Mobians and Equestria Girls 3: Fate of the Dimensions

by DarkMaster0224

Chapter 4

Chapter 4
(11:00 PM)
(Sonic, Rainbow, Sunset, and Dark POV)

Sonic, Rainbow, Sunset, and Dark walked into the house and turned on the lights.

Sonic yawned, "What a tiring day. That was fun. Even if it was in the water."

Rainbow giggled, "Still can't swim, can you?"

"Nope. And I don't want to. I'll just run over it for all I care." Sonic said jumping onto the couch.

Rainbow sat down next to him and snuggled into his chest.

Dark was going to sit in the recliner, but a hand stopped him and turned him around.

"Oh no you don't." Sunset said, "English studying."

"Oh c'mon. I'm tired and need to rest." Dark said.

Sunset glared and growled at him, "Kitchen. Now."

"But..." Dark went to protest.

"NOW!" Sunset yelled in irritation.

Dark groaned into the kitchen, followed by a smiling Sunset Shimmer.

Sonic and Rainbow were dumbstruck.

"Whoa. Never thought I'd see someone yell at Dark like that." Sonic said.

"Me too." Rainbow said, "That's one of the first outbursts Sunset's had in months."

As time passed, Sonic and Rainbow began to fall asleep; and Dark and Sunset were still in the kitchen, however, Sunset's eyes were getting droopy.

"Getting sleepy?" Dark asked.

"No. Keep studying. I'm fine." Sunset said, then her head collapsed into her arms on the counter, and she began snoring.

"That's what I thought. I prefer to stay up in the night." Dark said closing his English booklet. Then he walked over to Sunset and picked her up and brought her over to the recliner, "Get some rest."

Then Dark went outside and sat down, crossing his legs. He then began to focus on every dark dimension he knew of, "C'mon, Lilac. I know you're in a dark dimension somewhere."

Then he felt it, but it wasn't in a dark dimension. It was in this one, "What? Impossible." But then he noticed her aura felt slightly different.

"What is going on?" Dark said. Suddenly he felt a dark presence approaching the house.

He then saw a dark shadow moving quickly.

"Who's there?" Dark growled forming a dark blade.

"Dark Steele, the Master of Darkness, I presume?" A male voice asked.

"Who are you?" Dark asked, "And how do you know my name?"

"Oh we know more than your name. We know everything about you and your friends." The voice replied.

"You still haven't answered my first question. Who are you?" Dark said.

"I am a Nightmare Warrior. Soldier of the Nightmare Realm, and servant to the Nightmare Queen." The voice said. Then the figure walked out of the shadows.

The creature was in a human form. His skin was dark blue, his hair was black, he wore night-sky blue armor, and he had a black sword. His eyes were blue dragon daggers, "And it is now my job to terminate you." He said drawing his sword and charged at Dark.

(Play Three Days Grace - I Am Machine)

Dark raised his sword and parried the other's, "I don't go down without a fight."

The Nightmare Warrior smiled, "Good. I've been itching for a good fight." Then he charged at Dark again, swinging his sword.

Dark dodged it and then hit the soldier's helmet with the bottom of his sword, causing the soldier to drop his sword and clutch his head.

"Your fighting skills are reckless. Your queen should be disappointed in you." Dark said putting his foot on the fallen sword, and raised his sword to the soldier's throat, "Tell you queen, if she wants me dead, she'll have to fight me herself."

The soldier began laughing.

"What's so funny?" Dark asked.

"I think my queen would love to fight you herself." The soldier said, "You especially."

"Why would she want to fight me?" Dark asked.

"Why don't you ask her yourself." The soldier said looking behind Dark.

Dark heard the sound of a beam charging and jumped to the side just in time, as a black and blue beam shot where his head was.

Dark then looked at the beam's origin. He saw a teen female wearing armor, with her hand pointed outward. She had peach skin, her armor was dark blue, she wore black clothing under her armor, she had dark blue dragon dagger eyes, and her black and purple hair sparkled with stars of the night sky. Her face was hidden under her helmet, making it impossible to tell who she was.

