Star Wars Episode V, Phantoms Of The Past

by FourShadow

Whistling Revelations

Hours pressed on, as the search parties continued their work across multiple star charts and galaxies. All except for one; Sunset Shimmer. Her brain collapsed into an overwhelmed state that there was only one place she wanted to go to; straight to the bar. No one else was around, just her, and the bartender, Berry Blend who was still keeping an eye on her.

"You realize I cannot keep giving in to your temptations?" Berry asked.

"Just make it another, Berry. Heaviest."

Berry shook her head with a sigh. "I'll get the stuff from the back, just try not to smash any of my fine glassware, okay?" Walking away, Sunset was left by herself in the blue-lit bar, with the only sound coming from herself as she played with her cup.

Sunset tipped the drink to the side, watching the liquid move around in the direction of the glass’s position. She moved her hand around, watching it move to wherever up was, narrowing avoiding spilling it on the counter. She waited for the bartender to come back and give her a refill on her drink, but he never came back. In fact, looking around, she didn’t see anyone else there but her.

Rolling her eyes, she just took another sip, slowing it down this time. But then, out of nowhere, she heard a strange sound. Whistling. Whistling so clear that it was the only thing she heard, as if all other sounds were put on mute. Raising her head up, she saw that reflecting in the mirror across from her, someone else had shown up at the bar; sitting right next to her. Shrouded in a cloak with a built-in hood, face hidden in the darkness of the hood. The figure took a sip of a drink next to her, before turning to look at her, blood red eyes the only thing visible underneath.

“Well, well. Sunset Shimmer herself. I was wondering if you had run away here again,” the figure greeted, a smile on their face yet not present to her eyes.

“Uhhh… heyyyyy?” Sunset awkwardly greeted. “I… don’t think I’ve met you.”

“Oh everyone’s met me,” the figure shrugged casually, taking another sip. “One way or another, they all do. Good and bad, rich and poor, everyone.”

“I see…” Sunset continued, rather hesitantly. “How long have you been here?”

“I’ve always been around,” they answered. “I’ve had to meet a few of those comrades of yours in the field lots of time. Unfortunate that many of them went this way… but they fight for a cause that’s important for the many. I can respect that. I just hope you don’t go that way either, senorita.”

Sunset wanted to back away, this person was making her more uncomfortable the way they talked.

“I just want to ask you something, Sunset. Why do you run from them?”

“From what?”

“Your friends,” they replied, eyes blinking in the hood’s darkness. “They’re back, they can help you. Yet you cut them off and refuse to let them back in your life… cutting them off is going to kill you. You need them more than ever.”

Sunset scoffed with an eye-roll. “And you just happen to be the authority on my friends, huh? Okay, well then tell me this, why do I need them so bad if everything’s fine?”

The figure took another drink before speaking. “You still feel guilty over what happened to Twilight Sparkle. It’s not that hard to figure out.”

Sunset froze in place. Only a few people ever knew it was Twilight who had turned to the dark side, not just her friends, but only a select few of the higher ups here in the Rebellion had any clue who she had become. The general slowly scooted away from the bar stool, wanting to just leave, maybe tell someone to stop this creep from harassing her.

“You can’t run away from them,” he said, suddenly appearing behind her out of nowhere. Sunset turned around, her heart jumping from the near surprise. “And if you think just going back here, drinking as a means to a way to forget… you’ll keep doing it, until one day, you’ll have to meet me, just like the others who have gone.”

Sunset's heart raced faster as she felt herself pinned against a wall by unseen hands. “What do you want from me!?”

The cloaked figure was quiet for a second, sighing. One of his hands revealed itself in the light; a sight that made Sunset’s skin crawl, and her heart race. Rotting, decomposing flesh with exposed bone was present. Sunset placed her hand over her rapidly beating heart, feeling as if it was ready to jump out of her chest.

“I want you to live your life to the fullest,” the figure replied. “You’re not healthy right now, and I don’t want you wasting it. I want you to go talk to someone. Go find an isolated spot in the forest outside; Celestia wants to meet with you.”

“S… S-S-She’s dead,” Sunset struggled.

“Yes… she is,” the figure sighed. “I wish she had the chance to live to the fullest; if it wasn’t for that queen. But I have been meeting with her, and many others you once known. They can help you.”

