The Writers' Group 9,330 members · 56,813 stories
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Fluttershy discovers the Deep Web?



Has anyone done the concept of Celestia and Luna having an older sister?

Because I have seen Celestia and Luna having a younger sister, but not an older one.

Has anyone done a story which takes as its background the fact that the 'Friendship is Magic' show story is actually actually a fake, perpetrated by unicorn supremacists who are fighting the pegasus pony regime?


I've got a story idea, and I thought this would be the best group to ask for opinions.

Well, here's the story.

To keep it short so you all won't get bored, this is gonna be a kid-friendly zombie apocalypse. Basically! The zombies are going to be called Snowbies. And if you didn't get the name; snow zombies!

Snowbies look like the original pony, but completely made out of snow.

The ponies are going to be infected by snow, and other snowbies will use their snow to infect others. Their will be no blood or gore, so that's one direction closer to kid-friendly.

It will follow the same rules as zombies, (mostly, The Walking Dead), that if you get infected you will turn into a snowbie, (how long depends on where you get infected), excluding dying, cause this is kid-friendly.

This is NOT to be taken serious. Yes, one or two major infections will probably make you get some feels, but other than that this is all fun.

You don't need to know anything about zombies, or the Walking Dead series to understand this fic.

It will mostly be staring the Mane 6, CMC, and Spike as they find new allies to fight against the apocalypse.

Ponies will go against each other. There won't be many supplies. And everypony's goal is to survive. This will be intense!

Again, this is just one of the stories I've been thinking about.

Tell me your opinions!

I'm curious to know if anyone's ever taken the fact that all of Equestria is relegated to a single school (for the most part) to its logical conclusion. By that I mean the human version of Princess Celestia is merely a principal in a system where principals answer to a superintendent, who answers to a board of directors, which answers to a mayor, who answers to a governor, who answers to a president, who jointly rules the world with various groups of other national leaders like NATO or the UN.

Taking that natural progression into account, who is the equivalent of the superintendent? The mayor? Governor? President? NATO? What powers are out there to whom Celestia herself answers, powers that we don't usually see?



And here's an interesting one: since Bon Bon is canonically a secret agent in the pony world, and she exists in the Canterlot High world as a teenage girl, does that mean that she could be the mirror world's...

IF SOMEONE USES THIS AND DOESN'T CREDIT ME FOR THIS IDEA, THERE WILL BE BLOOD it might be yours, so go kill someone - signed Bad Horse

I'm skeptical about this forum due to the shenanigans I've just read but whatevs, here it goes.

Has this been done before?

Changeling X Zerg master species, anyone have the testicular/ovarian fortitude to attack this idea...or has it been done? I've had this idea stuck in my head for months, but due to my inability to write and my ADH-SQUIRREL.....*runs after random squirrel*:pinkiegasp:
EH-HEM, anyways I'd love to read about Queen Chrysalis becoming the Zerg Queen and her interaction with the ponies of Equuis.:twilightsmile:


I'm skeptical about this forum due to the shenanigans I've just read but whatevs, here it goes.

If you're referencing what I think you are, sometimes I wonder why those people don't post in here after they're redirected.

How would everyone's favorite draconequus last in the world of costume heroes.

The basic idea is that in an AU to Return of harmony, Discord replaces himself with a stone statue and flings himself into a portal where he looks at various other worlds. Of the worlds he passes by DBZ, Naruto, One Piece, Marvel (with Deadpool wall breaking and obligatory Stan Lee cameo), until he finally decides to pop in the DC universe.

He lands in Metropolis where after spreading his usual brand of chaos, meets the big blue boy-scout himself. Superman thinking he is just Mxyzptlk, messing around asks him to leave. Now this being DIscord he toys with Superman until he loses his temper. Now at this point DIscord brainwashes him (in other words he becomes like Ultraman).

Full of rage and blood lust he decides to go after the justice league, who try and restrain him with little success, until Wonder Woman uses the Lasso of truth to make him realize who he was and still is, so like the episode he is back to normal. After this they decide to deal with Discord and call in Dr. Fate and Zatanna as they are the ones with the most experience in magic.

My question is if this is a good idea for a story. Tell me what you think and how it can be improved.

4830003 Oh I'm so tempted to rebut this but I think that might be against the rules here. So would you mind if I engage you in a conversation through private messages to debate with you and attempt to prove your wrong?

4830093 I knew that it's just that i really like to talk like a pompous douch and I really like using that in text.

Also noted, and my plan is superman not seeing him as much of a threat due to how childish he acts, but by the time he realizes discord is a threat it would be too late.

4233312 Has anybody done a CHERUB/My Little Pony crossover?

4836024 Just post in the thread, you don't need to respond to me :twilightblush:

I've had this idea for a while, but to be honest, I have so many other ideas I've been able to think out more, so I'm giving this one away. Anyone who wants it, can have it.

