Elements Change the Dark Hearts

by Nightmare_0mega


"I can't believe I'm about to do this."

Pacing back and forth upon a patch of clouds at the outskirts of Ponyville, roughly an entire hoofball field away from Rainbow Dash's cloud home, a griffon grumbled to herself in frustration. Her moderate gamboge coat ruffled in the cool breeze of the afternoon air, as her golden colored talons made their way to her white head feathers, gripping them in frustration. Her crude relaxation technique ruffled the pale purple tipped fringe that hung ahead of her face, causing her to slip further into a poor mood before fixing the mess she made. She huffed, looking back to the tower's front door.

"I REALLY can't believe I'm about to do this," she repeated, just as her wings shot out, extending from her sides. Leaping from the clouds, she glided towards her destination, giving off a powerful enough flap to adjust her altitude, before landing on the tower's front lawn. The clouds gave a little from her natural weight, but held her aloft due to her natural cloud walking magic that all griffons and pegasi possessed. Strutting up to the front door, she balled her left claw into a fist, raising it up to knock on the door, only to hesitate.

"Nah... I should just get my supplies and go... I mean, what if Dash isn't even home? What if I'm just seen by one of those other pony dweebs and have to answer a bunch of dumb questions, all just because I came here?" And what if those dweebs catch me talking to myself, she snarked inwardly. Sighing, she let her claw hang down for a moment, before she finally kicked her indecisiveness to the curb. No, I have to give it a shot. Get her to come back. I mean, I was in the right. Somepony as cool as her doesn't need to be around such lame dorks. Right?

With her fist shooting back up, she rapped against the door three times, and waited in silence. Though, after barely a minute, she began to have her doubts. Her mind whirled in panic as sweat beaded at her brow and her heart quickened in pace, being so strangely exposed to the silence, waiting for someone she believed should have been there by now. Dash is never this slow to answer, she thought. Maybe she really isn't-

Before she could finish her thought, the door cracked open before swinging all the way inward, revealing an entirely different entity than the one the griffin was hoping for. Beak agape, she stepped back in surprise upon laying eyes on the strange avian biped.

"Oh, m-must have the wrong place, heh," she stuttered a tad, before recomposing herself, "I should have known a place this sick couldn't belong to that lame-o."

Adna looked down upon the visitor at the doorstep, and cocked its head to one side for a moment. A griffon? How curious. Stepping out of the structure in genuine intrigue, Adna addressed its guest. "God save thee, creature. Whom art thou?"

She then too tilted her head to one side upon hearing the being before her speak. "Uhm, come again, buddy?"

Adna inwardly grumbled, but clarified itself. "Thy name. What is thy name?"

"Oh," she responded, before giving an indignant laugh, "You're one of THOSE guys. The name's Gilda, and listen buddy; that kind of way of speaking is reserved for the dorkiest and those that lived, like, centuries ago. Like before this stupid town was barely just a pit of mud."

Still frustrated from the events of barely a couple of hours ago, the griffon's rude nature ruffled Adna's own feathers more than it should have. Patience being stressed to its limits, the angel took a looming step forward, suddenly casting a shadow over Gilda's comparatively smaller frame. She took another step back, feeling intimidated for the first time in her young life, eyes still fixed on the strange creature whom spoke once again, "What business dost thou have here at the young Dash's abode?" it asked, slowly and dangerously irate.

"W-well," she stuttered again, coughing a little to hide her nerves, "Like I said, I think I'm at the wrong place, so I'll just be-" She then suddenly stopped herself, unsure of what exactly she heard. "I'm sorry, where am I again?"

"This tower belongs to the young mare, Rainbow Dash," it answered plainly.

I don't believe it, she thought in shock, right house, wrong bird. Composing herself once again, she spoke, "So, uh, is Dash inside, or something?"

"No, she has not returned since her departure."

Gilda frowned, grumbling to herself inwardly. I knew it. "Well, then I guess I should-"

"What dost thou require of her?"

The griffon sputtered a bit from being so blatantly interrupted with such a blunt question, but managed to focus herself again before answering, "Well, that isn't any of your business, mister tall, white, and weird. It's not even that important anyway." With that, Gilda turned away from the tower and began to walk towards the edge of the lawn. Before she could get ready for take off, Adna suddenly descended back into her line of sight, gently flapping its gold laced wings to keep it in a precise and steady hover. Glida's beak hung upon once again as she looked behind her at the still ajar, but now very vacant, doorway, before turning her focus back to the angel. Wow, you're quick. Slapping her mouth shut, her brows furrowed as she went into a sneer before screeching, "Hey! What's the big idea, stopping me like that?"