The cloaked form took one more drink and slowly walked past her, whistling audibly and clearly to her as their clear, blood red eyes gazed into her soul.

“Meet with them in half an hour. It will be good for you.”

Following the orders provided by the stranger (with heavy hesitation), Sunset moved herself away from the temples to a secluded area in the forest, into a clearing that provided a camping spot for anyone who wished to seek comfort in the nature. Sunset was far from any of the eyes of her fellow teammates and friends. Her eyes were closed, and her legs were crossed. She let the Force flow through her, guiding her like a pebble on a river. She tried to reach out in the past, but with no avail. Of all the times she needed guidance and help, now was that time.

To help enhance the process, she laid out several spiritual candles from Equestria, a lesson she had learned from Master Twilight in order to communicate with the spirits from before. But it didn’t feel like it was working. Out of frustration, she let out a hard sigh and scrunched her face with her hands. She needed help, now. Her friends and allies of the present and lively can’t help, she swore by it. Yet she still couldn’t contact the spirits.

That was until she felt a change in the winds. The time of day had gone to night, when mostly everyone had gone to bed or started to do their night shifts. The candle lights were almost snuffed, but then she saw glowing specters shimmering with a cool blue glow. The general gulped, and watched as the first spirit made herself present before her… someone she never thought she would see again. One that she ran from all those years ago…

“Ch… Chan… C…” Sunset was at a loss for words. “Celestia?”

The ghost looked at her, warmly smiling at her. “I’m glad I have not been forgotten, my old student.”

Sunset tried to reach for her, but hesitated. She couldn’t touch a ghost, it wouldn’t work. But Celestia could, and the spirit moved forward and gave her student a much needed hug. Sunset just carefully wrapped her arms around her old mentor’s back, feeling the energy illuminating around her.

“You’ve grown up now,” Celestia noted. “I’m so proud of you.”

The former teacher wiped a happy tear from her grown-up student’s face, letting her rejoice from how happy she was to see her again, even if she wasn’t living.

You don’t look well,” Celestia began to notice. “When have you last slept?

“I’ll sleep when the war is over,” Sunset said, rather bitterly. But she soon corrected her stance when she looked back to her former teacher. “I… why are you here? Who was that person in the cloak, why did he want—”

—I asked him to find you. He was… an unorthodox choice, but I didn’t believe you would just follow a messenger at will. I needed someone who you would believe was beyond the current realm you and the living reside in.”

Sunset didn’t even know what to say right now. “O-Okay, but… you know what, that’s going to be tabled, because I have more follow up questions as to who that guy is, but I have bigger things going on.”

“I believe you. But, I’m not alone in my endeavors. The rest of us are here as well to provide aid.”


Yes. Come everyone. Please, let us talk to her, I’m sure she’d appreciate our company. Come on, no need to be shy,” the spirit gestured.

More orbs of spectral light manifested out of thin air, slowly sitting down on the rocks and logs that had been set around this little campfire. Sunset was surprised to see more; she didn’t think she would have gotten far with this ritual. Many familiar faces appeared before her; old and new. From Equestria’s Jedi Temple, she could see Scribble Dee, Sandalwood, and Micro Chips. And the others? The others that arrived were all from the main temple on Coruscant. Aayla Secura, Luminara Unduli, Tiplar and Tiplee, Ima-Gun-Di, Kanan Jarrus,… including Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

“Sunset Shimmer, you’ve grown dude! You look great for 43 years,” Sandalwood complimented.

“She has aged gracefully,” Micro Chips said with a little dramatic wave of his hand.

“H-Hi, everybody,” Sunset tittered, still trying to take in the shock to see so many familiar faces. “It’s good to see you all, and thank you for responding to my call.”

“You are still connected to us. And when someone needs help, we will answer,” Master Jinn replied.

“Maybe if we weren’t idiots we could have done so much more for the galaxy,” Scribble seethed, folding her arms. She looked at Sunset, who was taken aback by her response. Scribble wasn’t one of the most vocal Jedi she knew, and to see her suddenly be more outspoken than before? “I’m sorry Sunset. I know you want our help, and that’s not really doing good for you.”

“It’s okay, I understand,” but as she looked around her, she noticed something. “Wait. Wait a minute… where is everyone else? Master Windu? Tinn? Thunderbass?”

