Launching the Last Star

by The Real Darkness

Supercell Mesoscale Detected

Sunset had cleared the tower without issue and Arctus had to engage in open combat against these creatures but they fell easily enough on the docked airships and skyharbour stone. They had cleared the entire area with the city not knowing what had happened.

Arctus made it to the bottom of the tower, meeting with Sunset, "when we get you proper darkened faux leather and equipment, blood won't be sticking to your fur," he announced his arrival, "harbour's emptied. You search it and if you see any incoming ships that dock, kill every thing aboard. I'll go through the actual tower installation."

"What...what are we looking for?"

"Any helpful military intelligence. Any battle plans, any logs, any unsual documentations of imports and exports. If it's written plainly, any plans to assault Equestria."

"I'll head outside then," she nodded, climbing up through the towers stairs and ladders.

The two of them got to work searching.

Arctus had countless documents in his hand and occasionally he heard sounds of fighting coming from the harbor outside while he stood on the top floor, going through these papers and scrolls to minimize the amount he'd carry, but he knew why this place was rebuilt and just how oppressive this military government was.

He regrouped with Sunset at the harbor, "learn anything?" her hooves brought her closer to him in a wide stance as if expecting further combat.

"Learned all I needed to, there's a change in plans now. We aren't killing any more of this city, we're leaving. We want them to know they stepped too close," the Master Scout walked around her and rose his hand up, multiple balls of flame appeared in front of him.

"Destroying the place?"

"Making sure they get my message," he sent them at the gas filled tops of each of the airships, watching as they exploded violently once the fireballs made contact. Destruction was sprawling across the slum city, "we return to Canterlot now."

Discord reformed, a wedding almost ruined, Twilight even got an entire castle and saved a past hero Arctus had never met during his travels ensuring security and alarms were in place, and now a new up and coming unicorn was around after Celestia very casually released Twilight from studentship.

Arctus was beginning to think all the interesting things happened when he was away from home. He was at least glad that Plated Shell informed he when he dropped off equipment and placed an order for Sunset's full kit. The two of the outriders stood in the throne room, Scout Stitch trotted in, closing the throne doors behind her.

Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence even came down from the Crystal Empire.

"It's good to see you again, Art, Sunset," Celestia addressed.

"We understand you both have an important report," her sister picked up.

Arctus held the stack of documents he brought back and sections of the small stack were lifted up by different magic hues, the princesses reviewing them.

"You know...I took on a student, you always miss the most interesting events in Equestria," Twilight laughed, "um, concerning," Twilight's eyes flitted over the pages.

"What's going on?" Stitch spoke up, nodding to Arctus and Sunset as she joined their small line in front of the rulers.

"Art, should we?" Celestia sent a paper to Cadence for her to read.

"We should. Princesses, there is a threat only Celestia and I were privy to knowing. We'd need to share it with the Scouts now as well. There exists one other Aeternian besides Lohey, Savus, and myself," Arctus mentioned, eyes falling on him when he went quiet, "Master Scout Hazth."

"He's raised an army," Luna whispered, "an army?! Sister, why have you not-."

"Because I wanted those days of Equestrian warfare and bloodshed to be over, Luna," despair clung to each word from her mouth, "and Arctus had granted that wish for such a long time."

"W-Warfare?!" Cadence finally spoke in, "we can't just rally troops and send them to battle! Even our guards are not up to the standard they were when Shiny was-."

"We're aware, Princess Cadence," Stitch interrupted, "this is going to be a battle fought by Scouts."

Twilight nodded, "she's right. We can't send anypony off to their doom like that, but Arctus and his company of Scouts have advanced combat abilities that could prevent war from coming to Equestria's doorstep."

"Scout Stitch," Arctus looked to her, "after this meeting, you are to go to Appleloosa where you will be posted to watch the Southern border of Equestria."

She nodded to him, "is the alarm system fully in place for us to alert the Princesses?"

"It is, the crystal is in the town hall there, you need just shatter it on the floor to send the signal," the leader of the unit confirmed.

"What about Savus?" Cadence spoke up, "can we not make use of him?"

"I can convince him out of retirement. Savus is best on the frontline of a war leading soldiers," Arctus answered, "so we can make use of him against any ground offense. We'll likely have to move him to Canterlot as the Princesses are the reason why they intend on attacking."

