//------------------------------// // Episode 2: Fire and Ice Wars: Part 2 // Story: My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII // by DakariKingMykan //------------------------------// Previously on Starfleet Magic… While repelling a meteor from striking United Equestria, our heroes discovered two alien strangers just appearing on the Moon. At the same time, King Flareous and King Blizzord sent their forces to investigate the disappearance of their respective child, which led to an all-out attack on Starfleet with forces unlike any they have seen before and leaving them in quite a backed-up space. EPISODE TWO Lava Gator growled, “So, who’d like to go first?” The ponies kept their stance. Buddy nodded to Rhymey and Artie to get out their weapons. “VINE WHIP” “SUPER STAFF” “WARD SWORD” “You think I’m scared of those?” Gator huffed. “You will be!” protested Buddy. “Let’s go, guys!” The team agreed and rushed forth. Gator’s eyes gave a glow and he shouted, “LAVA GUSH” opening his huge jaws, spewing hot lava out like a stream, forcing the fighters to back away. “Carumba! We nearly ran straight into that!” cried Dyno. “Let’s try attacking from afar.” suggested Myte. The brothers joined hands, “BOOM-BOOM ROCKETS!” sending their missiles straight at the monsters. “Not so close!” Gator shouted, “HOT TAIL-WHIP!” He whirled round, slamming his flaming tail right into the middles, destroying them harmlessly. “No way!” cried Artie. “That’s not fair!” wailed Pinkie. Gator only chuckled, “No need to get hot-headed… that’s my job.” He began to stomp forth, making the ground tremor softly. “LAVA GUSH!” He spewed out more lava, making the fighters dodge again, but the fiery liquid burned up a lone tree in the road. The sight of the poor tree being roasted to cinders really enraged Buddy. “Oh, that is it!!” he shouted. “LEAF SWARM!” He unleashed his razor leaves towards the fiery gator. Keltar, who was hiding behind a short rock wall, chuckled, “Grass against Fire? It’ll never work.” but he was in for a surprise when Buddy unleashed magical light beams from his horn, encasing his leaves in magical aura, strengthening them. The leaves collided into Gator, making sparks and explosions fly, and the monster groaned and wailed. Buddy smirked. “I’ve always wanted to try that trick.” The monster only looked furious as the flowing lava on his rock-skin ignited. He leapt up high forcing the fighters to scatter about as he crashed down hard making the ground shake.” “Get him!” shouted Artie, and everyone rushed in to attack. “Bring it on!” Gator growled, and he easily batted everyone off with his short, but strong, flaming claws. Sparks and explosions flew all over as the fighters were hit. Pinkie, Fluttershy and Buddy were down. “What a hothead!” groaned Pinkie. The others were still up, but not fairing as well. “HOT TAIL-WHIP!” Gator swung his tail to trip the guys off their feet, but they all leapt up off the ground dodging it. Artie then shoved his staff hard into the ground like a blocker. The tail hit the staff with a huge Bonk. Gator then whirled around again to slash at Artie, only for his claws to clash against Rhymey’s sword. “Oh, no I don’t think so.” he chirped. The two men then gave their weapons huge swings, striking the monster hard across the chest and face, making big explosions and sending him high up into the air, and the twins gave him a double-kick sending him crashing, rolling along the ground. “Oh, no!” groaned Keltar, and he looked back at the fighters. “These creatures just keep astounding me.” Gator got up and he was furious; so, made that his body flamed a bright shade of yellow. “Prepare yourselves for a deep roasting!” he growled. “Oh, no, He’s going to blow!” whimpered Fluttershy. Gator opened his huge jaws as lava boiled up from inside. “LAVA GUSH!” but before he could spew it out… “Not this time!” Buddy hollered, and he magically enhanced his whip, just like his leaves so it wouldn’t burn, and lassoed the monster’s mouth shut causing the lava to overflow in his mouth, causing his rock skin to erupt and blow. “Excuse you!” joked Pinkie. Smoke was flowing through the Gator’s nostrils, teeth, and cracks in his, now, dimmed out rock skin. “This is our chance.” cried Artie. “Hold it,” said Buddy as he scanned the creature again. “It’s just an alien enhanced with magic.” This meant they didn’t need to destroy the creature, but arrest and capture it. “That’s not going to happen!” growled Gator, revealing he was still strong enough to fight back. “We’ll see about that.” bellowed Pinkie. “Ready Fluttershy?” Fluttershy nodded, and the two ladies soared forth, and flew round, and around the monster in circles. “Hey! Stop it! I’m getting dizzy!” “They got him distracted!” cried Buddy. “Now’s our chance.” The other men agreed. “I say you got