//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: Stay True To Yourself... // Story: Your Name Across The Multiverse // by DATONETWIxDASHFAN //------------------------------// Everyone could see the poor child as it slid towards them, crying rainbow tears and begging them to end its life. "Christ..." whispered Wonder, feeling bad. "Kill me. I need to die." "No, not this again!" shouted Nightfall as she flew up to the child, but she suddenly fell to the ground, her wings gone, and half of her body disappeared. "Night!" shouted Sky as she tried to reach her, but she, too, was disappearing. Her wings were gone. "No! We don't have much time!" shouted Night as she struggled to get back up. "...mother...mommy," said the child as she reached out her small, dripping pile of slime like a hoof. "I'm so sorry that you are suffering." whispered a small voice that wasn't Blitz. Night could feel her whole body starting to disappear; she was going to die, just like the real Nightfall and Sky. "Don't let me suffer anymore!" shouted the child as she begged her. Night felt her tears coming down, and she couldn't hold it anymore. She was going to die, and the child was begging her, begging her mother to end her suffering. "No!" shouted Twilight and Twilah as they ran up to Night and held her in their arms. "We're saving you! Like it or not!" shouted Dashie and Dash as they carried Sky to Nightfall, allowing the two to hold each other's hooves. "You will not suffer any longer!" shouted Wanda. "This ends now!" said Terra as she removed her face mask. "You will live!" cried Berry. "We won't allow it; we won't let you fall!" spoke Rain as she crossed her arms and stood proud, her eyes showing through her shades. "You won't suffer, never again," replied Flare, floating and giving off hope. "Keep fighting! GO! GO! GO!" yelled Flash as she pounded her chest. "Never give up!" spoke Wonder. "We'll make you whole," said Lil Star as she floated around Aaira, who followed up with "You'll never be broken." The blob of slime slowly started to slide away from them as the remaining group stepped forward. "We'll give you your dawn!" cried Layla "Never fall into the darkness," said Eirika, while Aero joined her and spoke, "There is always someone to help you." "Keep running," smiled Bolt. "Keep burning," softly said Heat. The slime slowly back into the trunk, shaking and crying. She didn't want them to save her. "It hurts. Make it stop..." she whispered. "Sweet peas..." "Sweetie..." "I SAID STOP!" shouted the slime as it filled the whole area with its dark slime. Everyone didn't run or move; they braced themselves as the darkness engulfed them. None of them would run or back down. They were going to save her. Blitz's body slowly formed within the darkness, and she looked around herself. She saw nothing or anyone. "Did I break everything again?" She softly asked as she sat on the floor and started crying again. "I need to die. I shouldn't exist." Soon, she was covered by hard slime. "Here, I thought I was the downer." said a voice, causing Blitz to look up and see Terra. "Why are you still here? Leave me. I don't deserve to live." "I saw a lot of good lives wasted," whispered Terra as she shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Blitz could hear deep pain and sadness in her voice. "That's what Brigitte always reminds herself of when she sees good people dying for no reason. To her, every death is a waste." "Stop..." Terra looked at her and saw a tiny crack forming in the slime shell. "Don't be a waste. Your life has meaning. There's a reason you're alive. There's always something, even when it doesn't feel like there is. Maybe that reason is to help many people—maybe even just one person. It's why I'm here; Brigitte saw that in me." "I KILLED BILLIONS!" screamed Blitz. "I'M THE REASON MY UNIVERSE DIED! THE REASON THE MULTIVERSE IS GONNA DIE! ALL THOSE LIVES WERE WASTED! Everything was wasted because of me!" "And that's okay..." Blitz was caught off guard and looked at Terra like she was insane. "That's okay? What are you talking about?" "I've killed a lot of people too. I was the cause of my sister's and her children's deaths. I had a whole family, and I was their world. I loved them, and they loved me. Then, I had an accident, which caused me to lose control of my psychic powers—ending their lives and putting me on a dark path in life. I became a weapon, a weapon to kill. There were times I killed good people, even when I didn't mean to. I still see their faces and hear their screams. I killed so many good people. All their lives were wasted." "But...why? Why do you want me to live knowing what I did?" "Because you're not a waste. You feel regret and shame! You feel guilty! That means you can still move forward! You are not a monster, just a lost child." said Terra as she disappeared into the darkness. "N-NO!" shouted Blitz as she ran and tried to run far away. "I AM A MONSTER! That's how everyone needs to see me! KILL ME! She bumped into a leg and looked up. She could see Flare looking at her with hope on her face. "How others see you isn't important; how you see yourself means everything. The world will see you as a monster, but you are a child. You are a child that needs help." "Why do you care? I'M NOT WORTH SAVING!" shouted Blitz as she tried to move away but couldn't, couldn't as she felt the hope coming from Flare. "It's not about worth; it's about life. Your life is worth living, no matter what, no matter what you think or feel. Every life is worth saving. You are worth saving." Flare said as she placed a hand on the child's shoulder. "That's why I'll do everything I can to save you. It's not because I'm a superhero but because that's who I am. It's why I bear this symbol on my chest. This 'S' doesn't stand for Superman, but it stands for saving lives, no matter the cost. That is who I am, and I won't back down or give up, no matter what happens. You shouldn't either. Be strong, and don't give up. Never give up." smiled Flare as she disappeared into the darkness, and another crack formed on the slime. "No, you're lying," cried the Blitz. "I'm not strong..." Soon, someone walked up to her; Flash pounded her fists together. "Then you'll learn to be. I wasn't always strong. There were many times when I wanted to quit or just run away and never fight again. I would always fail and lose but never give up because Midnight will always be my strength. Midnight will always be here with me as long as I keep fighting, making me move forward and seeing her happy smile. If you keep fighting and do not give up, your mother will always be here with you, in your heart and soul. Just believe and keep fighting. Find that drive, your fighting spirit," said Flash with a big, stupid grin on her face. "...I'm a coward." "I know." "I'm weak and not brave. I'm scared and cry, baby." "I know." "I'm a freak." "I know." "WHY DO YOU WANT TO HELP ME?" "Because I'm an idiot, a real dumb ass. I want to help those who can't help themselves. Because if I were in your shoes, I would need someone to help me. That's my fighting spirit! The spirit of someone who doesn't care about the odds; they fight because they want to, but also to help those in need. I want to help you, no matter the cost, pain, or sacrifice. If that makes me an idiot, then I'm a big freaking idiot. So, will you be an idiot with me or just stand there like a scared baby?" said Flash as she laughed and faded away into the darkness. Blitz tried to cover her ears to block out the laughter, but another crack formed on the hard slime shell. "I'm scared! I'm not brave!" "I know, you're not the only one." She looked up and saw Berry flying towards her. She sat in front of her and held her hard, slime hoof. "I was scared, and I was weak, as I saw my friends die in front of me and then lost my powers. I couldn't be brave without them. So I cried and became weak. But