Living The Hive Life

by Valen

Volume I: The Hive Life

Living The Hive Life

Written by: DeepShift                        Edited by: Cerulean Voice, and FluxerCry

Volume I: The Hive Life

“Welcome to Hive Mephistis, home of the great Queen Chrysalis. Enjoy your stay”

Life in the Hive is good. Safe from the wrath and hate of the ponies, Changelings live on in vast underground cities. Sure, there are still some dangers, the cavern prowling Bugganes for one. The beasts would often mount raids, but the guard always makes sure to stop them before things get out of hoof. Even worse though, are the increasingly hostile ‘Children of Voruk,’ a cult of Changelings who appear to worship the traitor Changeling, still as long as one avoided straying too far from the Hive, it was good. Queen Chrysalis keeps things running smoothly, and there hasn’t been a major war in centuries. All in all, society is content. Or, most of society. For some Changelings, life underground isn’t enough. They want to fly free above the surface, exploring a world of trees and mountains. Or at the very least spice up the monotonous life they live. Mimic Shift is one such Changeling, and his life is about to get a lot more interesting.