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5636780 It's because you would see the word "fine on a parking ticket because you've been "fined" a certain amount of money. But you can also describe someone you find attractive as "fine" i.e: "That person looks fine!"

It's like a pun, only cheesier! :pinkiehappy:

5636863 Rainbow's impressions actually make sense if you think of Testing, Testing, 1 2 3. That episode revealed that Dash is naturally very observant, even on an unconscious level. So it would follow that she would be very good at picking up the subtle nuances of how her friends act, even if she doesn't realise she's doing it.

Of course in A.J's case, she totally knows she's doing it :rainbowdetermined2:

Group Contributor

5637015 That's what I was kind of trying to imply, but still.

I mean, no amount of observational skills translates to changing your mane style at the drop of a hat.

5637019 New fanon idea: Rainbow spends her free time looking in the mirror impersonating Applejack, practicing pickup lines and sweet talk. To make it more authentic, she starts copying A.J's voice and mane style. One day however, Pinkie walks in on her in the middle of this, and Dash hurriedly comes up with the excuse that she's practicing impressions in general and in order to prove it, she has to practise imitating the others as well, or her secret crush is revealed!

Group Contributor

5637029 I always thought that if they really tried to have a proper go at impersonating each other, well, their voices would be identical.

For VA related reasons.

I really like that idea, although personally, I think it's just more evidence Rainbow Dash is actually a genie and is slowly recovering her cosmic power.

But that's just a pet theory. Pay it no heed!

5637015 oh, that makes sense.

5637019 I did get that, but if Pinkie Pie can get a Party canon from her mane, and Fluttershy can move it at will, who am I to question what the awesome Rainbow Dash can or can't do with her mane?

5637050 Only a genie??? I though she was and ancient alicorn whom reincarnate and is slowly recovering her ancient power of lights and colors! :rainbowkiss:

Okay, finally got one for Space!



“Aw come on A.J!”

“I ain’t speakin’ to you!”

Rainbow sighed as Applejack continued to sit on the ground, forelegs crossed. For a pony who ran an entire farm, she could be surprisingly immature at times.

Not that Dash was any better...

“Look, I said I was sorry! I can’t make things better if we don’t talk it out!” Dash stared at the farm pony straight in the face. She was practically begging at this point. So uncool, but what choice did she have?

“Apologisin’ ain’t enough! I just want some space right now!” Applejack spat back, and promptly turned to face in the other direction. Rainbow slammed her head into the ground in frustration. She never liked ‘talking about feelings’, but she didn’t like dragging things out either. She just wanted this to be over.

“What’s the point in having ‘space’?” She asked Applejack’s back. “That’s not gonna fix this problem any quicker! We may as well hash it out, it’s not like we’re going anywhere!”

Applejack growled. “You’re right about us not goin’ anywhere, but I don’t feel like talkin’ neither! So keep your yap shut and gimme some time!”

“F-fine!” Stung by the harshness of Applejack’s words, Rainbow retreated a little. She lay belly down in the dust and buried her muzzle into her forelegs. She totally wasn’t sniffling or anything! She just...had a stuffy nose! From all the...dust...

After a few moments she heard a sigh. She heard the sound of another pony getting to their feet and felt a soft, warm nose nuzzle against her.

“I’m sorry Sugarcube.” Applejack whispered as soothingly as possible. “I didn’t mean to snap at ya like that. And I guess you’re right, maybe takin’ space instead o’ talkin’ ain’t such a wise idea. I guess I ain’t so quick to change emotions like you are.”

Rainbow perked up. “Did you just admit I was right about something? And that I’m faster than you at something?” She grinned slyly.

Applejack cuffed her lightly. “That don’t mean I ain’t still mad at you! It’s all your fault we’re in this mess!”

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. “I know, I know. I’m sorry. Again. I really didn’t think Princess Celestia would get so mad about some cake! I guess someponies can’t take a prank, huh?”

Applejack huffed. “I still don’t see why I got sent here too. Weren’t my fault...”

“’s kind of your fault for not stopping me...”

“Excuse me?”

“Well you’re supposed to be the responsible one. Really, this is all because of you.”



Rainbow tried to break the tension with a small kiss to Applejack’s cheek. Mercifully it seemed to calm the mare down a little. Rainbow looked up into space.

“So how long do you think the Princess is gonna keep us up here?”

Applejack looked around the surface of the moon. “Better not be too long. I mean it’s a nice place and all...”


“It ain’t got no atmosphere.”

Applejack chuckled.

Rainbow didn’t.

Kind of short, I know. But I wanted to get this done before Christmas. Why? Because the next prompt is....


You only have five days! Make it good!

Mistletoe claimed. Hopefully, I'll get it finished while it's still Christmas Day.


Prompt: Mistletoe

"Do we really have to do this?" Twilight asked as she snuck into the Apples' living room. "Isn't it a little… I dunno, weird, to be doing this to our friends? Besides, how do you even know it'll work?"

"Nonsense!" Rarity whispered. "There's absolutely nothing strange about giving your friends a little shove when it comes to romance. And yes, I am sure this will work." The unicorn gestured at Twilight to climb over the couch and to the small space behind it, where Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were already hiding. "Applejack's far too traditional to ignore a mistletoe right over her head, and I highly doubt Rainbow will resist the chance to kiss her."

"And that's another thing! All this time you've been insisting that you're 'absolutely positive' the two of them are interested in each other, but how can you be sure?" Twilight said. Nevertheless, she crouched down next to her friends, checking to make sure none of their manes or tails would reveal their presence. "I certainly haven't seen anything that would suggest—"

"Oh, darling, are you the romance expert here, or am I?" Rarity interjected.

Twilight sighed. "You are," she reluctantly admitted. "Still, I think you're reading too much into things." Before Rarity could offer a rebuttal, she turned to the other ponies and said, "Okay, look, Pinkie. You don't think there's any point to this, do you?"

Pinkie Pie smiled. "Of course I do, silly! Either it's awkward and funny, or AJ and Dashie end up together! Maybe even both! It can't go wrong!"

"…Why did I even…" Twilight muttered under breath, before saying, "Alright, then. Fluttershy. Please tell me that at least you see what I'm saying here!"

Fluttershy began, "Well, I do see where you're coming from, but…"

Twilight exhaled in relief.

"…But I think Rarity's right about this. I've known Rainbow since we were foals, and the only other time I've ever seen her act the way she's been around Applejack recently, was when she had a crush on another pony in flight school. I think it's worth a shot."

After a moment's dismay, Twilight heaved a deep sigh in resignation. "Alright, alright, fine, let's get this over with. Just know that if this ends disastrously, it's all on you, Rarity. Now, where did you want the mistletoe to be?" she asked the other unicorn.

"Right there," Rarity pointed at the roof, "just below where those three roof boards touch."

As Twilight began to levitate the plant to the indicated spot, Fluttershy peeked over the sofa's edge to check the window, then quickly ducked back down with an eep. "She's here!"

"Quickly!" Rarity hissed at Twilight, who barely managed to get the mistletoe suspended from the ceiling before the door swung open.

"Hey, AJ!" Rainbow Dash called out, shaking some snow off her hooves. "Are you here?"

