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I have something I want to write about, but I have some concerns that it may violate the rules. I am a big fan of the animation work done by both Silly Philly studios and Duo Cartoonist, and I am wanting to write about how Celestia became the ruler of Equestria, and other events of 1000 years before Friendship is magic. The problem is some of the events I want to happen will play out a lot like the animations, especially Fall of the Crystal Empire, which will occur near the middle of my story. The story I want to tell is a much larger narrative, but these brief moments are so perfect, that I wouldn't want them to happen any different. Can I make this work without violating the rules?

One where humans are presented as a native species of the planet, just hanging around, and the planet is not Earth.

Has anyone done a story like that rehab song in Metalocalypse where Pickles is sent to rehab for drinking too much?

Has a non-English story been done before?

Kay, I have a story idea I can't get out of my head. It's been there for a couple days now, and I wrote a good portion of a starting chapter already but… I'm not sure if I should actually go through with it. In the past, I got dragged into helping a very uptight and self-righteous cousin of mine with a fic that blew up in our faces really bad. He got away scot-free because he's a lurker who only came out into the open with a joint account with me for that fic. if you guys don't remember it anymore, great. i'd rather not either. But the fact of the matter is, though the toxic fic was his idea, it was me who caught all the flak because others knew what my primary account was, and my reputation had to be rebuilt from scratch after going offline for a few moths to wait for the aftereffects to blow over.

Problem here is, with my reputation rebuilt and now respectable (though not that well-known), I'm hesitant to touch the subject matter of the idea that's been in my head, for it challenges one of the biggest sacred cows in all of Bronydom: the "special spell" (don't know it by any other term but this one alias.) You know? That spell that's supposed to allow shippers to get away with somehow making a same-sex ship capable of being the sole biological parents of shared offspring, which many find sweet and adorable?

As somone who's taken multiple biology and genetic clases iduring my taime in college… Though I'm not a fan of non-straight ships myself, I'll just shrug and keep reading anyway if one suddenly crops up in a fic it wasn't advertised to be in… as long as they leave this spell out of it, that is.

My studies for multiple tests, the midterms, and finals resulted in me learning about the horrifying implications of X-chomosome bound negative genetic mutations, as well as an extremly-rare male birth defect called "YY Syndrome" (not sure if it's come to light yet, since there's no article for it on Wikipedia yet, but it's super-rare and the only references I have are my textbooks.), which is not to be confused with the more common and oddly harmless XYY syndrome.

In exteremely rare cases (irl), if a genetic line keeps producing only females for too long without a single male to interrupt the chain (normally just a result of the male parents passing on an X chromosome every generation), there's a huge risk of these detrimental X-linked effects adding up and getting more and mor numerous with every generation, some of which can even combine fatally, killing the child within up to a few months after birth, while those that don't kill generally render the child sterile. (The need for a Y-chromosome to interrupt the chain is that a lot of the worst are neutralized by certain Y-linked genes.)

As for YY, the number of recorded cases are in the very low double-digits, but it has some really bad symptoms: always sterile, high risk of extreme mental retardation, high risk of extreme malformities, dagerously-high testosterone levels, just to name a few.

The first problem I have with the "Special Spell" is with two mothers, the risk of lots of X-linked defects becomes massive, and as females only have X-chromosomes… the buildup is nauseating to think about.

The other is that with two fathers, though the possibility of a normal daughter (XX) or a normal son (XY) is there, what if both fathers end up giving a Y? As I just said, YY Syndrome is horrifying. Irl, it's extremely rare because it's caused by a one-in-five-hundred-million-chance mutation in the newly-fertilized egg cell causing the father's Y chromosome to duplicate and the mother's X chromosome to collapse. it's almost impossible, it's so rare.

But with two fathers? The chances of the defect skyrocket to terrifying levels. And since no straight couple has ever been depicted employing this spell (as far as I know, at least), I doubt the "Special Spell" shileds against cromosomal errors, mutations, etc. or the straight couples would use it to guarantee a healthy foal every time.

So, to draw attention to the can of worms this long-enshrined plot device opens, an idea popped into my had for a fic related to this very terrifying possiblity, starring a YY-Syndrome colt with two fathers, with this colt being the whole reason the spell became permanently outlawed, so as to prevent such a travesty from ever happening again.

