Iron Will and The Element of Darkness.

by RoboCom64 Zelos

Chapter 2: Grave Danger.

Chapter 2: Grave Danger.
It was a new shiny and clear day in ponyville.
Iron Will woke up in his small room, which was filled with posters of himself and some motivational books. He got up, cracked open a fresh cold cider and sat down in a big armchair. Suddenly he found himself again remembering his favorite ponytale about the element of darkness which granny Will liked to tell him when he was little.
Iron Will had this weird feeling inside that something was going to happen. In fact he wanted something special to happen. The mighty minotaur was really bored with his job and always had a feeling that he was wasting his life.
Being a minotaur he possessed and immense strength and endurence and he himself was also very brave and assertive. Iron Will knew that he is destined for something more than just assertiveness lessons. He always wanted to be a great hero defeating huge monsters and saving Equestria.
Suddenly he noticed that there was a big and black two sided axe, lying in the center of the room. the axe was big enough to fit the minotaur, which is really rare for this places. it was black two sided and razor sharp. the handle was wrapped in some kind of dark cloth and there were special places for the fingers.
Iron Will stood up and slowly came up to the axe looking confused. he took the axe by the handle and realized that it perfectly fits him in every was. He also saw some strange symbols on the each side of the axe but he could not understand them.
As he sat on the couch holding the axe he suddenly heard a loud and dark voice in his head.
"Bathe the Axe in the Dragon's heart and claim your reward."
Iron Will confusingly thought to himself: "Whew i should really stop drinking so much cider......I should go and have some fresh air"
The minotaur exited the building and went to check his male. The weather was majestic and the ponies were all busy with their work. Iron Will took a deep breath and started thinking. He realized that even though he has been staying in ponyville for more than a month now, he doesn't have any friends, but that was not the thing that bothered him, no. He wanted adventures and not this boring life in ponyville.
In a moment instead of the sunny day it became dark. Iron Will looked up and he couldn't believe himself. it was a huge dragon flying above ponyville and blocking the sun with its enormous body. The minotaur was shocked and dazzled. But the dragon was not flying by, it was landing right at the centre of ponyville, easily crushing the city hall building with it's body.
Now that the dragon landed Iron Will could really see the dragon in all his grace. The Dragon was huge even by dragon standards. he had two huge golden horns on his head. His red skin was shining and reflecting the sun, his eyes were Yellow and it seemed like he could kill a pony just by looking at him, and his nails and fangs were golden yellow and razor sharp.
Every pony at ponyville were either hiding or running away. When the dragon saw a pack of ponies running away, he fierecly breathed Blue Fire at them and in an instant there was only a pile of ash. The dragon smiled with his shining white Teeth.
Iron Will could not hear the screaming and terrified cries for help, he could only hear the voice in his head saying the same phrase again and again: "Bathe the Axe in the Dragon's heart and claim your reward. The minotaur quickly got the axe out of his house and when he got out of the house again he saw that the dragon was standing at the same place and looked directly at him, like he was only waitin for him to get the axe.
As soon as the dragon saw this axe it flew as high as the sun and lunged itself on Iron Will. The minotaur remembered all his assertiveness lessons and all his dreams of becoming a hero and squeezed the axe in his hand.
As the Dragon was closing in Iron Will jumped on him and seized his horn. the dragon flew high again and it was unimaginably hard not to fall from him. The dragon began shaking his head and the minotaur flew off the horn and started falling, and the dragon quickly tried to swallow him as the minotaur grabbed the axe with his both hands and dodging the bite of the dragon landed on his nose and with a swift and quick attack cut one of his eyes. The dragon screamed in pain as Iron Will was falling to his death only to be caught by Rainbow Dash.
"Whew you are a life saver there pony,"- said Iron Will Riding the pegasus.
" The name is Rainbow Dash, but what the hay were you thinking going off to fight the dragon all by yourself?"
" I admit it was pretty stupid but hey, you were here to save me,"- Smiled Iron Will, " Listen Rainbow Dash this dragon is very strong but my axe seems to cut him like butter. By myself i will be defeated quickly but together we can save ponyville."
" Sounds like a plan,"- shouted Rainbow Dash.
"Fly me to his wing Rainbow."
As they closed in on dragon's wing Iron Will Jumped in dragons back. The Dragon was shaking and screaming as his eye bled, but the minotaur cut a hole in the dragons back to hold on. Iron WIll Crawled to the base of the dragon's wing he started cutting off this wing. The dragon shouted and started Spitting fire all over ponyville. In a few moments the wing was cut off and the dragon started falling. Iron Will jumped off the dragon screaming: " RAINBOOOOW,"- and in an instant he was caught by a fast blur. the huge dragon fell into the great mountain near ponyville.
Rainbow Dash safely landed in ponyville a part of which was only ashes now. Iron Will was covered in dragon blood and looked unconscious.
" ALRIGHT AWESOME!!!!Hey you alright there Willy?"- Said Rainbow Dash, but the Iron Will didn't answer.
Rainbow Dash shook Iron Will and tried to wake him but he remained silent. Soon the minotaur was taken to the hospital by ponies.
To be Continued....