Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For

by FerociousCreation

Hydra Effect

Who you Work for

“W-why are you laughing?” Fang asked in question.

“I'm sorry,” Coco chuckled. “It just seems so silly to me. You just told me that Sea More was 'half changeling and half pony', right?”

“That is correct.”

Trying to keep a straight face, Coco replied, “It's just... I was expecting you to tell me more than just 'half changeling and half pony'. It sounds like something from a movie.” Coco spoke in a deep sarcastic voice, “He comes from the hive but has the blood of a pony. He truly is... Two Sided. Dun.. dun.. DUN!

Fang sighed, “I thought you wanted me to answer questions, not to laugh at my response.” He was slightly smiling for a moment, but it quickly went away. “I still have more to say. So with all due respect Coco, please ask your question and listen to my reply.”

The changeling's expression reassured how serious he was, so Coco kept herself silent.

“Anyways, Sea More is what I call a halfling.” Coco chuckled a bit, but Fang furrowed his brow to keep her from laughing any further. “As you could have guessed, Sea More had a pony and changeling parent. His mother is a unicorn and his father is a changeling.”

Fang paused, allowing Coco to speak once more. “So, what happened to his parents?”

“Well, if you want the full story from Sea More, you go ask him. I will give you the short version.” The pony nodded. “Sea More's father left his mother shortly after his birth for... reasons.”

“What kind of-”

“Ask Sea More yourself.” Again, Coco nodded. “As Sea More grew up, he and his mother were ridiculed from their hometown and were forced to move.”

Frowning, Coco said, “That's horrible...”

“There is still more. When Sea More and his mother moved to Manehattan, Queen Chrysalis came to them and offered Sea More a place where he would be accepted and not be shunned by others. Thus, Sea More is now one with the hive.”

Even though Fang had just told Coco where Sea More was from and what he is, her answer was not answered. “You still have not told me why he cares about ponies. I mean, he was ridiculed by others, and yet, he still shows care toward me and perhaps others.”

“It was his mother. She taught him that you should not hate everypony just because they think you are different. Others hated him for what he was and not who he was.” Fang was quiet for a moment. “And Sea More showed me that truth. He showed me that almost everypony, not everypony, hates us changelings because they do not know of our past. All they know is of what we do and what we have done.”

Coco scratched her chin and asked, “You said almost everypony, right? Who doesn't hate you or your kind.”

Without thinking to hard, Fang replied, “On the top of my head, Sea More's mother... and...” The changeling looked into the pony's eyes and smiled.

“Me?” Coco replied with a smile, glancing at the wall, avoiding eye contact.

“Yes. You being here in front of me proves that there are some who do not hate us. That is why I am like Sea More. That is why I am not like the others. And that is why I am your f-friend.”

“And I am glad Sea More has convinced you.”

“But he has not been able to convince the Queen Chrysalis...”

Fang's statement brought another question to mind. “Why has he not been able to convince her that there are others who will accept her?”

“It is because of Princess Celestia.” As the changeling finished his response, he glared at the water, almost trying to boil it with his gaze. “That wretched princess is why our beloved queen is in such pain.”

There was a moment of silence between the two of them. Coco was hesitent to ask another question because of how Fang was reacting. What did Princess Celestia do to Queen Chrysalis? Did she hurt her? Is... is the princess really somepony she is not...?

“Something troubling you, Coco?” Fang asked.

“M-maybe I asked a bit too many questions...” she frowned.

Fang shook his head. “I told you before that if you knew too much, you will begin to question things you wish you hadn't.”

“But... is Princess Celestia...”


“Yeah...” It surprised Coco on how spot on Fang was.

The changeling shook his head. “Not in the slightest.”

“Why do you say that?”

“She raises the sun, she has accepted Luna back into her life after her own sister betrayed her, and above all, she has allowed Discord, a creature of pure chaos, to be set free and do almost as he pleases. In other words, Celestia has done more good than harm to the world.”

“Oh,” Coco said as she sighed with a good sense of relief.

“So there is no need to worry about your princess being a cruel leader.”

“That's good.” Taking a nice, long stretch, Coco said, “I think I am done with asking questions.”

“You mean you have nothing more to ask?”

“No, I have plenty more to ask. However, I think it is best to stop pondering about things and begin relaxing in this nice warm pool.”

“I agree to that,” Fang smiled.

“But I do thank you for answering some of my questions.”

“Well, what are f-friends for?”

Coco giggled a little bit as she leaned in and gave Fang a close embrace. “You really are a good friend, Fang.”

