Comments ( 104 )
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Since this is probably the best place to ask, may I please claim Octavia (and, by extension, Vinyl Scratch) for the focus of a Winningverse fic? I've got an idea taking shape for a story involving them, but I'd rather not step on anyone else's toes. Hooves. Whatever.

Speaking of which... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the only mention of Tavi and Vinyl in the Winningverse is in The Incredibly Embarrassing Parents of Rainbow Dash, where they are mentioned in passing as the soon-to-be participants in a "battle of the bands". This seems to imply that even if they haven't appeared yet, they'll both make at least a minor appearance. Is there any so-far-unpublished-but-incredibly-important characterization regarding them that I need to be aware of?

Hmm... Does Vinyl's left lens get punched out at some point or another, in this story of yours?
If so, you have the approval of the pre-existing non-canon VinTavia interactions :D (Not sure about canon, though :v)

Okay, Aloe/Lotus sounds like a great idea. I'd love to do that one. They make their single appearance in the story, and even though that appearance gives one nothing to go off of, they would still be easy to intertwine into the story. After all, there's a lot of stress for the ponies in this story. And where to they go when they're stressed? The spa. It would be relatively easy to have the main winningverse ponies interact with them. Also, I see the potential for a fun dynamic between Aloe and Lotus.
So yes, I am very much interested in writing them (assuming I have permission, which I don't yet have). However, if given that permission, I would want to talk over how you think a story with them should go. That would make it a lot easier for me to get a sense of where this should go, because like I said, them banging Cloud Kicker isn't much to go off of, and whatever you could give me would be awesome.
The Winningverse rules.

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

Permission is given.

With some complications in my life coming up and currently upon me. I haven't had any time to write in the past couple of months and probably won't for awhile.

So, if someone wants to write for Scootaloo they can. How ever I won't stop writing my story so if someone comes along and writes a story before I get around to it that's fine I'll just change mine a bit.


What is your opinion on... Parallel continuities? I guess that is the only accurate way to describe it.

I've been putting some preliminary work on a story that... would technically branch off from the main continuity at the same point as The DeadDerpyVerse.

I say "would" because there is a major, but largely unnoticeable, change in what being a Pegasus, Unicorn, or Earth Pony means in this story. That change makes it largely irreconcilable with the universe as is, and would mean I was operating in a different universe.

Even being in a different universe, though, what I have written currently leans heavily on the prior events of The Winningverse. It is "of" The Winningverse, but not "in" it necessarily.

I mostly just want to get your approval before continuing onwards. If you want a synopsis of some sort, I can get something together and PM it to you. I could also post it here, I suppose, though I wouldn't want to get anypony's hopes up, because I tend to write slowly.


Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

Parallel continuities are just fineā€”all I'd really insist on is noting somewhere in the summary that you're branching off from "Life and Times."

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

Okay, It bears mentioning that thanks to finally getting Winning Pony 16 published, Alula is available as a character.for anyone who wants to write. Also tossed Start Kicker on the recommended characters list, because why the hay not?

I had an idea for a POV of Sparkler revealing she has no real friends, maybe taking place a several months after her adoption. I have read a few of Comma-Kazie's pieces and have a few ides. Do you think an aspiring writer could make it work?

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

Comma Kazie's usually the guy to talk to about Sparkler fics.

I had an idea for a character based in the Winningverse though I'm still working on an actual plot. The ideas I have now mostly center on the character living in Ponyville and interacting with the various denizens as they go about their lives. Sort of like how the Winningverse would be observed from the POV of a background character. My main motivation for writing this is to explore the life of a pony not altogether welcomed by polite society but not quite rejected by it either.

Morning Mist - a young (early twenties), Gothic unicorn mare living on the outskirts of Ponyville, Mist is the only child of Well Wishes, the town's undertaker and funeral director. Due to her father's failing health, she has recently taken over his duties and is responsible for the preparation of the deceased before burial. Although kind, due to her morbid profession and dark sense of humor Mist is somewhat of a spooky enigma to the town at large, with few having conversed with her for more than a few minutes and fewer still having taken the time to actually know her.
Mist is of average height and build, with a grey coat and black mane worn in a slightly unkempt style. She primarily dresses in a black jacket made of faux-leather, with silver studs and skulls sewn into the shoulders and sleeves. Mist's eyes are naturally purple and lined with black makeup to make it seem as if she is perpetually crying.
Her cutie mark is a series of musical notes playing out the first bar in an ancient unicorn dirge.