I'm afraid the outcry against it by those whith their shipping goggles on too tight could ruin me, possibly for good this time, wioth me being mislabled a homophobe even though I'm perfectly fine with same-sex couples popping up in fics that they weren't advertised to be in (I avoid the ones where the titel/description states there'll be M/M or F/F shipping merely because it's not my "cup of tea", if you will, hence why I generally don't write same-sex couples, either., when I'd just be trying to draw attention to an issue that has caused those with similar knowledge to my own to find it difficult to maintain the suspension of disbelief whenever that spell gets thrown in. If I'd never taken those classes, I'd likely be just fine, but with what I know, It makes them really hard to read because the genetic implications keep coming back.

So, is this fic idea too dangerous to use? I'm 99.999999999999% sure it's an original fic concept, to say the lest, but will those with their shipping goggles five sizes too tight call for my baning/crucifixion? I can't get the idea out of my head, but I'm afraid it'll blow up in my face and make me infamous.

So, is this too dangerous of a subject to bring attention to? Or should I just say 'screw it' and move forward with it anyway?

Group Admin

5898610 You do of course realise that in a world where a spell can allow two characters of the same gender to have a biological child (at least in the universe of the specific fanfic) it's likely they'll have also figured out a spell to manage, counter, or even control defects and diseases due to that, whatever they may be?

I mean, there's a spell that can make a bunch of perfectly acceptable and fully functional organs just 'happen' without any apparent negative side-effects to the user in this scenario. I think they'll have figured out how to tinker with a few wacky chromosomes.

It seems like a really confusing thing to type for all those paragraphs about. I'm not even a big fan of shippingbabies (don't like babies period, frankly) but c'mon man. Magic. It's like looking at Star Wars and saying that living for extended periods of time in a spaceship would cause mental degeneration. Like, that's the biggest problem you can find?

5898620 Wait, it originated in a specific fic? Well, I'm not actually aware of this specific fic, and I've only seen allusions to this spell in various fics I've ran across. Still, even in light of what you just told me, the Genetic Biology minor (I majored in something else, but this info was vital for what I intended to use my major for) in me has a lot of red flags that haven't been addressed: If it counters all these dangers, why don't the straight couples use something like it? And though I've gone so far as have a pony egg cell get transformed into a human one in something I wrote in the past, I didn't put such a modicum of control at the most basic DNA level. Just a rudimentary transformation spell selecting "human" as the target, not delicately controlling every single protein in the DNA. (Reminds me too much of that one Gundam series with those crazy "Coordinator" people who took the love out of intercourse so they could meticulously control which sperm cell fertilized the egg to ensure a vastly superior human, even going so far as to say they weren't even humans, but a new superior species. Never liked those guys, even though the main character was born one of them.) Besides, if they could do all that, couldn't they pretty much pick and choose every single little detail about their offspring? That's also cruel, IMO, since some parts of genetics and DNA actually determine personality structure based on brain shape. It'd be reducing the offspring to basically be a living custom order doll of sorts. And once again, if it protects and counters so much, why don't the straight couples use a similar spell for constructing the "perfect foal"? No, even though magic can be used to explain away a lot, the show has hinted that magic has it's own laws, making it not the scientific definition of magic: "anything science is currently incapable of explaining given the current limits of what we already know". No, Equestrian magic has laws.

I'm actually a fan of offspring-creating ships, myself, (babies are cute, and I'm appaled at those who think having kids is stupid) but given what I said before, that spell sickens me because of what I know. Magic ain't a good enough excuse this time. It usually is, but not here. if it were, I wouldn't be typing all this, my feelings would've been assuaged by that statement, and i'd no longer feel the need to get this out there.

Group Admin


why don't the straight couples use something like it?

There is literally no reason why they wouldn't. Listen, I'm not an expert in magical spells that muck around with genetics and gender (and neither are you, because there is no minor or major in magic), but based on the assumption that there is a spell for that (and if we're looking at a fanfic with such a spell, then that is less of an assumption and more of a fact) then yeah, we can also assume they'll have figured out how to (at least most of the time) meddle with straight couples, fiddle with genetic diseases, or even control what characteristics a child has. What would have stopped them?