“I felt it was best to assemble only a few people to not make you feel overcrowded, Sunset. Besides, Master Windu believes his words would not be welcome.”, Celestia explained, sitting down at another rock from across her former student.

“Okay, I can understand that, sorta,” Sunset thought. “But there’s another person I want to talk to. Where is Master Yoda? Or, even better… where is Tano?”

“Sunset, Master Yoda and Ahsoka have not become one with the Force,” Kanan interrupted. “I know it. I can feel it.”

“Impossible. Master Yoda never found me or the Rebels, and I know Ahsoka died, I felt it,” Sunset said, standing her ground. She looked at Kanan with a sorrowful face, breath almost shaky. “Please… don’t tell me she’s still alive. Don’t give me hope.”

“Sunset. We don’t know what has become of many of our fellow Jedi. But we know not everyone has become one with the Force like we have,” Master Secura spoke this time. “There are others still in the land of the living who have escaped our fates.”

Sunset was only more frustrated. “But why can’t I reach out to them?”

“I do not know. Perhaps they are in an undisclosed location that we cannot reach them from,” Master Secura said, shaking her head.

“We’re getting off-track here,” Celestia interrupted. “Sunset, tell them why you called out for us.”

The mentor sat back down on a rock across from her, sitting with the rest of the fallen Jedi. Now having the center of attention, Sunset cleared her throat, and spoke.

“I feel like everything is falling apart. The Empire’s been gunning us down much harder than ever before, and there are too many people afraid to take a stand," Sunset stood up, starting to pace back and forth in front of the ghosts. "At the same time, we’ve made some new friends but now I’m more scared of them than the Empire. And on top of that, one of my closest friends was murdered by the one who started the entire downfall of the Republic, and her daughter is now who-knows-where and we can’t find her. I am trying to maintain control and stay calm, but I just… can’t!” Sunset shrieked.

She cupped her face, slowly breathing in and out, almost on the verge of crying. “I can’t keep it together… everyone looks up to me, expecting to know what to do all the time, but I just don’t! How can I ask my friends to understand that I don’t know what to do, when I’m trying to make sure everything isn’t falling apart!?”

She collapsed back on the rock, hands holding her face as she quietly cried, not able to keep herself together.

Whoa… heavy,” Sandalwood frowned.

Celestia waited for a moment, lifting her student's chin up so she could look at her. Her face was turning red from how much pain she was in, eyes now bloodshot.

"You underestimate your friends' capabilities, my old student," Celestia warmly began, before sitting next to her. "There were times when I was afraid to reach out for help, taking on so many responsibilities that I didn't know if I could handle. In the old wars, there was many times when I didn't know what I could do; Luna and I did everything together, and without her, I... I started to fall apart. So long have I waited to ask for help... and by the time I did, it was too late. My nephew took over for my responsibilities, and I didn't have a chance to return back to find you, or anyone else."

Everyone had to wince at that response, remembering the day that on all channels, reports of Celestia's assassination came through; one of the darkest days in Clone Wars history.

"But you, my student... you still have a chance to ask for help. You can't go back to the old wars and fix the mistakes then. But you can stop them from happening again here in the now. Talk to your friends, tell them everything that is hurting you, I know they will be more than understanding. Twilight believed in you, and gave you the hand you needed, so why would the rest of them not do the same?"

Sunset looked back up at Celestia, her eyes still watery, and ready to break into tears again. But she didn't have the chance to speak further, as all of the spirits looked across the forest.

"I believe our time is up. But, we will come back again should you need our help," Celestia bid her farewell as she stood up.

“Wait, before you go!” Sunset pleaded. “I need to at least know this; there was someone who approached me at a bar, someone who moved faster than me, and I swore he looked dead; he said to come out here to talk, who is he?”

Celestia gave one nod before speaking. “I sent for him personally. As for who he is… there are people whose existences go beyond the plane of logic and reason. The mere knowledge of such otherworldly beings would make it impossible for you to find any rest or solitude ever again. I cannot tell you who he is, that is something for you, and everyone else here in this realm to learn. In the end… he comes for us all.

And just like that, Celestia left Sunset with more questions than answers for the fate of the cloaked man. One by one, each of the Force ghosts vanished into thin air, giving small but friendly waves as they departed the forest. Sunset could only wonder when she would see them again, or even if she could. She sat back down on the stump, with only the campfire as her company. Crickets continued to chirp, and the sounds of woodland creatures continued to fill the air of the starry night.