I've already bugged you about this once, CQ, but I'm in the (very gradual) process of putting together a Star Kicker-centric addition, which i had to scrap and restart with the addition of Chapter 17 of Winning that's coming along kinda... :twilightsheepish:
just thought I'd drop a hugely tentative dibs and see what people thought

on a related note, I have alot of Idea for the fic, and not enough experience or attention span in/for writing, so anyone who'd be willing to lend a hand as a co-writer/fire-under-my-ass would be hugely appreciated... yeah, if you're interested in befriending a loudmouth with lethal doses of ADHD, feel welcome welcome to drop me a PM (or AM, if you're another morning person :pinkiehappy:(:facehoof: I can't believe I made that joke again)) :twilightsmile:



If I wanted to write one of the ponies as a transgender character, which one would be best to use as per your headcanon and story continuity?

I can PM you the whole idea I have if you're interested, but essentially it would need to be someone Cloud Kicker flirts with and someone who is kind of shy and/or secretive.

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

Sounds like a fine idea, but I can't really think of anypony established in-story who fits the criteria. Pulling a sudden transgender reveal for an established character feels a bit cheap.

Not that this is a huge issue, since there are plenty of background ponies who've only had relatively minor appearances so far who could be used. Provides a lot more room for flexibility with the character and how they can be interpreted.. Cloud Kicker also wouldn't have any issues about flirting (or doing anything else) with a trans pony.

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

Updated the available characters list. Check the front post for details.

It should come as no surprise to anypony, but I'm considering adding a Time Turner story beyond Winning in Los Pegasus.
Initial poltlines are forming, but I'll have to do a bit of research before I start meddling. That said, i'd like to stake a claim to Time Turner and Minuette/Colgate.

*edit: With things progressing I'm extending this claim to Carrot Top, Thunderlane and Caramel.

Group Contributor


Colgate related queries can go to me, since she is a major character in The Symphony of a Winning Lyrist.

So that's where you need to do your research. Colgate has little to no mention in Winning Pony, I believe.

I am currently planning a side fic called "The Incredibly Emotional Hopes and Dreams of a War Pony" that is a story of Cloud Kicker's bunk mate at West Hoof, Airheart (My Avatar), so if anypony could show me to any stories that explain Cloud Kicker's time at West Hoof a bit, that'd be great.:twilightsmile:

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

"The Incredibly Apologetic Letters of Rainbow Dash" is the only story that really goes into much detail on Cloud Kicker's time at West Hoof. "The Incredibly Dextrous Hands of a Musical Mare" also occurs during Cloud Kicker at West Hoof, but doesn't really focus much on it.

1018745 Thanks, I'll read those right away.

If I may pop a suggestion ... anyone want dibs on Flash Sentry?

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

If someone can actually come up with an interesting story about Generic Forced Romantic Interest Guy, then by all means...

I probably shouldn't be so hard on the guy, he's not that bad as a character. I just don't really see what canon gives you to work with for a story on him, other than his Generic Nice Guy-ness. Especially since his only plot thread from the movie (romantic interest in Twilight) isn't going to be a thing in the Winningverse.

Though I admit that i'm not good enough to start posting fics in the winning verse. I have a few titles that I don't mind sharing. Just not sure where to post them. :rainbowlaugh:

Is there any specific policy on crossover stories with the Winning-verse? Obviously, such stories would not be part of the canon 'verse, so I imagine they wouldn't be too problematic. Still, doesn't hurt to check!

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

No issues at all with crossovers, aside from the non-canon status. They're still quite welcome, and will probably end up being enthusiastically read.

Well, I thought the group folders were fairly self-explanatory. If that's not the case, just post or PM links somewhere, and we can categorize them.

1021818 If you're doing a fic on Airheart, can I suggest this for the cover art? It's by Kejzfox, brilliant pony artist on dA.

I have fic ready for prereading with Cloud Kicker as a main character.(not inside the Winningverse, of course).
Title(tentative): The Wonder Years.
Primarily inspired by this pic
Record Breaker

Description(working in progress):

Captain Rainbow Dash of the Wonderbolts.

Has a nice ring to it, doesnā€™t it? Certainly her dream job.

Well, dreams and reality are two very different things. Especially when our newly minted captain has to deal with an empty roster, budget cuts, the first non-pegasi cadets, and the pressure of finding out your best friend is now your boss, let alone a princess.

If that werenā€™t enough to make her quit, her three wing commanders might. Cloud Kicker is a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen; Surprise makes no sense; and Lightning Dust is, well, Lightning Dust.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo arrives at the Academy and finds being known as Rainbowā€™s protege comes with lots of pressure and even higher expectations.

I can post the fimfiction link if anyone is interested and can give me some feedback. I want to make sure I have the characters right.

I can post this as a separate thread if I should.

It has been awhile since I first started working on my project, but I think I've done enough research to confidently begin the writing process soon. I'd like to claim Princess Luna for her central role in my story.

I may need to send a few more mails off to various authors for some rules of the 'verse type of questions though, considering it's Luna. I intend to cover some fundamental rules like Magic and History.

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

Sounds very intriguing. Looking forward to it.