"They'll be sorely mistaken when they see how well we can still fight," Luna proudly boasted.

"No! No Princess can fight!" Sunset fought against the idea immediately, "if they're seeking to capture you, then that makes their goal even easier."

"She has a point, sister," Celestia affirmed, "we'd need to run and seek somewhere to hide immediately. Can we trust on the Scouts and Savus to protect our little ponies?"

"Of course."

"Arctus, you've not said what you'll be doing this entire time," Twilight addressed, "and from the look on your face," she pointed a hoof at him knowing when and where those cold eyes appeared, "you have a different plan for yourself."

"The day they attack, I'll help to ensure the safety of the Princesses, but after that I'm going to them to be the reason they withdraw."

"What?! You! Alone?" Cadence voiced.

"I saw your duel against Luna, you're the best warrior in Equestria. But even you have your limits," Twilight agreed with her old foalsitter.

The Sun Princess flared her wings to take control of their discussion, "Arctus will go to them and bring ruin to their kingdom. That will draw them off Equestria soil and back home in an attempt to prevent the destruction of their home."

"H-How could you send him to his death, sister?"

"I'm not," Celestia closed her wings, "that Aeternian slew almost every single adult dragon many moons ago. He had destroyed two kingdoms by himself in Equestria. I know-."

"I would go with or without permission," Arctus voiced, "I would not allow that glory to pass by me."

Celestia smiled, "and of course he would go regardless of what I said. Art knows his role and purpose."

Arctus looked to Sunset, "I'll administer your exam tomorrow. It will be in the fields outside of Ponyville."

"I-," Sunset was cut short.

"Who is Master Scout Hazth?" Cadence shivered.

"He was a Master Scout in Aeternia, became a legend, longest living Scout besides myself. He didn't take assignments, he went where he wanted and came back smelling like blood no matter how much he washed. Nobody knows how many kingdoms and upstarts were destroyed because of him or how many resources were able to be claimed by Aeternia from his efforts."

"Is he equal to you?" Twilight begged the question on all of their minds.

"We'll find out when I meet him," his hands clenched and he felt his heart roar, "I look forward to meeting him for the second time."

Arctus began walking to the door, "Strong Stitch, make your way to your posting. Trainee Sunset, meet me in Ponyvillege when you're ready."

Arctus stood in the tall grasses, sure enough there was a large audience gathered. Celestia and Twilight were in attendance at the front. He held every single one of his weapons, having been broguht back to full sharpness by Plated Shell.

He held his warbow, having been made anew after technological advancements in Equestria. The 75lb draw was gone, the monstrousity was much stronger now and his longer arrows were a reflection of that.

"You look mobilized for an apocalypse," Twilight voiced, "isn't this a bit much for a Scout exam?"

He smiled, "Sunset's improved as an alarming rate, quicker than Silver Spike and Strong Stitch did."

And the trainee trotted out from the crowd, drawing her saber alone, "cross the line? That's all I do?"

He shook his head, "not this time. Your exam is going to be conducted differently. You will duel me, I don't know when, but I'll know when you've passed," he drew the greatsword, hefting it in his left hand and his spear in his right, "let me know when you're ready."

"Don't you think that requirement is too far for her?" Celestia interjected.

Arctus didn't respond. He had once when pushed like this long long ago. Sunset drew her longsword into her left hand, slowly approaching him, "I'm ready."

The Master Scout smiled and his heart slammed down to his feet before bounding into his head. The blood inside him tingled every nerve on his skin while he sprinted the short distance left. Sunset turned aside his spear with her saber easy enough and caught the greatsword, but the sheer force he used knocked her off her feet.

Luna has arrived late to the battle, observing along with the citizens of Ponyville and her sister. Savus took up to Twilight's side, "is this a sparring session?"

"It's a Scout exam, an unorthodox one," Twilight answered, "Arctus is not using a line as the parameters for passing. He's judging her himself."

Savus smiled in his relaxed burlap wear before he laughed, "he really thinks highly of her then."

The Master Scout had swirled and went to slam the greatsword of his right down onto Sunset's face but the unicorn's horn lit and she teleported, her saber swung at his back.

