//------------------------------// // Back home? // Story: Aura. Back to equestria. // by Dot-Dot_Dot //------------------------------// After the brawl Aura had with Rainbow Dash, almost killing her someone knocked Aura unconscious. “HA HA HA! DIE!” Aura shouts as she points her fingers like a gun at Rainbow Dash who is in the air. Suddenly a hand to Aura’s neck sends her down. “I can’t keep my promise. Toby…” I-I’m sorry.” Aura says weakly as she sheds a tear as she falls unconscious. Hours go by before Aura wakes up in pony Equestria except something seems off about her. Aura’s eyes adjust to the darkness as she looks around and appears to be in a cell. Aura sits up and looks down at herself to see she’s back in her Pegasus self and she walks to the bars. “Hello? Is anyone there?” Aura calls out with no response. Aura hears voices from outside and she walks over to the barred window to see a crowd of ponies and the two princesses facing them. Aura can’t understand what they’re saying but she has a feeling that it isn’t good. The dungeon door swings open and hits the wall with a slam that echoes through the walls. A pony walks down the stairs and approaches the cell. Aura turns to face the pony. “What do you want? Are you going to make my life even worse? As if you could anyways. I’ll probably be locked in here for years.” Aura says as she sits on the floor. “I’m not. I’m here to get you out Aura.” The pony says as a bright magenta glow lights the room as the cell door opens. “Who are you?” Aura asks as she steps out of the cell. “I’ll fill you in with the details later. Right now. Your name has to be cleared before you can leave.” The pony says as she leads Aura out of the dungeon. Thirty minutes after Aura is free they approach the front doors of the castle. “Wait. Can you do me a favor?” Aura asks the lavender pony. “Sure. What is it?” The pony says kindly. “Can you summon a mirror? I need to make sure something is right.” Aura says as the pony nods and a mirror is summoned in front of Aura. As Aura looks at herself she sees herself in her human form with her shining titanium white colored hair and her cyan colored eyes. “Hey. Do you see me as a pony?” Aura asks. “Yeah. Of course I do. What else would you be? Now are you ready?” The pony says with a kind smile. Aura nods as the doors are opened. As the door opens Aura stands there as the princesses are facing her with a smile. Aura had assumed that she would be met with something else. Aura keeps looking around incase it’s another trap to make her believe that she’s not in trouble. “Aura Moon. Welcome back.” Luna says as the lavender pony bows. “Just so you know. I’m not bowing. It’s not respectful anymore. And sorry to rain on your parade but I’m out of here.” Aura says as her wings open and she takes off with a crackle in the air. As Aura is flying she thinks to herself. “This is surely a trap. There isn’t a possible way that I’m not. After what I’ve done? But that isn’t all. Why do I, myself as a pony feel different?” Aura says as she feels her forehead to find a horn. “No… you’ve got to be kidding me. I’m an alicorn now?!” Aura shouts as she throws her hooves up. Aura sighs as she finds a place to land and as she lands she feels a magic surge through her body as if she’s been struck with a spell and it paralyzes her. “My body… why… why can’t I move?” Aura says to herself as she blacks out. Aura wakes up a few hours later to the smell of something burning nearby. Aura slowly stands up as she looks at herself to find that she’s back in her human form. “What the? Why am I back as a human?” Aura asks herself as she looks at herself then towards the smoke that ignites the night sky. “What’s going on? Is that… Canterlot?! What’s happening there?” Aura asks herself as she starts to sprint towards Canterlot. Aura is running for thirty minutes before she hears a scream nearby. And out of instinct Aura searches for the source and she walks through a bush line to find a few ponies holding knives in their magical grasp. “Just fork over the alicorn’s and we’ll let you go.” One of the ponies say. “No! They’re my kids! I won’t let you take them.” The mother of the alicorns says. “Fine. Then we’ll just have to kill you for em.” Another pony says as he begins to approach the mother. Aura stands a distance away studying the alicorns to realize that it’s Celestia and Luna when they were fillies. “I’m in the past!” Aura says to herself “I’m… I’m going to change the future!” Aura says as she places two fingers on her forehead and teleports infront of the mother. “What the?!” The pony says as he takes a step back as his eyes go wide. “Who are you?” The mother asks. “I’m Aura. But enough introduction. If you all want to kill then I’ll kill you all.” Aura says as she taunts the ponies. Aura turns to face the mother of the alicorns. “You might want to cover their eyes and ears.” Aura says as she smiles at the mother before losing her happiness and facing the group of ponies. “What are you going to do to stop us? There’s seven of us and one of you.” One of the ponies say with a laugh. A ghostly apparition of another person appears next to Aura before sliding into her. “What the?! Who was that?! What was that!?” One of the ponies asks nervously. “Every force you create has an echo. The undoing of your mistakes will be us. We’re here, I am they, we are one, unfortunately for you ponies.” Aura Moon says as she points at the sky and a ball of energy forms on her finger tip and it starts to grow in size. “What the heck?! I’m getting out of here!” One of the ponies say as he begins to run as the others agree and they all break away and run. Aura shoots the giant ball of energy into the air, the ball fizzles into glistening sparkles. Aura then turns to the mother. “Are you three okay?” Aura asks.