The Writers' Group 9,330 members · 56,812 stories
Comments ( 200 )
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I have not reviewed any stories or written any fiction though I do have a few ideas.
I... do not have much of anything aside from this site.

*Explodes from the sheer win of the idea*

My turn.

I am Red B. I am a writer as well as a reader. When it comes to reading I prefer action-adventure type stories, with perhaps a touch of romance. Though I sometimes read stories from other genres as well. Especially if the story is of high quality. After all, English isn't my main language and I don't consider myself an experienced writer, therefore I prefer high quality stories in order to learn something as well, not just read a story. Obviously, this means I am a rather picky writer.

When it comes to writing, I prefer to write action-adventure stories ... well, story. I have only one on this site, so that puts me in the lightweight writers category.

I pride myself of being a pretty good consultant, when it comes to story ideas, world building, character development and so on. though I do not review that often, I tend to be very honest about it when I do.

On my free time I either write or play PC games.

Greetings. My name's Jek, Player of Games and Reader of Books (these are very widely applied titles). I'm a fan of RPG, both video game and tabletop, although for the second I have had absolutely horrible luck in finding a good gaming group. More specifically--or should I say more broadly?--it would be better to say that I love stories. Cartoons, manga, films, video games, online video series, comics, books--all of these are just different mediums for storytelling. Aside from that I love music--although I have learned to play, I don't find nearly the joy in playing music that I do in listening to it. I like a wide range of genres and have a fondness for cross-genre songs (who would have thought that opera and rap could mix so well?).

I like relationship stories--mostly romantic or familial--as well as adventure fics and well-written, justified angsty works (it is much easier to ruin angst than it is most other story types). Lovecraftian horror also interests me. I enjoy dark stories, but not those where the world is drowning in so much **** that you can't see any way of finding a remotely happy ending--darkness in stories exists so that you can see the lights that a brighter fic would drown out. I'm an author, and although I haven't completed any MLP projects yet I do have a non-pony fic over at Note the "yet"--I've been making good progress recently.

I'm dogman. You generally won't meet anyone else like me.

With ADHD, a slight case of insanity, and a love for music, how could you?

I run a small group called ♫The music group♫, and do a little bit of writing.

I'm Ponyweed. I mostly hang out on Ponychan when things are especially active there, or any place there's a broad, free-spirited community. I'm primarily into a design profession in real life, with some marginal technical interests, but my primary hobby at this point vis-a-vis ponies is my effort to ponify The Silmarillion, which is tricky because I'm a better editor than writer, so it's all been backstory development, ideas for sketch art, and more backstory at this point. If I do write the fic, it'll be with someone else's help, but I at least hope to do a few nice illustrations. Other than that, well, I'm involved in lots of interesting stuff in real life but don't have many real friends and don't discuss ponies with the ones I do have. I could probably write a graphic novel about the place I work at, if I were good at that sort of art, which I'm not. I miss the more "grown-up" side of the fandom that was more about friendship and having fun with the concept, and less about drama and obsessions and super-fans with atomized twitter feeds and friend lists. But perhaps that never existed. :) I can't seem to find a fellow brony who's a Tolkien fan who's read the book for my fic, and my friends all hate fantasy.

Hey there, Charles Xavier here. Obviously not my real name, but I've been around writing fanfiction for quite some time now. Just joined this site yesterday and posted my first MLP story up.

Not much to say about myself really, except life's become far busier than I remember it ten years ago. I'm currently pursuing a career in screenwriting, and hopefully movie directing one day. If I ever have time, I'd love to read some good MLP stories. Best part of FiM for me are the incredibly written and composed songs. Very much on par with Disney, in my opinion.

I am a human.

Hi, I'm Arcelia I'm a young writer with the dream of someday becoming published. I love to read, write and waste my hours away on this site. I love to make new friends so shoot me a PM any time!:twilightsmile:

- A

Artist here, originally. Got hooked on writing after making a piece which got me thinking about the series of events that could have led to the scene in the artwork (which then became my second fic here). So far, my muse has been dwelling in the EQG-verse, but I anticipate that expanding to include some equines fairly soon. I realize I'm in the minority in this regard, but can't help what you love, eh? ;)

Not sure why I hadn't joined this group, prior, but finally signed up today.

Also, will be at Everfree this weekend. Been 'in the fandom' for years, but this'll be my first con experience. Looking forward to seeing what it's all about.