Not too much is worked out in specific details, but it's about Spike, who's grown up now, and he's starts having dreams that he believes is his origins. He decides to leave Ponyville to TRULY find out about his past (none of that Dragon Quest crap). With the help of a young pickpocket dragon named Ruby, a wisecracking changeling named Bagworm, and a cynical griffin named Juliana (aka Jule), Spike learns more about himself and how he came to be in Canterlot, which involves getting intertwined with a mob boss named Don Corralone (a plan-on name of Vito Corleone, who was the Godfather)

I've worked out some specifics, but most of the plot still needs to be thought out. Anyone who wants it, can have it. And if you need the specifics I already created, just let me know and I'll give them to you.

4845069 Please just post in the thread, don't respond to me :twilightsheepish:

This is for you guys to share ideas, I'm just hosting the thread.

Group Admin

4845413 PSA about not replying to Flint in the idea thread? :P

Oops. I replied.

4845414 I don't even understand tho.

Like, the comment right above the box you type in was the comment I had just posted asking not to respond to me.

Do people not bother reading forums before blindly posting in them? That kind of defeats the point of this specific thread :rainbowhuh:

4733709 I love this idea!!!

Do you mind awfully if I write a story about it?

Group Admin

4845429 But reading is haaaaaard!

I don't understand why you expect people to read a post before commenting. On a writing site of all places. Sheesh, somebody has high standards. :duck:

In all fairness, though, kicking the reply button is like a reflex now. I just can't stop myself.

It's like it's calling to me.

I think I need help.


I already started the story.

4845496 Ha! Well, that's something to add to my reading shelf. However, after a brief look over your story, I think my idea is different enough to be a separate tale. I'd still like to write it, but I am happy to link readers to your page and give you credit.

I've got an idea that might not have been done before.
The warden of Tartarus is the oldest sister of Celestia and Luna. When Tirek becomes a problem, Celestia sends a letter to the Warden, telling her that one of her prisoners has escaped, and that Discord will be dropping Tirek off after catching him. After the Warden gets this letter though, she gets pissed as all f@#$ing hell (get it? pissed as hell. Warden of Tartarus. it's funny, laugh!), and so sets out of the gates of Tartarus to catch Tirek and/or beat him to death. Whichever comes first. However, the chains she uses to bind the prisoners of Tartarus are attached to her soul, (Also, burning chains are her cutie mark) and so she is only able to barely reach the edges of Ponyville before the chains snap taut. Having discovered the maximum range of distance she can travel from the hellish gates, she sets up a sensory array, which will let her know if Tirek ever moves within her range of motion. Unfortunately, Ponyville is the only population of ponies in her range, so Tirek has no reason to ever go and face his former jailor. In the end, the Warden fights Tirek alongside OP Twilight and manages to overpower Tirek, drain the magic he stole, and drag him back to his prison, making sure he can't ever escape again. Take note that she is older, more experienced, more powerful, and more brutal than Celestia, and was easily able to match Twilight while she had all the magic of the other three princesses. Due to literally holding all of the prisoners of Tartarus in their cells with her chains, with a few of the lesser prisoners simply stuck in cages, she was constantly growing stronger over the centuries. (yes, I said the lesser prisoners were kept in cages, meaning Tirek was a lesser prisoner. The more major threats are kept in her chains so she can feel every single movement they make through them. It's a technique she developed over the years)

Not sure if I'll ever use this myself. If anyone wants to try using this, feel free.

Has there ever been a serous Diacord fanfic?
I'm being completely serous. :rainbowdetermined2:

Has anyone done a 'Child of Sombra' fanfic yet? I'm thinking about writing one myself

Has DiscoPants been done before?

I've been watching InkPotts' Jekyll & Hyde videos and I've been getting ideas for my fics. The latest one is an Applejack story. It starts with one question:

Apples are always honest. But why?

The reason being the entire Apple Family has a dark secret: they are descendants of Dr. Jekyll (pony name still in the works). All of the Apples and Princess Celestia know of the tragedy surrounding Jekyll and his evil persona, Hyde. After his death, the Jekyll family changed their name to Apple and began anew as Apple Farmers, honesty becoming a principle as Jekyll lied so many times to protect his siblings and their children.

However, there is a curse in the Apple Family.

Once every 100 years, an Apple is born with a Hyde within them. And sadly, the Hyde never remains dormant for long.
Applejack, the Element of Honesty, is the 10th Hyde-Born. Despite her stubbornness, her Hyde is getting stronger every day.
Can Applejack trust her friends enough to ask for help? Or will she fall like Dr Jekyll and others between them?

I know Pinkie/Pinkamena would make an excellent Jekyll & Hyde pair, but I want to do something different.

What do you guys think?

Warning:spoilers(kinda) for episode 8 of season 6.

So if you've seen the new episode, I'm sure you've seen the past versions of the two in the episode
I'm hoping to see some good stories about these two since they technically aren't Vinyl and Octavia but perhaps there ancestors(yes I know the characters from the story were replaced with the modern ponies like Starilight=Snowfall but just humor me here).
Here's a story idea for anyone who wants it:
Vinyl and Octavia are spending there first Hearth's warming together and invite there parents to join in. (let's assume the families get along more or less and don't object to the relationship). As the evening goes on the parents or grandparents of both sides begin talking and realize that there Great (add as many greats as necessary) Grandparents from either side once knew each other(The two past versions we see in the episode, you guys follow so far?). Our favorite duo are surprised and want to hear the story(Possible idea: one of the two or both are afraid the two past ponies dated and possibly married and now octascratch is afraid of possible incest or something, use that idea or don't if you wish). And then the story of Ye old vinyl and octavia falls to you dear.
If you decide to use this idea please at least give me a little credit in like an authors note or something. other than that, go nuts my friend!

