My Little Universe

by EquestrianKirin

Defective Pearl

The young yellow Pegasus, since leaving the Galaxy Warp, had been a bit troubled thanks to Rainbow's decision to go with Peridot. Since her key got her back to Ponyville rather than back to the Beach House, she didn't exactly meet up with anypony for quite some time, few days as a matter of fact. Fluttershy still wasn't too sure if she should exactly tell them right up what Rainbow was doing or cover for her, even after so much time to think it over. If Peridot was true on it taking a few days for her to check through everything, then Fluttershy had to think of something soon before everypony else began to suspect something was wrong. Besides, Peridot might be a tougher Gem than she appeared to be, and her remorse wasn't too good far as she knew either. Since coming back to her cottage, she'd been rather quiet, hoping Rainbow would be done with whatever the hay they were doing when it came to 'maintenance' or whatever. She just hoped to Celestia that she'd be alright at the end of everything, and everypony can go back to normal, otherwise she'll be in an even more nervous wreck than Steven was for finding the robonoid in the warp stream.

Speaking of which, the Gems themselves were beginning to get a bit unsure of what happened to Rainbow Dash since she agreed to watch over the Warp Pads. They didn't exactly check on her for a while, being a bit busy with other things, though Rainbow had been a bit too quiet lately the past two days for their liking. The same thing can be said for Rainbow's original friends, the Mane Six. They knew Rainbow much longer than the Crystal Gems did, and Rainbow wouldn't simply shut up to them for two days straight. At least one message would be fine, so they knew what she was actually, and Fluttershy didn't give them much to go on either. Yes, Fluttershy tried to give them something for Rainbow's sake, though Fluttershy hoped it was good enough for the Crystal Gems in Beach City, otherwise Fluttershy had a lot of explaining to do. For the time being, it seemed to go through reasonably well, enough so they didn't question her any further, giving Fluttershy less pressure and more time to calm her nerves as best she could...

One. Two. Three days go by since their last visit to the Gems, and still no sign of Rainbow's return, making Fluttershy more and more nervous. It got to the point when she'd paced around in her own home, her mind thinking over what could or couldn't happen to Rainbow Dash while she was with this new Gem that the others never told them about. The idea became even more critical when they decided to visit the Gems that day. Fluttershy was a good pony, but she wasn't ready to just pop back there just yet, afraid they'll confront the shy mare about Rainbow Dash. While Fluttershy kept pacing at the point, her hooves in their pattern on the worn-out floor, a knock came at her door. Fluttershy's mood suddenly grew happy, thinking it might be the rainbow Pegasus in question, as she went to open the door. However, instead of Rainbow Dash being there, instead it was Applejack of all ponies.

"Mornin' there Fluttershy."

"Oh. Morning," fluttershy said, calmer and a little bummed out.

"Me and the girls are ready to head off to Steven's place. You gonna come?" Applejack asked. Fluttershy tried to think for a few quick seconds before she got her excuse ready and up fast.

"Oh, I'd love to, but I have so many animals to take care of lately, I don't think I can make it. Sorry," Fluttershy explained. That was a pretty believable excuse, for Fluttershy at least, as her talent involved animal care in the first place. Understanding the details, Applejack nodded to her.

"That alright, sugarcube, I get it. Must've got plenty on your hooves with the animals you handle, eh?"

"Yeah, that's true."

"Well, have a good day, Fluttershy," Applejack said, and the cowgirl pony began to trot off, as Fluttershy waved a hoof goodbye, and closed her door with a smile on her face. Seconds after she closed the door, her mood quickly turned to a guilty frown. She felt bad for flat out lying to her close friends just so Rainbow can keep her eye on Peridot without trouble, as she had her back to the door, and sat down on the floor, her front hoof scraping the floor.

It'd will be sometime until Rainbow comes back. And a tough time at that ...


