//------------------------------// // 7: A Special Place // Story: My Mother ( Rewrite) // by Dragonfan101 //------------------------------// After Spike and Skystar had they're little talk with Nathen and understood the pain he was going through, they did what they could to comfort him with what they could do, Spike felt really bad to know Nathen went through so much similar to what his mom went through, and he only wished he came to this place sooner, but at the same time, he still didn't know how to properly explain everything to them both. Despite him reuniting with his birth mother and spending time with her, learning about their kind and such, Spike was still raised and is family to Twilight, and Spike knows she must be really worried for him since he hasn't sent a letter in 2 days by now. He felt the lie he has finally catching up to him as the consequences for it are not gonna be pretty, Spike didn't know what to do, he needed to tell his mom and Nathen the truth, but if the story of him being stolen relates to her grudge against the ponies, it makes Spike even more worried about what's gonna happen, and with Skystar's skills, she may be a big problem to his family back home if she goes.. to far off the edge when Spike goes missing again. Spike was in the living room alongside Nathen and Skystar, they were taking in this moment to relax before they headed out for the Everfree Forest, how Skystar knows about this place is beyond him, but he is interested about seeing it, but again.. the thoughts of what to do can't stop leaving his mind. "How do I tell them this? How do I explain that I was really raised by ponies?" Spike thought to himself while he looked at the two who were focusing on something else. "My mom went through so much without me, she fell into that Primal Rage state she mentioned before, and she spent so many years without her child, him. And no matter what spell she learned, or skill with strength she gained, she never got over the guilt of losing him, and Nathen understood that pain.. "If I go missing again, and they find out that I end up back in Ponyville.. will they grow furious upon finding out?" Spike thought with fear as he knew Skystar had some huge strength hidden within her, and she may cause some real damage if she finds out. "What do I do.. how do I break this to them both? Will they still care for me even if I did lie..?" Spike asked while he was so deep in his thoughts, all of this weight fell on him and he didn't know how to push it away, he felt so heavy and his mind just didn't get over it, he was so afraid of what's gonna happen, and knowing Nathen knows this pain, he may be with Skystar to get him back if he goes back without them knowing.. "Ugh.. why did I have to lie? Why couldn't I just tell them the truth? Even if they assumed the ponies stole me.. they at least would know how I survived and not that it was on my own.. why did I lie? How can I solve this?" Spike asked again as he was shaking from the thoughts of the consequences, and that finally got Skystar and Nathen's attention after some thinking of they're own. "Son, are you alright? You look really worried about something?" Skystar asked which finally snapped him out of his thoughts, he looked up and saw Nathen and Skystar were worried for him, and tried calming down to not cause concern. "I'm.. alright, just lost in my thoughts.." Spike admitted while the two looked at him. "You sure kid? You seem worried about something else, do you.. wanna talk about it?" Nathen asked knowing there was something wrong. Spike looked at the two of them and tried finding something to say, despite how much he's worried about what they'll feel like when they know the truth, Spike needed to find a right time to tell them all of this, and tried finding a way around the answer. "I'm okay.. I was just worried about what may happen when we go to the forest, just worried if we're ambushed by Timberwolves, or if something happens during our time there.." Spike said making sure he doesn't hint at his real thoughts, but Skystar only shook her head hearing that. "You don't have to worry about a thing son, I am far stronger then I was when I lost you, I can destroy a mountain if I start tapping into my powers, and if I fall into my Primal Rage state.. let's just say whoever or whatever tries harming you.. they will not make it out with more then a few dozen body scars.. really deep.. painful body scars." Skystar said with a bit of a scary tone which did worry Spike even more. "Yeah, don't worry about it kid. I have plenty of combat experience myself, I know more then just brute strength in my fights, and my lightning only helps me with what I know." Nathen said as he took a small breath and blew a little bit of blue lightning from his mouth which surprised him knowing he can use lightning instead of fire. Spike looked at them both and saw they had no worry at all, and that they'll be able to handle a potential attack, but that only worried him even more if his friends try taking him from them.. "Well, that does relieve me a little knowing you two are well trained for this situation.." Spike said nervously not knowing what to say next, but Skystar saw there was something else he wasn't saying to them. "Son, I can tell there's something else your thinking about, please don't hold anything from us, I'm your mother, and I don't want my son to feel worried or pressured about anything, please tell me what's wrong." Skystar said while she kneeled down to him, Spike could see she knew he had something