I think, based on what we've seen of ponies, they wouldn't use it for things like genetically controlling a child to make the perfect foal, but making sure a kid doesn't have diseases? Sure. Why wouldn't you want to make sure your kid grew up disease free? What you're saying is like me saying that 'oh, they can control the weather. This is obviously a bad thing because now they can use it to ruin the ecology of the entire planet and turn everything into a wasteland'.

To be honest, it very much sounds like you're looking for problems. I'm a big believer in humanity's potential. I believe that when a halfway capable dude goes looking for problems, he's probs gonna find them. Thing is, readers can pick up on this, because they're not stupid.

5898629 I'm not looking for a problem. And I wasn't asking about the credibility factor, either. I've written my share of duds in the past. What I'm asking isn't if the idea's engaging, (I'll get there after I tackle the biggest issues), I'm asking if this idea won't get me hordes of angry readers swarming down on me like what happened… last time. If I get a low reader count, so what? If the fic bombs, so what? As long as my reputation doesn't go up in flames, I can dust myself off, tell myself that I at least tried, and move on knowing that I at least got it up there. I'll focus on quality after I make sure this isn't reputational suicide.

Group Admin

5898634 Well, look at it this way.

If you want to write about ponies getting genetic defects because of a spell, sure. I'm down for that.

If you want to write about ponies getting genetic defects because of inconsistent or poorly explained reasons, or leap to conclusions about spells being wrong based on uncertain assumptions, readers are probs gonna ask why, and like I said, I am a very strong believer in people's ability to find what they are looking for. If they want to find a reason why you wrote certain things, they are going to find reasons, and whether they are right or wrong, you are going to have to deal with that.

Based on what I have read, I do not believe your reasoning is particularly airtight. The real question is whether this is because you just didn't think things through much, or because your opinions are colouring your reasoning.

You can solve this problem by making sure your reasoning is more airtight.

So, would a pony whose half demon, or whatever their equivalent would be, be a bit too edgy? And by half-demon, I mean in the Dante Sparda/Rin Okumara way

Comment posted by solidcrazyy deleted Apr 21st, 2017

5884698 I think this is against site rules, actually- but I don't remember where in the rules.

5898634 I think the story may cause some controversy and some people may act extreme over it- But I think that will be a vast minority in comparison to the people who are genuinely interested in the story. Making sure to write the story very well will help in this regard, also.

I'm probably the only guy who consistently tries to make a way to pair Rainbow Dash with a hypothetical father for Scootaloo work.


That was the joke, my friend.

5956090 Hah. Thought that might be the case, wasn't sure :rainbowlaugh:


#1 · 8 hours ago · · ·
I thinking of doing a story called a million ways to die in appleloossa where the two main characters Iron Steel a wheat farmer and Bareburn are living in the city of appleloossa and are trying not to die because they are living in hell on earth. They have fight bad guys and do other Wild West things. But then one of them kills a wonderbolt. But now one of them a wheat farmer must find his inner courage to save his friend. It is a comedy adventure. Has this been done before and is this a good idea?

I have an idea of a time when nightmare moon forced into the moon a time of brutal crushing of uprisings by Celestia . The leader of the resistance against Celestia is caught (main character) and she sentences him to endure the most sever punishment for going against her and sowing dissent in the population. He is put to death and resurrected to be locked away in Tartarus. He escapes with Tirek's escape causing a gap in security and he leaves to find everything he knew changed and well Celestia Acting like a benevolent ruler with Luna back and he had been forgotten by Celestia to be left in torment. (He is a badguy and tries to kill Celestia only to be stopped by the mane 6 who were dispatched to stop him by Celestia) would this be a fun little ride or would you think WTF and instant downvote?

Mmmm... Sounds like a good pitch but since it lacks a theme and doesn't utilize an AU format, protagonist not-withstanding, its quality would likely be dependent on a VERY comprehensive execution of dialogue, atmosphere, and plot development.
Probably would score decently if written very well.

Not sure where to ask about this but has anyone else noticed a lack of, actually competent crossover stories?
I really don't see them too often and many carry HUGE potential for a great story.

Kind of hard to see them as most writers stick to the simple plot of taking one character or two and throwing them into a different setting with no real plot to speak of or at least one that couldn't be equally resolved with any other character or setting.