for it, Bud.” said Artie. “Knock him down into the mud.” rhymed Rhymey. The Twins nodded, and Buddy stood ready with his whip, setting it to between “Heal” and “Capture.” and then he powered up his finisher. “WHIPLASH STRIKE!” He leapt up high, “This is for that tree you burned!” and struck the monster hard. The Gator wailed and shouted as he felt the magic draining out of him, and he fell over and exploded. Keltar saw the whole thing with wide eyes and an open mouth. The explosion cleared and left on the ground was the monster badge which shattered, and there was also a prison sphere with the Flame Guard, back to normal, imprisoned inside. “I must inform King Flaerous of this.” and he vanished through an invisiport without being spotted. Meanwhile, the ponies and Spike were buried under a hill of snow and ice. “Lightning! Lightning!!” Krysta called out. Ice Hoof laughed as he glared at the tiny fairy, “If you’re that worried about you can join them, you can join them.” He stomped his hoof ready for another brawl… when suddenly…! The snow mounds burst away revealing all the fighters were still standing, shrouded in their glowing auras. “What?! You’re still standing!” the monster bellowed. Krysta smiled with glee. Outraged, the monster charged forth, “ICE MANE BARRAGE!” firing more of his ice pellets, but Spike and Rarity unleashed their flames and countered the attack. The monster growled and prepared to charge forth again, only for Celesto to cast a spell and freeze him on the spot so he couldn’t move. “That spell won’t last too long.” his majesty said, and then he looked at Lightning, “…You have the honor.” Lightning nodded thankfully. “CAPTURE BLASTER!” He held up his mighty gun at the beast declaring, “You’re under arrest for the unprovoked invasion of the Planet United Equestria and attempted genocide!” The helpless monster could only growl. “FIRE!” Lightning blasted him hard. KAPOW!! The monster exploded, and all that was left was the guard, imprisoned in a sphere, and his monster badge which shattered. “Yee-Haw! Out to pasture for you!” cheered Aplejack. “Awesome!” added Applejack. Spike and Rarity embraced, and Lightning went over to pick up the sphere as Krysta hovered by his side. He didn’t seem too thrilled. “I think we’re in big trouble.” Krysta had to agree with him. “Lightning!” Buddy called as he and the rest of the unit came soaring in, and Buddy quickly showed everyone the imprisoned Flame-Guard. Pinkie then noticed the imprisoned Ice-Guard Lightning held. “You caught one too?” Lightning, upon realizing the creatures-- One of Fire, and One of Ice-- and compared it to those two aliens in the palace. Before he could say anything, “Brother-in-law…!” Princess Luna said as she appeared. “What is it?” asked Grand Ruler. “You had best come to the palace at once-- all of you. There is something you must see.” Leaving the royal knights to inspect and tend to any damage in the fields, the team teleported to the throne room, where Celestia was having tea with the, now, conscious aliens. At first some of the team gasped in shock, assuming the worst, but Celestia bolted from her seat insisting. “No! It’s alright. They’re friendly.” “Friendly?!” exclaimed Rainbow. “You got to be kidding?” The two aliens stood and softly approached everyone. The male spoke first. “Let me present us…” and he bowed gracefully. “I am Prince Pyron of the planet Moltic, and this is my love.” The lady curtsied graciously, “I am Glaceia, Princess of the Planet Iceinia. We mean you no harm.” Celestia then said, “They had just awakened during the battle, and they have quite the story to tell you all. I suggest you all listen.” The team stood puzzled, but if Celestia trusted them, they were obviously telling the truth. They were willing to listen. “You two are lovers?” asked Artie. The couple held hands and gazed deep into each other’s eyes and nodded lovingly. “It is, true.” replied Pyron. “We wished to elope and to marry so that we would live in peace, but our fathers would never allow it.” “Your fathers?” asked Grand Ruler. “…King Flareous, and King Blizzord.” replied Glaceia. In a series of flashback stills, the couple recounted how their respective planets had been at war with each other for several years. So many battles! So many explosions! So much hate and destruction! “The meteors!” gasped Lightning. “The result of our fathers’ carless misfire.” replied Pyron. “We had no idea the damage was so severe.” Glaceia looked tearful as she envisioned all the many other planets that had suffered. “Many of our own denizens have suffered badly at the hands of our fathers, but now to hear that more have…!” Pyron comforted her, but he too felt just as hurt. Rhymey then asked, “Why would fathers want all this war? Why cause all this suffering and more?” Fluttershy added, “Can’t