then Tank reminded me that I needed to be brave, not for myself but for others. And I was. I became brave and helped my friend face her demons. I'm not strong, I'm not smart, and I'm without my powers. I'm just a normal pony girl. So, how was I able to keep fighting and not be scared? Simple: I did it for the ones I love. It would be best if you did the same. Don't be brave for yourself; be brave for your mothers. Show them that you are brave and will continue to fight." Berry said as she started to cry. "I can't... I'm a coward and weak." "You are not weak or a coward. You are strong and brave, just like your mommy, Sky. Keep fighting. Show her how brave you are." "I want my mommy." Berry smiled, flew towards her, and gave her a big hug. Another crack formed. "You'll see her soon. She's waiting for you. Just stand up and be brave!" cheered Berry as the darkness took her, leaving Blitz alone. "But I can't face them. I hurt them. I killed them! I can't ever let that go!" shouted Blitz as she sat on the ground, trying to hold herself. Soon, her armor legs blocked her view, and she could see that it was Aaira and Little Star. "You have to let that go. You can't keep living with regret. If you do, you'll never move forward. I was like that for a very long time, thinking of the past and letting my regrets, shame, and guilt eat me up. I didn't want to let go because I'd have nothing if I did. I'd be empty. But I'm not, not anymore." "What changed?" asked Blitz, looking up at the two. "She became whole again. I'll make her whole again," said Lil Star as she floated around them. "You have to let go. Let go of your hate, let go of your pain, and let go of your sorrow. Move forward. You can't forget but can't let those feelings consume you. Don't make a hole inside of you. Embrace what's in your heart. You have the same problem that I do. You hate yourself; you think you're a monster and that you're worthless after you hurt the people you care about. That's not true. You are a good person, a beautiful child, and a kind soul. You didn't have a choice; you had no control. Don't let that destroy you; don't let your guilt destroy you." said Lil Star as she slowly turned into Aaira, but with long hair and holding the real Aaira's hand. "She's right. If I hadn't let go of my feelings, my sorrow, and my guilt, I wouldn't be here. I would have kept it, falling into the darkness and dying, forever being broken. But I had to accept it. Take those few steps to acceptance. Don't let your feelings eat you up. Don't let them make a hole in your heart." said Aaira, as both she and Lil Star were covered in the darkness as their HULL suits helmets covered their faces, leaving a grill light in the darkness and becoming one and the lights disappearing, leaving Blitz alone as more cracks appeared on her slime body. "How can I accept that? How can I let it go?" whispered Blitz, holding herself tighter. "The same way we all do one step at a time. Just keep walking forward, and you'll find it," said Wanda as she landed in front of Blitz and fixed her glasses. "And how am I supposed to walk forward?" asked Blitz, looking at her and slowly letting go of herself. "One step at a time, and you'll find it," said Wanda simply. "But I'm scared; I can't do it. I can't walk." "I know, but that's okay. When you fall, get up and try again. That's what matters. Not if you can get up, but if you keep getting up. As long as you get back up, you'll find the courage and the will to move forward. That's what makes you strong." "But the things I did..." "My mother always told me to see the world not as it was but as it could be. That's why I want you to have a better future—a dawn for you to see and treasure—a new beginning," said Wanda, covered by darkness as the shell began to crumble. "No, no!" said Blitz as she shook her head. "There isn't a dawn, only darkness." "If there isn't a dawn, then make one," said Layla as she hugged the filly from behind "W-What?" asked Blitz, confused and shocked. "Make your dawn, make a new light, and create a new hope. Make a better future, a new tomorrow, even if it's not perfect or isn't the best. It's yours and all those you want to share it with. Make the sun rise for your mothers, and they will make it for you. They will shine in your heart, showing the world you are the light," Layla said as she let Blitz go. "No, I don't have the will. I'm scared." "And that's okay. If you're not weak, keep fighting, even when afraid. Have faith in yourself, and others will have faith in you." Layla said as she stood up. The darkness covered her body, and a small part of the Blitz shell fell off. "...Faith?" "Yes, have faith in yourself and have faith in others. You have been lost and afraid for so long, and you're not a bad pony; you are a good girl, a kind and sweet girl, a strong and beautiful filly," said Eirika as she stabbed her sword into the ground, scaring Blitz. "Hey, don't scare her, blockhead!" shouted Aero as she smacked Eirika in the head with her wing. Eirika glared at her but quickly smiled as she faced Blitz again. "We're here for you. So, never give up on faith; we won't give up on you. Just stand tall, stand proud, and others will stay with you. You'll make the right decision." "Decision? What decision?" asked Blitz. "If I had the answer, I would tell you, but I don't. It falls on you and others you let in. You aren't alone in making the decision. Remember that I have, thanks to the Knight of Dawn." Eirika grinned as she and Aero stepped back into the darkness. Another piece fell off the hard shell, revealing her left blue arm. "I-It's so much to ask anyone. Who will listen? I would rather do it alone. I must do it alone so I won't hurt others!" "Stop it, this isn't going to change anything!" replied Heat as she flew down and patted Blitz's head, as her flames lit the darkness, but only a tiny bit "But..." "No, stop thinking like that. If you think you can do this alone, you can't. No matter how hard you try, how much you scream or yell, or how hard you cry, You'll need help from others. Ask for help." "What do you know? I can't ask anyone; because of my powers, I have been alone... It's also why I must do this alone! It is my responsibility! My sin..." Heat hugged the little filly as tiny flames danced around them and smiled with warmth—so much warmth that, to Blitz, it reminded her of her mother's warm hugs. "You sounded like me just now. I thought the same way, but then I found Bolt. She opened my eyes and let me see that I wasn't alone and that she and our friends would always be with me, no matter the odds or the situation; they'd always be there for me. So, you aren't alone in all this. Just ask for help, and you'll see. It may not change everything, but you'll feel better and stronger. Remember that." whispered Heat as it faded away like a flame blown out. Blitz's other arm was free as another shell broke off. "No, no, no! I can't! I can't ask anyone to help me!" cried Blitz as she covered her eyes. "I admire your fortitude, kid, but...carrying the entire world on your shoulders?" asked Bolt as she sped her way to Blitz and bopped her head playfully. "Enough!" shouted Blitz as she chased after Bolt but couldn't reach her, as she wasn't fast enough. "Not bad, kiddo. You can move, even without your wings." "I don't need your praise... And I don't need any help from you; this is my fate to bear!" shouted Blitz as she kept chasing Bolt, who only sighed as it reminded her of how Heat acted. "Okay, listen, kiddo, I know it's not easy, and the whole multiverse is on your shoulders. But you can't do this alone. I know; trust me. There are times when I want to give up and throw in the towel, but my friends are always there, reminding me that I'm not alone, that I can count on them, that together we can beat the odds, that together we're stronger than anything the world can throw at us. Live