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Around here, at least, that's barely enough to get by on. It's also very low for just about any programming position anywhere. Perhaps that is a bit of a high estimate, but the point remains the same: game development isn't cheap and the costs add up. Even a slightly-above-minimum-wage salary of $20k would end up being ~$200,000 over 18 months.



Good news, everybody. Not only the Indiegogo's campaign had almost reached the 50% mark, but also they had the Greenlight from Steam! The game will be on steam if they had enough money to do it.


That's actually abysmal for a game developer salary, I believe. Professional developers part of some of the bigger game studies have benefits packages, and make six figures a year easily, if not more.

This game's more a labor of love for the Mane 6.

Group Contributor

I don't even want to know what any human being would ever need that much money for. I do realize that typical game developers get whipped daily to output disastrously buggy and unfinished content faster, but this is just ridiculous.

Group Contributor


Do you live somewhere with a very low cost of living? That may be coloring your perception of how much money that is. In the US 40k can be anything from a very good wage to not even covering the the cost of housing.

Group Admin

In the US, the median salary for a junior software developer is $54k, with the bottom 10% or so earning under $40k (if I'm reading this right). Game developers earn anywhere from 15-30% less than equally skilled developers outside of game development, too.

About $20k of my post-tax income goes to housing/utilities every year. That plus student loan payments, car payments, other insurance, food, and gas consumes around $36k of my post-tax income; I don't even have the much in student loans. Granted, I live in one of the most expensive areas in the country (), but you can see how little $40k really would be for me.

It's actually rather rare for game developers to break six figures. Most senior positions top out in the mid 90s. It's the studios that rake in the cash.

Group Contributor

Maybe I'm used to watching where my money goes, but I can live more than comfortably with $7,000 a year, which currently equals a little less than $5,300 USD.


Group Contributor


You apparently live somewhere with a very low cost of living. That has nothing to do with watching where your money goes. Still good for you if that is what it takes to get by. Where I am $5,300 by itself would barely cover housing with a roommate depending on utilities.

Group Admin

I think it's actually impossible to find a place around here for $5300 a year. The lowest I found was $550/mo ($6600/y) and that was sharing a smallish 4br house with 3 other people, not counting any utilities. That's an insanely small amount.


Shows you my expertise. :twilightblush:

Still a helluva sight better than what I make.

Group Admin

To be fair, the only reason I know is because I did some serious research into it. I originally wanted to get into the industry since I really enjoy making games, but I decided to do some research first and see what I'd be getting myself into. Turns out it's hard to get a good job in game development.

4709959 Baha, buddy?

What's fundamentally different about putting gravy on fries vs gravy on mashed potatoes? :P

4749991 The only way that's possible is if you have literally no rent or mortgage payment.

Did you inherit a house or something?

But wait, no, even property taxes would screw that number.

I pay over $7000 in rent alone annually.

Edit; Okay so I read the rest of the thread. Where the hell do you live? :P It sure as hell isn't the USA or Canada.

Group Contributor

I actually don't like gravy on my mashed potatoes. Yes butter and sour cream; but never gravy. :applejackunsure:

Group Contributor

I just got charged $400 in rent and I live in a four man apartment.
College towns. :applejackunsure:

4750566 But you do acknowledge that gravy on potatoes is completely normal, yes, even if it's not to your taste?

Group Contributor

I live in an apartment in Canada. Houses are for rich people, which my family never was.


4750790 I live in an apartment too. With a roommate. My share of the rent is over $7000 annually.

4750790 Lemme guess, you live somewhere in Quebec. That's the only place in Canada you'll get rent + cost of living so low.

To give you an idea of how much rent costs in other cities: a $300 rent in Montreal (including utilities, 2 bedroom with a roommate) would be a $600 rent in Vancouver, a $450 rent in suburban Ontario, a crazy high rent I don't even want to think about in Toronto, and an even crazier rent I just searched up ($1300) in New York City. Food costs are Vancouver < Montreal < Toronto, but they're all very close to each other. In terms of entertainment costs, it's Vancouver < Toronto < Montreal. If you don't go out often, though, you could maybe squeeze by with 7000 a year in total, post tax, if you don't have a car, never go anywhere, don't save up for retirement, etc.

Group Contributor

That's a good guess, and I don't live in a big city. Does everyone else?


4751404 Huh. Well if you live in Saint-Nowhere-de-Podunk, then it's very likely you'll have to get a car, insurance, gas and whatnot, which I don't know how you'd manage to with $7000 minus rent.

Comment posted by MellowMabari deleted Jul 24th, 2020

4751507 Well it was $400 in St. Catharines, in a 2 bedroom house in a place with no heating and no hot water. I just added some to my estimate for heating and hot water. And yeah I would expect a much higher rent in Toronto

Comment posted by MellowMabari deleted Jul 24th, 2020

4751621 Yeah, it was! Especially in the winter. My prices were all-inclusive as well -- except in St. Catharines, where it included everything that we could get :derpytongue2:
4750790 Steering this somewhat toward AppleDash, if you're in the Quebec Bronies group, are you going to the apple picking event tomorrow?

Group Contributor

I'm not part of any IRL group or activity. Going outside? Being social? Pfft, I'd rather not.


4752014 Hey, friendship is magic!

Group Contributor

I don't have time for that! What do I look like, a princess?


Group Contributor


We'll never know unless you post a picture of yourself. :applejackunsure:

Group Contributor


Pretty close.


Group Admin

No Dash in sight, but this feels like a pic that begs to be AppleDash'd.

That, and AJ's expression is absolutely adorable :3

Group Admin

Damn, that's a great painting.

Comment posted by MellowMabari deleted Jul 24th, 2020
Group Contributor

4755395 In all fairness, they look like cats pretty much 24/7. And they do funny things like cats. And they look cuddly like cats.

Group Contributor
Comment posted by MellowMabari deleted Jul 24th, 2020
Group Contributor

Someone comment and tell me that leaving unfinished contest entries from two years ago (that haven't been changed or edited since then) is wrong and that keeping them unchanged as historical artifacts is actually a crime against horsewords and the bigger sin is not finishing them.

Group Contributor


The only crime is not marking them Canceled or On Hiatus and being done with it. :trixieshiftright:


Leaving unfinished contest entries from two years ago (that haven't been changed or edited since then) is wrong and that keeping them unchanged as historical artifacts is actually a crime against horsewords and the bigger sin is not finishing them.



You've whipped us so much that we're immune to its sting. Giveitup. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by MellowMabari deleted Jul 24th, 2020

Actually, I'm pretty sure his favourite .gif is the one with Dash's suggestive eyebrow wiggle. You know the one.

Group Contributor

Casually writing three AppleDash stories simultaneously.

Maybe I should go outside one day?

Group Contributor

I wouldn't; if you stop for too long, the inspiration kinda leaves.

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