Technology VS. Magic 2,665 members · 784 stories
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I'm with whichever side that'll make me immortal.

(Currently, magic is in the lead. You better step up, science.)


Well, if we're talking about wiping out planets, one of the Narnia books established that Jadis the Witch knew a magic word that would instantly kill everything in the world when spoken.

Apparently she could have turned Narnia into a lifeless tomb at any time, but she didn't because she wanted something left to actually rule over.


I'd rather have a holodeck, personally.

4066607 We are OK with ruling over nothing.


Well, if I recall, I think it also put her in some kind of permanent stasis, and she had a frankly astronomical amount of luck that a pair of children from another dimension randomly dropped by to wake her up after she killed her entire homeworld.

Advance Technology = Magic

In my head cannon the races has some form of special energies in their system but it is so advance that they veiw it as magic.

2049779 I choose technology. Because I want my bionic implants really really bad.

I choose tech, because I can't think of a way to go FTL with magic that doesn't require screwing with gravity to such a degree that you break your ship.

Technology. For it's nature will subjugate magic and then assimilate it.

For the result of a clash of magic and technology is the inevitable magitek. Lead by the scientific method it will destroy magic's status an art and turn it into a technology, followed by industrialization, and the end of wizardy as we know it. It will become nothing more than another section of the assembly line.


To be fair, that's pretty much what the ponies are doing with their magic. It's pretty much a type of science to them.

I choose... Technomancy!
Given that in my story human cells, even blood cells can store small amounts of magic if charged by a unicorn, one can power up a magic hover tank with levitation magic in the (bloody) fuel...

Is that allowed in the poll? :rainbowhuh:
And if so, as what would it count?

2049908 Sniper counters both. Tech


True magic, not of the laborous, technical type, is basically reality warping. You don't really need technology anymore with that.

I'd have to side with technology, because only a gifted few are born with the ability to use magic (unless we're talking Elder Scrolls-style magic, then I'll take that), whereas anyone with sufficient training and bodily strength can put a bullet into another person's skull. However, the two could easily meld together, since magic can possibly emulate numerous human hands all working at once, or create multiple weapons simultaneously.


Errr.... Technology, please! :D

while I would normally go Tech, in the words of Uncle

Magic must defeat magic.


I'd have to side with technology, because only a gifted few are born with the ability to use magic (...), whereas anyone with sufficient training and bodily strength can put a bullet into another person's skull.

Okay, look... First of all, I just want to point out - not just to you but to everyone in general - that "technology" isn't just about building weapons. Guns are not actually the best thing we've ever invented - heck, if I had to choose between a world without firearms and a world without the internet, I would pick former every time. Likewise, there is a lot more to magic than just throwing fireballs at each other.

Even saying that technology is superior or preferable to magic because anyone can use a gun suggests a directly combative context, where you have tech users and magic users literally trying to kill each other, and I wonder why so many people seem to jump to that conclusion. What about healing magic vs medicine? Or how they compare in the fields of communication, or travel?

Second, I'm not all that sure about that comparison. It would probably be more accurate to say that manufacturing that gun (and the required ammunition) is the equivalent of, say, creating an enchanted sword or staff, then comparing those two procedures. Now, tech typically lends itself better to mass production, but bear in mind that you need dedicated equipment to make a decent gun, which is sort of the inherent limit of technology - the more advanced the technology is, the more you need to rely on other technology to produce it. With magic, you rarely need to cast spells just so you can cast other spells.

I can certainly see that. With the fact that so many people here jumped to that conclusion without anyone correcting them, I assumed it was the correct context. As for medicine and healing magic, it's kind of obvious which one wins there. With medicine, you have to study the disease and spend years developing a vaccine that possibly might not even work, and by that point people have likely died, whereas with magic, as long as one knows the symptoms a disease causes, they can eradicate it the moment patient zero is discovered. For communication, there's always phones, but with magic, one could simply teleport themselves somewhere and talk to people in person. It all really depends on the context. Plus, like you said, I seem to have overlooked the fact that the more advanced technology becomes, the more technology is required to reproduce it. It's somewhat of a stalemate, when you consider combining multiple contexts.

Still both
Cthulhu and doraemon

I have a theory that magic is addictive and tends to cause more problems than it solves!:facehoof:
So Tech all the way!:pinkiecrazy:

Technology. Because we can make Death Stars

Both. Any tech is indistinguishable from magic if one looks close enough..
If it was a war, then I'd be the arms manufacturer making magitech. Magitech would probably be much more powerful then either of them seperated.

A lot of you ignore the fact that pretty much no fiction ever shows advanced magical societies. On the other hand, there's innumerable high-tech societies in fiction.

Comment posted by LukeTheMercenary deleted Nov 20th, 2017

My answer would be technology. Magic doesn't have on it. :twilightblush:

Why not both? Depending on how your magic system is built, magic could be used for any number of technological applications. The possibilities are limitless.

Most advanced civilizations in World of Warcraft like the Burning Legion, and Draenei with space ships and the The Silver Millennium from Sailor Moon a Galaxy-wide society that manage to occupy the entire solar system, and those are only of the top of my head.

what the fuck is that.


That really big starship from SW:The Last Jedi.

Also, I'll always place technology above magic unless it's magic powered by technology.

no, the image. where's it from?

tech all the way
and not any of that whole "best of both worlds" kind of amalgamation will work for us

Tech all the way

Tsar Bomba > Elements of harmony

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