Hello. I'll get straight to the point. I'm relatively new to this site, having been here just short of a fortnight. No, I'm not british, I just like the word "fortnight". It has a lot of class, don't you think? Anyway, I've been an amateur writer for many years, now (Having written a few non MLP novels and such. Wait, is it blasphemy for me to say that? Okay, if you must kill me, at least be quick and merciful!)

Since I'm still typing I'll have to assume that the assassins haven't gotten to to me, yet. Maybe they're slow movers? Anyway, I'm a 60 year old MLP:FIM fan (I've recently learned that a lot of members don't like the term 'brony'. Why? I like it.) I'm also happily married and the father of a wonderful special needs daughter, who is one of the two lights of my life, my wife being the other one. I love spending what my daughter and I call Pony Time together, watching the latest episodes then dicussing them afterwards. We especially like the part where we talk about what my daughter learned from that episode. She always seems to get it right.

I'm here because I've decided that, being a fan of the show I wanted to try my hand at writing FIMfiction. I've already started posting my first story here, a novel, called No Way Back. I won't say anything about it because I don't want to sound like I'm advertising so I'll just say it's a very good, well written story with lots of action, suspense, a few mysteries, a central love story, lots of crying, screaming, hollering, shouting, weeping, laughing, explosions, things that seem like explosions, glowing balls of light, strange and very dangerous Everfree Forest nightmare creatures, running, jumping, escaping, eluding, following, sneaking, creeping, fighting, attacking, running like cowardly dogs, NOT running like cowardly dogs, lots of crying (did I say that, already?) Nagging (?) Nagging? No, wait! There's no nagging. Scratch that. Anyway, I'll be working on that until its done then I'll start adding new stories as I go. This could take a while. Now I'm wondering just how many years I have left to do this with? No matter. Hopefully it'll be enough. Ta for now!

Er...alright, I'll give it a go.

My name is Jarvy Jared. And I used to be a hater of MLP.

(It literally says in my bio that I've been converted; and I'm very happy I did!)

Anyway, I am an avid writer. I'm fifteen years old, and have been writing ever since I was five (though, back then, my stories were totally illegible.) Most of my early stories grew boring and I gave up on them early on. But since my formal introduction to the MLP community, I've managed to generate an idea for a series that I plan on writing out in the future. I've written one story on this site, and it's not even complete yet. (It's also more of a test story than anything.)

I am also quite the reader. (Not to brag or anything, but in fourth grade we had to take a reading level test, and I scored as a 12th grader) I find myself more inclined towards adventure related stories, as they are the ones I've grown up with all my life. Lately, however, I've been finding myself liking the Slice of Life stories, with a bit of Romance and Comedy thrown in between. I tend to stay away from dark fics because I prefer to stay lighthearted.

Other than MLP, I am a huge Sonic the Hedgehog fan (as you can tell from my bio pic); so much so, that in the previously mentioned series, I plan on using a hedgehog character with similar attributes to Sonic. That character is what my avatar is. I know a lot of his games suck (Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom, I'm looking at you two), but I remain a fan and hope that one day SEGA comes out with something truly amazing. My favorite games from the series are Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the SEGA Genesis, and Sonic Unleashed (Daytime Sections). My favorite Sonic character, however, is Shadow, mostly because I like his interpretation in the Archie Comics series.

I used to play a lot of video games, but ever since I've joined the fandom, I've found that my free-time is devoted more to writing than anything else. Not that I mind, of course; besides the story I have on site, I have two prequels to it that would serve as an MLP trilogy for my series. I won't be posting those anytime soon, as I wrote them on a whim; they are in need of much editing.

As for MLP related content, I suppose my favorite pony is Rarity. I guess it's because I like her dynamic with her sister the most, as well as the fact that she isn't the stereotypical "beauty queen" I had pinned her as. (Which is weird, because usually I find similar characters annoying.) I also like the highly controversial EQG character, Sunset Shimmer. (Come at me, haters of those movies)

One more random fact? My personality type is classified as INTJ. If you don't know what that is, I suggest you look it up. (This isn't psychology class, after all)


I'm new here although I joined several groups a few weeks ago when I signed on with FIMFiction. My name is Katrina, although I don't have a pony name as of yet. I'm still figuring out my place in the fandom as I wasn't really aware the fandom was this big. I've been writing fanfiction for many a year and started with writing Ranma 1/2 fanfiction. I've even written quite a few original works that lots of people say they enjoy reading. That being said, I've never had anything published. I also like to draw.