"Lying to an angel is as abhorrent as it is useless. Thou hold great importance in meeting with this... cloud tower's keeper, and I intend to pull the reasons from thy sinning tongue."

Gilda's head pulled back from the biting words, but dared to speak anyway, "As I told you, it's none of your business. It's between me and Dash. Not you, not that lame, pink, annoying pony she hangs out with, not anyone."

Adna looked into the griffon's brilliant amber eyes, and noticed something intriguing. It saw something akin to what it saw in Rainbow Dash, but laced with the undying loyalty were spikes of jealousy, anger, and sorrow. Further still, the brash nature it saw in the pegasi mare was repeated in the griffon, but wound in a vice grip of selfish callousness. The creature before him, one detailed in the lore of mortals as being a symbol of divinity and majesty, was struggling with deep seated issues that belong to those that towed the line of a dangerous and difficult road. Adna could not let this go unchecked.

"I shan't allow myself thy leave unhindered," the angel announced clearly.

"Wait, what?" Gilda asked, still having a tough time deciphering his speech patterns.

"If thou truly wish to find the mare Rainbow Dash," he started as he turned away, "Follow me."

Gilda raised an eyebrow for a moment, unsure how to respond, as she watched the angel slowly fly towards the town of her discontent. She shuddered inwardly, but swallowed her pride for the time being, taking flight after the angel. If this dork just leads me on a wild goose chase, he's a cooked bird! Her internal threats died the moment they surfaced upon remembering she'd have no chance against a creature that imposing. Or, I'll at least get him with a finger trap prank, or something.


Adna touched down in the town center gracefully, as the eyes of nearby ponies stared at it with feelings of distrust and indignation. The angel turned back and looked to the sky, noticing that Gilda wasn't too far behind, but stopped short of landing upon noticing the judging eyes of Ponyvile's citizens.

"So," she started, trying to avert her attention from the collective mild glares, "Where's Dash?"

"In town. Thou shalt find her soon. Come hither," Adna commanded with an outstretched hand.

"Uhm, I'd rather stay up here," she replied, clenching her fists while shying away.

"Thou needs to trust me if thou wish to find thy friend."

With the stress of everything in such a short time frame, she couldn't help but blurt out a lie in response. "SHE IS NOT MY F-" was what leaped from her throat before she cut herself off by closing her own beak with her claws. Calming down for a second, Gilda repeated, "She isn't my friend. I just have business with her, that's all."

"Thou abhorrent lies are also poorly spouted. Come hither, and mayhap thou shalt break free from thy personal demons."

"Jeez, dude. Quit talking like that," Gilda said exasperated, "You're embarrassing the both of us with your loser-nese."

The ponies began to murmur among themselves, recalling exactly what kind of a show the angel made only hours ago, and rumors of the griffon's last visit to their little town. Gilda looked about, hearing talk of her and her outburst a fair while ago, sometimes accurate, other times blown out of proportion. She began to shrink, wanting so badly to tell everyone there off and flee the town, but a voice snapped her out.

"Listen not to them. Thou hath business to conclude, and there is no time to dawdle. Come hither, and we may go."

Gilda looked to the angel, then to the ponies that continued to stare at her, before she sighed in resignation and landed before the angel. "Cut the chivalrous attitude. Take me to Dash, and do it quick," she demanded, smacking the angel's hand away.

"As you will," Adna said, before moving forth with Gilda trailing behind.

While the two walked down the streets of Ponyville in relative silence, the various citizens continued to look on. However, as the two strange beings went on their trek through the little town, behaving well the whole time, not a soul dared to step forth against them. Despite their doubts, the residents of Ponyville hazarded the chance to leave them alone for the time being, hoping they wouldn't disturb the peace yet again.

Fewer and fewer eyes remained on the angel and the griffon as the minutes passed, until even the murmurs became lost in the wind. Noticing the change, Gilda gazed around her surroundings, and despite catching a few eyes quickly seeking something else of interest, found that the atmosphere became much less uncomfortable. Her scowl slowly morphed into a sulk upon this feeling invading her thoughts as her mind began to wonder.


Gilda snapped out of her train of thought upon hearing the angel's voice. "R-regrets?" she parroted in a stutter, before she mock laughed, "What do you mean? Griffon's have NO regrets. Especially not this one! Got it, buddy?"

