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Parasprites and haters, I find myself interested in our malevolent counterparts, the anti-bronies. My own dealings with them have been few and far between.From what I've gathered, the few places they have grouped together have been thoroughly squashed by pony infiltrators or the weight of their own incompetence.

I once created an on-the-spot parody of John Lennon's "Imagine", rewriting the lyrics to help them "imagine a world without bronies". It was well-recieved... until I revealed to them that I was a brony and in fact wrote it to demonstrate to them how easily their shallow point of view is explained. Some of them did find it funny and I have encouraged a few to give the show and even the fandom a shot. I consider that a win.

Still, I remain curious. Their communities, at least from what I have seen are empty. Ghost towns, vacant of all activity. No posts, no participation for a year or longer. I wonder, where have they gone?
Have you had any interesting dealings with any anti-bronies? Have they been successful or unsuccessful?

895739 Well, while I was a brony, I was too embarrassed to tell my other brony friends at school, so I acted (quite well) that I was an anti-brony. I didn't overdue it, but whenever they would talk about it, I would roll my eyes, sigh, make a snarky comment, and walk away. I kept that up for about half a year until I showed them that I had written a pretty successful fic. Needless to say, they were shocked.

People should have the right to watch whatever they wan't on Television without being harassed.

I never heard of a community build around hating something instead of being a fan of something... I guess that's why I only see them on youtube

I don't care if you don't like ponies, just don't judge people based on it or actively express your dislike. In turn, don't do the same thing if you like ponies.

Regidar #6 · Apr 19th, 2013 · · 10 ·


I once created an on-the-spot parody of John Lennon's "Imagine"

Mine is better

“Imagine there’s no foal sex laws
You can fuck anyone you want
You can just grab a little school filly
And make her suck your cock
Imagine all the sex you could have
Imagine you can fuck your children
It isn’t hard to do
Their screams will mean nothing
And they’ll have to enjoy it too
Imagine a place where I can rape them all in peace
You, you may say
I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one
I hope some day you join us
And help us fuck everyone
Imagine no inhibitions
I wonder if you can
No need for morals or decency
My cock already throbs in my hand
Imagine an orgy with the whole world
You, you may say
I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one
I hope some day you join us
And help us fuck everyone!”

I'll be taking autographs in the back

895739 I don't think they care enough to put up a fight against the onslaught of ponies. Is it really a big deal anymore?

895739 I've had dealings with those people. My solution is easier than you'd think: smooth things over by saying "okay, let's try to find some common ground" and I ask them (politely) to leave if we can't find anything.

895771 That's terribly sexy.

It was a bandwagon thing. Because a few "cool" people decided to be anti-bronies, everyone else jumped on too. But when they realized that the wagon wasn't going to lead them to any fun and exciting destinations, they got off. The anti-brony stage is done...for the most part...

You have obviously never been to 4chan, which is not a bad thing at all to be able to say.

The rebels took down the Emperor, so the rest of the empire gave up.

Weren't you killed or something?

895763 I think it depends where you are and what kind of people you are dealing with. Some people just love to hate and can't wait til the show ends and the fandom "dies". I think people with such preoccupying hate for bronies, or anything, need some help.

btw.. are you still reviewing fics? If you are... could you give mine a look?

um ya know... if you feel like it... :fluttercry:

895739 I don't exactly envision a type of "secession" from the norms of society that many Bronies claim we are undergoing. Well, let me rephrase that. I like a show that has a rainbow flying horse in it. Done. If only "haters" understood that. A few months ago, my sister's friend came over and went head over heels trying to convince me Bronies were gay. No joke. Long story story short, I never told her I was one and I don't regret anything. Yes, her opinions were completely bonkers but that's the whole reason we shouldn't care. Yes, some people can be more "expressive" than others but in the end of the day, I won't let a hater die if I could stop it. We're all people, after all. Just some like pink talking horses and others get a bit too mad over it.

895754I've seen a few on youtube, most don't last more than about two or three weeks before either disappearing or moving on. Wherever they go though, do they keep that hatred? When will their feelings finally be addressed, if ever?

895800Good point, it does seem like they do unite under one voice... but then that voice turns out to be too whiny, complainy or lazy and then everything falls apart.

There was this guy who uploaded a video that discussed it pretty well: We don't see people who hate, say Teen Titans go out of their way to talk about how they hated the series, why here? He goes more in depth, but that was the basic premise.

