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Group Admin

We’ve entered the home stretch, people!

The judges and I are already thrilled with the turnout so far. At 11 stories, we’ve blown past the threshold for unlocking third place (and raising the payouts of first and second), bringing our total prize pool up to $265 (USD) — and that’s with a week to go! I know plenty of people are still working on writing and finalizing their own entries, so we should soon see that tally go past the 15 needed to unlock the special judge prizes as well.

And we’ve seen quite the variety of pairings already! There’s some classics like Sunset/Sci-Twi, Rarity/Applejack, and Flash Sentry/Princess Twilight, but we’ve also got some more unusual groupings like Sandalwood/Sweet Leaf/Wallflower Blush, Flash Sentry/Timber Spruce, and more! While we’re not judging couples (or throuples, or more) based on originality, we’re always intrigued to see who’s showing up to the Fling together.

(Also, shout out to PinkamenaPictures and Qweakster for choosing to make their Fimfiction writing debuts with this contest! We’re always happy to see some new faces in this community.)

So if you haven’t started your story yet, now is definitely the time! Remember, the last day to submit is Sunday, April 30th, with the final deadline being one minute after midnight (Pacific Time) on May 1st. No late entries!*

*If you’re a first-time author and you’re concerned your entry won’t get through moderation by the deadline, contact me with a link and password to the story before the deadline.

Put on your dancing shoes — the Spring Fling is almost here!

Review the rules here!
Submit here!

internal screaming intensifies

i will emotionally destroy the teenagers i mean make them kiss or whatever


i will emotionally destroy the teenagers i mean make them kiss or whatever

Now THAT is a story prompt.

Too bad this contest has a limit per contestant of "2 stories, with a combined total of no more than 15,000 words," so I'll probably never get around to writing and entering a story based on that.

(In the unlikely case that I win, I will ~blame~ acknowledge your contribution in my acceptance speech. :trollestia: )

Entering with, like, six days remaining. Got the start of the story done and the rest at a rough plan. Only need to write and edit it now. No clue how long it will end up being, definitely less than 6,000 words, but it remains to be seen how the different sections grow.

Good luck to everyone! I know I had a lot of fun writing my story for this contest, so I hope everyone enjoyed making their own stories! As always, good luck and stay special! :twilightsmile:

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