//------------------------------// // Your Works // Story: Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For // by FerociousCreation //------------------------------// Who you Work for Ch. 16 “Sea More, you say?” Queen Chrysalis asked. “Yes,” Coco answered with a nod. “Interesting...” The queen glanced at Inferno Fang before back to her friend. “Why him?” “Because he was-” Coco stopped herself and looked toward the tailors. She wanted to be careful about what she was about to say. “You are all great friends, but Sea More was the second changeling to treat me with kindness. So since I am quite the pony to ask many questions, I might as well give him a questionnaire.” “But you said 'second changeling.'" Chrysalis' voice made Coco turn around to face her. "Who was the first changeling to give you kindness?” Looking at Fang, the pony answered, “Him. He stood up for me when my former boss, Suri, assaulted me with insults.” “Heh, I remember the story.” Chrysalis gave Fang a sinister grin. “You gave Suri quite the scare, didn't you?” “Like a scared filly,” he responded, mirroring his queen's smile. “Anyways...” Coco wanted to change the subject. The memory of Suri's harsh comments still burned her like a tanned hide. “...I would like to have Sea More come along with us to Canterlot. I'm sure he wouldn't mind being around other ponies anyways.” Oh I bet he won't, Chrysalis thought, her eyes almost rolling in her head. “Very well!” the queen exclaimed. “In four hours, we will depart for Canterlot and shop throughout the day.” Coco turned her head slightly. “Why so early?” “The flight will take some time before we arrive at the kingdom. During that time, you can ask Sea More all the questions in the world. That is until we reach our destination.” Queen Chrysalis cleared her throat. “So, you can ask as many questions as you like. Once we get to Canterlot, I would like for you to hold on the question asking please.” With a nod, Coco acknowledged her friend's request. “Thank you.” Looking at her kind, Chrysalis spoke, “I wish for everychangeling to leave Coco so she may rest. Fang?” Both hers and his eyes met. “Yes, my queen!” “Prepare the carriage and obtain Sea More. We have a long day ahead of us.” “As you wish my queen.” With a bow, Fang began to leave. “Good night, Fang,” Coco called out to him as he and the tailors went out the door. “Sleep well, Coco,” Fang replied. Only Coco and Chrysalis remained in the room. They looked at each other, waiting for the other to speak. “I'll... go to bed then,” the pony said breaking the silence between them. “Alright then.” Chrysalis then walked over to Coco. She towered over her friend as she stood over Coco. Reaching out an arm, the queen hugged the mare closely. “Sleep well, my friend.” Coco didn't have time to respond to Chrysalis' embrace as the queen quickly let her go. “Good night.” In a flash, Chrysalis vanished in a bright light-green color. Sparkles shimmered in the air from the magical residue of the queen's power. Smiling was the only thing Coco could do. Chrysalis really seems to like having me as a friend. Letting out a loud yawn, the pony decided to get herself rested for tomorrows', or rather, today's later events. *** What did you tell her? N-nothing my queen! You lie! You told her many things, didn't you?! Why else would she request Sea More of all other changelings? I... I did tell her some things about Sea More and what you did for him... But remember what she said! S-she said he was the second changeling to treat her with kindness. It's not l-like I meant or did any harm. I trust her. Don't you? I-! I do... Hmm... You are right Fang... I... AM? Yes... But I do want to ask you this, Fang: do you think she will keep our secrets? I do. And why do you trust her? Love does not lie. Hmm... I guess that's why I find myself trusting her as well. I can feel it from her. Yeah. *** “Good morning!” said a loud voice. The voice caused Coco to twitch from her sleep. Her eyes met Sea More who had a happy smile on his face. Because the sun has not come up just yet, the gloomy morning skylight created a dark silhouette of the changeling. “You could have just tapped me on the shoulder and I would have woken up easier...” Coco rebelled with a groan. Sea More rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry, I am just a bit happy that you wish for me, a changeling, to come along with you.” Writhing around a bit, the pony stretched herself out and got out of bed. “Well, you were the second changeling to treat me with kindness. I might as well have somechangeling that I trust.” Without warning, Sea More flashed in front of Coco and was very close to her face. His expression was serious. “I believe your statement to be half true.” “Why do you say that?” The mare was not pleased with Sea More's act. Great, I'm not even awake for a minute and already I have somechangeling in my face... “Because Inferno Fang has told me that he told you about what I am: a halfling.” Coco couldn't lie about that. “Yes, he did.” “Fang also said that he told you about my personality and why I am the way I am.” “Yes, he did tell me that as well.” “So tell me, Coco, why do you want me to come along with you today?” “I... wish to ask you a few questions. Chrysalis said I can ask you a few questions to any changeling I wished to bring along to Canterlot. I would like to know more about you is all...” Sea More smiled brightly. “You wish to know more about me? I've never had a pony who wished to know