The Great Challenge of Friendship

by adyWriter

Chapter 2 Collision of 2 Worlds

Collision of Two Worlds

Ponyville Castle of Friendship throne room

It was hard to imagine the events that happened during the last 2 year; the defeat of the Storm King, Grogar, Cozy Glow, reformation of Tempest, establishing of the Friendship School where everyone: from yaks and dragons to Changelings and Hippogriffs and many other events both good and bad. But one thing to enjoy was the now bright future. Twilight was sitting on her throne surrounded by all her friends, Spike and Starlight. Seeing everyone joyful and well was the most pleasant site for Twilight.

“Boy, many things happened the last year that I barely could count all of them.” Commented Applejack, the hard working orange earth pony.

“It is even hard to tell from where to start. There were so many things.” Said Rarity the white unicorn fashion designer.

“We should have a party to celebrate all those events.” Said Pinkie Pie, the hyperactive earth pony very ecstatic.

“One thing is for certain girls I doubt there will be other things to be concerned.” Said Twilight.

“In a way I wish to have some rest and to don’t think of anything else before we......gulp.” Spike burped out a parchment that landed on the ground. Twilight powered up her horn to see what was written on it.

“What is it Twilight?” asked Starlight curious.

“It is from the Princess it asks us all to come to Canterlot to solve an issue. It says it is important.” She said.

“What is all about?” Asked Fluttershy.

“It concerns some new people that just showed up and he asks us to see to this issue. We shall know more when we arrive.” She said.

“All right another adventure.” Said Rainbow Dash in excitement.

“I wonder what kind of creatures the Princess wants to mention.” Asked Twilight to herself.

“Whoever they are I hope they are nice?” Said Fluttershy in her usual manner.

“And hope they like parties.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“Whatever is all about I hope we can cope with them. Who knows maybe they are friendly as well or we can teach them about friendship.” Said Twilight smiling thinking how things will be. She hopes it will not be like with the Storm King but who knows.

New Diagon Wizard Colony:

It was 10 years since the establishment of the wizard colonies on the planet and the situation didn’t changed very much since that date. The wizard settlements on the planet were now prospering without problem. This was on one side due to the contact of them with the mother country on the native human worlds and trade among themselves and on the other it was due to the trade with the natives whom only 4 years ago some took the risk to communicate with them. On the British side one of the most prosperous was the Colony of New Diagon named after the alley in London which resembles it pretty well by some accounts.

A group of six friends; four boys and two girls were right now walking or better to say sneaking throw the crowded streets of the colony to reach for a specific destination that was for one of the boys, who was wearing an invisibility cloth, a safe house where he can find some peace and quit. This was due to the fact that that boy was wanted, not by the authorities but by crazy fans and this is due to the fact that it was thanks to him that they’re world was officially safe from the one that even after his official defeat some couldn’t find the courage to say his name.

“Ron, I really appreciate this but tell us how much do we have to go.” Asked the brown haired girl, who was also the smartest of the group.

“Don’t worry, we just need to pass the main gate outside and walk for 5 minutes and we are there.” Said the red haired girl pointing at the gate outside the main settlement that leads to the countryside, the gate was so big that two cars can enter or leave at the same time and it was big enough for a tank to come in and out it also had two massive wooden doors made of oak and enforced with a spell. The door was guarded by four skeletal like battle robots with laser blasters, there were two on each side at the exit, there were eight in total four were inside four outside.

The group moved as normally as they could pass by the robots without any problem right before other eight were passing by the gate in front of them, when they were at a relative distance they started to go at an alerted paste before arriving at their destination, The Burrow an odd-looking building with odd-on bits of architecture, inside however was very comfortable. Even thou they could have built something else on their new home world they rather preferred to shrink they’re house with a spell, transport it there and enlarge it.

Outside the building a red haired, short, kind looking woman, wearing a long red dress was waiting for them and made signal with her hand to come inside quickly. Each of them entered inside the house before the woman, named Molly took a last look outside to make sure no one followed.

“Coast is clear. No one followed.” She said closing the door.

“All right Harry you can let yourself be seen again.” Said Ron and the invisible boy took out his cloth and reveal himself as a skinny boy, with white skin, black messy hair, green emerald eyes, wearing blue jeans, and a red anorak and having round glasses. This was the boy everyone knew who he was, Harry Potter; the Hero of the Wizard World and the most famous wizard in the wizard galaxy. But unlike other celebrities who they know tend to turn arrogant, he was all the opposite.

For him personally, thinking about those titles, he feels now more headaches than pride after two weeks of staying in the colony ever since disembarking from the wizard space ship belonging to Hogwarts that brought him here for school purpose every year. Unlike other years however he wasn’t waited by half the wizards residing in the colony or even from other colonies around.

“Ohh, and only thinking today it was only for gathering school supplies or having a short walk.” He said breathing hard thinking this might go one for another 5 days till they embark on the Hogwarts express.

“Well what can we say; it is hard to stop a sea of crazy fans.” Commented Fred, one of the twins.

“Especially when you together with Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, Snape and Draco that switched sides, destroyed You-Know-Who for good at last.” Commented George the other twin, they do admit the fact that they tried to hide him in their joke shop ‘The Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes’ when he arrived, only to find out that they were followed in the street, they said to the public that they will not let them in unless they buy their stuff and many came, see him and bought till they barely had something on the stock, took them four days to resupply.

“It is a good thing that we bribe the owner at the book store to don’t say a word, otherwise we might have to again fight through an endless crowd of fans. And even now I’m trying to forget what happened last week.” He said thinking how chaotic was that Tuesday. Only walking the streets normally in a short walk greeting some people in knowing before been overrun by a crowd of fans, and it wasn’t only Harry they targeted it was all three of them. They’re friend tried to say that if it wasn’t for his friends he wouldn’t have stopped You-Know-Who especially after finding out where the Horocruxus were and how to find them due to a strange vision Harry had before blacking out for 24 hours.