and learn! Open your heart! It doesn't matter now what happens if I follow my rainbow. So, don't give up on the chance for friendship and a second chance. That's what life is about: giving and taking chances." Bolt flew over to Blitz, landed next to her, and looked into her eyes as the shell around her back legs broke off. "Even without wings, you can still fly. Your heart allows you to soar higher and farther than you can imagine. Trust your friends, believe in yourself, and never give up on your dreams." Bolt said, wagging her wing with one finger, and she flew off into the darkness. "Wait! Please don't leave me! Please, don't go! Who can I trust?" Blitz tried to run faster but stopped as she turned to look at her little wings, still covered in hard slime. "The world is full of people who will make you doubt yourself. It's also full of people who will believe in you, even when you don't believe in yourself. The question is, are you the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to be the person you want to be? Or are you the kind of person who will just let fate take the wheel and go on the ride?" said Wonder as she teleported in front of Blitz. "Be the person I want to be?" "Yeah, are you willing to become the person you want to be, not what others want? Do what is right and fight for what you believe in. Even if no one will back you up, even if you're alone, Keep going. Never stop being yourself; never stop being the person you are," said Wonder as she turned off the magic in her eyes, revealing her blindness to Blitz. Her grey eyes. "W-what?...you're...blind." "I am, and I was for a long time. Even so, I never let that define who I am. I'm Dr. Wonder, Sorceress Supreme, and I will show the world that I can be great and change the world for the better, no matter the cost, even if I'm blind. Never let anything stand in the way of who you are." said Wonder as she tried looking for Blitz's face, but Blitz helped her and put her hands on her cheeks, crying as she felt Wonder disappearing into the darkness. The back end of Blitz was freed as another shell fell off. "But what if..." "Don't be distracted by the what-if's, should-have's, and if-only's. The one thing you choose for yourself is the truth of your universe and why you are here!" shouted Rain as she appeared, pointing to the heavens. "I'm here to live, not to die!" shouted Blitz as she started to get it. "Then live, not die, so that you can find happiness. Be happy, laugh, cry, and be sad. All of it's your choice. So, keep living and never give up on finding that happiness. It's the one thing that can't be taken from you but that you must fight for. Don't forget. Believe in yourself. Not in you who believes in us. Not us who believe in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself.” smiled Rain as she gave Blitz a thumbs up, then turned around and walked into the darkness. The slime around her chest broke off, revealing her blue chest. "...the me who believes in me? I believe, but what if it's too late? Will there truly be someone there for me when I need it? Why do I still feel lost?" asked Blitz to herself. Soon, she heard four footsteps behind her. She turned and saw Rainbow Dash, Dashie, Twilight, and Twilah. "I'll make time for you! No matter what! No matter the day, month, or year! You can always count on me! Rainbow Dash!" Dash said as she flew next to Blitz, patting her head, "You'll always have me in your corner, no matter what happens, because that's what good friends do. Keep going, kid. You'll find those who will always be there for you and be called 'friends. '" "I will do everything in my power to help you get better. I will always be there to support you. That's what a good friend does." whispered Twilight as she hugged Blitz. "Even without us, you always keep going, flying further than us and shining brighter than the rest of us. I know you; I saw your life through your mother's eyes, and I'll always believe that you will find your path again, that you will finally be happy again, and that no matter what, you will always have help, maybe not from us but from others. Others who love you the same as we do. As your mothers did." The slime on Blitz's face cracked and broke free, revealing her sad face—her natural face, as she had tears in her eyes. They were indeed like her mothers, one-to-one. Both ponies pushed Blitz to run forward, as the last part of her shell was trying to break free. Her little wings were trying to move. Soon, she was met by Dashie and Twilah, as they were running along with her on both sides. "We will always be there for you, always supporting you, always putting you first, and caring about you, even if it means we'll get hurt. We love you, Blitz. Keep running! Fly!" smiled Twilah as she grabbed the little filly hoof, and cracks started appearing on her hard-covered wings. "Showing us your feelings and the suffering you went through. I want to protect you; I won't ever let you down. You're the best of all of us, Blitz. You're on your way. ... keep going...just keep running..." smiled Dashie as she grabbed the other hoof, causing the hardcover to finally scatter, not only revealing her wings but her purple jacket, with a rainbow comet on the back, and soon, that was her cutie mark. Soon, Dash and Twilight joined them and finally let Blitz go as she soared out of the darkness, creating a sonic rainboom, blasting away the darkness and revealing the others as they were on a grassy field and looking up at the night sky. Watching a rainbow comet flying by in the night sky. All of them were cheering and smiling. Dash, Dashie, Twilight, and Twilah stopped on the grassy hill and spoke simultaneously as they watched the rainbow comet. "That jacket and cutie mark The comet is you, always moving forward, and the rainbow tail is the friends you'll make—friends who will support you, love you, and care about you. You're the best of all of us. You're on your way to do great things. Keep going while wearing that jacket because we'll always be with you. We will always support you," said all four girls. Soon, they started to glow, becoming Sky and Nightfall. They held each other's hooves and spoke once more. "When we walk at night, we will look up at the sky and always see you, like a rainbow comet flying across the night sky. You are the symbol of our love; our love is real." There was a bright rainbow light within the endless sea of black slime. Flying across the sky. It was Blitz. "The symbol on my jacket and cutie mark is my symbol. I won't stop running; I won't stop flying; I will always fly. I'll keep moving forward! I'll be the best I can be and be true to myself! I'm not a breaker of anything! I'm Rainbow Blitz, and I will shine brighter than the stars! I will keep flying and flying until the end of the world." shouted Blitz as her jacket glowed a bright light and created a powerful rainbow comet tail, destroying the slime around her and letting her fly high into the sky until she returned to the dead comet and landed in front of everyone, smiling at them as they smiled back. "Thank you, all of you. for helping me. Thank you for believing in me, the person, the pony I want to be, Rainbow Blitz Spark, the fastest flyer ever like my mother, Rainbow Sky! A caring and helpful pony like my mother, Nightfall Spark!" smiled Blitz as she finally smiled again. "Thank you," whispered a weak female voice that sounded like Blitz. Everyone looked behind Blitz, who turned around and looked at the thing that made the voice: a small pile of black slime. "You..." whispered Blitz as the slime created small white eyes. "...Breaker." "Blitz. I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," whispered Breaker as she started crying. "I only wanted to protect you—stop you from hurting. I'll gladly break anything to see you smile again, and I did it." The slime started to turn hard and was filled