Your Name Across The Multiverse


Epilogue: ...Stay True to Your Future: 5 & 9 Years later

Five years later

It's another beautiful summer. As a teenager, Blitz was running through her mother's hometown as they moved back into town. It was a few years ago, but she felt like she had been born and raised here all her life. She's wearing her jogging outfit and trademark jacket as she runs down the streets quickly.

"Morning, Blitz!" an old man sitting on the park bench with his wife called out.

"Morning!" called back Blitz, waving at them.

Blitz continued to run through the town. She stopped at Penny Bakery, which was outside, waiting for her with a free bag of donuts.

"Good morning, Blitz."

"Good morning, Penny. How are things?"

"Business is doing well. What about you and your family? I heard Twilah was in the news again."

"Yep,. It's been crazy the last few months with her hover tech."

"Really? You can tell me all about it over with some cookies and milkshakes," smiled Penny as she handed her the bag.

"I can't right now. Sorry. I don't understand all that egghead stuff anyway!"

"Ah, okay. See you."

"See ya."

Blitz left the bakery and ran into the woods, easily dodging bushes and trees. She saw a house coming into view and heard a loud guitar playing as she entered the front yard. She could see Faith and her cabin house as she was outside feeding her animals until she noticed her.

"Morning, Blitz," said Faith as her cat jumped on her and licked her face.

"Hey, Faith. How is everyone?"

"Doing well."

"Good, good. You're doing better, right?" Blitz with a worried look.

"Yeah, I'm still getting over it, but I'm doing better," Faith said with a warm smile.

"Cool, that's good. Remember, everyone is here for you."

"Just like Dashie, by the way, is Twilah returning home today? She called and said she wanted to hang out with the girls on a girl's night. So, I'm assuming it's tonight?"

"Yeah, and you're right. I think Mom was talking about hitting up a bar or something. Sorry, I don't know much. Call mom; she's done working her shift with the kids at the YMCA center!"

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem. See you!"

"See ya!"

Blitz left but once again heard the loud guitar playing as she ran back into the woods, dodging things again. Soon, the woods started to open up more, and apple trees began to appear until she was in an open field with the AJ family farmhouse in view. Blitz ran towards the barn and saw AJ inside with her little sister, Blossom. Both sisters were putting stuff away until AJ noticed her and hurried outside.

"Howdy, Blitz!"

"Hey AJ! Hey Blossom!."

"Hi!" smiled Blossom happily as she waved and returned to work.

"Are you and Dashie doing well?" asked AJ

"We're doing fine? Why do you ask?"

"It's been a few weeks since Twilah has been gone, as she's doing that media tour for that fancy hover tech. Dashie must be lonely without her, huh? Same with you, right?"

"Well, Mom is a workaholic, making new things. But my mother is fine. She's holding up great...for now!" Blitz laughs nervously, rubbing the back of her head.

"You sure? When we hang out, she's all sad and whatnot. I can also tell you all depressed without your mom...please tell me you guys are ordering out or you are making meals and not her."

"Yeah. We're doing great, and don't worry; Mom isn't allowed to cook, and we know how bad she is."

"If you say so," said AJ, raising an eyebrow.

"AJ, we're fine! I have to jet! Dawn is waiting for me!" replied Blitz as she started running off.

"Alright, alright. Won't keep you from your girlfriend any longer," laughed AJ as she waved, seeing Blitz tripping as she heard her.

"SH-SH-SH-SH-SHUT UP! She's not my girlfriend! Not yet...maybe...soon. SHUT UP!" yelled Blitz as she ran out to the roadside and disappeared from view.

"Just teasing, kid. I was teasing. Yup, she's a Dashie kid, alright. Well, mostly. That girl is also Twilah through and through as well. I can't believe the multiverse thing is real."

Blitz started to pick up her speed as she realized she'd been running late. She soon noticed the mall and was about to enter when she saw Rachel's huge clothing store along the mall's side. Rachel herself was waving at her, so she stopped in front of her.

"What's wrong, Rachel?"

"Darling! Your mom called me and told me about your date! You can't go looking like that! Go and use my private changing room!"

"Mom...called you? Ugh," groaned Blitz as Rachel pushed her into the building.

Blitz could see the vast, fancy store with clothing, makeup, and accessories, and Rachel's staff was waving at her.

