Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For

by FerociousCreation

The Strongest Freak

Who You Work For
Ch. 30

Neither Coco nor Fang could think of anything to do while Sea More spied on them. “Hey,” he spoke with his voice muffled as he stood outside. Coco gave a little wave, not sure what else to do. As for Fang, he gave his changeling friend a hard stare.

Walking inside, Sea More asked with a grin, “What’s with the look?”

“You are the second to spy on us,” Fang replied. “I'm not very fond of playing the prey role at the moment.”

“Second?” Sea More looked to Coco and raised a brow. “Who was the first?”

The pony hesitated to speak, afraid he may show up if she mentioned his name.

A mean expression sprouted from Fang’s face as his large tooth turned hot. “Scar Splash.”

Almost replicating his friend’s expression without the large hot fang, Sea More became angered. “What was he doing here?”

“Spying and spreading lies.”

Not wanting to be near the upset stallions, Coco walked over to her desk and sat down. All she wanted was some peace and quiet; she also didn't want to think about or hear the mention of Scar Splash.

“Can you two talk outside please?” Coco asked without looking at the two. “I want there to be silence for a bit.”

Fang and Sea More looked at each other and nodded. “Anything for the questionmare,” Sea More commented playfully. Fang threw a hard jab to Sea More’s shoulder. The changeling grunted with a chuckle.

“If you need anything,” Fang spoke, “we will be outside on the balcony.”

“And we will make sure Scar Splash won't throw you off-”

“Shut up!” Fang yelled as he punched Sea More hard in the chest.

The pain was too much for the changeling and he keeled over in pain. Fang looked at Coco, watching her as she stared at her wooden desk. He frowned, wanting to go over and help her. But her request was something Fang wanted to abide by. Gripping Sea More’s tail, the changeling pulled and dragged his friend along the ground to the outside ledge.

“I can't I have any amount of fun?” Sea More coughed. Coco didn't hear an answer from Fang.

As if enough was on her mind, Coco Pommel now had to worry about a changeling that is probably out to get her.

Why does he hate me? Coco asked herself. I did nothing wrong to him…

She folded her arms on her desk and rested her forehead on them. Coco’s body rose then fell after a long, heavy sigh.

Is what he is saying true? Is Chrysalis really lying to- No! Stop it! The pony shook her head violently, removing the negative questions from her mind all together. Why would Chrysalis ever lie to you now? She told you the story of her daughter’s death and why she hates Princess Celestia. If you didn't mean anything to her, then… why would Chrysalis trust you with such valuable information?

Looking to the window, Coco saw Sea More and Fang conversing. Fang was swinging his arms around as if trying to punch something; perhaps shadow-boxing a beaten up Scar Splash. Sea More nodded and spoke silent words.

Then, as if they could feel her gaze, both changelings turned and looked at Coco Pommel.

Coco looked away and back to the table. And think about them. Think about Sea More and him being a halfling. Think about Fang and his comfort. Think about Silky Magot, and Stitch Snitch, and Knight Cap, and Silver Liner, and Snackrifice… Maybe Snack? Maybe him as well.

And what about the children? If Coco could describe what a mental brain freeze was like, now would have been the time. All of her thoughts froze on that one simple fact. It was as plain as day. How could they all lie to Coco all at once? It didn't seem plausible. They were kids. Innocent. Harmless. And cute. A smile crawled onto Coco’s face as she thought about the adorable changelings. How she first met them. And how they convinced her to help the hive. The mare looked up at the ceiling, happy to remember all those who were kind to her and being very accepting.

Who knows why Scar Splash did what he did. He is probably miscible and alone. Or maybe something in the past happened to him.

But what eased Coco’s mind was that the positives outweighed the negatives by a massive margin. Coco had many friends now, Chrysalis was being very generous on many levels, and…

…Coco also had Fang, a friend that she could always rely on.

Then another thought came to the mare’s mind; about Scar Splash. She wondered what will happen to him once Chrysalis hears about him spying and challenging her rule. It worried Coco, but in a different way; a way she never thought she would ever feel; she worried for Scar Splash. Chrysalis was queen, rightfully so. What might become of him?

Coco knew her friend had a heart, but has also seen Chrysalis’ angry side. Who knows how angry that changeling could get.

With her mind cleared of worry, Coco Pommel took in a deep breath and stood up, adjusting her dress so that it doesn't get wrinkled. Wondering what the two stallions were up to, the mare looked to the window and saw something… strange.

Fang had his hooves on Sea More’s throat and was shaking him. Fang had a sinister grin on his face as Sea More wore a goofy, “No, stop choking me,” face. Fang then stopped and the changelings began to laugh.

