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I'll basically copy what I said in my blog post.

Goldman - Cecil Medicine - 24th edition (2011)

Need to write a disease? Need symptoms? Need help with treatment? BAM. This bitch's got it!

Now, this next one is for those who wish to write... outside the box.

Kaplan and Sadock - Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry - 9th edition (2009)

I first shared it with Owlor, to help him without lowering myself to Wikipedia's standards. Now certain [strike]faggots[/strike] esteemed writers won't be able to claim they don't know how to properly write psychiatric symptoms. Yes, it is outdated, I know. But this is the best I got.

If you see some retarded uneducated fellow who created an abomination tried to write something but pathetically failed was slightly confused, direct them to this post.

Yes, the four links have been tested and are working!

"Wouldn't it be better if we got a veterinary book instead?"

Sadly [for you], I'm a medical student, not a vet student.


Which means that I'm not sure about authors of veterinary books. I could easily get something that is entirely wrong.

"So, you're giving us a book about human medicine, because you think that we, consulting any veterinary book, would get something wrong?"

Some diseases are the same. And since them ponies are more human than actual horses... yeah.


Why did you do that? Now someone will write MLP/House M.D. crossover.

476442 Hey, that sounds like it could be at least half-decent, if written properly.

Group Admin

Oh Cyto... that has been lounging around in my wasteland of unfinished fanfics for AAAGES now. :ajsmug:


Browsing trough a list of horse diseases, it seems that most of them have some counterpart of what occurs in humans or are causes by the horse eating various really stupid things. :facehoof:

:rainbowderp:"Derpy, where did you even get the idea to make nightshade muffins?"

:derpyderp1:"Because I'm retarded and obsessed wih muffins, it's my only two character traits fanfic writers give me, and without them I'm nothing, just a mere background gag, d'you hear me I MUST MAKE MUFFINS!... I think I have a problem..."

If you're writing a pony story, I'd suggest creating fictional counterparts for the diseases with punny names anyway, so if someone goes "hey, horses don't get that disease" you can go "oh, but this isn't that disease, it's this disease, and My little Ponies DO get those." :twilightsmile: Never underestimate the power of wiggle room.

I do think we shouldn't be afraid to make up diseases for the pegasi and he unicorns tough. Their anatomy is rather unique and such would have their own problems.

I guess with pegasi you have birds you can take inspiration from and for unicorns there's several magical traditions that one could use. Perhaps for unicorns, counterparts to things like Chi or Chakras are actually true.

If nothing else, it'll be funny to see alternative medicine (read: bullshit) be used as legitimate medicine... and actually WORKING. :twilightoops:


What, like an autbreak of avian flu among pegasi?

The only thing more amusing then that would be a school for faith healers.

476442 What have I done?

Well, I guess that the road to hell really is paved with good intentions... :ajsleepy:

Group Admin


What, like an autbreak of avian flu among pegasi?

:twilightoops: You remember that MLP/House crossover thing I said was in my unfinished folder? That was basically what it was, I interrogated Luce on influenza symptoms for an hour.

The only thing more amusing then that would be a school for faith healers.

Most resist urge to write fanfics where ponies go around exposing medical fraud...

"Who are the mythbuckers? Twilight sparkle,"SPIKE! Don't eat the C4" :twilightoops: Trixie Midsummernight "The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie needs a cookie!:trixieshiftright: Together, they have more than 30 years of magical experience. Joining them, Derpy Hooves "I just don't know what went wrong!" :derpyderp1::derpyderp2: Rainbow Dash "omigosh omigosh omigosh!" :rainbowkiss: and Fluttershy "uhm, is that a camera? EEP!" :fluttershyouch:
They just don't TELL the myths, they put them to the test. :rainbowdetermined2:


If nothing else, it'll be funny to see alternative medicine (read: bullshit) be used as legitimate medicine... and actually WORKING. :twilightoops:

Funny thing you mentioning this. My homeopathy teacher presented us with a (well known) study in which a case of septicemia ("blood infection") was cured with homeopathy alone.

And my acupuncture teacher showed us this other paper that had a patient who was too weak to be anesthetized. With acupuncture, the [abdominal] surgery was made.
With him awake.
He didn't feel any pain.

Group Admin

If you haven't read this one already, you should...

And if you find those studies, please show them to me, cus I admit that medicine is not my area of expertise, however...

Homeopathy is fucking water :flutterrage:, its the active ingredient diluted to the point where its pretty much plain water, there's no fucking way that can actually work better than a placebo.

Seriously, if homeopathy actualy worked, it'd pretty much mean that we'd have to start over the study of chemstry and physics from scratch, which would be awesome, but I don't really see that happening right now.

Frankly, you can get one paper to say just about anything. Most scientific papers, at least in the fields I've studied, has a 95% confidence level, which still mean 5% chance of error. But like I said, I'll have to look for that study before commenting further, but right now, you can still colour me sceptical.