I've been going through some rough times in my life the last few years so my drawing and my writing fell by the wayside. I'm trying to get over this depression and such I've been dealing with and forcing myself back into what I enjoy doing. Its a rough process but I am slowly getting there. At any rate (how about 50/wpm? err... wrong channel), I like to write action/adventure, romance, comedy, and quite a few others. I read a LOT but am also very picky on what I'll read. I've helped people with their stories before but I am VERY technical and blunt in how I point things out so be forewarned. Some people may recognize me from some things I've written, some may not. I'm not sure I want to connect myself with those things or not... Trying to write stuff seriously and be known for it and feeling like you aren't sure you can live up to those expectations... yeah, not fun...

I have a lot of story ideas (So far I'm on 8) but am not sure how to proceed with getting them written as writing pony stuff is proving to be... difficult for some reason. I hate writing OOC stuff for instance. (OOC being characters that are out of character for no discernible reason except the author missed the mark in writing them.)

I've been having lots of problems sleeping lately so if some of my posts are... out of order or seem to make a sorta... disjointed kind of sense... Sorry 'bout that.

Eris: Young Writer of Clop and Cute Chaotic Troublemaking Princess Goddess:trollestia:

I'm an elegant Vampire Princess from the northern reaches of the grim, brooding, dark Baltic Region of Early Medieval Europe.

Or I may be an erotic Zebra mare.

Or....I'm just this guy who lives on the East Coast of the United States.

For enough money, I'll be anything you want me to be, baby. :trollestia:

Time to make my presence known. I like reading, I like writing, I like ponies, and you'd have never guessed but I also like reading and writing about ponies. As you may also be able to tell I'm one of those people thinks they're funny. Whether I really am or not is up to you to judge (my first story on here will be a comedy). I've done a lot of writing before, and I'm studying for a degree in it, but this is my first time writing fan fiction.

What, you want more?! Okay, here are some quick facts.
Best mane six: Pinkie Pie (although if you ask me another day it might be Flutters or Twi)
Best princess: Luna
Best background: Doctor Whooves (I'm a Whovian too)
Best toothless alligator: Gummy
OTP: Rarijack, or Twixie

Hi you guys can call me Sterling.

I've been around here for about a month and have already begun work on 4 stories, with regular updates on at least 2 of them. I'm a huge slice of life person, finding every little chance to just have some fun in everyday situations.

I'm currently a Masters student in biology as well, so if my story writing sounds empirical or less poetic than usual, that's why. My favourite characters are Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, and Derpy Hooves. My favourite ships are ButtonBelle, Lyrabon, and SoarinDash.

Hey Guys, name's BlackAion.

Been a lurker here for a long time, just coming to read long interesting fanfics and giving my 2 cents on things. Recently I have started to contribute to fimfiction as well with a story of my own with another one in the works. Favorite pony is Twilight Sparkle but I can relate best to Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. I also love Colgate/Minuette but that's mostly because of a mlp inspired video on youtube that had said pony on the screen while the music played. Favorite genres, at least here on Fimfiction, are Dark, Adventure. I hope I get to share some of the ideas I have in store for you guys at some point.:pinkiehappy:


Hi, I'm bloons3

I'm a little new here, little enthusiastic.
I haven't *published* a single story on this or any website, but I'm working on one right now.
I'll read anything really, but I really dislike stories where the grammar/structure interrupts the flow.

Name's Alex Prior.

Madman. Lurker. Spacebattler.
Occasionally writes for the Loops. Likes speaking in third person. Hosts many names.

Has grand ideas and grander ego. Snarks at times.
Has a Running Gag of subconsciously killing off Princess Luna.

Is impatient. Can be rude at times. Engages in hopeless endeavors.

Mostly likes sticking new twists on existing ideas. Sometimes comes up with completely new and obscure ideas. Considers mainstream ideas boring, yet likes to entertain ideas on writing on that front. Is desperate towards praise and likes. Madly hounds statistics. Revels in readers' pain at times. Seeks glory.

Delights in causing pain and suffering, occasionally also emotional anguish and grief. Scored 12 points out of 20 on an "are you a psycopath?" test. Knows where to stick his limits.

Approach with caution, he may bite. Likes hugs and "well done"-s.