Rarity and Pinkie Pie wore almost eerily similar grins of anticipation as they listened to hoofsteps descending the stairs.

"What is it, Rainbow?" Applejack asked once she reached the bottom.

"Huh? What do you mean? You're the one who sent me this letter!" the pegasus answered, trotting forward and opening her saddlebag to take out a piece of paper.

Applejack approached to examine it, and Rarity nearly burst with excitement — they were exactly under the mistletoe. "'Come to Sweet Apple Acres, we have stuff to talk about. —AJ'," Applejack read out loud. She gave a quizzical look, then shrugged. "Sorry, Sugarcube, but it wasn't me who wrote this. It's not even my hoofwriting."

"Really? Weird. Maybe it was somepony's idea of a prank or something."

As Rarity spied on the scene, her enthusiasm kept rising. They were here together, alone (as far as they knew, anyway), with beautiful snow banks visible through every window, and they were perfectly in position. Now all they'd have to do was… look up.

Rarity's heart plummeted.

The conversation was nearing its end, and since Applejack and Rainbow were engaged by the fake letter she'd sent, neither of them had thought to look up. Her plan was failing.

Frantically, she whispered to Pinkie, "Quick, do something! Get them to notice the mistletoe!"

Without hesitation, the earth pony stood up, jumped against the wall, rebounded off, then landed on the top of the sofa and used her momentum to leap forward. Cannonballing through the air above Rainbow and Applejack, she yelled out, "Look up, Dashie, there's mistletoe above yooooouuuuuuu!" She bounced off somewhere.

Rarity buried her face in her hooves.

Rainbow Dash, confused, tilted her head upward and noticed the plant hanging from the roof. Applejack, however, turned toward the direction Pinkie had come from. "Is there somepony else there?"

Very sheepishly, Rarity raised her head. She was followed by Twilight, who was glowering at her; and Fluttershy, who was looking desperately like she would do anything to get out of the current situation.

"Alright, what are ya'll doin' hiding behind my couch?" Applejack asked in a stern voice.

"And what's that thing?" Rainbow inquired, pointing up.

"Well, eheh, you see…" Rarity said, "I had just kind of—"

Applejack continued to stared at her.

Rarity decided to change the subject. "What do you mean, Rainbow, darling? Don't you know what mistletoe is?"

"No?" Rainbow tilted her head to the side. "I've never seen one before. Why's it hanging from the ceiling?"

"You… you don't even know the tradition?"

Looking more and more confused by the second, Rainbow said "No. Is this like some kind of weird thing that ponies on the ground do, but never spread to pegasus cities? It's definitely never been a thing in Cloudsdale."

As Rarity sputtered, Applejack cleared her throat to draw attention back to herself. "Rarity, an explanation, please?"

"Er… um, uh… I… oh, would you look at the time!" Rarity said, trying to keep up a façade of normalcy and failing horribly. "I have a client that I must attend to. Right now." She made to climb back over the couch.

"A client? On Hearth's Warming?"

"Um, yes, well, this was a special case. You see, it's for… for… an orphanage!" Rarity exclaimed.

"An orphanage," Applejack repeated with a very flat stare.

"Yes, you see, they contacted me because they need lots of very warm and fashionable clothes for the winter, and they… need them right now, because that way they can give them to the foals as Hearth's Warming presents! It should be quite… er, heartwarming, if you'll pardon the pun."

"There's no orphanages in Ponyville."

Rarity floundered, "Um, yes, well, this is a special request from— from…"

Applejack facehoofed, sighing. "Just go, Rares."

"Oh, um, yes, I'll do that. Right, girls?" She turned back, only to discover that Twilight and Fluttershy had already left while she was distracted. "Oh." She finished clambering over the sofa, then cantered over to the front door. "Onward, to… save Hearth's Warming!" she exclaimed, then rushed outside.

A moment passed in silence as Rainbow and Applejack watched Rarity hurry away through the window.

Then, they turned to each other.

They burst out laughing.

It took a long time for their laughter to start waning, and whenever it did, Rainbow performed an over-exaggeratedly theatrical gesture and said something like "Onward, to save Hearth's Warming!" or "The orphans! They need fashionable clothes!" in her best Rarity impression. As a result, the two were reduced to hysterics again.

Still, they eventually stopped laughing. Their grins didn't disappear, however.

"Okay, that turned out way more funny than I thought," Rainbow said.

Applejack nodded. "I admit I was a mite dubious 'bout tricking them like that at first, but it turned out to be plenty entertainin'." Her face grew a bit more serious as she continued, "They seem to be catching on, though. Should we tell 'em we're seeing each other now?"

"I was considering spilling the beans over the holidays, actually, and now we'll definitely need to tell Flutters so she doesn't beat herself up about it." Sporting a wicked grin, Rainbow added, "As for Rarity… I kind of want to keep it from her for another two weeks and see if she tries any other contrived schemes to hook us up."

Applejack snorted. "You're evil, you know that?"

"Oh yeah," Rainbow kept grinning. "Did you know we're still under the mistletoe?"

The earth pony smiled. "That I do, Sugarcube."

She leaned forward and kissed her marefriend.

"Happy Hearth's Warming."

That turned out a bit longer than I intended. Oh well, consider it a Christmas present.

And since it just so happens to be this specific Christmas…


Next prompt: Attorney

5705820 I love this part:
"No. Is this like some kind of weird thing that ponies on the ground do, but never spread to pegasus cities? It's definitely never been a thing in Cloudsdale."


We need to come to race especific traditions for this two, and the rest of the mane six.

I mean, in this case, Rainbow's lying about not knowing the tradition (though not necessarily the it's-not-a-pegasus-thing part) to fluster Rarity even more, but yeah, that sounds cool.

It should be quite… er, heartwarming, if you'll pardon the pun

Oh I'll totally pardon it! I'd hate to miss(eltoe) such a great pun! Otherwise I just wouldn't be able to live with myelf...

You think Rainbow lies about other pegasi traditions for her own gain?

:rainbowdetermined2: You know A.J, in Clousdale it's totally traditional for ponies with lightning bolt cutie marks to get extra dessert after dinner!
:ajbemused: No it ain't.

5707225 I know she did it to trick Rarity.

5707394 We could play with the ideas, I menan, until Applejack or Rainbow look it up in a book either of them could benefits. Usually more cuddles or cinder, or even more food. The misseltoe could be one that pegasi adopt because theu like it and maybe earth ponies adopt some traditions from either pegasy and unicorns because the same reason or grown on them.

Then we can have a house full of the combinations of those...


Twilight’s ears perked at the sound of a significant fracas emanating from just outside her castle. She winced as the doors to her study slammed open and Applejack charged in, looking rather flushed. Seconds later, Rainbow Dash flew in, looking no better than Applejack. They argued loudly with one another while gesturing dramatically with both forehooves toward each other and then Twilight.

Pushing her book aside with a sigh, Twilight cleared her throat and rose to her full princessly posture and delivered a magically enhanced, “Girls!”

Royal Ponyville Voice was perfectly effective. Applejack and Rainbow Dash stopped arguing and turned to look at her. Glad to have their attention finally, Twilight settled back down on her cushion to ask the obvious question. “What’s going on here?”

