Assassin's Creed III:Friendship is magic season one

by Brony117

Chapter 13: The election part 2

Chapter 13: The election Part 2

Scootaloo couldn’t believe what she was seeing right in front of her, fillies and colts happily smiling with each other! Ponies around her age talking with each other, together, having fun with each other! She has never seen this kind of thing back at the orphanage, usually the ponies over there were always grouchy, and not in the mood to talk. Most of the kids were slightly older, and mean to each other. The adults who worked at the orphanage barely did anything but do nothing, sit around and watch what was in front of them. Even the when the children fought each other!

However, there was one adult, out of the entire building, and the owner of the orphanage, who actually did something! She was the kindest mare who truly looked after the children, and stopped the fights right before it started, and in the middle of one. She alone, fed them, took care of them, and most of all she loved them.

For Scootaloo, the mare was almost like a mother to her, even though the mare shows love to the other children.

Those who were well behaved were chosen for adoption, and she was one of them. Well…sometimes due to her recklessness when playing with her ‘favorite toy’. She was very excited when she and the other children were being interviewed by parents to see weather they were the child they wanted. Of course there were some days when she and the others kids didn’t get and interview from some parents, but she always knew that one day, there were parents out there wanting to adopt a pony like her who’s energetic, adventurous, and, not like many girls at her age, a tomboyish attitude.

But that day never came at all…

As the days went by, Scootaloo, decided to change her attitude and dress appropriately for the interviews. Hopefully to increase her chances to be adopted, even though she didn’t like wearing the clothing and the fake attitude.

But once again, they never came.

The same thing happened again and, again, and again, over and over until all the adults completely ignored her, almost as if she never existed.

Seeing the situation she was in, the old mare decided to speak to the young Pegasus and told her she’ll do everything in her power to help Scootaloo get adopted.

This gave Scootaloo some hope, the old mare was the only pony who took care of the children, and trust worthy.

When it was time for adoption, the old mare decided to speak to the adults about their ‘nicest and playful filly’ to be adopted first.

The adults turned to see the filly, where the old mare pointed, standing in front of them and waving hello. They turned back to the old mare that and said their not interested and moved on to find another child.

Hearing this shocked Scootaloo and ran towards her room with tears in her eyes, while the old mare just watch and was powerless to do anything.

As Scootaloo entered her room, she buried her face into her pillow and cried.

She did everything she could to be adopted, but they rejected her without giving her a chance! How could they! And why?

It didn’t matter anymore, because later tonight, she will never have to see those ponies ever again!

“Scootaloo...Scootaloo…Hey Scootaloo!”

“Huh?” Scootaloo snapped out from remembering what happened along time ago and found herself back inside the school.

Dinky walked up to Scootaloo in worry.

“Are you alright? As soon as you came in you froze.”

“Y-Yeah, I’m fine. Just surprised to see this many ponies around our age excited for school that’s all.”

“I know, to be honest I’m nervous in the inside, but on the outside I’m excited. What about you?”

“Nervous, but not excited. This is the first time were alone without Connor and the others, I wanna go back.”

Hearing this shocked Dinky.

“W-WHAT!? Y-You can’t go back! Remember our promise?”

“I know but-“

“Listen, you want to do all those cool moves Connor does?”

“Yeah?” Replied Scootaloo.

“Then stay and you’ll learn all the cool stuff from him! Just as I’ll get a hug from my mom!” said Dinky.

“Do you really think we can do it? Do you really think we can make it through the day?”

“Of course we will! You got me right? We’ll do this together as a family!”


“Yeah, as a Family!” replied Dinky. “I know were not related, but we treat each other as one! Like you and I are sisters, Connor is the big brother, Mommy is the big sister, and aunt Carrot Top is the mom!”

Scootaloo thought about what Dinky said and it made sense, they all treated like a family.

“You know what? Your right! We do treat each other as a family! We look after each others, and we take care of each ither!”

“That’s right! Now lets get though this together!”

Dinky put out her hoof in front of Scootaloo. Seeing this, the filly Pegasus put out her hoof and bumped it.

