Rainbow was finished. Both farmponies sighed and released their "victim" from her cruel fate, and Rainbow shot up immediately, darting behind the nearest tree as Applejack and Big Mac finished putting the tools away.

"Ah swear, what would that pegasus do if'n she didn't have wings?" Applejack muttered, rolling her eyes direction as she peeked out from behind the tree.

She had to admit... her hooves sure weren't sore anymore, and she felt a lot more confident in her gait.

Applejack glowered her direction and shook her head as she headed back towards the farmhouse.

Rainbow, not one to miss an opportunity, darted over to a stop in front of the earth pony.

The two shared a bemused stare with each other.

"So... I was promised food..." she snorted in the farmpony's face. "And considering everything I had to go through here, I'd say I deserve some."

Applejack hm'd and rolled her eyes back as she passed around her. "Ah dunno, sugarcube... usually we only feed our guests who behave themselves proper."

"Hey! I told you before I don't like my hooves being touched!" she squeaked. "After that whole thing I had to go through, I say I deserve some grub!" she protested.

"Deserve some, huh?" Applejack said, turning to smile her way. "Y'know, Ah can't even recall Applebloom behavin' that bad."

"Eenope!" Big Mac chimed in as he trotted past her.

"Aww, what do you all know?" she pouted, scuffing a hoof against the ground.

She had to admit, it felt nice being able to do that again without that twinge of pain firing up her leg like a bullet. She examined her freshly-hewn hooves, and had to say that they didn't look half bad.

"Well, if'n yer gonna eat with us, you can stop admirin' yerself and get in here!" she heard the farmpony snap. "The food's already gettin' cold, and we ain't gonna be waitin' forever!"

Rainbow grinned and bolted inside, the terrors of an hour ago already fading into memory.


Next prompt: Neon

Comment posted by Peachy Moon deleted Jun 29th, 2014
Group Contributor

Perhaps the blame for thread deadness rests more on the prompts that lead to weird crap like this.

Applejack stared at the neon lights and steeled herself to enter. It was just a rumor, right? There was no way Rainbow would descend to working in a place like this.
She swallowed and realized that she would never find out if she never took that first step, so she pulled her hat lower over her eyes and entered.
It was not a classy establishment. She nearly choked on the smoke and stench of stale alcohol and she was fairly certain that the carpets hadn't been cleaned in ages. The flickering lights above head mingled with the flashing neon signs to give the whole atmosphere a slightly contrasting bright yet gloomy feel.
She slid into the barstool and ordered a cider, which she quickly received. Her eyes widened as she drank. It was actually fairly good. She scanned the shelves and then her eyes narrowed as she recognized the Flim-Flam Brothers' label on one of the bottles.
Luckily, she didn't have time to brood on that, as a stallion with a ratty-looking mane stepped out on stage. “Fillies and gentlecolts,” he started. “We've got quite the treat for you tonight. First off, we have our very own Radiance!”
A mare stepped out on stage to thunderous applause. She wore socks on all four legs, a saddle that was a bit tighter than it had to be, and finishing her outfit was a small red bridle glittering with rhinestones. But that's not what surprised Applejack the most.
She knew this mare. Sure, the mane was different, and the cutie mark was disguised, but there was no denying the arrogant strut, the tail flick, or that smug smile.
That was Rainbow Dash on stage, bathed in garish neon lights. And what's more, it looked like she was enjoying herself.
Applejack's jaw dropped even lower as she grasped the pole and began to lift herself, looking as though she were trotting on air. Her muscle control was immaculate, her positioning flawless. Applejack found herself powerless to look away as Rainbow continued her performance.


Rainbow Dash was in her dressing room cleaning some of the stage makeup off when there came a loud knock on the door. She rolled her eyes. “What?”
Only another knock answered her.
Rainbow groaned and slid off her stool to go open the door. “Look, I'm not doing an encor- oh.”
Applejack stood in her doorway, and she didn't look particularly happy. Rainbow quickly realized that she wasn't wearing her fake mane or tail and thus was completely exposed, and so decided to do the most logical thing and slam her door shut.
Unfortunately, Applejack had expected this reaction and had placed her hoof in the way. It bounced open and out of Rainbow's hooves, so she went with the pleasant conversation of plan B. “Hey! Uh… how'd you get back here?”
Applejack sidestepped slightly to hide the prone form of the unconscious bouncer. “Earth pony magic,” she said. “What are you doing back here?”
“This is my dressing room,” Rainbow said.
“I gathered,” Applejack said flatly. “I'm askin' why you're here.”
Rainbow hesitantly tapped her hooves together. “Remember when you said I was an idiot for donating all that money to your barn fund?” She grinned sheepishly. “You were right!”
“So you ended up working here?” Applejack couldn't help but feel guilty.
“It started out as just a one-night thing,” Rainbow defended herself. “Then I overslept the next day and it was performance review day with the big shots from Cloudsdale and I kindof got fired from my weather job and-”
“I got you fired?!”
“I got me fired,” Rainbow corrected sternly. “I'm not putting that on you.” Then she smiled sheepishly again. “Rent came due, I needed the bits, and here I am.”
“I would have given the bits back…”
“I can take care of myself,” Rainbow retorted. “They were a gift. It's all cool. Besides, you needed them more.”
“Yeah, but you're here, and-”
“And I kindof like it here,” Rainbow finished. “It's fun and I get to be the center of attention. I get up there and ponies can't look away.”
“I couldn't,” Applejack mumbled.
She didn't mean it as a compliment, but Rainbow took it as one. “You liked it, eh? How about a private show?”
Applejack blushed redder than her cutie mark. “No! Th- that's not what I meant!”
Rainbow just smirked as she reached for her bridle again and slid it over her head. “And just for you, I'll make it extra special.”

New prompt: temperature.
Maybe one has a fever. Maybe they're at a warm beach. There's lots of clean fluffy things to do with that, right?

Claimed Prompt: Temperature

"…There! I'm done, Applejack! You can open your eyes now."

"It took ya' long enough. Ah'm freezing my- wow…is that…me?" asked the farmpony, looking over at her marefriend in disbelief.

"Yep. You like?" replied Rainbow Dash, smiling at Applejack. Applejack smiled back, and not just because of the life-size snowpony model of her. Rainbow looked adorable in the snow. White snowflakes caught in her mane, and her cheeks were rosy, and her nose was the tiniest bit red from the cold. Her eyes, too…she was just too cute.