"Rachel, you're here! Thank God, you're here!" shouted an employee, running towards her.

"Yes, I am, and what's wrong?"

"We can't find that new sundress for the spring collection!"

"What! It's not here! I can't believe this. Where is it!?"

"That's the thing; we don't know. We have no clue!"

"UGH!" shouted Rachel as she signaled her staff to bring out her fainting couch, and she soon fell into it.

"What does it look like?" asked Blitz as the staff showed her a picture, and she nodded. "I'll find it in ten seconds flat!"

"Please do!" cried the staff, shocked to see her move to the left and holding the dress while the wind blew around her. "What? How?"

"Magic trick..." quickly replied Rachel as she pushed Blitz to the changing room while the staff was confused.

"Darling, you need to be careful with your Pegasus powers! People will get suspicious if they notice you moving fast or doing something weird. It doesn't help that you're the town superhero!"

"Sorry. I just wanted to help."

"And that's why you're such a sweetheart. Now, go and change into that purple sundress. Dawn will love it."

"What? Wasn't this for the spring collection? I can't! And besides, what are you trying to do? Set me and Dawn up."

"What? No...yes. Kind of, sort of. It's the truth, darling. I know you like her."

"What? That's nonsense. Me? And Dawn? Ha, ha, ha," said Blitz. She was bright red, and smoke came from her head as Rachel giggled.

"You know, darling, you are just like Dashie. I'm not saying you have to do this, but I thought it would be nice if you looked wonderful for her. That's all. If you like her, then tell her how you feel. Life is too short."


"Now, go and change," smiled Rachel, pushing her to the changing room. They suddenly heard cop cars heading into the mall parking lot. Soon, people ran outside of the building and into Rachel's store, talking about gunmen in the mall movie theater.

"Gunmen, huh?"

"It looks like it. What should we do, Rachel?" asked a nervous staff member.

"Blitz?" said Rachel as she turned to her, which was already gone, and a handbag was also gone. "Be careful..."

The cops rushed to the mall entrance when a rainbow blur passed them, blowing wind around them.

"What was that!" said a rookie cop.

"Rainbow Comet, darn girl, always beating us to this stuff. Superheroes, I'll tell you what. Always wanting the glory."

"What should we do, Sarge?"

"Nothing. Let her handle this while giving her backup, rookie. That's what we do. This is her town as well."

The officers nodded and headed into the mall when Rainbow Comet landed in front of them with one of the gunmen, and the police were surprised to see her.

"Rainbow Comet!" said the rookie cop, looking at the cool anthro pony girl.

"Here's one of them. The other has a hostage in the movie theater lobby. Can you guys stand back?"

"Sure, but why?" asked the sage.

"Well, the guy freaked out as I took his friend here. Plus, I can talk him down. Give us space. Okay?"

"You got it. Good luck."


Rainbow Comet took off as she was heading into the lobby, where the guy was holding a female hostage and pointing the gun at her.

"Stop, or I'll shoot her!"

"Hey, calm down. Take a deep breath," said Blitz, holding her hands up and slowly flying towards him.

"No, stay away! I mean it!"

"Why are you doing this? What's wrong?"

"Our life! Everything is wrong with it! My life is falling apart as I can't get a job. My wife and kids left me, and my big brother's girlfriend dumped him, getting him fired from his job. He's blocked now. What do we have to live for?"

"Keep moving forward. Never give up. Don't look back."

"Shut up. We're worthless."

"We were like you guys a long time ago. We thought the same thing; we thought we were worthless and better off dead, as everything was horrible, and we did awful things. But a group of people taught us the right way, even though it took a while. They kept telling us to move forward and never give up. And you know what? They were right. We're happy now and helping people to make up for what we did in the past. It's why I'm here. Put the gun down. Don't take a life. I've seen a lot of good lives wasted. Please don't waste your or her life. This isn't it, you."

"But what else do we have to live for?" cried the man, tears running down his face.

"Your happiness. Someone told me not to see the world as it was but as it could be. It's why I want you to have a better future. A dawn for you to see and treasure. A new beginning. Keep moving forward and following that rainbow. That's what you have. Please put the gun down," said Blitz, walking towards him and holding her hand out.