Rainbow Dash flew forward to speak, but Applejack shoved her hat in Rainbow’s face and shouted, “Rainbow Dash used some kind of dark magic on me!”

Having freed herself of the hat, Rainbow interjected back, “I’m innocent Twilight! I didn’t do anything!”

“She most certainly did! I’m all hot and flushed! I can’t get any work done.”

“She’s lying!”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. Applejack seemed no less pleased.

“I wouldn’t lie about somethin’ like this!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Girls!” Twilight shouted. “Can we just calm down and discuss this civilly? I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation.”

“Alright, but I want you to represent me in court against this one.” Applejack pointed an accusatory hoof toward Rainbow Dash.

“Me?” Rainbow exclaimed, “I didn’t do anything. Twilight, you gotta defend me against Applejack. Use that brain of yours!”

Twilight groaned and rubbed her temples with her forehooves. “Girls, please. All these accusations are getting us nowhere. Applejack, can you please tell me what happened that makes you think Rainbow Dash used black magic on you?” Before Rainbow could interject, Twilight raised a hoof to Rainbow, “And Rainbow, please let Applejack tell her side of the story.”

Rainbow crossed her forehooves and grumbled in the air.

Applejack flashed a victorious grin at Rainbow Dash before turning to Twilight. “Well, you see. I was just working in the orchard, keeping an eye on the trees, making sure they’re all warm and comfy during the winter.”

Twilight nodded.

“Because you see it’s been extra cold lately seeing as everypony wanted an extra snowy Hearths Warming. So Big Mac and I’ve been bundling up the trees real nice so the frost don’t hurt them. Plus we like to tell them stories about spring time to keep their spirits up.”

Twilight nodded some more.

“So, I was over in the West orchard this morning because it’s a mite chillier over there seeing as the sun rises in the East, so the trees over there—”

“Could you get to the point?” Rainbow shouted.

Applejack frowned.

“Applejack, maybe tell it from where Rainbow Dash got involved?” Twilight added, almost pleadingly.

“Oh, right. Sure.” Applejack shrugged. “Rainbow Dash swooped in behind me while I was checking a tree and ran her wing over my butt! I’ve been flushed and distracted ever since. I can’t stop feeling it!”

Twilight frowned and looked at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash looked away—flushed herself.

Twilight sighed. “Applejack, is this the first time Rainbow Dash has done this?”

“Yes!” Applejack exclaimed. “I don’t know what she did, but my mind’s all a-jumble now.”

Nodding, Twilight continued. “And, she hasn’t spoken to you about anything...private prior to this?”

“Not that I’m aware of, no.”

Twilight shook her head. “Well Applejack, you’re in luck. Rainbow Dash has’t cast some kind of black magic spell on you.”

“How do you know? Look at me! Every time I think about it, my face gets all red, and my heart starts beating fast—that’s not right!”

Smiling, Twilight breathed out a sigh of relief. “Well, given what I’ve read about pegasi customs, I think Rainbow has a lot to explain to you. I don’t think it’s worth taking her to court over this.”

Applejack frowned, not entirely convinced.

“How about this. Rainbow Dash, you are going to pick a night of Applejack’s choosing and take her someplace nice and explain to her exactly what and why you did what you did. You should probably apologize too.”

Rainbow Dash huffed, but nodded slowly.

“Good, and Applejack, if you don’t like Rainbow’s explanation, come back and I’ll see about filing the paperwork to file a formal civil suit against Rainbow. I’d hate to have this come between best friends, so I’m expecting Rainbow to be very sincere about this. Everypony agree?”

Applejack looked to Rainbow and then back to Twilight. “I guess.”


“Fine.” Rainbow huffed some more.

With the issue resolved, Applejack and Rainbow went their separate ways and Twilight resumed her studies.

A few days later, Twilight heard through the grapevine (Rarity) that a certain pair of ponies had gotten along fabulously one evening. Applejack never did come back to file that paperwork either.

Please enjoy my non-edited AppleDash ramblings...

Next Prompt: Procrastination

Group Admin

5733400 :rainbowkiss: Bwehehe...:applejackconfused:

5733400 Wow, Dash is subtle as... I don't know what and Aj like it, and don't want to admit it! XD

Group Contributor

"Well," Twilight said, rubbing her chin. "It has been a while."

Spike scratched the back of his head. "Well, yeah."

Two years, Twilight thought. Give or take a month. Two years since Spike had left on a long, long journey that, as far as Twilight was concerned, seemed to last forever. It turned out organising books all on ones own was tiresome. Over the long two years, Twilight had been forced to become almost disorganised. It had been a nightmare that she had become somewhat comfortable with.

Spike, now older, but no less diminutive in stature (size was apparently a trait that did not feature in his genetic make-up), had left to study. It had been an educational trip, apparently, and one Twilight sorely wished she could have joined him on.

The pair had met at the station. They had said hello, and Twilight had taken Spike back to one of the rooms in the castle, overlooking the park. Outside, the flowers were blooming, the birds were singing. It was outrageously picturesque, and Spike had insisted they go inside before he compulsively picnicked which, he assured Twilight, was in nopony's best interests since he had learned some less orthodox ways in which to picnic from fellow students he had travelled with. Some of which were dragons, minotaurs, and griffons, and none of which were delicate.

"So, ah, what's new?" Spike asked. "I mean, you did write, but they were a bit, ah... light on details."

Twilight frowned. "My letters aren't light on details."

Spike held one up in his claw. His eyebrow raised. "Do you want me to read one?"

"I would rather—"

"Ahem," Spike began, clearing his throat. "Dear Spike..."

Twilight's frown deepened. Her keen mind could already sense where Spike was going. Of course, Spike would already have figured that out. Over the years he had become startlingly academic.

" I learned that just because friendship brings us all together, it doesn't mean that circumstances can't cause them to part," Spike went on. He pointed at the paper. "You'll note the conspicuous absence of context, of course." His eyes drifted back to the paper. "Just because you can't change reality doesn't mean you can't still be friends, even from far away."

Twilight snatched the letter from Spike. "It's a habit."

"It's a syndrome," Spike chuckled. He poured a whole bag-ful of letters onto the castle table. "Seriously, they're all like that."

"I think it adds to the letter," Twilight muttered. She smiled. Despite Spike's complaints, she couldn't help but notice he had kept every single letter.

Spike sighed. "Well, perhaps you can help translate them," he said, and took back the letter his former guardian had stolen. "This one is from, what, a year and a half ago? What was it all about?"

"Ah, that one," Twilight said. "Do you remember Applejack and Rainbow Dash?"


Twilight frowned. "I see your time abroad has done nothing for that sarcasm."

Spike snickered. "Yeah, I remember AJ and RD."

Twilight nodded. "Right. Well, they broke up."

Spike's eyebrows raised. "Huh? How come?" He narrowed his eyes. "Also, how come you couldn't just write that?"

Twilight sighed. "Like I said, it's a habit. Anyway. Do you remember Rainbow Dash joining the Wonderbolts?"


"And remember how everypony said that it'd be hard for her to maintain a relationship whilst carrying on having a demanding career in a distant city?"