more about me.” A frown made its way to Coco's face. “W-what do you mean? Why would nopony wish to know more about you? Were ponies that mean to you?” Sea More raised his hoof to stop Coco from saying anything else. “I think you should save the questions for the ride to Canterlot.” “Right... But I have one more question before I start getting ready.” “Sure, but this is your last one.” “Do I... ask a lot of questions?” Sea More chuckled, “Just get ready.” *** “Are you ready?” Queen Chrysalis asked Coco as she sat in her carriage. Looking up at her friend, Coco replied, “Yes I am.” Taking her step, she got in with the queen and sat on the opposite side of the carriage. Sea More was beside his queen and smiled at Coco while Chrysalis stared at the pony. “Where is Fang?” Coco asked. Chrysalis nudged Sea More and smirked. “I told you she would start asking questions as soon as she sat in the carriage.” “I guess you where right about her being the 'questionmare.'” “Are you going to just sit there and tease me all the way to Canterlot?” Coco snorted out of her nose in a gruff, irritated from their teasing. “There is another question from the questionmare,” Sea More laughed. “Haha!” Chrysalis howled. “Fine,” the pony huffed and turned her head. “I won't ask any questions.” “No surprise coming from the mare who knows nothing about us,” Sea More grinned. Coco was confused by the changeling's comment. “What's that supposed to mean?” “I thought you weren't going to ask any questions,” the queen replied. “I...! YOU...! MMMMMMMMMMMM!” Coco thumped her head on the wall of the carriage, frustrated by Chrysalis and Sea More's consistent teasing. Realizing her constant badgering was beginning to get on Coco's nerves, Chrysalis touched her friend's shoulder. “Have a sense of humor. We are just teasing.” “Well, I would like for you to stop, please.” “Fine...” Despite the fun now being ruined, Chrysalis would like to be on good terms with the pony. A changeling came into view of the carriage door. It was Inferno Fang. He had a large sack on his back and it seemed to weigh him down. “Everything is set, my queen.” “Good,” Chrysalis replied. “Give me the sack please.” Fang levitated the bag into the carriage. Its weight caused the wagon to sink slightly. I wonder what's inside, the mare thought. As Chrysalis untied the end of the sack, a yellow light shined from within and caused the queen to squint. “This will do,” the queen spoke as she looked at Sea More. “Wouldn't you agree?” He peered into the bag and nodded. “May I?” Coco asked. She saw them smirk because she had asked a question. Instead of making a quip, Chrysalis hooved the untied end to her friend. When Coco looked into the bag, her mouth hung open. She understood why it was weighing Fang down. The sack was filled with golden objects, a countless amount of bits, and gems of all sort. Coco wanted to take the golden crown that sat on the mountain of coins and wear it. “This... this is incredible! Why do you have all this? How did you obtain all of these valuable treasures?” “I'll answer that once we begin flying,” Chrysalis answered. She then turned to Fang. “Let's go. You know I do not like to be away from the hive for too long, so let's be sure we get everything done today.” “Yes, my queen!” Looking at Coco, Fang said, “I hope you enjoy the ride.” “Just work on your landing,” the pony requested. “I remember how bumpy your crash landing almost killed me.” “Don't get your hopes up.” With a smile and a nod, Inferno Fang closed the door to the wagon. There was silence among the three individuals that sat in the soon to be changeling-drawn carriage. The carriage shook a little bit before it started to move. Neither Sea More nor Queen Chrysalis looked bothered by the rickety movement of the wagon. Coco, on the other hoof, tensed up as she watched the world from the outside quickly speed up. She did trust Fang, however, she did not trust the durability of the old wagon and wondered if it would fall apart at any moment. Soon, there was no more shaking. They were no longer on the ground, but up in the air. Queen Chrysalis looked out the window, watching the objects of the world go by. She got a good look at her castle before it went out of view. “I do love looking at my hive from this view.” Turning to look at Coco, she continued, “Nothing is more satisfying to look at all your hard work and see the results pay off.” “I hope my hard work will pay off.” “You have already looked at the results of your hard work.” Coco pondered at the queen's comment. “Do you mean how I saw your satisfaction with my dresses?” “That's part of it.” “Is the other result the friends that I have made?” “A good portion, actually. However, you are missing one more result.” The pony thought and thought, but could not come up with an answer. “I don't know what the last 'result' is...” “Alright then,” Chrysalis spoke in a low tone as her eyes drifted to the bag full of treasure. “You see that sack?” I remember asking you a question about it, so I guess you will be answering it then. “Yes, I see it.” “Because we will be needing money to purchase merchandise at Canterlot, I brought enough to be sure we can buy everything we want and need.” Coco chuckled, “Don't you think this is a bit overly excessive?” She poked the sack with her hoof wondering how much everything inside of the massive bag was worth. “Excessive? No.” “How come?” “Because whatever we do not use out of this sack, that will be the payment for your efforts.”