"So you're the queen behind this attack?" Dark asked.

"Indeed I am, Dark." The queen said, her voice was extremely familiar to Dark.

"Have I met you before?" Dark asked.

"Of course you have. We practically knew each other since birth." The queen said smirking, as she began to remove her helmet.

Dark's eyes widened, "No. It can't be."

When the queen removed her helmet, she revealed her face. It was Lilac Steele, "Good to see you again, brother."

"What are you doing? Attacking your friends and family?" Dark asked.

"I've found a better family. I was left alone in the Nightmare Dimension. I, along with Nightmare Moon, ran away from the Nightmare Warriors, but then I sacrificed my chance to save myself by allowing Nightmare Moon to escape to warn you." Lilac said, "However, by sacrificing that chance, the Nightmare Warriors caught me and turned me into the Nightmare Queen, Nightmare Lilac."

"But this isn't you, Lilac. We're your friends." Dark said.

"Wrong. You were my friends. Not anymore." Lilac said placing her helmet back on, "It's time for you to perish."

"I will not fight you, Lilac." Dark said.

"I'm not Lilac anymore. I'm the Nightmare Queen, Nightmare Lilac." Lilac said charging a beam, "And your worst nightmare." She fired the beam at Dark.

Dark raised his sword to deflect the beam, only to have it knocked out of his hands, "Gah!" He yelled as he was sent into a car, smashing it in the process and setting off the alarm.

Dark growled and his eyes went from blue, to blood red, "Alright that's it. Now I don't care. I will fight you, to free you from whatever is corrupting you!" Dark then charged at Lilac and went to punch her.

However, the Nightmare Soldier kicked Dark in the chest, "You won't lay a finger on my queen."

Dark growled and then morphed into a dark blue wolf. Then he charged at the soldier and pounced onto him, "I will rip you to shreds for what you have done to my sister!"

The soldier tried to get Dark off him, but was failing.

Dark sank his teeth into the soldier's neck, causing him to yell in pain, then nothing.

Dark got off him and changed back to human. But when he turned back to Lilac, he received a sword cut across his face, then a kick to the chest, "GAH!"

Lilac then picked Dark up by his collar and then threw him into a wall.

She walked over to Dark and pointed her rapier's tip at Dark's heart, "Goodbye."

She went to stab, but she was suddenly cut from behind her, "Argh!" She turned and saw Sunset and Rainbow in their Chaos Guardian forms, with Sonic between them.

"Who ever you are, you will not be killing, Dark." Sonic said as he jumped up and did a homing attack on Lilac, sending her into a car.

Rainbow and Sunset charged at Lilac, swords both raised.

Lilac then got up and dodged the swords, then kicked Rainbow in the side.

"Oof." Rainbow groaned as she lost some of her breath.

Lilac looked at Rainbow, but then she turned and received an uppercut from Sunset's gauntlet.

Lilac's helmet was knocked off and she looked at the heroes, growling as she covered part of her face.

They all gasped at the sight of their enemy being one of their friends.

"Lilac?" Sunset asked.

Lilac only snarled and grabbed her helmet, "Next time, I will get you all." Then she opened a portal and disappeared through it.

(Stop Playing Three Days Grace - I am Machine)

The heroes only stared at the place where Lilac had disappeared.

Then they heard Dark groan.

"Dark!" Sunset said running over to him.

"I'm fine, Sunset. Where is Lilac?" Dark said getting up.

"She's gone. For now." Sunset said.

"Good." Dark said, then he looked at Rainbow, "Send a message to the others and ask if they are alright."

"No need to." The four heard.

They turned and saw all the others walking to them, some of them limping.

"You guys were attacked too?" Ace said, clutching his arm, which was bandaged.

"Yeah. Except we probably got the worst one." Sonic said.

"How so?" Silver asked, holding an ice pack on his forehead.

"We found out who the leader and queen of the attacks are." Dark said.