Slowly, Fang reached around the pony, pulling her in close. He closed his eyes, enjoying the comfort of his pony friend. Neither of them spoke for a while as they continued to hold each other. The two of them somehow found it difficult to want to let go. Perhaps it was the fact that they had never had a friend that would comfort them in a time of need. Regardless, it was a moment that both Coco and Fang are enjoying.

Suddenly, a voice spoke from behind Fang, “What's going on over here?” At once, Fang and Coco jumped away from each other, hoping nochangeling was snooping in on what the two of them were doing. Looking at where the voice came from, they saw Sea More standing at the opening of the falls.

“W-what are you doing here?!” Fang blurted out as he kept his face hidden from Coco as he blushed.

“I am here to take a bath,” Sea More said as he smirked. “What are you doing here, or better yet, why are you here all alone with her?”

Sea More looked at Coco who was smiling, but still embarrassed at being caught clinging onto the queen's personal guard. “We were just talking,” the pony replied with a nervous chuckle.

“Really,” Sea More replied. He then walked over to Fang, who was still trying to avoid looking at Coco. Sea More then asked Fang in a low volume, “Are you two...” Then speaking in a whisper into Fang's ear, “...getting frisky?”

Fang tackled his friend with full force, the two of them crashing into the wall. Coco screamed at the sudden act as both changelings disappeared under the water. A few seconds passed and they reappeared to the surface. The long toothed changeling's fang burned with fury as he rammed Sea More with his cranium, causing his friend to fly through the falling water.

Face red, Fang yelled, “I am going to kill you!” He then ran through the falls, ready to attack Sea More the moment Fang saw him. Just as he ran through, Fang did find Sea More quite quickly. But just as he was about to pounce his friend, the changeling noticed something that he wished he had known earlier. As Fang looked around, hoping what he saw was an illusion, several dozen changelings stared back at him in confusion.

Behind the waterfall, Coco stood by herself, wondering what set Fang off. She then heard him yell, “What are you all looking at?!” Several voices replied in response, but the volume was drowned out by the falls, making the words indistinguishable.

“Fang,” Coco called out loud, but there was no response from him. Feeling the need to know where he is, she decided to walk through the falling water. The cold water chilled the pony's body as it harshly pored over her. Though it did feel a bit refreshing, considering she has been in the hot water for quite some time.

Coco's hair draped over her eyes as she appeared on the other side of the falls. Pulling her arm to her face to remove her mane from her vision, the mare asked, “Fang, who is out here? And why did... you... attack...”

The pony's voice was taken away from her as she saw the mass amount of changelings staring at her and Fang. Sea More stood a few feet away from Fang as he had a slight grin on his face. Slowly, she walked over to Fang, knowing he was the only one she felt comfortable near.

Many of the changelings glared at the three of them, while others talked amongst themselves.

“It's that pony again.”

“What is he doing with her?”

“Why has the queen chosen such a pathetic looking pony?”

Mocking questions and statements made its way around the large cluster of changelings, each one stinging Coco's ears. But even though the insults from the others upset her, she knew better than to reply and would rather keep quiet.

“Now now, everychangeling,” Sea More said out loud, gathering the attention of others. “There is no need to insult her.”

More noise came from the crowd.

“Shut up, you pony loving freak!”

“She is nothing important to us.”

“Why should we care about a pony who has come to replace us?”

Coco heard the last remark. “I am not here to replace you. I am here to help!” she exclaimed aloud trying to reason with the changelings. At once, the group seized their insults and leered at the pony once more.

“Coco, what are you doing,” Fang asked in a wispier, worried that the others may retaliate against her.

“I know what I am doing,” Coco replied without having to speak low. She looked at Sea More who looked impressed by her act of speaking out at the crowd of glaring changelings. On the other hoof, Fang wanted to stop his friend from talking to the others, but somehow wanted to see what she was going to do. Taking a few steps forward, the pony looked right to left, feeling slightly intimidated by the sheer amount of her crowd. As she looked to the left, her eyes were glued to a small group that were by the dam. There, she saw the other tailors looking back at her with no mean look in their eyes, except for Silky. Despite the large group of changelings, Coco was used to being in front of a crowd, thanks to Suri forcing her on stage several times in order for her boss to show off her assistant to the audience.

Alright Coco, just keep calm and just let them know who you are.

Taking a deep breath, the earth pony spoke aloud, “My name is Coco Pommel. I come from Manehattan and am a fashion designer. Out of sheer luck, Fang here chose me to make a dress 'fit for a queen.' And ever since I have arrived, I noticed that you all have not liked my presence one bit, correct?”

Many of the changelings blinked at one another, exchanging glances, nodding at Coco's question. Coco continued, “I have also found out that you feel that I am here to replace you. That Queen Chrysalis is no longer resorting to your kind as an option, right?”