As noon approached, as they said, the rest of Fluttershy's friends had arrived later at Steven's house for some fun with Steven. In this case, since the weather was so well, they've decided on a game of volleyball. It was nice weather to have them play, a bright blue day with a nice sea breeze blowing from the ocean, and with plenty of room to maneuver, space wasn't a problem either. After some time setting up the net, and making up the teams to play, the game went off with no trouble. On one team was Pinkie, Steven, and Amethyst. While on the other: Applejack, Lapis, and Fulgurite. Garnet, Lion, Rarity, Twilight, Blue and Pearl were watching from afar as referees for the points in the game. Magic wasn't allowed in this game, so, Twilight and Rarity didn't feel like they could do a good job with it. It was a little strange with Rainbow and Fluttershy staying out of this since they last saw them three days back, and it got Garnet mostly thinking over what's what for them. Then again, Rainbow never said how long she was going to be looking around for, but, considering where she agreed to guard, she should've been done by now ...

"Heads up!" Amethyst suddenly said, whacking the ball high in the air. The call got Garnet back to the present, as she watched the game play out. For the first minute, both teams kept the ball from landing on their side of the field. The speedsters were often the ones saving their team from losing points (Pinkie and Fulgurite), while the muscle provided the strong hits (Amethyst and Applejack). The third were extra, well-rounded players to help keep the teams focused (Lapis, and Steven). For the time being, both sides kept up with each other.

"Incoming!" Applejack called, throwing the ball in the air, and using her epic back kick to launch the ball skyward.

It was here when the minute passed. Pinkie got the ball in her hooves and hitting it back right to Amethyst. The Gem jumped up in the air, both hands locked together in a fist ball, and hitting the ball with all of her strength. The volleyball rocketed down to earth very fast, enough to make the others bolt aside as they got their point. A rather fun game really at the end of it. Amethyst, Pinkie, and Steven celebrated their victory, as the other team took the time to relax and regain some energy. Or at least, let Applejack regain some energy. After all, she wasn't a literal rock like Fulgurite and Lapis were. When they were done, Steven went over to Amethyst.

"That was awesome, Amethyst!" Steven said in glee.

"Yeah, you jumped up, and WHACK!" Pinkie replied, mimicking what Amethyst did to win them the game.

"Just all part of being me," Amethyst said, getting a little bit egocentric.

"Man you're so cool! Wish I can be as great as you!" Steven said.

"Well, Steven, first thing you need: you gotta prepare yourself for anything ... Like this!" Amethyst joked, playfully fluffing his hair as she held him in place. Steven laughed from Amethyst's sudden assault on his hair, the purple Gem acting like an older sister. Pinkie happily hopped in, knocking them both to the ground as the pink mare did a tickle game with them. As they all played around, Pearl then began to head back to the Beach House, looking to Amethyst and Steven a few more times as she went. After hearing Steven say that to Amethyst, something suddenly got into Pearl's head as she stopped by the door. Pearl could still see the others playing around on the sand as if they were siblings. The only one to see her really go for the moment was Applejack, Garnet, and Twilight, though didn't go up at first. With a rough sigh passing her lips, she opened the door, and went inside the Beach House. As for the state of the house itself, it didn't look too well-maintained with some of Steven's clothes scattered about on the floor.

"Steven ..." Pearl sighed under her breath, as she started to pick up one of Steven's gold star shirts. However, once she did ...

"Afternoon, Pearl."

Suddenly, something quickly popped up on the shirt Pearl was holding, Pearl getting spooked, and dropped the shirt, as if it shocked her or something. A little bit later, the same figure fully appeared in front of her, wearing Steven's t-shirt. The figure it turned out was none other than Discord, spontaneously appearing soon as Pearl was inside the Beach House by herself. Pearl tried to calm herself, realizing who it was.

"What're you doing here?" Pearl asked, continuing to work on cleaning up Steven's mess on the floor.

"I was going to ask you the same question, actually. Cleaning up another's mess again, per usual, I see," Discord asked with a grin, as Pearl continued.

"Just got bored with the game, that's all," Pearl said, though Discord knew that the gal was pretty much lying to him, as she got another shirt and folded it up. The draconequus fluttered over by the window, opening the blinds so Pearl can see the others outside, playing another game of volleyball again.

"Is that so. And I assume they ordered you to clean up too."

