//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Lone wolf in Equestria // by Xinrick //------------------------------// Ten Years Later “Get up!” Oof! I groaned as my kids all decided to wake me up with a belly flop onto my own stomach. My son's and daughters… some were adopted, some I had with Claire, Polka or Derpy. Heh… might have overdone it a bit with how many we have… ah I still love them all. “Nuu~, five more minutes…” I groaned, but as I heard the many pup’s and foals try to do something, I snatched up all of them into a giant hug. They all laughed as I got up, letting them all go as I stretched and felt joints pop. “Morning.” I looked up, seeing Claire walk over and give me my coffee. “Sleep well?” “Yeah, I had some good sleep.” I said, getting up and putting all my kids down and cracked my back. “I swear they get this ‘alarm attacks’ from Lilinette I swear.” I chuckled. “Well she is your sister and their aunt so possibly.” She chuckled. “Been peaceful here. Have to admit, this home… reality thing you were reborn to is amazing. Still can't believe it's been ten years.” “Yeah…ten years…” I said, thinking back to how after auntie Pain opened a portal back to the world…I saw mom in her chibi form tending to both Lilinette and Claire’s injured bodies. “Still remember that final day when I beat Nightmare…without Mom there…” “Now now, it's too early for that mister moody.” She chuckled. “We're alive and at peace now. That's all that matters Mike. You don't have to keep dwelling on the past.” “It was still a close call either way.” I said, taking the cup and taking a swig of it. “So, what’s on today’s agenda?” “Well, Derpy and Polkadot are making breakfast and I will be taking a trip to Hell to check on Leaf, see how his rehab is doing. Alex is at work and you my lazy house husband got a letter from the Reapers Guild regarding your lack of missions.” Crap… “Yeah…that’s not going to be a fun conversation.” I groaned. “It’s not my fault I’ve been trying to enjoy a life I’ve always dreamed of.” “I know. It's not like you even need to work either. But we both know you do it because every now and then you get that itch to hunt and fight.” True. When I do I feel fine but also… upset. Too few of the souls I'm sent to track and capture or destroy are even worth the effort. Feels weird, being this strong… maybe that's part of why I prefer to stay home more. I'm bored and home at least I have my kids and family. “That’s fair…I suppose it’s kind of hard to go from ‘fist fight with a god like entity’ to ‘here’s joe schmoe that thought running was a good idea’.” I shrugged. “Oh yeah, your mom is also gonna stop by for a visit. She said it's related to your letter.” “Oh dear…” I sighed. “That either means she’s going to try and tell me to get a new job or to throw me at some of the stuff that she used to fight…” “Considering how strong she is, that'd be bad…” “So let's hope it's just mom telling me to get a new job.” I said, getting up and drinking more coffee. “Alright kids, get ready for granny to visit.” I picked up my youngest and carried them to the dining room while the others followed. Breakfast was pancakes and eggs and when that was done I sat at the couch and looked at the letter from the Reapers Guild again… Dear Mike We have noticed over the last few years a dramatic decrease in your attendance at the Reapers Guild and a rapid decrease in missions for recapturing or eradicating stray souls. If you would like to continue employment with the guild please fulfill the recommended quota by no later than one year's time, failure to do so will be seen as a resignation from the guild. Sincerely, Head Reaper Death. I huffed. “Yeah, just gotta meet the quota in a year or I'm fired…” I frowned. “Ick…” “I know jobs are optional but I'm amazed with how bored you got with the job.” I looked over at Ditzy, my little filly was an adult now, reading a book on the seat across from me. “You literally hunt souls that escaped Hell.” “And I've grown bored because theres no challenge, there's nothing…really keeping me interested for a good portion of the time…I have gotten too strong.” “So moms and Pappa Alex’s butts are the only thing stronger than you that keeps you interested~” When did I end up on the floor… Ditzy was laughing like mad. “You’re not allowed to say those things.” I groaned. “What can I say? Brandy's sense of humor has rubbed off on me.” She chuckled. I rolled my eyes as I got up and sat back on the couch. Brandy is a co-worker with Ditzy at her job. Met her, and her quips are borderline lethal… I guess technically she's also Ditzy’s cousin cause, Family, but there's no genetic relations. Not even to me. “You need to stop following Brandy’s example.” I groaned, getting up carefully. “Right…so just gotta get the quota…but first gotta see what Mom wants.” “You're just mad she beat you at Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Magic the Gathering, Bakugan, Chaotic, Solitaire, and