with cracks. Breaker made her way to Blitz and closed her eyes. "End all of this now. Kill me, kill me like I always wanted after learning why you loved our—no, your—mothers. Break the one who scattered your life." Blitz said nothing as she rose both hooves into the air, readying herself. "I shouldn't exist. I shouldn't have been born," whispered Breaker as she waited for the end. The end never came, as she felt a warm hug around its small, hard body. She opened her eyes, seeing Blitz crying as she hugged her tightly. "W-Why?" "You stupid blockhead! I'm not the only one who has the right to be sad. You are also allowed to be sad, angry, and scared. You have every right to be alive, like me! You're not a weapon! It's like Mommy always told us! We're not her! We're not her past; we're our future! So, you have a right to live and become whoever you want, just as much as I do. You're not me, but you are you! So, shut up about all this killing yourself! You're the last family I have," shouted Blitz as she smiled at Breaker, who started to cry, and her hard slime became normal again. "...family? Why?" asked Breaker as the slime turned into her proper form, a copy of Blitz, except with a horn and darker blue skin. Her mane and tail are blacker but have tiny blue and purple streaks. "Because you're my stupid, klutz, overprotective twin sister, that's why. Because you're the only one I have left who knows me and my life. Because even though we are different, we have the same heart and the same soul. You wanted to save me by looking for them," said Blitz as she showed Breaker to everyone, and they were watching and smiling at her. "Versions of my... no, our mothers. To help us, to help me understand and believe again. So, thank you." Breaker said nothing as she smiled at everyone who waved at her. "It was nothing," replied Breaker as her cheeks turned red, and Blitz started to laugh and hug her, but she looked away, becoming sad. "But all the lives I took. Their blood is on my hooves, not yours. I can't be forgiven; I don't deserve it." "Yes, you do, just like me. And together, we'll find a way—a way to forgive ourselves, to live, to love, and to be happy. Remember what everyone told not only to me but also to you. In your way, break forward; no matter how high or mighty that wall is, you'll break through it and be able to move forward. That's why you're called Breaker, not because you break things. You break through the heavens, the earth, anything. to see the person you love so dear to them. to see them happy again. That's who you are. Rainboom Breaker Spark. Scatter anything in your way!" Breaker said nothing as she started crying again and hugging Blitz, who was crying and hugging her. The two finally understood each other. "It's finally over," whispered Sky. "Yeah, it is," whispered Nightfall, who was crying as her lover was holding her close. "It's time to go," replied Sky, but Dashie stopped her. "Hey, hold up! Twilah and I still look like this!" shouted Dashie, as she pointed to their anthro bodies "I don't understand why you hate how you look. You're much cooler now!" smirked Dash. "Not helping!" shouted back Dashie, causing everyone to laugh. "Don't worry, you can change back anytime. From this form to the pony form and your normal form, All thanks to the elements within," explained Nightfall, as Dashie and Twilah's chests started to glow and became normal again. "Why would you give us this?" asked Twilah as she turned into her pony form and returned to normal as she tested her new powers. "So, you can show yourself off and be awesome like me!" shouted Sky as she flexed, making Dash and Dashie roll their eyes and Twilight sigh hard. "More as a gift and an apology for everything you went through. I hope it helps with your troubles in life. I know it can't replace everything, but I hope it'll help. Also please...take care of daughters...It's time." replied Nightfall as she and Sky's bodies became purple lights and flew above their daughters. They last spoke to Breaker: "Just like Blitz, wear this. Wear it proudly, as it symbolizes our love for you, loving you for the past two years in this little universe." The lights shot into Breaker, and soon, a dark purple jacket was on her. On the back was the rainbow comet, but it was breaking through a wall. "The comet is you, breaking through anything for the friends you will make. We love you, Breaker. We love you, Blitz. We love you both, our sweet peas." said both mares as the light faded from the jacket. Making Blitz hug her sister again and once again, making Breaker blush. "Isn't that sweet?" said an old-sounding male voice behind the tree. Everyone watched as Discord from Wonder Universe stepped out and bowed to them. "Hello. I'm happy to see everything turned out fine this time," said Discord as he looked at Breaker and Blitz. "Discord! What are you doing here?" shouted Wonder as she summoned her magic. "Easy now, Dr. Wonder. I'm here on good terms. As I brought someone." Discord stepped back, and soon, a very old Draconequus came walking and drinking tea. "Discord...? Is that you? Why are you so old?" asked Twilight, all confused. "Wait, is he even our Discord?" questioned Dash as she looked at Twilight. Who shrugs her shoulders? "Oh, please, don't bunch me up with those posers. I'm the one and only true Discord! From the canon universe! The prime universe Discord, I'm the master of chaos, not them!" laughed the old Discord as he drank his tea and ate the cup. "Can we hurry this along? I need to grab Sunny Halloween smoothies before they sell out!" "Prime universe? Why are you here?" asked Twilah as she watched Discord snap his fingers, now wearing a golfing outfit and changing his snapping fingers with another pair. "Getting rid of the chaos slime; it seems it won in one universe since Twilight and Dash didn't have their friends in this universe, and other events didn't plan out to stop it. Since I owe "her" for the book canon line, I'm here to clean everything before those posers come here," answered Discord as he tested his snapping fingers. "FOUR!" "Chaos slime...you mean...me?" whispered Breaker as she was scared. Blitz pulled her behind her, but both were surprised as Twilight and Dash got in front of them. "Don't you dare touch her!" shouted Dash and Twilight, ready to protect them. Soon, everyone joined them. "YEAH!" "Now, now. No need to get angry. I'm not touching her but removing the slime that filled this universe. The chaos slime girl here won't be touched. The slime outside needs to go. Don't worry; it won't affect the other universes. Now, let's start, shall we?" said Discord as he clapped his hands, and soon, a giant vortex was behind him. Soon, millions of other Discords will appear. "Unlike the other posers, these posers believe in Breaker here. She should live just like her sister. Not all Disorders are idiots. The ones with good sense are the best, like me!" The Discords snap their fingers, and soon, a giant purple hole appeared from the sky, and the slime was sucked into it, making it disappear forever... before the hole burped and wiped its mouth and vanished. "And that's the last of it," said Discord as he put his snapping fingers into the golf bag. "Where did it go?" asked Breaker as she looked around. "Oh, someplace far, far away..." smiled Discord as he pulled a prism window to the group, showing the slime landing on a planet, becoming alive, and soon meeting Spiderman in every different universe. "Huh, that's how Black Suit Spiderman came to be...whatever, that's the mouse problem now." "Wait, isn't that the Sunset Spider?" called out Wonder, but soon, she and everyone had a prism window before them. Wonder could see a man with a red cloak fighting a giant monster and rewinding time as it killed him. The others saw different things like Flare seeing Superman and Powergirl. Aaira sees Isaac Clarke as he's on