"no one told me to do this, I decided to!" Pearl cleared up, getting angry with Discord, getting in his goat face. However, Discord disappeared, and popped up by the kitchen, laying down on the counter as if it were a couch.

"Oh, I'm sorry. How silly of me, of course you're not upset that they treat you as a personal housemaid," Discord said, snapping his lion paw fingers, suddenly having Pearl in a French maid outfit, accompanied by a feather duster. Annoyed, and embarrassed, Pearl set the duster down, and took off the outfit over her original outfit.

"I'm nobody's housemaid!"

"Course you're not, sweet, sweet Pearl. Yet seems not everypony's giving you any satisfaction, after all you do for them." Discord aimed a talon thumb to outside, where Pearl easily saw the others, and was reminded about what Steven said to Amethyst. Her face turned a blushed blue in response, for she knew Discord had figured her out already, as Pearl sat down by her folded clothing, giving a rough sigh.

"Aha! Got it, didn't I?"

"Quiet, Steven shouldn't look up to someone as wild and annoying as her ..." Pearl slumped down on the counter, Discord looming over her, a talon poking the back of her head. Pearl got up straight, feeling the talon hit her rather hardly, as she looked ahead.

"Now, now, it couldn't hurt to act a little differently, would it? Have some fun instead of being a doormat, eh? Let's try something new, shall we?"

Pearl's ears took each of Discord's words in, and her eyes began to look a bit funny, stripes of yellow, green, white, and blue appearing over them both in overlaps like neon lights...


For what was going on outside, Pearl still didn't show up for the rest of the day, as the others kept going on with their play date for a few more hours. They did stop Volleyball, and were playing around in the ocean with each other, a little distracted to notice that Pearl was gone from the Beach. Still, those who saw Pearl go in wondered what was taking her. So, after a little bit, Twilight decided to check on her herself to see what happened to Pearl.

"Hey, Pearl, it's been a few hours now, you alright?" Twilight asked, opening the door. However, not only did she find Pearl gone from the Beach House, but she also left the Beach House a mess! It wasn't as dirty as it was before, while before it was just a few shirts scattered, suddenly the place was even more of a mess. The bed Steven had made was in complete disarray, the TV fell onto the couch along with the console, books were left on the floor with Steven's shirts, a few bottles were even left empty on the counter (no, not beer bottles, more of soda bottles really). Looked like Amethyst's binges, mixed with a rampage by a drunk. Twilight didn't know what to say, or how to react to this sort of thing in such short time, as Applejack and Garnet caught up with her, seeing the same scenario.

"What in tarnation?" Applejack said, breaking the silence as the three went in for some clue. Looked like an attack happened, but nobody/nopony heard anything go on from outside. Twilight started to get the books up, nice and neat, with her magic, as Garnet got the TV back in place.

"Pearl would never do this," Garnet said, the TV and console back in place as they found it that morning. Of course, some questions were brought up: where'd Pearl go? What made this mess? Most importantly, how'd they not notice anything?! As the three only got a little bit of the mess handled, some of the others went in: Amethyst and Fulgurite in particular. The two Gems couldn't believe how much of a mess they missed.

"Geesh, did a storm go through here or what?" Fulgurite wondered.

"Not sure, but Pearl's missing," Twilight said.

"What?! Who's gonna clean this up now?" Amethyst asked in surprise. The question was both tactless, and dumb to say. Both Twilight and Applejack looked to them in disapproval, as they glanced to Garnet, having a similar feeling towards them...

"Good question," Garnet replied. Before answering them, Twilight, Applejack, and Garnet walked out to tell the others what was going on, leaving Fulgurite and Amethyst to the huge mess in front of them. Out of all the Gems, Amethyst was the least likely to clean up, often leaving it to Pearl to do. But, since she's not around, it's now up to them to clean up ... Much to their dismay ...

"You do it," Fulgurite said.

"No way, you do it!" gripped Amethyst. Soon, Garnet opened the door.

"You both do it," Garnet said, to get them quiet and to get them both started. So much for getting out of it.