But it wasn’t only him the crowd targeted it was actually all three of them. They realised this after some crazy teenage fans started to come out wearing clothes and having hairstyles like them. It was a much harder battle then the one with the Death Eaters and they barely escaped. Beyond that when it was the wedding of his brother Bill and Fleur two weeks ago they found out that his father had told the governor to don’t let this event public and put battle robots to guard the wedding from the distance.

“Ahh, I stopped Voldemort once and for all. But all I want now is only to stay and finish the Hogwarts without any kind of distraction from no one, only the school and nothing else for now.” Harry commented in frustration getting a sit on a chair.

“You know Harry I really love hearing this, especially now. I don’t think many celebrities would say this, not to mention the fact that if you do that you will turn Head Boy at the end of the year for the next one.” Commented Hermione smiling.

“Can’t believe the Ministry decided to introduce an eight year for Hogwarts now.” Fred commented.

“How lucky we are.” George added since the twins finished school two years ago and Ron gave a glare to them, those were news he didn’t received with much enthusiasm. And there was one thing after the defeat of Voldemort some things had been changed in the wizard society, the eight year was dedicated to expand the wizard knowledge and for Harry it was good news because it he wanted to be an Auror and people who wanted to work in the colonies needed to expand their education. Also it was introduced with the intent of introducing studies about the natives among other things, the NEWT exams will still be held in year 7 however. As for other reforms some laws prohibiting werewolves like Lupin to held a job had been removed and a few welfare laws for house-elves were introduced, but overall the number of reforms however weren’t a lot, some of them fixed some gaps but it was not as broad as some like they would have hoped.

“Anyways you turning Head Boy could really be something.”

“Like when I was turned Prefect immediately after defeating him before the end of last year? Don’t get me wrong I am glad that you 2 are the head boy and head girl for Gryffindor this year and I prefect. But I do have to say that becoming Head Boy the next year is now between the last things I’m concerned about, the only thing that I want is feeling normal at least for a time.”

“You shall, if Voldemort is totally gone there is no more obstacle this year and next.” Said Ginny in confidence.

“On the other side dear, at Hogwarts no one will treat you like a big celebrity as the people outside tend to do. The teachers will surely not allow it.” Said Molly.

“If professor Snape is still around surely they will not.” Added Ron before turning to his mother.

“By the way mom, when will dad come home?”

“Unfortunately he will come later than usual, working now at a higher office that regards the British Wizard Colonies with Muggle relations is taking more time than usual. But he will surely arrive for dinner.”

“And right now I only hope there will not be other adventure.” Commented Harry.

“Something new will surely happen, God only knows, maybe we will get some new transferred student for our house.” Commented Ginny just for the sake of argument.

“By the way Harry, have you thought maybe to have a girlfriend this year?” Asked Fred, catching the boy off guard.

“I didn’t even think of it.” He said with a bit of monotony.

“Let’s have a little survey. What kind of girl would you like?” Asked Ginny taking a feather and a quill.

“I really don’t know. Right now one that will not come to me because of fame and fortune, and one that likes me for who I am and not what I am.” He said while Ginny and Hermione were writing everything down.

“And above all, to not come at me and do sweet talk, or be stick to me like glue like the ones that started to come after the last encounter with You-Know-Who.” He said not wanting to mention the name. In a way all the parts were a bit of a problem right at the moment and they were immediately spotted by their friend.

“It cannot be found at the moment I guess.” He said monotonously.

“Don’t worry we will find something. It is a minor setback at Hogwarts there are dozens of girls.”

“The first girls that did the smooth talk were some from Hogwarts. If there will be by any chance a girl that transfers for this year by any chance that didn’t herd of my fame it will be something.” He said but Ron only started to scratch the back of his head, already guessing an answer.

“Ah, yeahhhh.” He started not knowing how to properly answer.

“This might be hard. It might be possible, if the girl is from another world or something like this.” He said knowing it was only a tedious or more to say absurd answer. Harry was however approving with the answer his friend had given.

“Don’t despair we will find something.” Hermione said.

“I should better see myself to this kind of stuff. And please don’t play match maker or something like this.” He said going into the garden to calm himself down and hoping no one will see him.

He went to a table near the bushes before watching the peaceful landscape of the world he was, he knew of course about it, not just due to the fact that he was going to Hogwarts but also because he read several articles in the Dailey Prophet that regarded the planet, however his mind was anything but thinking about the landscape.

Ever since last year before school started and the last confrontation with Voldemort, he never actually told about the vision he had in the fifth year before Hogwarts was finished when he was at the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix to anyone. Not even his best friends but it always puzzled him especially that he actually saw everything during his unconsciousness not to mention the way to defeat his nemesis, he always though many things about the creature in his vision. Was it native to the world? He only knew of them out of description in the books and newspapers but he always though many things about them.

“Sometimes I wish to go live with the natives.” He murmured to himself still in deep thoughts not realising that Ron just came to him until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Harry what are you thinking about?” Asked his best friend but the other boy couldn’t explain.

“It’s about the vision isn’t it?” He asked and the boy only nodes.

“Look no one forces you to tell anything but I really wish to know, when you had it when you blacked out, your head seemed to explode.” He said concerned for his friend taking a seat in the next chair, he, Hermione and many others asked him many thing regarding the vision but he simply didn’t wanted to give anything up regarding it. Harry, seeing his friends concerned face couldn’t take it anymore.

“Fine” He said in defeat “When I had the vision, before the end of our fifth year on how to defeat You-Know-Who.” He didn’t want to mention the name to his friend to respect his wish.

“When I blacked out I saw at first something else.”

“What do you mean?” He asked puzzled about this.

“I saw You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters ready to battle against someone else. He called himself Storm or more specific the Storm King, a bipedal native I believe who looked like something of a wolf body and baboon or a yak figure with horns and three fingers at his hands. He was surrounded by some army of creatures; that were bulky, hunchback, gray coat with white hair and having their faces look like masks well armed, calling them Storm Creatures.” The description got the boy’s total attention.