Favourite pony is Discord, for obvious reasons.
Revels in self-imposed chaos.
Also for obvious reasons.

I'm lonkfania.
I currently have no personal OC, though my YouTub's profile pic could count if you are desperate.
I'm working on a fanfic, and want some comment on it.
I'm not that much of a brony, but hey, we all start from somewhere.
I also do some art. It's cartoonish, comic-strip-like, unprofessional art, but hey, again, we all start from somewhere.

Random fact, I love 80's rock.
Favorite new song: Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon.

Skystorm burned with a fire that couldn’t be quenched, the wind rustling his black, cyan tipped and gold accented mane as he barked out orders to his fellow Dawn Guards. They were not an ordinary breed of ponies, gifted by the princess of the night with unnatural abilities and perks that would have made the Wonderbolts jealous. For one, they could use the mighty royal Canterlot voice to cower just about any sentient creature into submission, as well as the ability to use some magic spells without being Unicorns, such as weak levitation and short teleportation, however not as easily as a Unicorn.
The Dawn Guards were also a special breed within their own type. Their wings were extended longer than a normal Pegasi, giving them more average speed and power per wingstroke. Interestingly enough, their wings are big enough to allow them to carry another pony in flight, doubling their effectiveness. All Dawn Guards are Pegasi, with armor specially designed to be light, but resilient. Also, they were gifted with technological marvels, far ahead of their time such as armor that could create a shield of magic by simply raising a hoof, as well as being propelled through the air by jet boosters.
At each shoulder, one MK- 3 Magic Penetration Cannon sits, powered from the magical aura that resonates throughout each guard. As an afterthought, the armor also had special wing enhancements such as the ability to lock the wings stiff, so as not to have them ripped off by high speeds. The helmet on each suit was equipped with radar, night vision, thermal imaging, a minimap, and magic sensor, not to mention the perk of monitoring heartbeat, gauging fuel levels, providing clean oxygen in any environment, and administering pain killers. The helmet’s lower half was one solid piece with the exception of the disengaging muzzle guard and detatchable back plate to remove the helmet. The visor could be remotely disengaged, causing it to split down the middle and lock rearward. The helmet has a flashlight, and laser targeting system, and had a small opening in the top to allow the occupant’s mane to poke through, thus preserving the mane style. These suits were not commonly used on the ground because the pilot’s movements were somewhat restricted.
Skystorm was lucky to be the Alpha, the leader, of the Dawn Guards. His duty was the most honored and sacred of duties, to personally guard Princess Luna, while she dove into the realm of dreams. Dawn Guards were also considered another species altogether, because the rights and power of the Dawn Guards was passed on by the fathers into their son’s and daughters. The way it was passed on, is quite interesting. The power in the stallion is shared with his mare, making her a dawn guard as well, however, if a female Dawn Guard marries a normal pony, her power is withdrawn and she becomes a normal Pegasi.
Princess Luna created the Dawn Guard to be her personal army of supersoldiers, to destroy any traces of evil which festered in the night. Yes, Skystorm’s heart burned with a fire that could not be contained, a fire that burned against the cold night air as he began his protection of the Princess. He had dismissed his Dawn Guards to different parts of the kingdom to watch for signs of evil. Pacing back and forth he circled the apparently sleeping princess as he had done every night for the past five years. He thought about a certain Wonderbolt’s air show he had seen a long time ago as a filly. Imagining them diving, banking, and swooping cause his elegant royal blue wings to unfurl and flap experimentally. “Not right now” he thought to himself, focusing back on the task at hand.
Allowing his internal fire to burn brightly as he recalled the night his youngest brother was slain mercilessly by a changeling. He had just got back from his training and was settling down by his sister on the couch in his cloud home’s living room. The fire was warm, casting its bright orange glow throughout the humble room. All of a sudden, he shot into action as he heard his younger brother scream from up the stairs. He had quickly unsheathed his curved, serrated moon knife from its sheath and charged up the stairs. What he found still made his blood run cold. His brother was lying in a large puddle of blood, his face a mask of agony, with a changeling bloodthirstily licking his lips. Seeing Skystorm, the changeling fled out into the still night air on insect-like wings. Sky dove out the open window after it when his wing caught on the curtains and he was flung down onto Cloudsdale’s quiet streets.
Grimacing at the thought, his mind continued to wander, glancing over one particular memory burned into him like the cutie mark on his flank. The memory still bothered him from time to time. His mind continued to wander to the one time he had seen a certain beautiful cyan mare in Canterlot, the day of Princess Cadence and shining armor’s wedding. Ever since, he failed to remember what he was doing at the wedding, and why he was even there, since he had to get up so early that night for his watch. The only other pony who knew about his crush on Rainbow Dash was Princess Luna herself, who happened to stumble upon him dreaming about the cyan mare.
The next night, Luna inquired about it, and Skystorm truthfully confessed to her about his secret. In the 5 years he had been diligently watching over her, Princess Luna and Skystorm had become good friends. She was always there to listen to him and he could share his thoughts with her freely, and in turn, he always was there for her, providing council and help when needed.
Suddenly, his train wreck of thought exploded when he saw what appeared to be a changeling smashing at the window directly in front of him. Drawing his sword with his power, he leveled the steel capped titanium tip at the changeling outside the window when he felt an impact smash him from behind, sending him flying onto the Princess’ bed. Quickly countering, he summoned a lunar launch pad right where he was going to land. Seeing the magic white rune-encrypted pad appear, he used his wings to angle so that his back would land on the pad and launch him forward into the changeling. His mind racing, he managed to remember to pick up the sword with his power, silently cursing because Unicorns were able to use levetational magic without having to think about it.
By now the second changeling had joined the party hitting the ground and rolling with a thud. The pad launched Skystorm forward, his sword impaling the changeling’s armor and slicing through its tough skin with its sharp, rigid point. The dark blue and black tones of the room disguised the changeling’s horn until it is mere inches from his face. He ducks, caching the sharp appendage on the crest of his helmet. The changeling screamed in agony as Sky’s blade penetrated deep into its chest. The second changeling began to move in from behind in an attempt to catch Sky off guard, but he was ready. Sky lashed out with his finely toned hind legs, hardened from years of athleticism, and bucked the changeling clear across the room. Turning around, he summoned another pad and launched his sword into the changeling’s face, spiking him to the wall like a dart, before the changeling had a chance to hit the ground. Summoning his sword from the skull of the departed corpse, he turned and got hit strait in the face by an unforeseen third changeling.
He hit the ground hard, his head spinning in a multi-colored array of stars. The last thing he sees before he blacks out is his sister, Skybreeze, burst in and swing her axe at the changeling. He cursed himself for not remembering to watch his back. This was his first time he had ever been taken down. A tear slowly rolled its way down his cheek as he perceived that his dreams of ever having a chance Rainbow Dash were ruined, his life force gifted to him by Princess Luna ebbing away into the void of death. Then all went black as he slipped into oblivion…

