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Group Admin

Hello all! As of this posting, we have just over 12 hours remaining to submit entries to the Spring Fling contest!

Remember, the deadline is 12:01am Pacific Daylight Time on May 1st, so you have until the end of the day (as defined by the U.S. west coast) to add your entries! (Here’s a link to a handy clock for PDT.) Don't forget to make sure you have the appropriate tags, that you've linked this contest in your description, that the story is marked Complete, and that you've added your entries to the contest folder. No late entries will be accepted!*

*As noted in previous posts, if you’re a first-time author and are concerned your entry won’t make it through moderation by the deadline, contact me with a link and password to your story before the end of the submission period.

So run, don't walk, to the dance floor! The last few couples are making their way inside -- don't miss your chance!

Review the rules here!
Submit here!

internal screaming intensifies

Sadly, the story I finished and edited didn't meet my standards for publication, so I deleted it. Maybe next time a contest comes around I'll do something. Good luck everypony else!

Less than 12 hours remaining and my story is still not ready!

Excuse me while I panic.

I refuse to participate because Eileen won’t let me write my barely disguised fetish into the story.

EDIT: this is a joke; I would have liked to enter, but my life didn’t allow me the time. I will content myself with having pre-read Dubs’s entry.

Oh? I hope you didn't delete it permanently? Even if it wasn't ready by the deadline for this contest, I'm sure it would have made a great story on its own~ :twilightsmile:

Also, the concept of the couples actually going to a dance together almost makes me want to write a story about multiverse pairings somehow going to a galactic ball together. Glad I could make Sundagio be a part of this dance~ :twilightsmile:

It wasn't, honestly. I reread it over to give it the 'engagement test' and it failed. It wasn't engaging, it didn't have any OOMPH to it, and it was an odd paring anyway that needed more development than I could give it in the original constraints of the story. It's a little late to recover at this point. I'd have to get in touch with the site admins, and it would miss the deadline by who knows how many days, even if I wanted to publish it.

If I want to redo it, I'd just make a new story and work on that one rather than recycling what was written. It revealed some glaring issues in my methodology of story-telling, so it wasn't a complete loss. I'm not well suited for writing E and T stories without something to back them up on their own. My creativity is already paper-thin as it is while there are plenty of excellent E and T writers out there constantly producing interesting stories.

I feel it wouldn't do anyone justice to publish without first making sure I'm satisfied with it. Because if I'm not happy with how it went, then it probably would appeal to even fewer people than if I was. It's why I got 100,000k words into my longest running story without publishing a single chapter and had to redo the beginning four times.

Writing is like that for me sometimes. I can have lightning bolt moments where I'm satisfied with the direction of the first draft (albeit with some editing to improve details and fix the hundreds of errors), or sometimes it's too much of a mess to salvage. Often the former, but the latter still does come up such as in the myriad of unpublished stories I have half-completed in the writing-dock.

But I made the effort and created a story for this, and it was a valuable experience even if it's now gone due to my personal issues with it. Not everything works out, but that's okay. I'm happier knowing I won't publish a sub-par story than I would be publishing it. I'm not going to repeat that again like my last E-rated fic.

How do I, uh, submit my fic to the group? I have to leave right now, but I want to know if just submitting the fic to the site was enough

Group Admin

UPDATE: 3 Hours Remaining! Last Call!

Group Admin

Also, if you have submitted already, don’t forget this is also your last chance to make any edits before the judging period begins!

How would I do that?

You click on “Add to Groups” on your story.

Group Admin

Once your story is published, go to the folder I linked, click the green Add Story button, select your story from the dropdown menu, and click the Add Story button below it.

Also, I notice you’ve never published a story before, so your story will have to go through moderation. If you submit your story to the website before the deadline, add a password to your story and send it to me with the link through a private message, because it won’t be approved by the moderators in time.

I submitted my story just now on auto-approval and it’s currently waiting to post. I’m afraid it won’t be on the site before the deadline passes. Nevermind; it just appeared on new.

I made it! 30th entry, with 30 minutes to the deadline!

Phew! That was close.

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