"Who is it?" Twilight asked.

"It's Lilac Steele." They all heard a female voice say.

They all turned and gasped.

Nightmare Moon was limping towards them.

"You!" Dark said charging at Nightmare Moon. He grabbed her throat and pinned her to a wall.

"Gack! Stop. I'm on… gack… your side." Nightmare Moon half choked.

"Why should we trust you?" Dark growled.

"Because I am the only other one who knows about the Nightmare Kingdom." Nightmare Moon said, "And possibly how to free your sister."

Dark's eyes widened and he let Nightmare Moon go, "You better not betray us. Or I will end you."

(Inside Rainbow's House)

The heroes and Nightmare Moon were all gathered in Rainbow's living room.

"So, why is the Nightmare Kingdom attacking us?" Twilight asked Nightmare Moon.

"Because I failed to spread the eternal night I was supposed to promise them." Nightmare Moon said, "I was supposed to put Equestria into an eternal night. Which in turn, would allow the Nightmare Kingdom to roam freely in Equestria. However I was stopped by a group of Elements of Harmony." She said looking at Twilight.

"What? Was I supposed to let you plunge my home into darkness?" Twilight said.

"After my failure, the Nightmare Kingdom turned against me and I have been an enemy of them since." Nightmare Moon said, "And so I set out to gain several new bodies, hoping to find the right one to help me regain my rightful place as the Queen of the Nightmare Kingdom."

"But what made you change?" Ace asked.

"When I corrupted Lilac, she had first fought against my control. But when Tirek had caught us, she had tried to protect me from Tirek. Lilac had also sacrificed her life to save me from the Nightmare Kingdom." Nightmare Moon said, "And now she has been turned into what I was."

"So how can we save her?" Dark asked.

"As far as I am aware, the only thing that could free her are the Elements of Harmony." Nightmare Moon said.

"But the Elements can't be taken away from the Tree of Harmony. Otherwise Equestria loses a great defence." Twilight said.

"Then I don't know of any other way to save her." Nightmare Moon said.

The room fell silent.

"But I have an idea of what she intends to do next." Nightmare Moon said, "She intends to start the eternal Night soon."

"And how does she plan to do that?" Sonic asked.

"She will send several of her best soldiers to six points across the world. Then they will create great portals that lead from here, to the Nightmare Realm." Nightmare Moon said, "From the Castle of Nightmare, Lilac will spread her power of darkness through the portals. The darkness will then spread across this world, spreading the eternal Night."

"Is there anyway we can stop this?" Twilight asked.

Nightmare Moon's eyes looked down at the ground, "There is only one way to stop it if the Night spreads too far."

"What is it?" Shadow asked.

"You will have to kill the source of the Night. You will have to kill, Lilac." Nightmare Moon said closing her eyes.

Everyone gasped, and then Dark banged his fist on the table, "NO! No one will be killing my little sister!"

"You will have no choice if the darkness spreads too far." Nightmare Moon said looking at Dark.

"Then we must stop the darkness before it spreads too far!" Dark yelled.

"It is not as simple as you may think it is." Nightmare Moon said, "Like I said, there are six portals, each guarded by the best soldiers and guardians in the Nightmare Kingdom. You will have a difficult time getting to the portals."

"Not if we can help it." Sonic said getting up.

"What do you plan to do?" Nightmare Moon asked.

"Not what I plan to do. What we plan to do." Sonic said as all the others got up too, "We will stop the Nightmare Kingdom. One way or another."

Nightmare Moon smiled, "Then I will fill you in with as much intel as I can. But I will also need a map of your planet."

"And I've got just that for you." The group heard behind them.

They turned and saw two familiar faces.

Lightning and Hikari were standing in the doorway.

"I've got a copy of a 3D satellite map of this planet." Lightning said pulling out a small device.

"And we've got something better." Hikari said.

"We've found the location of where one of the Portals of Night will be created." Lightning said.

"Then let's get started and ready." Nightmare Moon said.