to hide, but wanted to hold off a bit longer until the times right. Spike sighed as he tried to think of something, but that's when he remembered what she's been hiding from him this whole time too, and decided it's best he and Nathen both hear out what her problem with the ponies are. "Mom, the truth is.. I'm just worried about you, after my egg was stolen, you went through so much pain and loss without me there, and given that you have a grudge against the ponies.. I'm guessing that they have some involvement in it.. don't they?" Spike asked which caught her off guard, but Nathen was surprised to hear that knowing this. "Why would the ponies be involved with Skystar's egg? I know that they wouldn't try to do that, they know the risk of stealing eggs from us, they would never try to do that." Nathen said brushing that off as he's seen what the ponies are like, but Skystar's expression soon turned into one that slowly turned to anger the more she heard that word. "Ponies are nothing but heartless monsters who care for themselves..." Skystar said quietly while growling a bit, but they didn't hear that fully. "What was that Skystar?" Nathen asked not hearing that, but she soon looked more angry and glared at them both to make sure they hear this fully. "Ponies are nothing but heartless monsters who only care for themselves!!!" Skystar shouted in a booming voice which actually shook the cave from the volume, Spike and Nathen were both really shocked with her sudden rage, and she herself noticed this and tried calming down. "I.. I'm so sorry I shouted like that.. It's just.. the thought of them.. it makes my blood boil with what they did.." Skystar said while clutching her claw, they both were really worried for her, and Spike's fears grew even more as the truth was starting to be revealed. "Mom.. please tell us.. what really happened with my egg?" Spike asked while he rubbed her head, she looked at both of them and saw they needed to hear what really happened, she's kept this from her son long enough, and he needed to know the full story. "I can't hold this from you anymore son, and it's important you know this too Nathen, please gather around, and listen closely.." Skystar said which made them come closer, Skystar took a deep breath and began to explain everything about what happened. "The ponies were the ones who stole my egg in the first place, they took the only thing that I had left, they took a part of me away, and after that day.. I never forgave them for what happened." Skystar revealed as the camera zooms into her head and we see a memory of what happened play out. Skystar was within a different cave compared to what she had now, she was on the ground and was badly bruised, she was breathing heavily and saw the two pony's grabbing her egg and taking it from her. "No! That's my egg!! It's the only thing I have left! It's my family!!" Skystar shouted with rage and sorrow while she tried getting back up, but her injuries were slowing her process, and the ponies smirked at the sight of it. "Oh so sorry miss dragon, we'll make sure your egg is fully safe when we take it! We searched too long for one of these, and we aren't gonna give it back little dragon!" One of them mocked which made her more furious. "The boss has been needing an egg for something important, and this egg will fit that bill! Too bad you won't ever see what becomes of it!" The other mocked as well which made her growl with fury, Skystar tried pushing through the pain she had, and stood against them one last time. "Give me back my child!!" Skystar screamed while she lunged directly at them both one last time, but one of them was a unicorn and it's horn began glowing the closer Skystar got to them. "See you around, you pathetic dragon." The unicorn mocked before they suddenly vanished before her which made her crash into the wall as a result, but Skystar quickly got up and looked around the cave with horror, her egg was gone, stolen by those ponies for something selfish. "No! No!!! This can't be real!!" Skystar screamed with anger and fear while she tried finding where they were, but she couldn't smell a trace of where they were, and had a look of horror realizing what's happened, her child was kidnapped, and she didn't know where to find him.. "No! NO!!! MY CHILD!!!!" Skystar screamed with anger as her eye pupils shrunk down, her claws were shaking with anger and flames began to appear around her body, Skystar growled with pure rage and fury as she felt the pain of her only family left being taken from her, and what's worse.. she had fallen into a Primal Rage state as a result. "I WILL BURN DOWN EVERY LAST PONY VILLAGE THERE IS! I WILL FIND YOU MONSTERS ONE DAY!! AND YOU WILL KNOW MY PAIN!!!" Skystar screamed as she made a huge scary roar of fury which echoed through the entire village, this caught the attention of every dragon living there, and they had a look of fear knowing what's to come next. We finally cut back to present time, Skystar had a tear come from her eye as she remembered that terrible day, she explained everything that happened, and Spike and Nathen were in compete shock of all they just heard. "So.. it's.. true? Ponies really stole me when I was an egg? And you.. fell into a Primal Rage because of it?" Spike asked sadly while she tried not to break down. "Yes.. I felt so much anger after you were taken.. I didn't know what to do after it.. once I finally snapped out of my Primal Rage state.. all I felt was pain and regret for not being able to save you.. and during the years