“What happened then?”

“The Forces of both You-Know-Who and King Storm started to engage one another. Due to the scar I was connected to him and saw the battle. It seemed almost as if one side had the upper hand while the other was losing and things switched from one side to the other. I saw Voldemort been defeated turned to stone but returning again, and again, and again. Many of the Death Eaters used all kinds of curses on Storm’s army killing many while the Death Eaters were turned into obsidian stone and crashed, the same was also for the creatures and at the end of the battle both leaders tried to run but Voldemort wanted to destroy him but couldn’t. Every time when Storm wanted to destroy him I saw the Horocruxes and where to find them. At the end the battlefield was filled with either Death Eaters or creatures. The King cursed him saying that because of him he used all his powers and his army while he had almost all his disciples turned to stone and crashed. It was a horrific site.”

“I now understand why you didn’t want to tell us this.” Commented Ron before been joined by the others who heard the story that also included Mr. Weasley, that just arrived.

“What was your opining regarding this....King Storm?” Asked Hermione.

“It was nothing more but the native homolog of Voldemort of this world; I saw how he was, he was deceptive and wanted to gain power by conquering the natives on the world and then probably turning to us the same as the other wanted. The battle was nothing else probably but the fight of the same antagonists in this world.” He said very pressing thinking about this while everyone turned on one another.

“Well you know, we don’t know if we say something logical but.” Started George.

“Maybe this battle was a crucial one for both us and them.” Continued Fred but Harry only looked to them not knowing what they meant.

“What do you mean?”

“Well maybe if this battle didn’t happen, we might have not known how to stop You-Know-Who and destroy him.” Said Ginny.

“And probably this battle was also important for the natives on this world. Because King Storm exhausted his forces battling him and his followers this gave the natives a chance to defeat him.” Hermione explained.

“Hermione’s right this battle gave all of us a chance to defeat both them before they turned, either Storm King on us or the other at the natives.” Said Ron.

“You know, you are right, it was a good thing this battle took place.” Harry said before thinking.

“And who knows maybe we should thank this King Storm for helping us.” Harry said joking.

“If the natives knew about this event, they might also give thanks to You-Know-Who.” Said Ron.

“Although this might never happen, thanking two villains with the same ideas although each was the concern of the other, this will not be a good sign of starting good relations.” Said the elder Witch, while setting up the table outside the house in the garden with her magic before everyone took a seat; Harry was in the middle of his two best friends.

“I mean how did the other wizard colonies come to good relations with the natives in the places they are.” She said taking a seat on the other side near his husband, remembering how it was first contact, the Portuguese were the first to establish contact with the natives in their own place near Novo Lisabona after some teens went outside the protective covering spell and saved a native from drowning.

The native, a sensitive grey horse named Grey Cloud helping a badger from drowning by levitating both out of the water then showing him where they were and after having confirmation from the Ministry of Magic in Lisbon they removed the spell to show themselves before the Spanish wizards followed and then came the Dutch, French, Chinese and so on. Some stayed under the covering spell for a year or longer before the British deactivated it at the beginning of February. Molly then thinking about this event, he realised something.

“Harry, you had the vision of the battle two weeks before the end of the school year right?” She asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Harry it is possible that both You-Know-Who and King Storm had the intention in occupying the British Colonies at the of your fifth year, we removed the covering spell at the end of February last year and if this battle took place before the end of the school year it means that somehow he knew about us before that, now things really makes sense.” Commented Mr. Weasley making all his children to puzzle.

“Make sense what?” Asked Ron confused.

“You haven’t told them haven’t you?” Asked Arthur moving to his wife that gives a node.

“Dad? What is all about?” Asked Ginny.

“When I was returning from work at the town hall, something like a storm or a tornado was brewing in the distance behind the hill that day. We all saw it didn’t we?” He said pointing at the hills and everyone nodes.

“Stanger was the fact that it did not come closer, it stayed there the whole day in one place, and it passed only after the sun settled.” Said Molly remembering the events of that day.

“There were also thunderstorms from what I heard.” Ron said. He wasn’t present at the moment.

“Well after that two Aurors went there to see what the situation was the next day and they saw remnants of a battle. I went there myself with some battle robots after hearing about this for three day and I couldn’t stand for what I saw.” He said getting out a picture of a creature that was turned to stone.

“Was this what you saw?”

“Yeah it was one of them it seems this one was turned to stone.”

“Where is it now?” Ron asked pointing at the picture with the creature that was taken by the moving droids.

“The site took several days to be cleaned up. No one but people working for the ministry or at the governor administration was allowed to go. This one was put in the hall of the Governor’s office. He put it near the fountain, there were other 4 that were still intact but were put in a warehouse one of them might have been sold to some wizard as a garden decoration. And what you said regarding the death eaters also made sense, some of them were also found turned to obsidian statues, while others....” Mr Weasley was a bit disturbed after pulling out some more pictures of the ‘statues’ and some who were trying to glue together.

“Now those are news I would never have imagined.” Ron said not knowing if he could be happy or not that death eaters turned up like this, in his mind one sentence was sure in an ironic tone ‘Thank you Storm King for helping us’.

“What happened to the other death eaters? Harry said the battle was large, there were surely more?”

“Well let’s just say that after they were recognised by their masks, no one wanted to glue them back together that and the shards were too mismatched to even do it. There were some who tried to place back together the creatures, and it took a lot of time and some results weren’t that great.” Arthur said.

“And I guess the Storm King never came back.” Harry mentioned before seeing a patrol of 10 battle droids passing; 5 were skeletal average ones with blasters either small rifles, two were bulky ones that shoot from they’re hand two were skeletal but were more agile with lights in their eyes and one was marked with a marking showing that it was the commander all were having the flag of the UK that was passing accompanied by other 3 patrols of the same size.