As Coco asked her question to the crowd, a good amount of them looked downward, as if they had heard some terrible news while others nodded.

“Well, I am not here to replace you. All I am here to do is to help you obtain what you all need: love. That is all. And I am more than willing to help your kind. I may not know what you all have endured, but I promise you, the task that Queen Chrysalis has given me is more than me just getting payed, it's about feeding you all. Especially the little ones...” A nice smile found its way on Coco's mouth. She couldn't help but feel giddy every time she thought of how adorable the young changelings looked.

A voice spoke from the crowd, “But you hate us, right?” Mumbling began to grow among the changelings.

“Yeah, she isn't one of us.”

“She must dislike us.”

“Of course she does.”

Clearing her throat, the group's volume slowly died and all attention was drawn on her again. Again, she spoke, “You may think I do, but I don't hate any of you.”

The changelings looked like they saw a ghost. They almost wanted to disbelieve her.

Again, the same voice spoke from the crowd, “Why not? Why don't you hate us?”

“Why should I?” Coco replied. “I know that changelings feed off of love, but you need it to survive, right?” An exchange of looks followed by nods. “Then I have no reason to hate any of you. I don't know how you live your lives. I don't know your reasons for doing what you do. What I do know is that you are all a family and some of you have children to care for. And I have seen the little tykes. They are one of the cutest things I have ever seen.”

“If I said that I hated you all, I might as well kick dirt into their eyes as well. And why would I do that? Just as I said as to why I don't hate you: I have no reason to do so. Just like me and other ponies, you all have to live your own lives, trying to survive in the world. That is why I am helping; to help you grow and survive.”

There was nothing more for Coco to say. She said what was needed to be said. As she looked at the crowd, the group of changelings looked different, particularly at the way they stared at her. There was no more angry glares, but instead, curious stares.

The changelings were amazed to see a pony, who had only been at their dwelling for such little time, be able to accept and help them.

Looking back at the tailors, Stitch, Silver, and even Knight looked at her with smiles. Silky still looked at her with uncertainty.

Then something caught Coco's attention. She noticed that somechangeling was moving through the crowd, advancing toward her. The one moving toward her was a female changeling with a long mane that goes almost around her entire face, like a vale.

As soon as the changeling came through the crowd and into the open area where Coco, Fang, and Sea More were, a filly changeling walked in front of the adult, pulling at the arm of the taller guardian.

“See mommy, I told you she was nice,” the little one said as she looked up at her parent. Coco immediately knew who the little one was.

“N-now Teethling, your father and I told you to not talk to those who you don't know,” the mare changeling said with uncertainty in her voice.

“But I do know her,” the filly replied as she relentlessly tugged on her mother's arm. It was the child from the daycare the night before. She remembered how the little one touched Coco's heart as Teethling told her that her father wasn't eating enough. But thanks to Coco, her father might begin to eat more.

“Hello Teethling,” Coco said to the child with a smile.

“Don't speak to my child, pony,” the mother hissed as her wings jetted out, ready to pounce. Instantly, Coco stepped back a few paces, keeping her distance from her and the protective parent. Fang took a step forward, trying to keep the mother from doing anything rash.

As soon as Coco began to step back, Teethling rushed at Coco, hopping through the water to gain distance from her mother. With a quick lunge, Teethling clung onto her torso; she dangled as she held onto the pony.

“Teethling!” the parent yelled as she moved quickly through the water. “You get over here this instant!”

“But she is the one who will give us love,” Teethling replied as she tried to turn her head to see her now angry mother.

By this point, the mare changeling was only a few feet away from Coco, not as angry as before, but still she leered at the pony. “So... you are the one who will give us love,” she asked.

“Yes I am.” Even though I just told you and everypony here that I am here to help the hive, I guess you wanted to clarify. Coco noticed that the child was slowly losing her grip, so she lifted up her hoof and held Teethling. The mother flinched as Coco moved her arm, but quickly relaxed herself.

“I see... my child has taken a liking to you.”

Coco smiled as she looked down at Teethling, “She's a cutie.”

Teethling suddenly exclaimed, “THERE IT IS! I FELT IT! I FELT THE LOVE!” Immediately, the child let go, plopped into the water, and began pacing around the pony. Then Teethling began to jump up and down. “MORE! GIMMI MORE!” she chanted.

“Then come here,” Coco said as she reached an arm out and pulled the filly close to her.

“Mmmm,” Teethling hummed as she burrowed her snout into the pony's chest. “It tastes so good. It's never has tasted this good before.”

Instinctively, Coco began to look around at the crowd and saw smiles on their face. They saw how happy Teethling was behaving and how Coco cared for the little one. Even the mother had a happy smile on her face.