“Yeah, together!” said Scootaloo.

With that said, both fillies went to the lined up desks and sat down.

A minute later, Cheeirlee appeared, sat behind her desk and spoke.

“Hello class, my name is Miss Cheeirlee, and I’m your new teacher.”

It has been thirty minutes since Connor went his separate way for the day from Derpy and Carrot Top as he searched for a job, but for some reason most of the shops are closed and the streets are deserted.

It was not the first time this happened, thanks to Pinkie Pie’s welcome to ponyville party. However, there’s no sign like the last time, this is different. Because further down the street the sound of music can be heard, perhaps a party? Hopefully not a Pinkie Pie related, the spirits know one party from that mare was enough he can take.

Knowing it was pointless walking around the empty streets since all the streets were closed, Connor walked towards the music. As the music got louder and louder, he saw a large crowd of ponies looking at one mare earth pony on a stage with two royal guards to protect her in case of an attack.

The mare earth pony’s coat is blue as the sky, green eyes, blond hair and tail tied into a bun, her cutie mark is a book and next to it is a feather quill pen.

Her name is-

“Citizens of ponyville! I, Mayor Novelty Quill, ask you to re-elect me to become mayor of this grateful town once again!”

Ponies cheered to the mayor as they happily agreed to re-elect her.

The mayor spoke again.

“Thank you! Thank you! Now! My fellow citizens! If you do re-elect me again, I promise that all the towns problems and its people’s problems to go away! For example, the crime here is starting to climb thanks to these low life thugs as they attack our friends and family! To prevent that from ever happening again, I declare that ponyville have its own police force incase the royal guards won’t show up in time! But this won’t come true unless I am re-elected and the streets will be safe again!”

The crowd roared in cheer and clapped their hooves together as they agreed to vote for her again.

Thank you! Thank you so much for your support everypony! However, I do believe that some of that support belongs to my opponent who’s also running for mayor, Marey Mare.”

The crowd turned around to see another earth pony whose coat is light brown, grey hair and tail tied into a ponytail, blue eyes, and her cutie mark is a rolled scroll tied with a blue ribbon. Standing on a wood box, trying to get votes with flyers.

“Vote for! Vote for Marey Mare! How about you sir? Vote for me!”

As she tired to give out to other ponies, they rejected and walked away.

The crowd looked back at the mayor as she continued her speech.

“Hmm…Looks like my opponent is not doing so well, I wish her luck. Anyway I thank you for the support and for showing up, it brings me so much joy to see all of you here and cheer for me. That’s all for today, I hope to see you all on Election Day!”

With the mayors speech over, she walked away from the stage with the royal guard behind her. As she left the reporters walked up to her and asked her questions about the election.

As this happened, the crowd went their separate ways and went on with their day.

All but one Pegasus, Connor, stood in the middle of the crowd wondering what all this ment.

Until a voice was heard next to him.

“That poor mare, sitting on top of a box passing out flyers to gain support and votes. What’s worse is that her opponent has everything she needs to gain more support and votes to become mayor again, not good.”

Connor turned around to see a earth pony stallion, whose coat is light brown, dark combed back spiky brown hair and tail, and a hour glass for a cutie mark.

Connor spoke to the stallion.

“Do you know what was that about?”

“Hmm? Oh yes, of course! What you’ve just witnessed was an election.”

“An election?”

“Hmm…I take it your new around here?”

“Only a few weeks.”

“I see, I believe introductions are in order. The names Doctor, Doctor Whooves.”

Doctor put out his hoof in front of Connor, seeing this the white Pegasus put out his hoof and shook it.


“Just Doctor, and yes it’s a real name.”

“I see…Connor Kenway.”

“A pleasure to meet you Mr. Kenway, I must say I have heard many great things about you.”

“You have?”

“Why of course! I’ve heard the stories, a Pegasus, running from the royal guard and defeats them! But…I believe my favorite is where you saved Derpy…”

Hearing this caught Connors attention.

“You know Derpy?”

Doctor blushed hearing Derpys name.

“*Ahem* Well…I-I know her, heh.”