"Ah, you Miss Pommel? Rarity said you'd be coming along!"

It was only meant as a few day shift, pinch hitting for a friend. Rarity's Manehattan Boutique had hit a sudden, unexpected uptake in sales. After how much Rarity had helped her, how could Coco refuse? So how could it all have gone so wrong?

"It's so great of you to come when you did," Rarity's manager, Sassy Saddles, had continued. "We're absolutely swamped, I've even had to hire a new seamstress...oh, here she is now!

"Coco Pummel, meet Suri Polomare!"

CMC gets kidnapped and AJ, Rarity and RD has to participate in some sort of competition or dare to get them back.* Seen this before? (Well, apart from that one fic that never got past the first chapter.)
*Bonus if only one of the crusaders can get out alive.


CMC gets kidnapped

So far, so good.

AJ, Rarity and RD has to participate in some sort of competition or dare to get them back.*
*Bonus if only one of the crusaders can get out alive.

It would seem to be extremely hard to furnish the kidnappers with a motivation for that which didn't scream "because the author thought it would be kind of neat, now shut up and enjoy the ride". Bound to ruin both immersion and emotional investment for a reader.

Also, since the CMC's sisters are three of the most scarily-well connected ponies in all Equestria, a lot of narrative energy would need to be expended on why they don't simply call in the princesses and bear down hard on the perps with the entire royal guard and full rainbow power, rather than dance to their tune. Even if the CMC as hostages might prevent the government from wacoing right away, the kidnappers would basically be dead meat once their plan (as stated above) had run to an end amd they had no live CMC left -- and they would know that, so why do they bother at all?


Also, since the CMC's sisters are three of the most scarily-well connected ponies in all Equestria, a lot of narrative energy would need to be expended on why they don't simply call in the princesses and bear down hard on the perps with the entire royal guard and full rainbow power, rather than dance to their tune. Even if the CMC as hostages might prevent the government from wacoing right away, the kidnappers would basically be dead meat once their plan (as stated above) had run to an end amd they had no live CMC left -- and they would know that, so why do they bother at all?

The keyword here is 'Equestria'. What if the crusaders are in another country?
(Or use bomb collars, like SAW. Basically if the kidnappers die, so does the crusaders.)
Also, if they are as powerful as you say, why didn't they just obliterate Chrysalis during that comic arc instead of following her tune?

I was wondering this: Has there ever exist a human in equestria story where the MC ends up in equestria and finds out he won't be able to go home but instead of taking it lightly, he has a mental breakdown and spends the majority of the story trying to cope with the fact that he won't be able to see his real friends and family again? It could be funny or drama doesn't matter.

I thought about writing a story about this. The story takes place in Twilight's quiet castle were she's reading and then out of no where, she hears a fly. She goes crazy and tries to kill it nearly destroying her house and herself. I just wanted to know if this is original or not..... Thanks....
- TheHeartsSisters :heart:

Sounds like classic Donald Duck.

5357783 I just wanted to know if its been written. Even if Twilight wasn't the main character I want to know so I'm not stealing or thought of as stealing.

An idea as short as that can't be "stolen". It's all in the execution anyway.

Apple Bloom and/or Sweetie Belle flies (thanks to Twilight) and Scootaloo, naturally, gets mad at them.

5358520 Oh.... I'm just always worried about plagiarizing and taking other peoples work but thanks for cleaning that up for me. :pinkiehappy:

Has anyone ever done a story about an old-fashioned princess-has-been-kidnapped-and-must-be-rescued-by-multiple-adventurers story?

4235738 Hmm...I'm not sure. Lemme check....

shouts out of room HEY, MA! MA!!! HAS X BEEN DONE BEFORE?!?!

no reply; turns back around, grumbling She never replies.

Sorry, can't help you.


That's a really good idea. Did you already start it, or could I maybe try to write it myself (probably not)?

Has anyone wrote a story where Pinkie doesn't annoy at least one character?

5367639 Yes. I have started it. It's called "Applejack and Miss Hyde."


Ooh, nice! I'll be reading it and possibly favoriting it as well. :twilightsmile:

Had there ever been a good COD MLP crossover fic? Specifically the Modern Warfare story arc.

Group Admin

I haven't read any of these, so I cannot say whether they are good or not, but here's a small handful of stories I found by typing "Modern Warfare" into Fimfiction's search bar, sorted by rating...

When Twilight goes to sleep in Equestria, she wakes up in our world. When she sleeps in our world, she wakes up in Equestria.
Like the Circle series by Ted Dekker.



...I don't.
...I don't anymore. I don't.
Though it is kinda cute how Twi is a little concerned about all of this COD stuff happening.

I don't think those can exist.

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