a snow planet with someone fighting off the same nightmare as her. Layla saw Amiya as she was fighting Talulah; Wanda could see Winston and Wrecking Ball on the Lunar base and saving it; Rain could see Yoko as she was in her mecha and fighting off the anti-spirals; and Terra could see Sarah Kerrigan and Jim Raynor fighting off the Zerg and Protoss. As Blaze is on vacation, Bolt and Heat could see Sonic and Blaze running around Sonic World. While the others were watching different universes,  the windows buzzed between different universes of different tropes by which they were inspired. "What is this?" asked everyone. "The multiverse is a big place, filled with endless possibilities. New things like these can be added or removed as they branch out until they connect to another prime universe. The people you see in the window are you. The multiverse is the place where anything can happen. No matter how far you change—in name, body, or whatever—it's still the same person. You are still the same, deep, deep down inside. It's always you. These little girls needed heroes in the form of their mothers. Heroes, they can look up to, admire, and want to be in the future. But they also needed a story—a story to read or watch, to learn from, and to teach others. You all did well here; remember that. I hope you all learned from this. No matter what, you'll still be the same person in different ways," Discord smiled as the other Discords disappeared, leaving him and the old man Discord. "What was that all about?" asked Flare. "Oh, nothing much. just something important for all of you. But I must go. The sun is setting, and I need to get that smoothie," laughed Discord as he snapped his fingers, and a portal was there. "Alright, pick you two," said Discord as he faced Breaker and Blitz, confusing everyone again. "What?" said Blitz. "Pick who you want to live with. With Twilight and Dash, or with Twilah and Dashie?" said Discord as he pointed to the four girls. "I don't understand..." whispered Twilight, who was confused with the others. "These little fillies can't stay in this universe, as it's dead and gone. Right now, "she" controls fate and allows these two to exist, but once your universe unmerges, they will disappear forever. No one wants that, including the few readers who are reading this...scratch that; at least 210 people do! So, each sister needs to live in each universe since that's how "she" wants it right now, " explained Discord as he tapped his watch, checking to see if it was broken. "No rush. No, there is a rush. I need to get Sunny's stand soon!" "But I..." stuttered Blitz as she started to cry, but Breaker hugged her, calming her down. "It's okay. We'll always be together," whispered Breaker, trying her best not to cry as she was scared too. "No. I'm not leaving you!" shouted Blitz as she hugged Breaker. "I'll be fine, and if you are in trouble, I'll break the walls again!" said Breaker, as her slime form returned but quickly disappeared as she smiled at her sister. "Oof, good luck to whoever takes her," said Discord as he turned to the readers "...promise!" said Blitz as she smiled back. "Promise..." replied Breaker as she wiped her tears. Blitz said nothing as she turned back to Discord and nodded, and both sisters turned to Twilight, Dash, Dashie, and Twilah. "Wait, do we have a say in this?" asked Twilah, but seeing how she hurt the girls by saying she didn't want them, she felt Dashie taking her hand. "We do have a say. I'm okay with it. Aren't you?" Dashie smiled. "...yeah, I am. I'll gladly take one of the girls, but we're still young," replied Twilah. "We're not ready to raise a child." Old man Discord tipped his hat and tossed two pills to Discord, who caught them. "Don't worry, I'll just send her to the future. She will be aged up to match the years we needed to skip. Will four years be fine? Plus, with this pill, she can become a human but also change between forms like you two can do." "Future huh? That's great; we'll be ready in four years. What do you think, Dashie?" "That's cool with me, but it's up to them who they want to live with," said Dashie, turning to the girls. Both sisters looked at each other, finally looking back at them. Blitz slowly steps forward, shaking with fear. "I want to go...with Twilah and Dashie...please..." cried Blitz, as tears were falling. "Are you sure?" asked Dashie as she walked towards her, wiping her tears away. Blitz said nothing, and she just nodded her head. "Then we're happy you picked us. We'll try our best to be good mothers to you," smiled Twilah, hugging Blitz. "Mommy, mommy," cried Blitz as she hugged her new mothers. Breaker looked on and slowly turned to Twilight and Dash, who looked worried. She could tell they didn't want her. "It's okay. I understand," whispered Breaker, crying silently and melting a bit. "Hold on! Twilight, and I never said anything. We still want to have you," Dash called out as Twilight nodded. "We want you. It's just that we're not like them. We're not in love. We can't love you as real loving parents," Twilight explained, not noticing Dash looking sad like her heart was torn. Dash shook her head, flew towards Breaker, and picked her up, smiling. "Whatever, we don't need that lame old Twilight. Besides, love comes from the heart, not the mind," smirked Dash as she tried to cheer her up. "Really?" asked Breaker, drying her tears and turning to normal "Yeah, besides, I can show you off to the Wonderbolts! Show them my cute and cool daughter!" shouted Dash, causing everyone to laugh and Breaker to blush. "Well, with that, it's settled," said Discord as he waved his fingers, and a portal was behind the group. "NO! THIS ISN'T SETTLED DISCORD!" shouted Twilight as she hurried over to Dash. "Dash, don't you even know how to raise a child!?" "Uh, yeah, I know. I'm not stupid. It's easy: feed them, make sure they sleep, go to the bathroom, have fun, and get mad when they do something stupid. Simple stuff," replied Dash "That's not the point! She's a living creature and needs proper care!" shouted Twilight as she turned to Breaker, who was hiding behind Dash, scared. "Easy; I'll just follow what my parents did. Easy peasy." "It's not! And besides, aren't you going to date anyone? It's not just raising her; it's having a lover who can help you. You need someone who loves you!" yelled Twilight, as she was red in the face and was getting closer to Dash, not realizing her face was close. Dash looked away and spoke, while Breaker noticed Dash blushing and saying, "I don't need anyone. I have you, right?" "What? Of course, you have me, but... "I don't want anyone else—just you. Besides, I thought we'd raise her together. Isn't that right, Breaker?" Dash said as she looked back at her and smiled. Breaker was shocked as she slowly nodded her head, blushing. "See. Now, what do we have to worry about?" said Dash, as she was feeling confident. "That's not the problem, Dash," sighed Twilight. "What's wrong then?" asked Dash, confused. "She needs two loving parents." Dash stopped her, gave her Breaker, and spoke, not noticing her hoof on Twilight's cheek. "She just needs a loving and caring guardian; besides, I don't need anyone else. I got the greatest, most beautiful, kindest, and smartest mare in the multiverse by my side, you...I...like you!" smiled Dash as she started to blush hard. Everyone was quiet as they waited for Twilight to answer Dash's love confession. Twilight looked down and sighed. She slowly looked up, glared into Dash's eyes, and said, "You are trying to sweet talk me into doing all the work, aren't you?" "....What? No, I mean," said Dash, but Twilight put her hoof in her mouth. "I'll help you. I'll bring you books on motherhood! We can study and do research, and you'll raise her right. I'll make you a great mom!" smiled Twilight, noticing Dash crying, "Are you okay?" "...I'm fine. I just got my answer