“And yet during that time there weren’t so many battle robots of more kinds in patrol after that battle. Why are more patrols this time?” Asked Hermione.

“There were several unwanted events that occurred in the recent times. Building been vandalised, windows been crashed, sometimes small robot patrols of 3 been found crashed or disassembled but not by the way the wild life is doing it.” Said Arthur.

“But the building been vandalised or windows crashed? Weren’t there hooligans.” Harry asked.

“There were public, government and businesses that were vandalised, plus hooligans don’t attack so often the same place or do it in many places on different streets at once and make that much damage.” Said Fred.

“When things like this started we took precautions for our shop. Just for you to know there were like Death Eater raids but no one injured.” Added George.

“Since when all this started?” Asked Harry.

“It all started a week before you arrived, at first it was only an animal shop. But two days later it was a book store, then the Ollivander wand shop and today I heard one of the warehouses been a total mess. There were some things that were stolen as well, like carpets, magic globes, and the potions were totally messed up.” Said Arthur.

“There should be natives that attack.” Harry commented.

“But what is the reason.” Hermione asked.

“No one knows on one hand, on the other no one knows what natives attack us and why.” Ron said taking a bite from his food.

“But if they find out about Storm and everything many might think he is responsible.” Ron commented with mouth full.

“I doubt that son, when the attacked battle robots were examined some of them had hoof marks on their metal chests, so there might be some equine creatures.”

“It should be a misunderstanding; many of us didn’t come here to do them any harm. Let’s hope this will be solved quickly.” Said Molly.

“And yet what happens if they come near Hogwarts?” Asked Harry now concerned.

“You don’t need to worry. The Ministry of Magic both here and in London just decided to increase the garrison at Hogwarts they put British as well as German and Romanian battle droids that were made in excess.” Said Arthur in confidence.

“However Professor Dumbledore mentioned that if things will not be smooth the Ministry might as well turn to Dementors to be put to guard Hogwarts. Of course this will be done if no other option is left. From what it seems things like this happened even in a settlement nearby just two day ago.” Said Molly while Harry mainly got struck when Dementors were mentioned, he hopes that there will be no need of them. Not to mention the fact that he hoped that there wouldn’t be any conflict of any kind between them and this misunderstanding will be solved.

Canterlot; Royal Palace throne room

The Canterlot Royal palace was always a place of talk and many other things but when the girls and Spike reached the palace everything seemed more than usual there were more ponies but strange thing was the fact that there was no announcement of any festival or any other public event. What’s more they rather look at one another with either, concern, fear or having puzzled or a doubtful face. They all moved till they reached the Throne Room where the Princesses Celestia and Luna together with Twilight’s brother Shining Armour and her sister-in-law Princess Cadence. Near them there were other six ponies that were telling her something, the elder white alicorn shifter her attention to Twilight and her friends that were just in front of them.

“Ahh, Twilight I’m glad that you and your friends managed to arrive at those critical times.” Said the solar princess smiling at her student and she returning the gesture.

“We are always here to help. What are the pressing matters?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight we have just heard that there are some new bipedal creatures that started to appear. By the descriptions they are very different from us, we don’t know how much but it seems they are living very close to us.” Said Princess Celestia and this was really puzzling for both Twilight and her friends.

“Do we know how they look like?”

“We do have some pictures and paintings that have been brought.” She said powering up her horn and levitates to Twilight some pictures of the bipedal creatures that she recognises what they are and also shocks her not thinking that they are some kind that are living in they’re world.

“Hey ar yo all right sugar cube?” Asked Applejack.

“I know what those creatures are, they are humans. I know about them because I was in their world when I passed behind the mirror.” She said and her other friends took a look at the pictures; Spike the dragon recognised them immediately.

“Hey she is right they are humans, but how this could be possible. If they would pass throw the mirror they would become ponies or something else.” He commented.

“So this is how they look like. They look a bit strange.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“We don’t know how they come here but we know they are around. What we know is that they can also use magic but aside from that they brought with them some things that are less known.” Said Princess Cadence going to the group.

“What is that?”

“They brought some skeletal like things that seem to carry some sort of weapons that shoot something like beans of magic, they usually accompany them all around although they don’t look that much of a threat many think they are a bipedal homolog of the old Changelings, but they control them like slaves.” Explained Shining Armour before Pinkie started.

“Maybe in the other world where Twilight was they were our homolog but here they might be aliens coming from all around to escape things they don’t like at they’re homes.” She said but Rainbow and Twilight just rolled their eyes.

“Princess, I might have been in another world where the humans are our homolog but I do believe that there are more things to know about them.” Said Twilight.

“All that we know came from those six ponies that told us about them and they’re strange ways.” The princess said pointing at the six of them. Two were earth ponies one has a red coat with black main and black eyes while the other was grey that seemed to have put some weight on him.

Another two were unicorns: one was white coated with blond mane like Blueblood, but skinny with a smirking look, while the other was dark green with red main with a smirk that only showed that he is not reliable.

The other two were Pegasus: one had a dark gray coat and dark red main with a face that seems to have no emotion while the other was red coated with grey main.

Twilight on looking on their faces she had a feeling of distrust in them she thought that they might have told who knows what kind of things to the princesses.

“They told us that they use the skeletal things as slaves, together with the fact that they’re magic is not that powerful but they know how to use it in other ways, and that they usually poses dark objects that they use. It is said that they are even in some other much far away kingdoms beyond Equestria. And that we must be vigilant.” Explained Celestia but Twilight had other ideas on this, for her if humans from the other dimension were like them then those humans shouldn’t be any way near that different and surely not what they say.

“Princess I really doubt that they have the right information regarding them. I mean I know how the other dimension was and I can tell it was no different from us and maybe those aren’t either.” Twilight said and then talk started to go around the six ponies near her. The skinny dark green unicorn then approached the princess and whispered to her ear.