your mothers say a few things, How do they feel about your two kings?” Pyron looked up and admitted, “Our mothers are what began this war in the first place.” The couple continued to explain… Many years ago, the people of their planets already never saw Eye-to-Eye, being different elements of course, and yet they never fought each other. Yet, their planets were not without crimes, or bad guys, or those who would do them harm. But these forces were all taken care of… at the hands of a Great and Powerful Warrior. “We had never met him before,” admitted Galceia “But the legends were passed down for generations over both our planets.” In another series of still flashbacks, Pyron explained about the warrior, but only with dark silhouettes of the great fighter. He was depicted as Tall, strong, buff, he carried a large axe-staff that could slice with the blade and use a little magic to attack and defend. “He was neither Molticean nor Iceinian. No one knew just where he had come from-- he never ever revealed his name. He just appeared one day, slaying the evil forces of our two worlds, and protecting us from those who do us any harm. He became such a legend, that both our worlds praised the hero, even erecting statues in his honor.” “Our mothers knew this warrior. They claimed to have had close friendships with him when he saved their lives from the brink of death in their youths.” “This warrior sounds like quite the noble-one.” said Rarity. “But what’s this got to do with your fathers?” asked Spike. The aliens continued stating that, sometime, after their respective mothers married Flareous and Blizzord and became Queens of their respective planets, the hero just vanished. He was never seen or heard from again, not even when there was any danger about. Pyron clenched his fists, “This left our planets, once again, vulnerable to thieves and unscrupulous doings, but by then our fathers’ armies had further increased, under the guidance of their new advisors… Smark and Keltar. As our fathers’ forces grew, they become more obsessed with power and wanting more-- trying to outshine each other in greatness and might.” Glaceia shivered, “And then… came that horrible day…” The team gasped when she said to their horrors… “My mother was found dead, on the lands of Planet Moltic.” Pyron shut his eyes tightly, “And at the very same time, my mother was also found dead on Iceinia.” “Ay-Ay-Ay!” cried Dyno. “That’s beyond sickening.” “And let me guess…” added Myte “Your fathers blamed each other for their deaths.” “Remarkable intuition.” replied Pyron. “With our fathers enraged, the flames of war were lit, and our two races have been ceaselessly battling ever since.” Everyone was starting to feel as if they had heard enough already. “But wait…” Krysta asked. “If all that’s true, then… what’s the deal with you two. How did you-- well, you know?” The others all wanted to know this as well, and the couple were obliged to explain. Pyron explained, “As the prince of my people, I was trained to be the next king, not exactly by my father as he was far too busy with his own business and the war to care much. I was trained in battle by the palace guards and tasked to help to lead our armies to victory. I was chosen to lead a unit to Iceinia and make Blizzord and his army suffer immensely.” “Attack!!” His men charged forth battling swarms of Ice-Gaurds and laying waste to the frozen lands. “Don’t let a single one get away!” “The Ice-Guards proved to be a greater adversary than we thought. They fought back as mercilessly as we did, and in the midst of the chaos… I was caught in a powerful explosion, which had sent me flying around the lands away from my troops, and I had passed out. When I had awoken, I was in extreme pain from the injuries I had suffered, and I was not alone…! An Iceinian Girl had found me, and she was treating my wounds. “Don’t move. You’ve suffered quite a few blows. You need time to rest.” Rarity put it all together and looked at Galceia. “It was you, was it not?” Glaceia confirmed. “I was never trained for battle. As Princess of my people, I was sequestered to a sheltered life--always staying within the palace, hardly having many friends, or being able to go places or do much. With my father always distracted, it was easy for me to sneak out of the palace regardless of the dangers in the outside world. When I happened upon this injured and unconscious Molticean deep in an ice forest, I don’t know why, but something told me to help him.” “Why would you--an Iceinian-- help me-- a Molticean? Why not just destroy me?” “Perhaps I just couldn’t stand to see a creature suffering, even if he was our enemy. Don’t ask me why I feel this way.” For a few days, the Ice Princess tended to the Fire Prince. Their attitudes towards each other remained the same. “I still say you