"Ah' love it, Rainbow. You did a real good job on it, too." Applejack looked back over at the snow pony. It really was remarkable at how much it looked like her.

"Thanks." said Rainbow, scooping up a hoof full of powder when AJ wasn't looking. The sound of the scraping snow drew Applejack's attention.

"Was that you?"

"Was what me?"

"Ah' thought ah' heard somepony movin' the snow around." AJ's eyes traveled up and down Rainbow's body, looking for any sign of lying. But before she could find any, Rainbow's face was inches from her own.

"AJ, it's the middle of Winter. Winter makes tons of noises." the Pegasus brought a cold hoof up to Applejack's face, then cupped her cheek.

"You sure, Dash?"

"Calm down, weenie. It's just me and you.." Dash cooed softly, moving her face even closer to Applejack's. Applejack leaned closer as well, and right as she closed her eyes…


Rainbow rammed a snowball into Applejack's face, ginning viciously as it exploded all over her. As soon as Applejack's eyes opened back up, Rainbow took off like a rocket. Applejack's face was twisted with pure rage, and still coated in snow.

"RAINBOW DASH!!" Applejack shouted, throwing her hat on the ground. Rainbow peeked out from the top of a nearby tree, pointed at her, and laughed.

"…BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You should see your face!"

That was so bad…I hate writer's block:pinkiesick:
Next Prompt: Ghost


See? I knew it could be done! :pinkiehappy:

I claim Ghost. just give me a day for rest!

The spanish version is done. currenly working on the english version, who wants to read it, here is the link. Ghost
My head hurts a lot...:facehoof:
if you want to work while the translation is done, the next one is: Kimono

here is it. the english version...

Ghost english version.

The place was dark, the storm clouds for a few moments let in the moonlight in, it could barely squeeze through the windows that old mansion. The thunder with its lightning outshone the light lacking, at times creaky wood by moisture, or maybe they were vermin that moved through the place, except for that in the environment, the place was quiet, it was a disturbing silence, the one that plays with your mind and makes you believe in things that are not even knowing that they are not real,it just dominates you and makes you react.

In this situation were three fillies, one blue unicorn mane with yellow median lines, with a red body cremated green eyes, the other filly were; one pegasus short dark blue mane with red lines, and a pearly yellow body, green eyes also. The third foal a little older than the other 2 with fearful eyes (the other 2 are looking at the environment with challenging and fun looks) long mane into a high ponytail its bright orange ribbon of the same color is lost easily, blue eyes, and pistachio green body. The three wore a costume of a sweet house, a gingerbread and one of wolf respectively. The three are accompanied by the alicorn princess Twilight Sparkle the latter with a look of determination to get to the bottom of. In front of them is a small door, which behind from it, would end the complaints that she had been getting all night.

Moments before.

It was the night of nightmare and the small town of Ponyville is what was going on in large, diverse types of games flooded the place, laughing and playing for the ponies but of course, some screaming in fright and then laugh at themselves. Pinkie Piñata was running with the kids from one place to another by exclaiming sweet. The mayor in her not so scary costume was presenting Zecora, who would tell a horror story like every year.

We could describe each of the major characters in the series, but our story does not require it, so we will concentrate on only one of the attractions,the haunted house.

Storm clouds were requested to acclimate the old mansion ,recently abandoned by a rich pony and decided loaning for the event, and without saying anything more than to the members of the council, was decorated for tonight, the most anticipated night of the year for foals and fillies. A well-kept house with a small front garden, surrounded by railings with lighting gave a terrifying aspect, with a sign with the following legend:

"Haunted house, enter at your own risk"

There was nothing more, something strange because the pony in charge of the place was knows for her love of well-crafted jokes. And according to the complaint from the ponies, the jokes inside were too heavy, for most of them.

The three fillies went into the place, the smallest 2 found it funny, and laughed with each thunder, with each set of shadows, and listening to every moan of a foreign power, his young curiosity made ​​them go deeper, to the chagrin of their accompanying guardian. the more they were entering the mansion it looks more like the typical place, with its typical oversized rooms, cobwebs everywhere and old furniture.

Of all the thunder groaned continuously repeating, none of the 3 manages to find the source, and if not listened hard, it was pretty clear, the mournful wail that was becoming more and more understandable as more they were venturing into the dark, damp walls of the place.

“Haaaaay mis hijos!” was the cry that sounded pitiful.

"I want to go home!" Cried the older pony quietly about to become hoarse from screaming and tired from running.

“Are you crazy?" Exclaimed the happy unicorn called supernatural understanding.
"This is getting very interesting!" Said the pegasus with the same enthusiasm as the previous one.

Suddenly a light purple glow against them, a figure emerged from it, accompanied by thunder, the silhouette with white eyes suddenly turned toward them while a very bright flash lit up the shadows of the place, the atmosphere is quite suddenly to make way for a while

“haaaay mis hijos!!!!!!!”

The the older of the three ponies couldn’t stand it anymore and with a desperate cry fainted falling on the fillies that collided with her while trying to attack the ghost that appeared.

When the filly woke up, she found her self on the back of the princess, who, along with the smaller 2 keep investigated the place, ruling out the most obvious places like the dining room (previously reviewed by girls) and the central hall, which left the alcoves on the second floor. Since the fourth pony awake, they could cover more ground.

The idea was subsequently to separated, but the princess did not believe it feasible since had 3 littles ponies to care which (she finds it ironic that the younger will care for the oldest).

"Aaaaaah!" suddenly listened again, this one seems familiar voice for the princess, for some reason, from one of the doors and put all their attention on it as soon as prevented the frightened pony scream.

After calming her , they approached slowly and silently to the door. And in this situation were three fillies, one blue unicorn mane with yellow median lines, with a red body cremated green eyes, the other filly were; one pegasus short dark blue mane with red lines, and a pearly yellow body, green eyes also. The third foal a little older than the other 2 with fearful eyes (the other 2 are looking at the environment with challenging and fun looks) long mane into a high ponytail its bright orange ribbon of the same color is lost easily, blue eyes, and pistachio green body. The three wore a costume of a sweet house, a gingerbread and one of a wolf respectively. The three are accompanied with the alicorn princess Twilight Sparkle the latter with a look of determination to get to the bottom of this.

using her magic, she opened the door, the cries of all kinds, less ghostly rang suddenly, this made Twilight react and before fillies knew what was happening, the Princess of friendship delved into the room and closed the door behind of if.