Beach City had been rather, more or less, normal. Along the coastline of the town, Connie and her mother were over by the market, her mother buying some more clothes for Connie. While it wasn't the first time Connie had to go with her mother, it wasn't anything exciting either, as Connie looked over some clothes herself. It was a hobby she usually ended up doing because her mom said so. For the moment, her mother was busy looking over some clothes, and Connie was looking around at another part of the store, at some extra knickknacks nearby the exit. Connie didn't enjoy it too much, not enough to hate it, but just enough when she'd be happy to do something else at some point.

"Oh, Connie, you'd look so gorgeous in this," her mother said at one point, showing her a nice blue dress. However, Connie personally wasn't sure she liked it, yet she just nodded anyway. She didn't want to argue with her mother about what she's buying for her. Her mother added the dress to her cart and continued on. Connie went back to looking over the knickknacks, when she took the moment to glance outside, to across the street. She saw a café just across the way, a few tables outside for others to sit down. What caught Connie's attention though was one of the people in particular. While most of the person's face was covered by a newspaper, she had her feet on the table, full view for Connie. Bizarrely, whoever was there had on oddly familiar ballerina-like shoes ...

"Wait ... no, is that? ..." Connie wondered, looking off outside from the window. Soon, the newspaper was eventually removed as she got bored of what was being read out. The gal had a complete punk look: black leather jacket, rugged blue jeans with a shirt underneath showing Beach City on it. She had a sort of bandage over the bridge of her nose. Connie was left with her eyes wide and mouth agape as to who she was indeed seeing. So much of a shock, she had to go and see herself.

She looked back to her mom, and she was too busy with shopping to focus too much on what she was doing. So, quietly, Connie managed to get herself outside, as the other girl got up to her feet, puffing out a smoke cloud, before beginning to walk away. With her mom distracted, Connie had a small window of opportunity to see if her eyes were playing tricks on her or not. She didn't have too much trouble, as the girl went across the street. Connie saw her lean on the wall, in a small box in her hand.


"P-Pearl? What on earth happened to you?" Connie asked, flabbergasted at Pearl's complete transformation. Pearl, unlike before, seemed to ignore Connie's shock, as she then pulled something else out of her small box: a cigarette! She got it right in her mouth, lit it up, and puffed out a bit of smoke right in front of her. The only way Connie knew this was truly Pearl was the huge Gemstone on her forehead, exact match and all.

"Got a problem with me, or something?"

"Well, a bit, when did you turn into ... well ..." Connie wasn't sure how to say it exactly, but Pearl was smart enough to know what she meant, and she just rolled her eyes. She then gave another puff of the cigarette, and a smoke cloud ended up in Connie's face, making her cough a little bit.

"I'm living my life how I want it to."

"But what happened? Wearing punk clothes, smoking, this isn't like you."

"Things change kid, roll with it," Pearl bluntly advised, some of the burnt bits of her cigarette being tapped off near Connie's feet. Connie was even more shocked that this kind of stuff was coming out of Pearl's mouth, of all Gems! Even more shocking then when she found her covered in poison joke. Connie tried to comprehend what she was seeing correctly, as Pearl kept smoking without much care. To make things a bit more worrying, Connie looked inside, and noticed her mother ready to go out! At this time?!

"That's my mom! Quick uh ... Look presentable," Connie insisted, completely freaked out over what her mom would think. Pearl didn't think she needed to be changed all too much. Pearl looked at the cigarette in her mouth, and all she did was spit it out into the street, away from Connie ... And that was it.


"No, not better! get the rest of that off," Connie pleaded, trying to get the jacket and stuff off Pearl. Annoyed, Pearl pushed her back, strong enough to knock her onto her back, that being seen by Connie's mom. Pearl just looked annoyed as Connie's mother rushed out to her aid. She helped get her up to her feet, and then stared daggers at Pearl.

"You leave my daughter alone!" she yelled, Pearl lighting a smoke again. At this point, she could care less.

"Knock it off, she kept bugging me."

"Don't change the issue on me, my daughter would never bother anybody!" The angry mother snapped. Pearl suddenly acting like her hand was Connie's mother.