"And remember how it turned out that it was actually about a ten minute flight from here to Cloudsdale when you're Rainbow Dash and can break the sound barrier, so there actually wasn't any point worrying about it?"

"Yes, I remember that. You were the one that thought they'd have trouble, right?"

"Well, I was proven wrong."

"Okay. So..."

"Well, Applejack had to move to Fillydelphia. Her farm got a branch there which she needed to oversee. They bought it from Wheatland, I think."


"Which is the other side of Equestria."


"And Applejack can't break the sound barrier."

"I believe so."

"So they both decided that it was in their best interests to call it off. That's what I wrote in the letter."

Spike looked down at the letter. Twilight sensed the mood had abruptly become a bit depressing.

"Well, that's sad," Spike said. "I had hoped that everypony would have been, well, happy when I came back." He leaned back. "Now I find AJ and RD aren't together any more, Applejack left Ponyville, and your ability to write letters has gotten way past worrying."

Twilight didn't reply. Spike began to look through the window. He frowned.

"Hey, Twilight..."


"So, you said Applejack had to move to Fillydelphia?"

"She has. She only comes back for week-ends to see her family."

Spike narrowed his eyes. "So why is it," he asked, "That outside this window, I can see one suspiciously Applejack looking pony sitting on a bench next to a suspiciously Rainbow Dash looking pony, kissing in an alarmingly not-broken-up way?"

Twilight huffed. "I put that in a letter too."

Spike frowned. "Explain."

"Well, they didn't want to break up right away. They wanted to ease into it."

Spike rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I think I know the letter you're talking about."

Twilight smiled. "See? My letters aren't that bad."

Spike picked up one of the other letters. This one was much shorter. It could practically fit on a memo.

"Is this the one?" Spike asked, showing it to Twilight."


"The one that reads, dear Spike, sometimes ponies procrastinate?"

"Yes." Twilight looked out the window. "As you can clearly see, a whole year later, and they're still procrastinating." Twilight leaned back, folding her forelegs. "Demonstrably, nothing I wrote was wrong."

Spike nodded. "I can see that." He put his claws together. "Twilight, I think you should see a professional about that letter thing."

"I don't need a professional."

Spike's eyes drifted back to the window. "Rainbow Dash was always very good at procrastinating. Well, at least they're having fun."

Twilight nodded, and peered outside along with Spike. "Perhaps a little too much fun for a public place, but I'm not going to be the one to tell them to stop." She pointed at a third letter. "As you can clearly read from this letter, which says Rainbow Dash doesn't care what I think." She displayed a triumphant smirk. "I feel that says it all."

"I did wonder about that one."

Next prompt: Exam

Because guess what I'm doing with my week.


Twilight had been forced to become almost disorganised.

:pinkiegasp: Dear god, no!

"And remember how everypony said that it'd be hard for her to maintain a relationship whilst carrying on having a demanding career in a distant city?"


"And remember how it turned out that it was actually about a ten minute flight from here to Cloudsdale when you're Rainbow Dash and can break the sound barrier, so there actually wasn't any point worrying about it?"

Are we talking about the characters here, or the fan base? :rainbowwild:

Next prompt: Exam
Because guess what I'm doing with my week.

Procrastinating? :ajsmug:

Group Contributor

5744916 Well, today I'm procrastinating, because I have 4 whole days until I get tested on advanced biomaterial structures. Which I'm already pretty well versed on, by comparison to, say, polymer engineering, which is almost chemistry (=alchemy).

Tomorrow I'll be working. Again. And again. And again, until exams are over and I suddenly accidentally do a drinking.

Are we talking about the characters here, or the fan base?

I feel like I've been found out.

5744813 you can proclastinate a broke up???
Now I curious about the rest of those letters! XD

Group Contributor


Spike rubbed his eyes. If there was one thing that could be said for the Land of the Rising Sun, it was that it didn't lack for daylight. For Spike, this was simply logical. After all, where else was Celestia supposed to put the sun during the night?

Unfortunately, it had the unwanted effect of making it very hard to sleep. Even during the 'day', sunlight still bled out over the horizon, and at night, well, it was like living under a giant light-bulb. Or living in a place with a regular sun.

Spike's claw ran through the seal of an envelope. He'd read one more letter, he thought to himself, before doing his best to block out the sunlight using a supply of wooden planks he had nicked from a junkyard. Despite their... strangeness... Spike always found Twilight's letters reminded him of home. They also reminded him of Twilight's letters to Celestia, many of which he had written as Twilight narrated to him.

He looked at a large pile of neatly arranged, carefully organised (both alphabetically and chronologically) letters. They had started all right... It was perhaps a bit odd to send Spike a detailed account on why your friends never truly left you, but it was sweet, in a way. Something told Spike that Twilight had never truly stopped sending letters to Celestia. All the little things she had learned must have just accumulated in her mind and were now spilling out into everyday letters.

The later ones... Well, Spike assumed she must have ran out of friendship lessons, and moved onto post-it-notes-on-the-fridge territory.

He pulled out this latest letter. Unsurprisingly, it followed the unsettling trend the messages had been following.

Dear Princess Spike,

Today I learned that if you don't clean your fridge, mould begins to grow near the back, an Rarity says it's utterly disgusting.

Your faithful ex-guardian, Twilight Sparkle (P)

PS: I also learned that it's perfectly radical to wear baseball caps backwards, no matter how many decades ago it was in fashion, and that it's okay for other ponies to have awesomer fashion than me no matter what I say.

Spike put the letter down.

It's not that he didn't appreciate Twilight keeping in touch, but a simple 'hello, I'm doing great' would have been much appreciated. Spike couldn't help but feel an uncomfortable sensation of passive-aggressiveness every time he read a Twiletter (or 'twitter' as he liked to call them).

5744948 you didn't have to do it. I apreciated it!! Now I feel bad for distracting you from study, but you are already proclastinating, so... Am I helping you? Nonetheless is was fun to read.

5744813 5744948
Every word of this is incredible. I applaud you.

Group Contributor

5745311 I would applaud me too, but it's late and I don't want to wake anyone.

Perhaps just a single applaud, done quietly and tastefully.

So...does this mean YoshiFawful64 gave HapHazred the clap? :rainbowlaugh:

I'm mature!

Group Contributor

5746832 Ah, the AppleDash Prompt Thread.

Where you come for the shipping prompts but stay for the high-brow intellectual humour!

5746953 So long as it makes people happy. I find it very important to keep HIV positive.

Group Contributor

5747005 Being funny is really difficult sometimes.

I guess nobody said comedy was diseasy.

Group Contributor

All right, gents, we've left this two weeks, which is a respectable amount of time required to leave in-between periods of activity before it is deemed appropriate to begin again. Might as well get the cycle started again, yeah?

Prompt, prompt, puns, dead for at least two weeks, prompt again, that sound about right?

5776814 I'm trying. I swear I'm trying but nothing's coming! I've got 266 words down and I don't even like what I've got :(

I can keep at it, but does anyone want to suggest a different prompt if "exam" isn't doing it for anyone?

...I's either that or we break tradition and jump straight to the puns...