“You’re Majesty. If what she says is true then it is for the best interest that she should go to see how they are from very close.” Said the Unicorn although the princess was reluctant at that.

“What was all about?”

“Twilight, if you are certain that what they say might not exactly be the truth, then maybe you should go and investigate the situation yourself, in order to have more details about them.” Said the Princess.

“It will be no problem; I and my friends are ready for it.” Said Twilight but one of the Pegasus of the group intervened.

“Ah, however you must go there disguise as one of them.”

“It wouldn’t be a problem.” She said in confidence.

“And you must also, go alone.” The green unicorn said catching her and her friends by surprise. How could she actually go alone without her friends to help her.

“Wait a minute why go alone?!” asked Rainbow Dash in a demanding tone.

“Because they are actually very vigilant.” Said the white coated skinny unicorn with blond mane.

“They always take precautions especially on people that could act....” He started to say while looking at the group whom he knew how they’re personalities were.

“In a very suspicious way, they might see some behaviour with suspecting eyes like hyper activeness and other kind of stuff. They from what we have seen in the distance were more with cold and dull, seeing some things might cause suspicion. And we don’t want that.” He explained.

“But how in the hay, will Twilight manage them alone?!” Inquired Applejack.

“Hmm, Princess Twilight how did you managed the first time in the dimension where humans are our counterparts?” He asked with a smirk.

“Well in order to get the crown back I had to copy what they are doing and don’t do things that will not look too suspicious for them. But I also met the homolog in that dimension that looked like my friends here and with they’re help I managed.”

“And this is exactly what you have to do. If you did that in the other dimension all you have to do is do the same in this case and everything will be fine.” Said the white unicorn with a calm smile.

“But in that case I had my friends’ counterparts that I still communicate with time by time.”

“Oh please, you are the Princess of Friendship the title surely wasn’t given for nothing, what you have to do is get along with them as well as you do with your friends.” He commented.

“But isn’t this in a way, cheating. Keeping secret of who I am actually. And what about Spike”

“You don’t need to worry I will take care of him while you are away.” Said Fluttershy

“Twilight I know it is not something moral by keeping this a secret but while we don’t have too many information about them we can’t take risks and so it seems that you must keep who you really are a secret until we know more about them.” Said Princess Celestia, Twilight in a way didn’t wanted to do something against everything she has learned about friends, but in a way she has to do it till, maybe she finds between them people that she could trust. And if the future of Equestria is at stake she has to keep her true identity a secret from them.

“All right, I will do it.” She said and then Princess Luna levitated to her a medallion that was made of gold with a big purple gem in the centre.

“This will give you a human form but you will be able to use magic.” She said and then twilight took the medallion and placed around her neck and in an instance light started to go around her and covered her body, when it was over Twilight saw that her front hooves were now hands and her body was covered in different clothes to take place of her coat; blue jeans on her legs that were purple, a purple vest with white blouse and shoes on her feet. She attempted to get up on her feet but she immediately tripped and was caught by her brother.

“Wow, wow, wow, easy there Twily easy.” He said while he alongside Cadence and Spike helped her to stand.

“Thanks.” She said before turning to the princess who levitated a mirror to her to look at her face, it was the same face she has when she goes in the human world and her homologue there has.

“So what do you think of your new appearance?” Asked Rarity.

“I can’t comment on anything.” She said before turning to Celestia.

“How will I change back?”

“You only need to press on the gem to deactivate the spell as well as activate it.” She said before levitated a letter in an envelope.

“We manage to secretly arrange for you to go to a place they call Hogwarts. From what we know it is a school and you shall be a transferred student for the seventh year.” Said Princess Luna.

“If there is a good place to start the observation for you, this is it.” Said Cadence.

“I don’t think it will be a problem.”

“And aside from that they had managed to gather information about the stuff that you need.” Said Princess Celestia showing behind a chest behind a curtain that was full of books, a cauldron, and what seemed to be a nice crafted stick that has her cutie mark on the handler while the other side was sharp together with other things.

“This is what you will need to be there; the books that are surprisingly having our language on them, a cauldron for potions, as well as this stick they call ‘a wand’” Said Princess Celestia while her student looked at the stuff she will have.

“And aside from that you must also wear specific clothes.” Said Celestia.

“Specific clothes.” Asked Twilight while Rarity the unicorn fashion designer got a bit weary.

“Ahh, Princess what are those ‘Specific clothes’ that you mention.” She asked with a stressed tone.

“It seems that the school has a strict regulations regarding what they should wear.” Cadence said.

“You should go and try the clothes you will need to wear.” Said Princess Luna. They leaded her to a room where she had to change herself, followed by the others who had waited outside. After some minutes she managed to change in her new clothes. All of them were plain black robes with ties and black pointed hats with white t-shirts and black vests. The changing went very fast without a problem, after she was fully dressed she went to a mirror nearby to see how it looks on her. For her everything was very nice and didn’t had any problem wearing it, but she knew that Rarity will not like the plain clothes and will surely insist on changing them.

“Come on Twilight, we want to see how you look in them.” Called her assistant Spike, Twilight opened the door for everyone to see, of course Rarity was almost about to faint on seeing them.

“So how is it on them?” Asked Starlight.

“It isn’t so bad actually, I pretty much like them.” She said.

“Are you serious darling? Look at them; they are and dull.” Rarity said in protest as Twilight expected but she was followed by Applejack who just rolled her eyes.

“Yeah and you have to think that ever singe one in that school has to wear them.” Said Rainbow Dash and Rarity now really fainted in a dramatic way.

“In any case you must go and see if we can talk to them and have good relations with them. And see how they’re leaders are?” Said the Princess Luna.

“I will see to it but what are all things about?”

“There had been some rumours circling around about them.” Said Princess Celestia.

“Some ponies say that they are actually very violent, and they know only of force and not kindness. Together with many other things” Said Cadence in fear thinking about them.