Interested? Pls comment

Group Contributor

Interested in what? This is a thread to introduce yourself and say hi. Not a place to get feedback on flash fiction. :raritydespair:

Group Admin

4920075 I can only imagine the title of the thread was misconstrued to mean 'how intros work in stories' or something along those lines. I think. I hope.

I'm just grasping at straws, really.

Did you not read this thread post? This is to introduce yourself, not write your backstory of your OC.

4920131 But Soaring, how do you know that you're not actually someone's OC—

How do I know that?

Sorry, new to the site. Still figuring out how it works

My name is Falx_of_the_Shadows, or Falx for short. I mostly just read fanfics al day while switching out to play console games a lot, or at least that's what I'm doing lately while on break. I have one story I'm currently working on, and I'm still waiting on feedback for it since not a lot of people view it, that's alright though because it'll probably get more views once it gets a lot longer. Anyway, I enjoy reading longer fics since I have so much free time. I just like things that can absorb my attention for a while, but I would have to say that I generally like redemption stories. You know, the ones where a character starts off bad but gets offered forgiveness and ends up trying to redeem themselves.

Oh, and the last thing I would like to say is that... Past Sins will forever hold a special place in my heart because, for one, it was the first story I read on and it's what got me interested in the site in the first place. So regardless of if you like it, dislike it, or haven't read it, give it some appreciation for the fact that it brought another brony into the fold of FimFiction.

If anyone still goes on this here forums... Hello! I'm WonderShy! I've been here since 2013, and I never even introduced myself to everyone yet (I've been silent this whole time)! I have posted a story on here called Equestria Origins, so I hope everyone enjoys reading it. c:

Hello everyone! I'm pikammd, but please call me pika. =] I joined the site a day or two ago and one of the friends I've made so far referred me to this group. So, I'll be poking around a bit and see what happens! :twilightsmile: I hope to stick around!