Group Contributor


Feel free to shoot me the occasional question. Looking forward to what you come up with.

Cheng, how do I let send my fic to you for oversight and what not?

Comment posted by 621Chopsuey deleted Dec 1st, 2014

493552 I claim Berry Punch. Even though she isn't on the list. I claim The Cider Queen.

2311150 Just check in with Jake, since Punchy appears prominently in Winning Lyrist.

Also, currently have dibs on Flash Sentry and Lightning Dust.

2312158 Oh, okie. I have another project already started anyway :twilightblush:

Has anypony done a fic on 'Lula yet? I was thinking of writing a diary style fic with Alula's point of view on everything going on in "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony". Is that okay? (I totally don't have 2 other fics I'm working on right now, nope.)

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

Sounds like a fun idea.

2371107 You know what, never you mind. Somepony else can take it, I am way too motherconfounding busy right now. I keep going back on my claims.

I am sorry to revive a thread that's probably been dormant for a long time, but I really do need to ask a specific question about this.

After reading "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony" I'd like to write a story in the same time line, but from Blossomforth's point of view. Would that be acceptable?

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem.

4837471 Sweet, alrighty then!

Although right now I'm working on something with Sparkler. I think we're supposed to let you look the thing over before we publish it, right?

Edit: Just to clarify, I found Sparkler's reactions to all the teasing WAY too adorable to pass up the chance of having her viewpoint on the matter, but since there are some "original" scenes with Sparkler/Star interaction, I'll need to know if I stepped completely out of line with their personality portrayal.

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

Yeah, I generally like to look over anything that directly references the specific events of "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony" or my other stories. After all, if it's really good I might want to incorporate said story into the Winningverse canon.

4838036 Very good, I'll PM you the link as soon as I'm comfortable showing it.

Can we get a list update on this? It's been most of a year since the last comment. Also if I wanted to attempt to write something based in Freeport, and therefore dealing with Sunset somewhat (She'll be kinda prominent at the start then just pop up as time goes on) which one of y'all should I chat with?

I had a bit of a internal debate over 2 characters to create for it before deciding. Generally a minor magus, more of a researcher than a battle-caster, moves to Freeport from having been in Zebrica for some time. His goal boils down to making what would essentially the warforged race from D&D 3.5 Eberron. Sapient living constructs.

Don't know if my writing itself would be up to snuff, also having read all but 2 or 3 fics in the Winningverse folder I have managed to procrastinate for the last 2 weeks for my own original stories.

So while at work I thought up something. In Winning Pony it's stated that Cadence is in charge of the Equestrian Intelligence Service. Now while only being a few months into the whole princess thing, Celestia likely hasn't just given her all that responsibility, however I could see her putting Cadence in charge of a section of it starting as a bit of a test and then just slowly putting full control over to her. Maybe seeing how she handles what to do when the office covering a small-ish island nation makes some really bad field decisions.

This thought was pretty much summed up by having Cadence visiting Sunset to clear the air between them and having Strumming being a guard while try to not act like that's what she is. Both Puzzle and Sunset notice it with Puzzle remarking "This one suspects the Love Pony is Heartstring-mare's *Changes voice to match Strumming's* 'Jerkass Boss' that she likes to pin uncomfortable decisions on."

I know someone mentioned Zecora before, but how to rhyme they did abhor. Her potion-making apprentice should do, for this story's Point-of-view.

Okay, enough of that. I'd be willing to do this, if someone could help me find a pony to portray as the apprentice. Actually, it doesn't have to be a pony, but other than Zecora I'm not too sure how many other species live in Ponyville. If Chengar didn't have it be a special armour enchantment I would've used a bat.

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

Ponyville seems to pretty much just have ponies, Zecora, those two donkeys, and that one mule.

5447943 Actually you could probably count Steven. I think that's the sea serpent's name.

Edit cause I don't want to put another post here. I'll let Chengar have the 100th post.

So I figure I'll name Zecora's apprentice Bubbly Cauldron. Fits with how ponies seem to have names associated with what they do. Still need to find a background pony who looks like they would be a potion maker.

Also Edit. Might have found a good unnamed background pony to usurp for my designs though Bubbly Cauldron might not work as a name for her, unless I want her to be a teen going through the whole rebellious goth thing and using a made up name for herself. I'll put the image of her below, and if I don't go that route with her I'll probably do a name based around Poultice or something do to her cutie mark.


It doesn't look like this topic has been touched in some time, but I would like to try to pitch an idea for a story that would take place in Freeport that would follow four OC characters. However, i am not very confident in my own writing skills and I don't have enough money to commission this story. What can I do to make this happen? If there aren't any alternatives that aren't too intrusive to the writing of other stories I could take a swing at it and write it, but it would be my first story and I don't want to screw anything up.

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