The Writers' Group 9,330 members · 56,812 stories
Comments ( 731 )
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Is there a place to voice suggestions on how to improve fimfiction like additional features? Derpibooru had a thread for that. Is there one on fimfiction?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Technically speaking, probably the github issues page:

I really don't see knighty making much in the way of changes in the site in the future, though.

That's for the site as a whole, of course. Changes to individual groups would be in the hands (or hooves) of the admins for the particular group in question.

--Sweetie Belle

I am somehow still alive! :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

7786989 That is the dream!

Keep shooting for that high score.



Group Admin

7787012 I've been immortal my whole life! Never died once.




7787012 7787019
You guys like chopping heads too?


Well, you know, I've been trying to quit.

But addiction is a powerful thing. :unsuresweetie:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I am still here, and spreading myself across the internet...

--Sweetie Belle


This is getting out of hand! Now there are nine of you! :applejackconfused:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, at least nine...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

7787024 You know it occurs that they never specified which head.

The Lemon
Group Admin

Enter the Sweetie-verse.
Though you seem to have, er, pretzel'd your horn in that last one, Sweets. You feelin' alright?


Those are wearing glasses, though. Obviously completely different ponies.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, given that particular Sweetie Belle is no longer me at this point, I'm feeling fine. And what they choose to do to their horn is their business, I suppose...

Fair point. Undoubtedly completely different ponies and not incognito Sweetie Belles.

--Sweetie Belle

Is it rude not to respond to comments on your forum posts or do so days or weeks later?

Or is it common for the OP not to always respond and let others do the discussion?

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

I find it common enough for a person to make a thread and then not post in it ever again. It looks a bit weird to me but it can happen for many reasons and in the end if a person has nothing to say then it is best to not say anything.

And nothing wrong with a delayed response. I mean, if people can liberally practice necromancy by posting on threads that have been dead for years then I don't see a problem if you do it on a thread that was posted a week ago.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'd just keep in mind that people are people, and you don't really know what's happening on the other side. I've had plenty of times where I wake up, am feeling like posting stuff... and then an hour or two later, have to log in for work and can't write a sentence without getting interrupted for 8 hours.

For me personally, the longer it's been since something was posted, the less likely I am to reply to it, especially if it was going to be a fairly unimportant response anyways, like just agreeing with what they said. Necromancy, now, the main issue is people are likely to have forgotten they even participated in the conversation, and sometimes you're responding to someone who left the site years ago. (Not to mention their opinion might have changed, or the conversation might've happened before things happened that made it irrelevant...)

--Sweetie Belle

hey random question here Does any one in this group think that it would be ok to say that Rainbow Dash is the one member of the main 6 most likley to listen to and go along with an other pony’s crazy ideas ? The reason i ask is cause in this fic that i am working on i have one my OCs describre a random unicorn that she knows as a pony that would “be down to do almost anything that you can come up with” and the only character from the show that i think is like that is Rainbow Dash


Maybe I’m not sure, I think maybe pinkie pie would be more likely to go along with anything anybody says, Twilight sparkle wouldn’t be but pinkie pie would, but I’m not entirely sure I mean I know Rainbow can be quite reckless sometimes but not that reckless.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Define crazy. Like, Dash certainly would and has done things that can be considered crazy, but she's more interested in things that are awesome and exciting for her. She is usually smart enough not to do something too reckless, especially if it is dangerous to others. Also, don't think she'd be that inclined to do something a complete stranger tells her, unless it is something harmless like "hey, we are short one player for a buckball match, wanna join?". I'd probably need to hear more to be able to offer a more concrete opinion.

Also surprised your first thought wasn't Pinkie Pie. I mean, “be down to do almost anything that you can come up with”. Pinkie, a pony who would do pretty much anything just to see a friend smile.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

For anyone curious, doesn't seem like there was a Tell Your Tale episode released this week, either.

This music video was, but it's not pony related (and the song isn't new...).

--Sweetie Belle

The Lemon
Group Admin


I can't help but feel as though even Hasbro have given up on Generation 5 by this point.

Not to be a Debbie Downer or anything, but two weeks in a row? And barely anyone has even noticed...

At least we have Weird Al to keep us company. Sometimes that is all that we need. And by this point, Weird Al will ALWAYS be pony-related by virtue of his very existence, which I like to imagine that he is fine with.

Group Admin

7792474 I don't get the impression Hasbro is having a good time with their decisions at the moment.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well... I think they are having a very good time with the decisions themselves. Just not their consequences.

Sometimes when companies bad decisions start catching up with them, they start making even more bad decisions because of them. It can turn into sort of a "Oh no, we're not making enough money. Quick, Let's alienate our fanbase!" thing...

--Sweetie Belle

The Lemon
Group Admin


Thank goodness that My Little Pony is the ONLY dearly-held property of Hasbro's that they have run into recent controversy with regarding bad internal decisions.

I mean, they can't be that out of touch.

R-right? Right???


As farcical as you made that sound, it is no less 100% authentic. I simply refuse outright to believe that the people with high-end, well paid jobs in these companies and industries are able to be so obliviously inept as to dig themselves deeper into holes of their own design whilst the shovel is still sodden with muck - despite the countless documented case studies of other companies and their own franchises that have risen, declined, and failed before them. It can't be accidental. For the sake of my own sanity, I refuse to accept that it is pure ignorance. There have to be strange and mysterious powers at work, because when a literal lemon thinks that she could do a better job, then you know something is amiss.

I was talking about it just yesterday. Crazy coincidence, I know. Talking about recent events?