should have destroyed me. You know that I can destroy you any time I wish.” “They why do you not?” As tempting as it was, and just as easy to slay an unarmed Iceinia, Pyron couldn’t bring himself to do it, and merely excused himself “I am still too weak.” Glaceia didn’t buy it, but she was forced to flee when Flame Guards finally began to catch up in search of their prince. “Wait!” cried Pyron, but he didn’t even know why he was calling her. The guards found him and took him back to Moltic for further nursing. When he mentioned to his father, Flareous, about the Iceinian that saved him, his father only laughed. “An Iceinian would never heal one of us, they are they enemy! You should have destroyed her when you had the chance.” “She saved my life!” protested Pyron. “Which means hardly a thing. An Iceinian is only good… when dead! Remember that while you spend time in your room recovering from your failed mission.” “But father…!” “NOT ANOTHER WORD!! I have an attack to plan.” Meanwhile, Glaceia had been caught by King Blizzord’s men, and her father was furious. “You deliberately went against my orders and left the palace. I am very ashamed of you, Galceia! Don’t you realize you could have been destroyed out there? It’s a war zone!” “I had to, Father, and you know very well why. I’m tired of being cooped up like a prisoner in my own home.” “How dare you! I’ve always given you shelter and provisions, and this is how you repay your father?! Be thankful that your mother is not here to see you now. Take her to her room and keep her there until further notice!” Some fathers seeming to care more about war and destruction than the understanding of their own children. As time went by… Pyron remained in his room while his wounds continued to heal, he couldn’t stop thinking of that Iceinian Princess, no matter how hard he tried. Even after his wounds had healed completely, he would always remember how she tended to him. He tried training to get back into shape for further battles ahead, but she was still on his mind, and it dulled his skills. Knowing his father would not take the time to speak to him about it, he decided, “I must see her again. Perhaps doing so will get her off my mind.” He got his chance when Flareous decided it was time for him to get back into battle, and he was sent back to Iceinia with an army of Flame Guards. This time, during a battle, while he was able to send his men into action, part of him didn’t seem to like it, and he himself could not bring himself to join the fight and attack any of the Ice-Guards. When his chance had come, he managed to slip away unnoticed by all, and he returned to the very ice forest, the very place where he was treated. As fate would have it, there she was. Glaceia had once again defied her father’s wishes and snuck out of the palace for a taste of freedom. Good thing her father’s preoccupations kept him easily distracted, as well as the chaos of the war making it hard for her to be watched or seen. “It’s you.” she said in surprise. “I…” he could barely find words to say. “I… wanted to see you again. I wanted to… thank you… for helping me.” She felt flattered and blushed. They just stood where they were in complete silence. After a while, they sat down and began to talk things over. It felt rather strange being so near each other. They began to feel something they had never felt before… Warmth. After all, what did you expect when combining hot and cold together. “Are you hurt?” asked Pyron. “No… it’s just… sitting here near you, I feel so strange.” “I… I feel strange too.” As they continued to talk, the subject of their mothers came up, and were they ever surprised to learn… “My father did not kill your mother.” insisted Glaceia. “But I was told your father’s forces killed my mother.” “My father may have said horrible things of your people, but he would never have stooped so low… not then anyway.” The more they talked, the more they began to realize-- as if for the first time-- why would their mothers even go to the opposing planet anyway? Glaceia and Pyron finally came to grips with this situation… “This whole war is pointless.” said Pyron. “We have to stop this! We must stop the fighting.” “But how? We can’t prove any of this. All we have are assumptions.” Glaceia didn’t know why, already feeling how stupid it would be, but she insisted upon bringing Pyron back to the palace to meet with her father and, hopefully, talk things over. Blizzord really blew his top. “It’s bad enough you defied my orders again, Glaceia, but now I find that you are involved with the son of my mortal enemy?!!” It was plain to see that Blizzord had no interest in listening to anything they had to say, not even when Pyron declared. “I don’t wish to fight anymore.” “Do you take me a for a fool?!” laughed Blizzord. “I see it all now. You