I didn't have you.. I learned so much about fighting that I can never lose a fight again, it was all to protect you if I ever found you again.. but you were gone for so long.. I was so afraid of what really happened to you.. if they smashed your egg.. or if you were used for something.. far worse.." Skystar said while she gave him a tight hug. "Mom.. I'm so sorry to hear this.. I know why you were holding this back from us now.. I'm so sorry for what happened.." Spike said with regret while returning the hug. "To think you fell into such a state after losing you son.. It reminds me a lot of how I felt when I lost Sapphire.. I'm so sorry Skystar.. we shouldn't have had you talk about this.." Nathen said regretfully while he tried helping her too. Skystar looked at them both and had some tears in her eyes, she hated that memory so much, but having to tell this in front of them makes her feel more regret, but now they know the truth.. and why she hates the ponies because of it.. "It's okay you two, you now know the truth, why I held back on telling the truth for a while, I just hope that now that you know.. we can move on from it.. and now that I have my son back, I can make up the years I lost you.. and finally be the mother I never got to be.." Skystar said while she kissed Spike's head again, he felt awful hearing this, and knowing that the ponies stole him from her.. "I'm sorry this happened to you mom.. but what's important that we know what happened now, I'm sorry you went through so much pain from this.. but I promise you this won't happen again.." Spike assured while he looked in her eyes. "You.. really mean that son?" Skystar asked hoping he meant it. "Of course mom, I don't want you to go through that pain again.. we both don't.." Spike said while he hugged her tightly still. "Spike's right Skystar, what matters is you have him now, and we won't let you go through this pain again, what happened back then is awful yes, but what's important is that we should be grateful for what we have now." Nathen assured while he rubbed her head too. Skystar looked at them bot hand saw they cared for her after what happened, and with what happened then, shouldn't matter right now, she has her son again.. and that's what really matters.. "Thank you, both of you. I don't know what I would've done without you, especially you my son.." Skystar said while she started to cheer up from this talk. "It's alright mom, how about we head out now, try to take our minds off of this talk?" Spike suggested as he felt it was the best time to go right now. "Spike's right, let's go out and have a fun time, I'm sure it'll help us all after learning about this." Nathen said agreeing to this too, Skystar smiled after hearing this, and saw it was a good idea to go now. "Your right, let's all head out now, I'm sure we'll all feel better after we have some time to relax." Skystar said while she put Spike on her back again, they began to head to the exit and hoped for the best of what's to come next. "I'm sure we will mom, after learning all this, we need some time together to get over it." Spike said while they finally exited the cave together, and Skystar and Nathen spread out they're wings again. "It's best we all do son.. after all this.." Skystar said before she and Nathen took off into the sky's together, Spike had a lot to think about as they traveled again, and was just worried on what to tell them now that he knows the ponies stole him from her.. Spike traveled with Skystar and Nathen for quite a bit after taking off from the Dragon Lands, they went to the Everfree forest like Skystar said, Spike looked down and just remembered the times Twilight and her friends had to go through here to defeat Nightmare Moon, it was a real test for them all that night, but it's what helped form the friendship they all have now. But Spike couldn't help but worry even more knowing that the ponies stole her egg now, if she found out Spike was raised by them, she may think that they were the ones who stole him, and it would make things even worse. Learning all of this really took a hold on Spike's mind even more, this didn't help him with the guilt of the lie he made to avoid getting into trouble, but all of that resulted in him digging a deeper hole that he may not climb out of, but he had at least hoped they could find a way to resolve this in a peaceful way.. if Skystar would listen to them that is.. But after a while of flying, Skystar and Nathen were soon landing down near a certain spot in the forest, Spike snapped out of his thoughts again and looked ahead to where they were. "Is this where the spot is mom?" Spike asked while they looked around for it, Skystar slowly made her way forward a bit, and moved some branches and trees out of the way to help them move forward. "Just a few more steps son.." Skystar said while she kept pushing the trees out of the way, Nathen helped Skystar with this and they began moving through the place without much trouble, Spike was worried if any Timberwolves were gonna attack, but Skystar and Nathen said they could handle it, so he shouldn't worry about it hopefully. But after a few more minutes of moving through the place, Skystar pushed another tree out of the way one more time, and they saw a light just ahead of them, and once they stepped through it.. Spike's eyes widened in a sight that was really amazing to him. They emerged in a large open area within the forest, there was a huge pond within the center, a cliffside with a waterfall that helped fill the pond with