“What do I do now…?” Sunset asked, looking up.

Just then, a snapping twig made her jump up with a primed blaster as she aimed it at the woods. She waited for the source to come out and jump at her, wondering who is stalking her out here at this time of night—

“Sunset, put the blaster away! We’re not here to attack!” Rainbow insisted from far into the woods.

Sunset sighed with some relief. It was just her friends, no one dangerous. All of her friends had gathered to come talk to her; Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity.

"What happened back there? You just left in the middle of us trying to come up with a plan, you don't just walk off like that," Rainbow Dash demanded.

"And you certainly don't keep your anger bottled up," Fluttershy added.

"Actually, has she done that? The years kinda all start to blur for me," Pinkie admitted with some shame.

"Whatever the case is, we're gonna talk," Applejack put her hands on her hips.

Despite the talk with Celestia from earlier, Sunset didn't feel like approaching her friends with the burden once more.

“So what’s going on, tell us,” Fluttershy insisted.

“… actually, it’s nothing. Just go, I don’t want to bother any of you right now,” Sunset passively replied, hoping they would leave.

Unfortunately for her, they did the exact opposite.

“Hmmm… no,” Pinkie shook her head, planting herself on one of the wooden chairs surrounding the small fire.

“Not happening,” Rainbow agreed.

“We’re sittin’ here, and we aren’t leavin’ til you tell us what’s goin’ on in that head of yours,” Applejack said, crossing her arms. "We're not taking no for an answer, not this time."

“There’s nothing to tell, you can’t help me with this,” Sunset said, starting to get angrier.

“Darling, do you understand what you are doing right now?” Rarity interrupted, putting her hands on her hips. “Do you remember the last time one of our friends pushed us away when they needed them most?”

Sunset wanted to speak up, but she didn’t. She did know, and Rarity was right. She couldn’t argue.

“So, we’re not making that mistake again. We are going to stay here, or we’re going to follow you until you finally open up. And by the way, when I mean we’ll follow you, I mean we’re going to follow you…”

And then Pinkie was extremely close to Sunset’s ears, sending chills down Sunset’s spine.


Sunset turned to look at Pinkie, but she wasn’t next to her, suddenly she was sitting back on that wooden stool again, as if she didn’t move.

“How did you do that?” Sunset sputtered.

Pinkie just shrugged. “Now spill it!”

“… Fine,” Sunset sighed, knowing it was no use to argue with her friends. “Since I know none of you will leave, I’ll talk. I… I can’t lead the Rebels.”

“What!?” Everyone said at once.

“Darling what are you talking about?” Rarity implored.

Sunset rubbed her own face as she tried to keep herself together. Pushing herself on her feet she began to pace back and forth, unable to sit still.

“The past few weeks, I have made bad decision after bad decision. First, we failed to get so much as an inkling of info for anything the Empire is working on. And then, I kill the only person who could have given us any information on the Empire, who by the way, was one of our old friends! Someone I didn't think was one of the Imperials, and now she's dead! Dead as an Inquisitor, just how I wanted to see her for one more time!”

The five Jedi were locked onto her as she kept moving back and forth. They could tell she had been keeping this all in, and they were waiting for her to finish, knowing she had to get this off her chest.

“And then, I come back, and find out not only was a former Sith right about one of our friends being alive, but now we have to work together with the troopers who tried to kill us all at the end of the war!" Her foot stomped into a twig, breaking it apart as she turned around.

"And then, another one of my friends died, trying to deliver possibly the last remnants of a battalion from said war, and now, the daughter who I swore to protect is missing, and grief stricken over the loss of her mom, and I couldn’t stop her from leaving, and now she's in Midnight's hands! I have FAILED in what I set out to do!!!" Her arms were alluding to herself with hands almost in the motion like claws.

"Our former friend, murdered one of our friends, and is possibly torturing her niece, in an unknown region of the galaxy, and I don’t even know where she is!” Sunset was nearly about to rip her hair out, and tears were now flying off her face. “I keep making bad choices, and I can’t take it anymore! I’m not fit to be a leader, I shouldn’t be in charge of the Rebels, I should just be wasting away back on Ord Mantell where none of you would have to deal with me or any of this! I just… AGHHH!!!!”