brainwash my daughter, sneak into the castle, all in a clever attempt to bring us down.” “No, father! That’s not it!” cried Glaceia, but her stubborn father refused to hear another word, and he ordered Pyron to be thrown in a dungeon. “We’ll see if we can use him to coax Flareous into surrendering.” As for Galceia, Blizzord ordered her strictly to remain in the palace, under heavy guard at all times. “If she escapes again, you guards will be executed!” At this point, Glaceia had lost all respect for him. “You’re a monster!” she bellowed. “I wish YOU had died instead of mother!” Blizzord never felt so emotionally offended by his own daughter. He couldn’t even bring himself to say a thing to her. Days passed, and Pyron felt he was really done for as he just sat in that prison cell, but then a miracle happened. Even with her father’s guards keeping a close watch on her, thanks to their incompetence as well as the war, Glaciea still managed to get the best of them. Though she had never fought before, Glaceia was extremely artistic-- due to years of neglect from her father and being alone, she taught herself how to carve out of ice. Using a secretly made ice club, she managed to knock the guard outside her bedroom door unconscious, allowing her to take the key to her room. She then dragged him inside and donned his armor, hiding the guard out of sight. With her disguise, she easily managed to make her way to the dungeon, where she freed Pyron. “Glaceia?” “Shh! Come with me, and hurry!” Soon, she had led Pyron out of the castle, through secret entrance ways, and gave him what he needed to return to Moltic. “I don’t know what to say. This is the second time you’ve saved me.” Glaceia never felt so warm inside, and neither did he. “Don’t worry about me. I have no desire to return to my father. I will go into the wild where he will not find me. I will survive, I have studied the lands in my books, I know how to go.” Pyron really could see the heart of a fighter inside her. “Goodbye.” she said while pecking him on the cheek on impulse, and then she disappeared into the wild. Pyron was really overcome by what just happened, and so was she after she had left. Alas, when Pyron had returned to Flareous and tried to appeal to him, his father proved just as bad and as stubborn as Blizzord. “You allowed yourself to be captured by the Princess of our enemy, and nearly brought forth a consideration of surrender to our clan! I am ashamed of you, my son!” “Father, will you not listen to reason. This war has gone on too long!” “Silence!” bellowed Flareous. “You are not only a disgrace as a warrior, but you have shamed your father long enough. You are confined to the castle, and never again shall you return to Iceinia to make a fool of yourself or see that rotten daughter of Blizzord!” Fed up with his father’s thirst for bloodshed and stubbornness, Pyron balked at him. “I have not shamed you father; it is YOU who has shamed me!” “How dare you speak like that to me!” “I dare because I’m right!!” Flareous then ordered his guards to take him away, but Pyron, showing further defiance, attacked the guards and knocked them down, much to his father’s horror. “Stop this now!” bellowed Flareous, and in a furious impulsive rage, he slashed his own son with his sword, wounding his arm. “Father… how could you!” he growled. Flareous immediately felt remorseful in realization of what he had done, but before he could even try to explain, Pyron had taken off despite the pain he was in. “My son!” Pyron fled the castle, and Flareous ordered the guards to find him, but they never did. Pyron, being a trained warrior, also knew how to make it in the wild, and even used his robes to make a sling for his sore arm. Weeks passed, and Pyron’s wounds began to heal softly, but were still visible. He never stopped being infuriated with his father or his own people, but he also couldn’t stop thinking of Glaceia. How he missed her, remembering how she twice saved his life, and she felt the same way he did towards her own father and people. “Glaceia, I wonder what you are doing now.” he wondered to himself, and the more he thought of her, the more he was beginning to realize “Is this love I am feeling?” At the same time, Glaciea had taken refuge in the mountains of Iceinia, away from the fires of the war, and she realized how much she was in love too, in the form of a song. (0:42) [Pyron] How has it come to this, I do not understand We’re two beings of different that serve different command [Glaceia] Why am I still thinking of him, when we’re worlds apart I can’t fight this anymore, it’s etched into my heart [Both] I just know, the answer is love And I know… that love has come my way. [Pyron] I should feel anger and hate, and erase her from my mind, And yet my heart says differently, to put that all