partisans of Eqwuestria

by Ferencelvtars

Home Again?

Chapter 8: Home Again?

Ferkó once again saw the multitude of bright colors, just like before, then suddenly couldn't believe his eyes. He stood in front of Canterlot High, and everything in his world was as colorless as back home. He stood up, realizing he must have looked quite foolish crawling on all fours. Quickly, he sent a message to his mom, claiming his phone screen had broken, and it was in service for a few weeks.

As he scanned the area with his eyes, a voice interrupted his thoughts, "Wow, Princess Twilight really irresponsibly guards the mirror if you managed to come through."

"Wait, how do you know Hungarian?" Ferkó asked the owner of the strange voice.

"I know nothing, and you're speaking pony. I understand you, though. Sunset, right?" the voice replied, laughing.

"So, since I understand you and you understand me, Sunset?" Ferkó asked, hopeful.

"Personally," she said, jumping down from a statue. "But who are you? Twilight didn't mention sending anyone."

"Well, she won't tell you much because... well, I don't even know how to say it," Ferkó mumbled.

"What happened to her?" Sunset inquired anxiously.

"She's cursed," Ferkó exclaimed, tears welling up in his eyes.

"What? By whom? Where?" Sunset's words trailed off.

"There's no time to explain now, but we need you," Ferkó declared, grabbing Sunset's hand firmly.

"Okay, I understand, but let me inform my friends. I'll be here in an hour," Sunset said, about to run off.

"Can you lend me some money? Since you're already here, I don't want to go back without food," Ferkó asked, extending his hand.

"Oh, sure, but how much do you need?" Sunset asked, somewhat incredulously.

"What country are we in?" Ferkó asked in return.

"America," came the straightforward reply.

"Then how about 40 dollars? Should be enough for this and that," Ferkó said hesitantly.

"Alright, but I expect to get this back, right?" Sunset asked reluctantly.

"If we manage to free Equestria, not only will you get it back, but I'll double it, okay?" Ferkó declared.

"Deal," Sunset said, handing him two 20-dollar bills.

Ferkó quickly went into a Walmart, buying various canned goods, fresh vegetables, and five packs of the candy called "Mentolos." In the end, he paid $36.90, leaving him with some money for a solar charger for his phone. In 20 minutes, he finished his shopping, went for a walk, charged his phone at a public outlet, downloaded some books, and was about to head back when he was suddenly stopped by a police officer.

"Good day. I need to see some identification for a routine check," the officer said in English.

"Well, the truth is, I don't have my documents with me," Ferkó replied, contemplating what consequences he might face for not having an ID.

At that moment, a disheveled, chocolate-faced teenage girl interrupted, and not far behind, Sunset and the others rushed towards them. Taking advantage of the distraction, Ferkó sneaked away and headed towards the mirror. Soon after, Sunset joined him, and together they approached the mirror.

"Tell me, what exactly did you buy with the money I gave you?" Sunset asked, eyeing the large bag.

"Things that hopefully the others will like, considering the Everfree isn't exactly a buffet. It's all about presentation, you know," Ferkó replied, panting.

"Alright, fair enough," Sunset said, letting it go, and they crossed the gate together.

Fluttershy and a bunny were waiting for them on the other side. They quickly distributed the load and followed Ferkó to catch up with the others. In two days, they successfully reached them, and Ferkó thought of surprising the tired little team. They decided that Sunset and the others would climb a tree while Ferkó led them to the surprise. Next part coming soon...