The angel sighed, "Lies to me are disgraceful, but lies to thine self..."

"I AIN'T lying!" she shouted, inadvertently drawing attention to herself once again.

"Stay thou temper, griffon, lest thou sacrifice thy reunion. I will not lead thee further if thou arouse the ire of this hamlet."

Gilda fumed, but kept relative silence. You started it.


Exiting the haphazard shop that was constructed at the side of Carousel Boutique, Rarity flipped her mane in relaxation, after having a long discussion with her latest business partner. She had noticed that during the time Dumah had worked with her, he had taken no efforts of respite, seemingly working nearly every hour of every day since his shop was built. Being the generous mare she was, Rarity had offered him many different chances and opportunities for a day off, even suggesting he join her at the spa. However, every offer was shot down with increasing demand to continue work on his high quality projects, arguing any rest he would take would ruin the future effort he could put in. He'd even normally end his arguments with, "I have been in physical rest for nearly a hundred years out of death. I need no further relaxation." In all honesty, she had no way of arguing with him, despite her efforts, and this time was no exception, save for the fact he had agreed to take at least a few days off when he felt he needed them.

"I swear," she started, moving back to the front door of her establishment, "That vampire would give Applejack a run for her money with how much of a stubborn workaholic he is."

Before she could enter her shop, she noticed the environment around her growing warmer. Taking a chance, she turned around, and was greeted by the unusual sight of Adna.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, "You must be the one Rainbow darling found a little while ago."

"God save thee. Thou knowest of my arrival?"

"Oooh, Renaissance speak! My, what a dashing and sophisticated being you must be. Dear Dash never indulged me on that little detail." She gave a proper bow and cleared her throat before continuing, "Good morrow to you, my lord. Pray tell, whom do I owe the honor of your visit?"

"Oh, brother. You're a virus!" Gilda grumbled, walking out from behind the angel and poking its side rudely with her claw. "The loser-nese is spreading, and it's your fault, white-wash."

Rarity stood on the tips of her hooves in shock as her whole body froze. "Gilda?!" she exclaimed.

"Hey, you're that hoity-toity pony who was at that party, aren't you?" the griffon asked, still rude as ever.

The shock was replaced with irritation as the fashionista's memories of Gilda came flooding back in. She huffed, dipping her head lower, and glowered at the offending creature. "What are YOU doing here? Don't you have some other poor creature to bully and harass?"

"Hey! I didn't really harass any of you jerks!" the griffon defended, before countering with, "Just that annoying pink one that ruined a perfectly good day! And, I'm not a bully. I'm cool... unlike you lame-os."

"And what about Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asked with a hint of spite in her voice.

"She's... why am I even answering you? Your lame-o opinions aren't worth a lead feather, let alone a flying one."

"How DARE you speak to a lady like that?"

"I'll DARE when I actually meet one!"

"SILENCE!" the angel shouted at the top of his lungs, causing everyone and everything nearby to go dead quiet. Both Gilda and Rarity stared at the angel in disbelief, before said angel walked between the two, leaned forward towards Rarity, and spoke again, much quieter, "Where might we find Rainbow Dash, my Lady?"

"O-oh... yes, well, she's finished up on this end of Ponyville. I believe you might be able to find her in Applejack's orchard in Sweet Apple Acres. That would be to the northwest end of Ponyville. Once you see apple trees, just follow them until you find the farm." However, after explaining where to find her friend, she rose an objection, "Why are you looking for her?"

"THAT'S NONE OF YOUR-" was all Gilda could blurt out before Adna whipped around and loomed over her. The griffon took a step back, suddenly remembering how intimidating the angel was, before the angel turned back towards the fashionista.

"The griffon has some issues to sort out with thy friend. That is all."

"Oh?" Rarity said, incredulous. "Is someone wanting to apologize?"

Can it, marshmallow, is what Gilda wanted to shout, but she held her tongue, not wanting to press her luck with her imposing escort. Adna, however, simply refused to answer the follow-up question.

"Grammercy, my lady, and God save thee. Come hither, Gilda." With that, its wings opened, and began to take flight. Gilda watched for a moment, before her own wings opened up. However, before she leaped into the air, she took one last look at Rarity before quietly muttering, "Sorry," and took flight after the angel.

Rarity watched as the two disappeared into the sky, smiling a little. The sound of heavy footfalls approached the little unicorn, as a booming voice spoke to her, "That creature did not harass you, did it?"

