The Writers' Group 9,330 members · 56,810 stories
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

With mayonnaise!

--Sweetie Belle

How dare you call me out.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

psychedelic ponies grooving

--Sweetie Belle

Hey, I'm not sure where else to vent/ask about this so I'll try here, I guess? I just finished writing my first fic a few says ago and it still hasn't been approved, which is fine, because I hear it sometimes it takes three or even five at the latest and that's normal, but I just can't stop worrying about it since I know its usually just a few hours. The wait is making me wonder if I unknowingly wrote something controversial, or if it the fic just looks so bad that the mod/mods meant to review it are procrastinating on touching it. I've made a few edits here and there since I submitted it, so I'm also wondering if every time I edit it they have to look over the whole thing again? Again, its my first fic and I'm very new to the site. If anyone has related insight or just advice on how to stop panicking about it, I think that would help me out a lot. Thanks.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Meeester's blog post on the topic of delays in fanfics being approved was here:

(Meeester also hasn't logged in in months, so I don't advise trying to contact them...)

I'll note that it's a few days before Christmas, and while I may be working a full work week this week and probably next, other people that aren't me often get together with family this time of year and aren't thinking about going through fanfics and approving or rejecting them, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's slower than normal.

(Also, just Meeester not logging in in months probably slows things down...)

--Sweetie Belle

Oh okay, and that makes sense. Thanks for the reply. I guess I just get paranoid about that kind of stuff too easily lol.


I hear it sometimes it takes three or even five at the latest and that's normal, but I just can't stop worrying about it since I know its usually just a few hours.

Lately, it's not unusual to wait a week or more. This has been going ever since spring with the story approvers being busy IRL. Plus, as Sweetie said, everybody is busy during the holidays... and many are writing Christmas-themed stories.

I unknowingly wrote something controversial, or if it the fic just looks so bad that the mod/mods meant to review it are procrastinating on touching it. I've made a few edits here and there since I submitted it, so I'm also wondering if every time I edit it they have to look over the whole thing again?

If I'm not mistaken, the story queue is a literal queue, and a story cannot be rejected (or approved) as long as there are other stories before it. In other words, your story may be fine, but there may be some troublesome ones before it.

And no, the edits don't reset the process. In fact, nobody notices that. (Unless they remember the previous version, of course.) However, if you are afraid about the story's quality, possible controversial topics, et cetera, then you'll benefit from having the story looked over by pre-readers and editors. (You can find them in some groups, such as this one.) In general, it's good to always have your story edited. Not because of ensuring that it passes moderation, but because it strongly affects the story's reception.

Again, its my first fic and I'm very new to the site. If anyone has related insight or just advice on how to stop panicking about it, I think that would help me out a lot.

Grab something hot to drink and a good book to pass the time. It's going to be fine. :twilightsmile: Also, welcome to the site!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Lately, it's not unusual to wait a week or more. This has been going ever since spring with the story approvers being busy IRL. Plus, as Sweetie said, everybody is busy during the holidays... and many are writing Christmas-themed stories.

I'm pretty sure Meeester used to be one of the most active story approvers, too, so if Meeester's not approving them, I could see that slowing things down.

If I'm not mistaken, the story queue is a literal queue, and a story cannot be rejected (or approved) as long as there are other stories before it. In other words, your story may be fine, but there may be some troublesome ones before it.

My impression was that it was a queue, but you could pull a story off of it if it needed a second opinion. I could be wrong, though, and it just sits there blocking the queue. Never actually had the opportunity to be a story approver, which is probably just as well, since I'm not sure how much time I'd be able to put into it...

--Sweetie Belle


I'm pretty sure Meeester used to be one of the most active story approvers, too, so if Meeester's not approving them, I could see that slowing things down.

I know that somewhere around April or May, I noticed people pestering the story approvers about the slow progress. If they responded, it was about the fact that their are busy and were facing catastrophe after catastrophe in their lives. And it was pretty much all of them. I wouldn't be surprised if the backlog of stories that built up during that time was slowing them down even now.

I could be wrong, though, and it just sits there blocking the queue.

In one of the comments to some of the users pestering the approvers, one of the mods mentioned that the story is not likely to pass moderation, though they are not able to jump the queue and reject it, so the author in question might be better off just withdrawing the submission.

I hope someone writes a story based on Disney's Hercules starring Spike and Applejack as the main pairing.

I LIIIIVE! :flutterrage:


Anybody heard about that one new character in the new second MLP movie that's coming out named Doomah?

Oh God, no.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yay, Fervidor's alive!

--Sweetie Belle


Yay, Fervidor's alive!

Thanks to the power of friendship and denial, I am immortal! o.O


Okay, but seriously. Lately I've been pondering the concept of a dark angel who is worse than Lucifer. Like, a threat even the forces of Good and Evil would agree is a problem for both sides. What I ended up with was Dumah, the Angel of Silence. In my imagination, Dumah is the embodiment of ultimate silence, entropy and the death of all information - what Salman Rushdie termed Kahttam -shud: The End, Forever. It's one of those things I question if I should have imagined. Great villain, but he terrifies me and I have no idea what to use him for.