"Nag, nag, nag," Pearl said, mocking her even more. "Go be paranoid somewhere else," Pearl advised mockingly, blowing a smoke cloud at the mother's face before starting to walk away. Connie and her mother weren't sure what to make of it, though her mother immediately got Connie moving again to the car. Connie didn't know what they were going to do, but it couldn't end very good for her. As for Pearl, the new Pearl kept going off on her way down the sidewalk. Guess the changes Pearl went through were far bigger than anyone would think ...

As the day continued on from there, both sides were basically continuing their little venture. Pearl didn't have many plans to do, and was basically wandering Beach City and the outskirts, many spots where the Gems and Mane Six managed to miss her. The other Gems close to her couldn't really think on how she would just disappear so quickly, and so suddenly. Amethyst and Fulgurite didn't join until after they finished cleaning the Beach House, but their extra help didn't seem to work out very well as the day started to come to a close. Even with everyone trying to find her, Pearl seemed to disappear from Beach City after they were done playing volleyball. Garnet, Twilight and Applejack knew they should've spoke with her instead of leaving her alone. First Rainbow was gone, and now Pearl left?

"This is going nowhere. Where'd she go?" Twilight wondered, flying back to the others.

"We tried everywhere in town, there's no sign of her anywhere," Lapis grimly said.

"How could she just disappear like this? Anypony notice anything before she left?" Rarity asked. The others weren't too sure of what exactly set her off, even for those who saw her leave. Garnet thought over a little bit more, but, before she could say anything about that, Amethyst then began to go off.

"No idea, I'll look over here," Amethyst said, beginning to go away to find Pearl. The others continued looking in other spots, though Garnet stopped once she thought of something, as she watched Amethyst go off. She wasn't sure who was going to find Pearl ... But it might be best if Amethyst found her...

Further away, outside town, Pearl was basically wandering around along the highway. By that time, not too much was going on, not much traffic on the road so that wasn't an issue. The sun was just barely peaking from the horizon, nighttime approaching, and the flame from her cigarette more visible, as she gave another huff. She'd gone through about three of them by that point, close to starting her fourth. As she continued, she then noticed something further ahead of her: a lone bar, not too far from Beach City. It didn't appear like it had much competition honestly, and it seemed to have a good number of humans in it, seeing plenty of cars and even a few motorbikes. So, with a shrug, Pearl began to go off to the bar. Not too long after, Amethyst started to come back around the same area just a minute after Pearl went in, the Gem just catching someone similar to Pearl, but only a second. Amethyst wasn't too sure, but she followed anyway.

Inside the bar, it was a typical sports bar with many different, rugged humans in it. Clearly, at least for the moment, Pearl would fit right into this kind of crowd. So, after walking right up, Pearl opened the door wide open, and went right in. The men and women inside the place didn't look exactly like Pearl, but enough for Pearl to fit into the crowd as she sat down at the bar. Pearl gave a bored yawn, as she lit another cigarette. Amethyst peeked in through a nearby window, trying to see where she went. From where she was though, Pearl had her back to her, so, she couldn't recognize her as easily.

"Can I help you?" The bartender asked Pearl. Pearl took a moment to puff out a cloud of smoke before answering him, unaware Amethyst was at the window. Pearl looked over what was available, and then she noticed one with a blue, thorny rose on it. Not knowing much about what kind of drink would work, but heck with it.

"Give me whatever that is. Large," Pearl sighed, pointing to the type of drink. The bartender nodded, got her a glass, and filled it with the drink in question. Some of the other people looked over to the new arrival with some interest, being a good-looking woman by appearance alone. As Pearl got her drink, someone sat down next to her, some intrigue in her.

"Hey, babe~ A fine girl, aren't you~?" he said, trying to act slick. Pearl rolled her eyes at the human's flirtatious compliments. She was a Gem, and she wasn't interested in any human male.

"Don't try your luck," Pearl said, ready to drink. Before she could, the flirt suddenly got his arm around her, making her stop.