on something, that's all," Dash replied as she wiped away her eyes and returned to normal. "...answer? Wh-oof!" Breaker pulled in Twilight, who hugged both mares. "Mother...mommy..." whispered Breaker. "I'm not-" "Ssh, let her have this, Twilight," chimed in Dash. "...fine," smiled Twilight as she held Breaker. Everyone else was happy but, at the same time, upset that Twilight didn't notice it at all. "Wow, was I like that?" asked Twilah to Dashie "Yup." "Okay, with this, settle for real this time. It's time for all of you to return to your universe. Just walk through the portal, and it will return all of you home at the point when Twilight and Co. left it. So be ready for anything when you step out." explained Discord. The girls nodded and started walking towards the portal, each saying their goodbyes to their counterparts. "This has been something. I won't lie; it was great meeting all of you. Meeting you all gave me more hope for my universe. Thank you." said Terra, as she didn't face the group, but they could tell she was crying. "Layla! Aaira! Good luck in your universe. I know you can save it. Rain, I'm the better sniper!" "Thank you, Terra," replied Layla as she waved to her. "Please, I'm better!" laughs Rain "Hey Terra, 'Good men mean well. We don’t always end up doing well.' Remember that, okay?" shouted Aaira. "That's right. Good men mean well," thought Terra before she turned to Blitz and Breaker. "Take care, you two. Remember what I told you. Your life has meaning. There's a reason you're alive. Never forget that." smiled Terra, putting her visor back on and taking out her rifle. She ran into the portal. "Tara isn't going to believe what I've been through," sighed Rain as she stepped up next, not looking back. "But I'm glad I could help. Not only that but meeting everyone here was awesome. See you!" Rain turned to the fillies, smiled at them, raised her arm, and pointed to the heavens. "Remember what I taught you! Find happiness. Be happy, laugh, cry, and be sad. All of it's your choice. So, keep living and never give up on finding that happiness. It's the one thing that can't be taken from you but the one thing you have to fight for. Don't forget. Believe in yourself! ROW ROW, FIGHT THE POWER!" laughs Rain, taking out her rifle as she ran into the portal and disappeared. "Midnight won't believe that she has wonderful and powerful versions of herself in different universes!" smiled Flash as she stepped forward. "Fighting you, Flare had made me stronger! Meeting all of you made me much stronger as well! Thank you." Flash turned to the little sisters and gave them a thumbs up. "Keep that drive; your fighting spirit is always burning!" "YES!" shouted Breaker as she and her sister stood tall. Flash just laughed, pounded her fists together as she was ready for whatever came her way, and stepped into the portal. Next up was Wanda, who turned to everyone. "This has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience! To think all of you exist, and I got to meet all of you! I'll do my best and not make you all disappointed in me! Layla, I know you'll find that dawn. Never give up." "Same to you, Wanda. Your mother will be proud." "I know... I'll do my best. Oh, and Breaker, Blitz, remember what I said? Don't see the world as it was, but as it could be. Find a better future for both of you. You earned it." "Yes, ma'am!" shouted the little sisters. Wanda nodded, turned to Discord, tipped her glasses at him, turned on her wings, and leaped through the portal. "Finally, I can go home," said Dr. Wonder as she hovered towards the portal. "I can't wait to see Deedee, Mona, and Dr. Amazement again. Maybe I should forgive her?" smiled Wonder as she waved goodbye to everyone but turned to Blitz and Breaker. "Never stop being yourself; never stop being who you are." "Okay!" "Thank you for everything," said Blitz, crying a little. Dr. Wonder just smiled and floated into the portal. Berry flew to the gate and turned to everyone, crying. "I'll miss you all!" cried Berry as she quickly hugged her friends, the two Discords, and finally faced the little sisters. "Remember to be brave, not for me but for others you'll meet, your future friends. Even more so with your new mothers." Berry hugged them again, but the fillies glowed rainbow colors. Soon, Tank popped out of Berry's Mane and waved at them, causing Berry to scream and hug him. "Remember, kids, don't let death control you. Be brave," said Tank he and Berry flew through the portal together, laughing and smiling. "I hope I haven't been gone too long; Nightmare and the other league members might be worried about me," said Flare as she hovered over the portal. "It's been wonderful meeting all of you. Seeing all the hope you all have and knowing that there are so many versions of me and fighting for the good in the world...makes me proud. Keep doing your best. You are heroes." "Thank you!" everyone called out. "Breaker, Blitz, every life is worth saving. No matter the cost," said Flare with a smile, pointing to the 'S' on her chest. "Never give up hope." "Yes, ma'am!" shouted the little sisters, as they watch Flare, aka Superman, flying into the gate Aaira and Little Star walked up and just stared at the portal. "Glad I met all of you. I feel like I finally became somewhat whole. I hope Kelly is okay." Aaira looked over to the girls and smiled. "Take those few steps to acceptance. Don't let your feelings eat you up. Don't let them make a hole in your heart." "Yes, please don't," agreed Little Star as she disappeared into Aaira's mind. "We won't. It will take a long time, but we're getting there. Thank you," said Blitz as Breaker nodded. "Good. You'll always make each other whole again, but also those that you'll call friends," smiled Aaira as her helmet shut its face area and purple light grills turned on. She held her Horn Cutter at the ready and ran and entered the portal. Eirika, Aero, and Layla step up and look at the spinning gateway. They both turned to each other and smiled. "Good luck in saving Nova and the infected." "Best of luck in saving your friend and the world." "Goodbye, Knight of Dawn." "Bye, Layla," said Aero as she nuzzled her face. "Bye, you two," replied Layla as she petted her. They all turned to the sisters and waved at them. "Never give up on faith; we won't give up on you. Just stand tall, stand proud, and others will stay with you. You'll make the right decision. You will always find that wonderful dawn!" said all three As Layla summoned her wings and sword, Eirika jumped on Aero's back with her sword ready; all three rushed into the portal. Bolt and Heat walked up to the gate, turned to each other, and held each other in their arms. "One day, we'll be together again," whispered Bolt. "I know. But, until then, we'll both have to make a brighter future for our world." "Yeah," smiled Bolt. "Hey, Heat." "Yes, Bolt." "Thank you for being in my life. I can't thank you enough." "The same to you," smiled Heat. "And I'm sorry." "Sorry? For what?" "For this," said Heat, leaning her head forward and kissing Bolt. "!!!" gasped Bolt. Bolt slowly closed her eyes and kissed her back. Everyone was shocked; they didn't even say anything. They watched the scene unfold until Heat pulled back and smiled. "Goodbye, my love," whispered Heat, as she had tears in her eyes. "Nah, this isn't goodbye. Never is! This is see you later." "Of course. We will see each other again...always." smiled Heat before she and Bolt turned to the girls. "You aren't alone in all this. Just ask for help, and you'll see. It may not change everything, but you'll feel better and stronger. Remember that." said Heat, as she went hyper. "Remember, follow your rainbow; even without wings, you can still fly. Your heart allows you to soar higher and farther than you can imagine. Trust in your friends and family, believe in yourself, and never give up on your