So, having that name show up just as I randomly decided to pop back in at this site is... a little bit eerie.


What I ended up with was Dumah, the Angel of Silence. In my imagination, Dumah is the embodiment of ultimate silence, entropy and the death of all information

Doesn't having such an angel exist imply that this embodiment was meant to be used?

I mean, Lucifer Morningstar wasn't evil because he made suns. He was because he made certain choices. But this dude you describe, does he even need to do wrong when his mission is already... this?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Friendship is Immortality sounds like a good deal to me!

I was kinda wondering if you'd permanently left the site or not...

Really, everything is according to God's plan, and needed someone to run Hell, so you can't be too hard on Lucifer. Running Hell is a pretty thankless job anyways.

I remember in Sandman, when Lucifer just decides they've had enough of running Hell, resigns, gives the key to Hell to Dream in an act of revenge, and settles down to play piano at a nightclub instead.

Ultimately, God sent down two angels, Remiel, and, in fact, Duma (Alternate spelling, but same angel, no doubt. Names from Hebrew often have alternate spellings because of how they were originally written.), with a message saying that they were going to run Hell. Remiel, reading this, starts getting upset, as they hadn't been informed ahead of time, and Duma just silently takes the key...

I remember Season of Mists being pretty good, actually, though it's been quite a while.

--Sweetie Belle


Really, everything is according to God's plan, and needed someone to run Hell, so you can't be too hard on Lucifer.

Well, God apparently was, according to the most common lore though :D

I remember in Sandman, when Lucifer just decides they've had enough of running Hell, resigns, gives the key to Hell to Dream in an act of revenge, and settles down to play piano at a nightclub instead.

Loved that scene. The part where he ridiculed the notion of taking souls as well. "Why would I want their souls? How does one even own a soul?" if I remember it the basic idea right.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Well, God apparently was, according to the most common lore though :D

Well, you know, God also sent down a buncha bears to rip up kids that made fun of an old mans bald head, too. Not the best of role models.

Loved that scene. The part where he ridiculed the notion of taking souls as well. "Why would I want their souls? How does one even own a soul?" if I remember it the basic idea right.

He did! Makes sense to me, too.

I remember a bit of dialogue in another scene I liked too, along the line of:
"My lord, wasn't it you that said 'Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven'?"
"I didn't say it. Milton said it. And he was a fool."

Honestly, Lucifer was great all around in it, which is probably why he got a spinoff series.

--Sweetie Belle


Well, you know, God also sent down a buncha bears to rip up kids that made fun of an old mans bald head, too. Not the best of role models.

Maybe he's ever-merciful despite that because he could have sent different bears.

You don't want to see kids ripped up by those.

Honestly, Lucifer was great all around in it, which is probably why he got a spinoff series.

Him and Death. God, Death was sheer awesome. If the series had taken part in the Marvel Universe, you'd then see Thanos try to wipe out half the universe as his version of getting her flowers in his attempt to court her and you'd be "eh, worth it. I'd do the same."

She managed to make dying be wholesome.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Him and Death. God, Death was sheer awesome. If the series had taken part in the Marvel Universe, you'd then see Thanos try to wipe out half the universe as his version of getting her flowers in his attempt to court her and you'd be "eh, sounds legit. I'd do the same."

She managed to make dying be wholesome.

The first time we see her, she's quoting Mary Poppins. Death is great.

She got appearances in a number of other places, too. Remember her getting a spot in "The Books of Magic" at one point. The shame about the Books of Magic is that if they ever make a movie or series based on it, they'll have to significantly change the main character to avoid being taken as a Harry Potter ripoff. It predates Harry Potter, though.

Besides Lucifer and Death, I'm also fond of Delirium. And while I don't like Desire, they are a good character...

--Sweetie Belle

I also liked Destruction. I loved how he had that take that he gave up on his function but either he wasn't really needed OR the way he embraced trying to make things (painting, cooking, etc), even if he was horrible at them, still kept his function as creation was what Destruction defined.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah, I seem to remember that humanity had gotten too good at destruction, and if he ever started doing his function again, it was probably going to be the end of the universe.

All in all, Neil Gaiman created some pretty interesting characters for the series. I read all of the main Sandman series, but I probably missed side series, and I'm pretty sure I never completed reading the Lucifer series, though I got a fair distance in it. Sometimes you just lose track of series...

--Sweetie Belle


Yeah, I seem to remember that humanity had gotten too good at destruction, and if he ever started doing his function again, it was probably going to be the end of the universe.

I've never gotten alongside with that interpretation, and I thoroughly refuse it. I don't remember if its said in the book, but if it does it's the one instance of super crap writing in there. It seems... way too self-wanking, to put it in simple terms. "Oh, no, we can't have Destruction, who encompasses the Destruction that black holes create, supernovas, pulsars, giant meteors, and the Big Bang itself, be doing his thing while Great Humanity has reached this SUPAH GOOD level of destruction! They got, uh... nukes! And they, uh... got GUNS! Yeah. Add that to a few thousand supernovas that happen daily across the universe, and it basically ends all existence! Guns and nukes that Humanity created are TOO DESTRUCTIVE!"