The Force is the Force, of course, of course
And no one can horse with the Force, of course--
That is, of course, unless the horse
Is the Jedi Master Ed!

Go right to the source to learn the Force,
And who is the master that I endorse?
You've no recourse except the horse,
The Jedi Master Ed!

He'll make you study and do the chores
He'll give you tests that have pass/fail scores
He's a palomino and pal o' yours
The Jedi Master Ed!

"Stay away from the Dark Side, Wiiiiilllllbuuuuurrrrr..."

My name's Jimmy, I act like some retard who was given a keyboard and I am a retard.
All you need to know:

3847848 Hello I am Lighttone GryphonStar. But you can call me Gryphon or Star here. But call me Light if you see me on Youtube.

I write stories. Why? Because I enjoy them.

I love to read and I love to write. And if there is a story I want to read but can't find, I will write it myself.

I am a sucker for anything Sparity, Lunbra(Done well), or Dislestia. (Romantic or Not)

The Genre I love to read are romantic(non Clop), mystery, and thriller. But I am willing to read any story that catch my eye. Even if it is not genres I love. These, include Comedy, Drama, Adventure, and some others. I like these genres, but will not automatically go for these stories unless they have at least some part of one my my favorite genres in them, or the catch my eye.

The only stories I will not touch are Clops and anything involving a love triangle(Especially when it come to Spike the Dragon. I cannot read any love triangle that involve Spike the Dragon). And I don't read harem stories. Have to much bad luck with them.

Hello fellow writers! I'm Deleth!

After a long break from writing fanfics because of the demands of original work, I'm trying to get back into it. I have seen none of season 4 of the show, and that will probably stay that way as the fanfics I have planned are mostly original anyways, just in the MLP universe.

I have one marginally successful 1st person love story out there, but shall never write in 1st again as it bothers me. Honestly that story was just an experiment, and I'm still surprised it did so well, so BACK TO 3rd LIMITED! I've been a writer 20 or so years now, so if anyone needs feedback or just wants to pick my brain, send me a PM!

I'm currently working on a MLP fanfic project that involves a semi-crazy pegasus going on an exploration quest to prove a fairy tale told to him as a child is actually true. Hopefully it shall be going up in the coming weeks, I just barely started it.

Hello ponies! I am a girl, a brony, and a fabulous writer and shipper--if I do say so myself :ajsmug:

Hi, everyone. I'm Slaaneshi, a translator from Russian into English.

Recently, I've translated a small bit of an average-sized Russian fanfic. Where could I post it here?

Hey all, time for another intro.

I've been kicking around the fandom since season two although I didn't get into content creation until fairly recently. What happened was I started thinking up an OC's backstory as an escape from the drudgery, and after a few weeks I started writing it down so I could keep expanding rather than having to revisit each detail. Somewhere around the 3k mark I came across a reference to this site and thought it might be fun to share the story. As you would expect, nobody cared lol but I have to say its been fun to work on and it has inspired me to get back into sketching, animation, video editing, etc.

My writing style tends towards subtlety and high attention to detail with an overarching theme driving the story from behind; I like stories that don't have a black and white punchline at the end, and that preference seems to find it's way into my writing. I'm currently about 15k into my next writing project and joined this group hoping to gather advice and concept feedback as the need arises.

Anyway, that's the short version. I'll poke around the group and offer insight where its warranted. Hope you all have a great day, and hey check out my work if you're looking for a more pragmatic take on the MLP universe :twilightsmile:

Name's Joe. Got a co-writer called Marl. We really enjoy writing. And MLP. Just to be clear.:pinkiehappy: we're going to make a blog post on our account about us and why we joined the website. So look there? Really, no point in writing the same thing twice, right?

Salutations my name is Glen Gorewood,

I write stories of all genres (except clop), though I lean towards comedy fairly heavily on this site. My unpublished works outside fanfiction number in the hundreds. I also like to recreate lost skills and "recipes" and write them down for a book. Concerning finished works they number in a little over a couple hundred, unfinished about quadruple that. On this site I currently have 18 stories planned, five in progress, and at least three sitting around waiting for me to submit them.

As for why I am here, life long on and off fan who remembers generation one and the much more terrifying first Tirek. Also Ineed to get over a silly fear about my work that's keeping me from publishing any of my finished stories. Most of my work will be either completely original, partially inspired by other things, parodies of parodies of parodies, or something with an underlying message.

