AppleDash 3,016 members · 1,089 stories
Comments ( 1873 )
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4826404 It better not. Two of them are over 15K words.

4827298 So, I finally joined the AppleDash group. I figure I might as well, since I'm going to be taking a break from writing YOWE to work on this contest of yours. (Plus, I really want some time outside of Sweetie's head.) Anyways, I hope you're happy, you finally got me writing AppleDash.

4829429 Also, I don't think the release of YOWE will be impacted too much, since I've already written seven chapters. So good news all around, I guess.

Group Contributor

4827298 18k now.

I'm guessing one's going to clock in at around 22k in five chapters. The other 20 K in six. The third under 10K. One chapter, probably.

I'm thinking December can be official AppleDash month for me. Every week-end, I could post some kind of AppleDash. That'd be nice.

I have a feeling that after this, I might be all out of AppleDash for a while. There's only so much AppleDash cuddles that can block up my brain cells before they absolutely need some fresh air.

Maybe I'll write about space, later. I like space. AppleDash could happen in space, right?

Group Admin

4831072 AppleDash can happen anywhere!

How many of those are contest entries? :P

Group Contributor

4831075 One for each spot of the podium, of course.

And why yes, my ego is just as healthy as ever.

Group Admin


Maybe I'll write about space, later. I like space. AppleDash could happen in space, right?

AppleDash. Space. Peanut butter.


And don't tell me you're allergic, we've already found non-peanut peanut butter for you. :ajsmug:

Group Contributor

4831332 Oh, sure. They don't get oxygen, but peanut butter, that they get in spades outside Equestria's gravity.

I kind of like the idea, though. The first AppleDash story set in space. One small step for man, one giant leap for AppleDash, and all that palaver.

Group Contributor

So the wikia says that Applejack's parents are not really mentioned anywhere; but does anyone know any favorite / semi-canon names that would fit?

Does anyone know any good SFW AppleDash blogs on tumblr that are still updating?

Group Contributor
Group Admin


:flutterrage: SILENCE, WENCH!

Howdy everyone! How have you been over the holidays?:twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

4987575 My holidays were like revising for a MEng degree.

But on the plus side, I finished the mechanical structure for my robot pony prototype. Now if only I could get the artificial intelligence working...

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

4987738 Well, actually, the plan for the prototype is to get it to walk and turn, which considering how quadruped movement is pretty hard when you only have 2 actuators, will be pretty damn fantastic all on its own.

After that happens I'd bloody well snuggle anything.

Sounds interesting. Hope you get it working.:twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

Someone needs to remind you about the


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4989926 Oh yeah, forgot about that one. Sorry!:twilightblush:

Group Contributor

4989919 ...

Was that addressed at me? Because if it was...

I rather hope I get it working too. I've had a lot of fun building prototype hexapod machining platforms for Uni, and I'd love to be able to turn my abilities towards something more pony related. The prototype is pretty clunky, but it emulates a pony walk cycle from the show pretty flawlessly (I just need to stop all the parts from catching on each other, since there are loads of moving bits like sliders and pivots). The end goal is I move on from the little prototype and move onto actually building a fully designed version out of machined aluminium and 3d printed parts I can get from my Uni. The hardest part will be programming, though. I've approached it before, but I'm more of an Aerospace and mechanics guy.

I want to make 2 completed versions, maybe more. One for myself, and at least one to unleash upon the world. I intend to call it the Rainbot Dash.

Group Contributor

If you make it say 'crush, kill, destroy, swag' I will be very tempted to punt it. :twistnerd:

4990164 Yes, it was adressed to you. I just forgot to actually adress to to you. It's hard to think when you're sick at two in the morning.:twilightsheepish:

Group Contributor

4991074 That's fine. I'm exhausted with exams myself.

Thank heavens ponies provide a welcome source of procrastination.

4991115 Thank heavens for that! Can't wait for season 6.:ajsmug:

Group Admin

So, I've finally written the first words down on a fic for the first time in three months. So hurray, progress.

Anyone here willing to be my editor/proofreader/savior-in-chief for when I get this done?

Group Contributor

5142347 That depends entirely on what it's about, surely. :trixieshiftright:

Group Admin

AppleDash, of course :ajsmug:

Group Contributor

I can't even save myself; but I'll volunteer to look over it.

Group Contributor

5142359 Well, I mean, that's a great start and all. And probably a decent finish, too, if I'm being honest. But, like, what's the premise? Where's the juicy weirdness I can sink my teeth into? Is it a slice of life? A grand adventure? Will there by rubber bands? Where are the cuddles at? Will there be beer? I think there should be beer.

It'd be cool if I knew what it was about before volunteering myself. I find I do much better work when I like the ideas involved.

Group Admin

Uh, probably a short slice-of-life bit. another fic to fit in my 'Mane six eventually turn into alicorns'-verse. comedy too

Group Contributor

5142452 So, will there be beer?

Group Admin

'Fraid not. Alicorns do not require beer for their amusement :p

Group Contributor

5142478 Well, I'll be honest, mate. It sounds like it'll beer total disappointment.

Ha ha. Puns!

In all seriousness, though, once you've got a better idea regarding what it'll be about, do send me a PM, since I'm always interested in cool-sounding AppleDash. Even if it doesn't include beer.


No need to wine about it! :rainbowwild:

I have nothing else to contribute to this thread, I just heard a pun and had to respond to it...

Group Contributor

5142513 I can't help but complain about the problems ale-ing me.

Here we goooooo...

Comment posted by MellowMabari deleted Jul 24th, 2020
Group Admin

Now we know what we needed to revive this thread. Alcohol puns wooh

Group Contributor

5142809 Wherever alcohol is involved, you'll gin-erally find me splat bang in the middle of it.

5142812 Is there anything alcohol cannot fix?

Looks like we'll need to rum-mage our brains for more in-gin-ious puns.

Group Contributor

5142864 If we can't think of any more, we'll be in the drink.

I wish I had more time, but what with all the work I have to do, I'm really boozey with revisions.

Group Admin


Tfw I haven't drunk a single drop of alcohol

Group Admin

So how bout that TwiDash?

For those who aren't part of the TwiDashAppleDash group:

I glad that the day os fool is in december, here in México.

Group Contributor

Not funny, guys. :twilightangry2:

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