"can you tell me what are you doing!!???" Was the cry that was heard in the voice of the newcomer to the room, whispers were heard, and the nagging voice of royalty was heard again .
"You got one job Applejack, one!" more murmurs, "I don’t care!" Exclaimed new account. "I want both of you, out! right now." was the cry as she left the room, closed the door behind her and forcibly smile to assure the girls that everything was under control and she will take them to the entrance, to the dismay of the smallest.

After that, Nightmare Night pass uneventful, the haunted house mystery solved as a malfunction of the controlled mechanism, Now it was near dawn, the cleanup were run by 2 ponies, Applejack's blonde and colorful Rainbow Dash, the latter was more asleep than awake on one of the empty barrels from the games. They cleaned under the reproachful look of their alicorn’s and funny looks of Mac, Fluttlershy and Rarity

"Honestly, Applejack" the fashionista began, "I did not believe you were able to leave work because hormones"
"..." The shy pegasus did not answer, merely hiding under her hair with a colorful expression on his face.

Her brother said nothing, like the defendant who was still smiling with a look that implied that she did not regret what happened.
"Ghosts, ha! as if that were possible!” emphasize the unicorn.
"Of course not, Rarity" seconded Twilight "but I must admit that the concept of our fears come from ourselves, it was interesting," he admitted, and with a calm and relaxed face "but you still have to clean, both of you" I stress quickly pointing to her friend who was lying still asleep.

"Let her sleep," the blonde finally spoke "I exceed me, I admit" she continued, as he continued collecting garbage ground "by the way Rarity" added work while drawing attention to the aforementioned "the disguise you gave Rainbow ..."

"Oh yes, the costume" interrupted the Unicorn "That happens to who mess with me" with a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes exclaimed.

"About that ..." continued the cowgirl with a distressed tone "how much is it?"

"Pardon me?" Asked the fashion pony while the red stallion and the shy pegasus pony was silent and looked at each other, then back to Applejack.
"How much is it?" She replied in a question, seeing the eyes of her friends and brother added, "I would like to keep the costume, plus I do not think that after tonight you what we can give back" the last thing I said in a murmur that only those who are accustomed to hear what I hear.

"Aaaaaah" Rarity sighed before a Twilight with doubts. "Could that be possible? Will I finally had found a dress that pleases Applejack more than his work clothes?” exclaimed happily, imagining the possibilities.

"Wait a moment!," interrupted the alicorn "none of the 2 of you had their costumes when I found you!" alleged.

"Twilight ..." fluttershy try to speak, but as always it was ignored.

"Did this has to do with the torn rags you gave me to keep?" Was what added the stallion who was silent until now.

"Torn?" That caught the attention of the Unicorn this, "what did you did to my dress!??" While threatening claimed herein.

"I'll pay for it, besides ... it's your fault for putting such a beautiful dress," said the pony having their work interrupted by the words of his brother, flushed face, pointing at Rarity.

"Excuse moi!" asked the applicant for damages.

"Practically you gave her an outfit that said in big letters “rut me” and couldn’t resist it" and said it proceeded to approach her ​​Pegasus and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Rarity" Twilight approached to a stunned Unicorn

"Yes, Twilight?" she replied quietly

"What was the costume about?" She asked

"A fairy princess, but I do not understand..." said indifferently and then exclaim with surprise is "oh my!.." red in her face.

"Oh my..." said the alicorn in the same tone

"Indeed..." confirmed the other 2 ponies present, a smile, as they watched a demonstration of obvious affection between those 2 ponies.

be honest with me, fix it, and please tell me how to improve and get the stupid accent of AJ right!! thanks!
Next one is still: Kimono

Is it just me or does this forum look... dead?

Prompt status: Unclaimed

Group Admin

Uh, I hate to do this again, but could perhaps someone convert this text to a gramatically correct version?

Unless Yaoi mistress doesn't mind me posting it like that

3458397 I really don't mind.

And I really apreciate if someone can tell me what to fix, so this become less frequent.


I suppose I could take it. I thought someone else had laid claim for some reason.

Group Admin

It mostly seems like you don't have the proper tenses, and words that get shuffled within a sentence.

3458623 I going to work on that. thanks for the note!

3458472 Not what I was saying, but whatever. Go ahead.

BTW, I love your Soredin' profile pic.:rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


I am sleep deprived and I am rusty as an iron gate out at sea, but this prompt needs claiming dammit!

Rainbow cursed under her breath as her hoof caught in the fabric. She swayed unsteadily and tried to spread her wings for balance. The constricting kimono she had wormed into, however, had other ideas for her and Rainbow fell to her hotel room floor with a crash and a much louder curse. She fumbled with her hooves, looking for something to grab on to. The door to the bedroom opened and she barely suppressed a groan.

“Havin’ some trouble?” Rainbow heard Applejack chuckle as she stepped into the room. “You know, I don’t think you’re supposed to try ‘n stick yer head through the leg hole.”

“Oh, shut up.” Rainbow growled and tried to stand up, only to flump back down in a mess of kimono and feathers. “How the hay are you supposed to put this thing on, anyways?!”

Applejack shrugged. Or at least, Rainbow thought she shrugged. Her eyes were too busy boring holes into the floor to check. “Search me. But I think the sash is supposed to go on the back.”

“Like you’re some kind of kimono expert,” Rainbow huffed. With a snarl, she shook off what little of the garment was still on her and flapped onto the bed. She scowled and fixed her gaze on the crumpled kimono on the floor, daring it to try something. “Stupid Rarity. Why do we even have to wear these things?”

“Somethin’ ‘bout bein’ invited to some fancy dinner at some palace,” Applejack said noncommittally. “She ‘n Twi are pretty excited about it. They’re yammerin’ like a couple of schoolfillies downstairs.”

“Yeah, but why?”

“I dunno. Rarity said it was only appropriate to wear them while we’re here.” Applejack coughed. “Besides, they’re not all bad, are they?”

Rainbow scoffed. “Why would you even think that—” She turned her head and looked at Applejack. “—Whoa.”