I think the last good one I read was "Green Eyes, Brown Coat," a Harry Potter/Firefly crossover where the author actually mixed the settings in a perfect way that explained stuff from both sides and they equally mattered. I haven't seen a good MLP one so far.

I was rather partial to the god empress Celestia-warhammer crossover.

Or maybe that's just my adjulation in all things sun horse related talking.

Still though, you summed up the nearsightedness of most fim writers just now.
Also essentially the magic map table episodes as well.

Crossovers must require more brain circuits than they possess.

Has there been a story where in esoteric hermit gets entangled with the royal sisters during the time period where the nation was trying to shun Luna, and the aristocracies is trying to drive a wedge between the sisters and the three tribes along with trying to segregate any native population. (Pretty much the same thing what the white men did to the name of Americans)

Comment posted by Artist deleted Nov 1st, 2017

Have you ever heard the terms "freakshow" or "exploitation flick"? Holy crap no you shouldn't do that, this is a terrible idea and you should probably feel ashamed that you even considered writing that at all. Unless you've got a first-hand, in-depth knowledge of all those physical and mental handicaps and could actually do them justice, which you don't, this is the absolute lowest kind of exploiting real people's disabilities for attention and cheap, soap opera-grade drama.

I agree you shouldn't write that kind of story, even if I confess there are stories like that out there.
But I wonder, isn't Pinky already having ADHD in the show? :trollestia: I mean wouldn't be such a big deal to give her that or even a good plot part of the story. :derpytongue2:

How very mean of you . You know that was really rude right ? :twilightangry2:

By checking Artistfire's blog I think he/she have understanding of one of that things... :fluttershysad:

Ja . Ich habe nämlich eine Behinderung

1) Agreed and acceptable. You will be able to give a good and proper accounting for your issue if that is true.
2) That still leaves four issues that are very different and you very probably don't have the right foreknowledge of how to cover.
And 3) You asked if a premise seems a good idea to write. You were told no, and explained why. Then you called the other guy mean and rude because he had the audacity to say no. If you ask if an idea is good or not, don't get upset when people say no.

P.S. I'm going with the No. If you are being passive aggressive for having an idea shot down, then you probably currently don't have the maturity to properly write such a story (which will always seem like a grab-bag peddled with the controversy and, as Wlam put it, freak-show premise it feels to have). May I suggest at the very least limiting it down to the issue you are knowledgeable with and sticking it with a single character affected by it only? It will be far more believable and you will be able to address the issue with the proper care and focus it needs where at the other one you would have to continuously jump from one disability and character to another. It would be a jumble anyway.

Write about that one then, if you feel you have to, but man, you'd think in your position, it would be more obvious to you how offensive and disrespectful this sounds.

Okay, so I'm not planning to write a story like this or anything, I'm just generally curious: Has anyone ever written a Peggy Sue story where an entire group of characters get sent back in time, rather than just one or two?

Comment posted by Artist deleted Nov 4th, 2017

Would anybody here be willing to let me bounce ideas off of them, give feedback, and help me better develope some of my fimfic ideas through PM?

SpitfirexApplejack- Not many would have known that Spitfire originally wanted the simpler lifestyle but after being the Leader of the Wonderbolts, she was far too occupied with work to have time for much else, when Rainbow Dash takes her to get some Cider, she might discover that this was the simple life she dreamed of but how will Applejack react to her confessing her feelings?
Random idea.

Literally this just popped into my head out of complete nowhere. Has it been done before?

Has there ever been a story about a toy soldier or some other toy gaining sapience, and then going on awesome adventures?
All from the perspective of the toy. It sounds like something many people would read.

I have an Idea that doubles as a "Is there already a story about this" question. I was watching DeathBattle on youtube and I got to thinking how I'd love to see "the Mask", A.K.A. The Jim Carrey movie kind of mask, in a DeathBattle. Then I thought some more and I thought how I'd like to read a Mask/MLP crossover story.

I had thought about having PinkiePie as the lead but then with already reality breaking, fourth wall seeing, pastry spamming, smile creating spontaneity the mask wouldn't do much for her. Then I had the idea of giving either Fluttershy, Twilight, Moon Dancer, Rarity or Mayor Mare ( If that's not her real name I apologize... I looked it up on three separate info sites and that's what she's cannon known as. I've heard people say her name is Silver Scroll but I'm not sure if that's true) Because they're the ones I feel are the most repressed or forced to keep up a mask of confidence and calm.

