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Group Admin

Hello everyone, and thanks for joining the Spring Fling Contest group!

As mentioned above, the judges and I conferred and agreed on a change to the rules that hopefully won't cause many issues. I did already announce this in a comment on the primary rules forum, and the change has been made everywhere I've posted the contest rules (including the sitewide alert, with the gracious help of Wanderer D), but in case you haven't noticed, here it is.

We got some questions early on concerning pairings regarding using the pony characters from Friendship is Magic in pairings. After considering the questions, we decided that, in order to maintain the contest's intended function as a celebration of Equestria Girls, we have decided that pairings with FiM characters will not be accepted for this contest -- with two exceptions. FiM characters can appear in your stories without any issues, but they cannot be part of the core romantic pairing in your contest entry.

The two exceptions are Princess Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer. The reason these characters are acceptable for pairings in this contest (with characters in the Humane Cast's age range) are because they are the only two who went through the portal in animated canon and emerged as humans in the world of Equestria Girls. So they are fair game -- as long as you remember to pair them with characters from the first Equestria Girls movie. While Princess Twilight was the central character of that movie, it was not where she as a character originated from, so she doesn't meet the contest criteria on her own.

That's all! Hopefully most of you saw that news already, but just in case, there's your alert. And remember, in addition to Princess Twi and Starlight, the entire cast of the Equestria Girls series is still eligible for pairings, as long as (of course) they're matched with a character from the original EqG movie and don't violate any other rules in who they're matched with.

Thank you! Happy writing!

Group Admin

Also, before anyone asks about Pony Pinkie Pie, the little gag in the Friendship Games blooper video doesn't count.

So, if I wanted to write a Pinkie x human Tempest Shadow, it wouldn't be allowed?

Group Admin
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