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I pose this question to the group as I am curious what other people feel about this. I am the "co-author" on this story...

Freefall Into Happenstance

...which as you can see is well over 70,000 words presently (we have more "chapters" that need to be edited). All of this was done in the form of back-and-forth RP with the other co-author. Nothing is planned, either short of long term. Every response between the two characters (or secondary characters) is completely spur of the moment. Even the relationship itself wasn't planned on being romantic.

That being said, what are other's thoughts on this? Personally, I love the dynamic as it keeps the story fresh, especially when two writers gel well.

Curious to hear your responses!

I think you need to make your chapters smaller.


A roleplay is the development of a story, anyways. I've roleplayed quite a bit, and the stories I've and others have created out of them turned out to be magnificent and thrilling. Honestly, I applaud you for converting a roleplay into an actual story.

It's entirely possible to write a story in an RP-style, with the co-authors each controlling a character, then setting out a scene. Then, from there, all you do is perform character actions as fully described paragraphs affecting the environment.

RPs are simply smaller stories with a lot of authors, after all. But taking a story down to RP is far easier than taking RP up to a story. You simply have too much to do in the way of narrative and description when it comes to adapting an RP to a story format.

I, personally, have no problems with it. Life was written in the exact same style, and that was quite a personal success.

Haven't checked out your story yet, but just wanna say one thing.

Whatever else, just make sure you ADAPT the story, and make it read as a story.

I had a girlfriend once, who thought it was acceptable to literally cut-and-paste the roleplays and just post them as-is. It wasn't. What works in a roleplay doesn't work in a story, and people enjoy adapted prose far more than they enjoy a chatlog.

Except for my first story. Every story I've written since has been a converted RP or based on a RP I had and people seem to like them.

I actually find the creativity of two people even at the spur of a moment, can often be better then what I can come up with on my own.

I'll use them to help with ideas, but not form an entire story just from a roleplaying session.

I'm in an RP with around 6 ppl (there's another 3 or 4 missing) and the game master wants to turn it into a story.

My RP based story turned out like shit. Maybe you'll have better luck :pinkiecrazy:

I plan on doing this myself, with an rp I'm part of in the author support group. We have well over 150k words worth of stuff, and most of it (in part due to my editing) is in proper publishing form. As well, I've co authored a few ongoing stories with a couple friends, we do it in an rpish manner. It's one of the most entertaining ways to write, I feel. Especially if you write it proper from the get go, which you should anyways, since you should always be practicing, heh.

I took an RP from another site (that we never finished) and turned it into a successful story called Small Wings and a Kind Heart (which is on Fimfiction). I used the RP as a skeleton, and wrote it out as a traditional story. I also finished things up on my own, bringing it to a conclusion.

My story Omega isn't exactly a roleplay, but...

Basically, me and my co-author each made three of the six mane characters. We've outlined a vague plot and I write them through it, and then my co-author read over it to make sure that his characters respond to situations how they should. Not really roleplay, but kind've.

I think it's fairly successful. My thumbs up/down ratio is like 28:0, out of roughly 35 people who keep reading after the first chapter.

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