“Wow, I...” the mother said, astonished at what was going on. “...I never thought I would see my child held by a pony, let alone this happy with a pony.”

“And I never thought I would be in this type of circumstance,” Coco replied with a smile. “But I am here now and I will do anything to make sure you all get what you need.”

As if a magical spell had fallen over the entirety of the changelings, there were no more angry stares, no more insults, and above all, no more hatred. Instead, the changelings had a different opinion about the pony; they saw her compassion for them and urge to help.

But what truly convinced them to trust Coco was how Teethling was behaving. The child was behaving so happily around the pony as soon as she began giving affection to Teethling. After all, a child's innocence shows the most truth.

“I told you she was nice, Mommy,” the child replied. “Now she can help feed Daddy some more, too.” Once more, Coco heart was flooded with emotions. She remembered Teethling's statement from two days ago: Maybe once we get all the love we need, my daddy can start eating more. Because of the child's statement, Coco feels more obligated to help the changelings, not that it was a bad thing.

“I know she is telling the truth,” Teethling said as she continued to take in as much love as possible.

“And how do you know that,” Coco asked as she held the child.

“Because Queen Chrysalis said true love does not lie.”

Coco Pommel took in the information that was just given to her. It was interesting to note that the changelings know when they are being fed based on what was given to them. She remembered how Chrysalis absorbed the love from the painting the first time she met her. In other words, any amount of caring emotion that was put into something, whether it is something artistic or simple signs of affection from a pony, will translate into food for the changelings. The amount of love that will be received was unknown to Coco; however, judging at how Teethling was reacting to Coco as she held the child, Coco could assume that she gave a lot.

Walking forward, the mother glanced away and then looked at Coco. “Sorry for getting angry with you,” she said as she reached for her kid. “I am just a protective mother is all.” As Teethling was removed from her source of love, she attempted to remove herself from her caretaker by wiggling her arms around.

“Don't worry,” Coco replied with a smile as she saw Teethling struggle to become free. “I met Mrs. Bitters and she is just as protective as you.”

“I tell you, if anychangeling were to approach her child without her consent, she would become a temporary carnivore.” Both parent and pony laughed at the mother's comment as the other changelings began to go about their own business, forgetting about the pony, as if Coco was one of their own.

“I think she would rather turn them into stone,” Coco continued. In her peripheral, she noticed Fang and Sea More talking to each other. She overheard Fang wanting to talk to Sea More in private, so they left without saying a word to Coco.

“Mommy,” Teethling interrupted.

“Yes my little one?”

“Can I get some more love from the pony? I want to be sure daddy gets more of the rations tonight.” Again, Teethling's words tugged at the pony's heart.

Looking at Coco, the mother asked, “Is it alright with you?”

“Will your husband be eating well tonight,” Coco asked with a smile.

“You really are too kind.” Leaning down, the caretaker placed Teethling back into the water and the little one hopped over to Coco, hugging onto her leg. Instinctively, Coco held the child close to her, trying to give as much love as she can, though she didn't know how to control her power of love, if somepony were to call it that.

Coco then heard a voice from behind her. “I want some love too,” said a child in a pouting tone.

“She's all mine!” Teethling shouted.

“Don't be rude,” the caretaker said as she scowled at her child.

However, her mother's words only provoked Teethling. “Haha, she's all mine! She then began to chant, “No changeling can have her! Ha ha ha ha haaaa ha!”

A few seconds later, several changeling fillies and colts began to exit out of the crowd and appear around Coco. Several parents were trying to obtain their kid while other changelings looked at the sudden commotion.

“Why do you get to have the pony?!” shouted a colt.

“Because she is mine!” Teethling cried out as she clung onto Coco's leg, almost hurting her. If Coco were to have guessed, there were about twenty children around her. The sheer number of them alone made her feel nervous.

The children began to talk amongst themselves.

“If Teethling isn't going to share, how will we get the love?”

“I want to jump on the angel!”

“That's a good idea!”

“Pummel Pommel?”

“Yeah, Pummel Pommel.”

Coco's blood froze as she knew what was coming to her.

“PUMMEL POMMEL,” the colts and fillies cried out as they charged at the pony. Instead of helping Coco, Teethling's mother flew up into the air to avoid being caught in the action of the “game” Pummel Pommel. With nowhere to go, the pony accepted her fate and let herself be swallowed by the bodies of black.

Some of the parents tried to pull their little one's off of the pony while other onlookers smiled and laughed as the children struggled to get a hold Coco.


Once more, Coco found herself by the dam, accompanied by the same tailors that assisted her in creating several dress designs for Queen Chrysalis. This time, however, she was holding a small filly close to her as the parent stood nearby. There was a line of changelings that went along side the pool starting from the dam's left and went a short distance before reaching the end. Many children stood with their caretaker, be it a parent, friend, or relative, and stood anxiously as they waited to obtain their fair share of love from the pony.