As for acupuncture, yeah, there's a little more there, I've read some studies as well that suggest that it DOES work, I'll withold my judgment on that, but I am still HIGHLY sceptical of the theory behind it, at least the spiritual part with the chi and crap.

But seriously, the fact that they teach alternative medicine like this to med students seriously gets my panties in a twist. :twilightangry2: What's next, the fucking voodoo class? This is NOT an area where magical thinking is accepteable. :flutterrage:

476830 Acupuncture is, like, 50/50. It doesn't work for everyone. But if it works for you, it does wonders. And, unlike homeopathy, it does have some good scientific background behind it.

Homeopathy is... well, frankly strange. That thing you drink really is only water.
But Homeopathy is not about chemical interactions between drugs and their cell receptors. It's, like, fucking quantum physics. I shit you not, Owlor!
S'all basically like this:
- Alopathy [or Halopathy, I don't fucking know] (Conventional Medicine): You give the patient a substance that does exactly the opposite of what he's feeling. Minimizing the symptoms.
- Homeopathy: You give the patient a substance that does exactly the same thing of what he's feeling.
(And, like, the symptoms are FUCKING SPECIFIC. For instance: Waking up at exactly 3 am with a headache is a different symptom than waking up at exactly 2 am with a headache)

I'll now tell you how a solution is prepared (according to the Hahnemanial Centesimals):
1- Substance A, 100%
2- Dilute 1% of A in 99% of water+ethanol.
3- <Specific, "magical" agitation> 100 times.
4- You have Substance A in HC 1 (1 centesimal).
5- Dilute 1% of A HC 1 in 99% water+ethanol.
6- <Specific, "magical" agitation> 100 times.
7- You have Substance A in HC 2 (2 centesimals)
Chemically speaking, after the 12th dilution, there is 0.000000000000000~% of the "mother chemical" left. And homeopathy tells us that, the more diluted the solution, the stronger it is.

Yes, no fucking sense, I know!

It is not considered a vaccine, because there is zero immune response from out body. This is why there is no reaction between the substance and the cell receptors. I asked my teacher about it and she said it's like, the solution leaves an "impression" on the water molecules on a sub-atomic level. Again: I shit you not! This is how I've been taught.
And worse of all: it does work! :raritydespair:
Since I'm forced to take homeopathy classes, I have to take patients. And I gave, on this semester alone, around 20-40 patients homeopathic medicine (because I was forced to). AND THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM GOT BETTER! :raritycry:

I also disagree that homeopathy should be taught as a regular discipline... but alas, it is.
And yet, acupuncture, the one who is more believable, is not.
Logic? :derpytongue2:

I'll try to find those (and other relevant papers as well).

PS: I can't thank you enough for that short film, Owlor. It is fucking hilarious.
And I do apologize if I'm coming out as Miss Storm in this here conversation. :twilightblush:

Group Admin


But Homeopathy is not about chemical interactions between drugs and their cell receptors. It's, like, fucking quantum physics. I shit you not, Owlor!

"Quantum" has turned into the 21 century word for "magic", in my experience. :ajbemused:

- Homeopathy: You give the patient a substance that does exactly the same thing of what he's feeling.
(And, like, the symptoms are FUCKING SPECIFIC. For instance: Waking up at exactly 3 am with a headache is a different symptom than waking up at exactly 2 am with a headache)

Oka,y I am resisting the urge to scream at the screen right now. But do you know what "Sympathetic magic" is? in folklore, its a term for a type belief that something can magically influence something else because of its correspondence to that thing. For example, thinknig that a certain herb can cure pain in a certain body part because it resembled that body part. Or to put it briefly, y'know that thing you just described? PRETTY MUCH THAT! :flutterrage:

Chemically speaking, after the 12th dilution, there is 0.000000000000000~% of the "mother chemical" left. And homeopathy tells us that, the more diluted the solution, the stronger it is.

Yes, no fucking sense, I know!

YES! NO FUCKING SENSE! I don't care about the fucking voodoo dance, it doesnt make it make any more sense.

I asked my teacher about it and she said it's like, the solution leaves an "impression" on the water molecules on a sub-atomic level. Again: I shit you not! This is how I've been taught.

BULLSHIT! Just cus they use an euphemism for magic doesn't mean it isn't "Maaaaagic". Look, "an impression"? Last time I checked an impression was either what you make in concrete that hasn't dried or what you make on somebody when you walk in naked at a dinner party, neither of which is possible to do on a sub-atomic level.

The word clearly just mean "I have no idea what the hell is supposed to happen but this SOUNDS vauge and scientific enough that people won't question it.

And worse of all: it does work!

:flutterrage: Contrary to homeopathy, that HAS been shown to be true pretty well.

Since I'm forced to take homeopathy classes, I have to take patients. And I gave, on this semester alone, around 20-40 patients homeopathic medicine (because I was forced to). AND THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM GOT BETTER!