Group Contributor

5776887 Well, since I can't do exam myself without opening some serious floodgates, might as well change it to, uh...





Because I'm eating soup, I guess. I'm sure it promises to be a souper-duper prompt.

Comment posted by Tyro deleted Feb 4th, 2017

5776941 And now I have "Super Trouper" by Abba stuck in my head -__-

I won't officially claim the prompt, but I'll certainly try and think of something.

Maybe I can still work in my 266 words somehow. I'd hate to have to can 'em.

EDIT: Actually y'know what? Claimed! And I just did it too :ajsmug:

This one is, depending on your preference, humanised or EQG, reader's choice. And, just to redeem myself a little as a writer, I'm using Soup and Exams as prompts at the same time!

Not sure if this makes me an awesome writer for thinking outside the box, or a bad one for needing two prompts to help me think of something...

Exam week was starting tomorrow at Canterlot High. With their futures hanging in the balance, students everywhere were busy hunching over text books, revising year’s worth of notes or goofing off while trying to ignore the feeling of guilt in the back of their minds.

Twilight was naturally having a study session at her house and had eagerly invited all her friends to come and join her. While less excited at the prospect as she was, they had agreed and now all of them were gathered in her bedroom eating pizza and giving each other quizzes.

Well...almost all of them.

Applejack had been happy enough to accept Twilight into the group of friends when she had transferred to their school. But if there was one down side to hanging out with a nerd with a near genius level intellect, it was that you tended not to look so smart by comparison. And being less...academically inclined than her friends, A.J was starting to gain a reputation for being the “dumb one” of the group.

Applejack’s pride would not allow her to take such an insult lying down, especially once Applebloom caught wind of the rumours and had gleefully started joining in.

Forcing her to muck out Prince Oinkens, the slobbiest pig on the farm, had quickly put a stop to that.

But more importantly, she had decided to do everything she could to pass exam week without any help whatsoever from Twilight! And so while the others were off having fun with each other, Applejack was alone in her room, pouring over her science notes, desperately trying to make sense of the words in front of her.

Suddenly the door slammed open with a deafening bang.

“Soup’s on!” A certain rainbow-haired girl brayed, brandishing a tray that carried a bowl of soup and a plate of buttered bread rolls.

“Consarn it!” Applejack roared. The shock of the loud noise had caused her pen to slip and gouge a hole right through her notepaper. “What the heck are you playing at Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow placed the tray down on A.J’s desk, covering up half her notes. “What? Granny Smith caught me coming in, she asked me to bring this up to you. You’re welcome,” she added, in a tone of voice that suggested the whole thing was Applejack’s fault.

Applejack lifted the tray up enough to rescue her notes. “That don’t mean you couldn’ta knocked!”

“Oh what’s the big deal? It’s not like you were naked or anything.”

“I coulda been!”





“Oh!” The smaller girl jumped. “Sorry, I was just...thinking about...stuff...”

Applejack growled, but returned to her notes. “So why are you here? I thought you and the others were all over at Twilight’s place.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow replied dismissively, stuffing a bread roll into her mouth, “but I had to get out of there. They were doing English revision and Fluttershy started reading out poetry she'd been writing. If I staid any longer I would have thrown up.”

“It’s just poetry Dash,” A.J poked her teasingly in the stomach with her pen, “it ain’t gonna bite you.”

“Whatever. I figured even whatever you were doing couldn’t be as boring as being there.” Dash slurped down a spoonful of soup. “So whatcha doing?”

Applejack let out a groan, now reminded of the task at hand. “I’m tryin’ to figure out this science stuff. I really hate magnets.”

“What’s wrong with magnets?”

“It’s this whole bit about the north and south poles. It keeps yammerin’ about how opposites attract.”

“Uh huh.” Rainbow dunked a roll in the soup.

“That don’t make a lick o’ sense! How can opposites attract?”

“What do you mean?” Rainbow let out a small belch.

“Why would two things that are totally different ever be attracted to each other? Wouldn’t it make more sense if they were the same?”

Rainbow snickered.

Applejack glared at her. “What’s so funny?”

“This isn’t about magnets, is it?”

“What’re you talkin’ about?”

“This is totally about last week when Snips and Snails spread that rumour about you having a crush on Rarity!”

Applejack spluttered as Rainbow laughed out loud, clutching her belly and doubling up. Even being hit in the face by A.J’s hat didn’t stop her. She was tempted to flick a spoonful of soup at her in revenge though. She resisted however. This was good soup.

“That ain’t funny Dash!”

“It was though...”

“It just makes sense when two things have something in common! Like you and me.”

The last chuckles halted as Dash turned red at A.J’s comment.

“Um...” Her voice was suddenly very quiet. “Are you still...talking about magnets, or...”

“I mean you and me hang out all the time!” Applejack ranted on, seeming to not hear Rainbow’s question. “We like the same things and it’s great! So why’s it such a problem when two north poles get put together?”

Rainbow fought to catch her breath. It couldn’t be...was talking about...was this about the rumour or those stupid magnets??

A sigh stirred her and she dared to look over at the farm girl. Applejack was leaning over the desk, her head resting in her hands. Rainbow forced herself to push her own feelings aside for the moment. Getting A.J to chill was more important.

“Well...” she struggled to put her thoughts in to words, “I mean...if you think about and me aren’t exactly alike.”

A.J raised her head up. She looked tired. “What’s that now Sugarcube?”

“I mean sure, we like the same stuff, but maybe that’s like how the north and south poles are both part of the same magnet. But...well...we are different in some ways...”

“Such as?”

Rainbow’s lips peeled away from her gritted teeth. She didn’t want to say it. But she had to ignore her pride for a moment. “You’re...better than me.”

Applejack’s mouth dropped open in surprise.

“O-only in some ways!” Rainbow was quick to verify. “I can still beat you in any sport you want to name!” That felt a little better. “But...I’m lazy. You know it, I know, everybody knows-you don’t have to nod so much y’know!”

Applejack’s head stopped moving. “Sorry.”

“So yeah, I’m lazy. But you’re not. You’re moving all the time. help me. I may be the best at sports, but you’re the one who pushes me to train when I’d rather goof off. You get on my nerves when you do it, but...I wouldn’t be the best if you didn’t make me the best.”

Rainbow kept her eyes planted firmly on the desk. She didn’t want to see how A.J must be reacting to all this mush. Among A.J’s notes, a diagram of a magnet caught her eye. There were lines drawn, marking out a magnetic field. Along each line was an arrow, pointing away from the north and towards the south. She snatched it off the desk and held it up.

“It’s like with these magnets, you see? All of this energy goes from the north pole to the south pole. That’s what makes it all work. That’s us. We’re both part of the same magnet. And you’re the north to my south.”

She allowed the diagram to drop from her hand. Oh jeez, after all that mush she really was about to throw up. Heck, A.J would probably throw up first. Probably all over Rainbow. Still, at least it would end the awkward sile-

Suddenly she felt a number of strange sensations. Eyes blinking open, she saw Applejack right in her field of view. She felt Applejack’s rough hands gently grip her shoulders. She felt Applejack’s warm breath on her face. And then she felt Applejack’s lips against hers.
After taking a much needed moment to let all of these sensations sink in, she wrapped her arms around A.J’s back and leant in for more.

