Wily's Wittle Wub

by Tatsurou

7: Catch Me if you Can

(Music plays)

As the new music filled the air, Mega Man knew he'd found his way to where another Robot Master was causing problems. However, he knew he recognized the music, and couldn't for the life of him figure out what sort of Robot Master had been sent after him this time. Leaning back on Rush to loosen up, he kept his eyes open on his surroundings as he relaxed, trying to be ready for anything.

The ground lifted and sloped, rolling hills covered in grass forming around Mega Man as stars shot across the sky. In the distance, he could see what he could only describe as Poke-bots racing around, frolicking and watching him as he passed by. At one point, a Rapidash shaped bot raced alongside the road - but never setting foot on it - just to race Rush. After a time, it peeled away, leaving Mega Man even more confused about the situation.

A loud snarl drew his attention, and he turned just in time to see his opponent leap onto the road to race beside him. Slash Man's body had become far more streamlined, with a narrow waist, long bulky arms and sturdy legs. His entire body was now covered in a pattern of silver, green, and red. His face was a literal war mask with a wide grin, dread-like spikes growing from the back of his head. His arms now ended in massive claws that lightly dragged along the ground as he raced along on foot, having eschewed motorcycle but still managing to easily keep up with Rush. As he caught sight of Mega Man, he grinned widely, lifting his massive claws.

"Slash! Slash! Man...SLASH!"

As he proclaimed his war cry, he lunged in, attempting to shred Rush in a single blow. Rush barely dodged out of the way, and Mega Man managed to deflect the part of the strike aimed at him at the last moment. He quickly steered Rush as far away from Slash Man as the road would allow, but the hostile robot continued to pursue, forcing a great deal of evasive maneuvers while Mega Man took a shot every time he thought he could spare a moment to do so. He quickly realized the major difference between this opponent and all others. His previous foes gave him time to think and plan out his strategy, finding ways around their patterns. Slash Man gave him no such time, lunging in to attack ferociously without a moment of breathing space.

After a time, Slash Man dashed away, pulling ahead of Mega Man and Rush, giving Mega Man that bit of breathing space he was hoping for. He kept his eyes on Slash Man, trying to determine good timing to take a shot, and glad he hadn't taken too much damage so far during this battle. Even if his energy was restored after each battle, the marathon of matches was beginning to take its toll. Blinking away his mental exhaustion, he missed Slash Man sweeping his claws along a dirt patch of a nearby hill, creating a cloud of sand to block Mega Man's vision.

Desperately, he covered his eyes, hoping he could just steer straight and stay safe. "I can't believe I didn't see a Sand Attack coming," he grumbled under his breath before spitting some of the sand out of his mouth. He began to give serious consideration to making use of the new Adaptor function Rush had acquired, since specs showed it being able to fly, and an aerial assault would have an advantage over the ground bound Slash Man. Besides, he thought to himself, Ground is weak against Flying. He chuckled to himself at making that comparison, but eventually discarded the idea of using the Adapter. For one thing, knowing Vinyl, Slash Man would probably have some way to counter it, or it wouldn't properly work until an appropriately dramatic moment.

As he was plotting, he heard the sound of something wet and sticky striking the ground. Before he could react, Rush's wheels became snarled in something, and he was thrown off and to the road. As the sand cloud cleared, Mega Man could see that Rush was stuck in some sort of red goop, and Slash Man could be seen nearby, red dripping from his mouth as he leaned over, looking like he was about to pounce. While Mega Man knew the red was just residue from apparently spitting out a sticky trap, the sight of a crouching predator with red dripping from its mouth set off a whole host of bad thoughts in his head. No more horror movies... he promised himself.

"SLASH!" With a loud cry, Slash Man threw himself forward, pouncing on Mega Man. Mega Man desperately rolled side to side, trying to avoid being torn to shreds as Slash Man swiped at him repeatedly with his claws. As he evaded the best he could, managing to only take a few hits instead of dozens, his mind raced, trying to think of a way to beat Slash Man, or at least slow him down.

Wait a minute... he paused as a thought occurred to him. Quickly switching weapons, he leveled the Freeze Cracker at Slash Man and pulled the trigger.

Slash Man quickly dodged the first shot, letting Mega Man get to his feet. "That's right!" Mega Man called out with a wide grin. "Ice is super effective against Ground, too!" Turning, he took aim and fired...at the hill behind Slash Man.

Knowing the blast wouldn't hit him, Slash Man turned to follow the shot, only for the blast to burst apart on impact with the hill, one of the smaller chunks catching Slash Man on one leg. "Slash!" he screamed out, trying to scrape the ice off his leg.

Seizing his opportunity, Mega Man lunged in, getting behind Slash Man and wrapping his arms up under his opponent's, catching him near the shoulders. Trusting to his opponent's larger size, he bent himself backward, slamming Slash Man's head into the ground before flipping away, firing off several Freeze Crackers as Slash Man struggled to get back to his feet.

Slash Man roared in frustration against the ice coating his body, managing to shake most of it off. He then lunged for Rush...only to find the canine cycle had been freed from his sticky situation when a shard of ice had frozen the goo, allowing him to break free. Rush caught the attacking clawed hand in his mouth and held firm, putting his wheels in reverse to drag Slash Man against himself. Slash Man raised his other arm to smite the frustrating canine.

Mega Man acted quickly, rushing up from behind Rush and firing his last two Freeze Cracker shots. The first hit Slash Man's attacking arm, weighing it down too heavily for Slash Man to swing it. The second hit Slash Man on his neck, freezing it solid. Racing up Rush's back, Mega Man threw himself into a flying kick, striking Slash Man right on the point of his chin. Between the force of the blow and the frozen neck, when Slash Man's head snapped up in response his servos and circuits sparked and snapped, his head coming clean off from the blow.

Reaching to his belt, Mega Man pulled out a Pokeball that he was pretty certain was an artifact of the music magic, since he hadn't had it a moment ago. Hurling it, he watched as it absorbed Slash Man. As it flew back to him, he caught it and embedded it into his chest, causing his colors to change to green and red and a blade symbol to appear on his chest. Lunging onto Rush, he reared him into a wheelie as the hound howled, racing off into the sunset.