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A McIntosh is a type of apple.

A Macintosh is a personal computer produced by Apple Inc.

A Mackintosh is a waterproof coat.

I don't care what you call the character, do not, under any circumstance, call a McIntosh apple a Macintosh computer.

(Technically speaking, Big Mac is named after the apple, although there has been a handful of merchandise and script errors that have spelt it 'Macintosh'. So yeah, spell that however you want.)

One last thing. 'Mc' is an abreviation of 'Mac' and is pronounced the same way, unless you are referring to the McDonalds fast food chain, in which case it's pronounced 'Mic', because they're special (exception to the exception—here in the UK (and a few other commonwealth countries, but I forget which ones) it's pronounced 'Mac-Donald's').

Sorry, but I have seen this mistake too many times to stay silent. I mean, who's heard of a Mackintosh Apple? Really? What next, bread made of flower and though?

I thought it looked nicer when it was written as "Big MacIntosh". I don't know, that's just my opinion. :ajsleepy:

And Makin' Toast is the process by which toast is made.

Anyway, nice trivia. Always thought that Macintosh also refers to the fruit.

You can spell the character's name however you want. There has been enough inconsistency in the show for that. But when you are talking about the fruit, make sure you get the correct spelling.

I write it as "McIntosh," since that's the apple, although I prefer the appearance of the word "Macintosh." Maybe because I most often see Mc as part of McDonald's and thus first think 'Mic'

Yeah, you would not believe how shocked I was to discover that people thought 'Mc' was pronounced 'Mic'.

Just something else to blame McDonald's for :pinkiehappy:

And bananas are actually herbs.

Honestly, it was interesting to know though

I always call him Big Pimpin' Daddy Mac! :duck:

I thought they were berries? Eh, whatever.


I thought bananas were seeds, last I checked... Meh.

855525 I thought bananas were the spawn of Molestia...whatever

In the credits of Apple Family Reunion, he is listed as "Big Macintosh".

I make a clear distinction between the apple and the Apple.
Macintosh looks better as a name. I reserve McIntosh for the apple itself.

Chinese accent makes McDonald's sound like "Mac" Donald

Mhaquinhdhosch. it's Latverian for "large horse who does farmwork and gets shipped a lot".

But the Macintosh computer is named after the fruit. 'Apple' computer... get it?

Honestly idk much about the distinction between Mac and Mc, but what I do know is that they're almost always mixed, matched, and flip-flopped. Example: McDonalds used to be MacDonalds and they have a burger called the 'big Mac' not 'big Mc.' Then again with the computer and the fruit, because it doesn't take a genius to realize Apple Computer picked the name Macintosh because it's the name of an actual apple. And finally, look in a phone book. See how many Mc's and Mac's have the same name after them as each other.

I prefer to spell it Big Macintosh, but hey that's just my opinion. And it doesn't really bother me to see it spelled 'Big McIntosh' either.

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