dreams!" smiled Bolt as she went into her super form, wagging one feather as a finger. "Goodbye!" said both of them as they rushed through the portal, which closed behind them. "I'll miss them," said Blitz as her wings and ears drooped down. "Yeah," agreed Breaker as they both looked up at the sky, seeing the white, colorful void. The only ones left were the little sisters and their new mothers. Dash and Dashie stood in front of each other. Dash flew up to Dashie's eye level and put her hoof out. "See you later. Be a great mom to her. She needs someone awesome, and she has you now. "An awesome mom!" "I will; you better not slack off with that girl." "Never," smirked Dash. Dash and Dashie shook on it, but Dashie pulled her in for a big hug. "I'm going to miss you! Also, I'm sorry," whispered Dashie, which made Dash hug her back. "Same, it's like saying goodbye to myself...and thanks. Not all of us can have a happy ending. Treat your Twilight right, you hear?" "I will, and thank you," smiled Dashie as she let her go and wiped her tears away. "Come on, Breaker, let's go home," said Dash as she stepped back, holding Breaker's hoof. Twilight and Twilah smiled at their Dashes before they turned to each other. "This is goodbye, right?" asked Twilight, trying not to cry. "Yeah, but it doesn't have to be. We can visit each other's world, if possible, since..." replied Twilah as they looked over at Breaker, who was smashing the ground for fun, while Dash looked on in worry...even more so as the ground started to break. "I don't think that's a good idea." They both started to laugh and soon began to hug each other. "Treat Blitz well, okay? Be a great mom to her." "I will treat Breaker the same. Also, open your eyes. Dash loves you, but I don't know if your feelings are the same. Think about it, okay?" "I already know, silly," giggled Twilight, catching Twilah off guard. "Wait, but-" "I want her to say those three little words, like how your Dash did...so, until then, I'm waiting and pretending I don't notice it." "I see. Well, I hope everything works out for you." "Same to you." Twilah and Twilight just smiled and let each other go. Twilight walked over to Dash, who was trying to stop Breaker from breaking a brick with her hoof and other things, while Twilah walked over to Dashie and Blitz. "It's time to go," said Discord as he opened a time gate. Blitz nodded and looked at her new parents. "I hope I can be a great daughter to you," whispered Blitz. "And I'll work hard to be the daughter you can be proud of," she continued, tears in her eyes. Both of her parents smiled and hugged her. "We'll be waiting," said both of them, kissing her on the forehead. Discord just smiled but quickly remembered that he had taken paper and written it. "This will be the place where we will meet." "Cool. Can't...wait...huh?" said Dashie as she watched Discord open another time gate, and everyone could see an older Dashie, as she was wearing an oversized t-shirt and in her panties, singing a peanut butter and jelly time song, and making a PB&J sandwich. "Here you. Don't be late." Older Dashie suddenly saw the gate and screamed as Discord slapped the note on her face, closing it. Dashie turned red while Dash and Breaker started to laugh their butts off. "Oh, man! That was great!" laughed Breaker. "She was singing PB&J time! Aha!" cried Dash. "Shush! No one saw that!" snapped Dashie as she covered their mouths. Twilight and Twilah started laughing, while Blitz smiled, and Discord just shrugged. Blitz walked over to Discord and took his paw. "Don't worry; for you, it will be a few minutes, but for them, They've been waiting for you for years. So, this isn't goodbye, but a new beginning." "I know, just hard." "It always is. This reminds me of when I said my goodbyes to Fluttershy before she passed away." "Oh." "It's okay; you don't have to be sad anymore. Now, come on." smiled Discord as he picked up Blitz and gave her the pill. Soon, he teleported the other pill into Breaker's mouth, who was surprised and swallowed it. "With that done, let's go." Discord and Blitz walked through the time gate and disappeared. Old man Discord bowed to the rest and snapped back to his universe. Soon, both worlds started to unmerge with each other, and a white light appeared, covering everything. Twilight and Dash opened their eyes and found themselves back in the crater but with Breaker. It was still nighttime. They looked up and could see a comet. It wasn't the rainbow comet but a normal comet as it soared across the night sky. "Breaker, welcome home," said both mares as Breaker smiled at them. Twilah and Dashie opened their eyes and found themselves back in the crater. They looked up. They saw nothing in the night sky. No Rainbow Comet, but they knew they'd see it again one day. Both girls held each other's hands, transformed into their anthro forms, and flew into the night sky back to their homes. Four years later, In an apartment building in the big city, music was blasting as an older Dashie slid into the kitchen and sang along to rock music. She was wearing a huge T-shirt and panties as she turned on the TV on the wall. She could see an older Twilah revealing her nanomachines to the world as it was live from New York. The news reporter said the Nanos could repair anything and help repair lost limbs. "See, Twi, you always do good in the world. Just remember, take a break now and then." chuckled Dashie as she made some lunch by making a PB&J and putting the song of making one on. "PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY TIME! PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY TIME!" Suddenly, a time gate opened, and Dashie noticed it and screamed before Discord slapped a note on her forehead, closing the gate. "Crap," whispered Dashie as she remembered that day, but she quickly grabbed the note and read it. Her eyes widened, and she promptly called Twilah with the particular cell phone they had for that day. She turned to the TV and saw her doing an interview, but she took out her phone and answered it, ignoring the host. "Yo! Twi!" "IT'S TODAY!?" "Yup, the time has come. Let's meet her. So hurry back home." "I'M ON MY WAY!" shouted Twilah as she hung up and used her element magic to open a gateway to the kitchen. Dashie quickly covered herself as the news recorded this all live. Soon, she could hear people freaking out as Twilah entered the kitchen and closed the gate. "Get dressed! Hurry!" shouted Twilah as she transformed into her anthro form and changed to her typical outfit look. "You showed off your magic! People saw me in my underwear!" "I can just say I created wormholes, and so what? You have a great body." "Not the point!" blushed Dashie, and she blushed harder as she noticed Twilah's wings opened and standing firm. "KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS!" shouted Dashie as she hurried to the bedroom to get dressed. "Hurry! And what did you mean?" asked Twilah as she walked through the kitchen doorway, feeling her wings bumping into it, making her blush red. "I'M NOT HORNY!" Dashie and Twilah landed in the forest—the same forest where it all started. They quickly found the crater, which was now covered with flowers. They could see Discord and a ten-year-old girl wearing a red sun dress and a dark purple jacket, the same one she had that day. She was picking flowers from the crater until she noticed them. "Mommies!" cried Blitz as she ran towards them and hugged them. "We're here," whispered Dashie and Twilah. "I'm happy to see you too, Mom, Mother," smiled Blitz. Discord smiled and disappeared. The three noticed him gone, and this made Twilah upset. "Darn, I wanted to ask him something." "About what?" "Remember? He was talking about someone who wanted this. I wanted to know who that person was." "That doesn't matter. What matters now is that we're together, and our family is finally complete." "Right," smiled Twilah as she and Dashie watched Blitz turn into her anthro version. "Let's go home!" said both mothers. "Okay!" smiled Blitz as they flew off into the sunset, leaving the flower-covered crater behind. On that day, the Rainbow Comet returned to the world... Four years later, but in another universe and at the same time Twilight, being slightly taller and her mane being longer now, with older Spike, was setting up the meeting table in the palace as she was preparing for the meeting with her friends, as this was their Council of Friendship meeting day. "Everything looks perfect. Let's wait for the others to arrive. Oh, I forgot the snacks and drinks!" "Don't worry, Breaker is bringing it," replied Spike. "WHAT!?" shouted Twilight as she grabbed Spike. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? WE CAN'T REPAIR ANOTHER HALLWAY RIGHT NOW!" "Twilight calmed down; Sunburst created something for Breaker and her badly klutz behavior." "Really? Like what?" "It's a new magical barrier, but it only affects Breaker. The magic will reflect if she bumps into something or is about to break something. So, nothing can be broken when Breaker is around," explained Spike, causing Twilight's relief. "Thank goodness, we don't need a repeat of the last time." "I know, right," laughed Spike as he looked outside and saw a section of the castle being repaired. "I still can't believe another version of you and Dash had a kid. Heck, I still can't believe you had a multiverse adventure!" "You and me both," giggled Twilight as she walked to the window, looked outside, and saw the city below as the ponies were fixing another Breaker little accident. "Hey, Twilight," said Spike, getting her attention. "What was your favorite world you've been to?" "Huh? ...hmmm, I don't know. But I do know I don't miss Aaira or Terra World—so much death and destruction. I'll never forget those worlds. I hope they saved their worlds. They deserved it." "Agreed, and what about the other Twilight?" "Well, that me and her Dash were a thing was pretty weird at first, but then I realized that our Dash had feelings for me, as I remembered our talk. Dash was going through a mid-life crisis and was confused about her feelings towards me. Now, I think she's more clear and ready to say it. Those three words. We're dating now." Spike laughed as he sat back down. "Twilight, it's been four years, and she still hasn't told you. How long are you going to wait?" "I'm willing to wait, and I'll continue." "If you say so, Oh, Breaker is coming." Twilight could see the dark blue pegasus, a slightly taller filly, as she walked with the tray of snacks and drinks, using her alicorn magic. "Don't worry, Mom. I'm not going to ruin the party," said Breaker, trying to sound serious. However, her nervous voice was so squeaky and adorable that it was hard not to laugh at her. "I know." "Hey, Breaker. Do you remember the meeting four years ago?" asked Spike. "Yeah, it was the best! Having everyone here and meeting Mom's friends was so much fun!" "Yeah, but your mothers had the worst time keeping you calm and not breaking anything," said Spike, taking a cupcake. "It wasn't my fault. It's not my fault if I get excited easily." "We know, sweetie. Just keep practicing the breathing method that Sunburst taught you." "Okay..." "Good girl. Now, where is everyone? They're running late." "We're here, Twil. Don't you worry? We're not that late," said a familiar voice. "Hey, Twilight, hey, Spike! THERE SHE IS!" shouted a female voice as Pinkie hugged Breaker while AJ entered the room. "How is my favorite little niece doing? You didn't break anything, right?" "Nope. I haven't broken anything—not right now," smiled Breaker. "Glad to hear that, sugar cube. I don't think the royal funds can keep repairing your accidents," laughed AJ as she hugged Breaker. "Are you doing well? Is Dash treating you well? Is she being a good mom? Oh boy, I still can't believe Dash and Twilight are moms. It's like the world is ending." "Very funny, AJ," chuckled Twilight. "I still can't believe we're aunts either," laughed AJ. "And it's not just you and Pinkie," said Rarity as she entered the room with Fluttershy. "We're all aunts. How's my wonderful darling?" "I'm doing great!" "Good; I would have hated it if Dash weren't caring for you." "Rarity, how could you say that? Dash is a good mother!" replied Fluttershy as she hugged Breaker and sat down. "Yes, but she's Dash, and that pony can sometimes be so careless. It's a wonder how the two raised Breaker without killing Twilight. But I'm glad; everything is alright." "So, is everyone here? Where's Dash and Starlight?" asked Spike. "Oh, them? They're late. Again," said a male voice as Sunburst walked into the room. "Dash, I can understand, but Starlight, I'll let her pass. This will be the first time some of us will see your daughter. What's her name again?" asked Rarity "Luster, Dawn," answered Sunburst as he sat down. "Oh yeah, is she still having problems making friends?" asked Fluttershy "Sadly, yes," sighed Sunburst as he looked outside the window and could see the city. "She's still having a hard time making friends. It's not her fault; it's mine. I tried teaching her to open up, but it's not working. At least she has Breaker, but still..." "I'm sure that will work. Just have faith and believe in her," smiled Twilight. "Thank, Twilight." Suddenly, everyone could see the doors kicked open and Dash flying in and landing on the table. "Sorry, I'm late, guys. Wonderboy-" Dash was quickly tackled by Breaker and blasted through the wall, leaving behind a dash-shaped hole. Twilight sighed as she walked over to the hole. "BREAKER! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TACKLE HUGGING MOM WHEN SHE SHOWS UP!?" shouted Twilight as the other laughed at her and Dash. "Sorry, Mom." "Don't apologize to me. Apologize to her," said Twilight, as she could see poor Dash in a crater and doing a classic death pose Breaker helped up a groaning Dash with a flying bird around her head. "Did anyone take a photo of that? It would be perfect for the family album," said AJ. "No. Sadly," said Pinkie, still trying to remove the lens cover from her camera. "Ugh, sorry, Mom, but you were late!" said Breaker as she rubbed the back of her head and blushed. "Yeah, but did you need to break my spine? Seriously, Breaker, what did Twilight tell you about being careful and not breaking things?" said Dash as she stood up and dusted herself off. "But I'm trying." "I know, but try harder, okay?" smiled Dash as she hugged Breaker, making Breaker happy. She hugged her back but much harder, causing Dash to fall to the ground and cough. "Oops." "You did that on purpose," said Dash, glaring at her. "I love you a lot, Mom!" cried Breaker, blushing hard. "Dash, give her a break. You know she's a mommy's girl when it comes to you," laughed Fluttershy as she helped her up. Breaker blushed bright red as she shouted, "I'M NOT A MOMMY'S GIRL!" "Oh? Then explain; why are you blushing and sweating?" said Twilight, smiling at her. "I'M NOT!" blushed Breaker as she turned away from them. "You're a cutie," laughed Rarity. "Stop that. I'm not cute." "But you are," said Dash, smiling and nuzzling Twilight's face as they watched their daughter. "Okay," whispered Breaker as her tail was wagging hard. "Mommy's girl!" shouted Pinkie, causing everyone to laugh. "I'M NOT A MOMMY'S GIRL!" cried Breaker as she ran to the wall, as she wasn't looking where she was going. The magical barrier tried to reflect it but couldn't, as the breaker power was too great and was scattered. Breaker knocked down the wall and flew off. Twilight rubbed her eyes and sighed loudly while Dash smiled. "Breaker!" said Twilight in her 'Mom's voice. "Get back here, young lady. You have to fix that wall!" "I'M NOT A MOMMY'S GIRL!" shouted Breaker in the distance. "GET BACK HERE!"   -The End-