For Applejack, there was one sensation that stood out more than any other. As she gently pushed her tongue into Rainbow’s accepting mouth, she tasted something. It was strange. Rainbow did not taste like she had expected. She tasted


Applejack pulled away, despite the small whine that escaped Rainbow’s lips.

“Did you eat all my soup?”


Man, it's been a while since I've had to think about how exams work. That's what I get for getting a bachelor degree purely through coursework...

Anyway, next prompt: Internet

Group Contributor

Prompt: Internet

TheRanchRanger entered the chatroom

TheRanchRanger: hey

LoudandProud: uh hi

TheRanchRanger: anypony on?

ChillyBurrito: n0

TheRanchRanger: :/

TheLostDetective: Ignore ChillyBurrito.

TheLostDetective: She's kind of a troll.

HappyCakeforDays: ikjidsjilyhsajkm,

TheRanchRanger: i need some advice

ExtremeChampagne: what is it? I love giving advice ;P

ChillyBurrito: i'm not a troll u just don't get my rad humor

ChillyBurrito: it's called irony

TheRanchRanger: i'm having mare problems

ChillyBurrito: whoa ur a dude?

HappyCakeforDays: jlkjmk.asdhyusde

TheRanchRanger: what's wrong with HappyCakeforDays?

LoudandProud: um i think her keyboard's broken

ChillyBurrito: srsly thought u were a mare

TheRanchRanger: i am

ExtremeChampagne: I see ;) what's your problem?

ChillyBurrito: ~_o

ChillyBurrito: look at my winkyface

HappyCakeforDays: :D :D :D

TheLostDetective: Celestia, it's like dealing with foals.

ChillyBurrito: whoa which of us is Celestia? 8O

InsolentMooner: ≖_≖

TheRanchRanger: i don't know how to check if she likes me

TheRanchRanger: sometimes i think she does but then she acts weird and goes purple

TheLostDetective: Have you asked her?

TheLostDetective: I'm sort of a friendship expert.

ChillyBurrito: lololololol

LoudandProud: she acts weird around u? that's so CUTE

TheRanchRanger: but we see each other a lot and it'd be embarrassing if she's just actually very awkard

TheRanchRanger: *awkward

ExtremeChampagne: how is she awkward? /: ?

TheRanchRanger: well she once cried about having to leave her pet alone for a month

ChillyBurrito: w8

TheRanchRanger: like, a lot

ChillyBurrito: u should stop typing tho

TheRanchRanger: there were tears for days. it could have helped water shortage in Appleoosa

ChillyBurrito: respect her privacy! she could get embarrassed

TheLostDetective: One of my friends did that exact thing once. Maybe your mare has attachment issues?

ChillyBurrito: Ծ_Ծ

LoudandProud: um

HappyCakeforDays: sdlsdnklmjlehireaimkbnowedsassdhj!!"!"

ChillyBurrito: srsly its not that big of a deal

TheRanchRanger: attachment issues?

ChillyBurrito: i bet she doesn't have attachment issues

ExtremeChampagne: oh, and what would you know? :P

ExtremeChampagne: you're a stallion it's not like you get us ;)

ChillyBurrito: i think this chat is getting out of hand

ExtremeChampagne: she's probably afraid of being left

ChillyBurrito: I

ChillyBurrito: crud

ChillyBurrito: *she

ChillyBurrito: *she's just playing it cool

TheRanchRanger: i don't want to muck this up

TheLostDetective: Just be honest

TheLostDetective: One of my friends is all about honesty. You could stand to try and be more open with her.

ExtremeChampagne: and remove all the dramatic tension? X(

ExtremeChampagne: get her to make the move

ExtremeChampagne: pretend you have an admirer ;D

TheRanchRanger: but I do

TheRanchRanger: we've been talking about her

ChillyBurrito: i bet she'll see right through it

ChillyBurrito: but try anyway it'll be funny

ChillyBurrito: lolololol

ChillyBurrito: get her a present

ChillyBurrito: i bet she'll like that

ExtremeChampagne: you can't just throw money at ponies >:(

ChillyBurrito: can it moneybags

TheLostDetective banned ChillyBurrito

TheLostDetective: So rude sometimes.

TheLostDetective: I'll unban you, just try to keep civil. Just because we're all strangers doesn't mean we can't be polite.

TheLostDetective unbanned ChillyBurrito

ChillyBurrito: sorry

ChillyBurrito: got carried away

ChillyBurrito: like to the moon. I went on a cross-continental trip. it was an adventure, i saw so much of the world being carried away. i saw things you wouldn't believe man

HappyCakeforDays: kfdhjsdkjoopsadnkm

RegalCake: honestly this is hilarious

RegalCake: u have no idea

RegalCake: if i had known the internet would have been this funny i'd have had it invented five-hundred years ago

ChillyBurrito: Rpers...

TheRanchRanger: can we get back on topic?

TheRanchRanger: this is kinda a big deal for me

TheRanchRanger: i hoped strangers would have good, unbiased advice but now i'm just more confused

ChillyBurrito left the chatroom

LoudandProud: bye chilly!

ExtremeChampagne: I still think you should pretend to have an admirer though

TheLostDetective: Surely that's a bit malicious?

TheRanchRanger: guys

TheRanchRanger: she's here

ExtremeChampagne: /o\

ExtremeChampagne: do it! XD

TheLostDetective: Don't do it! Be honest!"

RegalCake: do it

TheRanchRanger: she went to get drinks downstairs

TheRanchRanger: she's acting smug

TheRanchRanger: she knows something!!!

ExtremeChampagne: the plot thickens :3

TheLostDetective: Do you even know how emotes work?

ExtremeChampagne: my emotes are fabulous LostDetective

TheRanchRanger: oh

TheRanchRanger: I just remembered

TheRanchRanger: something important!

TheLostDetective: what is it?

TheRanchRanger: our first meal together, when we hanged out to do horseshoes

TheRanchRanger: we had

TheRanchRanger: that sneaky featherhead!!!!

LoudandProud: what did you have?

TheRanchRanger: leftover burritos

TheRanchRanger left the chatroom

TheLostDetective: I wonder what that was about.

RegalCake: you're all idiots. i'm embarrassed to be ur ruler

TheLostDetective banned RegalCake

RegalCake unbanned RegalCake

RegalCake: u were never the admin

TheLostDetective: O_O

InsolentMooner: |  ̄ヘ ̄|

RegalCake: ):D

RegalCake: ) :D

RegalCake: ):D

RegalCake: ) :D

RegalCake: (eyebrows)

RegalCake renamed the chatroom Celestia's Happy Cake Parlour For Witless Alicorn Students

TheLostDetective: O_O

RegalCake: PS TheRanchRanger is AJ

TheLostDetective left the chatroom

New prompt: Approach

5781034 Took a few rereads to figure out who was who, but I think I got it down :applejackconfused:

I thought Lost Detective was Rarity until Extreme Champagne came in. Then I thought Chilly Burrito was Pinkie, thought Loud and Proud was Rainbow for a moment...

My head hurts...