“There had also been an increase in security especially nearby they’re territory.” Said Shining Armour before Twilight turned her head to the six ponies that were talking between them not too far from the corridor. Twilight in a way felt there was something off about them, they arrived out of nowhere and they immediately went near the Princesses to tell what they know, in a way she has a feeling of distrust in them thinking that they have other things in mind that they don’t want others to know.

“Excuse me Cadence but could you tell me when did they arrive to tell Princess Celestia and Luna about the humans?” Asked Twilight.

“They arrive a week ago, there were some gossip circling around for some time and they had showed up only 4 days ago. They claim that they have studied them for a long time and are in a way expert in them.” Said Cadence.

“For how long did they study them?”

“They haven’t mentioned, for how long.” Said Shining Armour which only brought her more suspicion, the white unicorn then came to them.

“The school year for them will start in five days time. I really do recommend that you will read some things from the books.” He said in a more arrogant manner.

“I will start immediately don’t worry.” She said pressing on the gem to turn back to her pony self.

“You do not need to worry if you do like the time you first went into the other dimension everything will go fine.”

“Still it is a total wretch that she will have to go there on her own.” Commented Rainbow Dash.

“We do apologise for that but we don’t have any other option.” Said the red one before adding with a smirk.

“It is in a way better to prevent discovery and unwanted attention.”

“I see?” She said still distrusting them.

Nine days later, New Diagon, train station.

Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny were preparing to get into the Hogwarts express at platform 9, the design was similar to the wizard train station in London but unlike there it wasn’t a need to get throw a wall to get to the train it was only to get to some inside hiding if it was necessary especially with the attacks. But while walking through the Hogwarts Express Harry noticed some droids getting into the train while there were other 3 on the top of each wagon of the train not to mention a full wagon that contains only battle robots.

“It seems the train will be more crowded than the other times.” Commented Harry regarding the droids.

“Hope they will not enter in our compartments.” Commented Ron.

“They will only patrol the corridors from what I heard but if there will be acts of aggression they will enter.” Said Hermione.

“Never thought that we will get bodyguards.” Joked Ron.

“Neither did I.” Harry said monotonous.

“Don’t worry, without You-Know-Who there wouldn’t be other adventures. We shall finish Hogwarts in two quiet years.” Commented Ron.

“Unless the natives do something stupid and you might have to do something.” Fred Commented.

“And we mean it, some of those natives you don’t know what you could expect from them. They do make surprises.” Added George.

“You only mention the Pirates I guess?” Asked Ginny un amused.

“Not just the pirates we can tell you.” Said George tracking they’re mother attention.

“Oh come on you two sell them explosive stuff whenever they come here.” Commented Ron.

“It is all business brother.”

“In any case I am sure there will be a fine year for all of you.” Said Molly before turning to the twins.

“And I will talk to you two later, regarding those Pirates.”

“Molly it’s just business for them, besides they always give us a glimpse of how things are in this world plus there is only one crew that came in the port and don’t do problems.” Came Arthur in they’re defence.

“And hope it stays that way.” She said before turning to the group.

“Well have a nice and safe trip to all of you. And Harry dear.”

“Yes Mrs. Weasely.” Hope that at least this year will be a better one without distractions.”

“I hope the same thing.”

“And try to find a girl for you, one that will not be after you because off.....everything.” She said.

“I will try.” He said before all entered in the train in the prefects carriage for the long trip to Hogwarts.

Back in Ponyville

Twilight and her friends together with her brother and Cadence were prepared to get her to the location, several carriages dragged by Pegasus royal guards with two spaces were prepared to get them to it.

“It seems that everything is prepared to get to that place.” Rainbow Dash said she was totally opposed for her friend to get to a place and some new people that they don’t know how they were.

“Are you sure that you are all right to do this alone Twilight?” Asked Fluttershy concerned.

“If Princess Celestia wants that, then I shall do it alone.” She said placing the last of the books that they had acquired and are necessary for this school in her trunk. In a way it will not be a danger to be at a new school for her, learning new things was really exciting especially that she had went through the entire list of books from beginning to end and already gained a full understanding. However there was something off in everything especially for those six ponies that came near the Princesses after they heard of it.

“Are you all right Twilight?” Asked Shining Armour.

“Yeah. I’m fine.” She said but it didn’t seem so much.

“Sugar cube, you don’t seem that fine for me. What’s the problem” Said Applejack but Twilight wasn’t that much in the mood to talk.

“Truth is something is off to them. I mean we have seen so many creatures beyond Equestria that were very different from us and they proved that they know about friendship. And in a way, I don’t know there is something off about them that I don’t like; they seem that they are hiding something and in a way I don’t trust them.”

“So you say that some things that they told us might not be true.” Said Spike.

“Yes, and I want to ask to keep an eye on them. I simply know there is something off.”

“Don’t worry Twilight me and Cadence will keep an eye on them. If there is something off, we will tell you.” Said Shining Armour.

“And don’t worry about the school we shall take care of it.” Said Pinkie before all of them got in the carriages to fly towards their destination it took them 30 minutes flying till they landed nearby in a forest reminding them of the Everfree forest.

“From here we have to go on foot.” Said Shining Armour.

“But where do we have to arrive exactly?” Asked Rarity taking her backpack and trunk where he had wheels attached to it.

“I think I know.” said Spike pointing at the giant castle on the high grounds near a lake.

“Wow, a castle, I didn’t expected that.” Said Twilight impressed by the size of it.

“We will have to walk some miles till we get near.” Said Cadence before the group moved on towards it. After some mile they arrived near a covered bridge.

“Well here we are.” Said Spike and then Twilight pressed on the gem to have her human form fully dressed in her uniform.

“Let’s hope everything will be all right.” Twilight said.

“Twilight, if something goes off, tell me and I will come as soon as possible.” Said Shining Armour, who was actually the most concerned for his little sister.