Uno all in sequence.” … I refuse to believe someone can be that skilled at card games… “I don't care if she's the daughter of Maximilian Pegasus, her skills at card games is complete bull.” I frowned. Ditzy just chuckled. I got up at hearing a knock at the door. I opened the door, smiling as I saw mom there. “Hi baby.” “Hey Mom.” I said with a smile. “How are you doing today?” “I'm well but first we have to talk.” She said, quickly slithering into the house and coiling next to the couch I sat at. I sat at the couch and Mom looked at me. “Mike, be honest… are you bored of… everything here? I don't mean in a depressed, everything feels meaningless sense I mean in a just… you find it hard to he happy on the job.” “Yeah…there isn’t really any…challenge to it, the hunt isn’t as good as it should be as it’s mostly just a lot of who cares people…as I brought up with Claire, it’s a little hard to go from ‘fist fighting a god like entity’ to ‘yet another person thinks they can run’.” I rolled my eyes. “Got even worse when everyone hears me whistling and gives up from there.” “I had figured… I'd like to offer an option to you sweetie.” Mom said. I perked up a bit as she pulled out a thin sheet of paper, a contract I noticed and placed it before me. Relocation and Development? “What’s this?” I inquired. “Relocation and Development? Do we have to move or something?” “Yes. You see, you know that huge door in Afterlife that never opens and can't be broken down?” Mom asked as I nodded. Everyone knows about that big ass door. “This contract allows you to move to the realm beyond it.” I blinked. “Uh…is that a good idea mom? Nobody even knows what’s even past that door besides you and the Family.” “That's why I'm offering. Sweetie, do you remember what you learned about me in school? About the war I fought in?” “Yes.” I nodded. “I know all about it…are they resurfacing?” “No! No, thanks Mother no. No uh… how to put this… you see, on the other side of that door exists a world, well, a realm, that we created after the war… outside of the machine.” My eyes widened at hearing that. “R-really? That’s…how? I thought it was impossible…and what about the other side? Has anyone ever opened the doors from the other side?” “No… some jackass hid the entrance too well and then made the guards and area that acts as the dungeon guarding it stupidly tough. Even I'd have some trouble with the enemies there but that's not the point. The point is for a while people had been disappearing from within the Machine, both living and dead. Unfortunately, the culprit responsible has been… taken in, by one of us and now their once troublesome Isekai of people now is their job. So, with that said I'm offering you this. This contract allows you, your wives and husband and kids all to arrive in the realm on the other side of the door. A reality of true infinite possibilities. There are, however, conditions.” “And what are the conditions?” I asked. “Firstly, you can not ever tell anyone you came from the machine and moved out. Second, while you shouldn't tell people you're of The Family, you don't have to deny it if asked. If anyone asks about your parents you can say I'm your mom if you wish and if they ask where you were born just say Homeworld. That's where the other half of the Family on that side mostly live and are born. Lastly, you are to never enter or try to find The Empty/The Final Dungeon.” “So I understand everything but the Final Dungeon bit, why can’t I look or enter that dungeon? I know it’s bad news even for you but still.” “Because the Final Dungeon is a test. It safeguards the primary entrance and exit of The Machine and the test is only for those who are not of the Family to prove themselves and are given the right to ascend to become the second Mother.” “Excuse me, the second Mother? Why in her name would there need to be a Second Mother?” “The Mother is powerful, but she's using all of it solely on the expansion barrier that protects that world from the raw energy outside the barrier that would otherwise absorb and consume that reality if not for her. As such, that reality is limited and not truly infinite. With two mothers, they can both keep the barrier going strong, expanding faster into the infinite and finish adding that this reality is missing.” “And…what is it missing?” I asked carefully. “Time, a Multiverse, and multiple realms. It has dimensions, lesser forms of realms but I mean realms like the Machine has.” “Oh…that’s…that’s a thing.” I blinked. “Huh…that’s…rather interesting.” “Yes. So, do you want to see this realm Mike?” “Well…I suppose this’ll help with my boredom, give the family a new world to explore and…well, better than just getting kicked out of the guild because I didn’t meet the quota again.” “Trust me, even if you'll have to pay for some things, you're never going to have to work for your money and you'll always have a challenge.” Mom said, giving me a smile.  The End...