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Read the rules. Label your thread with "Question:".

How this thread is going to turn out:

It looks seriously unprofessional.

It's ugly and is overused.

It's like the secret trojan horse of web designers. If you see someone who has comic-sans all over their website it means that they really need your help.

Comic Sans is a childish-looking font, to me. I can't take anything written in Comic Sans seriously.

I'm going to quickly say that I enjoy comic sans before this gets locked. It's fun and innocent. Whenever I look at comic sans I know that no harm will come of me if I read this in this typeface. Not like those dangerous looking typefaces like courier new and arial. Those make me feel like I could be hurt at any moment.


The Necronomicon was printed in comic sans.

Really, though, I think it's because it's the most obvious when it's used wildly inappropriately.

But if you're a light-hearted person it does make you laugh to see.

928357 My OC hates it because it is UGLY!

928837 :rainbowderp: Damn it! :flutterrage: I was going to post that video… :fluttercry:

Seriously though, I’m one of those guys who always liked comic sans because I found it so much easier to read then whatever anyone else used. :pinkiesmile:

wingading dings :trollestia:

928357 What is wrong with you?

Nothing causes such rage and unbridled fury like anything mildly related to Comic Sans, :rainbowlaugh:



The stupid soft, curvy edges to the words. The fact that many people still use it for professional documents and expect to be taken seriously. Ever tried typing up a "No Trespassing" sign in comic sans? You're obligated to be laughed out of the neighborhood (as well as tarred and feathered in some states). This is because comic sans is a silly, childish font that elicits only a feeling of frivolous disregard towards the work itself.

Perhaps it has a purpose in children's media, but is this the font we want to nurture our children on? Something that talks down to them rather than respects their intelligence? Give them something hardened and reminiscent of the real world, like courier or times new roman. Even those are better than comic sans.

I can already tell this thread isn't going to last. You really didn't think this through did you? :trixieshiftleft:

OHHHHH no no no. Don't get me started on Comic Sans.

It's inconsistently styled, looks extremely dated and makes things look childish and unprofessional. Even the people who inspired Comic Sans says it's no good. What does that say about it?

The only use it has is in pediatricians' offices and for dyslexic readers. Anywhere else, and your message will be drowned out by your poor font choice.


And sometimes on emails to friends. :twilightsmile:

My only comment is this:

Why didn't you make this thread in comic sans, and find out?

When you show me the font button.

I've always chalked it up to Internet Herd-thought. Someone decided they didn't like it, typed up some scathing remarks about it on the right websites. Made people laugh and then they all go out and spread the joke like every other meme out there.

Hmm I don't hate any fonts, im very childish maybe I should see what happens when used personally I think there are more insane looking comical fonts cant remember but they look like though.

I like Gothic fonts such as Bank Gothic.

You think that's bad? Ever tried reading something in wingdings?

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