fresh clean water, the sun was shinning down over them, and they could see some flowers and pure green grass around the place. "Wow.. you.. you come here mom?" Spike asked amazed with what they're seeing. "Yes son, I found this place a few years ago, it's a place that I often go to for relaxing, sometimes it's for training too, but I mainly like to spend time by myself here, in a forest like this, a place like this is just so special to me.." Skystar said with a smile while they came to the pond. "Wow.. this place is amazing Skystar.. no wonder you've kept it a secret.. this place is so nice.." Nathen said while looking around the place too. "Thank you, you two, but now that we're all here, why don't we all try having some fun together? We have a long day ahead of us." Skystar asked while Spike hopped off of her, and they all smiled at the really beautiful place around them. "That sounds great, let's have some fun!" Spike said eagerly as they all spent time together and had a fun day. Spike, Nathen and Skystar spent the next few hours at this special place, they all had a lot of fun doing some little games and doing things to bond with eachother, they often swam with eachother in the pond and did some fun tricks, Nathen did a crazy move and jumped off the cliff and into the pond which created a huge splash of water as a result, but Nathen was just fine from it since he was far tougher then most people. Skystar just looked so happy being able to spend time with her son, she's wanted this feeling for so long, and it's given her so much appreciation for what she has now. But even though Spike was having a lot of fun with them both here, Spike still couldn't get over this lie he's told, and he feels like it's finally catching up to him, he doesn't know how to break this to them, and felt more and more pressured the longer he held it back, he didn't know how to break it to them.. and felt more worry for keeping this from them. But after a few hours of playing with eachother, enjoying the place they were in, and having fun as a family of sorts, Spike, Skystar and Nathen needed a little break, and were laying on the ground after spending time together. "Wow.. that was really fun.. I haven't felt this much joy in so long.." Spike said with a smile while they looked at the sky together. "It wouldn't be the same without you two, I never truly could experience this place and it's joy it brought me without you both, and now that I have.. I want to keep coming back here far more often.." Skystar said as she felt really relaxed from all they've done today. "Tell me about it.. and the hotsprings back home will only make this day even better when we go back.." Nathen said agreeing to this too, Spike smiled knowing that they all had fun together, but to know he had to go back home and spend another day without telling them the truth just gave him more and more guilt.. Skystar took a deep breath and began to stand back up after a few more minutes, and she looked at the sky and felt ready to go. "I think we've spent enough time here, I think it's best we head back to Nathen's cave and rest a bit more, then me and my son will head back to my village, I gotta start figuring out how to properly have my son live with me now.." Skystar said while the others got up too. "Yeah, we've had a fun day together, but it's best we all go back and rest.." Nathen said ready to go too, Spike looked at them both and saw they wanted to leave, but Spike looked back at the forest and knew how much closer he was to his real home.. and felt more regret for not telling Twilight what's happened. "Son, is everything alright?" Skystar asked again while Spike looked out in the woods, he felt too much guilt for what he said to them, and he can't hold back this lie anymore, Skystar went through a lot because of the ponies, but if she knew the truth.. perhaps she may change how she views the ponies.. so.. with a deep breath.. Spike finally decided to reveal the truth. "Mom.. Nathen.. while I'm glad I've spent so much time with you today.. the truth is.. I have something else I need to tell you.. since you both confessed something personal.. It's best I do this too.." Spike said sadly while he prepared for what he had to say. "And what would that be kid?" Nathen asked while he was getting a bit worried, Spike looked at them both and prepared for what's to come with revealing the truth. "Mom.. Nathen.. the truth about how I found out about the Migration.. it's.." Spike was about to finally tell the truth, but loud growls suddenly stopped him from telling everything. Skystar's senses quickly went off and they quickly turned around into the trees, and from the shadows within, they saw dozens of eyes begin to appear within them, along with growls of anger which began to scare Spike. "What.. what are they?" Spike asked while staying close to his mom, Skystar growled in response and Nathen got ready to fight, the monster's came out of the shadows, and they all saw that there were dozens of Timberwolves emerging from the shadows, who must've found them after another daily hunt. "Timberwolves!!" Skystar screamed with rage as they all roared at them. "Spike! Get back!" Nathen shouted as one lunged at him, but Nathen quickly ducked under the attack and delivered a strong tail swipe to knock it back to the others. This made the other's more angry, and they all began charging at the tree with the intent to harm them. Skystar began growing more angry seeing them try to harm her son, she was not gonna lose him again, and had to