Not a blind test, I assume? :trixieshiftright:
Oh and also:


I also disagree that homeopathy should be taught as a regular discipline... but alas, it is.

:raritycry: *incoherent sounds of rage and despair*

And yet, acupuncture, the one who is more believable, is not.

I still have my doupts about that as well, and don't think it should be thaught either until there's a bit more clarity around it. But having acupuncture be thaught would make me roll my eyes a little. Having homeopathy be thaught makes me wanna PUNCH SOMEBODY! :flutterrage:

"Quantum" has turned into the 21 century word for "magic", in my experience. :ajbemused:

Best line of my day! :rainbowlaugh:
Unfortunately, it is being preached as so. I myself at least try to abstain from said discussions, because I don't fucking believe it either (not to mention that I understand nothing about physics in that... magical state)

My teacher said that it isn't placebo effect because <insert half-assed excuse about it not being placebo effect that I didn't buyso I don't even fucking remember it.>
But, in my most honest opinion: yes, placebo effect.

YES! NO FUCKING SENSE! I don't care about the fucking voodoo dance, it doesnt make it make any more sense.

Owlor, don't get me wrong here. But you being angry at these kinds of things is just fucking hilarious. I'm not laughing at you, mind. It's just that you have this particular, delightful way of making things that are bullshit sound like bullshit. I fucking love you!

I like acupuncture (not over conventional medicine!) because, like I said, it does have some scientific grounds to support it. Its theories aren't solid, but they did manage to nail some physiology aspects of pain without the scientific knowledge behind it. This is pretty impressive, I'll give them that.
But it doesn't explain everything and so, should only be used as a last resort or complimentary therapeutic (if, and only if, it doesn't affect the conventional treatment).

Conclusion: Rest assured that I will never, ever, ever, ever trade a conventional, scientifically proved medical practice for homeopathy or acupuncture. IMHO, if the patient wants, he/she can seek an alternative, but only if he/she remains with the conventional treatment.
(Why, if it brings her/him comfort, who am I to deny it? Isn't that the definition of the medical career? To bring your patient mental and physical comfort? I won't try to tell them how bullshit that it... if they want to be lied to {and feel good about it}, heh, sucks to be them.)

I don't feel that acupuncture should be taught as conventional medicine. That is not what I meant to say and I apologize if I came out wrong. What I meant to say is: Since homeopathy is taught anyway, I'd rather have acupuncture over it.

And now I'm off to my dad's home. I shall reply this when I get back.

PS: I kind of think that my teacher's presented paper about septicemia was a forged one. I agree with you that not all correctly made scientific papers are beyond flaw. Worse comes to worst if the data has been manipulated in order to favor the researcher's wills.
THIS get my panties up in a bunch!

476442 476619 It's actually been written three months ago, back in August. It even got featured. Link


That`s not quite what I feared in mind.

House in Equestria is horrible, of course, but what really gave me pause was the horrific idea where Mane 6 assume the roles of House and Co in ponified hospital.

480729 Oh. I could probably find that too, if I had the time. I'm sure it's been done already.

483566 It's kind of cute to see people trying to write medically accurate fics and failing...

Like a marathoner looking at fat little kids playing tag and getting exhausted after 5 minutes of running.

Group Admin

That is one of the main reasons I I'm reluctant to finish and actually publish my eperimental fic "KaZe of the KautschuK KleZmer" (sic) (the other main reason is that it's my first and probably only fic that'll have clop in it...:unsuresweetie:) cus part of the plot hinges on type IV hypersensitivity to latex and I'm afraid I'll get things wrong. :rainbowderp:

I need some advice on a story chapter I am writing that involves complications in a pony giving birth. Any vets out there?

490236 Just watch out for hemorrhaging.
In humans, Oxytocin should be given only after the baby has been successfully expelled. If given before, the miometric cells in the uterus (mio = muscle) will be hyperpolarized, unable to contract properly. If not given at all, the contraction will depend on endogenous Oxytocin, which is produced when the baby sucks milk.

Without contraction, they won't be able to stop the small blood vessels that used to connect the placenta with the womb from bleeding. Simple, physiological means of stopping it aren't effective if there isn't muscle contraction as well.

So, what can you do:
1- Have some retard giving her oxytocin throughout the entire labor, making her womb unable to contract.
2- Take the baby away right after he/she's born, so there will be near-zero puerperal oxytocin production.
3- Even with oxytocin, make her womb unable to contract, so she dies either way.

- This is meant for humans, not ponies. I have no fucking idea if this is accurate or not in regards to equine labor, but you can always extrapolate, like everyone else does.
- Hemorrhage isn't the only complication before/during/after the labor. Though it is a fairly common one.

Hey look its the first ever post on this group.

Holy necropost, batman!


Now someone will write MLP/House M.D. crossover.

Too late.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

That video is from two years after that post, so probably not too late.

--Sweetie Belle

7569716 What if the video was inspired by this very thread?

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