"No, Dumah, darling. He was a perfect gentlecolt, really."

"And the other one?"

Rarity thought for a moment, before replying, "She'll get better."


Adna and Gilda flew gently and carefully over the town of Ponyville, passing by various pegasi and doing their best to keep out of the way. It was of no easy task, as the sky was filled with quite a large number of them today for reasons the two strange beings weren't quite aware of, but they managed. Eventually, the two saw the rolling hills of Sweet Apple Acres, and gently touched down at the front gates before walking into the property. As they walked up the dirt path towards the modest barn, the sound of clanking metal suddenly rang out for a few moments before the air became quiet once again. The two beings stopped in their tracks and surveyed their surroundings.

"Wait..." Gilda asked in a hushed tone, "What was that noise?"

After a few moments of silence, there was a sudden crash before a voice piped up shouting, "Ah, shoot!"

Instinctively, the angel took to the skies again before flying to a shed where the rough and tumble Applejack was just climbing out of a mess of tools that fell on top of her. Shaking the supplies from her body and stretching her limbs to iron out the soreness, she pouted as she grabbed a garden hoe from the pile. "Ah swear, ya ask yer sister to do one thing, and it's left a heapin' mess. I'll be seeing to it that she don't get any pie tonight for dessert."

"Good save the. Prithee, art thou in need of aid?" Adna asked.

"What the hay?!" the farmpony exclaimed as she turned around in surprise. After seeing the angel's figure, she calmed down slightly, "Ah, yer that feller that fell from the sky Dash were tellin' me about. Didn' think you'd be up and about so soon. Anyway, what can ah do ya for?"

"The lady Gilda seeks the very mare you mention. We were told she might be here."

"Gilda?" Applejack asked, before she leaned to one side and noticed the grumpy griffon standing a stone's throw away from the angel. Her confused, albeit friendly, smile soon morphed into an irritated frown as she passed the angel and began to approach Gilda. "What the hay are YOU doin' here? I thought you were gone fer good after that outburst of yours. Land sakes, you put everypony in a sour mood with how ya behaved."

Gilda's beak began to grind as her jaw moved back and forth, trying hard not to let loose another outburst. However, as Applejack continued to stare her down, Adna stepped back between the two and spoke once again.

"Fie not the griffon's transgressions, for she is on a duty most important for her soul's sake."

"Pardon?" Applejack asked.

However, before she could follow it up, Gilda finally cut into the conversation. "Listen, forget what the weirdo said. I don't care what you or any of you other lame ponies have to say to me, but I'm not leaving until I talk to Dash."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "To apologize?"

"NO!" She blurted, before stuttering, "I-it's just business. And it's none of yours."

Liar, Applejack thought, just by listening to how the griffon handled her previous comment. Gilda's fidgeting body language and her blatant acts of covering up her intentions were a dead giveaway for the Element of Honesty. With a heavy sigh, while removing her hat out of impulse, she responded to Gilda. "Shoot... she's in the north orchard, probably nappin' in the clouds."

Before another word could be said, Gilda took off like a bullet, leaving the angel and the farm pony in the dust. Catching her hat in the torrent, Applejack returned it to its rightful spot atop her head, and looked back to her remaining guest. "So, ya think she can do it on her own?"

Adna said nothing, taking one last look at Applejack, before it took flight after the griffon. Applejack looked on before turning back to her shed. "Considerin' Dash, I don't think it'd be a very easy task in any case."


Rainbow Dash laid silently upon the comfiest of clouds she could gather, staring up into the atmosphere, thinking about one very special thing. A while ago, she had written an application letter, complete with a portfolio and credentials, to the Wonderbolts Acadamy Training Facility. It was an exclusive offer only presented once in a long while where ponies may apply to come for a week's stay to train with the Wonderbolts. Despite the benefit of spending time with the Wonderbolts, it didn't seem like much at first glace, but any credentials built in that one week would go a long way in getting into the team. It was Rainbow Dash's life long goal to be part of that team, and she couldn't help but feel like it was all a dream with how close she was now.

"It's a shoo-in!" She said with a smile.

"Rainbow Dash?"

The pegasus shot up from her cloud, and looked about the sky before realizing something. "Wait... I know that voice." Getting off the cloud, she looked towards the ground, and saw a very familiar griffon sitting on another cloud just below her.

"Hey, Dash..."