After the game of Pummel Pommel was ended, a large number of children complained that they wanted the amount of love Teethling had. Knowing that she is now a walking source of nutrition for the changelings, Coco suggested that the children should stand in line with their parent or guardian and wait be held for two minutes each. Of course, the colts and fillies agreed with the idea; the older changelings did like the idea, but some of them were slightly skeletal about having a child being held by a pony they knew nothing about. Some small talk among the changelings emerged, and then they agreed with Coco's proposal. When Coco told them where they should wait, the overzealous children charged over to the dam and began fighting over who was first in line. Quickly, the parents went over and calmed the group down before the commotion got out of hoof.

About twenty minutes have passed since Coco had begun giving love to the children, and over that period of time, she and the other changelings, including the tailors, were talking amongst themselves.

“So it was Sea More that spread the word that Fang was at the bathing pool,” Coco asked a changeling who sat across from her.

“Yes,” the changeling answered. “Whenever Fang goes to the pool, he is normally accompanied by the queen. Meaning, that when the two of them are here, she does not like to be bothered. So when Fang is accompanying somechangeling else, word spreads like vicious locusts on the hunt for crops.”

Lovely analogy... Coco thought to herself as she looked down at the filly as the child looked up with shiny blue eyes.

“We hate the cold water,” the changeling continued. “Lucky for us, Fang is considerate to let us use his power for our personal needs.”

Coco nodded as the changeling finished their sentence. She wondered where Fang was, but remembered that he went to have a personal conversation with Sea More. She also wondered why Fang attacked Sea More in a fit of rage. But because his presence was no where near her, Coco couldn't ask him why.

“Alright Soft Bite,” said the parent to the child Coco was holding. “It has been two minutes.”

“Aww, just a little longer,” Soft Bite complained.

“It won't be fair for the other children if you get more than them.”

As soon as the parent leaned forward to grab their child, Soft Bite grabbed onto Coco's arm and grinned at her mother. “No, I want more!”

“Now now,” Coco said to the filly. “It's some other changeling's turn.”

“Your not my mom!” Soft Bite barked.

“Alright, that is enough,” the parent said with anger in her tone. The mother used her magic of levitation to pull her kid off of the pony. But Soft Bite was resilient and held on tightly, refusing to let go. “Let... go... now...” Roughly, the parent shook their child, loosening her grip. But just as the Soft Bite was no longer attached to Coco's arm, she gnashed her teeth and bit onto the pony's ear. Even though Soft Bite's name was Soft Bite, it was not a soft bite; it was a painful bite.

“Ow ow ow, you are hurting me, dearie!” Coco pleaded as her face writhed in pain.

“Giff me wuvv,” Soft Bite growled as she refused to let go.

“Soft Bite,” the mother said in a soft tone. “Do you know what happens to changelings who don't listen to their mothers?” Upon hearing this, Soft Bite's bite began to not hurt as much, though the child still kept hold of the pony's ear. Soft Bite's eye turned toward her mother's gaze, showing that she was listening. “Do you know what happens to naughty changelings like you?” The filly shook her head. “They become a tyrant. They become somechangeling that nochangeling likes. Do you remember the story of Left Wing?” Soft Bite nodded. “Do you want to become like him?”

Slowly but surely, the child let go of Coco's ear. Who is Left Wing, Coco thought.

Levitating her filly onto her back, the mother said to Coco with the smile, “Thank you for feeding my little one.”

“It was my pleasure,” Coco smiled back and winced in pain as she rubbed her ear, hoping the hurtful feeling would go away.

“And forgive my child for hurting you like that. She is going to have a nice talk with her father about her attitude this evening.” Soft Bite was about to reply to her mother's comment, but the parent gave a mean stare that extinguished any attempts of back talk.

“Don't worry,” the pony said with an awkward smile. “I have been thrown off of a balcony and trampled by children. I think a small bite isn't going to cause me to ruin my visit here.” Even though it was true, Coco's swelling ear was beginning to irritate her.

“Again, thank you,” the mother said before walking away.

Coco's eyes rested on Soft Bite as she filly road on her mother's back. Looking back at the pony, the child said, “Sorry, Ms. Pony.”

“It's okay, I forgive you,” she waved back.

“If that was my child, I would have drowned the little freak,” Silky said with a dark grin.

The pony turned to reply to the harsh comment; however, Stitch was quicker, “Don't say things like that! If I remember, you had quite the temper when we grew up together.”