It just... It doesn't add up, you know?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

I got sent here by Hap for making a joke with a sweet Saga reference, and it's bullshit. It's unfair, it's what it is. I barely even said anything. *kicks rock, grumbling* gonna hold my breath till I faint, that will teach him, stupid Hap and his stupid rules, I'm gonna make my own writer's group with blackjack and clop, mumble, mumble, mumble...

Group Admin

7640282 Yeah sorry about that, the guy I tried to send you with is indisposed right now. Oopsie whoopsie.

I swear it's like people don't know who I am.

Anyway feel free to post the joke here if you'd like. It was a nice drawing of a cat after all, and I like cats, and in here it won't make my left eye twitch with lawfully neutral repressed emotions.


Anyway feel free to post the joke here if you'd like. It was a nice drawing of a cat after all, and I like cats,

You haven't read Saga. I can't believe this. HOW DID YOU MISS SAGA?

Have you ever wanted to read a comic that is about parenthood of two traitors in the midst of a universe-spanning war between the magic people of a moon and its winged planet inhabitants? Where robots with TV's for heads and a monarchy work for the planet as vassals? Where you have characters like a pacifist warrior mage, a living wood spaceship, a ghost of a teenager working as a nanny, and a bounty hunter on a vengeance quest for the death of his arachnid lover?

Have you ever wanted to know about love in war and what the opposite of war is (it's not peace)? A five year old prostitute that gets saved and given a life? A baby girl that the greatest forces in the galaxy seek to kill for representing union and a prospect of peace among their own people? A dragon autofellating himself while literally being the only male in a planet of females? About drug addiction, and a giant black-hole baby that eats planets? Virtual Reality reality drama wrestling?

Cause then Saga is the comic book you should start reading yesterday. Just in time, even, cause it finally came out of its couple years long hiatus.

The cat you saw is Lying Cat. It's a cat that's the size of a large dog that only says "lying," and only when it hears people lying, and its part of one of them most heart-wrenching yet somehow wholesome scenes I ever read. The other character is Sophie, a six year old who got recently liberated from her 'service' on a planet of prostitution.

Damn, that is wholesome.

Group Admin


You haven't read Saga. I can't believe this. HOW DID YOU MISS SAGA?

My dude I can't read.

I'll add it to the list regardless.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Kirby as extra Mario Kart DLC when? :scootangel:

p.s. I'm pretty sure I saw Sky Garden in there, which is awesome because that was one of my favorite tracks from Super Circuit. :yay:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

That's pretty much Kirby all over!

I wouldn't be surprised.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land has looked great since the first trailer, and it just keeps looking better...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Yeah, and imho the copy ability upgrading especially looks like it's going to be a ton of fun. Throwing cautious optimism to the wind, I'm diving in headfirst with a big ol' grin.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah, I think I'm going to have fun with this. Though I'm feeling like there are several games coming out I'll enjoy. I'm still counting the days until Elden Ring, there's a new Atelier game coming out at the same time, and apparently we get a Chrono Cross remaster in April!

(And I have Earhbound on my Switch now, and Live A Live is getting a remaster!)

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Just saw it and shared it to a friend that loves Kirby. You made their day.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Glad to hear it!

That's directly from the latest trailer to Kirby and the Forgotten Land, too. That game just seems like it's going to be amazing...

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Fingers crossed! Or else Kirby eats us all.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

I love it. Even though it confirmed we are living on borrowed time.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle


I am not certain if this is the correct place to post this, but I have read some of the FAQs on the site and searched around, but I cannot seem to upload a picture for my new story. I keep getting a 500 web server error for some reason. It is noted the story has not been approved yet(I am still editing it before I submit it) so perhaps that is the reason?

The picture is nothing too special just piece hand drawn artwork that I scanned in(and I have uploaded such to my other stories in the past but it has been moons since I have done so).

Thank you for any guidance anyone can offer.

Group Admin

7647549 Cover images sometimes struggle with big file sizes. If you've got a very large picture you may need to resize it. In my experience I've also had some trouble uploading .pngs and stuff, so I tend to just stick to standard jpegs (I know they're not great but c'mon, I just do what I need to do).


Ahh so it is the size of the image that is probably doing it then. That does indeed make sense. It is currently in a JPG format but I scanned it as an image so it is probably larger than the server system limit. I can perhaps shrink the file size with some screenshot tools in the same spirit of your "I just do what I need to do" sentiment to get it to work.

Thank you very much for your guidance.

Group Admin

7647569 Thank me when it works! Could have been some other glitch. If you have something as basic as paint, you should be able to use the resize function there without much hassle.

I find anything below 2000 by 2000 pixels tends to be okay, but I often go a bit smaller. It's not like it'll show up terribly big on screen anyway, since the actual image you see is typically pretty small.


That is a fair point on the image size on the story page itself in that the picture ultimately does not need to be big. And indeed perhaps Paint could do a better job at resizing. I will have to try this out later. Thanks again.

For the record your suggestion worked. I shrank the picture with Paint and it went in. Thank you again.

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