fight them off. "Get away from my son you monsters!" Skystar screamed as she raised her fist and delivered a strong punch to one of their heads, this sent the wolf in the air for a moment and Skystar used that moment to grab the wolves tail and slam him down repeatedly with huge aggression. Nathen took a deep breath and shot a stream of lightning at another group who yelped in pain from the shock of it all, Nathen roared at them all and made a high jump into the air and charged up lightning into his fist, he had trained to use his lightning in ways too, and had some special moves he could use as well. "Lightning Burst!!" Nathen screamed before he smashed his fist on the ground and that created a huge shockwave of lightning that burst around the area, Spike got pushed back from the blast and was blown into the cliff, Spike screamed as he went directly to the wall and hit his head directly on it, and Spike's body fell to the ground from the impact, and groaned in pain. Skystar grabbed one wolf by the legs and roughly grabbed it's neck, she then jumped high into the air and did a backflip while she put her knee near the wolves back, Skystar roared with rage while she went flying back down, and she landed on the ground with one foot while kneeing the Timberwolf in the back extremely hard that they could hear a bone breaking from the result, The wolf howled with pain before Skystar threw it back into another group, and she saw even more of them were coming out. "Let's see you make it out from this.." Skystar said with rage while she made some fire appear in her hands again, she began to form the fire around her body and she began to make it into a weapon of sorts, Nathen stood behind her and awaited the result of the attack she's about to use. Spike groaned with pain as he tried getting back up, that hit hurt his head really badly because of how strong that impact was, Spike's vision was blurry and he only could see Skystar and Nathen fighting the Timberwolves, and was about to pass out. "Mom.. Nathen..." Spike said weakly while he tried to move, but felt too weak to keep moving, but he suddenly felt a shadow go over him, and looked above him with worry hoping it wasn't another Timberwolf, but to his surprise, he saw a lion was looking at him with concern, and he recognized this lion, it was one of the lions Fluttershy took care off with the other animals she loves, Spike himself even helped this one with an injured leg. The lion saw Spike was injured, and he needed to be taken somewhere where he can get help. "Wait.. my mom.. and Nathen.. they're still there.." Spike warned while the lion picked Spike up with it's mouth, it quickly turned tail and began to run back to Ponyville which worried Spike even more. "No.. mom.. she'll freak out from this.. and Nathen may take it just as bad.. no.." Spike said weakly as he passed out from the pain while the lion took him back home. Skystar finished preparing her move and the fire around her formed into an large flaming arrow, Skystar aimed it at the entire group and growled with anger. "Arrow of Fury, make these monsters pay." Skystar said before she shot the arrow directly at them, the wolves didn't even have time to react before the arrow came directly between all of them, and it made a huge explosion of fire which took down every single Timberwolf in an instant, the flames could be seen from the sky with how powerful it was, and Skystar wasn't phased by it at all while Nathen was in pure shock seeing them all being taken down in an instant. "Whoa! That was amazing! Where did you learn that?!" Nathen asked amazed with what she just did. "I have my own moves, you have yours too, but I'll be glad to show you them sometime." Skystar said proudly which he liked the sound off. "That sounds like a good idea, but let's not forget Spike, we should probably go now." Nathen said as they looked over the defeated wolves. "Your right, son, are you al.. right?" Skystar asked before she noticed something, Spike wasn't here, and they both started to get worried. "Son?! Are you there?!" Skystar shouted while they both looked all over the area for him, but they couldn't find where he was, and Skystar began to freak out. "No.. no!! This can't be happening, not again!!" Skystar screamed with fear while her heart was beating very fast. "Don't worry Skystar, we'll find him, we just need to find something.." Nathen assured while they tried finding a clue as to where he is.. but that's when Skystar noticed a strain of pink hair on the ground.. she and Nathen were both interested seeing this, and they went over to it and picked it up. "What is it?" Nathen asked while Skystar took a sniff of it for the scent, but once she recognized it's scent, Skystar's eyes widened in shock, but it soon turned to anger and she began to growl with rage. "Ponies!!!" Skystar shouted with fury which shocked Nathen, but if this was really true, and Spike was kidnapped by them.. He saw the ponies were really thieves for this. Nathen felt a huge amount of rage building up in him, Nathen began to look furious upon hearing this, and they both began to growl with fury. "I will not let you all take my son again!!" Skystar screamed as her fist lit on fire and that burned the string of hair in an instant, Skystar and Nathen both had they're breaths began to swell, and they felt so much anger they haven't felt before, and with one loud stomp, Skystar and Nathen made a huge roar of rage which echoed through the entire forest, and they were not gonna stop until they get Spike back..