//------------------------------// // The Start of Love for a Princess // Story: A Princess Love // by Big Imagination E //------------------------------// We all know that Shining and Celestia were married but let's go back in time to went they first got together. It all started when Shining Armor was first doing his duties to become Captain of the Royal Guard. It took some doing and practice but he managed to get it down. As he was doing this he didn't realize that Princess Celestia was watching him from the balcony. She loved the hard work he did and wanted him bad. So she came up with a plan. She wrote a letter to Shining Armor and gave it to one of the guards to deliver it. A few hours later and Shining was done for the day. But then a guard came to him with the letter. "Hey Shining. The princess wants to see you." The guard replied. "Alright. I'll be there." Shining responded. He thanked the guard and headed straight to the princess's room. He didn't know what Celestia wanted with home but whatever it is it had to be important. He finally reached her room and knocked on her door. "Come in." Celestia's voice said. He opened the door and went in. He saw Celestia doing her mane and also making sure her guards were all doing their jobs perfectly. "So um Celestia. You wanted to see me?" Shining asked. "I did. And I'm so glad you received my letter." Celestia answered. "Ok well I hope I'm not in trouble. If it's about the few mess ups I'm sorry." Shining worried. "Oh no it's not that Shining. And your not in trouble. The reason why I wanted to see you is far more different." Celestia said. "Ok. What is the reason you want to see me?" Shining asked. "Well. I've been watching you from the balcony and I have to say that all the work you performed is very impressive. So impressive that I began to fall for you." Celestia answered. "Really? That's surprising. But don't you have a lover princess? Just curious." Shining wondered. Celestia sighed sad. "Sadly I don't. I was so busy with a lot of stuff that I haven't had a chance to find love. I love my subjects but I haven't earned a lover. Some think that I'm getting too old for romance." "Now that is so not true! You are not old! You are beautiful and still young. In fact I have something to confess too." Shining said. "What is it Shining?" Celestia asked. "Well for the past few months since I started training here to become Captain of the Royal Guard I couldn't stop thinking about you. In fact I always think that you were the most beautiful princess ever. I don't care what the others think. What I mean is I love you and I really want us to be together." Shining confessed. Celestia was touched by his words and tears started pooling her eyes. "You really mean that Shining?" Celestia asked. "Every word of it. And don't listen to those jerks. You are not old. You are beautiful and precious in everyway possible. And nothing can change that." Shining answered. Celestia cried happy and hugged Shining as a way to say that she appreciates his words and looked in his eyes. "Though I am a little worried that the ponies may hate this." Shining worried. "I appreciate how you’re concern, but you don’t have to worry. They can protest against our relationship all they want, but nothing’s going to change my mind. What matters most is our love, nothing else,” Celestia said firmly combing her nails through his hair. "Yeah. You are absolutely right. nothing will change that." Shining smiled. "Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" Celestia asked. "I would love to Celestia." Shining answered. The two smiled and shared their first kiss together. Then we begin a montage of them going on many dates to expand their love. Like the time they went to a fancy restaurant for dinner and wore the nicest clothes. Another date was when they went on a picnic under the stars and were stargazing. Just like how Shining and Twilight did when they were kids. The third date was when they were alone in the ballroom and practiced some waltzing. Of course their were a few dances that were a little hard to do but Celestia showed him how it's done. The forth date was when they spent a day at the beach enjoying the sunshine. Shining couldn't stop staring at her goddess body and blushed from her beauty. Celestia saw him and giggled getting the reaction she wanted. Yep they had many dates and neither one were complaining about it for a minute. We cut to three years later and we see Shining and Celestia making their way to the top of a very tall hill. Reason why is because Shining has a very big surprise for Celestia. He's going to ask her to marry him!!! Once they reached the top Shining looked into her eyes and began. "Celestia. I have something I want to tell you." Shining said. "Go ahead sweetie. Tell me." Celestia smiled. He took out a box and a deep breath and started. "Celestia. For the past three years since we were together I felt so happy being with you that those were the best years of my life. And you were like my angel. An angel I swore to protect as my duty of being the Captain. So Celestia I have one question I wanted to say to you." Shining started. "And what would that be sweetie?" Celestia asked. Shining got on one knee and opened the box relieving a beautiful ring with her cutie mark on it. Celestia gasped softly seeing the ring as she knew what he was gonna ask. "Princess Celestia. Will you marry me?" Shining asked. "I..I..Yes I will!!" Celestia cried happy. He placed the ring on her finger and the two hugged and had a passionate kiss. After 5 minutes they separated and looked in each other's eyes. "I'm so glad you asked me to be your wife." Celestia smiled. "Me too. So when should we have the wedding?" Shining asked. "I say we should have it in a few months. We need time to prepare you know." Celestia answered. The two laughed and held hands walking down the hill and heading back to the castle to prepare for the wedding in a few months. And that my friends is what happened before they got married.