Connor raised an eyebrow.

“Are you in a relationship with her?”

Doctors blush turned more redder and hanged his head low.

“*Sigh* Yes…we are.”

Connor smiled.

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of, I’m glad that you and Derpy are together.”

“But not on that day…” Doctor sadly replied. “I was suppose to be with her, but…work got in the way. If I was there I would have prevented that fight from happening! I would have told them to leave and-“

“You would’ve taken the beating instead.” Connor finished.


“Sometimes there are times you wish you could change things, weather it can be good, or worse.”

“I suppose…”

Connor then smiled.

“However, if you did taken the beating, we would’ve saved you from the thugs instead.”

Hearing this caused Doctor to laugh.

“Hahaha! Yes I suppose that would’ve happen.”

“And from children stories, shouldn’t the hero rescue the damsel in distress?”

Both stallions laughed at the joke.

Until a voice interrupted their conversation.

“Connor? Is that you?”

Hearing his name Connor turned around to see a familiar face.

“Commander Shining Armor? What are you doing here?”

“We were ordered here to make sure we keep this event safe and secure, so far everything is good!”

“I saw some of your guards companying the current mayor, are they suppose to do that?”

“Yup! Some of them are ordered to protect the current mayor and her opponent.”

Doctor spoke.

“But the mayors opponent doesn’t have any guards.”

“About that...the opponent doesn’t want any protection.”

“WHAT!?” shouted Doctor. “But the rules say that every opponent, including the current mayor, are suppose to be protected!?”

“I know,” said Shining Armor. “But he current mayor said it was fine as long as no harm comes to the opponent.”

Connor then spoke.

“Then we might want to make sure, because she’s leaving right now with her head down.”

Doctor and Shining Armor turned around to see and saw the opponent, Marey Mare, walking away from the ponies with her head down in shame.

“Connors right,” said Shining Armor. “With her head down like that she’s bound to find a bar to drink her problems down the drain.”

“And what makes you so sure of that?” said Doctor.

“Hey when you fail a mission while serving in the royal guard, you get the feeling you failed the guards, the princess, and worst of all, the people. The way to forget your failure is to drink your problems away. Trust me, I’ve seen it dozens of times before.”

“Alright, I’ll take your word for it. What do we do Mr. Kenway?”

“It is simple, we follow her without letting her notice her.”

“Sounds like a plan,” said Shining Armor. “You guys go ahead I’ll catch up. I gotta leave somepony in charge.”

Connor nodded to Shining Armor’s response as he left.

Doctor spoke.

“Are you sure we should be doing this? I mean, I’m not saying we shouldn’t but, should we? We don’t even know her!”

“Did you knew Derpy when you met?” Connor replied.

Hearing this surprised Doctor.

“Mr. Kenway!? What are you getting at!?”

“Did you knew Derpy when you met?” Connor repeated.

“Of course not! But-“

“Exactly! You both never met. Tell me, how did you both meet?”

“Mr. Kenway-“

How.Did.You.Both.Meet!” Said Connor in a serious tone.

Hearing how serious Connor is, Doctor spoke.

“*Sigh* Derpy and I…met aciddently.”


“Yes, can you believe that? There I was, in the middle of the street minding my own business when suddenly…Crash! A Pegasus Crashes onto me! I looked up and there she was, the mare you and I know.”

Connor smiled as he knew the name Doctor was speaking of.


“Correct,” Doctor replied. “At first I wanted to shout at her for crashing onto me. But when I saw her eyes I panicked!”

“Heh, I felt the same way when I laid eyes on them when the others and I rescued her.”

“Yes well, apparently when I asked her I’ll take her to the hospital to go get them checked. She said she was born that way!”

“And then?”

“Then…all of a sudden, we just started dating.”

“Really? Just like that?”

“Yes I know! As soon as we laid eyes on each other…after discussing about the hospital of course, well…we just dated.”

“Is that so Doc?” said a familiar voice.

Connor and Doctor turned around and saw a white coated unicorn with dark blue hair and tail with a light blue stripe on them, and a cutie mark for a shield with four stars, one purple star on the shield and three blue stars on top.

