//------------------------------// // Chapter 11 - Bridlewood Blunder // Story: Lukas: A New Generation // by MyAwesomePony //------------------------------// The next morning, we were on our way to Bridlewood in hopes of retrieving the unicorn crystal, wherever that would be. As we walked down the path, Hitch approached me with a sincere look on his face. "Hey Lukas." He said to me. "Yeah Hitch?" I asked him. "Thanks for talking to me last night." Hitch replied. "I guess I was acting a bit stubborn." I chuckled slightly. "No problem, Hitch, we're in this together." "Besides, I have to admit, a unicorn forest does sound kinda magical." Hitch added. "We're here!" Izzy called out. As we came to a stop, we found ourselves in front of Bridlewood, and it looked a little less happy-go-lucky than I imagined it being. Instead of a vibrant and colorful forest, there was a dark and mysterious forest in front of us and there was an eerie mist that shrouded it in more darkness. "Or not." Hitch said, correcting his previous statement. I couldn't help but notice the huge amount of signs around the forest entrance, many of them stating that Earth ponies and Pegasi are strictly prohibited. "Come on! My house isn't far from here!" Izzy exclaimed as she began making her way inside, while singing happily to herself. "Wait, she actually expects us to go in there?" I asked, pointing at the entrance. "Well, how else are we gonna get the unicorn crystal?" Sunny replied with a question of her own, as her and the others soon followed Izzy inside the forest, with me reluctantly following behind. As we walked through Bridlewood, the first thing I noticed was that it was quiet, a little too quiet, and there were no other unicorns in sight, it was kind of like the Everfree Forest, yet somehow a bit more unnerving, but at least there were no manticores or timberwolves to worry about. Just then, we made our way into a small opening in the forest, and almost immediately, all of the fog mysteriously disappeared and all sense of worry suddenly left my body, Izzy led us towards a tree that also looked like a house, kind of like Twilight's old Golden Oak Library, or Zecora's hut. "Well, here we are, guys." Izzy declared as we made our way to the front door. Izzy opened it and we walked inside. " La villa Izzy!" "Wow!" Was all we could say. Inside, it was a quaint little house with various arts and crafts projects around us, but what piqued my interest was a project that looked like a pony's face made out of different supplies, but when I approached it, the pony somehow blinked its eyes and seemed to be looking at me, which internally freaked me out to say the least. "Did you make all of this?" Zipp asked Izzy. "Yup! "Uni-cycling"!" She replied. "Isn't it funky?" "It is gorgeoooous!" Pipp responded in a singsong voice. "Yeah, I'll say." I said in agreement. "I never knew you were into arts and crafts so much, Izzy." "Well what can I say? My creativity is a gift." Izzy giggled. "I also make friendship bracelets!" She continued, pulling out a small bowl of the aforementioned friendship bracelets. "Ah, cool." Zipp commented. "Wait, wait! Watch this! Hold everything! Aah!" Izzy called out excitedly, before she wheeled out a table made out of a flower. "I've never gotten to use this with actual friends!" Izzy then pressed a button on the side, and just like magic, the flower bloomed open to reveal a small teaset, with a teapot and teacups on each of the petals. "Ta-daaaa! Izzy exclaimed. "Whoa." I said in amazement. "I so wish I had live-streamed that!" Pipp added solemnly. "We don't have time for that right now." Sunny said in a serious tone as we all turned to her. "If we're gonna get the information we need on the Unicorn Crystal, we can't stick out like sore hooves. We need to look like unicorns." "But how are we going to do that Sunny?" I asked. "I think I know how." Pipp replied. "Makeovers! I love makeovers." "No, no, this is not... This is not what I signed up for. No." Zipp said while laughing nervously. "So, Izzy, can you do it?" Sunny asked. "A glow up?" Izzy sipped her tea, before slamming it down on the flower table and giving a confident grin. "Honey, you came to the right cottage." Now, I wasn't really the biggest fan of makeovers, being an eighteen year old teenage boy and all that, but with Izzy, she somehow made something that I had little to no interest in into a memorable and fun experience. But as the makeover continued, I realized that there was a major problem, I looked nothing like a pony, so there was no way I could pass off as a real unicorn, especially since I only had a fake unicorn horn on my head. "Uh Izzy, I appreciate your efforts and all, but I look nothing like a unicorn, and I'm pretty sure this unicorn horn isn't gonna fool anyone." I said to Izzy, who just waved a dismissive hoof at me. "Oh don't worry, Lukas. Everyone would probably just think you're a new unicorn species." Izzy assured me. "Uh... I don't think that..." "Come on, gang." Izzy called out, interrupting me in the middle of my sentence. "Izzy! This isn't going to work!" I suddenly snapped as I grabbed the fake unicorn horn on my head and threw it on the ground. Before anyone could say anything else, I stormed out of the house in anger and found myself in the backyard, or what I thought was the backyard. I sighed heavily, calming down from my short tangent from earlier. "There's gotta be another way for me to blend in." Then suddenly, a faint light caught my attention, I looked over and could see a blue flashing light illuminating a few nearby bushes and trees. Naturally, I followed the source of the light cautiously, I wandered through the forest, wondering what could be causing this mysterious blue light. Eventually, I found the source and I was... confused, yet interested at the same time. What I saw less then a few feet away from me, was what looked like a massive crystal, illuminating the same blue light I had seen. I wasn't sure of what to do at the moment, should I approach it? Should I go back to Izzy and the others? But I would soon find myself walking slowly towards the crystal. When I stopped in front of it, a part of me wanted to touch it for some reason. Curiosity got the better of me as I raised my hand up and put it on the crystal, it had a cold touch. I waited for something to happen, but nothing did. Just then, the blue light slowly went out, shrouding the forest in darkness once again. "Huh, that was weird." I whispered to myself. But just when I was about to walk back and return to Izzy and the others, I was suddenly engulfed in a huge blue light as I felt my body being lifted off the ground, before I could process what was happening, I blacked out. To Be Continued...