895813 Shhhhhhhhh........I'll give it a look........:heart:

895816True, labeling anything doesn't make a group of people with a single similarity magically become an entirely uniform collection. There are exceptions to every rule and every group. There could be Star Wars fans who don't like the movies, especially the prequels. Deaf fans of a musician, what we like doesn't define us. Only our choices seem to. Still, I remain a proud brony. However a brony is defined, I will be happy to call myself one. And I'll do a little of the defining myself.

895837 I like you. In all seriousness, I am more than proud to be a Brony, but pride is not a result of special treatment. My point is, everyone gets picked on. Maybe Bronies get it a bit too harsh but I am a strong believer in the fact that defining moments don't come in success but in failure. Whether we do backflips for a random guy who is idiotic enough to assume sexual orientation over a show or not is up to us.

Never really had a direct experience with a hater. I recently, however, discovered a little site known as Encyclopedia Dramatica. Their pages on Bronies and MLP are...well, a bit coarse and vulgar.

They also had this particularly disturbing and horrifically graphic image of Twilight being beaten by some 'anon' guy.

That's...That's not right.

895890 I, I like you too...? lol Hmm, being defined by failure. If that's true, then no one would be defined by anything we did intentionally. Reminds me a bit of Meet the Robinsons. Honestly though, I do find a small part of myself urging me to locate the anti-bronies and crush their opposition to the herd. FOALISH BIPEDS! Your failure to recognize the most basic elements of harmony has led to your downfall! Prepare for your judgement inferior uptight uprights! You and your digits are done with! We are the herd and together we shall stampede to victory! Surrender or be crushed! Wahahaha!
And so on and so fourth. Honestly, I have fun with it.

895912 To be honest, I would too. Crush the disrespectful cowards! ONWARD!! TO VICTORY!

Keep calm and pony on, my friend.

895739 The pschylogy behind them is awesome

895991 One of the reasons I am interested in them. What causes them to be so hateful? Are they simply ignorant, prejudiced, did they have some bad intereactions with bronies and judge the whole group based on those encounters? Are they lashing out because of some deeper, emotional conflict of their own? How is hatred created? And how can it be cured? Will it ever? Or are some of them doomed to live with that hate in their hearts, like a cold stone inside their chests, forever unmoving and refusing to go on? Why do I care? Just curious. Just curious...

895759 Looking to get your losing streak extended? Seriously, dude, lighten up.

896050 Eh. It happens.

:ajsleepy: I'd be lyin' if I said I haven't had run-ins. Though for the most part, I'd have to agree that most solely anti-brony communities are ghost towns. Usually it's members just leave a single comment to express their hatred and then forget about it, because, well, what else are you expected to do in these communities? Unless, of course, its a site dedicated to raiding other brony-based sites, in which case they happen to last a bit longer if they get started off good, all up until the point where they all realize they can't raid worth shit and bail.

:applejackunsure: However, that doesn't mean that I haven't see any anti-bronies. I've seen many, usually on the websites that aren't so much a solely anti-brony related community as much as a community who's members all happen to be anti-brony because that's just the atmosphere. Say, 4chan or, as previously mentioned, Encyclopedia Dramatica. Though both of those sites hate positively everything anyway, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised...

896028 Its a myestery anti bronies

895834 I think I've got it, and I'll let Susan Ivanova (a character in another seriously-hated show) say it: "Worst case of testosterone poisoning I've ever seen."


Encyclopedia Dramatica does that to literally everything.

896028 Eh, I look at it like homophobes, who feel threatened by something they consider "unmanly", and hardly affects them.
Oh, before I get started...

Problem: This type isn't much older than the fandom, and thusly have no real idea of what "manly" means, other than the usual crap they find in mass media, which, IMO is wrong as hell.
I'll bet until they learned George Takei was gay, his bad-ass Hikaru Sulu was the bomb. What changed? Their perceptions, and not much at that. Bet they're calling the re-boot version gay, though, 'cause he "looks gay". And while we're tossing incorrect, uninformed stereotypes around...
Haters are uninformed, ignorant and probably never cracked open a book since they barely graduated school, because ignorance and stupidity are the same thing, right? Nothing new or different is good, 'cause "It was good enough fer daddy, an' his daddy, an' it's good enough fer me."
Well, fine. They can take it somewhere else and leave us alone. I don't remember invading their space and trashing what they like.
Okay, the soapbox is open. Next?