“I DID NOT!” Silky exclaimed. A hooful of changelings looked at Silky, wondering what she was yelling about. Embarrassed, Silky turned her head away, avoiding the stares of the other changelings.

Coco slightly chuckled before calling to the next child in line. This time it was a colt. He looked unsure about approaching and looked up to his father. The father gave a light smile and nodded. Instantly, the colt's eyes lit up and quickly wadded through the water and attached himself to the pony's back. The changeling slowly climbed up to the back of her neck, pulling her mane in the process. Even though the pain was uncomfortable, it didn't last very long, as the colt made himself comfortable and burrowed his snout into Coco's hair.

“You sure are energetic,” Coco said as she tried to see the child in her peripheral.

“He sure is,” said the father as he came to the pony.

There was a moment of no talking. As the colt was obtaining his share of love, Coco thought about what the mother told her child. It wasn't the scolding, it was the changeling she mentioned: Left wing.

Left Wing... Who was he... or she?

Curious, Coco asked the father, “I remember that that mother said something about Left Wing. Who was Left Wing?” At once, the changelings near Coco's vacinity heard her comment and looked at her. “Did I say something wrong?” she asked, wondering if she asked a horrible question.

“He was a bad bad changeling,” said a voice from behind Coco. It was the colt, and apperently he had been listening. “He lived a looooong time ago and tried to take the queen's-”

“Son!” the father barked, silencing his child. Coco felt the colt shiver upon hearing his caretaker's yell and held onto her neck tightly. Even she felt intimidated by the loud outburst and regretted asking her question. Calmly, the father said, “We all know the story of Left Wing, son...” She looked at the father who had a slight look of sadness.

“Sorry, father...”

Many questions shot through the mare's head. Who was Left Wing? What did he try to take from the queen? How long ago did he live? Coco thought she would never escape the mysteries of the changelings. Every time she thought she had an answer, two more questions would sprout, like a hydra who grows back two heads when you lop off one. Her head began to hurt with all of the unanswered questions that banged at the back of Coco's head.

Then, she heard a changeling from a distance say, “Queen Chrysalis approaches!”

All sound became void as everychangeling and one pony looked to see the queen, who stood at the center of the pool. Standing on her right was Fang, and to her left was Sea More. Instinctively, all the changelings lowered their head and bowed, honoring the presence of their queen.

Queen Chrysalis looked left and right, looking for something. When her eyes met Coco's, she found what she was looking for. As the larger changeling came toward her, the crowd parted way, allowing their queen get to her designated location without any obstacles.

It took no time at all for Queen Chrysalis to make her way to Coco. “Hello, Queen Chrysalis,” Coco replied with a light smile. “What brings you here?”

“I wish to bathe,” the queen replied. She then lowered her head so that her eye level matched the pony's. “What are you doing here?”

“I umm... just washing up and talking with my friends.”

“Your friends, hugh?” Queen Chrysalis said with a raise of her brow. The queen turned her head, seeing all the onlookers stare at her and the pony. “I wish to bathe in privacy everychangeling. Please leave me to do my business.”

As soon as the changelings heard their queen's order, they began to leave without complaining; except for the children who stood in line. Some of them through a tantrum and others looked very sad that they were unable to get any love from the pony.

The changeling on Coco's back was easily lifted off of her back as the father picked the colt up. The child waved as he departed from the pony. Coco then looked at the children who where leaving, wondering if there was another way to give them what they wanted. She then had an idea.

“Umm... I will be right back,” Coco said to the queen.

“Go on then,” Queen Chrysalis said without objecting.

Quickly, the pony ran through the water with haste. As she ran, the children noticed that she was running toward them.

“Don't leave yet,” Coco called out. Instinctively, the little ones stopped and waited for her to approach; each of their caretaker stopped and watched her come to them. When she got to them, she was a bit out of breath. “I'm... sorry not... all of you... got your time with me,” she said as she kept her head low, sucking in as much oxygen as possible. Finally catching her breath, Coco continued, “But I have one way of giving you some love.” Children, parents, and guardians looked an each other and made small talk upon hearing the pony. Coco then walked over to what would be the back of the line. She looked down at the filly changeling and then at her father and whispered something into his ear. He smiled and nodded his head in approval.

The filly looked confused and asked, “What are you talking about?”

Leaning down to the filly, Coco Pommel kissed the filly on the forehead. As Coco looked a the child with a bright smile, the changeling's eyes lit up, shimmering like glitter.

“Oh thank you thank you thank you!” the little one said as she took in a large amount of love from the pony.

Coco looked back at the other children as they looked back with happiness, knowing that she will to the same to them. And she did. The pony walked from the back of the line to the front, giving a nice kiss on their foreheads before they had to make their leave. It took no time at all before making her way back to the dam where Queen Chrysalis stood.