The man was thinking it over when suddenly his hand started to shake as he was about to give her the gun, when the hostage grabbed his arm, twisting it, making him drop it. She quickly tossed him over her back and on the ground hard.

"JERK!" shouted the girl, who was wearing a pink sundress and brown sandals. Her hair was long and wavy, as done in a ponytail, and the color was a gradient of light vermilion with amber streaks. She was breathing heavily and angry.

"Whoa, Dawn..." whispered Blitz as her wings shot up and stood firm; Dawn took notice and asked if she was okay.

"What?" Blitz snapping out of trace.

"Are you okay, Comet?"


"You're burning up!" said Dawn as she touched her forehead, causing Blitz to turn red. Soon, the cops entered the lobby and arrested the gunmen.

"You said "we"—who was the other person?" asked the gunmen as the cops were taking him away.

"My overprotective sister..." said Blitz as she smiled as the cops left.

Soon, Blitz and Dawn noticed the news reporters trying to get their scoops from the cops. They noticed Rainbow Comet and tried to talk to her, but she took off.

"Stay safe, miss!"

"I'll try!"

Blitz could hear the reporters as she dashed off, leaving behind a rainbow trail of light, which the reporters tried to follow as they exited the lobby.

"Rainbow Comet! Bless you!" smiled Dawn as she said a small prayer but suddenly heard heavy breathing, which was Blitz. She was wearing the sundress that Rachel had given her but was still wearing her jacket and running shoes, and she held a handbag in her hand.


"Are you alright, Lucy? I tried getting here as fast as I could!"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

"Great. Good, good, good," sighed Blitz as she sat on the floor with her knees up,

causing Dawn to blush and hit her.


"What? Oh crap! Sorry!" cried Blitz as she protected her head from Dawn, who was smacking her with her cute bag.

In another universe, nine years later and at the same time.

The doors to the library opened as a pink female unicorn walked in.
She was holding a few books with her magic.

"Welcome back, Luster Dawn. Studying today?" said an old male unicorn.

"Yup, got to keep studying," smiled Dawn.

"Well, good luck, child."

"Thanks; I will need it."

Dawn made her way to her usual spot. When she noticed the window, she thought she saw something in the reflection, like a black figure with white eyes. She turned around and saw nothing.

"Strange, probably nothing."

Dawn reached her spot, sat down, opened her book, and studied hard. In the corner, a figure was watching her, with her eyes glowing white. It started to get closer and closer without Dawn noticing it. The figure was getting taller and scarier-looking...until she tripped over nothing and fell in front of Dawn, who jumped up and sighed as she noticed her childhood friend bopped her friend's halo.

"Braver! What are you doing?"

"Nothing!" cried Breaker, who was now known as Braver.

"Seriously! Do you need glasses or something? You almost gave me a heart attack, you klutz!"

"Sorry, I just saw you and wanted to surprise you!" smiled Braver, as she was the librarian assistant in the school of Gifted Unicorns.

"Well, you did!"

"Sorry, Dawn! Sorry!"

"It's fine, Braver," sighed Dawn, returning to her studies.

"What are you studying anyway?"

"Oh, just some basic spells and stuff."

"Basic spells and stuff?"

"Yes, why?"

"Nothing. Just curious."

"If you say so..." said Dawn, who wasn't convinced but let it slide.

"How's your teaching going with my mom?"

"Your mom is great! I still can't believe I'm teaching under Princess Twilight! The princess of friendship! ITS LIKE A DREAM!" shouted Dawn as Braver giggled, putting her wing to her mouth while shushing her.

"Don't forget, you're also the princess's student. So, how is mom? I'm worried. She's been acting weird. Like she's worried about something or someone."

"Oh, she's okay, but she wants me to leave Canterlot and head to New Ponyville."


"Something about making friends. I don't see why. I don't need friends!"

Braver lowered her ears and turned away. "Oh..." she said as she walked away, sad. Dawn quickly noticed what she said and hurried to her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I'm fine with having only you! It's just...I don't have any interest in making more friends."

Braver smiled as she raised her head.

"Really!? I'm truly your friend!"

"Of course you are," smiled Dawn, who felt better and was relieved that Braver was smiling again.