P.S. The princesses don't count because they get their stress relief from pranks, teasing each other, the guards and anypony they know well, Making Nobles want to pull out their manes and Celestia eating all that cake is clearly stress eating and who can blame her when she has to put up with Blue Blood all day.

Now imagine the chaos and the fear of consequence relieving powers of the Mask given to any of those mares... Discord would be put out of business for as long as they had it. Want to hear your thoughts on this and ask if their are any good Mask/MLP crossovers already out there. Let me know in a response and I hope you all have a great day... And remember... Evil always washes its hands before eating:pinkiecrazy:

So here is my idea what if a human gets sent to an Equestria we’re calestia is evil and corrupts the elements of harmony and he gets helped by Calestia and Luna from the mlp movie and the reason they are helping the human is because the evil in that world is the reason that their world is being corrupted in the movie so the Tree of Harmony sent them help the human in the racist Equestria to decide if he is worthy to go to the good Equestria and to help the tree of harmony of that world to uncorrupt them and help save Luna. :pinkiecrazy:

I've done other fics before, but this is my first MLP one, and I'm introducing a tribe used in, but only in general descriptions based on how I feel they would fit in the MLP universe. No artwork from there would ever be used, no links, nothing. Just my words describing a tribe I feel would be a good fit... that and I'm giving them Cutie Marks, which doesn't use...

Okay, enough rambling. Anyway, the story is about a young colt Mountain Pony being trained in reading the winds by his adult older brother. The entire vast tribe live in the "Frozen Wilds", the area even further north than The Crystal Empire. The tribe has no knowledge of other ponies, and vice versa. A sudden storm kicks up and blows the colt down into the "low lands", what we call Equestria proper. This initial adventure only takes one chapter, thanks to things like trains existing, but this is only the start.

I really want to post the start of this fic here, but won't if there is any issue. I would of started a thread over there, but their forum is confusing and a bit jumbled.

I don't think I've ever seen anything remotely like this and that it sounds pretty interesting. Give it a shot.

Well, first chapter's in. Just waiting for approval. Will post a link in the appropriate topic. Just keep in mind, I'm sort of forced to watch reaction vids of the show, as I don't have cable or satellite and can't afford the streaming services either. And while the wiki helps, my grasp on the characters might be a bit skewed. Also, don't blame me if I end up making Time Turner female.

Sounds like a solid first chapter to me. Seems interesting so far.

Comment posted by Deep deleted Feb 22nd, 2018

So uh, I wanted to post about this idea I had for a story, so, if that's okay...

Basically, in the story, the mane six would have access to this magical role-playing game, and elements from this game would begin to "leak" out into the real world, namely, the main villain, who would try to destroy Equestria, eventually succeeding, but the six would've found a way to escape into the world of the game, having to start a new game and work with the world creating stuff to rebuild a home for themselves and their new legions of people and followers.

If it was somehow hard to tell, this story is inspired by Homestuck, I wanted to make an actual Homestuck crossover, but I decided "Nah, something sorta original is better, I do too many crossovers" and here we are. I feel like dividing this story into acts, with multiple chapters each, because maybe that'd make it easier to organize or something? I dunno, it just sounded good in my head

Sorry if I did anything wrong, whether in this post or out, I'm new to this group and I know exactly nothing about anything.

A man goes to Equestria but can only talk in dead memes.

"WHERE'S THE LAMB SAUCE?!" The human cried.

HiE vs Time Travel

Hiya, im here cause im trying to write my own story. But I've run into some trouble.

My (very basic) idea is that the main character ends up on an Equis (is that what you call it?) where the ponies live in a gryphon controled nation, and the main helps them break free.

My problem? I can't decide on the main character.

The two options I have in mind are...
1: A human
2: Twilight

Based on what the writing guide said im not sure if using a human here would be justified. So what do you guys think?

A good number of fanfics have been made on sports, but not many have been done on "extreme wheeled sports".

Seriously am I the only brony to have ever written a good fanfic on skateboarding and BMX? Like a fanfic that actually features the sports in a meaningful and engaging way and not just as a meme or some other gag with a goofy joke?

But then again it's not like the fandom really is interested in, let alone cares about those sports or anything...

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