The Writers' Group 9,330 members · 56,810 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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I just had a look on my story stats after publishing my most recent chapter last night, and was ecstatic that it had the most views in one day so far (223 overnight! *squee*) However, from all that I only got 2 favs, and 2 comments from the same person. Not that I'm complaining, I totally get that not everyone will want to comment etc, but what I'm wondering is do the views from non-fimfiction account owners count towards the total views? Perhaps that would explain why I didn't receive much feedback? Could really do with knowing, because if this isn't the case I'm obviously doing something wrong.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and please post a response if you know the answer - Mike

You know, that would explain a lot, but hell if I know where those Non-fimifc members are coming from, I don't really advertise my fic

Group Contributor

I think so.
But... not totally sure.

Group Contributor

You don't need to be logged in to use FiMFiction. Only to comment/favorite and such.
I didn't have a login for a fair while, and I still read plenty of fics.

Not everyone really wants to take part in the community to get their fanfiction fix. I wouldn't go back to lurking, myself, but plenty are happy to just roam, incognito.

I kinda meant how they would even know my fic was there, but I guess I put it out there enough that it could happen

Thanks for the feedback! Maybe I just need to involve my readers more.

Your welcome! Even though I did absolutely nothing!

Non fimfiction user accounts count toward the total views. However total views also counts views across all chapters, not just the most viewed chapter. You effectively have 14 chapters, so if 10 people read all 14 it would count 140 total views.

A lot of your views may have come from existing fans who hadn't gotten around to your fic in a while. This always happens to some extent. When you updated it put your story on the top of their queue. If you updated at a prime time when many of your existing viewers were on you will often see a extra bump. And with 99 favorites, -2 for 97, it is not unreasonable to assume that 50-100 were existing viewers (given your update frequency). It's also the weekend so that factors in. With 4 chapters between the last few times you updated on the weekend I would actually bump up returning viewers to 75-150 views depending on how much they like your fic and your fanbase's availability.

The best way to see how many new people you got is to record the views for you 1st chapter, then update, then compare that old number to the new number.

Fun fact, If a existing story with many chapters makes the favorites box you will often see a spike of views larger than total views for the most viewed chapter.

So a lot of views were likely existing views and that might get you a little down, I've been there and often revisit that myself. However your story is still doing well. You have a good like to view ratio (the best way to tell how much people like your story) and a good like to dislike ratio meaning that you likely aren’t just writing about some trop with a fanatical following. Non-clop Mature fics often have difficulty getting views because there are a lot of authors who don't do it well or who write troll fics (which actually do quite well because there is a large portion of the brony fandom that are/use to be trolls).

Another reason why stories don't get a lot of comments is because people often comment on the first 1-2 chapters, or when they catch up and something stands out to them. A lot of comments are also responces and dialogue so if you don't get many then it doesn't generate a lot. So after posting a chapter ask a question in the comments section or author notes. And ask specific questions based on what you want feedback on. It will get a lot of comments and this will help you get followers as people will associate with you more.

Edit: I also noticed that you have a good follower to story view ratio.


I was certain that total views was equal to views of your most viewed chapter, and NOT just an accumulation of all views. On all of my fics, the total view number is the same as views for chapter1, with only one exception where it's chapter 2. If what you're saying is true, I'm getting about ten times as many viewers on than I am here.

There is also a way to link accounts together from Deviant Art, and a couple of others. Not sure though; I haven't tried yet.


He was talking about the number in the stats portion of the story page just below the total word count. At least that is what I assumed as the number of views he gave matched up.

Everywhere else goes off of most viewed chapters or lists both most viewed chapter and total views, but for traffic it is different for some reason.

Edit: Grat picture by the way.


Ohhhhhh I understand now. :twilightblush:

954943 *laughs* I have no idea
But that explains the hate on my stories

If its not in the FAQ, go ask Knighty. Maybe he'll appreciate some actual relevent questions on his website's design.

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