Coco couldn't help but giggle herself, amused by their strange behavior. She then got out of her dress and placed it on the hanger and hung it on the rack with the others.

She went over to the window and knocked on it. Both stallions turned their attention toward her and smiled, happy to see her mood in a better one. They spoke a few words and then went back inside.

“Glad to see you smiling,” Sea More spoke.

“Thanks,” Coco replied. She looked at Fang who only grinned back. “So… Can I still bathe at the spring?”


Coco Pommel did as she did before when Fang was walking her to the spring: close against the wall. This time, however, it was during the day. She was able to see a forest stretch for miles and miles and made her wonder how far the hive was from civilization.

Sea More buzzed nearby as Coco and Fang walked along the path to the pool. Fang was no longer dressed or pony. Even though he could disguise as anypony, Fang preferred being his normal self.

“You two love bugs enjoying your walk together?” Sea More called out.

“I’d be better if I knocked you out of the sky,” Fang grunted.

“Don't be mean,” Coco scolded Fang as she frowned at him.

“Trust me,” Fang continued, “Sea More’s sarcastic attitude has almost gotten himself killed by the queen. Several times in fact.”

“It's true,” Sea More answered as he rubbed the back of his skull. “I really cannot help it.”

“Why not?” the mare asked.

“I somehow feel like I have to input on everything. I am half pony after all. Perhaps I’m a rebel at heart, though I don't want to. And besides, I AM the strongest warrior.”

“Here he goes,” Fang rolled his eyes.

“I have proven to be the best combat instructor this hive has ever known. Queen Chrysalis herself has deemed me the most impressive.”

“Have you ever fought anypony before?” Coco asked.

“Emm… not really…” Sea More frowned. But then his ears perked up. “But I have defeated every changeling who I have trained with in a dual. Even Fang. The supposed personal guard beaten by a trainer.”

“Yes you have...” Fang sighed, letting Sea More inflate his ego.

Coco gave thought to Sea More’s statement. “But did Fang use his fire abilities during the dual?”

“,” Sea More answered. “Just normal weapons.”

“Then wouldn't that make you the best combat and dual expert and not strongest warrior?” The pony looked at Fang. “I mean, I don't doubt your abilities Sea More, but I think Fang here has much more power compared to what I have seen out of you.”

“You don't know that!” Sea More barked back, feeling his abilities being challenged.

“Then can you show me your special powers?”

A moment of silence. The only sounds that could be heard was the wind whistling through the rocky cliff and Sea More’s wings as he buzzed through the air. “You ask too many questions…” Sea More folded his arms, frustrated with the realization that he wasn't the strongest.

“Hehe,” Fang chuckled. “I can't wait to tell the others about this. The supposed strongest of all changelings now convinced he is just a master of dueling and training.”

At the corner of her eye, Coco Pommel saw a mischievous look on Sea More’s face. “Says the changeling who had a crush on my mother.”

A beam of green energy shot from Fang’s horn, nearly grazing the airborne changeling. “I wasn't kidding when I said I would like to knock you out of the sky.”

Sea More looked unfazed. “Least your aim needs work. Might I train you in better accuracy? I can also help control your temper, hot head.”

Fang began to aim a much more accurate shot when Coco harshly cleared her throat and gave him a serious look. “What, he started it!”

“You don't always have to use violence after being angered. You don't see me trying to shoot beams from my eyes when I am angry.”

“That’ll be the day,” Fang snorted. Coco bumped into the stallion playfully. “And here I thought you don't use violence.”

“Oh please…”

Sea More laughed, amused by their childish bickering and almost forgetting about his realization that he was not the strongest. Looking ahead, the changeling saw the spring. “We are coming up close now.”


It was quiet the rest of the way until the three arrived at the pool. Coco looked at the water with anticipation, knowing she is happy she can get a hot bath. After all, she is a royal guest and friend to the queen. Coco Pommel briskly walked over to the water and dabbed her hoof into the liquid. It was very cold at the touch and refused to put any more of her body into the water.

Fang came into Coco’s peripheral and flew up into the air, then landed in the center of the natural lake. In an instant, the liquid puffed hot steam up into the sky. “Come on in,” the changeling invited.

Without warning, Sea More jumped into the hot water with a splash. Coco flinched as droplets came in contact with her body; thankfully it was not cold. Taking her time, the mare slowly walked into the pool. It was hot at first, but Coco wanted to quickly have her body used to the the water, so she sank all but head into the warm fluid.

A sigh, and then a smile. Coco was happy. She was happy with the current situation at hoof. Everything was ready for the gala, her friend, Queen Chrysalis was happy, and she also glad to clean herself in hot water.

