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Comments ( 340 )
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Hyde-Born huh?
Interesting. Like Dragon-Born, but... infinitely worse. :P
I might read it some time!

No. Those do not exist. :3

There probably is one. More likely Pinkie is the only character but who knows?

A story about a story? Like Scootaloo is trying to make a story like that and the rest of the CMC help her on it or something?

Please don't make it so the MC is an anti-brony. That would be too obvious of a choice and would turn it into a cringe-fest.

Group Admin

1) Imgur doesn't work on Fimfiction. You see it embed properly because the pic is stored in your computer's cache, but everyone else just sees a broken image. It's been like that since February.

2) You can reply to multiple people with just one comment, instead of posting 9 different comments...

I haven't been on FIMFiction for a while so sorry.

5423736 it doesn't have to be anti-brony.

I have this idea where Twilight invites Sunburst over and they get into a book (as in, something like Power Ponies). I still don't know whether it should be a shipfic, or just a plainout friendshipfic, nor do I know what the book will be about (and I'd like to figure this one out myself, please).

*braces self for incoming Starburst zealots*

In addition, I have a simpler idea which involves Big Mac spending some time in Canterlot. It's a fairly chill story, not much of interest happens (save a brief moment of friendshipping with Fleur de Lis), but I want some opinions before I abort the story since it's in a pretty advanced developement state (still have to patch some things up for proofreaders).

4235781 I've heard of a fan-fiction about a cat with super powers... but I can't remember the name right meow. :trollestia:

4272392 South Park did it, too.

Comment posted by Fervidor deleted Aug 18th, 2016
Comment posted by Fervidor deleted Aug 18th, 2016
Group Admin

5432441 In my experience, whether you like the drink or not ceases to matter once you've drank enough of it. (I'm on the whiskey myself)

Also, I think you're in the wrong thread! Might want to try this one. Unless you're contemplating whether sake has occured in stories previously or not, of course.

In which case, I'd be happy to direct you to this story, which has the aforementioned drink in the title.


Also, I think you're in the wrong thread!

I can't be blamed for that. I'm obviously drunk!

Also, this thread looks a lot like the chat thread if you don't really bother to read the title properly, so if anything it's your fault.

Group Admin

5432636 If you're sober enough to type, you definitely need another drink.

Case in point: I can type, and I need another drink.


Way ahead of you.

Has anyone ever written a piece focusing on Timberwolves and other creatures, trying to explain their behaviour and hence that they're not that evil?

Has anyone done a Super Sentai xover or a Nightmare Night fic where the MS dress up as the FNAF Animatronics?

Has a "What if..." Story ever been done around the idea of Celestia and Luna dying before the show's events start?

I've read at least one like that, but it was bad and got abandoned quickly.

5593039 Welp, guess this is my chance to try something risky.

For what it's worth, it wasn't the concept that made it bad, it's what the writer did with the characters.

5593049 I know, I just wanted to know if the concept was commonly used.

4234712 How do you do refrence text like that?
Wait lemmi see...

Oh, only a few times... six digits' worth of threads, seven tops.


So I have an idea for a story, but I don't quite understand how to put tags and the descriptions or anything :rainbowhuh: This is gonna be my first story so I'm a lost confused child
I would like my story to be first person, also I think Twilight is my favorite pony. It's set in winter and she's meet a mysterious male pony that she falls for instantly. And how they met and get to know each other.
What do you guys think????


I would like my story to be first person, also I think Twilight is my favorite pony. It's set in winter and she's meet a mysterious male pony that she falls for instantly. And how they met and get to know each other.

Carries a heavy risk of becoming an empty wish-fulfillment Gary Stu plot. Slightly better odds if you make Twilight rather than the mysterious stallion the viewpoint character, but you need to be damn sure the story is actually about her and not about the OC, then.

5619329 I would like it to be about her meeting someone she likes, but it's love at first sight thing. So from Twilight's veiw yes :twilightsmile:
And Gary stu????? :rainbowhuh:

Gary Stu is one of the conventional names for a male Mary Sue.

It is a many-faceted concept, but one of the most basic characteristics on a Gary Stu in pony fiction is that the story seems to be more about hammering home how wonderful this character is, than about a plot that proceeds by its own logic.

5619481 Oooooo, okay. Not what I would want to do. I want it to be progressive if that makes sense

"Falling instantly in love" is a bad idea to begin with, then, because that's a romantic cliché that's literally centuries old. More modern romance tries to have characters that aren't quite that shallow about their love.