Group Contributor

5781224 I actually spent a lot of thought on how they type and stuff. It's all mostly rambling, but here's my thought process anyhow. Maybe it'll help that hurting head and clear up any missed details.

Rarity, as ExtremeChampagne, uses emotes a lot to be as expressive as possible. Twilight (TheLostDetective, which refers to her analytical mindset) writes properly, and only uses emotes when she's thoroughly flustered. I added the 'lost' since she spends most of the chat utterly clueless as to who is who. Pinkie is HappyCakeforDays, and can't type due to her being a pony using a keyboard designed for humans. For some of what she wrote I actually tried to type actual messages using fists to try and replicate that. She also has the most words in her handle. TheRanchRanger should be obvious, and has a very plain and forward method of typing. ChillyBurrito is, aside from referencing Rainbow's first meal with Applejack, also a bit of a pun, combining chilly meaning cold, as well as cool (Rainbow likes being cool) as well as chilli, which goes in burritos. RegalCake and InsolentMooner should be similarly obvious. InsolentMooner only ever turns up to display exasperation through emotes and RegalCake has a bit of a trollish streak on the internet, perhaps as a way of venting her many frustrations. Additionally, having basically had a hand in inventing the internet in Equestria, she cannot be banned from anywhere. This is in stark contrast to InsolentMooner, who gets banned frequently, although I couldn't work that bit in.

EDIT: oh, and I forgot Fluttershy, who's handle references who she wants to be, not who she actually is. Ironically, she's the only user to use all-caps on a word.

Group Contributor

Also, I do believe Dbz's collab story is a little, ah, behind?

Perhaps, now that 2017 is upon us, it would be wise to update it before 2017 becomes post-upon us.

I mean, when even was Clothes? I am so past clothes. I'm not even wearing clothes. I live in a post-vestimentary time-frame. I have nothing to do with clothes.

Tragically, whilst typing this, I thought of a really cool idea for Clothes but already posted something else for that prompt. In April.

Also, I may just be ranting to bump the thread. I honestly couldn't say. My mind has been a mystery to me since it started doing engineering as a degree.

5784104 I think the man's in severe prompt withdrawal! People best start writing before he starts running through the streets, casting off clothing!

That sounds dis-dressing. If that happens, someone might even sock him in the face!

Group Contributor

5786422 This isn't a pun. I just think it's amusing that, over a day after I wrote that, I'm still not wearing clothes.

5787028 I was underwear of how serious the situation was...

5787097 I think I see now what draws Hap to this series

Group Contributor

5787309 Surely you mean drawers me to the series.

To be fair, I take my nudity very seriously.

My housemate (who does the same course as me) actually has a method she uses to figure out how stressed I am during work. When we're in the computer rooms, and stuff starts to get complex or we work late, she began to notice I'd begin to remove things. Like shoes. Socks. Then the jumper. Then she'd check how many buttons would come undone on my shirt. She starts to ask if I need help when I get down to three.

During one of my recent exams on turbulence (a rather grimy subject) I was one button away from having an invigilator asking me why. Just why?

5781034 Gasp! Is this finally a claim for Approach?? I think it is!!

This is humanised again (oh don't give me that look, this one is partially based on real life events). Also, had to type this whole thing out on a tiny smart phone, so I hope you appreciate the sacrifice my fingers made :ajsleepy:

"Gonna be late Dash!" Applejack gently but firmly kicked the bottom stair impatiently. Why did she volunteer to do this?

"Hang on!" A voice screeched from upstairs. "Just need my air horn!"

"We ain't got time, just leave it!"

"Leave it?" Rainbow's face appeared, leaning over the bannister at the top of the stairs. "You're joking right? You don't seriously expect me to go to a Wonderbolts game without my Wonderbolts rated air horn?"

Applejack face palmed. She should have known better than to try and part Rainbow with any of her beloved Wonderbolts themed merchandise. Especially any that made an obnoxious amount of noise.

"Just hurry up or I'mma leave you behind!" She smirked as she heard Dash squawk with indignation and return to her packing with more gusto than ever before.

"No! Take the mountain road! The mountain road!"

A.J had to slap Rainbow's hands away from the steering wheel. "Are you crazy? That road'll take an extra ten minutes! I'da thought you'd wanna get to the airport as quick as possible!"

Rainbow flashed her a grin. "Not if you go fast! And going fast is so much cooler on the mountain road!"

Applejack sighed and smiled at the same time. It was dumb but she couldn't say no to that face. Gritting her teeth, she pressed down on the gas. She'd get them there in time.

"Come on! We're gonna miss check in!" Rainbow sprinted to the desk, leaving Applejack to lug the other girl's oversized, Wonderbolts themed suitcase through the crowds. Part of her was actually a little glad to be free of Dash for the week. She had a lot of work to catch up on and it'd be a lot easier without Dash constantly interrupting her. It'd be dull but oh well...

A.J heaved the case onto the conveyor belt with a sigh of relief. The check in lady was scanning Dash's boarding pass.

"Just need some I.D please." The lady said.

Dash looked at A.J.

A.J looked at Dash.

"Well?" Applejack asked.

"Well what?" Rainbow replied.

Applejack closed her eyes and nursed her forehead. She couldn't have.

"Where's your passport?" She really couldn't have.

"Why are you asking me?" She did!

"You dang idiot, you forgot your passport, didn't ya?" As she waited for Dash's response Applejack was already thinking of places on the farm where she could hide a body.

"I did not!" Dash shot back hotly. "I know exactly what I did with it!"

"Oh yeah? Where is it?"

"I gave it to you!"



Applejack gulped. She did remember when Rainbow first came to her, raving about the two tickets she had for the Wonderbolts game in Manehattan. She had been disappointed when Applejack said she couldn't come because of a build up of work at the farm lately, but she was horrified when she found she had misplaced her passport for the flight.

She and A.J had spent all afternoon (to the detriment of A.J's farm work) searching her room for it. After finally finding it Applejack had teased her about her tendency to lose things and had offered to look after the passport until the big day, lest she lose it again.

That passport was now currently sitting in a drawer in Applejack's room at home.


The two girls sat in the airport cafe in stony silence. Applejack was sick with shame and guilt. Rainbow was too mad to speak. Or she was shocked into silence at the thought of missing the game. Hard to tell.

They kept glancing at the main door. Applejack had called Big Mac, begging him to fetch the passport and drive over with it, but the odds he would get there in time were low. His truck was even slower than A.J's.

Presently a call came in over the P.A.

"Final call for the 20:50 flight to Manehattan. Final call."

Rainbow threw up her hands in anger. "Well I guess that's it." She picked up her suitcase and starting walking back to the truck.

Applejack quickly followed after her. "I'm real sorry Sugarcube! I just don't know how it happened!"

She really didn't. She always prided herself on being reliable and hated herself for making such a simple, yet drastic mistake. She could only guess the stress of helping Dash prepare for the trip while dealing with the extra load at the farm had all gotten on top of her.

"Well I guess it doesn't make a difference now, does it?" Rainbow snapped back.

The sickly feeling of guilt returned. There had to be a way to get Rainbow there in time for the game. She just needed to take a different approach...