Looking to Sea More and Fang, they sat next to each other, talking. Coco might have been able to hear them if it weren’t for the falls cascading water into the pool. Not wanting to be all by herself, the mare wadded through the water and went to them.

“Enjoying the heat?” Sea More asked.

Another sigh escaped Coco Pommel. “Oh yes!” She sank down further and submerged her lips below the surface, lightly blowing bubbles.

“I’m glad you are enjoying yourself,” Fang smiled.

“If I ever have my water heater die on me at home, I’ll make sure to give you a call.”

“I am the personal guard of Queen Chrysalis, not some commoner who slaves away at simple tasks.”

Coco gave him a look that said, “You did not just say that.”

“You do remember that I worked at a coffee shop, slaving away at making simple beverages.” Fang stuttered over his words, trying to retract his statement, but realized he can’t undo what was just said. The pony then grinned, “And I am sure that there are commoners here at the hive who go and obtain love so you can be fed. You are nothing without the commoner. Respect them.”

“I- meant no offence,” Fang finally mustered.

“I know,” Coco smiled happily. “I am just teasing you.”

The large fanged changeling grunted, knowing he was being messed with. “You really are easy to mess with,” Sea More commented.

“At least I am not being mean to him.” Coco then moved in on Fang and pecked him on the cheek. His tooth glowed brightly and cheeks blushed as he took in a deep breath, sucking in as much love a he can. “He is just a stallion who is a little more sensitive is all.”

You are lucky that I know you feed me out of the kindness of your friendship, Fang thought to himself. Otherwise, I would think you are just toying with my heart. You are also lucky that I… care a lot about you.

Sea More smiled at his long-time friend, which only made Fang even more embarrassed. Seeing how her friend was uncomfortably flustered, Coco wanted to get the spotlight off of him.

“So Sea More,” Coco asked, “how did you become the best duelist?”

“You wish to know more about me?” Sea More looked away and smiled. “I'm glad that you do.”

“What do you mean?”

The changeling sighed before answering, “Even when you asked Fang about me before, it made me feel… wanted.” He swallowed something in his throat. “Throughout my whole life, I have been looked at and called a freak.”

“How come?”

“He is a halfling,” Fang answered.

Sea More nodded, confirming that the changeling was correct. “When I was living with my mother and when I showed my fellow pony friends I was a changeling… Well, you can guess what happened.” Coco didn't answer with words; she nodded instead.

“And when Chrysalis took me in and I told other changelings I was part pony, they looked at me in disgust…” Sea More's ears retreated back. Even with his sinister scar that was slashed horizontally across the right eye, Coco could see he was bothered with his past.

“When Fang told me you wanted to know about me…” The changeling turned and smiled at the pony. “...I couldn't contain how happy I was. Somepony didn't see me for being a changeling, but as me.”

Coco shrugged, “I just wanted to know. And when I did find out that you were half pony and half changeling, it made sense why you were so kind to me.”

“And that's why it makes me happy to know that a pony wants to know about a freak like me!”

“You are not a freak Sea More,” Coco shook her head as the changeling insulted himself.

“I agree,” Fang spoke aloud. “You are different yes, but you are part of us. Just being half of something makes you apart of that other self. I told you this before. What also makes you unique, Sea More, is how you define yourself with what you have.” Fang grinned widely. “You are the idiot who changed my heart toward ponies after all.”

“I guess there are two of you who respect me for being me,” Sea More spoke. His gaze fell upon Coco. “I remember the morning when we went to Canterlot and you told me you wanted to know about me. I'll be honest, it was hard to contain myself. And now, I trust you with my feelings.”

“Hehe, thanks for having faith in me.” Coco moved to Sea More and wrapped an arm around the changeling. “I trust you too.” The changeling glanced at Fang and bounced his eyebrows. Sea More could see a slight hint of jealousy in Fang’s eyes and knew if the affection proceeded any further, the queen’s personal guard would boil him alive. Lucky for Sea More, Coco quickly let go and scooted away from him.

“So how did you two become friends?” Coco asked.

“Well, which question do you want me to answer?” Sea More asked. “You asked me how I became the best duelist. So which do you want to know first?”

“Umm… the first question I asked.”

“Okay, good,” Sea More sighed. “Because within that first question is the story of how Fang and I became friends.”

“Couldn't you just tell me they are a part of the same thing?”

“Heh, you ask too many questions,” the changeling snickered. Fang let out a chuckle as he saw the mare get slightly irritated. “Anyways, my story.”

“Yes,” Coco grumbled, “your story.”

With a clear of his throat, Sea More began.