“Don’t worry everything will be fine.” Said Twilight taking a deep breath before moving forward to the bridge, when she was near it she turned around to the bush to wave her hand at her friends who were hiding in, without noticing an elderly woman with glasses came to her.

“I haven’t seen you before.” Said the elderly woman making Twilight to turn to her.

“Oh, yeah wait a moment.” She said with a bit of stress looking for the letter in her pocket before giving it to her for the woman to inspect it. Her friends were watching from afar stressed what will happen.

“Oh, you are the new transferred student, Twilight Sparkle isn’t?”

“Yes I am. And sorry if I ask madam, but who are you?”

“I am Professor Minerva McGonagall Deputy-headmistress of Hogwarts, transfiguration teacher and Head of the Gryffindor house.” She said in a very formal way.

“Ahm excuse me Professor. Gryffindor House?” Asked Twilight.

“Hogwarts has four houses Gryffindor, Huffelpuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house is with a specific character Gryffindor for instance is with Loyalty, courage and nerve.” Said Professor McGonagall.

“Oh yeah I haven’t managed to get more information about Hogwarts.”

“It is all right, please follow me.” both started to walk towards the main gate, her friends even with the fact that for now everything went fine were still a bit concerned about how things will go. While moving Twilight managed to get from professor McGonagall a wider glimpse of how the school was and ask more about the Gryffindor house. The fact that it was a school of magic brought only excitement for her, she was of course told that she will enter the school year with the students that were to be placed in the first year.

Inside the main hall everyone was prepared for the ceremony to start, some of them were already seeing the year with all they’re exams passed and ready for a new life. At the Gryffindor table the Golden Trio were sitting ready for everything to start.

“Can’t wait to start.” Hermione said excited.

“Easy there we will start very soon.” Said Ron before he and Harry turned to the teacher’s table where they noticed one thing, one of the teachers Professor Horace Slughorn wasn’t at the teacher’s table but Snape was. It was trouble.

“Hey look professor Slughorn is not at the teacher’s table.” Ron said pointing at it.

“Someone else is however.” Said Hermione pointing at the teacher sitting near Professor Snape, a man with white face, black flat hair, green eyes and with what seemed to be a friendly face although he seemed to be an agreeable person there was one thing to know Snape was back as a potion master so it was somehow, trouble.

“I wonder how he is.”

“I’m more concerned regarding how thing will be with professor Snape now.” Harry said before Dumbledore started to track everybody’s attention in order to speak.

“I wish all the students, Welcome back to Hogwarts, as always we are all waiting for the fresh minds of you returning from your holydays, but aside from that I have an official announcement that this year we will get a transferred student that will be in the 7th year of Hogwarts and as per ministry order an eight year was placed now which will cover more interesting subjects that were available before.” Started Dumbledore as some students groaned in annoyance “I know for some it might be annoying but in time I am confident that you all will come to see their benefits. There will also be other things that I will want to announce to all of you, however that will happen after the sorting ceremony that shall begin right now.” He said before the main gate opened and the new students started to enter, the one in front of the group was a girl older than others with a purple hair and a pink stripe that was immediately noticed by Harry.

Twilight on entering the main hall she was totally stunned by everything that seemed totally abnormal like flying candles and the roof that seemed to be opened but it wasn’t and not to mention the fact that the old man in the middle of the table in front reminded her of Star swirl the Bearded not to mention other things but aside from that she continued to walk on following the Professor McGonagall, who went in front of the group opening a parchment.

“When I call your names, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, when it will call 1 of the houses you shall go and join them.” She said before reading the parchment.

“Sparkle, Twilight.”

Twilight gulped thinking in what house she will be placed, thinking for a little she hoped she will be placed in the one of professor McGonagall since for her it was the only one she knew now and the only one she knew more information about from the teacher. The girl started to walk forward silently before sitting in the chair and Professor McGonagall placed the hat on her.

“Ohh.” He said in her year amazed at her memories “a really unexpected thing this year, never expected that a real winged unicorn will come from this world.” Said the hat in her ear.

“We are called alicorns, how will you sort me?” Twilight whispered.

“Ooh I can see everything here in your head every single thing and every memory. For example I see that you are curious and from what I see a great talent and a great mind, alongside an unparalleled talent for magic, a real Ravenclaw I could say. Old Rowina if she was here would have taken you on without even a blink.

“I am flattered.” The disguised pony whispered.

“But I can also see the real reason of you been here.” The hat started making her nervous.

“Don’t tell them.”

“Oooh it is not my job to tell anyone that information, however it is up to you on how you will proceed forwards, with the task given to you, when things will become tenuous.” Said the hat in her ear.

“I want to do the right thing; I also want to learn to know how things really are and want to make friends whom I will defend.” Twilight whispered.

“Like I said, a real Ravenclaw and yet, you have a lot of courage and a great loyalty for the ones you care, even thou the one that you have, will not be here like in the past adventures that you got. But I know where the place for you it is here, considering the adventures and experiences of the past. You have this great power that leads you into the light and a great desire for the good of other, alongside courage and nerve in tenuous situations. So I will place you in....”

“GRYFFINDOR” The hat shouted and the students at the red and gold table started to applause and cheers. Twilight sat near the Golden Trio on her right and Ginny in the left, she then noticed that her robes had magically changed colour from plain black they were now red like the others and the crest of Gryffindor had appeared also by magic fascinating the disguised alicorn and in a sense she felt a true sense of honour and joy to be part of the ‘house’. After the sorting Dumbledore started again his speech.

“I wish all the new students to have a warm welcome to Hogwarts, now there are some things that I shall tell you and it concerns your safety. As you would know after the destruction of You-Know-Who all of us thought that there will be no more distractions, however there will be something to know, the forbidden Forest shall be out of bounds unless accompanied. There had been official reports regarding attacks by the natives, even thou there were more innocent ones and no one was hurt it is the best for all of us to be safe inside the castle grounds. And as for the other part Professor Slughorn due to an unwanted event he will not be teaching potions this year the task shall be in the hands of Professor Snape.” After this announcement Twilight noticed frowns regarding this change regarding this Professor Snape and from what it seemed even he didn’t liked that as well.