Applejack stood before Rainbow, one hoof behind the other and with a bashful smile on her face, dressed in a light pink kimono. “Rarity and Twi helped me get into it,” she explained. Rainbow watched with a slack-jawed expression as pink dots coloured Applejack’s cheeks. She cleared her throat and looked away. “I thought I looked nice. It’s not my thing really, I just thought that, y’know, while in Roam—”

“AJ,” Rainbow interrupted. Applejack’s mouth snapped shut with an audible click and she swallowed thickly.


“You look great,” Rainbow said as she hopped to Applejack’s side. Her eyes wandered up and down Applejack’s frame and she smirked as Applejack’s cheeks continued to redden under Rainbow’s ogling eyes. “Oh yeah, definitely a ten.”

“Oh, shuddup.”

“Lots of ponies are gonna be staring at you tonight.” Rainbow’s smirk grew and she draped a wing over Applejack’s withers. “And they’re all gonna haveta go home disappointed ‘cause you’re my marefriend.”

“Yeah, well, you’re gonna have to get dressed first.” It was Applejack’s turn to smirk as Rainbow’s vanished. She looked down in horror at her kimono.

“Oh, horseapples.”

Applejack chuckled. “Want some help?”

Now let's breathe some life back into this thing. Next prompt is... Champagne

Have at 'er.

Group Contributor


An alcoholic beverage prompt? I'm in.

She had tried everything.

Rainbow trudged back inside the cosy wooden farmhouse, head held low and her hooves sliding across the welcome mat, the coarse bristles scraping the remnants of a long walk back to the farm off with a grating hiss.

Sound travelled quickly across the thin wooden walls. Rainbow heard Applejack stir from upstairs as much as the farmpony heard her, too.

“Well?” Applejack called as she clattered down the stairs excitedly. Rainbow didn’t reply. Applejack took one look at her, and her face fell. “Oh.”

“There was nothing she could do.” Rainbow told her, before eyeing the pair of tall, thin glasses on the dinner table, accompanied by a dark green bottle, as formal as a soldier on parade. “I see you had a bit more faith in Rarity.” She comments.

Applejack shrugs, and nudges Rainbow playfully.

“Well, my granny always says that in victory, you deserve a drink, but in defeat, you need one.”

Rainbow chuckled, and the pair made their way to the table, the pegasi’s mood lifted somewhat. Applejack twisted the cork twice, and one short, sharp ‘pop’ later, the foamy liquid spilled into the two glasses.

“Did you have more luck on your end?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah, we pulled out one of our old formal dresses from the attic and dusted it off. It might not be modern, but it’s pretty.”

Rainbow Dash tipped the glass back, the sweet drink tickling her senses. It tasted great.

“I bet you’ll look great.” She told Applejack. It wasn’t so much a bet as a fact, of course. Rainbow knew from experience that Applejack would make almost anything look good. Applejack blushed.

“How did Rarity take it?”

“Oh, you should have seen her! She was desperate. She had tried gels, nets, needles, she even tried moulding it to be any other shape she could make.” Rainbow said, beginning to laugh. “I think she was more annoyed than I was! She must be hitting the drink too, I imagine.”

Applejack could picture it all too well. The thought of her friend driving herself insane over Rainbow’s condition was enough to bring a smile to anypony’s lips.

“I guess that just confirms what I already knew. It just would have been really cool for a change.”

Applejack let her hoof brush against Rainbow’s own as she refilled her glass, a small reassuring gesture she hoped Rainbow would notice.

“You’ll still be able to go. Just because it’s formal doesn't mean you have to have a styled mane.”

Rainbow Dash glanced down at the orange hoof, and smiled properly. She was pretty sure which out of the champagne and Applejack was really making her feel better.

“Thanks. I guess some manes can’t be styled.”

And the next prompt shall be: construction

Group Admin


Tcherno gave me a great idea for this one so I'm gonna go ahead and snag it.

Applejack chewed the inside of her cheek and her brow furrowed in concern. She watched as Rainbow flitted around the barn, taking measurements and muttering under her breath. A growing unease squirmed in Applejack’s stomach as Rainbow chuckled.

“Sweet! At this rate, the room should be finished in like a week or two, tops!” Rainbow landed in front of Applejack, pecked her on the cheek, and beamed at her. “Thanks for talking Granny Smith into this, AJ. You have no idea how much I needed this.”

Applejack’s mouth opened and closed several times, trying desperately to find the right words.

Rainbow turned and gestured to the barn. “Plus, it’s gonna be so awesome when it’s done, don’t you think?”

“Erm, yeah, sure...” Applejack scuffed the barn floor with a hoof. She couldn’t bring herself to meet Rainbow’s eyes.

“AJ?” Rainbow’s voice was tinged with concern. Applejack felt a hoof prod her shoulder. “You okay?”

Applejack shook her head and gave Rainbow a strained smile. “Yeah, I’m fine, it’s just... Nevermind. Not important.”

Rainbow nudged her again and draped a wing over her back. “What’s up?”

Applejack sighed. “Look, Rainbow, I know this is important to ya, and you know I’m more ‘n happy to help, right?”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. Since dating Applejack, she had gotten rather good at it. “Yeah, and?”

“Well, it’s just...” Applejack’s face scrunched up and she shook her head. “This whole birds nest thing is just a little—”

Rainbow withdrew her wing and scoffed. “This again?” She huffed and stomped over to a set of blueprints spread over a table. “AJ, how many time do I have to tell you that it’s not a birds nest?”

Applejack groaned. This was one talk they have had too many times. In a deadpan voice, Applejack said, “Dash, honey, I love ya, but you’re putting a bird feeder up there.”

“So? Pegasi eat bird seeds sometimes, what’s the big deal?” Rainbow puffed out her chest with as much dignity as she could muster. “Can’t a pony want a snack every now and then?”

“It’s also got one of those round holes for getting in!”

“That doesn’t prove anything!” Rainbow’s determination faltered, Applejack could see it. It was slight, but it was there. “I need a way to get in from outside.”

“What about that round peg-thing that’s stickin’ out of the hole for you to land on?”

“I-I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”

“Okay, then why’re you collecting bits of straw and hay?”

Rainbow deflated. Her throat bobbed uselessly for a moment and her eyes shifted from Applejack to a bundle of straw she had just finished collecting. “...Shuddup.”

After another moment of silence, Applejack coughed. “...Pegasi don’t lay eggs, do they?”