The pool was now empty; the only ones that remained was Coco, Queen Chrysalis, Fang, Sea More, and the other tailors. And by the looks of it, Queen Chrysalis did not look too pleased.

“So...” the queen said with a curious look in her eyes. “I hear that you will not give into my demands, is that correct?”

“Who told you that?” Coco blurted out instinctively, looking around at the remaining changelings, wondering who told Queen Chrysalis her plans.

“That is none of your concern. What you should be concerned with is with me...” The changelings looked between Coco and their queen, wondering what the outcome was going to be. “Now I am going to ask you a simple question, and I demand an answer.” With her heart pounding and confidence in her stare, Coco Pommel nodded. “Why will you not make me anymore dresses?”

A few seconds passed before Coco replied, “Because you have given me no feedback.”

“That's it?”

“Well... that is part of it?”

“'Part' you say? What about the other 'part?'”

“Let me tell you the first part before the second.”

“I wish to know the second part.”

“Well you get won't hear the second part because you refuse to give me any feedback!”

“How DARE YOU speak to me in such a manor!”

“And how DARE YOU refuse to give the pony you commissioned any type of criticism!”

Queen Chrysalis' teeth were bared, frustrated with the pony who continued to bicker with her. The other changelings, however, looked more astonished than angry with Coco as she stood her ground against the Queen of Changelings.

Giving in, Queen Chrysalis said, “Fine! Tell me your first reason. But I expect to hear your second reason next.”

Taking in a deep breath, Coco began her “first reason.”

“When I made your first dress, I thought I did something wrong when you told me to make another one without any feedback. Fang, however, told me that if you hated my dress, you would have told me otherwise. Since you did not, that gave me the impression that you were looking for something else. So, I had these tailors assist me with creating more designs for you.” Coco gestured to the four changelings who assisted her with the five other dresses.

“When you, once again, gave no feedback, I was frustrated. I didn't know what you wanted. I couldn't think of anything else because I thought my assignment was 'make a dress fit for a queen.' Apparently, I have made six dresses. Six dresses for a queen who cannot seem to give any type of critique!”

Moments passed as the pony finished her rant. Queen Chysalis then calmly spoke, “I wish to have a large arraignment of dresses before I make my choice.”

Coco creased her brow. “That is a flat out lie.”

The queen flinched, as if something electrified her. She too creased her brow. “What do you know?! All you are here to do is to work and get payed. Isn't that what you wanted? Work that doesn't involve working at a pathetic coffee shop in a run down city?”

“Don't you DARE BRING MY PAST JOB INTO THIS!” Coco screamed. If there was one thing that irritated Coco the most, it was insulting any of her line of work, regardless if it was tailoring or not. If Coco was a unicorn herself, her eyes would be burning with fury just as the queen's eyes were.

“Oh, I will bring your past work into this! Unless if you want to walk back to Manehattan empty hooved, you will do as I say!”

“And there is one thing I want to say right now, Mrs. Queen Chrysalis!”

Very roughly, Queen Chrysalis pressed her forehead onto the pony's forehead, making sure she bruised it in the process. “And what might that be?”

Coco was about to tell her off. She was about to tell her she was the worst boss she had ever had. But the pony saw something else in the queen's hurtful stare: blind wrath. She remembered that the queen had some bitter hatred toward Princess Celestia. Perhaps there was a better way than insulting her current employer.

Calmly, Coco said, “I consider you as a friend, as I do to all my employers. Do you consider me as a friend?”

Like a dying flame under light rainfall, Queen Chrysalis' fury slowly subsided. She slowly pulled her head back and looked down at the pony. Not with any angry fury, but bewilderment.

“A friend...?” the queen asked softly.

Taking quick glances, Coco noticed the other changelings were in shock. Their queen, ruler of all changelings, subsided her anger. All because of a simple earth pony's question.

Smiling lightly, Coco answered the queen's question, “Yes.”

“You think of me as a friend?” Queen Chrysalis asked, cracking the smallest of smiles; but it quickly left as it came. “Why?”

“Because a friend helps,” Coco replied. “A friend continues to support another friend's actions, so long as it assists them in the long run. You have given me a chance to do what I do best, and I appreciate that. In return, as your friend, I will give you what you need in order to survive.”

Queen Chrysalis was lost in thought, pondering what she had just heard, looking at Coco Pommel who held the happiest smile that had ever been directed toward the queen. Never in my years has a pony told me that they consider me as a friend... How? How could this simple earth pony look at me, the Queen of all Changelings, with a smile and say that I am her friend?! And yet... I believe her...

And it was true. Chrysalis felt the compassion radiating off of the pony and could tell that Coco was being truthful.