Rather than block, Arctus ducked and thrusted his spear upwards as he turned around. Sunset backstepped and the two faced each other again.

"Sunset!" Luna spoke during their break between strikes. Luna knew that look, "he's not holding anything back!" The still trainee had a front row seat to the emptiness in his eyes.

Sunset went to him this time and attempted a simple upward slash of her saber. Arctus used his greatsword to turn it through, allowing the blow to continue before slamming the blade down onto her saber and trapping it against her longsword. A pommel met her muzzle and blood drops splattered through the air while the Master Scout smiled and turned his right foot in a half circle clockwise, his left foot followed and forced his upper body to whip in a spin.

His greatsword slammed hard against Sunset's side and sent her tumbling over the grass before she teleported, her wound healed with her magic.

"Be better. You're fighting just like Luna."

"I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not," Sunset smiled at him.

He threw his greatsword into the air high above, sending three knives at her. Sunset grabed each with her magic and held them above her head in a levitation spell. Arctus had a black ball formed in his left hand when he caught his falling greatsword, the blade soaked black.

He stowed his spear, taking the large blade into his right hand. This magic would keep her intimidated into avoiding him rather than slashing back. He began to close himself. He swung twice, the unicorn deftly stepping out of the way before her horn lit even brighter and his hunting knife, hatchet, bow, and every single arrows flew from his body, flying far into the field. Despite losing most his equipment, he did not stop his assault. A blow landed and rather than get sent with it, Sunset let go of her longsword at just the right time as it flew toward the audience at incredible speed to be caught in Twilight's magic.

More knives left his pouch in her magic as she still danced away his greatsword with her saber. Her horn stayed a bright cyan as Arctus felt more resistance against his swings as if it was heavier and Sunset landed in no only a single quick slash.

But four slashes across his chest and arms, blood slinging through the air. He released his greatsword, watching it lift high into the air before thrown far out of reach. Despite his now serious injured body, he gripped his spear, drawing it into both his hands.

The audience present was speechless, a pony had managed to injure their best warrior to this extent.

"Savus, what makes you believe that Arctus has such a high opinion of Sunset Shimmer," the lunar alicorn posed, gaining speech after watching the vicious battle in front of them.

Arctus breathed deep, exhaling as he held his spear in front, slowing approaching. His unicorn opponent flew her longsword back to her hoof, gripping it again after levitating it to her.

"I saw his exam, the Scout who administered it didn't use a line either. It was only when both parties were bleeding over the sand and he still fought that he passed," Savus explained, "I don't know what he sees in Sunset, but that ability to just throw his weapons far from him evened the playing field."

Arctus' spear swung far faster than Sunset's eyes could keep up and he drew a long slash from the front of her haunch to the top of her chest. She immediately flashed a few feet back. Arctus approached the few more feet and her horn lit, a symbol in cyan appearing in front of her as she began to whisper.

Another deep cut across her front hoof this time. He was carving her like he had Luna, he was at the apex of his ability again.

"Atti, I ask for your shield."

Arctus was too dialed in to listen to her mumbling, maybe she was hoping she could withstand his onslaught. Red splashed from her chest again, her horn was still lit and the symbol she formed reminded him of his own magic.

"Defend me so I may slay my foes without worry."

The symbol lit bright before it disappeared and as Arctus drew another cut, his spear was turned aside by a transluscent white shield. Sunset sent ever knife into the front of his body. The Master Scout worked through the small punctures and still attempted two slashes and a thrust of inhuman speed.

He watched as the shield appeared again and turned aside his blows, a sword of the same hue and transparency knocked aside his spear. Sunset took a slash again at his chest and landed the blow while he backed away, huffing.

He stowed his spear in the silence broken by the wind that blew the tall grasses around them.

"Welcome, Scout Sunset Shimmer," he bowed only but his head and acknowledged her with a fist.

"She used a damn godhood. An Equestrian beseeched one of the Eight and they listened," Savus spoke loudly, approaching her and attempting a swift punch, his fist met with the metal of a supernatural shield, "you can stop focusing on it. Seriously, you'll-," Sunset soon wavered and fell onto her back in the grasses.

"First time users always pass out," he regarded and clicked his tongue.