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476744 It's beautiful..... :rainbowderp:

Rated Ponystar
Group Contributor

Hey, I'm in a bit of crisis. I have the next chapter of Upon Wings of Sacrifice ready, but my second editor has gone AWOL and this fic hasn't been updated in two months so yeah, I have a problem. I'm asking anybody who's A. read the fic and B. is good at editing, to please help me by doing an editing and proof reading check on it. If anybody is willing to help, please PM and give me your gmail account so I can give you permission.

Rated Ponystar
Group Contributor

Hey, I'm in a bit of a pickle. I have the next Upon Wings of Sacrifice chapter ready, but my personal rules need me to have two editors look at the chapter before I go though one last look. I've had one guy do it, but my second guy has gone AWOL. This story hasn't updated in two months and I really want to get it out as fast as possible. So can somebody who has read Upon Wings of Sacrifice and is a good editor/proofreader help me? If you, please PM me with your gmail account so you can get permission to work on the fic.

Group Admin

I need someone willing to read the first chapter of my new story and provide me 'the reader experience'
Basically, say if it's good or not :pinkiehappy:

I too am looking for someone to give my story a little bit of a shakedown, especially in the realms of Grammar and fiddly sentence bits.
This would be for a short story, ~8000 words, that will be my submission for the AppleDash contest held right here!

So if anyone is nice enough to help a newbie to the romance field, please let me know!

Thank you in advance!


Appledash is always welcome and I have some free time on my hands this week, so I could look over the fics you have. Seems like our Will P. is keeping me hanging with the next chapter. :rainbowwild:
I may not be the best editor aroud, but I'll try to give you the best feedback possible :twilightsheepish:

Cheers! Well, I'm working on the second draft right now, so once that's done maybe I could throw you a PM? =D


Sure, go for it.
Oh, and a few post ago in this thread, Tcherno posted this awesome Editor's Omnibus, it helps with most of the problems a writer has.

Group Admin

speaking of, could we add it to the first post? It's useful enough to deserve a front page mention.

But... my main problem is fiddly bits! My bits... they're so fiddly! ;___;
There's nothing in the omnibus about that!

Kidding! Yes, I've read AN omnibus before... I'm not sure if it's the same one, but I'll go hunt this one done and eat it up as well. =D

Group Admin

It's the one from EQD, but yes, I posted it in this thread. Should be easy enough to find :D

Oh yeah, then I've certainly read that one before. =)
Anyway, onto the writing.
I should be able to finish 2nd draft by tonight, I think, hopefully. Are you OK with editing in Google Docs?


Either that or email is fine, too.

Alright! I will be in touch. Gonna go work Apple-core style on this now. :moustache:

Just have to say, thanks very much, TheShadow. You were awesome and instrumental in helping me =)

This guy is REALLY REALLY awesome, and he will only insult you personally fewer than 3000 times during the editing of your fic. If you really have a wild abandonment of self-esteem and a certain degree of masochism, this guy is your go-to guy for editing!

No, I kid, thanks so much for the help, Shadowbrah. You rock.


I have nothing to do with this comment... :ajsleepy:
And...Shadowbrah? Oh Kitsu you silly pony, you're welcome. Anything for a fellow Appledash fan :twilightsmile:

You mean RariJack.
And no, he had nothing to do with this comment. I actually like you that much and think people should know how helpful you've been.

Group Admin

Okay guys, I'm looking for a new editor. Anyone willing to help an AppleDash addict out here? :pinkiecrazy:


Wait, what happened to your old one, did you turn him into cupcakes? :rainbowhuh:
Anyway, is this about that fic you already showed me?

Group Admin

My editor is too busy but yes, it's the fic I already showed you.
That was edited chapter 1 though, I write way worse:pinkiehappy:


Ha, bring it on! It can't be that can't, right? :applejackconfused:
That is, if you can wait until I return from my buisness trip this weekend...and if 530595 is willing to share his editor. :rainbowwild:
Totally making him an AppleDash fan now :rainbowlaugh:

No you are not. Stop it. I will never bend. NEVER!
Anyway shut up, I have to go back to planning this sequel to One Day now.


Hah, that's why I like you so much you silly pony. :pinkiehappy:
Now get back to work!! :flutterrage:


534926 535557
Hey, you shouldn't ask TheShadow. I have it on good authority that he is actually moving away from AppleDash to embrace the wonder of RariJack, as he rightly should. He has seen the light!

You'd be best asking somepony else.

Group Contributor

Rarijack propaganda on the Appledash group? Mess with the bull and you'll get the horns.


Is anyone here that would like to help me with my story? Proof read and/or just give a general opinion on it I'd really appreciated it. I can't publish it because it's less then 1000 words because I just started on it, but I really like someone opinion just too see if it's worth finishing..

Thanks ^^

Joking aside though... I'd be glad to take a look. You already know my level of standards for editing, so... up to you =D

I could give a look, but if it's so short it might be hard to see where it's heading, so it'd be hard to tell you straight off 'is it worth continuing'. I might have to ask you to send me a summary of the story as well.

536852 Where would you like me to send it?

Do you have a google docs version? Either way any link is fine, unless you want me to get in depth. And just as a warning, I get VERY in depth =)

Just send me a PM with any link! It's all cool. Let me know exactly what you want me to say about the fic. If it's just about 'if it's worth continuing', again, it would really depend on what story you had in mind, and everything else is in the execution. :twistnerd: :twistnerd: :twistnerd:

Hiya everypony, I was wondering if perhaps there would be anyone to proof-read and/or point out anything out of place for my story? I'm absolutly new to the whole story writing so someone with a strong opinion would prob be best.

Also not exactly sure about my Applejack accent. I look around but it still doesn't seem exactly right. Anyway please and thank-you! :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Google docx or fimfiction format?

Depends on how much commentary you want. =)
Due to our timezone thingies though, I think Gdox is better.

Also let me know if you want me to give it a full run or just general impressions.

Group Admin

Full run but not as thorough like you were yesterday. Grammar, word-choice and such.
I'll send you a PM, only do chapter 2 now for the time being :pinkiehappy:

537025 If you still want someone to run over your story I would love to do it.

541412 Oh please. I'm working on chap 2 now so that might be a little while but chap 1 needs a preview badly O.o

541555 No problem hun, just tell me where to find it.

541630 Would you like me to leave my comments under the story?

541632 yes please. would be very helpful

Hey everyone, I have a story, that is unfinished but I'd like someone to look over, I already have one person but I would like a second.

Anyone game?:pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor

Did you ever get another taker?

Group Contributor

Sweet :pinkiehappy:

I'm working on the second chapter right now, it should be done in a couple of hours, then can i send you the link?

Group Contributor

Sure. I'll be watching for it.

Group Admin

Out of curiosity, anyone good here with making rhymes/poetry/little ditties or something of the sort?

It's something I want for the fic I'm working on, so you'd have to not mind spoilers~

Group Contributor

I am. I'm best at ABCB rhyme scheme, but I can do just about anything.
Except sonnets. Those are weird.

Group Admin

will be sending you a PM shortly!

Hello everypony! I would like to extend my services as editor for AppleDash projects should they be needed. I am a writer myself, though I have not dove into the FiMfiction writing yet. I have written 3 stories 2 novelettes and am still working on that "Unfinished Novel" everyone seems to be working on. :pinkiehappy: I am studying English Literature as a focus and I am from the south so I can help catch those pesky words that may slip by and not get a good ol' southern treatment.

Let me know if I can help with your story!

Obsidian Winter

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