My writing style fluctuates and adapts to the story in question. However I always have this thing about world building and detail, to an obsessive degree. Very few of my stories will consist of mostly dialogue. If I could get away with it I'd be pulling five pages (1,600 words or more) worth of space on just describing the setting before moving on with the story. But I know that won't do here so sadly this will never be.
And this isn't a new thing, it's an unfortunate life long affliction.

On a side note, my current non FIM works fall into sub genres that get no love from most authors.

It is my hope joining this group will help me connect with other authors who can support me and give advice, as I will them if they need it.

Glen Gorewood

Hey, I'm CentipedeGhoul.
I make very bad decisions . . . Wanna hear about the time I joined this group of people that kidnapped and tortured me, for no reason at all! I had a centipede stuck in my ear, and I suffered for maybe ten to twenty minutes, but all's fine right?

At this point, I've made at least one story on here, not actually sure about how it's going to be received.

Hello guys, just joined.

I'm a massive fan of Elite Dangerous, and I've decided to try and get back into Fan-Fiction by mashing up ponies with spacecraft.

Wish me luck, because Maker knows I need it. :twilightsheepish:

Hello everyone,

I've been apart of the group for a while but I never introduced myself and I've also just come back to start writing again after a few years. I'm xRezurrected and I've just started writing again as I said before. I'm mostly into dark, mystery type genres so that's what I try to write. In any case I'm always happy to talk with people!

Hope to talk with you all in the future!

Hi my Name DeadLyokoBrony, call me DLB,
I've written a story called Dying Light, witch is a crossover between MLP and Dying Light. though haven't written that many only two chapters. I will continue it but been busy with life and reading a bunch of fic. I'm into any type of Genre, I have Asperger Syndrome, and I'm happy to talk to people.

Does anyone actually read this thread?

I'm NavelColt, NC is fine. :twilightsmile:

I had two eras being active on this site, the first one spanning from 12' to 14', the second picking up from 16' through the present.

Lately I've had an extremely bad habit of being antisocial on this site, simply posting stories and blogs and not really interacting with people as much as I could be, so here's to my efforts to stop that! :twilightsheepish:

I write a lot of Slice of Life and cute things. Give me a dial if you need diabeetus in your day. :scootangel:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Does anyone actually read this thread?

Nope, this thread never gets read.

Or maybe it does. Sometimes.

--Sweetie Belle

Comment posted by Artist deleted Feb 25th, 2019

Hello, members of the writer's group.

I'm FTR2017, and am currently splashing in the MLP franchise to practice the craft of writing, as this franchise has a surprising amount of flexibility when it comes to lore and details for fanfiction.

My name is Nailah and it's nice to meet all of you. I'm relatively new to the site but have been enjoying myself so far. I wasn't always a fan of the ponies but I'm practically obessed with them now. Not quite that bad but I've seen all the seasons three times through already and just saw the movie yesterday. I have a bunch of Oc's but my first one was considered "too powerful" so that's when I made Midnight Star and Emma Flower and Midnight Star is probably my most developed pony character.

Good news, boppers. The big alert has been called off. It turns out that the earlier reports were wrong!

Did I just reference a movie from the '70s? Yes, I did.

Hi, I'm Rare80, and my other feats of writing also have questionable decision making in them. Although my newest one seems to be doing relatively fine. 9 likes and no dislikes, no rudeness in the comment (yet), plus Luna is in it. Everybody like Luna, right?

This fic went from vague idea to... uh... paper?... in just under 12 hours! Usually, my bad working habits, and my own ineptitude keeps me from completing any story I start, but this was a surprising exception. Hooray! Now you can go into the comments section and bash me relentlessly for how bad it is, and I don't have a prepared "well, it's not done yet!" excuse. The joy of it! So check it out!

Or don't! [/sarcasm]

Hey guys, new writer-in-potentia here. I've been a fan of MLP since season 2 or so, interested in fanfiction but not keen on the edgy or clop-stuff, I stick to the happy and the goofy. Also I'm a pony of not many words :D hoping to cut my teeth on a little bit of in-universe-non-fiction I've had in the back of my head for a while now (I already have a blog about it!)

Be gentle with the new guy!:twilightblush:


Gather round people. I've got a story to tell.

/*?*/You/./-ad-n/no... not human.

I was always there.

So glad to meet you.

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