“Commander Shining Armor?” said Connor.

“It’s Shining Armor when I’m out of uniform, its best if we leave my rank out of this. It will be less suspicious ya know?”

“I understand.”

“Good the longer we stand here the quicker we lose mayors opponent.”

With that said, the three stallions left the area in search of the mare hoping no harm will come to her.

It is lunch time at school, all of the children are outside eating their lunch that their parents made and enjoying the outdoors.

Scootaloo and Dinky were having lunch together and discussing about today.

“*Phew* Finally! Lunch time! Another minute and I might’ve passed out!” said Scootaloo.

“Hehehe, I could tell.” said Dinky. “You couldn’t stop groaning about how hungry you were during class.”

“Yeah well, you know me.”

“Yup! Come on, let’s see what we got for lunch!”

Both fillies opened their lunch bags and saw what was inside, a hay sandwich, a carrot provided by Carrot Top, a box of juice, and surprisingly a muffin!”

“Sweet! Jackpot!” said Scootaloo.

“You said it!’ said Dinky.

As both fillies were about to eat their food, a voice was heard.

“Um…Can I sit with you girls?”

Scootaloo and Dinky turned around and saw a unicorn filly around their age, her coat is white, eyes colored light green, her curly hair and tail color is half light pink and half light pruple, and just like them no cutie mark.

The two fillies looked at each other and back at the filly unicorn.

“Sure!” said Dinky.

“Yeah take a seat!” said Scootaloo.

The unicorn filly smiled, she walked towards their table, unpacked her lunch, and ate. Scootaloo and Dinky did the same.

As the fillies ate their lunch, the unicorn filly spooke.

“Thanks for letting me sit with you girls, there aren’t many good spots to enjoy your lunch.”

“It’s no problem, it the least we can do.” Said Scootaloo.

“Plus if were going to make any friends might as well be nice with others.” Said Dinky.

“Heh, you got one now! I’m Sweetie Bell!”

“Names Scootaloo.”

“And I’m Dinky.”

Sweetie Bell smiled and replied.

“Nice to meet you girls. So, what do you think of this place? It’s my first time at school!”

“Same as here,” said Scootaloo. “It’s also our first time.”

“Yeah, but were nervous too.” Said Dinky. “I Mean, I didn’t want to leave my mom. I’ve been with her for long as I can remember, I’m usually use to when she leaves to work. But never have I left her!”

“I know that what you mean,” said Sweetie Bell. “How about you Scootaloo?”


“Did you feel nervous leaving your parents?”

“Uh…Y-Yeah…I did.”



After 30 Minutes of following the mare, secretly of course, the three stallions saw her enter a near by tavern.

“What did I tell ya?” said Shining Armor.

“Well, you were right?” said Doctor.

“Let’s head inside,” said Connor. “There’s no telling what will happen if she’s in there drunk and causing trouble already.”

‘You got an idea?” said Shining Armor.

“Yes, follow my lead.”

Trusting their friend, all three stallions entered the tavern. As they went inside, it was barely dark as many candles were the only source of light. As for the people inside, they all looked like low petty criminals wearing old ragged clothes. One false move and there’s bound to be trouble.

“Uh, is this really the place she went to?” said Doctor.

“Well, we did saw her enter the place right? It has to be it.” Said Shining Armor.

“Quiet!” said Connor. “We don’t need this kind of conversation if were planning to get ourselves thrown out!”

With that said, both Shining Armor, and Doctor kept their mouths shut and followed Connor. As the two stallions followed their friend, he led them to the bar. They sat down and spoke.

“So…What’s next?” said Shining Armor.

“We search for the mare, simple as that.” Said Connor.

“Except the fact we are surrounded by complete strangers!” Said Doctor.

“Come on Doc, Don’t go chicken on us.” Said Shining Armor.

“I-I’m am not! I’m just concerned for our safety!”

“Heh, Chicken.”


Before Connor could interrupt, the bartender spoke.

“What will it be gentlecolts?”

