//------------------------------// // Chapter:20 Train Ride // Story: Spike's Teacher // by Richer19 //------------------------------// The ride back to Ponyville was quite different from the ride up to Canterlot. For starters, rather than being in a private room; Spyro and Cynder were now seated in one of the more public carts which of course made them the focus of attention for the other passengers. Of course their attention was also focused on Spike who was still getting use to his new body though he was adapting rather quickly. Spyro and Cynder were both sitting next to one another, watching the other ponies helping Spike while Sparx was doing his best to be annoying and a hindrance. While it was something that the drake wouldn't tolerate with his step brother; he let it slide as he wasn't doing anything too bad and the fact that everyone else was enjoying the antics. Eventually Twilight stepped away from the group and made her way over to the two dragons. While they were curious to know what she wanted; it didn't take them long to find that out. Letting out a polite cough, she asked "So do you mind if I ask you something." The dragons looked at each other for a moment before looking back at her and nodding their head. Satisfied that she got their permission, she then says "Well...I was just wondering what exactly you were planning on teaching my assistant?" Spyro tilts his head a bit before saying "Didn't we already answered that question?" It seemed rather strange that she would be asking something like that even though he should have anticipated something like this. It might be for the best to clear up any remaining confusion now rather than later. The rather stern but curious look on Twilight face almost confirms what he had expected to be her reason behind her question and he adds "In general, we would like to teach Spike how to defend himself and those he cares about. We also hope to teach him some tips to keep himself healthy. Beyond that, it really all depends on what Spike is willing to learn in relation to what we are able to teach him." Twilight seemed a bit satisfied with the answer that she was given but she also noted that it was rather vague in certain areas. She didn't want to pry too much as she knew that their relationship was rather shaky at best considering her past feelings when Spyro was disguised as a stallion and the fact that she still couldn't help but think that they were planning on turning Spike into one of those teenager dragons that she saw during the Dragon Migration. Before Twilight could ask another question, Spike said "There was actually one topic I wouldn't mind learning about." The two dragons and unicorn looked to see Spike having a rather nervous expression on his face. They also notice the small blush that was on his face. A little curious about what topic he was thinking about, Spyro gestured towards the empty seat. Spike took the invitation and sat down before saying "Well...um...I was wondering...perhaps...if you could teach me about...well...draconic courtship." That response earned a knowing smirk off of Twilight, a curious look on Spyro, and a rather flustered look off of Cynder. However, she was lucky enough that no one was looking at her long enough for her to put her embarrassment back in check. Taking a deep breath, she looks at Spike and asks "Well that is a topic that we don't have a lot of experience about but I can give you a few pointers as a dragoness on how a potential mate would go about courting me. Might help you get some ideas and perspective." Spike smiles at her and nods his head. It might actually be a good idea to get an objective look from a girl that is of the same species as he is. Taking a small breath, Cynder says "Well back in the past, when there was a virus that was affecting the dragon population mostly the female, it wasn't uncommon for a female to take multiple male drakes as mates especially during her cycle. However, now that our population is more or less balanced you will find a lot more one on one relationships rather than harem ones though they still do happen from time to time." Resting her paws under her chin, she closes her eyes "When attempting to court a female, you have to remember that you might end up competing with other potential mates." Spike took this moment to interject "What do you mean by competing?" Cynder gave a small shrug though Spyro replied "Well its instincts really. You feel a desire to prove that you are the strongest dragon around and there for the most worthy to potential mates. But like Cynder said, this was old thinking and considering your upbringing, I would be surprised to believe you would think like that." Spike couldn't help but blush a bit but now Twilight was curious about something as well which she asked "So I know that dragons are able to breathe fire but how is it that you two are able to harness more than one element?" Once again the two dragons looked at each other before Spyro says "Well for me it was due to prophecy. I was born to bring balance back to the Dragon world and as such I was born as a purple dragon." "Is having purple scales really all that special?" "In our world, yes. You see most dragons are as you know them to be; only capable of harnessing one element. However, a purple dragon is able to harness all four of the natural elements and use them to a level that not even the most elder of dragons were capable of. However, the first purple dragon let all that power consume him to the point where he tried to bring about the end of our world. No other dragon was capable of stopping him expect for another purple dragon...which was me." The four were silent for a moment before Spike asked "Did you?" Spyro nods his head "With the help of Cynder, we were able to stop the Dark Master and save our world from destruction." Spike couldn't help but imagine what that must have been like. Going up against something that had that kind of power must have been daunting. Twilight on the other hoof, was busy pondering something else and looks over at Cynder before asking "Then how are you able to wield four elements as well?" To the unicorn's surprise, Cynder turns her gaze to outside the train and her expression was one that Twilight saw in Luna when she thought about her past as Nightmare Moon. Spyro, without really thinking about it, places a paw on top of Cynder's to let her know that he was still there. It took a few moments before Cynder let out a sigh "It's...complicated and something that...I don't feel comfortable talking about at the moment." While Twilight was curious as to what Cynder was hiding, she also knew that being a good friend was understanding when someone isn't willing to share something and respecting their wishes. Perhaps, given time, Cynder will open up a bit more and be able to feel more comfortable around them. She didn't know why but she got the impression that the dragoness didn't spend a lot of time with others of the same gender as her. Perhaps her time in Ponyville will help to change that.