Next prompt... Carrot

3667096 3666950 3667113

Damn... I had a good one lined up for construction, too...

Ah well. At least this one was humorous.

Group Admin

You can still write it, you just don't get to choose a new word! (It'll still be Carrot)

Comment posted by TwilightUCrazy deleted Sep 30th, 2014


Prompt: Construction


Her bones ached. Her muscles screamed for mercy. Her back felt stretched like a tightrope. Rainbow strained at her physical limits, keeping her vocalizations to a minimum, but couldn’t keep every grunt and snort contained.

Big Mac looked sidelong at her as a misstep caused her to nearly trip. He paused mid-stride to let her catch up.

She glared at him, blinking the sweat out of her eyes. “Don’t you… nngh... say a word, Mac.” After catching another breath a moment, her eyes crossed and she sighed. “Not even a ‘yup’.”

He nodded and let her take the lead.

A rock slipped out from beneath her back hoof, and the log atop her back slipped off her powerful wing joints and down into the weaker small of her back. It nearly cost her her stance, and extracted a yelp of pain from her.

Big Mac quickly lowered himself so Rainbow could hoist the wood back into a more comfortable position, cradling the lumber in the crook of her wings..

“I meant to do that…”

Applejack crested the hill hastily with a bright smile. “There y’all are! I came to tell you that I pulled out a barrel of--” Her wife of a few days looked her way and smiled before blinking between her, her brother, and the large log that she balanced with the stallion. Apparently she caught her strain on her face.

"You doin' okay there, sugarcube?"

The pegasus scowled at her burning legs.

"Fan-flippin'-tastic," Rainbow snarled against the stress, taking short breaths and rigid steps.

Applejack frowned and looked up at Big Mac. "Mac, do you think you could finish draggin' this one back on yer own?"

The large red stallion, who hadn't appeared to have even broken a sweat, gave a simple nod. "Eeyup."

"On his own, nothin'!" Rainbow snapped, frowning at her mate with an irritable flick of her tail. "We got this. It's all downhill from here anyway."

Applejack gave her a once-over and stepped her direction. "You sure? You're lookin' a little tuckered out, darlin'..."

"I'll rest when we get back," she grunted, her neck muscles pulsing with effort. "Then we all sit down and have lunch together." She took another shaky step.

The two siblings shared a worried look.

"Rainbow," her wife said endearingly. A disarming orange hoof swept through the rainbow-patterned tresses, drowning out the achiness of her legs. "It's only ten o'clock."

A pit of despair formed deep in the pegasus's gut.

"You can't be serious!" she voice-broke. "It feels like we've been out here forever!"

Applejack smiled warmly and nuzzled her softly. The farmgirl turned to her brother as she felt the harness strapping the wood to her back slacken, and the sudden weightlessness of the log as it was lifted off her back by her much more solidly-built wife failed to provide any relief.

She slumped to the ground as Big Mac continued on down the hill, his heavy hoofsteps fading into the treeline as he dragged the tree off towards the farmhouse.

Her wife remained behind. She couldn't help wishing she'd followed her big brother. There was nothing Rainbow wanted more in that moment than to be alone; to disappear into her humility and simply cease to exist.

Applejack apparently noticed, and sat cutie mark to cutie mark with her, her softer orange coat soothing against her thicker pelt.

"What can I say, darlin'?" she asked tenderly, slipping her muzzle beneath Rainbow's chin, just where she liked it.

The familiar sensation didn't make her feel any better.

She sniffed. "Why do we gotta build onto the house anyway?!" she squeaked, her voice wavering atop the unstable dam that was holding back her tears. "What's wrong with your room?! It's been good enough for the past two years! Why can't it keep being good enough for us?"

She couldn't cry. Her damaged pride wouldn't survive it.

Applejack’s eyes glistened in sympathy. She reached up and cupped her cheek and gave her a soft smile.

The tears started.

“It’s just not fair,” she whimpered. “Why do I always have to be so useless on this stupid farm?!” She made a desperate attempt to disguise her anguish as anger and yanked at the harness wrapped uselessly around her. She threw it to the ground and stomped it beneath her hooves.

Applejack wrapped her hooves around her to placate her. “Rainbow Dash,” she pleaded, “don’t be upset. You know you ain’t useless here.”

“Then why can’t I help build my own stupid house?!” the pegasus wept, turning away. “I can’t even carry a few pieces of wood back to make it with. It was supposed to be you and me, AJ… Not… you and Big Mac doing all the work.”

She felt a pair of powerful legs engulf her comfortingly. Her breath hitched in her throat, making her sound exactly like the blubbering little foal she felt like.

“Sweetheart, I know you wanna help more than anything, but…” Applejack stopped mid-sentence. “Look, you know there are some things about your job I could never help you with… matter-of-fact, there are parts of my job I can’t even do without ya.”

Rainbow turned to look at her.

“What I’m sayin’ is… maybe heavy-liftin’ just ain’t a pegasus thing.” Her earth pony mate nuzzled her soft, insulated coat. “Maybe you just ain't built for it. Your bones are built for flyin' and bein' all quick-like. Yer better at handlin’ the weather and cold than I ever could. And I sure as hay can’t even touch how you make rain for the farm and everything. And you sure do errands in Ponyville a lot quicker than Applebloom was ever able to.” Her wife crossed her eyes. “Uhhh… usually.”

Rainbow rubbed her snout against the back of her leg and sniffed. “Just that one day when Spitfire was in-town doing autographs…”

“Still, you see what I’m sayin’?” Applejack smiled. The pegasus couldn’t help but chuckle through her tears. “And you’ll see. When we’re ready to put it all together, ain’t nopony gonna get all the nailin’ done quicker than you.” She paused and smirked. “And you’d want it done in time enough for us to have our honeymoon, right?”

She looked at her mate with a confused expression. “Honeymoon?” she asked. “But… you don’t wanna go to Canterlot or Las Pegasus or something?”

Applejack half-lidded her eyes and adopted a thin, sultry smile, stepping around the pegasus. “Now what in heaven’s name could we get up to there that we couldn’t have more privacy and fun doin’ here?”

Rainbow grinned, her bad mood evaporating by a telltale spread of her wings. “Okay. Good point.”

“Now,” she said, kissing her cheek, “why don’t you run and see what’s takin’ Applebloom so long with all that paint while I go and pour you a nice cup of Heaven?”