That scream echoed in the forests, sending flocks of birds away from fear into the night sky. Rainbow and the others were a bit taken back from her outburst but they didn’t run. Once they could tell Sunset was running out of energy to harness her stress on, they moved closer as she sat back down on her bench.

Sunset cupped her face again, trying to hide herself from the rest of her friends. “I… I can’t do this. I thought I could do this, but I can’t. I just… I can’t.”

“Ohhh darling, come here…”

Rarity hoisted Sunset onto her feet and embraced her, letting Sunset cry softly into her shoulder. Rarity rubbed her friend’s back, holding her close as she finally let the walls down. Pinkie then joined in for the hug as well. Then Fluttershy. Then Rainbow. And finally Applejack, until the whole group was trying to hold Sunset in a comforting expression of embrace.

“I’m… I’m so sorry…” Sunset whimpered.

“No, you don’t apologize. You have nothing to be sorry about,” Applejack said, soft but sternly as she patted her back.

Once she was calming down a little, everyone pulled out of the hug to address their friend. Her eyes were bloodshot red, cheeks tattered with tears. Fluttershy reached for her satchel, wiping her tears away with a fresh tissue.

“We may not understand what it’s like to be in charge of an entire rebellion… but we do understand right now, you need our help,” Applejack intervened.

“N-No, you—”

“—Ah, ah, ah,” Rarity interrupted. “Sunset, for your mental and physical health, we are going to help you, whether you want it or not. You are not okay, and we care for you. Let us help you. Please???”

Sunset sighed. “I don’t know. You sure you want to be around someone who keeps messing up?”

“You’re trying to run a rebellion by yourself. Do Dodonna or Raddus even know you’re having this problem?” Pinkie asked.

“If they do, they either haven’t said anything, or don’t because I’m so arrogant,” Sunset wiped another stain off her face. “But girls, you… we… are you even sure you want me in charge?”

The five Jedi looked at each other, then back at her.

“Yes,” all of them collectively said.

“You turned yourself around when we offered you a hand at a better life,” Applejack started.

“You chose to become a better person and helped us every day in the Clone Wars,” Rarity added.

“You didn’t take my arm away,” Rainbow casually replied.

“You didn’t burn villages to the ground or turn the clones against us,” Fluttershy stated.

“On top of everything else… you helped us when we were at our lowest. Now it’s our turn to help you again,” Pinkie concluded. “I know all of this is new for you, and it’s new for us, but really… we’ve fought bad guys before. The Empire may be worse than the Republic… but you know something else? I’m kinda glad we’re here.”

Sunset stopped. “Wait what?”

“Well, yeah,” Pinkie confirmed. “We have a fresh start. We’re meeting new people, we learned what we did in the past was wrong. Sure, the Rebellion isn’t perfect… but you have to start somewhere to make a change. You put in all this effort to make sure anyone, anybody, felt like they weren’t alone and deserved to have a voice in this fight, to make sure they weren’t alone when the Empire forced themselves on them.”

Sunset had to stop for a second. She forgot that despite her bouncing and eccentric behavior, Pinkie often had wise advice for the group every now and then.

“Also, if you really think about it, it’s kind of awesome we have both clones and battle droids on our side. We had to fight them both before, and now we’re all working together! We were weak alone… but I bet we can storm an entire Imperial capital with all three forces combined,” the party planner squeaked with excitement.

“There is something rather beautiful about being on the same side,” Fluttershy added.

“Rather karmic if I do say so myself,” Rarity giggled.

“The point is, you shouldn’t have to do this alone,” Pinkie said, holding Sunset in another hug. “We can help you, if you’ll just… um. Sunset?”

Sunset wasn’t responding. Her body was laying limp on Pinkie’s shoulder, and although it wasn’t loud, they could hear some quiet breathing from her.

“Oh dear. How long has she been awake?” Fluttershy worried.

“I checked in with Admiral Raddus, the poor girl has not slept in days,” Applejack shook her head.

“Well that changes tonight!” Pinkie scooped up the sleeping Shimmer in her arms, immediately walking out of the forest with her friends tailing her behind. “Come on, let's tuck her into bed."


Sunset was carefully laid down in bed, now suddenly dressed in her pajamas. A fluffy warm quilt knitted by Applejack was draped over her. A comfortable pillow provided by Rarity. An auxiliary fan lent by Fluttershy. A plushie for snuggles added by Pinkie Pie. Last of all; an adjustment for her multiple alarm clocks by Rainbow Dash so she could get the necessary sleep she needed.