“Um…just a bottle of beer.” Said Shining Armor.

“Rum.” Said Connor.

“I don’t suppose you have any tea do you?” said Doctor.

The bartender gave Doctor a blank look.

“I’ll take scotch then.”

With their orders taken, the bartender left. A minute later, the he returned and gave the stallions their drinks.

With their drinks in front of them, Connor and the others took their drinks and dranked.

“Ah…I really needed that...” said Shining Armor.

‘I’m not much of a drinker, but it is nice to relax once in a while.” Said Connor.

“And what a better way to drink with your mates am I right?” said Doctor.

“Hehehe, I’ll drink to that!”

All three stallions looked to their right for the source of the voice and saw who it was.

It was the mare they were looking for! Marey Mare!”

“Found her.” Said Shining Armor.

“It seems we have.” Said Connor.

“Well that was easy.” Said Doctor.

“Come on gentlecolts, lets have another round shall we?”

The bartender walked up to her.

“I think you had enough miss.”


Marey threw her bottle at the bartender, luckily he dodged it as the bottle broke somewhere else.

“Don’t tell me I’ve had enough!”

All three stallions ran up to her and held her back to prevent things to go any further.

“How much did she have?” said Shining Armor.

“Only one.”


“Yeah, she asked for something strong and I gave it to her. Next thing in know she’s drunk!”

“Has she caused any trouble?” said Connor.

“Just now.”

“I see, I apologize for that.”

“Just get out of here before things get worse, I don’t know if that bottle smashed and splashed on anypony, trust me.”

“Excellent idea! Lets go gents.” Said Doctor.

Listening to the bartenders advice, the three stallions walked towards the exit, with Marey Mare, whose still drunk, was carried by Connor and Shining Armor.

As they were close to the exit.

“Oi! Where the hell do you think yer going?”

“Crap.../Damn…/Bloody hell…”

Hearing the scream fro help, Scootaloo, Dinky, and Sweetie Bell, searched for the source. Only to see a crowd of fillies and colts looking in horror of what they were seeing.

The three fillies rushed though the crowd and saw what was happening.

Three teenage ponies, a Pegasus, a unicorn, and an earth pony, were bullying two young unicorn colts around their age!

“Oh no! Those colts are in trouble!” said Dinky.

“It’s like the Derpy situation again!” said Scootaloo.

‘We gotta do something!” said Sweetie Bell.

As the girls were thinking of a plan, the three bullies continued to hurt the two unicorn colts.



The unicorn bully kicked down one of the colts down to the ground, he and his friends laughed.

The other unicorn colt ran towards the other unicorn colt and defended him.

“L-Leave him alone!”

The three bullies laughed.

“Will ya look at that, this brat got guts!” said the unicorn bully.

“Yeah, he thinks he’s all tough!” said the Pegasus bully.

“Finish him off will ya? Show these kids a beating they won’t forget!” said the Earth pony bully.

“With pleasure!”

The unicorn bully reached out his hoof to grab the unicorn colt and hurt him badly.

The colt closed his eyes in fear so he won’t see the punches and hoped it will be over quickly.



The unicorn bully grabbed his hoof and saw a red mark on it, he looked down and saw a rock on the ground. One of the kids in the crowd must’ve thrown it/

The unicorn clot opened his eyes as he heard a scream, he saw the bully holding his hoof in pain.

The bully screamed at the screamed at the crowd of children.

“Who did that!? Which one of you brats did that!?”



“I did!”

The unicorn bully turned to the crowd to see a Pegasus filly with a rock on hoof.

“You…” he said angrily.

Scootaloo turned to the unicorn colts and spoke to them.

“Get out of here now!”

Without another word, one of the unicorn colts grabbed the other unicorn and ran towards to safety.

The unicorn bully shouted.

“Hey! Get back here!”



“Hey! You’re dealing with me now! Leave them alone!”

Hearing what she said unicorn bully smiled.

“Ya know what? Your right! Boys! We have a new punching bag!”

Hearing what he said, Scootaloo just regretted what she said.

“Aw crud…”

To be continued…