"Now don't be like that, babe~ A lovely rose like you should be happy to meet a guy like me~"

"And here's my mood to that," Pearl groaned, as she slammed her free hand over his face, and pushed him away, enough so he fell on the floor. Obviously, he had too many drinks. Amethyst could see who it was a bit better once Pearl turned her way, the Gem completely baffled! In fact, she took a moment to rub her eyes, and relook, only to see Pearl there still. Why would she even be here? As for Pearl, she didn't notice the other Gem outside, as she turned back to the bar table, taking her cigarette out for a second.

"Humans. So desperate for some things," Pearl commented, until she got the large glass, and sucked it all down fast. Everyone at the bar table was impressed and watched Pearl gulp the whole thing down in just six seconds flat. The normal buzz that kind of drink was supposed to give someone didn't seem to effect Pearl much, if at all. After she did that, she then heard something else go on: banging of fist in arm wrestling. Amethyst finally then decided to go into the place to see her. Amethyst knew it was Pearl, but her behavior was unsure. Amethyst went over to her, not wasting anytime to get to her, but Pearl already went over to the arm wrestlers in question, seeing their strain. While she watched, Amethyst got to her.


"Not now, squirt," Pearl immediately said. That escalated quickly, and Pearl didn't seem to care!

"Who're you calling -"

Suddenly they heard another slam, as another man was beaten in the game. Pearl then noticed that people were actually betting on who'll win for each time, some money already in a nearby bucket. On seeing that, and giving another puff of smoke, she got an idea, and started to move over to the open chair, as the winner felt the pride go through him.

"Hey, don't ignore me over here!" Amethyst yelled, but Pearl focused more on her own idea. Guess her focus on herself, compared to the focus on others was switched too. The crowds quieted as Pearl invited herself in, arm at the ready. It seemed simple enough by what she saw.

"Oh, another one?" The man mocked, getting himself ready. Everyone placed their bets on the other guy for this arm-wrestling match, since he was a lot bigger than Pearl. Amethyst watching aside but wasn't done yet.

"Hey, Pearl, HELLO!"

"Here, eat a bottle," Pearl said, shoving an empty bottle in her mouth to shut her up. While she did literally eat the bottle to get it out, the ref counted it down.

"Ready ... Go!"

Then, the thud came in just one second. Literally one short second. The thud silenced everyone, as Pearl smirked to the man, his hand under her own. Pearl removed her cigarette, too short to continue anyway. Since no one betted on Pearl, everyone lost their money. So, since it was free money, Pearl happily took the bucket, and started to go off out. She wasn't planning to share her earning with anyone, as Amethyst followed her out after eating up her bottle. Pearl gave a lazy salute before heading out the door.

Outside, Pearl began to walk off with her money, as Amethyst caught up with her. It was a bit darker now, the sun gone and the moon starting to come around.

"Pearl, stop! What happened to you?" Amethyst asked urgently. Pearl groaned.

"You too? I can control my own life, thanks," Pearl said, ready to pass her. However, Amethyst wasn't ready to go off just yet.

"I'm not letting you go so easily; we've looked for you all day!" Amethyst retorted.

"Why should you care? Go back and hang with your little boy or something," Pearl gripped, stepping past her. Suddenly, Amethyst realized what she was talking about from earlier...

"You're jealous, aren't you? That's what this is about?!" Amethyst assumed. She got it from Pearl reaction, her eyes staring back daggers.

"Jealous, jealous of what?! Some little, loud, wild midget who can't listen to anyone for her life?! Well guess what, I'm not bothering with you, or any of the other Gems anymore! I can get appreciated without you, so there!" Pearl yelled, not sugar coating anything as she told that to Amethyst. Amethyst was angry at her, but when she said she could get her own appreciation, that seemed to change the mood a little bit, but not enough to remove any anger.

"Wait, what?"

"Every day I workday in, day out, and none of you care either way! I clean the house, complete missions, clean up your messes on a daily basis, you'd think someone would at least show some appreciation to me, even a little bit, and what do I hear after everything? "Oh Amethyst, I wish I can be as great as you." What did you do that I didn't, huh?! I work ten times over to keep things going well, and all you did was goof around! You're a complete pain to live with, and here I hear a clod like you getting appreciated more than me!! WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO?!"