behind. [Glaceia] Healed him once, and healed him twice, I really don’t know why, All I know is that he’s the one who’s in my eye. [Both] I just know, the answer is love And I know… that love has come my way. I just know, the answer is love And I know… that love has come my way. In a long instrumental part… The two longed to see each other, and both happened to have the same idea. While everyone was busy with the war and all that, they each remembered about the Great Hero, short after his disappearance, he had two vortex orbs, which were buried beneath the great statues erected in his honor and kept in shrines far away from the battle zones. They each managed to secure the orbs, but the trouble was these ports could only work if both were set up at perfect points to provide both an entry and exit point. In the most astonishing twists of fate, they both just couldn’t resist trying at the same time, and activated their portals together, creating perfect points between the planets, and to each other. Glaceia came through the portal, and both she and Pyron couldn’t believe each other’s eyes. They ran to each other embracing, and finally admitting their feelings for one another. I just know, the answer is love And I know… that love has come my way. I just know, I just know, I just know, I just know the answer is love And I know… that love has come my way. Love has come my way (x7) They continued to meet and rendezvous in secret, constantly using the vortex orbs, falling more and more in love, and eventually planning a future together… which, of course, was incredibly difficult because of the war, not to mention their worry for all the rest of their people suffering from the chaos. The rest of the story was easy to follow. The friends all had mixed expressions of horror, and tearful eyes. “That’s… the most beautiful, saddest story… I’ve ever heard!” sobbed Pinkie, and she blew her nose. Lightning was just astounded! “And to think, you both fell deep into space, and of all the places in the universe to be warped to, you came here, to us!” He almost lost his breath in anxiety. Pyron and Glaceia felt equally as astounded and fortunate. Now there was hope for them yet. Pyron then addressed everyone. “By now, our fathers know of our presence here, and they will not rest until we have been brought home.” Glaceia examined the two imprisoned guards. “They have already tried now, and they will come again, and again with all the invisiports around.” Which brought them right to their big point. Pyron gazed deeply at Grand Ruler, “We have already been told of your Starfleet, your majesty. We have seen what you are capable of, and we know that you are good beings.” Glaceia then held her hands together but tried not to sound like begging, “Will you help us? Help us bring our fathers down, and end this terrible war, and not just for our sakes, but for the sake of the entire galaxy.” The fighters were already more than willing to consent. His majesty didn’t even have to look at the determined expressions they had. He then stepped over to Celestia, and they both gazed at each other with the same looks of agreement. Grand Ruler then said, “Prince Pyron, Princess Glaceia… we are at your service.” The couple was ever so grateful and bowed. Pinkie couldn’t control herself any longer and came between the two. “Aww, we have new friends today. Time for a biiiiiig hug.” and she nearly squeezed the air right out of them. “Oops. Sorry…” Everyone had a good laugh, but then Lightning suddenly realized, “Starla! She doesn’t know anything about this.” “Oh, yes she does.” chuckled Celestia. She held up a magical crystal ball which showed Starla on the other end. “Hi…” she called to everyone. Celestia explained, “When she was reported not to have shown up in battle, I knew I had to give her this information too. She heard everything that was said.” “I’m sorry I couldn’t join the battles,” said Starla. “It took me a while to get the baby to sleep, and by the time she did I couldn’t even get my droid ready. Some Supreme General I am.” Celestia assured her, “You are fine soldier, but you are also a mother. I understand this all too well.” “Yes, Starla, we understand,” said Grand Ruler, “We know you’ll try your best to help us and that you have a lot to consider now… we all do.” Everyone agreed, and Lightning spoke deeply to himself, “Watch out Flareous… Blizzord… we’re coming for you!” (Promo) In our next episode: Lightning is for the shock of his life when a stray pony brought to United Equestria turns out to be a survivor of his home planet, but things quickly start to shake up when this visitor hopes to take Lightning away from Starfleet altogether. How will all this affect Lightning, his family, and his friends? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “From Out of The Past”)