“So,” Coco asked. Chrysalis quickly brought her attention back to Coco's stare. “Do you consider me as a friend?” As she told the question, she held her hoof out, offering it like a filly befriending a colt on the playground for the first time.

As the others watched, the changelings were now in complete amazement to see their queen at such a defeat. She always has something to say. Always a snide remark if somechangeling disagreed with her. But now, they did not see that. They saw the Queen of Changelings slowly lift her front leg up and reach over to the pony's hoof. When their hooves finally touched, their wrists bent inward, giving a sincere hoofshake.

Taking in a deep breath, Queen Chrysalis said, “Yes, I consider you as a friend,” finally letting out a smile. As if electricity had flown through her arm, she left a strong amount of love coarse through her body as Coco stretched a happy smile across her face.

Everychangeling began to exchange looks, speechless at what had just happened. That is, everychangeling but Sea More, who stared at Coco and his queen with a smile.

Blushing and clearing her throat, Chrysalis said, “Well... now that that is taken care of...” She placed her hoof back in the water as she looked at her kind; they quickly looked away as they came in contact with her eyesight.

Looking back at Coco, she asked, “What is the second reason of why you will not make any more dresses for me?” This time, the queen did not look angry. She looked at the pony with curiosity, wondering what her second reason would be.

“Umm... well, before I answer that, I want you to critique my dresses. I want to know what you liked and disliked.”

Chrysalis looked up to the sky and looked at the stars. “Amazing.”

“What?” Coco replied taking a few steps back.

Looking back at the pony, the queen said with a smile, “They were amazing.”

“I told you,” said a voice from behind Chrysalis. Both she and Coco looked to see that it was Fang who grinned at the pony.

“Shut up, you are not in this conversation,” Chrysalis said as she tossed her arm out of the water, splashing his face in the process.

“Y-you mean... you-” Coco was at a loss of words. She almost couldn't believe what she had heard. But because her reality was no dream, she kept believing.

“Yes, I loved them; specifically your dresses.” Looking back at her own tailors, the queen said, “Your designs never disappoint me and I love each and every one of them. However...” Chrysalis gestured toward Coco. “My dearest friend here was hired by me. As such, I wish to use her work. After all, 'a friend continues to support another friend's actions, so long as it assists them in the long run.' Am I right Coco Pommel?”

“Mmhmm,” she quickly nodded. It made her happy to know that Chrysalis now calls her a friend. Because of this, she doesn't have to worry about being yelled at... hopefully.

“So, which dress did you like the most?”

Shaking her head, the queen said, “I have given you my critique.”

“What about the detail?” Coco asked, wondering what feature Chrysalis liked the most. “The fabric? The use of color? The-”

“Amazing work. Nothing more. End of subject.” Coco could tell that her friend was more interested in wondering what the second reason for why the pony won't any more designs. “So, your second reason please.”

“Umm... well...” The pony looked at Fang with uncertainty. “Fang,” she asked.

“Yes?” he replied.

Coco hesitated asking him if it was alright if she could tell the queen that he told her about the queen's hatred toward Princess Celestia, but retracted the idea. “Never mind...”

“What did you tell her?” Chrysalis asked Fang in a serious tone.

“Oh, he didn't tell me anything!” Coco blurted out, trying not to get her friend into any trouble. “It's- something I heard when you and Fang were outside my room this evening.”

“And what did you hear exactly?” The queen had a concerned look on her face, hoping the pony didn't hear the conversation she and Fang were having.

“I... heard that you were thinking about calling off the mission to the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“Is that all?”

“Well... You said that you didn't want to go not for the fact you dislike Shining Armor or Cadence. You wanted to call it off because of Princess Celestia.” Chrysalis didn't say a word upon hearing that Coco was eavesdropping on her conversation. “That is my second reason. You hate Princess Celestia, yet you lied to me and kept giving me more work without any critiques toward my dresses.” Placing a hoof on Chrysalis' shoulder, Coco asked, “You are my friend. Please, tell me why you hate her so much. I know I am not some negotiator, hoping to stop a future conflict to happen. I just want to know... that's all...”

“You sure you want to know,” Queen Chrysalis asked, hoping the pony would say no.

“Please do. I am your friend. Let me help you. But first, I need to know why.”

“Very well...”

The atmosphere suddenly grew grim. Everychangeling had a sad look on their face; even Knight Cap showed sorrow. Queen Chrysalis looked depressed. Her eyes shimmered as water began to fill at the bottom of her eyes.

“I once... had a daughter...” Coco could see the queen was attempting to keep her composure in front of her kind, but was unsuccessful. “And... that Princess... inadvertently killed my daughter...”