We were discussing the DnD debacle, and my opinion is this: It's the freaking investor/board/monetizing part of the company that fucks this up. Weird how the faction that has control of the money can do that, but I guess that's how it works.

My opinion is that they see how the video game industry operates, and since it rakes in so much money, they asked themselves why not them as well? Games are games, right? They don't see the intricacies, how a board game or a war game needs such investment of time and learning from the players, how creativity is a heavy part of the game, and all that. No, they see "game" and equate books to DLC printed money that only they should have. It's a stupid idea that stems from seeing just the buying mechanics and ignoring all the factors and forces behind video games and board games, and misconstruing them as identical.

If, say, WotC wanted to print money all they have to do is go the Apple route. Make a virtual tabletop that is actually super funded, and have a 'shop' where other developers can 'sell' or provide free assets, and they get a cut while also making their own. Make it so that people can make their own stuff as well to get them to walk in, and the dough you will rake is UNBELIEVABLE. You could make it subscription based and people would still go for it as long as it has the ability to add a lot of stuff, more stuff actually being provided, can upload their own, and support more systems or homebrew. And then you'd have the money from the sales on top of that monthly harvest? Dear god.

But no, let's try to copy video games cause they are both "games," and think that exclusivity and locking out "mods" is how people will buy.

Freaking morons.

Group Admin

7792662 I have a theory that corporate administrations have life cycles.

My suspicion is that as a business-person, you don't get points for anything other than profit. As a group, the administration will realise that having good relations with their consumers (not people; corps don't inherently care about people) will help profits, which is why they have things like PR departments and advertising departments, but as an individual, you're not going to get ahead unless you contribute a profit to the corporation. So that's what you brainstorm.

If you take a risk and it results in profit, that's what's going to come up on the spreadsheet, so that's what gets rewarded. Unchecked, this will gradually crowd out any product-focussed staff and replace them with staff focussed on monetisation. I think there's a good reason for this too, since once you have a good product, it doesn't really need that much work, but new ways of advertising and monetising a product will be how a corporation grows. Like, the product being shipped hasn't changed, but you've successfully managed to make people buy it twice, for example, or shipped it to a new market that'll pay more for it, or whatever. Keep promoting people who do that and the room will, inevitably, become full of them.

Beyond a certain point, though, and the scheme breaks down when the cost extorted for the product exceeds what it's worth. This might not even kill the entire company, but might squeeze them enough that the cycle backtracks to a sustainable level, and the cycle begins again. Or maybe it is sustainable... not all evil corporations become irrelevant, after all. Hasbro's little sub-brands are just unfortunate enough to be luxuries, not necessities, and therefore are way more fragile than a lot of other, far worse corporations.

Group Admin

7792682 Fucks sake, I turn away for fifteen minutes and you make most of the points I wanted to first. This is why you can't go to the bathroom when you're online.

That's on you for leaving your notes out for everyone to see as they stroll around your bedroom.

Also, you should eat more fiber. It didn't look like a healthy poop.


Hello, my name is Mrs. Smokes-too-Much, and I have a complaint about the state of Hap's bed. It was sticky in some places and also there was a couple having a fight below the windowsill.


It was sticky in some places

I can only lick off so much.

I think my laptop just almost died. :rainbowderp:

It randomly crashed due to some system error and then windows just didn't want to restart. Thankfully, it worked itself out but I was just about to give up hope and accept that old Starscream had been bricked.

I should probably start migrating important files to an external drive and look into getting a new computer before this one permanently stops working. :unsuresweetie:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I can now make my animated gifs even weirder... :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

I need help with designing a ship. It's like a mix of the Thousand Sunny from One Piece and the Serenity from Firefly.

The theme is a phoenix and the coloration is akin to Galarian Moltres.

Been scrolling through the forum threads (I went all the way down to page 110) and I am genuinely impressed at how many people fail to read simple rules. I was searching for locked threads and among the most common offenders include “Has X been before?”, “Looking for editors/prereaders”, self-promotion and the occasional flame war. The sheer amount of time admins have had to quote rules and lock threads is unbelievable.

Group Admin

7823913 It's why we make the rules easy to quote. I have them bookmarked.

I now have a new laptop. I haven't really used it, since my old one still works okay. More or less. But, yeah. Good to know I have something to fall back on.

We were a bit worried for a bit there, since we couldn't get it to charge the battery, meaning we couldn't get it to even boot up. I'm pretty tech-savvy and my brother even more so, but neither of us could make it work. Then my aunt managed to get it working - turns out you have to plug the power cable in just the right way. Which I had already tried, because it was stated in the instruction manual, but apparently I didn't plug it in the exact right way? I kinda wonder how many people buying this model reported their laptop being defective because we seriously thought we'd tried everything, including plugging it in the "right" way. :applejackconfused:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, that sounds like a problem waiting to happen. Congratulations on the new laptop, though!

--Sweetie Belle


Yo, buddy. You still alive? You found a reason to fight yet?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Rip posting imgur pictures...

--Sweetie Belle


I will never die. And I will always have a reason to fight. :rainbowdetermined2:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'll admit, I was wondering if something had happened to that laptop. :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Ah Fireland, my beautiful homeland. I salute thee.

Ugh, i feel a bit weird being back on this sight, but happy and nostalgic. And, if I’m gonna be honest, i honestly thought this was a dead sight when i got here. Thankfully from what i can tell, this place is still thriving.:pinkiehappy:

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Welcome back, hope you enjoy your return. :twilightsmile:


Thanks, honestly hope i actually make a contribution on here this time, lol.

...Did something change around here? The site layout and background color looks slightly off.

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