One by one they all left her room, the last one being Fluttershy who had to admit she looked adorable when she slept. The doors closed, and the five adults let out a sigh of relief, glad they got their friend to sleep.

“Poor thing hasn’t slept in ages, I can tell,” Fluttershy frowned. “How long has she been like this?”

“Stressed, scared, guilty, angry with herself, take your pick,” Rainbow deadpanned.

“A long time, from what we understand,” Applejack sighed. “I talked with Admiral Raddus and Flash when you were helping her get into her pajamas, apparently this has been happening ever since they brought her back into the fight. Barely sleeps when she’s supposed to, hasn’t been eating properly aside from a few occasions, it’s not a surprise she’s as exhausted as she is.”

“Well I for one am not going to put up with this any longer,” Rarity said with a ‘hmmph’, head held high. “She is our friend, and I am not going to let her make the same mistake as… ahem,” she cleared her throat awkwardly. “Well, you know.”

“No, it’s fine to say it, I think we should all just come out and say it,” Rainbow said, her hands slapping her sides. “We can’t let her make the same mistake. We already lost Twilight, we can’t lose Sunset either,” she said, remorseful as she looked away from her friends.

The girls thought some more, until Fluttershy snapped her fingers. “I have an idea. It’s a big one, but it might help her.”

“Lay it on us,” Rainbow requested.

“I took the manifest from Sunset’s desk that she has lined up for the next few days, and for next week,” Fluttershy said, showing her datapad. “I think since she needs some time from the battlefield, we should take care of her tasks; we’ll all chip in so the work is evenly split.”

Everyone gave a few shrugging nods, not arguing or having anything negative to say.

“I think we can help with that. What are some of the things on her to-do list?” Rarity asked.

“Hmm,” Fluttershy read. “Fixing a few ships, some training and teaching of new recruits, help the Separatists get settled in and find some work, there’s also a rescue mission that needs to be done in four days, with no volunteers found yet, some supply runs, a few intel missions… and she’s trying to tackle all of these by herself.”

“Not anymore she is,” Pinkie folded her arms. “But how do we make sure she gets the mental break?”

“We’ll all chip in on that as well. We’ll take time each day to do a watch on her, and do somethin’ fun with her. We’ll not only get to spend time with her individually, but we can help her get some much needed self-care until she’s back to her normal self again.”


“… and that’s why we want to request her be taken off leading until she gets better,” Fluttershy concluded. All five of them were in one of the command rooms, with Admiral Raddus and General Dodonna listening to them carefully.

“She hasn’t been herself, she needs time away. We can help her get better, and all five of us will do shift-changes, taking over her jobs while she’s on sabbatical. Please… we’… we’re beggin’ you here,” Applejack pleaded, rather softly.

Raddus and Dodonna looked to each other, giving a few quiet nods.

“General Shimmer has been out of sorts, lately,” Dodonna thought. “We’ve had to tell her to end her shift more times than I can count. She still feels guilty over her role in the war.”

“Perhaps some good will come if she takes some vacation time. I don’t want to see the day where she collapses from a heart attack,” Raddus agreed. “Are you five positive you can take over her shifts?”

“Positive. All five of us will do our part, never one getting more than the other. R2 helped create a schedule,” Rarity said, showing them the physical worksheet that they had printed out.

Both Raddus and Dodonna read the schedule, top to bottom, and even flipping through the various days that were planned ahead.

“This seems very concrete… alright, in light of the recent circumstances, and as generals of an old war speaking for the health and safety of an ally, we grant the five of you temporary command in Sunset’s position.”

“And as far as Sunset’s sentence goes??? You know, so we can break it to her?” Rainbow asked.

“Hmm…” Dodonna thought before coming up with a sentence. “Due to poor health management, bad performance in a high-risk situation where a minor escaped in a vessel, coupled with admiral concerns, I believe it is best that Sunset’s command is temporarily revoked and she stays as a civilian. All in favor of revoking Sunset's status, say Aye."


"And against?"

No one responded.

"The Ayes have it. As of tomorrow morning, Sunset Shimmer is suspended of command and will be a civilian until her energy is restored and learns to properly take care of herself. Her command is relinquished to that of the Jedi Five. Case dismissed," Dodonna declared.