"Dawn!" shouted Braver as she hugged her and spun her around before tripping and knocking over the bookshelf, which started a chain reaction as more bookshelves fell and knocked each other over. Dawn was able to cast a spell, stopping the last bookshelf, and sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness..."

"Close one!" said Braver as she put her hoof on another shelf. This knocked over another row of shelves until the last one hit the building wall, causing it to fall and exposing the library to the outside. Luster's facepalmed as she saw the destruction that Braver caused.


"I'm sorry..."

"BRAVER!" shouted Twilight as she read her book on the castle balcony when she took notice of the damage.

"Mom! I can explain!" shouted Braver, flying out of the building and towards her mother.

"You better have a good explanation, young mare."

"Sorry. I was...happy. Dawn said, I'm her only friend, and she doesn't need anyone else!"

Twilight looked at her daughter and then at Dawn, walking out of the building and shaking her head. Twilight smiled and turned back to her daughter.

"I'm happy, sweetie, but Dawn needs more than one friend. Same with you. You can't just stick with one friend all your life. It would be best if you hung out more with your other friends. You help them be better! At least hang out with them more."

"I know, but..."

"Dawn doesn't have any other friends. I understand why. She was like me."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I thought friendship wasn't worth the time and effort. Until I met a certain group of girls, I was wrong, sweetie. That's why I want you and Dawn to make new friends with each other. Find your group of friends. Well, for her."


"Braver, I want you to go out and have fun. Be you. Just don't break any more stuff while you are at it."

"Okay," said Braver as she hugged her mom. "I'll hang with my friends and that certain someone, like you did with Mom!"

"I have a feeling you will, my dear," smiled Twilight as she returned the hug.

Braver let go and returned to Dawn, as she shot out her black slime from her horn and helped fix the wall. Dawn already knew what Braver was and was used to it; in fact, everyone was.

Twilight walked back into her room, seeing all the pictures she had. Pictures of her friends, her parents, her niece, her brother with Cadence, the princesses, and finally, her family Pictures of Dash and Braver. Soon, she saw the newspaper clipping of Braver. How she befriended Tirek or saved a town from a broken flooding dam while exposing who she was that day—a slime creature—but everyone thanked her, calling her a hero. She was brave.

"Brave...Braver—that's the new name you wanted us to call you by. You aren't a breaker of worlds or universes. You are a brave soul who will help people in need and tear down anyone or anything to save them. My daughter, the Brave Hero," cried Twilight as she returned to the balcony, looking down at her, hearing how she would join Dawn on her quest to make friends.

"You have the spark To be greater than all of us. Braver, I'm so proud of you. Dawn, don't ever leave my daughter's side. Protect her." whispered Twilight as she shut her eyes, only to quickly open them again as she heard something breaking again and sighed, "Maybe help her with her clumsiness, too."

Across both universes, both sisters looked at their Dawns and smiled. Soon, they turned around and sensed each other, smiling even more, as they were happy that they had found happiness—a place to live and be who they were. They reach out to each other and touch the walls in between, quickly becoming a two-way prism window as ripples of effect appear between them. They waved at each other. Seeing each other and their Dawns...

"This is sweet and all, but I gotta ask. Why? Why spare them from their fate?" asked Prime Discord as he turned away from the prism windows and looked at someone. Soon, he was joined by all the Discords in the multiverse as they all looked at the white veil of light.

Stepping out of the light, they saw a white alicorn with a long brown mane.

"A lifetime career goal for me has always been wanting to lift little girls as they grow up. To give them courage and hope, to see them smile and grow strong. They are the future, my dear Discord," said the alicorn as she smiled. "There's more than one way to retell my story and the messages behind it. I believe we grow and learn from wonderful stories, which is why we have multiple fan stories. I believe in every single one. Even if there's a dark or awful one, There's always a message. With these two, it's about moving forward; don't let your past define you. No matter how much you fall, someone will always help you. You are loved and have a wonderful life ahead of you."

"Well said, my dear creator. Well said, Lauren Faust," whispered Discord as he turned around and saw a cracking prism window as its glass screen went dark. Soon, two white human eyes appeared in the darkness.

"Hope those three can help her," whispered Lauren as the darkness scattered the window,

looking for something as it searched the endless sea of prism windows above the prime universe tree, screaming in sadness.


The End...?