She looked over at her truck. Manehattan was about ten hours away by road. And the game wasn't until the day after tomorrow...

A different approach...

A.J slapped Rainbow's feet down from the dashboard as they pulled onto the highway. A quick phone all to Mac to tell him to turn around and go home, and another to Granny to ask permission to leave the farm for a few days and the plan was set in motion.

"Sorry I got mad Jackie," Dash spoke up, "but you didn't have to do this. What about the farm work? I thought it was stressing you out."

"Aw heck it was my screw up. I owe it to ya." Applejack gave Rainbow a smile that lasted possibly just a bit too long. "Besides, maybe gettin' away from the farm and takin' in a game is just what I need."

Rainbow didn't respond. She was already fast asleep, her head resting on Applejack's shoulder. Applejack smiled and placed her hat over the other girl's eyes. She was glad to be alone with Dash for the week. They had a lot of hanging out to catch up on and it would be a lot easier without the farm work constantly interrupting them. She'd fall further behind but oh well...

So with all that talk about nudity a while back, I was tempted to make that the next prompt. But I feel like that would have been too obvious and I'd hate to lead anyone on like that. So I'm going to post something different and just walk away.

Next prompt: Lock

Totally innocent! You do with this what you will:scootangel:

Group Contributor

You do with this what you will

You're goddamn right I will.

Prompt: Lock

Rainbow's Log, Day 1:

I'm just keeping a record of all this because I am bored out of my skull. Also if I starve make sure everypony knows it's Applejack's fault. Like, really rub it in. When my funeral happens (btw make sure that's awesome, I left instructions in my fridge) just be sure to say a bit at the end like 'Applejack did it'. You know what, put that on my tombstone. Yeah. I think that'd look awesome. Also a picture of Daring Do.

Anyway, I write what I think, so sorry if this rambles.

I was staying over at AJ's place for mush-related purposes. That was cool. AJ didn't tell her family about me. That is also cool. I think she thinks I think it'd be awkward and stuff, and since I think I don't care, I didn't tell her otherwise. So far, we are one-hundred percent chill. AJ left this morning (whilst I slept, left me a cute note with a drawing on it) to go see some of her family living in a swamp for a week. We are still chill. Just to be super-duper clear, all of this is cool. I am down for this.

What I am not down for is her family locking all the doors, windows, and AJ forgetting to leave me a key.

There is plenty of food and lots of space, and Tank has food for days, so that's fine, but I am kinda furious.

This may be my final entry.

Rainbow's Log, Day 2:

My diet is now apples. Apples used to be great before they were all I could eat. I tried frying them with some paprika I found but it didn't work very well. Ate it anyway. You know what? I might eat all the food here. See how Applejack likes them apples (or no apples, as, like I said, I'll have eaten them).

I re-checked the windows and doors. They're super locked. Like, beyond locked. I think they're afraid of thieves, this far away from Ponyville. Which is ironic, because I mostly always came in through the window. Then again, that was mostly because AJ let me in.

Really wish she'd let me out.

This may be my final entry.

Rainbow's Log, Day 3:

I drew little faces on the apples here so I had something to talk to. I named this one Sir Fruitface. He is a noble knight and my only friend. The other apples are kinda jerks. My diet is no longer apples. Moved onto pears. Pears are evil.

I tried biting through the wall but it just hurt my teeth. I also started wearing Applejack's hats because she can't stop me.

Rainbow's Log, Day 4:

Still no sign of Applejack. For real, I do not think I have ever missed her quite as much as right now. It's weird what being an accidental prisoner will do for a relationship.

The apples have banded together against the pears, but they're lacking strong leadership. I'm considering running for mayor. Sir Fruitface supports me. Sir Fruitface would run himself, but he is a military fruit and too busy trying to do battle against the pear invasion. Fear and distrust is rampant.

This may be my final entry.

Rainbow's Log, Day 5:

Found lots of pictures of me and AJ in her drawer. Also some seriously weird stuff. Must remember to bring them up next time I visit. Which will be never, because this is never going to happen again. Next time, she can come over to my place. I don't care if she needs a stupid rope ladder to get up. I drew moustaches on the pictures. Am considering trying to grow facial hair. I think it'd really make a statement.

In other news, I got elected as mayor. Democracy prevails, and I am super duper proud of Apple Town. I am brokering a peace agreement with the bananas. Though they are few in number, they might make the difference in the battle against the tyrannical pears, who are jerks. We will fight them and we will win and it will be awesome. Applejack will be so happy when she sees what I've done to the place.

Also I'm running out of pears. Due to my relationship with the apples it feels wrong to eat them.

This may be my final entry.

Rainbow's Log, Day Six:

Commissioned a portrait to commemorate the golden days of Apple Town:

On a sadder note, was forced to consume our banana allies. Constructed a monument to their sacrifice out of pillows. In honour of them, it is called Fort Bananarama. I added the 'rama' bit because nopony can stop me. Least of all Applejack.

I really miss her.

This might be my final entry.

Rainbow's Log, Day Seven:

Sir Fruitface fell in battle. The golden days of Apple Town are long behind us.

On a happier note, finally found out how the shower works. Weird Earth pony plumbing.

Applejack slowly put down the jumbled mess of papers.


Granny Smith pursed her lips. "Didn't ya tell 'er there's a spare key under the doormat?"


"Rope ladders, AJ!" Rainbow exclaimed, still wearing her Mayoral Crown. "We could use rope ladders, and never ever be in this house again!"


Rainbow's lower lip began to quiver. "We lost Sir Fruitface, AJ. Sir Fruitface was my only friend!"

Applejack put her hoof around Rainbow. "How 'bout we go outside, sugar? I think you could use the outside."

"Sir Fruitface, nooo!"

"Once yer done, make sure ya clean up the mess your marefriend made!" Granny Smith shook her head at the carnage. "Look at this! It's like she went to war with the pears! And the hay is Fort Bananarama?"

"What year is it?"

Applejack sighed. "Let's just get you outside, RD. Let's just get you some fresh air."

Next prompt: Turbulence

Also, acknowledge my sick drawing skills!

Group Contributor

5897547 Romance isn't all hugs and kisses! It's time we appreciate the day-to-day hardships the characters have to go through! There simply isn't an appreciation for romantic partners being locked in a house for a week on this site! Travesty! Tragedy! Other words beginning with T!

5897556 Was this prompt also based on real life events? You make it sound like it is :rainbowwild:

Gonna be interesting to see if that drawing beautifully rendered oil painting gets incorporated into the official collab when this prompt gets uploaded

Group Contributor

5897578 Well, it wasn't based of my real life events.

As in, I wasn't the one locked in a house for a week.


Let's leave it at that.

5897579 Hmm. Suddenly I don't feel so about about losing someone else's passport:ajsmug:

Group Contributor

5897605 I always keep my passport on me. I'm a frequent traveller, what with hopping between countries for study and family and fun. I never forget it, although it does increase the risk of me losing it. That's why I keep it in a zipped trouser pocket, and thus far, I have only ever lost my trousers twice (and got them back both times) so that reduces the risk considerably.

Group Contributor

…how does one lose their trousers?
Or is that one of those things I'm better off not knowing?

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