Prompt is still Carrot, there.

Group Admin

You never do things half-assed, do you? :p (Not that I mind)


Tcherno gave me a great idea for this one so I'm gonna go ahead and snag it.

You did great yourself tho, so you got that going for you :p

Group Admin

Nothing really comes to mind! Except that bird thing, but Tim had already got half the work done so I let him have it :P



Why you do dis? :ajbemused:

You wouldn't want to make Apple Bloom cry, would you? :applecry:


It's a matter of pride with me, sir. :ajsmug:

Group Admin


In all fairness to Tcherno, we were talking about the prompt and he happened to mention "bird house" and I just went off from there :twilightblush:


Pic related. Also, thank you for writing that gem. :rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


Is that Otakuap? That kind of looks like Otakuap. Either way it's adorable and I love it :heart:

And I'm glad you enjoyed. It was fun to write in the 20 minutes I had before class :pinkiesmile:


That is, in fact, otakuap. :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin


Thought it looked familiar! I love otakuap's art, especially the pieces that involve moths and them annoying Applejack.

Group Admin


"Y'know, Dash, you were right."

"Of course I'm right. I'm always right!" Rainbow stuck her nose up in the air, grinning. She blinked as she realised something. "About what?"

"Earth ponies." The other pegasus said, as they both lounged up on a cloud.

Rainbow's head tilted in confusion. "Uuhhh. You're gonna have to refresh my memory here, Dust."

"You said they make the best marefriends, doofus."

"Oh. Heck yeah, they do! Why, what- Ooooh." Rainbow's face brightened in understanding. "Spill! Who is it?"

Lighting Dust grinned. "You know her pretty well," she said, and lazily pointed over her shoulder. "She lives there."

Rainbow leaned to the side to see past the other pegasus, and frowned. "Sweet Apple Acres?" She angrily stepped up to Dust. "What're you doing with Applejack?!"

"Huh?" Lightning leaned back, and looked over her shoulder. Sure enough, the Apple barn was right there. "Oh."

" 'Oh' nothing." Rainbow prodded Lightning's chest with a hoof. "Gimme one good reason not to shove this hoof in your face."

"Behind the barn, birdbrain!"

"What? There's nothing there except Carrot's farm." Rainbow blinked. "Oh. Oh!" She grinned. "How?"

Lightning shrugged. "You remember a few weeks back when I stopped by your house?" She asked, waiting for Rainbow's nod. It had been an awkward moment for both of them, and Lightning couldn't thank the mare enough for forgiving her and giving her a chance. "I was hungry after I left, so I figured I'd go to the market before getting back to Cloudsdale. Then I saw this cute redhead selling carrots, and..."


Next prompt: Steam! (no I totally didn't look at my desktop icons, shut up:trixieshiftright:)


Snagging Steam.

Prompt: Steam.

It's a silly idea that's been on my mind for a while. Hopefully it's cute, tho'. :applejackunsure:

Rainbow Dash charged toward the ground; Fluttershy had been gone for a couple of hours now, and she refused to believe the alternative. Crying wasn't cool, and depression would only distract her, so she pushed any and all negative thoughts from her mind. Fluttershy was fine; she had landed safely on the ground, maybe she'd just hurt herself, and was simply sheltering somewhere until somepony from Cloudsdale came to pick her up.
The pegasus filly passed over an orchard filled to the brim with apple trees; she slowed down a little, keeping her eyes peeled for any sign of her friend underneath the scrub. It was impossible to get a clear view of the ground from here, so she decided to land.
“Hey,” someone called out to her, “what you doin' round here, stranger?”
Rainbow Dash turned to see who was addressing her. It was a small but tough-looking earth pony with an orange coat and a brown hat pulled over her blonde mane. “I'm looking for a friend. Have you seen her?”
“I ain't seen anypony but my family,” the earth pony replied. “I'm just back, though. I can help you look if you'd like? Name's Applejack.”
“Rainbow Dash,” said the pegasus. “I've been all over town, but I haven't checked the orchard here or that creepy-looking forest.”
“What's she look like?” asked Applejack.
“Small, yellow coat, pink mane. Her name is Fluttershy.”
“Is she a pegasus, too?”
Rainbow Dash nodded.
“What's she doin' down here, then? Don't you guys normally stay in the nest until you're a bit older?”
“It's a long story,” Rainbow Dash said with a sigh. She told the story of the race and Fluttershy's tumble from Cloudsdale as they made their way through the tangle of trees, but she left out the bit about the sonic rainboom and her cutie mark. Now wasn't the time for bragging.
“I don't want to be a Negative Nancy, but uh, it's quite a ways to fall from Cloudsdale to Ponyville. Are you sure she's even-?”
“Yes,” Rainbow Dash stated firmly.
Applejack smiled.
“What?” asked the pegasus.
“Mighty loyal of you, comin' all this way to find somepony you've only just met,” Applejack said.
“It's my fault she fell. Loyalty has nothing to do with it,” replied Rainbow Dash with a shake of her head.
“Just callin' it like I see it. Not many would care so much about a stranger.”
“She wasn't really a stranger. I've seen her around school plenty of times, but up until I saw her being picked on, I'd never spoken to her at all.”
“And you decided to defend her honour, as you put it?” asked Applejack, her muzzle curling up into a smirk.
Rainbow Dash hissed through gritted. “Okay, it wasn't the best choice of words.”
“It's mighty sweet of you, sugarcube.”
Sweet, ew. Rainbow Dash blushed all the same.
Eventually, they came to a clearing by a stream; they found a small yellow filly sitting with her muzzle pressed against the surface of the water, gawping in wonder at the many types of fish flitting back and forth. “Fluttershy!” cried Rainbow Dash, bounding to her friend and pulling her into a tight hug.
“Rainbow, what are you doing here?” asked Fluttershy, awkwardly pulling herself out of the embrace.
“I came looking for you. Why haven't you come home?”
“Oh, sorry if I worried you,” Fluttershy said, cowering behind her mane as Rainbow Dash glared at her, “but I was just so caught up with all the animals down here that I … forgot.”
“We should be getting back. Your parents'll be worried sick,” said Rainbow Dash. She turned to Applejack. “Thanks for your help.” She offered a hoof to the earth pony who bumped her own against it.
“Okay,” Fluttershy said sadly.
Just as the pegasi unfurled their wings, a loud grumbling sound echoed horribly through the glade. Two pairs of eyes turned to Rainbow Dash and she reddened slightly and covered her belly with a foreleg. “Um, I may have skipped lunch.”
Applejack nodded in the direction of the farm. Steam was beginning to rise and the sweet smell of cinnamon floated through the woods. “C'mon, girls. Granny Smith's apple pies are to die for.”