“The task for Defence Against the Dark Arts shall go on our new teacher Professor Horace Flang.” He said and the teacher went up on his feet.

“As new teacher I really do hope I shall have the understanding of all the students regarding my methods. I am deeply sorry to what happened to one of my colleagues and I really do hope that he shall get better for the next year. I promise to you that I shall be a fair and inspiring teacher for all of you to learn. I am waiting forward in seeing you to my classes.” He said before taking a seat.

“As for the matter of safety the task shall fall on our two tactical robots chiefs of security and one commander.” He said presenting the two robots that came both seem to have almost skeletal like legs and arms with three fingers on each hand, square hear with two eyes glowing white and having chests that seemed a bit bulky. The only thing that was different was the markings on them one had a black cross surrounded by white stripes on the outside and had grey stripes all over his chest while the other had a round circle with red, yellow and blue markings on it with yellow stripes on him. The field commander was with the description he was like a skeleton with a long head as a face but he was all grey and the round circle was with the colours white, blue and red. The first to speak was the one with the cross in a strong German accent.

Tse new rules for your safety will be next: No one will be allowed to walk into the forest alone unless accompanied by four to seven droids or with a teacher. No one is allowed to interact with natives unless they are friendly. When natives are around, report to patrols, prefects or teachers.” He said followed by the other.

The limit in the forest for you all will be marked by a blue stripe or circle from there you are not allowed to go further, the territory that is the official limit for Hogwarts is marked with red stripes and a red circle where the droid garrison of 30.000 will patrol. And for the new first years or old trouble makers if you want to explore, forget about this idea if you pass the limit or get in the forbidden forest you will be placed in detention by your teachers with a letter sent to your parents.

During the day the majority will be deactivated, but you will see us in small numbers on the corridors, during the night with the Prefect we will be around in greater number. You shall be inform by the prefects how there will be the regulations in the case of the new comers. For now we bid you all welcome to Hogwarts.” Said the last one.

“Thank you all, there is only one thing to announce. Let the Feast Begin.” Said the headmaster and different kinds of foods just appeared on the tables another thing she could not imagine but even with that she grabbed some of the foods for her plate.

“Welcome to Gryffindor my name is Ginny.” Said the girl next to her.

“My name is Twilight.” She said smiling.

“Hey Twilight, I’m Hermione.” Said the haired girl next to her.

“This is Ron and he is Harry.” She said introducing the two boys who waved at her.

“So what is your first impress of Hogwarts for you as a transferred student?” asked Harry with a nervous tone.

“It’s amazing I really haven’t expected so much, back at my school we didn’t had some of the stuff like what you have here like, flying candles or the roof to show the sky here in the main hall.” She said with still amazed by everything around her.

“The roof is actually spelled to show the sky. This is written in the book Hogwarts a History. If you want I can show it to you.” Said Hermione.

“I would really want.”

“I’m sure you would like here a lot, even if it is for two years now.” Said Ron.

“Two years?” She asked.

“The Ministry decided to introduce an eight year for Hogwarts, in the past the seventh would have been the last.” Ron explained.

“I guess I am in luck then.” Twilight said.

“We will show you everything around the castle then, maybe we will all be in luck.” Said Harry smiling.

“I would really enjoy that plus I think it will be great. On the other hand I can barely wait till we start the classes tomorrow. I was always keen on learning new things.” Said Twilight with excitement.

“I hardly doubt that and I believe we will make a great team. Have you read the books?” Said Hermione already knowing how things will be with the new girl.

“Yeah and I noticed that they are different from the spells I have learned done back at my school. But let’s just say that I magic is my talent, but maybe I might need some guidance.” Said Twilight shyly.

“Don’t worry we will show you the others and help you catch up.” Said Harry a bit stressed the reason his friends already might know.

“I would really want that thank you all.” She said and enjoyed the feast.

After the feast Twilight followed Hermione, Ron and Harry to the Gryffindor tower the password for this year was Luna Twilight noted it down for her, it was really amusing been connected to one of the Princesses. Another thing whom she had found even more amusing were the moving, talking pictures on the walls it was shocking at first, then she thought of them to be amazing not to mention the flying staircases, who she swore Discord designed them.

“Well Twilight since you are in my year I will show you where you will be sleeping.” Hermione said showing the girl’s bedroom.

“Cosy.” She said before noticing her bags and her trunk with her cutie mark symbol on it.

“Hey my bags and my trunk.” She exclaimed before opening it to reveal some clothes both casual made by Rarity with reluctance. After dressing up in her night clothes she was ready to turn to bed.

“Well tomorrow will be our first lessons that I can barely wait. I hope everything will go fine.” Said Twilight in confidence, in a way she will be more focused on new studies and friends then on spying.

“It will surely be, let’s hope Professor Snape wouldn’t be too mad on this change.” Hermione said placing herself on her bed tracking Twilight’s attention.

“What do you mean?” Asked Twilight.

“He always wanted to be the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, He mainly was the potion master. Of course he had the post in my previous year when we had Professor Horace Slughorn as potion master, I don’t know what happened to him, but whatever it was, it is surely not very good.” She said making Twilight to think, she hopes that this setback for him will not affect them too much.

“I wonder how he is coping with this change.” She asked.

“We shall see this tomorrow. Goodnight Twilight.”

“Goodnight Hermione.” After each of the girls placed they’re head on their pillows for sleeping Twilight looked around her for one last time, she in a way thought that nothing is too unusual between the ponies and them she decided that she will send tomorrow after the classes the first letter to her friends and the Princess to assure her that nothing will go badly. She will surely spend the time at Hogwarts for the whole year but she will make sure everything will be just fine.