A long silence stretched on after Pearl finished up her thoughts, letting the words sink into Amethyst. So that was the reason? She left because she no longer felt appreciated for everything she's been doing. Amethyst could feel tears go over her eyes, as Pearl sighed, and turned away. The Gem was ready to go, and just leave her at that, but Amethyst looked down to her feet, feeling her tears as she heard Pearl go away. Suddenly, it was Amethyst's turn, as she was crying.

"FINE! I've wasted enough of my life anyway looking for you today! And just so you know, I only was looking for you because I cared!!"

That made Pearl stop, further, hearing Amethyst wail a bit.

"Yeah, you heard me! *sniff* The most irritable, annoying Gem in your world, and I spent all day looking for you because I cared about you! I know I acted like a clod all the time, but guess what? I'VE BEEN JEALOUS OF YOU!"

Amethyst took a moment to get the tears out as Pearl turned around.

"That's right! I see everyone look to you for help at least once, and I feel so worthless sometimes that no one comes to me for help! You think I enjoy not being relied onall the time, DO YOU?! But, if you're just gonna run off, then FINE! GO AWAY! I don't want to see your face again! And take this with you!" Amethyst finished them up when she pulled out Pearl's magic key and threw it at her. Pearl got it in both of her hands. Pearl took a minute to think over what she said, feeling a bit odd for some reason ...

"Well? ARE YOU GOING OR NOT?" Amethyst managed to snap through tears, but Pearl didn't answer her. Pearl's thoughts returned to her, as the cigarette fell from her mouth. So, even after everything, that's what Amethyst felt after all that time? Pearl saw her act reckless, lazy, and everything like that, and she thought she preferred that over doing any work. But now ... Something dawned to her. She got jealous for what someone else did and forgot for a bit of her own virtues during all that. She shouldn't forget who she is over what someone else did. While the appreciation wasn't as mended, the jealousy was perfectly fixed ...

All of a sudden, something began to happen, as light started to form around her, surprising Amethyst! When the light went away, Pearl looked back to normal, with her normal clothes on and normal appearance. Her eyes weren't as deadly as they were before. Amethyst, though unsure of what happened, still was hurt over what Pearl had told her. Be it from a messed-up mind or not, she told the truth to her full force, with no sympathy, and a change wasn't going to get rid of it so easily. Amethyst looked away, as she heard Pearl walk back over to her. Amethyst looked up to a much more caring face of Pearl's own, one that Amethyst herself was more used to...

"Amethyst ... I'm so sorry ..." Pearl said. Amethyst, recognizing the tone in voice and comfort in her words, that the Pearl she knew was back to her. With tears still, Amethyst hugged Pearl good and tight, as Pearl returned the caring hug to the other Gem...

"Come on, Amethyst. Let's go back home," Pearl decided, cheering Amethyst up. With that, the two started heading back home...

From afar, another Gem watched from further away, sitting down comfortably as she was watching. Garnet. While she could've helped out with them, seeing them figure out the problem themselves was not only more satisfying, but proved that both learn without being told directly. Garnet gave a smile as she saw them, as something else landed next to her. Unlike Pearl, Garnet didn't get surprised from seeing Discord land next to her.

"You were involved, I assume?" Garnet asked, though not sounding upset.

"With good intent, I assure you," Discord replied, conjuring up a cup of hot chocolate.

"I know," Garnet replied, Discord actually a little surprised.

"You, you knew?"

"Don't act so surprised, Discord. I've figured you out already: even if you act annoying, you teach lessons onto others through experience rather than words. You did that since we first met Twilight and her friends, and you've done that now. Why else would you change Pearl?" Garnet explained. Suddenly, Discord ended up in a jack-in-a-box, him popping out with confetti.

"Surprise!" Discord said, telling Garnet that she had gotten it.

"You are smart."

"Thank you. And one thing," Garnet said. One hand turned into a Gem weapon fist, and bonked Discord on the head good and hard. "That's for making everyone worried," Garnet finished, still in a calm tone.

"Fair enough," Discord said, rubbing the cartoony bump on his head, between his horns.

Guess some deeds don't go unpunished.