5619510 Explain how it's shallow, if she likes them at first, but decides to get to know them first before romance?????

"Falling in love on first sight," or any variation on that theme, basically means she falls in love with someone she doesn't actually know. She has no idea who he is as a person, what he is like long term or really cares about in life. It's a shallow romance because there can be no real depth of emotion in a relationship that has no real personal history behind it. That makes it more superficial than a story in which the characters slowly get to know each other and fall in love based on the person they discover in the course of that.

Human pagan sent to Equestria via spell mishap. Human believes that lightning can be used as a substitute for soul in the five elements, earth, air, water, fire, and soul. Human starts off getting attacked by the magi brigade of the royal guard, using fire based spells to kill human. Human absorbs the spells and when trying to swipe away the smoke sends one of the spells out at a nearby house that hadn't been evacuated yet. Human feels bad for doing that and tries to rescue ponies trapped inside. Human takes on the wounds of the father, who suffered bad burns and was knocked unconscious by the blast, and throws stallion through near window to safety. Goes to kitchen and teleports mare, filly, and colt outside, falls unconscious as adrenaline high fades. Is stuck between death and life in a wakeful coma. Mane 6 sent to investigate human. Human gets revived by RD trying to zap it when human twitched. This causes RD to zap human three or four more times before human absorbs enough lightning to create a small ring of lightning around right (or left if left handed) thumb. Figures what the hell and causes TS to hit human with enough of each of other four elements to create rings of each on different fingers. Index-Earth, middle-Air, ring-Fire, pinkie-Water. After last ring is formed, rings move to wrist and crystallize. In order of finger, amethyst, citrine, diamond, fire opal, aquamarine.

So what do you think? Good, bad, want, trash, what?

5619544 But if they get to know each other and and it went from maybe a crush she's not sure to falling for him????
Cause we all have those crushes, and then we get to know them and it's either way nope, or it's wow they really are amazing and stuff

Has anypony ever done an Animorph/mlp crossover?

Group Admin

5619510 In all fairness, 'falling in love' is a centuries old cliche. I mind less that love at first sight has been approached before and more that, by its very nature, it serves to remove conflict, not create it.

At least, the way it's traditionally used.

Group Admin


Yes, there are a small handful of Animorphs crossovers. :twilightsmile: However, it seems like only one of them is actually complete...

Well, this is the "has this been done before" thread, and like I said, this has definitely been done before. Often, exhaustively and to nausea.

Group Admin

5620399 I know.

I'm just saying that the concept of 'falling in love' has been done even more exhaustively. I personally suspect the 'to nausea' part stems from the conflict issue rather than the repetition. At least in significant part.

That it's also a bad idea in storytelling terms doesn't help, no doubt. It's a writing shortcut - it removes all the trouble of actually building a personal relationship and giving the characters a reason to love each other and progresses directly to the goo-goo eyes and whatever drama may follow. It's a writing style that runs on immediate gratification, basically.

I have an idea! What if one day a pony wakes up and finds out that no pony has any memory of them ever existing.

I think I've seen that done before, but honestly? That's a good, classic "The Twilight Zone" kind of story concept that I think can be played in many interesting ways and you should write it anyway.

5627207 I would, but I will procrastinate through the whole thing and it would never get done. I prefer to give out ideas

Has there ever been a FlashxOC story excluding mine?

So, I know that sci-fi stories have obviously been made before, but has anyone ever done a far-future-esque space opera set in the MLP-verse (compare to Isaac Asimov and the Foundation series)? And furthermore, would it be something worth reading considering the complete departure from any setting known right now? Thanks.

4234542 The video isn't working. Also I have not seen that before in an mlp fanfic.

4593060 It wouldn't surprise me if someone already has.

4256618 There might be a crossover. Not sure if they are good though, you would have to see for yourself. Try the search feature. :pinkiehappy:

Slaanesh in Equestria. And I mean the REAL Slaanesh from Warhammer 40,000, aka Warhammer 40k.

5738470 Yes, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called. It gets heavy. Very heavy. I'll do some research into it and see if I can dredge it up from my read list. It was pretty well done, and focuses on the emotional and mental aspect of settling down with a family after the horrors experienced in war. Expect a lot of PTSD, screaming, and crying. It's fucking gnarly.

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