Next prompt: Carnival.

Group Contributor


Prompt: Carnival

Applejack, dazzled by the kaleidoscope of colours, found it difficult to keep her eyes from wandering to the brightly dressed performers, wonderful animals that rested in between huge tents, and the distractingly large prizes that were displayed at game stands, taunting fillies and foals to join in and play.

Yup, the annual carnival was as interesting as ever, and attracted everypony to go and enjoy the sights. All day, Applejack had watched tightrope walkers, elephant riders, and ponies who could spit fire, and each event was more fun and exiting than the last.

She finally found the small tent she had been looking for. It lacked the magnificent grandeur of the larger tents, but that didn't matter to her: she was there for the performance, and this particular performance did not need a huge arena for animals or acrobats.

Poking her head inside, Applejack became instantly more self conscious as she saw that most of the spectators were much, much younger than she herself was. Most of them were even younger than Applebloom. Still, Applejack decided she'd see this through: she couldn't refuse an invitation from a friend, after all.

She sat down awkwardly in the corner, the wooden benches only just comfortable enough for their intended use. Most of the foals and young ponies were sat on their parent's laps, quite comfortable. Applejack did not have that luxury.

“Quiet down, everypony!” came an announcer, silencing the chatter whilst hidden behind a curtain. Applejack couldn't help but notice how incredibly fake his accent was. Where was it supposed to originate from, she wondered? Prance? Was it supposed to sound like Manedarin?

“Settle down, and open your minds to the extraordinaire! Some of you may think what you will see to be impossible... we tell you now: it is not! We give you, from the depths of the country, a mare, an earth pony like yourselves, fillies and colts, who is born with the improbable, the impossible!”

Applejack couldn't help but smirk. Why would anypony believe this guy? Who did he think he was trying to fool?

“I give you: Madame Boueux, le poney de terre ailé!”

The curtains were pulled back. Applejack's jaw dropped.

I can't believe they ever got her to agree to this...

A finely and exotically dressed Rainbow strode forth from the shadows. Applejack was sure she could see the silhouette of a unicorn in behind the scenes, miming the elegant hoof movements Rainbow was attempting. Her wings were plastered against her back.

“Bienvenue, all ze' young ponies!” Rainbow greeted, assaulting Applejack's ears with her accent, which was about as real as Rarity's eyelashes. “Let me tell you the story of how I, le Earth poney most simple, learned the secret of ze' flight!”


Once the show was over, and all the children had left, Rainbow, or 'Madame Boueux', was left alone with Applejack.

“Y'know, when you told me you'd be putting on a show, I assumed it would be... an athletic thing.” Applejack told her friend with a wry smile. Rainbow sprang to life, trying to shake off her act, and only half succeeding.

“You no like? Uh... I mean, ahem, didn't you like it?” Rainbow replied, removing her headdress and shaking out her colourful mane. “Sorry... accent's tough to stop once you've started...”

“Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing you dress up for once, and it was hilarious to see you pretend to be... that. It was nice, for a kid's show.” Applejack explained. “Utterly fake, though: everpony knows that an earth pony with wings is a pegasus.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“Yes, yes, but c'mon! Suspend a little disbelief. It's really fun for kids to think they could fly one day.” she said.

“It's not very honest.” Applejack replied warily. Rainbow snorted, waving her hoof around knowledgeably.

“Yeah, maybe, but they're just foals. It's good for them to be able to dream a little.”

Applejack looked out of the tent at some of the happy and exited foals who had left the show. Most of them were either Earth ponies or Unicorns. Applejack chuckled as she imagined how much of a hoofful they would be for their parents when they got home.

“Never figured you for somepony who'd care much for kids.” she admitted. Those foals did look very happy, after all. The fake earth pony grinned, taking the sudden conversation change as a sign she had won the argument.

“That's 'cause I never grew up!” Rainbow joked, laughing, and threw off the rest of her outfit to somepony in the wings as she leapt down to join the farmpony, leaving the startled exclamations of her aide behing her . “Now c'mon! I've been cooped up in here all day! Allons-y, au cirque!”

Next prompt: Glue


Next prompt: Glue

You sick bastard. :ajbemused:

You know you want to write about Dash and AJ dealing with the consequences of Mac breaking his leg.:pinkiecrazy:


Applejack gently padded in the dirt on top of the hill with the metal end of the tool. Raising a hoof to her forehead, she wiped away a few beads of sweat and breathed a sigh before sticking the shovel into the ground and pulling a cigar out of her vest. Biting onto it, she lit the opposite end and took a puff, breathing a thin veil of smoke down at the shallow grave.

"I told ya to shut up..." she muttered.

She reached over with one hoof to shove the small piece of Discord's tail poking out of the ground back into the dirt, and turned at the sound of four hooves hitting the ground nearby.

"We all done here?"


Rainbow quirked her eye behind a pair of sunglasses and peered down at the dirt, before giving Applejack a smirk.

"Okay, so it was a little bit of a botch job. Don't worry, the critters'll eat what's left of 'im."

Rainbow grinned. "You know, you've gotta work on your temper. Fluttershy's gonna start wondering eventually why Discord never showed up for their play dates."

"Well you know how crazy I get when he starts makin' fun of us!" Applejack countered, hoisting the shovel up onto her back and puffing her cigar. "Besides, he... was a spirit of Chaos. Maybe he just got tired of showin' up all the time." She tapped her cigar and smiled. "We'll never know."

Rainbow chuckled. "C'mon. If we hurry, we can still catch the train to Dodge Junction."


No, this wasn't a serious response to the prompt. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Contributor

3681751 I've been studying adhesives as a mechanical solution to stuff! There's nothing sick about it! :raritydespair:



Next prompt: Glue


Prompt: Glue

"Oh, dang it all to Tartarus! Apple Bloom, fetch me the glue from the shed! Yer lunkhead o' a brother's gone and snapped the axle on the cart again."