895739 I'm on youtube all the time. So I see them...all the time. I find it fun to rebuke them, or even counter-troll them. But some do have a level headed discussion, and I am glad to have met those people.

896177That's where I've encountered them most. Wild Anti-brony appears! Destroy to exploit glitch, farm Rare Candies, level entire team to 100, repeat with Master Balls, Nuggets, etc and forget Missingno. ever happened. Watch Pokemon Reenacted by Ponies, good day.

I guy i knew apparently hated ponies because they kept on appearing everywhere. I managed to try to reduce his hatred to minor annoyance cause, really, sometimes there are things that just makes you go "wha?" in the search results, and since not all of them happen to be pony, why hate one that just happen to have a large community of talented artists behind them?

896203There are a lot of things that are popular. Video games, celebrities, sometimes there are subjects you find that aren't related to what you search for but they keep popping up. Yes, it can be annoying but that's not the fault of the subject. I take it as an opportunity to try something new. I did with My Little Pony and I've never been happier.

I honestly fail to understand this whole ordeal.
People give shit to others for watching poni and thus for being immature when this same attitude is immature itself? Why?
Nearly everyone I know knows I watch the show and I've never got anything besides a sound "why".

My gaming community ('my' as in: I run it) was plagued by antibronies when I finally turned (unprovoked I might add). I came up with a simple solution, drown them out, weaken their ranks. Sounds like an awful thing to conspire against my own people, but it was for their own good. And it worked. I converted a few, and some converted on their own, and now the bronies have the majority. It silenced all anti-pony uprisings, so I'm satisfied. :pinkiehappy:

Honestly I think the brony community is just getting so big that it's becoming understood better. That, and damn near everyone on the net is going to have at least one friend who is pony-inclined. Then that makes them feel bad, being in a position against a friend for a hollow reason. Eventually it will get (or has gotten) to a point where the haters see themselves in a losing position, and simply stop fighting. So a lot of haters gradually come to realize that we're not a bunch of fucking weirdos (except all you neckbeards... you know who you are!) and that we're fighting back because we feel so strongly and passionately for our ponies, while they are only fighting for empty hate based on a societal norm that was bound to change eventually anyway...

He is kind of right, you know? Sometimes you see ponies everywhere and to someone who isn't insterested to get it shoved down his throat is always going to leave a bad taste.

This kind of cases are what I don't get. I take most posters in this thread come from the Land of the Free.

Me? A humble ponyfag from glorious Llamaland? I just shrug it off, because that's all what it takes to get that heavy bulk of spaghetti out of you back and people here respect you regardless of what TV shows you watch.
I don't know why you people have to make a supercell inside a balloon animal with this stuff.

Haters who do it in retaliation are still immature idiots but you guys have to admit that sometimes we get out of hand.

896653 What are you talking about? I completely and utterly do not understand your response. Literally, go re read it. Something about ponyfags and spaghetti... thats all I got.:rainbowhuh:

I only hear these brony bashing stories from american fans.
You talked about anti-bronies and I mentioned how liking ponies is not a big deal in my country like it is over there in the States, what's not to get?

But, hey, more power to you for stopping that thing, Red.
Inner conflict on hobby groups is just horrible.

896884 Tell me about it! And hey all that shit was on the net. In the real world people are far more mature than that. At least the people I deal with anyway. Welcome to the internet! :pinkiehappy:


Welcome to the internet!

Nigga, I've been shit sieging since 2005, but now I'm retired.
Things change and I grew up.



Real life dealing? How about THE ENTIRE SCHOOL? Starting from my best friend?

You don't wanna hear what happened mate. Really. Just whoever out there, which is sad by getting harrased by those people, be happy. There is always worse situations than yours.

Dealing with them? Internet is easy, ignore them.

Real life? I have no idea. Someone actually gimme help if they can. But as far as I can find, you have to act cool. If they see you taking it like a usual thing, they also think it is. I'm not putting it is unusual to watch it, but seriously, you do feel a little awkward when you try to watch it in public.

896544 I happen to run a small community of my own and even it has a couple parasprites. They begrudgingly accept the fact that there are ponies among them and that their boat happens to be captained by a brony. I admit, at times I am a tad overzealous in my enthusiasm for ponies and it can be distracting at times but honestly, it's no different than anything else. I have informed my own anti-bronies that they do have a place in the herd under my command. There will be a few select bipeds that will be spared and will lead comfortable lives under equine rule.
In small cages undergoing daily experimentation, most likely by Lyra, for the rest of their lives.

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