AppleDash 3,016 members · 1,089 stories
Comments ( 1873 )
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Don't like a joke?

Group Contributor

No. I hate fun.

All things considered, it was a pretty clever joke. Just wasn't prepared to face my irrational fear of conflicting ships, is all.

Group Admin


As I said to my friends in the TwiDash group:

You're welcome. :trollestia:

Group Admin


No. I hate fun.

Me too! My husband tells me so all the time, usually when he wanted to do something stupid. I think that's also one of those things I borrowed from my marriage for a conversation where Dash accused AJ of hating fun in The AppleDash Project.

But yeah, fun really sucks.

I am very amused by this joke. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

So, words are still being written. Hurray for me.

I'm starting to think that maybe I should have the editors have a look at it before it's done though. To catch mistakes in the beginning that affect the story, or to adjust spelling. I'm gonna try and get this done by the 13th, which is highly unlikely any way :p

Group Contributor

5154474 I try to not care about my first draft much. Of course, I don't go out of my way to make mistakes either, but if I'm constantly going back and forth to correct things before I'm done I never finish.

Group Admin

I'm talking more about mistakes that I don't know are mistakes. English isn't my maternal language, and while I got a decent grasp on it, there's bound to be mistakes. Or things I want to describe that I don't know the right word for.

hello everypony:twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

hello there im actually new to this site:rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

Welcome! I see you've found your way to the best group already. That's step one out of the way! Always glad to have more people on board and I hope you enjoy your stay. :ajsmug:

Group Contributor

5173699 You definitely are new!

You might want to look for the little >> sign at the top right corner of someone's comment. Click it, and they'll be notified that you've replied to them: it's more convenient that way.

Group Admin

*sniff* *sniff*


Appleflank and lightningbutt be praised.

Group Contributor

5173746 No probs. I didn't get it when I started either.

Group Admin

So, with the AppleDash prompts having hit 300, and us still not having done anything with the 2000 members thingie...

Is it time we did something?

Group Contributor

5173773 Ouais, ce serai bien, je crois. J'aimerais faire un truc: je viens de ganger un competition, alors moi je suis pret pour tout!

EDIT: Sorry, I switched off for a bit and wrote that in french.

I meant: Yeah, that'd be great. I've just won a thing, so I'm ready for anything.

I don't know, I was the 2000th member...

I there like a hazing ritual or something? :rainbowderp:

Group Contributor

I think the AppleDash overlord writes you a story or something. :trollestia:

Group Contributor


He retired to the farm.

Group Admin

5173964 I'm still here. Just very meh about writing at the moment. :P

5173773 The contest kinda took over that. Might still do something, but we'll see.

Group Contributor

It'd be cool if, were we to do a thing, it'd be a thing a bit different from a straight up contest. Or at least, one that's a bit weirder than 'here's your prompt, get writing, maggots!'

That might just be because I've been involved in three relatively straightforward contests recently, though. Something wacky and weird'd be cool, or even something with a non-writing component. I dunno. I ain't been giving it much thought.

Group Contributor

>even something with a non-writing component
Submit an AppleDash story using interpretive dance as your only medium. Submissions accepted via PM to the official AppleDash YouTube channel.

Group Contributor

5175806 I've never tried interpretive dance before.

I'dunno, I'd be up for trying.

When I typed that, I was thinking of an EQD thing that got done a while back. Artists submitted art and writers wrote stuff that was related to the art, so that the stories got a relevant cool coverart and the art got a bit of additional exposure.

I don't really know if it was a good idea (I didn't participate) but something more unconventional would be nice. I'm just throwing my unwarranted opinion around. It's part of being a student: we're supposed to think we know best despite having no real-world experience.

Group Admin

Is AppleDash themed food acceptable?

Or the blood of a small child?

Group Admin


That's actually not a bad idea - I know the event you speak of. I note that every time, AppleDash is lacking there... might be something worth correcting.

Not saying 'yes let's do this', but definitely bumping it up in the list of potential ideas.

Group Contributor

5175844 Yeah, no probs.

I actually organize stranger contests for a group I'm on. We've done strange things like telling stories out of order, emulating an MLP episode (from the tone to the content to a break in the middle where the commercial is supposed to go), even going so far as to throw an additional requirement two weeks in as if we were Hasbro insisting to include some merchandising, and lately we did one where the only bit that gets judged is the first chapter, and nothing else.

Things I also wanted to try were stuff like two writers have to copy the other's style and stuff, but I couldn't think of how to organize that.

Group Contributor

That does sound interesting. I think I vaguely remember something like that.

As much fun as the food part would be, I would not get to eat it. :unsuresweetie:

Group Contributor

I think this video is relevant to our shipping interests.

So in this scenario, who's Jenny and who's the slightly creepy stalker going through her stuff?

(Somehow I see Dash as the stalker...)

Alternatively, is the Jenny the Appledash ship itself and we, the fans, are the weirdos? ;)

Group Contributor

Well, I wouldn't really consider her a stalker, more like someone needy who went through her best friend's stuff to get her boyfriend to break up with her... Sounds like a Dash move to me.

But yeah, let's go with your last point. :rainbowderp:

Group Contributor

5194527 According to fanfiction, either or, really.

Hello, Appledash Group members. I've been lurking around the site since January just reading my troubles away. Then, I realized I no longer knew which nor how many stories I'd read and decided to join in order to keep track of them.

There are excellent stories here, I'm really blown away by how many talented writers are part of this group. I don't really write, but I'd actually be open to try at some point.

Mostly, I keep to myself, but just wanted to say "hi" and attempt to use a pony emoji. :yay:

Group Contributor
Group Admin

You can do this. Just say hi



Group Contributor

5200226 Funnily enough, that sort of thing happened to me on a few occasions!

I sometimes suffer from migraines and stop being able to do words properly. In one such event, I started typing things like 'lacualiently' (I was trying to type 'actually').

5200441 Ugh, that must suck :(

Still, at least you've never announced any intention of performing oral sex on a giraffe, right? ...As far as I'm aware...

Not that I'm judging or anything...

Group Contributor

5200558 Mate, I'm from Scotland. We have a reputation with farm animals.

I have not, however, ever had the intention of having oral sex with a giraffe. I get real uncomfortable around things that are taller than me for some reason, and I always like to say that if you need a stepladder to make a relationship work, we might be a bit too different.

5200575 Ah heck, I'm from Cornwall. We're always being accused on unsavoury relations with sheep.

Lies and slander! All of it! That ewe came onto me!

Group Contributor

5200911 It occurs to me that perhaps many parts of the world have a reputation with the farm animals.

Perhaps I am not as special as I initially thought...

5200976 Don't stress about being the best. You'll lose sight of why you got into something in the first place.

Remember, the pigs and cows are what's really important

Group Contributor

5202240 Oh, I never stress about being the best. I am quite comfortable in my knowledge that I am.

I was just a bit disappointed that the best is a little less unique than I originally thought.

No matter! I'll wear a funny hat to compensate, and sing a parody of 'everyone's a little bit racist' but replacing racist with 'bestial'. Then everyone will remember the name HapHazred!

Mwa ha ha.

Group Admin

So, what is your favourite Disney song? I've been paying a bit more attention to the songs beyond their lyrics recently, and I've decided that Hellfire must be my favourite one of them all.

Even though I love the lyrics, where he constantly goes back and forth between damning Esmeralda and loving her, but the background instruments/voices are amazing. Especially after the sequence where he tries to defend himself to what phantoms.

My very favourite part of it all is the sounds between the bits where he's asking for mercy for himself and Esmeralda.

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