Applejack scowled at the broken component, wondering how Big Mac had busted their main cart this time. She swore the giant stallion must hit every pothole in Equestria when he made the deliveries. All it took was a bit of care and paying attention to the road...

"Why don't you just put a new one in?" she heard Apple Bloom ask.

"Apple Bloom," she replied. "You know as well as I do that we ain't doin' so hot, money wise, since them bats ate near a third of our crops. I ain't got the time, nor the money to go replacin' an axle. Now, go get that glue like I asked."

Applejack heard the sound of little hooves scampering out the barn, but paid it no mind. She was far too intent on figuring out how to fix the axle. She was going to have to cut off the broken ends of each half, obviously, she'd need metal brackets and screws for extra support, then cut a piece of wood to length, glue that in place...

So engrossed was Applejack in the planning of her repairs, that she failed to hear the soft "whoosh-fwoomp-fwoomp" of a pair of wings bringing their owner to a halt, followed by the sound of four hooves clomping on the dirt floor of the barn. As a result, when the owner of both the wings and the hooves spoke, Applejack's head made sudden and violent contact with the underside of the cart.

"Hey, AJ. What'cha doing down there?"

"OW! What in tarnation?!" Applejack crawled out from under the cart, rubbing her head, her hat askew. "Rainbow Dash! Why are you sneakin' up on me like that? I could'a been hurt!"

The cyan pegasus just grinned and waved off the admonishment. "Relax, Applejack. I've had worse bumps than that just flying down the street, and I'm fine. Besides, you're the one who challenged me to that scaring competition. What's the score now? 5-3 to me?"

The apple farmer just glared at her and reset her hat. "What're you doin' out here, Dash? I'm kinda busy right now."

"Nothing much," answered Rainbow. "Kind of bored. Isn't much to do until the Wonderbolts show later. I mean, I have two tickets, but I don't suppose a certain gorgeous farmer would want to go with her marefriend, what with being so busy and all."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "I hadn't forgotten, but flattery ain't goin' to get you anywhere with me, Mer."

"Huh?" Rainbow suddenly looked perplexed.

"Oh, thought I'd forgotten that too, huh?" Applejack leaned in towards her partner, drawing her mouth level with one of the other's ears and dropping her voice to a barely audible whisper. "Merriweather."

"H-hey! I told you I don't like that name."

"Should'a thought about that before ya gave me it as ammunition to tease ya with," Applejack shot back, sticking her tongue out and grinning. "Amazin' what sorts of thing pour outta you when I stroke those wings just so..."

"S-s-stop. That's not fair." Rainbow's cheeks were as red as the apples on Applejack's haunches.

"And ya'll still can't take the teasin', neither. My oh my, what are we goin' to do with you, Miss Merriweather "Rainbow" Dash?" Applejack grinned again, barely able to keep herself from giggling as Rainbow tried desperately to keep her wings down and her attitude up. "Yeah, I think ya'll "don't like" being called that name, about as much as ya "don't like" somepony messin' with your hooves."

"That's even l-less fair!" Rainbow cried, jumping to her hooves, her expression a mix of irritation and something that was best left unmentioned in polite company. She started to back towards the barn door, affecting an air of affront that was only partly genuine. "I don't have to stick around and listen to this! Let's see you play dirty when I'm not here!"

During this exchange, neither mare had noticed the return of Apple Bloom, who was now struggling to remove the cap from the bottle of glue she had fetched from the tool shed. The mess of glue that was holding the cap on suddenly broke, sending the now open bottle flying from Apple Bloom's hooves towards Rainbow Dash, who was just turning to leave at that precise moment.

"Well, consider that yer punishment for makin' me hit my head on this cart," Applejack teased again, determined to have the final word. She was turning back to the cart when she suddenly heard Rainbow cry out.

"Ow! What the hay?"

Looking back, Applejack could see Rainbow stood with her back to her, apparently rubbing her nose with a wing. Apple Bloom was stood just in front of her, a horrified look on the little filly's face and a hoof covering her mouth. Her eyes looked at Applejack, then back to Rainbow, the expression never leaving her face.

"Rainbow?" asked Applejack. She walked over, and upon seeing the situation, burst into laughter.

Rainbow Dash's face was no longer just blue. It was covered with a large white splash, and mostly obscured by her right wing, the tip of which was resolutely stuck to her muzzle.

"Yer, yer," she mumbled through her feathers. "Rerf 't up."

"I take it back," Applejack gasped out between laughs. "This is your punishment for makin' me bang my head! Come on, let's get you to the hospital."

Rainbow just glared at her as best she could over her wing. This was going to be a long afternoon.

I hope it's ok that it's a good bit over 500 words. In fact, it's nearly double that, but any of you that have read my stories know that I'm not exactly... stingy with words. If it is ok, then allow me to present the next prompt.

Next prompt: Principles

3707169 what exactly means Merriweather?

Group Contributor

It's just a name, but it sounds uncool.

3708872 The implication is that "Merriweather" is Dash's real first name, whilst "Rainbow" is merely an assumed name she prefers to be called by.

Not wishing to sound rude, but going by the structure of your grammar in your question, I take it English isn't your first language? As such, I'm guessing it's probably the pronunciation that's throwing you off.

"Merriweather" said aloud would sound like "Merry Weather", i.e. "Happy Weather", or, more poetically, "Good Weather". Thus, the implication is that Rainbow's real name is something like "Good Weather". Why does she prefer Rainbow over "Merriweather"? Well, that's a bit beyond the scope of a prompt that far exceeded its 500 word limit. :twilightsmile:

3708884it sounds cute! Oh I get it!:rainbowkiss:
3708888 Spanish is my first language, is not rude, actually it helps me to get better... :twilightsheepish:
So, :rainbowhuh: her real name would be something like: "Good Weather Dash" or "Fast Good Weather" And please do write why does she prefer Rainbow and why does AJ knows that (beside scream it in the middle of a sensual preening). :scootangel:

3708918 I've never really given it much thought since the idea popped into my head a couple of years ago, other than "Merriweather" seems to fit Dash somehow. Bahatumay's idea sounds as good as any, as to why she might not like it.

As for how AJ knows it, I was thinking pillow talk or, as you suggested, her coaxing it out of Rainbow with some particularly pleasurable wing strokes. :rainbowwild:

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